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1. high (adj.) 高的— height (n.) 身高weigh (v.) 称重— weight (n.) 体重

例题:Please tell me about your _______________ (high) and _______________ (weigh).

Do you know how to _______________ (weight) an elephant?

2. account (n./v.) 账目/记账— accountant (n.) 会计师

例题:Jane is good at Maths, so she will be an _______________ (account) in the future.

3. sign (v.) 签字— signature (n.) 签名

例题:There is a _______________ (sign) at the end of a letter.

Don’t forget to _______________ (signature) your name.

4. engine (n.) 引擎— engineer (n.) 工程师

例题:His father is an _______________(engine).

5. close (v.) 关闭— enclose (v.) 随函附上

例题:I _______________ (close) a photo of myself and some of my friends.

6. friend (n.) 朋友— friendly (adj.) 友好的

例题:The old lady is always _______________ (friend) to her neighbours.

7. ambition (n.) 志向— ambitious (adj.) 有志向的

例题:Ken is a model student and he studies hard for his _______________ (ambitious).

8. own (v.) 拥有— owner (n.) 拥有者,主人

例题:The rich man _______________ (owner) a house and he is the _______________ (own) of it.

9. probable (adj.) 可能的— probably (adv.) 可能地

例题:Kitty will _______________ (probable) be a good singer in 15 years’ time.

10. Germany (n.) 德国— German (n./adj.) 德语,德国人/德国的— Germans (pl.)

例题:I am a girl from _______________ (German). She is a _______________ (Germany) girl.

11. good (adj.) 好的— well (adv.) 很好地— better (adj./adv.)更好的/地— best (adj./adv.)最好的/地例题:Ann is a top student so she does _______________ (good) in most subjects.

His English is the _______________ of all the subjects. (better)

12. bad (adj.) 坏的— badly (adv.) 坏地— worse (adj./adv.) 更坏的/地— worst (adj./adv.) 最坏的/地例题:Among all the subjects, Chinese is my _______________(bad) subject.

13. physics (n.) 物理学— physical (adj.) 物理的,身体的

例题:_______________ (physical) is my favourite subject.

14. I (pron.主格) — myself (pron.反身代词)

例题:I will tell you something about _______________(I).

15. act (v.) 行动— actor (n.) 男演员— actress (n.) 女演员

例题:Jackie Chan is a famous _______________ (act) in Asia.

Gong Li is one of the most famous _______________ (act) in China.

16. happy (adj.) 开心的— happiness (n.) 幸福

例题:Money doesn’t always bring _______________ (happy).

17. foot — feet (pl.)

例题:This pair of shoes doesn’t fit his _______________ (foot).

18. glass — glasses (pl.)

例题:She always goes out with a pair of _______________ (glass)

19. tooth — teeth (pl.)

例题:We must brush our _______________ (tooth) every day.

20. ski (v.)滑雪— skiing (n.)

例题:The Blacks always go _______________ (ski) during the winter holidays.


1. succeed (v.) 成功— success (n.) 成功— successful (adj.) 成功的— successfully (adv.) 成功地例题:The sports meeting in our school was very _______________ (success).

If you work hard, you can get great _______________ (successful).

Finally, I tried my best to fix the machines _______________ (successful).

2. busy (adj.) 忙碌的— business (n.) 生意,商业— businessman (n.) 商人

例题:Mr. Wood always discusses the _______________ (busy) over lunch and dinner every day.

3. assist (v.) 帮助— assistant (n.) 助手

例题:Miss Wu is the best shop _______________ (assist) in the shopping centre.

4. sell (v.) 卖— sale (n.) 销售— seller (n.) 销售者

例题:Everything will be on _______________ (sell) at Christmas in Hongkong.

My mother is responsible for _______________ (sell) in her factory.
