


Test 1 (4)

Part 1 (5)

Part 2 (7)

Part 3 (9)

Test 2 (13)

Part 1 (14)

Part 2 (17)

Part 3 (20)

Test 3 (26)

Part 1 (27)

Part 2 (29)

Part 3 (32)

Test 4 (35)

Part 1 (36)

Part 2 (38)

Part 3 (40)

天道培训雅思精品课程 (43)

1、一对一课程 (43)

A、IELTS一对一课程 (43)

B、IELTS辅导课 (43)

2、精英计划 (44)

3、雅思精品小班 (45)

Test 1

Part 1

Examiner asks the candidates about him/herself, his /her home, work or study similar topics


What games are popular in your country? [Why ?]

思路 英语国家常见游戏:Card games; tag; I-spy-with-my-little-eye; spelling bee; math games and hide and seek

中国常见游戏:Chess; jumping rubber band; kite-flying; killers of three kingdom; grow vegetables and steal vegetables; west illusion swims; dungeon and warrior; plants vs. zombies

样板答案 Many games are popular in China, especially sports. Football, in particular, is extremely popular to watch. Every weekend, thousands, or maybe even millions, of people will go to their local football club to watch their local team. Similarly rugby, cricket, and tennis are also very popular participation sports. However, there has been a decline in the number of people actually taking parts in sports, which is a concern for the nation’s health.

高分词句 1)Similarly …

2)However, there has been a decline in the number of people actually

taking parts in sports, which is a concern for the nation’s health. How do people learn to play games in your country?

思路 可以把这个题目转化为人们是通过哪几种途径去玩的

样板答案Most people learn to play games in school. But there are many sports and games clubs for people to join if they want to play more. I come from a very small town, yet there are lots of football, tennis, golf, rugby and water sports clubs to join. Even the local pubs have football teams! Most people also see sports clubs as a great way to socialise and make friends.

高分词句 Socialize

Do you think it’s important for people to play games? [Why /Why not?]

思路 优点Get fit

A feeling of accomplishment Boost confidence in ourselves 缺点Strenuous

Too hard


样板答案 Yes, I think it’s very important for people to play games. It is a fantastic way to stay active, but most importantly it’s a fun and healthy way to meet friends and have a good time!

高分词句 Fantastic

Part 2

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting. You should say:

Where the market is

What the market sells

How big the market is

And explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

思路 地点名称 如何知道 何时去的 去的频率 地理位置 外观如何 周围环境 特别之处 人们观点


Let me talk about my favorite open-air market. It’s located in the

eastern part of my hometown. It’s very big, you know, huge. Its history

goes back all the way to like fifty years ago and it’s very famous in my

hometown. Actually, everyone can tell you something about this market

in that city. The market is made up of many parts, like the food section,

they toy section and the clothing section. Many people go there ever day.

Some of them buy things and some others just look around. Also, many

people go out of town visit this market. They heard a lot about this

open-air market and hope to get some exciting shopping experience.

This market never gets them disappointed. You know, tons of stuff there

and everyone can find the thing he or she wishes to get. Some others just

enjoy chatting and bargaining there. That’s exactly why sometimes it’s

pretty noisy out there. My favorite part of this market is the clothing part.

I can find many different kinds of clothes, like casual clothes, formal

clothes and sporty clothes there. Most importantly, the price is always

reasonable. In fact, I can always get a discount coz I know all the

salesclerks there. The atmosphere in that market is very laidback. It feels

busy but people are friendly to one another. They always wear a smile on

their face and enjoy the experience of buying or selling things. This

market is totally amazing in that although it’s so big, it’s very well-ran,

just kind of noisy but that’s perfectly natural for an open-market. I’m

sure if you go and visit that market yourself. You’ll just agree with me.

It’s located in the eastern part of my hometown.


The atmosphere in that market is very laidback.

Part 3

Discussion topics: Shopping at markets

Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects?

Which type of market is more popular? Why?


描述变化:more and more/less common

样板答案 In my country, open-air markets are becoming less common. Even in the summer time it is not unusual for the skies to turn black and the heavens to open! It’s a fact of life that people don't like shopping in the rain, so most people tend to stick to shopping malls and supermarkets. However, in the summer time, it isn't uncommon to see the odd garden sale or 'car boot' sale.

高分词句 stick to

Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? Which one? Why do you think this is?


Fruits and vegetables; cheap and shabby goods

样板答案 Certain products are more traditionally sold at markets, such as fruits and

vegetables. Subsequently, when other products are sold at street markets, such as electrical goods like televisions or mobile phones, these are more likely to be illegal goods that may be either stolen or counterfeit. For this reason, most people in England tend to buy things like electrical items from their local, trusted supermarket!

高分词句 odd garden sale or 'car boot' sale. Subsequently



Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?

思路 Old people: chat with/haggle with seller Young people: busy; enjoy quality prouducts

样板答案 I think opinions are starting to converge, but, at least in my home town, old people tend to prefer to shop at markets, whereas young people tend to prefer shopping at supermarkets and shopping centers. Maybe this is because older people enjoy the social aspect of markets, whereas younger people, who are often in too much of a rush, prefer the convenience of the supermarket. Or maybe it’s because older people enjoy haggling and bartering the price at the

street market, whereas supermarkets have a set price.

高分词句 set price

Old people tend to prefer to shop at markets, whereas young people tend to prefer shopping at supermarkets and shopping centers.

haggling and bartering the price

Shopping in general

What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?


Shop特点:return item easily; ensure quality; a little more expensive

Market特点:may meet fake goods; more convenient; cheap

样板答案 The main advantage to buying things from the shop is that if it is faulty, then you can usually return the item and get your money. Also, buying from a respectable shop usually means the product will be more reliable than if you buy from a street market.

高分词句 Respectable

How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?

思路 可以进行分类作答,包括制作精良的广告和讨厌的弹出广告

样板答案 There are many different types of advertising. Firstly, promotional advertisements such as TV ads and newspaper ads seek to raise awareness about the product. I think these are fairly influential, as you see them

everywhere you go, and subconsciously you will be thinking about it. Other forms of advertisements, such as internet pop-ups and spam email, I do not think are as effective. If anything, they are detrimental to the company's image. I, for one, will be less likely to buy a product if I receive spam emails or pop-ups, as they are so annoying!

高分词汇与句型 Firstly, promotional advertisements such as TV ads and newspaper ads seek to raise awareness about the product.

Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits? Why is this?


shopping online 是购物的最新方式,可以答shopping online的一些特点,主要答


样板答案 Yes, the biggest change to shopping habits is that many people now choose to buy online. In the UK, many large retail stores have closed down due to a decline in the number of high street shoppers. Instead, many people find it cheaper and more convenient to buy online, and as a result, many big companies have had to change the way they do business, focusing more on online sales than high street sales.

高分词汇与句型 Instead, many people find it cheaper and more convenient to buy online, and as a result, many big companies have had to change the way they do business, focusing more on online sales than high street sales.

Test 2

Part 1

The examiner asks the candidates about him /herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.


Giving gifts

When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

思路 一些送礼物的原因可以回答when这类问题。E.g. family bonding; catch up;

festive time; exchange greeting

样板答案 There are many occasions to give gifts. Most gifts are exchanged on Christmas Day. But we also give gifts on birthdays, weddings, house warmings, graduation days, wedding anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. Another Christian tradition is to exchange chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.


house warmings

wedding anniversaries

Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home/[why/why not?]思路 西方在搬家之后通常有house warming party,庆祝新房

样板答案 If they are having a house warming party, then it is common to buy a

gift, usually a decoration for their new home. Or if they invite you for

dinner, it is usual for the guest to bring a bottle of wine to drink with

the meal.

高分词句 Or if they invite you for dinner, it is usual for the guest to bring a bottle of wine to drink with the meal.

When did you last receive a gift?[what was it]



样板答案 My parents came to visit me during the Chinese Spring Festival, and they brought me some of my favourite foods and drinks over from hometown which I cannot buy here. Although these gifts were not expensive, they were very special!


Although these gifts were not expensive, they were very special!

Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?[why/ why not?]


支持:Express love or emotions; it’s the thought that counts.

反对:it’s not common to give boss pricey gifts to develop guanxi. 样板答案

Yes, I really enjoy looking for gifts for people, especially my close

friends and family. There is a saying in my country; 'there is far more

joy in giving a gift than receiving one'.

高分词句 'there is far more joy in giving a gift than receiving one

Part 2

Describe something you did that was new or exciting

You should say:

What you did

Where and when you did this

Who you shared the activity with

And explain why this activity was new and exciting for you. You will have to talk about this topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

思路 关于极限运动或者惊险经历可以用:

Risky / hazardous/ adventurous

Excitement / exhilaration/ thrill

It’s an ultimate challenge.

Overcoming such a challenge gives people an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

样板答案 I have always been afraid of heights, ever since I was young. I don't even like standing too close to the railings of a high balcony! Many of my friends would find this amusing, and laugh and joke about it. I

wanted to try and overcome this fear, so I agreed to go skydiving with

my university friends! Skydiving involves jumping out of a plane,

free-falling 10,000 feet, and then parachuting 3,000 feet to the ground,

all in about 5 minutes! In short, this was my idea of hell! But I had to do

it. So my friends and I joined the university skydiving team and took

the bus to Camberwell Bay in the Lake District.

We spent all day training on the Saturday. We learnt all about how to

jump out of the plane, the position we should adopt while we are

free-falling, how to use the radio, and most importantly how to release

the emergency parachute if things went wrong! Obviously, I would

need to train a lot longer than one day to obtain a skydiving license

and jump solo. But I was allowed to jump by myself from 4,000 feet on

a static line, which means I didn't need to pull the parachute out by

myself. I enjoyed it so much that I immediately signed up to do it again,

but this time to do a tandem dive from 14,000 feet, where I would be

attached to a professional diver!

It was incredible; the feeling of falling through the sky, eyes watering

from the wind, the tiny cars and buildings below which were so small

they looked like ants on the ground. It was the most exhilarating and

exciting thing I've ever done!

In short


the position we should adopt while we are free-falling, how to use the

radio, and most importantly how to release the emergency parachute if things went wrong!

be attached to a professional diver!


Part 3

Doing new things

Example questions:

Why do you think some people like doing new things?

思路 这里可以用一些大一点的话,励志一点的

Boost confidence


when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

样板答案 Trying new things is a great way to break away from daily routine. Many people get bored by doing the same things every day. Trying new activities is exciting, and can also help people meet new friends!

高分词句 Trying new things is a great way to break away from daily routine. What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?

思路 Tough

Challenging Overcome the difficulties Boost my confidence Self esteem

Get used to


剑桥雅思8-第三套试题-阅读部分-PASSAGE 1-阅读真题原文部分: READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Striking Back at Lightning With Lasers Seldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone. As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death - out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target. And there is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs American power companies more than $100 million a year. But researchers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratory trials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning can strike. The idea of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid from lightning strikes. 'We can cause the lightning to strike where we want it to using rockets, ' says Ralph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment bears up. Bad behaviour But while rockets are fine for research, they cannot provide the protection from lightning strikes that everyone is looking for. The rockets cost around $1, 200 each, can only be fired at a limited frequency and their failure rate is about 40 per cent. And even when they do trigger lightning, things still do not always go according to plan. 'Lightning is not perfectly well behaved, ' says Bernstein. 'Occasionally, it will take a branch and go someplace it wasn't supposed to go. ' And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? 'What goes up must come down, ' points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk. With around $500, 000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory. The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirror would be protected by placing lightning conductors close by. Ideally, the cloud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be


Tapescripts TEST 1 SECTION 1 WOMAN: Good evening. King's Restaurant. Example MAN:Good evening. I’m ringing about the job I understand you have vacant. WOMAN: Oh yes. MAN:I'd like to find out a few more details, if I may. WOMAN: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? MAN:It’s Peter Chin. WOMAN: Okay Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we’re both still interested, we could arrange for you to come for an interview. MAN:Great, thanks. I’m afraid I missed the advert for the job but heard abo ut it from a friend. WOMAN: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? MAN:Well, um, what sort of work is it - washing up? WOMAN: It’s answering the phone. Q1 MAN:Oh right, fine. WOMAN: And not waiting at table. MAN:That'd be good. And how many nights a week would it be? WOMAN: Well, we’re really only busy at the weekend. MAN:So two nights? WOMAN: Three actually, so it would work out at twelve hours a week.


剑桥雅思口语真题解析 Part 1: 1.1姓名 1. What’s your full name? 2. Can I have your name, please? 3. Are there any special meanings of your name? 4. Do you like your name? Why? 5. Do Chinese people like changing their names? 6. What kind of people in China like changing their names? 7. Is there any rule for Chinese people giving names to their children? 1.2故乡 My hometown is Guangzhou. It is the capital of Guangdong province in the southwest of China. It is a large industrial city. It is close to Hong Kong so a lot of the industries involve trade and retail. It is also a finance area. The people in Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. By the year 2011, it is believed that my hometown Guangzhou has become the economic center of China. 2. Where is it located? 3. How about the climate in your hometown? Which season do you like? In my hometown Guangzhou, the four seasons are not evident, which only has spring and summer. It is too hot in the summer and it is also humid in the winter. I like summer better, for we will go swimming and start our outdoor activities in the summer, it gives us pretty environment, which full of various kinds of colors. Another reason is that it is suitable for traveling around. 4. How about the people in your hometown? The people in my hometown Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. People will always give you a hand with things. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. 5. What do most people do in your hometown? 6. Oh yes. Even though Guangzhou is very modern, it has some interesting temples and streets. There is one called the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and it was built about 1500 years ago. There is also a famous cultural and commercial street in Guangzhou called Beijing Road. In this street, you can not only see a historic exhibition about different years roadbed, which has more than thousand histories, but also has many business shops sale almost all kinds of things. Besides, you can taste traditional snacks and refreshments or experience temples with /unusual special architectural style nearby. Anyway, it is an interesting place so worth to visit! 7. How about the style of the building in your hometown? 8. What is one of the greatest changes having taken place over the years? 9. What problems still exist in your hometown? 10. How to improve the situation in your hometown? 11. Where is Chinese population mainly distributed? 12. What changes have occurred in people’s dwelling? 1.3学习 1. Are you an employee or a student? (Are you working or studying?) 2. What is your major?


Text 1 Section1 W: Good evening. King's restaurant. M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant? W: Oh, yes. M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may. W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name? M: It's Peter Chin. W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview. M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend. W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up? W: It's answering the phone. M: Oh, right, fine. W: And not waiting at table. M: That'll be good. And how many nights a week would it be? W: Well, we're really only busy at the weekend. M: So two nights? W: Three actually, so it would work out 12 hours a week. M: That'd be fine. It wouldn't interfere with my studies. W: Are you in the university? M: Yes, first year Physics student. W: Oh, right


Matching题讲解 题型: 1.人名理论配对 2.分类题 3.长句子配对 4.段落细节配对 难点: 属于细节题,比较费时间 题目与题干不易读懂 题干与题目无法关联起来 配对题做题基本方法: 1先做文章其他类型题目: 两种类型配对一起出现概率较小(剑桥雅思真题中C4T2P3 C5T3P1C6T1P1 C8T1P1出现过),若出现则难度较大,可先做其他文章。 2 先做出比较明显的选项。 如有比较明显的信号词 3.最后细度剩下的选项 划出关键词,根据关键词扫读全文。注意关键词的近义词转化。 题型分析: 1人名理论配对 特点:容易定位,乱序出现 注意事项:留意NB 方法:先读题干画出句子关键词,按文章顺序,找人名,找理论信号词,注意理论由几句话组成 真题分布: (C4T2P1<5-8> C4T2P4<36-40> C5T4P2<14-17> C6T1P1<8-11> C6T3P2<25-27> C7T3P3<34-39> C7T4P3<35-40>) 2 Classification: 特点:不容易定位,

方法: 划出关键词 找到项目1对应原文段落,与题干配对 找到项目2对应原文段落,再对应题干 最后选答案 真题分布: (C5T3P1<5-10> C6T3P3<33-37> C7TP1<5-10> C8T4P3<31-36>)(C4T4P3<32-35> C6T2P1<11-13> C8T1P1<5-8> C8T2P2<23-26>) 重点例题分析 C8T4P3 四个选项是4种不同收集蚂蚁的方法,在通读全文以后,会比较清楚,而且ABCD是按照文章顺序来的,可分别定位到第二段到第四段 A hand collecting 第二段 B using bait 第三段 C sampling ground litter 第四段 D using a pitfall trap 第五段 这种题型有两种做法 对于能力较好的学生可先先从文章入手,读完一个段落后再筛选答案 以选项A为例 先读第A所在的第二段。发现31题关键词group of ants(大量的)的同义转换为20-25individuals collected。因此31题选项为A 然后继续往下读,发现35题的separate containers 对应的文章中的individual insects are placed in plastic or glass tubes 因此35题答案也为A 按照这样以此往下所有的答案就可选出。 但这种方法对学生词汇,理解能力和瞬时记忆要求比较高。 另一种从题目入手 读选项化出题目中的关键词 31take specimens from groups of ants

剑桥雅思6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析

雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑6 Test1 听力 Section1考点+解析,需要本单元写作教程培训的考生,请点击:剑6 Test1 task1 写作范文-“About water use worldwide”。 文本及疑难解析 1. They've got a lot of facilities we don't have and vice versa. 他们有很多我们这里没有的设备,反之亦然。 Vice versa在这里的意思是“我们也有很多他们没有的设备”。 2. We're currently running a range of yoga classes,too. 我们目前也提供一系列的瑜伽课程。 本句中range不直接翻译为“范围”,例如:This range of collection is of great surprise.这一系列的收藏太让人惊喜了。另外,run在此句中可以理解为“正在运行”,更为常用的词义为“经营”,例如:It's challenging to run a business all by oneself. 3. We'll also have a fully-licensed restaurant by the end of the year. 年底时我们会有一家完全得到许可经营的餐厅。 此处fully-licensed理解为“手续齐全的”。 4. …oh,no,I'm sorry,it's just gone up by£50,sorry about that… 哦,非常抱歉,现在涨了50镑。 go up by的意思是“涨了多少钱”。 5. Well, that's Silver—it's the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of £ 1 per lesson for any you do and you can only use the center at certain times. 那就是银卡,除了每一节课要付1英镑和中心设施有时间限制外,银卡和金卡是一样的。 6. Well,it's still rather more expensive than I thought. 可这依然比我想象的贵得多。 rather在这里起强调作用,也可以用far more expensive表达相同的意思。 7. Ah,then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best. 那么铜卡应该最适合你。 8. We book you in for an assessment with an instructor,who will show you how to


Section1 剑桥雅思5Test3听力Section 1答案+解析 谈话场景:售车中心购车咨询。 人物关系:售车中心工作人员与购车客户。 谈话话题:购买合适的汽车,讨论车况细节以及客户信息。 交际与语言表达 1. 本篇文章主要讨论购车咨询过程中的细节问题,这也是雅思生活场景听力试题中经常涉及的内容之一,考生对一些常用的买车购车以及汽车的词汇和表达法要耳熟能详,并且还要了解填写顾客情况调查表时所涉及的一般常用问题。 2. 在售车中心,或者在一般性商场,工作人员或者是销售人员都会主动向顾客问好,并且通常会说: How can I help you? 或Can I help you, Sir/ Madam? 或者是Is there anything I can do for you? 考生在听到这一问题后,应首先反应到下面的对话应该是属于买家与卖家的对话。 3. Had you got any particular make in mind? 您心里是否已经有了特别钟意的( 汽车) 牌子了? 许多考生可能不知道、或者没有留意到make 这个词在这句话的实际意思,但该词直接影响到第一题的答案。事实上,如果我们事先注意到题目的设置,我们就会知道make 在这里是指“汽车牌子”。 4. Any idea? 您有什么想法/ 意见吗? 该句是地道的口语表达,两个人在说话的时候都有针对前文的省略语,很多地方必须理解说话人

上句话才能理解下一句,这在口语中很常见,所以考生一定要对这种省略语倍加注意。这句话如果补充完整应该是: Do you have any idea of the engine size? 下文中a 1. 4 should do 和I don’ t think I need a 1. 6 or anything 以及Mileage? Roughly? 都是如此。 5. I presume you’ d want a manual? …but I assume that’ d be OK? 这两个问句都是售车人员在征求顾客的意见,其中presume 和assume 都等于think,但售车人员在问这两句话时一般都是期望得到顾客肯定的答复。 6. Have you given that any thought? 您是否考虑过这一点? give thought to sb./ sth. 意思是:考虑某人或某事。 7. I think I’ ll go for that. 我想我还是选择那个吧。 go for sth. 意思是:选择某事物,这里的go for 等同于prefer。 8. The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of seven and a half thousand. 现金支付的话大约是7, 500 英镑。考生要注意该句中出价的表达方法和黑体部分,这句话可以简单地表达为The cash price is going to be about 7, 500。下句Are you in a position to pay cash?您是否愿意现金支付? 同样可以简单地表达为Are you going to pay cash? 注意这两种表达方式的区别。 9. Could I have your full name? 请问您的全名是什么? 这样的问法要比What’ s your name? 有礼貌的多。类似的说法还有Is there any possibility that I can have/ get your name?


Passage 1 Question 1 答案: YES 关键词: reasons, arguments occur 定位原文: 第1段第2、3句“Popular linguistic debate... ”语言学上的普通争论通常会升级为谩骂和论战。语言属于所有人,所以大多数人认为他们有权保留自己对语言的看法。 解题思路: 题干要判断对于语言的争论,原因是否可以理解。原文陈述,语言属于所有人,大多数人有权保留对语言的看法,所以人们的观点会产生分歧是可以理解的。题干与原文完全一致。 Question 2 答案: NO 关键词: language education, language usage 定位原文:第1段第4句“And when opinions differ,…”而当看法出现分歧时,人们可能变得情绪激动。语言用法方面的一点小事,就能像语言学教育政策中的重大问题一样很容易引起争论。 解题思路:题干要判断人们对待语言教育的态度是否比对待语言用法的态度更加强烈。原文陈述,语言用法方面的一点小事都能像语言学教育政策中的大事一样引起争论,这说明对待语言用法与语言学教育政策的态度同样强烈。题干与原文所述观点不一致。 Question 3 答案: YES 关键词: intelligence, affect 定位原文:第2段第2句“No part of society or social…”所有社会组成部分或者社会行为无一例外。语言因素影响我们如何判断一个人的个性、智力、社会地位、教育程度、工作能力以及许多身份与社会生存的其他方面。 解题思路:题干要判断使用语言的方式是否会影响人们对一个人智力的评估。原文陈述,语言因素影响我们如何判断一个人的个性、智力……题干与原文完全一致。 Question 4 答案: NOT GIVEN 关键词: prescriptive, 18th century

剑桥雅思9 听力(1)

10 Test 1 LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1–10 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.JOB ENQUIRY Example ? Work at: ? T ype of work: 1 ? Number of hours per week: 12 hours ? Would need work permit ? Work in the: 2 ? Nearest bus stop: next to 3 ? Pay: 4 £ an hour? Extra benefits: – a free dinner – extra pay when you work on 5 – transport home when you work 6 ? Qualities required:

– 7 – ability to 8 ? Interview arranged for: Thursday 9 at 6 p.m.? Bring the name s of two referees ? Ask for: Samira 10 Listening 11 SECTION 2 Questions 11–20 Questions 11–16 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Sports World ? a new 11 ? located in the shopping centre to the 12 ? has sports 13 ? can get you any item within 14 ? shop specialises in equipment for 15 ? has a special section which just sells 16 Test 1 12


Section1 Question1 answering (the) phone 题干中的定位词type of work对应录音中男士的what sort of work,考生可据此在其附近的句子中寻找答案,其中washing up是干扰内容,针对what sort of work的提问,录音中女士给出了answering the phone的答案。Question2 Hillsdunne Road 录音中女士在说完公司的two branches之后强调了目前正在recruiting的branch在Hillsdunne Road,由此可知招聘工作的地点在Hillsdunne Road。 Question3 library 考生要注意听与题干中的定位词nearest相邻的信息,录音中女士在说完the nearest one之后提到了beside the library, beside对应题干中的next to,答案很显然是library。 Question4 4.45 考生在听到定位词pay之后,可以听到four pounds forty-five这个数字,这里考生一定要区分在four pounds forty-five之后出现的干扰项three pounds ninety-five。后者是应聘者之前那份工作的薪资。 Question5 national holidays 考生要注意听题干中的定位词extra pay附近的信息,在extra pay之后女士说working on national holidays,因此on后面的内容便是答案。 Question6 after 11(o'clock) 录音中的drive you home对应题干中的定位词transport home, 由此可知道答案是drive you home附近的时间表达。Question7. (a)clear voice 考生在听到题干中的定位词qualities之后会听到we want a clear voice,很显然,(a)clear voice便是应聘的条件之一。 Note: 冠词可以不写。 Question8. think quickly 在题干中的定位词qualities附近除了a clear voice外的内容便是答案,录音中的be able to对应题干中的ability to, be able to之后的内容think quick便是答案。 Question9. 22 October 考生在听到Thursday之后,紧接着会听到twenty second of October,所以正确答案是22 October. Note:这个地方写22nd October, October 22nd, October 22都可以。但是现在比较通用的写法是直接写成22 October 或October 22. Question10. Manuja 考生可利用题干中的定位词Samira,紧跟着Samira考生即可听到Manuja. Section2 Question11. branch 题干中的定位词international sports goods company对应录音中的a Danish sports goods company。此外根据录音中的the company decided to open another branch即可确定答案为branch Question12. west 根据题干中的located,考生便可知道空格处要填写的是与方位有关的名词,利用题干中的定位词Bmdcaster,找出录音中Bradcaster附近的方位词即可确定答案。 Question13. clothing 题干中的定位词floors 1-3对应录音中的the first three floor,题干中and连接的并列结构对应as well as,排除题干中己知的equipment,,clothing即为答案。


目录 Test 1 (5) Task 1 (6) 题目解析 (6) 写作思路 (6) 范文解析 (7) 地图题必备句式 (8) 精彩句子 (11) Task 2 (12) 题目解析 (12) 写作思路 (12) 范文分析 (13) 精彩句子 (15) 类似真题 (16) Test 2 (17) Task 1 (18) 题目解析 (18) 写作思路 (18) 范文分析 (18) 柱状图必备句式 (20) 精彩句式 (20) Task 2 (22)

写作思路 (22) 范文解析 (23) 精彩句子 (25) 类似真题 (25) Test 3 (27) Task 1 (28) 题目解析 (28) 写作思路 (28) 范文解析 (28) 饼状图必备句式 (30) 精彩句式 (31) Task 2 (32) 题目解析 (32) 写作思路 (32) 范文解析 (33) 精彩句子 (35) 类似真题 (36) Test 4 (37) Task 1 (38) 题目解析 (38) 写作思路 (38)

曲线图必备句式 (41) 精彩句式 (41) Task 2 (43) 题目解析 (43) 写作思路 (43) 范文分析 (44) 精彩句式 (46) 类似真题 (47) 天道培训雅思精品课程 (48) 1、一对一课程 (48) A、IELTS一对一课程 (48) B、IELTS辅导课 (48) 2、精英计划 (49) 3、雅思精品小班 (50)

Task 1 题目解析 y本题为双图地图题,描绘的是一个岛屿上旅游设施建设前后的不同情形。 y通过对比前后图及图上的文字示意,我们可以初步看出有可能需要写到的细节包括:accommodation – 住宿; restaurant – 餐厅; reception – 接待; pier – 码头; beach & swimming – 海滩和游泳; footpath – 人行道; vehicle track – 机动车道; y图中并没有给出方向,但为了描述清楚,可以假设上北下南的方位; y写地图题时需要注意时态,如本题,改造前可以使用过去时而改造完后即现在则可以使用一般现在时; 写作思路 对于对比类的地图题,我们可以选用的写作结构大概有两种: 1.分类描写:适用于有两种以上变化形式的地图。例如部分物体增加,部分物体减少,部


S e c t i o n1题目解析 第1题~第10题是笔记填空题,难度都不是太大。第一题的答案“select”虽然重读,但一些考生可能会因为吞音或者是对这个单词的含义不清楚而写不出答案,此处修饰信用卡的名称,意思是“精选的,卓越的”。第2题的难点是,在口语中,很少有人会把“一月”说成是“the first”。第3题的答案虽然是一个地名,但是对话中并没有给出字母拼写,对于准备不足的考生具有杀伤力。第4题要注意答案后面有一个迷惑信息“a month'”,这是到达英国后的时间,而不是在前面提到的地址居住的时间。第5题有一个信息修正,前面说是“six-oh-six”,后面说“six-one-six”。第7题答案前面有一个迷惑信息“my wife’s”。第8题前面有两个迷惑信息“50 pounds”和“75 Euros”。题目答案:1. select 3. 15 reverside 4. 2 weeks 5. 616295 6.engineer 7. mother 8. 2000 9. month 10 internet Section2 题目解析 第11~13题是选择题。其中第11题的C选项“was unsure whether to buy it”与原文“was too slow making up his mind to buy it”意思相同,使用的是同义词。第12题的A选项是对原文“当时,他和他的兄弟不说话,而他7岁长女Josephine的死更让他极为悲痛。”的总结。第13题只要注意C选项中的“typical,region”与原文中的“pure example,part of England”是同义词就很容易得到答案。


剑桥雅思5test1阅读解析 Test1Passage1 Question1-Question3 答案:DEG 关键词:Johnson’sDictionarR 定位原文:全文综合信息处理 解题思路:A选项的all,B选项的onlR都太绝对了;C选项对应的原文在第4段第4句“Johnsondecided…”原文都说了他不需要那么多人来确认语言问题的讨论结果,和选项意思矛盾;D选项说约翰逊字典主要集中于当代文本中的语言,原文第6段第1句“Johnsonwrote…”说的是drawnfromtheElizabethanstohisowntime;意思一致;E选项和文中第6段第3句“Workingtoadeadline…”意思一致;G选项和第6段第5句意思一致;F选项和H 选项的定位句分别在第6段“...hehadtodrawonthebestofallpreviousdictionaries.”和第6段“HedidnoteRpecttoachievecompleteoriginalitR.”都与原文矛盾。 Question4 答案:copRingclerks或clerks 关键词:1764/anumberof/whostoodat 定位原文:第5段第1句“…withalongdeskrunningdownthemiddle” 解题思路:anumberof要求其后填名词复数形式,而此空后面的非限制性定语从句who 又限定要填一个关于人的名词。 Question5 答案:librarR 关键词:didnothavea/40,000 定位原文:第6段第1句“Theworkwasimmense:fillingabouteightRlarge…” 解题思路:找到定位句后,很容易得到答案librarR。 Question6 答案:stabilitR 关键词:JamesBoswell 定位原文:第8段最后1句“…inJamesBoswell’swords...” 解题思路:原文的conferredon和空处的bringto属于同义表达。 Question7 答案:pension 关键词:King 定位原文:第9段1句“…KingGeorgeIIItoofferhimapension” 解题思路:offerhimapension和题目的wasgrantedapension属于同义表达。 Question8 答案:TRUE 关键词:middleclasses 定位原文:第3段第1句“BeRond…” 解题思路:题干中的growing跟increase对应这一句中的两个rise,与原文意思一致。 Question9 答案:FALSE 关键词:Johnson/death 定位原文:第3段第2句“...asfamousinhisowntimeasinours...” 解题思路:这句话表明他当时跟现代都享有盛誉,题干与原文矛盾。题干的wellknown 为文章里这句话中的famous的同义替换。 Question10 答案:NOTGIVEN 关键词:severalRears 定位原文:第4段内容 解题思路:按照判断是非题的顺序原则,这题在文章中的定位应该在第9题在文章中所定位的语句后面,同时又应该出现在第11题定位语句的前面,故应该从第3段末开始找一
