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( ) 1. A B C

( ) 2. A B C

( ) 3. A B C ( ) 4. A B C ( )5. A B C

II 、情景反应 根据录音选择正确的应答语,听两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

( ) 6. A. It’s great. B. It’s boring. C. It’s cloudy.

( ) 7. A. She’s writing. B. She’s a nurse C. She’s fine..

( ) 8. A. He lives in Tokyo. B. He comes from Paris. C. I’m from Toronto.

( ) 9. A. I like them very mu ch. B. They’re clever. C. They’re dangerous.

( ) 10. A. I’m a waiter. B. I’m happy. C. I do my homework.

III 、对话理解 听录音内容及问题选择正确的答案,听两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

( )11. A B


( ) 12. A. Playing basketball. B. Cleaning the classroom. C.

Doing homework.

( ) 13. A. In the police station. B. In the TV station. C. In

the bank.

( ) 14. A. Windy. B. Cloudy.

C. Sunny.

( ) 15. A. A teacher B. At school C. He

teaches Chinese.

IV. 听长对话,回答问题,读二遍 (5分)


( ) 16. What does Tom’s pen pal do?

A. She’s a teacher.

B. She’s a doctor.

C. She’s a


( ) 17.Where is Tom’s pen pal from

A. England

B. China

C. France


( ) 18. Why does the girl like to see the dogs first?

A. Dogs are friendly and clever.

B. Dogs are fun.

C. Dogs are cute.

( ) 19. Where are the lions from?

A. China

B. Africa

C. Canada

( ) 20. How many kinds of animals do they mention(提到)?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

V、短文理解根据录音内容选择完成21—25小题,听两遍。( 5分)

( )21. Today is ________.

A. Saturday morning

B. Sunday morning

C. Sunday afternoon

( )22. There are many people from _________.

A. England and Canada

B. America and Japan

C. Canada and Australia

( )23. The driver(司机) is _________.

A. an American

B. a Chinese

C. a man ( )24. ______Chinese people are in the bus.

A. One

B. Two

C. Three ( )25. People _________ in the bus.

A. are talking to each other(相互)

B. are visiting the Great Wall(长城)

C. are listening to a man



( )26.He is ______ Australia boy .

A. an

B. a

C. the


( )27. There is lots of in the basket .

A. leaf

B. meat

C. apples

D. banana ( )28. They teach _____ Japanese in this school.

A. we

B. our

C. us

D. ours

( )29. He usually during the day and gets up night.

A. relaxes, to

B. sleeps, in

C. relaxes, in

D. sleeps, at

( )30 . --- Is there a pay phone _______ the neighborhood?

--- Yes, it’s ______ Center Street _______ the right.

A. in, down, on

B. on, on, in

C. in, on, in

D. on, down, on

( )31. Please be quiet. My little child _______.

A. go to bed

B. is sleeping

C. sleeps

D. going to school

( )32. People from Canada ______ English and French.

A. say

B. talk

C. tell

D. speak

( )33. Welcome to Disneyland! It’s a good place _____fun .

A having

B to have

C have

D has

( )34. Anna a blue skirt today .

A. puts on

B. wears

C. in

D. wear ( )35. Where ___ you ____?

A do , come

B do , from

C are , come

D are , ,from

( )36. ---Isn’t it cute? ---_______. I like it very much.

A.Yes,it isn’t

B.No,it is

C.Yes,it is

D. No, it isn’t. ( )37. ---_______is the weather in Shanghai?


A. What ; It’s

B. How ; It’s

C. How ; Its

D. What ;


( )38 The students ______ games after class. They ____ volleyball over there now.

A. play, are playing

B. are playing, play

C. play, play

D. are playing, are playing

( )39. —What do you do? —____________.

A. I’m very well

B. I’m a basketball player

C. I’m in the library

D.I’m doing my homework ( ) 40. .- Would you love to have dinner with me ?

A. Yes, I’d love to

B.Yes, I’d love

C. Yes, I’d love to have
