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Part I Vocabulary & Structure词汇与结构(每小题2分,共40小题,满分80分)Directions:These are 10 incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D).此部分共有10个未完成的句子。每个句子中未完成的部分有四个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. The clock 10 when I got up this morning.

A. told

B. said

C. read

D. spoke

2.If it snows tomorrow, we able to throw snowballs.

A. are

B. can be

C. will be

D. be

3.It was unfortunate(不幸的) that my car on my way to the company.

A. broke down

B. broke in

C. broke out

D. broke up

4.Of the two shirts, I like the darker one .

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. well

5.Look! It is the very book you are looking for everywhere.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. this

6.The proof he killed the driver while robbing the taxi was obtained by two passers-by.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. why

7. The workers’ salaries next month.

A. will raise

B. will be rising

C. will be raised

D. will be rised

8. I find impossible for me to afford a new house at present.

A. that

B. what

C. it

D. this

9. We should follow an life style now that we are both out of work.

A. economic

B. economical

C. economics

D. economy

10. I hope you won’t be late for our date .

A. ahead of time

B. in time

C. in future

D. on time

11. On formal _______, people pay more attention to manners.

A. situations

B. cases

C. conditions

D. occasions

12. The mother was filled with about her son’s health.

A. disappointment

B. anxiety

C. fright

D. eagerness

13. The young boy has a variety of hobbies, which ________ from classical music to online games.

A. change

B. vary

C. extend

D. alter

14. He is trying to the family's expenses.

A. reduce

B. release

C. relax

D. relive

15. Some people argue that ____ regulations(规章制度) for water pollution will drive up costs

and put jobs at risk.

A. firm

B. tight

C. tense

D. close

16. Can you ___________ an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?

A. imagine

B. suppose

C. think

D. expect

17. His constant _____ with his peers(同龄人) has left its mark on his growth.

A. consent

B. contract

C. context

D. contact

18. Poor and excess(过量) smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.

A. eat

B. foods

C. diet

D. meal

19. Many deaths from heart disease are avoidable.

A. real

B. true

C. actually

D. virtual

20. A good and firm handshake is a strong for a lifelong friendship.

A. base

B. ground

C. founding

D. foundation

21. While working in that research center, I was responsible meeting the people.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. on

22. There was an silence, when no one knew what to say.

A. clumsy

B. embarrass

C. awkward

D. discomfort

23. At Christmas it was for people to have turkey as the main course.

A. customary

B. regular

C. normal

D. often

24. Please practice English as much as you can.

A. speak

B. speaking

C. spoke

D. to speak

25. The children were excited opening their presents.

A. for

B. about

C. in

D. to

26. She was forced to early from teaching because of illness.

A. relax

B. relieve

C. retreat

D. retire

27. It will be very for us to make an appointment with our friends by phone.

A. convenient

B. comfortable

C. easily

D. different

28. We were told the pizza would be in 20 minutes.

A. taken

B. got

C. delivered

D. caught

29. She now helps in a local school as a .

A. volunteer

B. voluntary

C. employment

D. employer

30. You’ll soon get used to ___________ in the country.

A. live

B. living

C. to live

D. lived

31. Don’t such a little girl do what she can’t do.

A. force

B. oblige

C. order

D. make

32. She thought the French dictionary of little and sold it together with the old newspaper.

A. price

B. cost

C. expense

D. value

33. The patient’s progress was encouraging as he could get out of bed without aid.

A. hardly

B. only

C. slowly

D. mentally
