



第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)


21.—I’m sorry that I haven’t found the book you want.

—________. I’ll try another bookshop.

A. You’re welcome

B. Thank you very much

C. It doesn’t matter

D. Congratulations

22.John isn’t here right now. He__________ Mr. Black’s office. Perhaps he

________ in several minutes.

A. is going to; has come

B. has been to; has come

C. has gone to; will come

D. went to; would come

23.Every second counts in the exam, ________ means you must make the best use of

the time available.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. what

24.Rose, don’t pick the flowers in the park, _______?

A. don’t you

B. will you

C. do you

D. won’t you

25. To achieve his _______ goal, Professor Green is working very hard on his

research now.

A. historic

B. extra

C. practical

D. academic

26. They’ve arrived at the flooded areas, but we don’t know ________ they got there.

A. where

B. whatever

C. how

D. however

27. The leaders of these countries are discussing the problem, ________ they have

argued for more than an hour.

A. about which

B. against whom

C. for which

D. to which

28. As parents, it is wrong to ________ your children when they’ve done something


A. cover

B. prevent

C. correct

D. defend

29. Take your time, Henry. The ship is arriving in _______ forty minutes.

A. equally

B. approximately

C. reasonably

D. entirely

30. Mr. Lee suggested that all of us go out to have a walk to refresh our mind

________ classes.

A. among

B. during

C. without

D. between

31.—What do you think it is for?

—I think it ________ an excellent bowl.

A. is made

B. is making

C. will make

D. has made

32. Students shouldn’t enter offices ________ teachers are marking the exam papers

now without a teacher’s permission.

A. of whom

B. where

C. with which

D. why

33. There is _______ pear on the desk; it’s really _______ big pear.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C. a; a

D. the; the

34. We have learnt about some of Jack London’s novels in our ____________ lessons.

A. music

B. physics

C. literature

D. mathematics

35.Is this museum ___________ you saw that wonderful sculpture last week?

A. the one where

B. the one that

C. that

D. which


Once a boy really had everything he wanted, so he was36 interested in the rarest objects. One day he 37 a mysterious mirror and took it home. When he looked into the mirror, he found that his 38 looked very sad. He tried 39 , but it remained the same. Surprised, the boy went off to buy some sweets. He went home and looked into the mirror as happily as possible,40 his image was still sad-looking. He bought all kinds of toys, but he looked forever 41 in that mirror. So the boy put the mirror away in a 42 ."What a(n) 43 mirror! I’ve never seen a mirror that didn’t 44 properly!" That same afternoon he went out to play, but on his45 to the park he saw a little girl crying loudly. So he went over to see what was happening. The little girl told him that she had 46 her parents. Together, they 47 in search of them. As the little girl continued crying, the boy 48 his money in buying sweets to cheer her up. 49 , after walking for a long time, they found her parents, who looked very worried. The boy said goodbye, and walked off towards the park. But 50 the time, he decided to turn around and head51 home, as he had no time to 52 . At home, he went to his room and noticed a shining 53 in the corner that he had left the mirror in. Seeing this, he went over to the mirror and 54 that the light was coming from his own body, because he was so happy at having helped that little girl. And so he understood the mystery of that mirror, the only mirror reflecting faithfully the 55 joy of its owner.

36. A. never B. always C. only D. seldom

37. A. found B. wanted C. guessed D. expected

38. A. head B. nose C. face D. mouth

39. A. smiling B. shouting C. crying D. smelling

40. A. and B. so C. when D. but

41. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. satisfied

42. A. corner B. box C. room D. bag

43. A. interesting B. terrible C. wonderful D. difficult

44. A. move B. look C. keep D. work

45. A. way B. course C. road D. line

46. A. escaped B. hated C. left D. lost

47. A. set off B. set aside C. set down D. set up

48. A. took B. cost C. spent D. held

49. A. Finally B. Actually C. Naturally D. Generally

50. A. telling B. seeing C. watching D. pointing

51. A. in B. For C. off D. at

52. A. talk B. eat C. play D. walk

53. A. light B. shadow C. colour D. pattern

54. A. touched B. invented C. noticed D. realised

55. A. possible B. true C. strange D. common




Once there was a rich, beautiful and wise princess. Tired of those who were only interested in her money, she said that she would only marry whoever managed to present her with the most valuable and sincere gift of all.

The palace was filled with gifts of every kind. Among all these gifts, she found a simple dirty stone. She wondered who had offered this gift. However, she pretended to be highly offended(冒犯)by the gift when the young man was brought before her. He explained, "Dear Princess, this stone represents the most valuable thing one can give —it is my heart. It is also sincere. And because it is not yet yours, it is as hard as a stone. Only when it is filled with love will it become more tender than any other’s."

The young man quietly left, leaving the princess surprised. She was so in love that she took the little stone with her wherever she went. And for months she gave the young man gifts and all her attention. But his heart remained as hard as the stone in her hands. Losing hope, she ended up throwing the stone into a fire. Then in the heat of the fire, the stone became a golden figure. With this, the princess understood that she herself would have to be like fire.

During the following months, she devoted her life, her wisdom and her wealth to her country. And the people started to call her, the "Princess of Fire".

And as with the stone, the Princess of Fire melted the hardness of the young man’s heart. And just as he had promised, he became so tender that he made the princess happy till the end of her days.

56. How did the princess feel when she first saw the stone?

A. Angry.

B. Excited.

C. Curious.

D. Sad.

57. Why did people call the princess, the "Princess of Fire"?

A. She got angry easily.

B. She liked to throw things into a fire.

C. She was once burnt by fire.

D. Her love for her people was like fire.

58. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The princess married the young man in the end.

B. The young man’s heart was always as hard as a stone.

C. People in the princess’ country were poor.

D. The young man was interested in the princess’ money.

59. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. An Outstanding Princess

B. A Hard, Tender Stone

C. A Smart Young Man

D. A Country Full of Love


Are you curious about mysterious creatures? We are going to tell you about some here.


If giraffes and zebras could produce a next generation, their babies would look like an okapi. This strange-looking creature has striped legs like a zebra and the face of a giraffe. Its neck is much shorter than a giraffe, but like its cousin, it has an extremely long tongue, which can be up to 12 inches long. The okapi can use its tongue to wash its own eyelids and ears. Before 1901, Okapis were known only to the people living in the Congo rainforest.

Loch Ness Monster(尼斯湖水怪)

The locals near Loch Ness in northwestern Scotland refer to the mysterious creature as "Nessie". Nessie is said to be a large animal with a long neck that lived during the time of the dinosaurs. Similar creatures have been reported in other lakes around the world. But whether it is real remains unknown.

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker(象牙喙啄木鸟)

By the mid-1990s, the ivory- billed woodpecker was widely believed to have died out due to deforestation(砍伐森林) and hunting. It was rediscovered in 2004, when a bird lover reported seeing one alive in the woods of Arkansas, America. Researchers later got a video of the bird.

King Cheetah(帝王猎豹)

Starting in 1926, people in Zimbabwe began to see a cheetah with unusual markings. This cheetah has large spots like a leopard(美洲豹) and black stripes down its back. People called the creature "king cheetah". It is a leopard-cheetah hybrid (混合).

60. The existence of the following animals is certain EXCEPT _______.

A. the king cheetah

B. the ivory-billed woodpecker

C. the okapi

D. the nessie

61. Which of the following is TRUE about the okapi?

A. It is produced by a giraffe and a zebra.

B. It was not widely known until the twentieth century.

C. Its neck is much shorter than that of a zebra.

D. It was first found in 1901.

62. What can we learn from the passage?

A. People still don’t know why the king cheetah has strange markings.

B. The giraffe has a short tongue.

C. Nessie is a kind of dinosaur.

D. The decrease in forests has had a great effect on the ivory-billed


63. Where can one most probably find this passage?

A. In a nature magazine.

B. In a travel guide.

C. In a book of fairy tales.

D. In an advertisement.


The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival has been held every year since 1963. It had to stop for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution,

but it was restarted again in 1985.

Harbin City is one of the sources of ice and snow culture in the world. It is located in Northeast China and receives the cold winter wind from Siberia. The average temperature in summer is 21.2 degrees Celsius and -16.8 degrees Celsius in winter. It can be as cold as -38.1 degrees Celsius in winter.

Officially, the festival starts from January 5th and lasts one month. However, the exhibitions often open earlier and last longer, weather permitting (允许). The ice sculptures range from decorations made with modern laser technology (激光) to more traditional ice lanterns. There are Ice Lantern park touring activities held in many parks in the city. Winter activities at the festival include Yabuli Alpine skiing, winter-swimming in the Songhua River, and the Ice Lantern exhibition in Zhaolin Garden.

The Harbin festival is one of the world’s four largest Ice and Snow Festivals, along with Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada’s Quebec City Winter Carnival and Norway’s Ski Festival.

The 2007 festival had a Canadian theme (主题), in memory of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune. It also won a Guinness Record for the largest snow sculpture: 250 metres long, 28 feet high and using over 13,000 cubic metres of snow. The work consisted of two parts: "Niagara Falls" and "Crossing the Bering Strait".

64. In the passage we are told that the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival _______.

A. started in 1963 and ended in 2007

B. is very famous around the world

C. doesn’t use people as its theme

D. is mostly decorated with ice lanterns

65. Harbin can hold the Ice and Snow Festival, because _____.

a. it is located in the northeast of China

b. its average temperature in summer is 21.2 degrees Celsius

c. its cold winter wind is from Siberia

d. the temperature in winter can be -38.1 degrees Celsius

A. abd

B. abc

C. cbd

D. Acd

66. Which one is TRUE about the 2007 Harbin festival?

A. The festival is for all Canadians.

B. The Niagara Falls at the festival was 250 metres long.

C. Norman Bethune won a Guinness Record.

D. The display was made up of two parts.

67. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. the themes of the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

B. an introduction to the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

C. the origin of the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

D. how to celebrate the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival


Medical experts have found that there is a direct link between our personality and better health. Accord ing to a new study, the ability of one’s body to prevent diseases, is not only a matter of one’s race or gender(性别), but a matter of involvement in

activities that can produce happiness. Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that extroverts(性格外向者), and, in particular, those who are happy in their day to day life seldom have heart attacks.

The study shows that active involvement in life is related to lower levels of inflammatory hormones (炎症激素), but it may be really hard to tell which one comes first. One of the researchers, Dr. Chapman, warns that they have not yet discovered whether low inflammation is the result of activity. Therefore, he warns that one needs to be careful when it comes to explaining this association(联系).

The researchers are not sure how to encourage people to change their lifestyle or nature. Physical activity may be part of the solution. Dr. Chapman says that, more than exercise, some people just have the energy that helps them to be happily involved in life. As a result, their bodies have an increased ability to stand the physical effects of stress. However, the experts have not lost hope of finding ways to treat stress and to help people find ways to engage themselves actively in life. This can thus keep people much happier and healthier by keeping the body from experiencing pain. "We could all find something in life we enjoy doing," they said. 68. According to the medical research, one’s health is related to all of the following

EXCEPT _______.

A. one’s gender

B. one’s race

C. one’s taking part in activities

D. one’s education

69. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. Low inflammation is the result of activity.

B. There’s no relation between low inflammation and activity.

C. It’s not clear whether activity leads to low inflammation.

D. Dr. Chapman has found the direct cause of low inflammation.

70. According to the passage, the key to maintaining good health is __________.

A. getting happily involved in life

B. enjoying advanced medical technology

C. doing more exercise

D. controlling stress



When going on trips in the countryside, or even anywhere where there are tall trees, one can often hear some beautiful music from blackbirds(画眉). I often wonder what the bird looks like. Perhaps I am not the only one wondering, since it is pleasing to the ears, especially during summertime, and also in the spring and on warm winter days. Also, it can announce the end of a storm.

It can be found in most countries, in low hill forests and also in mountainous areas, and usually close to water. It can be often found in the big city parks where it has managed to adjust perfectly.

The blackbird generally feeds on insects, but also on certain fruits and seeds. The

blackbird makes its nest close to the ground in bushes where it will lay about four to five eggs, starting from the month of April. The incubation(孵卵)period is of 15 days and it has about 2-3 series of baby birds every year.

The Black bird


Outline Supporting Details When we can hear the blackbird singing

●We can often hear the bird singing in nature around 71 trees when going on trips.

●It 72 us by singing in summer, spring and winter as well.

●It often sings just after a storm 73 . 74 the blackbird lives

●The blackbird lives in ma ny countries, in low hill forests and in 75 , where there is usually water nearby.

●We can also see it in 76 parks. What the blackbird 77

●In general, the blackbird eats 78 , fruits and seeds as food. 'W'WSome other facts about the blackbird

●The blackbi rd often makes its 79 in bushes.

●It begins laying eggs in 80 .


下面四幅图讲述了小学生王鹏(Wang Peng)在上学路上发生的事,请将他的故事写成一篇英语短文,并发表自己的评论。

1. 短文须包括图画中的主要内容,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数80-100。

________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________


1-5 CABAB 6-10 ABABA 11-15 BAABC 16-20 BAAAC

21-25 CCCBD 26-30 CADBD 31-35 CBCCA

36-40 CACAD 41-45 AABDA 46-50 DACAB

51-55 BCADB 56-60 CDABD 61-65 BDABD 66-70 DBDCA

71. tall 72. pleases 73. stops / ends 74. Where 75. mountains

76. city 77. eats 78. insects 79. nest 80. April

书面表达(One possible version)

An Honest Boy

One day, Wang Peng saw a wallet on the road when he was on his way to school. He picked it up and took it to the nearby police station. Soon the policeman found the owner of the wallet and called him to get back his wallet. The owner was very thankful and wanted to give Wang Peng some money as a reward, but Wang Peng refused. In my opinion, Wang Peng is an honest boy and is a good role model for everyone.



43 2 1E D C B A 2008---2009第二学期六里中学七年级期中考试卷 数学试题 一、选择题(下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确,请把正确选项前的字母填在相应括号内,每小题2分,共20分) 1、在同一平面内,两条直线可能的位置关系是( ). A 、平行 B 、相交 C 、平行或相交 D 、平行、相交或垂直 2、点到直线的距离是( ) A 、点到直线上一点的连线 B 、点到直线的垂线 C 、点到直线的垂线段 D 、点到直线的垂线段的长度 3、在平面直角坐标中,点P (-3,2009)在( ) A 、第一象限 B 、第二象限 C 、第三象限 D 第四象限 4、如图,点E 在BC 的延长线上,则下列条件中,不能判定AB ∥CD 的是( ) A. ∠3=∠4 B.∠B=∠DCE C.∠1=∠2. D.∠D+∠DAB=180° 5、下列图中,哪个可以通过左边图形平移得到( ) 6、用一批完全相同的多边形地砖铺地面,不能进行镶嵌的是( ) A 、正三角形 B 、正方形 C 、正八边形 D 、正六边形 7、以下列各组长度的线段为边,能构成三角形的是:( ) A .7,5,12 B .6,8,15 C .4,6,5 D .8,4,3 8.在平面直角坐标系中,将三角形各点的纵坐标都减去3,横坐标保持不变,所得图形与原图形相比( ) A.向右平移了3个单位 B.向左平移了3个单位 C.向上平移了3个单位 D.向下平移了3个单位 9.点(-7,0)在( ) A.x 轴正半轴上 B.y 轴负半轴上 C.y 轴正半轴上 D.x 轴负半轴上 10.已知点P 位于y 轴右侧,距y 轴3个单位长度,位于x 轴上方,距离x 轴4个单位长 度,则点P 坐标是( ) A.(-3,4) B. (3,4) C.(-4,3) D. (4,3) 二、填空题。(把正确的答案填在相应的横线上,每小题2分,共30分) 11、如果两个角是对顶角,且互补,则这两个角都是 角。 12、若直线a ⊥b ,a ∥c ,则c b 。 13、命题“同角的补角相等”的题设是 ,结论是 。 14、剧院里5排2号可以用(5,2)表示,则7排4号用 表示。 15、点A 的坐标(3,4),它到x 轴的距离为 ,到y 轴的距离为 。 16、△ABC 中,若∠B=∠A+∠C ,则△ABC 是 三角形。 17、三角形木架的形状不会改变,这说明三角形具有 。 18、若三角形三条边的长分别是7,13,x ,则x 的取范围是 。 19、一个多边形的每一个外角都等于36°,则这个多边形的内角和等于 。 20、在△ABC 中,∠A :∠B :∠C=2:3:4,则∠B= 。 21、一边是3,一边是5的等腰三角形周长是______ 22、若从一个多边形的一个顶点出发,最多可以引10条对角线, 则它是 边形; 23、在平面直角坐标系中,点M(2,5-t)在x 轴上,则t =____ 24、 一个长方形的三个顶点坐标为(―1,―1),(―1,2)(3,―1),则第四个顶点的 坐标是______________。 25、一个多边形多加了一个外角总和是115 0°这个多边形是__边形,这个外角是__度。 三、解答题(本题共50分)。 26、已知一个多边形的内角和比它的外角和的3倍少180°,求这个多边形的边数。(6分) 27、(4分)如图:已知AB ∥CD ,∠1=∠2.说明BE ∥CF . 因为 AB ∥CD 所以 ∠ABC =∠DCB ( ) A B C D 学校 班级 座号 姓名


2021年人教版数学六年级上册期中测试 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一.解答题(共10小题,满分20分) 1.(3分)在横线里填上合适的数 9÷=:20=÷=0.75=%. 2.(2分)0.6的倒数是,最小的合数的倒数是. 3.(2分)16的是,一个数的是15,这个数是. 4.(1分)一个比是7:8,如果比的前项增加21,要使比值不变,后项应增加. 5.(2分)与0.8的最简单的整数比是,它们的比值是. 6.(2分)足球个数的相当于篮球的个数,是把看作单位“1”;足球个数与篮球个数的比是. 7.(3分)找出规律再填空. 已知:81÷3=27,那么8100÷300= 已知:125×8=1000,那么125×16= 8.(2分)男生比女生多,男生是女生的,女生比男生少. 9.(2分)一根绳子长8米,第一次用去,第二次用去米,这根绳子比原来短了米.10.(1分)已知甲乙两人年龄之差是18岁,甲乙年龄比是3:5,甲乙年龄和是岁. 二.判断题(共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分) 11.(1分)1的倒数比2的倒数大.(判断对错) 12.(1分)大于而小于的分数只有4个.(判断对错) 13.(1分)3:8的最简整数比是1:,比值是0.375..(判断对错) 14.(1分)一堆煤的比这堆煤的多3吨,这堆煤有18吨..(判断对错) 15.(1分)公园在学校的北偏东30°方向400米处,则学校在公园的南偏西60°方向400米处.(判断对错) 三.选择题(共5小题,满分10分,每小题2分) 16.(2分)甲数的是乙数,表示单位“1”的是()


七年级上册英语期中综合能力测试试题 笔试部分 一、词汇检测。(10分) A. 根据句意和图片提示或首字母提示写单词。 21. –Let’s go to school. – That s_________ interesting. 22. My father and mother are my p . . 23.This is a boy. H name is Bruce. 24.Your telephone n is 422-2785. 25. Some books in the b____________. B. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 26.I’m a singer and _________(I) name’s Dale. 27.His __________(one) name is Jones. 28 . That is my (sister) key. 29 . What about (help) him? 30. (be) your photos on the desk? 二、单项选择。(20分) ()31.选出字母顺序正确的一项: A.rstvuw B.rstuvw C.rtsuvw D.rtswuv ()32.In England, people put “Mr” before the ______ of a man. A. given name B. family name C. first name D.middle name ()33.That is______ ruler. A.a her B.she C.her D.hers ()34.— Excuse me. Is this _______ dictionary? —No. That one is ______. A. I; you B. my; yours C. me; you D.my; my ()35.Do you want to go _______ there _______ me? A.to; with B. in; on C.for; after D./; with ()36.—_______ you Jim Green? —No , my name _______ Bob Green. A.Are , is B.Is , am C.Is , is D.Are , am ()37.My father’s mother is my_______. A.aunt B.sister C.grandmother D.cousin ()38.—Tom, can you tell me your telephone number? —Ok. ________. A. The number is wrong B.It’s 426345555 C.No, I’m not D.Yes, it is. ()39.―Is that a backpack? ―_______. . A.Yes, it’s B.No, it is C.No, it isn’t D.Yes ,that’s ()40.Tom eats too much _______. He doesn’t eat any _______. A.chickens; tomato B. Tomato; chicken C.chicken; tomatoes D.tomatoes; chicken ()41.―Are these your friends?―Yes,_______. A.they are B.these are C.they’re D.they aren’t ()42.His name is Tony Hand. His_______ name is Hand. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9c17760392.html,st B.first C.number D.one


人教版数学二年级下学期 期中测试卷 (时间:60分钟总分:100分) 一、选择题 1.一张电影票5元钱,淘气有40元钱,他可以买()张电影票。 A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5 2.下面是同学们喜欢吃的蔬菜调查情况。 喜欢吃的蔬菜名称西红柿黄瓜茄子土豆白菜 人数(人)18 16 10 8 12 同学们最喜欢吃的蔬菜是()。 A. 西红柿 B. 黄瓜 C. 茄子 D. 白菜 3.用“二八十六”这句口诀计算的算式是()。 A. 2+6 B. 8×8 C. 2×8 D. 24÷8 4.(2019二下·新会月考)把20个竹笋平均放进5个盘子里,每盘有多少个?用算式表示是( )。 A. 20÷5 B. 20÷4 C. 20-5 D. 4×5 5.18里面有多少个3?正确列式是()。 A. 18÷3 B. 18×3 C. 18-3 6.以下现象中不属于平移的是( ) 。 A. 温度计中,液柱的上升或下降 B. 打气筒打气时,活塞的运动 C. 钟摆的摆动 D. 传送带上瓶装饮料的移动 7.下面的汽车标志( )不是轴对称图形。 A. B. C.

8.(2019二上·宁津期中)如果□×7=28,那么□里应填()。 A. 21 B. 4 C. 11 9.有18只,平均装在9个笼子里,每个笼子里装()只。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 10.商店卖出了9个红气球,36个黄气球,卖出的黄气球是红气球的()倍。 A. 5 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 二、判断题 11.下表是星光小学三年级学生参加课外兴趣小组的人数情况。 绘画小组航模小组舞蹈小组篮球小组象棋小组 15 8 13 19 10 舞蹈小组的人数比航模小组的多4人。 12.(2019二下·吴忠期末)24÷8=3读作24除8等于3.() 13.加法算式都可以改写成乘法算式。 14.物体经过平移或旋转后,它的形状和大小就变了。() 15.(2019二下·云南期中)被除数是8,除数也是8,商是0。() 三、填空题 16.填上“>”、“<”或“=” 23________32 20+4________4+20 56________47 78-50________78-5 17.把________ 平均分成________份,每份有________个。用除法算式表示:________ 18.15÷5=________ 想:________五十五,商是________。 19.横线上最大能填几? ________×8<52 9×________<32 6×________<43


七年级数学下册期中测试卷 (时间:100分钟总分:120分) 一、填空题(每题3分,共30分): l 、已知∠a 的对顶角是81°,则∠a=______. 2、把“等角的补角相等”写成“如果…,那么…”的形式_________________________________. 3、在平面直角坐标系中,点P(-4,5)到x 轴的距离为______,到y 轴的距离为________. 4、若等腰三角形的边长分别为3和6,则它的周长为________. 5、如果P(m+3,2m+4)在y 轴上,那么点P 的坐标是________. 6、如果一个等腰三角形的外角为100°,则它的底角为________. 7、若点(-a ,b)在第二象限, 则点(a ,-b)在第________象限. 8、一个长方形的三个顶点坐标为(―1,―1),(―1,2)(3,―1),则第四个顶点的坐标是______________. 9、将点P (-3,4)先向下平移3个单位,再向左平移2个单位后得到点Q ,则点Q 的坐标是_____________. 10、过钝角∠AOB 的顶点O 作CO ⊥AO ,CO 分∠AOB 为∠AOC 与∠BOC 两部分且∠AOC 是 ∠BOC 的4倍多2度,则∠AOB 的度数为 . 二、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 11、在同一平面内,两直线可能的位置关系是( ). A .相交 B .平行 C .相交或平行 D .相交、平行或垂直 12、如图,AB//CD//EF,那么∠BAC+∠ACE+∠CEF=( ) . A .1800 B .2700 C .3600 D .540 13、通过平移,可将图(1)中的福娃“欢欢”移动到图( ). (图1) A B C D 14、如果∠A 和∠B 的两边分别平行,那么∠A 和∠B 的关系是( ). A.相等 B.互余或互补 C.互补 D.相等或互补 第(5)题 F E D C B A


级期中检测题及答案 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 一、选择题(共15题) 1.单项选择。 —John isn’t happy today. Let’s go and ____. —Good idea. A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. to cheer up D. cheer up 【答案】B cheer ... up使……振作起来。代词宾格him放中间。故选B。 难度:中等知识点:动词和动词短语 2.What ____ sad news! We can’t get the movie tickets. A. a B. an C. the D. / 【答案】D考查感叹句。What+(a/an)+adj. +n. ! How+adj. /adv. !此句中news是不可数名词, 不能用a修饰。故选D。 难度:中等知识点:冠词 3.My father doesn’t have much money. I don’t have, ____. A. too B. also C. still D. either 【答案】D考查too, also, either的用法。too用于肯定句句末,用逗号隔开;also用于动词之前的肯定句中;either用于否定句句末。故选D。 难度:中等知识点:副词 4.____ can come in. I’m too busy to see ____. A. Nobody; somebody B. Anybody; nobody C. Nobody; anybody D. Somebody; anybody 【答案】C考查不定代词的用法。第一句表示没有人能够进来,用nobody。第二句为too ... to结构,暗含否定,因此用anybody。故选C。 难度:中等知识点:不定代词 5.On my way ____ home, I lost a ticket ____ Titanic. A. to; to B. to; of C. /; of D. /; to 【答案】D on my way to+名词,但后接副词时必须把to去掉,变成on my way+副词。home 为副词。固定短语a ticket to Titanic。故选D。 难度:中等知识点:介词和介词短语 6.—Mom, my classmates invited me ____ a field trip. May I go with them? —OK. A. go on B. to go on C. go in D. to go in 【答案】B考查invite sb. to do sth.和go on a field trip。故选B。 难度:中等知识点:动词和动词短语


期中综合能力检测题 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 题号一二三四五总分 得分 1.(2014,永州)端午节我市多地举行了龙舟赛,比赛时运动员喊着号子、合着鼓点有 节奏地同时划桨。比赛中有关声现象的下列说法,正确的是(A) A.鼓声是由鼓面振动产生的 B.鼓声在空气中的传播速度大约是500 m/s C.运动员打鼓用的力越大,鼓声的音调就越高 D.岸上观众是通过响度分辨出鼓声、号子声的 2.下列图中,主要描述声音能够传递能量的是(B) 3.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是(D) A.“闻声而知其人”主要是根据声音的响度来判断的 B.“不敢高声语,恐惊天上人”中的“高”指声音的音调高 C.城市某些路段禁鸣喇叭,这是在声音传播的过程中减弱噪声 D.用超声波能粉碎人体内的“小石头”,说明声波能传递能量 4.伴随现代社会的高速发展,噪声已严重影响人们的正常生活和工作,下面事例中不是直接控制噪声措施的是(D) 5.(2014,咸宁)假期到了,班上的几位同学送小明乘列车回家。如图所示,几位同学 看着列车徐徐地开动了,小明坐在窗边,却看到同学们渐渐向后退去,原因是几位同学和小明所选择的参照物分别是(A)

A.地面、列车B.列车、地面 C.列车、列车D.地面、地面 6.汽车以6 m/s的速度匀速驶上长为60 m的斜坡,经10 s到达坡顶,接着又以10 m/s 的速度从坡顶沿原路匀速返回,经 6 s到达坡底,该汽车在上下坡全程中的平均速度是(A) A.7.5 m/s B.8 m/s C.6.25 m/s D.3.75 m/s 7.(2014,郴州)如图所示是一定质量的某种物质熔化时温度随时间变化的图象,由图 可知(D) A.该物质是非晶体 B.该物质的熔点50 ℃ C.该物质在熔化过程中吸热且温度升高 D.该物质在第15 min时,处于固、液共存状态 8.炎热的夏天,课桌上一个杯子中有一把金属勺,把热水瓶中的开水(略低于100 ℃) 倒入杯中,一会儿金属勺熔化了。当杯中的水温降为室温(26 ℃)后,杯中凝固出一金属块。关于这种金属的下列判断正确的是(D) A.该金属熔点高于100 ℃B.该金属熔点低于26 ℃ C.该金属凝固点高于100 ℃D.该金属凝固点低于100 ℃ 9.在同一环境中对温度计进行了如下操作,温度计的示数下降最快的是(D) 10.我国民间有句谚语:“水缸穿裙子,天就要下雨。”其中,“水缸穿裙子”是指盛水的水缸外表出现了一层密密麻麻的小水珠,小水珠是由(B) A.水缸中的水蒸发形成的B.空气中的水蒸气液化形成的 C.水缸中的水汽化形成的D.空气中的水蒸气凝华形成的 11.下列物态变化现象中,属于放热过程的是(B) 12.做匀速直线运动的物体,在第3 s内通过的路程是2.4 m,则(C) A.第1 s走过的路程是0.8 m B.第10 s走过的路程是24 m C.物体运动10 s走过的路程是24 m D.前3 s的平均速度是0.8 m/s 二、填空题(每空1分,共22分)


人教版二年级数学下册 期中测试卷 (时间:60分钟总分:100分)一、填一填。(第3、4、7题2分,其余每空1分,共23分) 1. (1)有()束气球,每束()个,共()个。 (2)把这些气球平均分给8个小朋友,每人分()个。 (3)若每个小朋友分4个气球,这些气球可以分给()个小朋友。 2.36÷4=(),想口诀:(),这个算式读作()。 3.在计算35-12÷6时,应先算()法,再算()法。在50-(17+13)中,应先算()法,再算()法。 4.水平推箱子是()现象,拧开钢笔盖是()现象,轮船在大海里沿直线航行是()现象,风车迎风转动是()现象。 5.4个3是(),12里面有()个4。 6.24根小棒可以摆成()个互相独立的。 7.根据口诀“四八三十二”写出两道乘法算式和两道除法算式。 == == 8.先计算,再把下列算式填在合适的()里。 ()>()>()>() 9.25÷=×=45 =()=() 二、判一判。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题1分,共5分)

1.把24个分成8份,每份一定是3个。() 2.14÷2读作14除2。() 3.计算16÷8与16÷2时,用同一句乘法口诀。() 4.“合、开、小”这3个汉字图案都是轴对称图形。() 5.4×8-3和4×(8-3)的运算顺序和计算结果都是一样的。() 三、选择。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(每题2分,共10分) 1.下面第()组是平均分。 2.把24个月饼每4个装一盒,可以装6盒,列式为()。 ①24÷4=6 ②24÷6=4 ③4×6=24 3.下面的图形中,()是轴对称图形。 4.下面()不是由这三个图形通过平移得到的。 5.淘气在计算“8+×4”时弄错了运算顺序,先算了加法,后算了乘法结果得数是36。正确的得数应该是()。 ①1 ②12 ③313 四、计算。(共33分) 1.直接写出得数。(4分) 16÷2= 48÷6= 45÷5= 56÷8= 3×8÷4= 4×9÷6= 9×8+15= 8×7-32= 2.脱式计算。(9分) 42÷6×5=(1827)÷9= 6×(49-40)=


七年级下数学期中测试卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1、下列计算正确的是 ( ) A 、5322a b a =+ B 、a a a =÷44 C 、632a a a =? D 、()6 32a a -=- 2、下面每组数分别是三根小木棒的长度, 它们能摆成三角形的是 ( ) A 、5, 1, 3 B 、2, 3, 4 C 、3, 3, 7 D 、2, 4, 2 3、如果两个不相等的角互为补角,那么这两个角 ( ) A 、都是锐角 B 、都是钝角 C 、一个锐角,一个钝角 D 、以上答案都不对 4、用科学计数法表示0.0000907的结果正确的是 ( ) A 、4101.9-? B 、5101.9-? C 、5100.9-? D 、51007.9-? 5、如图,已知:∠1=∠2,那么下列结论正确的是 ( ) A .∠C=∠D B .AD ∥BC C .AB ∥C D D .∠3=∠4 6、下列各式中不能用平方差公式计算的是 ( ) A 、))((y x y x +-- B 、))((y x y x --+- C 、))((y x y x --- D 、))((y x y x +-+ 7、给出下列说法: (1)两条直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等; (2平面内的一条直线和两条平行线中的一条相交,则它与另一条也相交; (3)相等的两个角是对顶角; (4)从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段,叫做这点到直线的距离; 其中正确的有 ( ) A 0个 B 1个 C 2个 D 3个

21F E D C B A G 8、下列关系式中,正确的是 ( ) A. ()222b a b a -=- B.()()22b a b a b a +=-+ C.()222b a b a +=+ D.()222b 2ab a b a ++=+ 9、一定在△ABC 内部的线段是 ( ) A .任意三角形的一条中线、二条角平分线、三条高 B .钝角三角形的三条高、三条中线、一条角平分线 C .锐角三角形的三条高、三条角平分线、三条中线 D .直角三角形的三条高、三条角平分线、三条中线 10、等腰三角形的一边长为5cm ,另一边长为6cm ,那么它的周长为 ( ) A .16cm B.17cm C.16cm ,17cm , D .11cm 二、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 11、计算:=?9981002 12、若4a 2+ka +9是一个完全 平方式,则k = 13、()=-425y x 14、一个角与它的补角之差是20o,则这个角的大小是 . 15、.如图1,∠EAD=∠DCF ,要得到AB//CD ,则需要的条件 。 (填一个你认为正确的条件即可) 16、如图2,AB ∥CD,直线EF 分别交 AB 、CD 于E 、F,EG 平分∠BEF,若∠1=72°,? 则∠2=________度. 17、如图3,已知∠B=∠DEF ,AB=DE ,请添加一个条件使△ABC ≌△DEF ,则需 F E C B A D 图1


化 学 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分,共30题,满分100分;考试用时100分钟。 注意事项:答1-20题必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡相对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答21-30题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卷指定的位置上.不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 一1 C —12 N 一14 O 一16 第Ⅰ卷(客观题 共50分) 1.下列各图所示变化属于物理变化的是( ): 2.关于仪器的用途,下列叙述中不正确...的是( ): A .试管可以用作反应容器 B .铁架台可以用来固定装置 C .量筒可以用作溶解食盐的容器 D .玻璃棒可以用来搅拌液体 3.下列实验操作不当..的是( ): A .将容易吸水的物质放在已知质量的烧杯里用托盘天平称 B .将试管夹从试管底部往上套,夹在试管的中上部 C .振荡试管时,用手紧握试管,拇指堵住试管口,上下晃动 D .滴加液体时,滴瓶滴管的尖端不能触及已加过其它试剂的试管内壁 4.把鸡蛋放在下列某物质中。可以制作“无壳鸡蛋”。该物质是( ): A .食盐 B .白酒 C .食醋 D .酱油 5.国家游泳中心—“水立方”的设计灵感来自于一个“方盆子”,许多“水泡泡”。下列关于水的有关说法不正确的是( ): A .水是有许许多多水分子聚集而成的 B .一个水分子由2个氢原子和1个氧原子构成 C .游泳池中的水属于混合物 D .软水是纯净物 6.下列叙述中,正确的是( ): A .原子的质量主要集中在原子核上 B .构成物质的微粒只有分子和原子 C .气体易被压缩,说明构成气体的分子在不断运动 D .物质在不同条件下的三态变化主要是由于分子的大小发生了变化 7.航天员专用的小分子团水具有饮用量少、在人体内储留时间长、排放量少等特点。航天员一次饮用125mL 小分子团水,可维持人体6h 正常需水量。下列关于小分子团水的说法中正确的是( ): A.水分子的化学性质被改变了 B .小分子团水中水分子间没有间隙 在水中通入二氧化碳 D


2019-2020年人教部编版七年级下册期中综合能力检测语文试题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、选择题 1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是( ) A .门槛.(kǎn ) 祈祷.(dǎo ) 亘.古(gèng ) 锲.而不舍(qiè) B .校.补(jiào ) 取缔.(tì) 晌.午(shǎng ) 气冲斗.牛(dǒu ) C .嫉.妒(jí) 元勋.(xūn ) 挚.友(zhì) 鞠躬尽瘁.(cuì) D .愧怍.(zuò) 污秽.(huì) 殷.红(yīn ) 目不窥.园(kuī) 2.下列词语书写完全正确的一项是( ) A .奠基 迭起 调羹 锋芒必露 B .伴侣 薪金 昼夜 慷慨淋漓 C .昆仑 草率 澎湃 大廷广众 D .烦燥 醒悟 霹雳 深恶痛绝 3.下列句子中的加点词语使用不恰当的一项是( ) A .老师说,只要坚持下去,小明一定会有让人刮目相看的那一天。 B .他虽然嘴上不说什么,但心里却不以为然。 C .奧本海默是美国原子弹设计的领导人,是一个妇孺皆知的人物。 D .今年多次遇到自然灾害,庄稼颗粒无收,农民们只能过个兀兀穷年。 4.下列句子中没有语病的一项是( ) A .为防止这类事故不再发生,交通部门加强了对广大群众的安全教育,增强民众的安全意识。 B .每个有抱负的青年将来都希望自己成为一个对祖国现代化建设有贡献的人。 C .能不能成为一个优秀的人,关键在于青少年时期有没有树立远大的理想。 D .听到这个故事的时候,使我想起了抗战时期的许多往事。


小学二年级语文期中考试试题 (60分钟完卷,总分100分) 姓名:_______ 得分:_______ 一、我会看拼音,写词语。(8分) zhuànɡlì gānɡqín zhīshí rè nào ()()() () shān wā bōlànɡ yōnɡbào ɡào sù ()()() () 二、我能在带点字正确的音节下面打“√”。(9分) 华丽(huá huà) 旅行(xínɡhánɡ) 形 状(zhuànɡzuànɡ) 爽快(shǎnɡshuǎnɡ) 争取(zhēn zhēnɡ) 浅色(qiě qiǎn) 银行(hánɡ xínɡ) 首都(dōu dū) 背 人(bēi bèi)

________________________________________________ _____ 3.生命力 多么 小草的 啊 顽强 ________________________________________________ ____ 十、我会给句子加上正确的标点。(4分) 1.窗外那棵树上有一只小鸟在唱歌( ) 2.明天你能和我一起去小刚家吗( ) 3.天空的云朵一会儿像小鸡,一会儿像小马,多么好看啊( ) 4.我的书包里有语文书、数学书、音乐书( ) 十一、我能照样子写句子。(4分) 例:刘刚是我的好朋友。 我的好朋友是刘刚。 1.王丁丁是我们班的劳动委员。

________________________________________________ _ 2.我的妈妈是张华。 ________________________________________________ _ 十二、我能照样子把句子写得更生动。(4分) 例:小猴子吃起葡萄来。 小猴子大口大口地吃起葡萄来。 1.老师在批改作业。 ________________________________________________ _________ 2.花园里有许多花。 ________________________________________________ _________ 十三、读读短文,完成后面的练习。(5分)


一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) A、听句子。(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) B、听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ()6. Whose book is it? A. Lisa’s B. Mark’s C. Alice’s 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 ()7. What does the man want to visit in London? A. Parks B. Museums C. Cinemas 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 ()8. How long will it take the woman to get to the bank? A.About 5 minutes. B.About 15 minutes C.About 25 minutes 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 ()9. What is the boy good at? A. Swimming B. Football C. Basketball

听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 ()10. What’s the weather like tomorrow? A. Rainy B. Windy C. Snowy 听第六段对话,回答第11—12小题。 ()11. Who is living in America? A. The boy’s aunt. B. The boy’s uncle C. The boy’s cousin ()12. What is the boy going to do in America? A. Go shopping B. Enjoy the sun on the beach C. Have a picnic 听第七段对话,回答第13—15小题。 ()13. How old is the boy’s mother? A. 35 B. 45 C. 55 ()14. What colour is the dress? A. Green B. Blue C. Black ()15. How much is the dress? A. 44 yuan B.88 yuan C. 176 yuan C.听短文(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) ()16. The speaker is going to London next ________. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday ()17. It’s often ________ in London. A. rainy B. air ticket C. guidebook ()18. There is a(n) ________ in the speaker’s purse(钱包). A. photo B.cousin C. friend ()19. A________ of the speaker is living in London. A. sister B. cousin C. friend ()20. The speaker will arrive in London at _______ am. A. 4:00 B.5:00 C. 6:00 二、单项填空(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ()26. I can play ______ piano and I can play ______ tennis too. A. / ; / B. the; the C.the; / D./ ; the ()27. I can ______ and I like __________ for my family. A. cooking ; cook B. cook; cooking C. cooking ; cooking D. cook ; cook ()28.---- Excuse me, do you want ________? ----- No, thank you.


《数据库系统原理》期中考试试题 一、单项选择题 1.现实世界中,事物的一般特性在信息世界中称为( ) A.实体 B.实体键 C.属性 D.关系键 2.数据的逻辑独立性是指( ) A.逻辑模式改变,外模式和应用程序不变 B.逻辑模式改变,内模式不变 C.内模式改变,逻辑模式不变 D.内模式改变,外模式和应用程序不变 3.在关系数据库管理系统中,创建的视图在数据库三层结构中属于( ) A.外模式 B.存储模式 C.内模式 D.概念模式 4.关系R和S进行自然连接时,要求R和S含有一个或多个公共( ) A.元组 B.行 C.记录 D.属性 5.以下关于索引的正确叙述是( ) A.使用索引可以提高数据查询速度和数据更新速度 B.使用索引可以提高数据查询速度,但会降低数据更新速度 C.使用索引可以提高数据查询速度,对数据更新速度没有影响 D.使用索引对数据查询速度和数据更新速度均没有影响 6.设关系R和S的属性个数分别为r和s,则(R×S)操作结果的属性个数 为( ) A.r+s B.r-s C.r×s D.max (r,s) 二、填空题 1.DBMS通常提供授权功能来控制不同的用户访问数据库中数据的权限,其目的是为了数据库的_安全性。 2.数据库系统各类用户对数据库的各种操作请求(数据定义、查询、更新及各种控制)都是由一个复杂的软件来完成的,这个软件叫做__DBMS_______。 3.在SQL SELECT语句查询中,要去掉查询结果中的重复记录,应该使用_DISTINCT关键字。 4.公司中有若干个部门和若干职员,每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员,职员与部门的联系类型是__1:n_______。 5.使用SQL语言的SELECT语句进行分组查询时,如果希望去掉不满足条件的分组,应当使用__HA VING___子句。 三、简答题 1.简述安全性控制机制,并说明该控制机制针对什么操作而设置? 2.试说明相关子查询的查询执行顺序。 四、综合题


2020-2021学年度第二学期期中测试 二年级数学试题 (考试时间:60分钟试卷分值:100分) 一、选择题 1.一张电影票5元钱,淘气有40元钱,他可以买()张电影票。 A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5 2.下面是同学们喜欢吃的蔬菜调查情况。 喜欢吃的蔬菜名称西红柿黄瓜茄子土豆白菜 人数(人)18 16 10 8 12 同学们最喜欢吃的蔬菜是()。 A. 西红柿 B. 黄瓜 C. 茄子 D. 白菜 3.用“二八十六”这句口诀计算的算式是()。 A. 2+6 B. 8×8 C. 2×8 D. 24÷8 4.(2019二下·新会月考)把20个竹笋平均放进5个盘子里,每盘有多少个?用算式表示是( )。 A. 20÷5 B. 20÷4 C. 20-5 D. 4×5 5.18里面有多少个3?正确列式是()。 A. 18÷3 B. 18×3 C. 18-3 6.以下现象中不属于平移的是( ) 。 A. 温度计中,液柱的上升或下降 B. 打气筒打气时,活塞的运动 C. 钟摆的摆动 D. 传送带上瓶装饮料的移动 7.下面的汽车标志( )不是轴对称图形。 A. B. C.

8.(2019二上·宁津期中)如果□×7=28,那么□里应填()。 A. 21 B. 4 C. 11 9.有18只,平均装在9个笼子里,每个笼子里装()只。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 10.商店卖出了9个红气球,36个黄气球,卖出的黄气球是红气球的()倍。 A. 5 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 二、判断题 11.下表是星光小学三年级学生参加课外兴趣小组的人数情况。 绘画小组航模小组舞蹈小组篮球小组象棋小组 15 8 13 19 10 舞蹈小组的人数比航模小组的多4人。 12.(2019二下·吴忠期末)24÷8=3读作24除8等于3.() 13.加法算式都可以改写成乘法算式。 14.物体经过平移或旋转后,它的形状和大小就变了。() 15.(2019二下·云南期中)被除数是8,除数也是8,商是0。() 三、填空题 16.填上“>”、“<”或“=” 23________32 20+4________4+20 56________47 78-50________78-5 17.把________ 平均分成________份,每份有________个。用除法算式表示:________ 18.15÷5=________ 想:________五十五,商是________。 19.横线上最大能填几? ________×8<52 9×________<32 6×________<43


吉山学校七年级第二学期期中测试卷 (100分 90分钟) 一、选择题:(每题3分,共33分) 1.如图,AB ∥ED,∠B+∠C+∠D=( ) A.180° B.360° C.540° D.270° 2.若点A(x,3)与点B(2,y)关于x 轴对称,则( ) A.x=-2,y=-3; B.x=2,y=3; C.x=-2,y=3; D.x=2,y=-3 3.三角形的一个外角小于与它相邻的内角,则这个三角形是( ) A.锐角三角形 B.钝角三角形; C.直角三角形 D.无法确定 4.有两边相等的三角形的两边长为3cm,5cm,则它的周长为( ) A.8cm B.11cm C.13cm D.11cm 或13cm 5.若点A(m,n)在第二象限,那么点B(-m,│n │)在( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限; C.第三象限 D.第四象限 6.已知点P 在第三象限,且到x 轴的距离为3,到y 轴的距离为5,则点P 的坐标为( ? ) A.(3,5) B.(-5,3) C.(3,-5) D.(-5,-3) 7.如图,已知EF ∥BC,EH ∥AC,则图中与∠1互补的角有( ) A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 8.三角形是( ) A.连结任意三点组成的图形 B.由不在同一条直线上的三条线段首尾顺次相接所成的图形 C.由三条线段组成的图形 D.以上说法均不对 9.三条共点直线都与第四条直线相交,一共有( )对对顶角. A.8 B.24 C.7 D.12 10.△ABC 中,∠A= 13 ∠B= 14 ∠C,则△ABC 是( ) A.锐角三角形 B.直角三角形; C.钝角三角形 D.都有可能 11.学校的操场上,升旗的旗杆与地面关系属于( ) A.直线与直线平行; B.直线与平面平行; C.直线与直线垂直; D.直线与平面垂直 二、填空题:(每题3分,共21分) 12.如图,AB ∥CD,直线EF 分别交AB 、CD 于E 、F,EG 平分∠BEF,若∠1=72°,?则∠2=________度. 13.已知点M(a,-1)和N(2,b)不重合. (1)当点M 、N 关于_______对称时,a=2,b=1 (2)当点M 、N 关于原点对称时,a=__________,b=_________. 14.若A(a,b)在第二、四象限的角平分线上,a 与b 的关系是_________. 15.两根木棒长分别为5和7,要选择第三根木棒将其钉成三角形,?若第三根木棒的长选取偶数时,有_______种选取情况. 16.一个多边形除了一个内角外,其余各内角之和为1680°,?那么这个多边形的边数为________. 17.n 边形的对角线的条数是_________. 18.如图,甲、乙两岸之间要架一座桥梁,从甲岸测得桥梁的走向是北偏东50?°,如果甲、乙两岸同时开工.要使桥梁准确连接,那么在乙岸施工时,应按β 为_________度的方向动工. 三、解答题:(19-22每题9分,23题10分,共46分) 19.如图,△ABC 中,AD ∥BC,AE 平分∠BAC,∠B=20°,∠C=30°,求∠DAE 的度数. E D C A D A E C B H 1 F E D C B A G 2 1F E D C B A G 北 βα北乙 甲
