抽样作业指导书 Sampling Plan for Inspection Instruction

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Department Organization

1. Purpose 目的

This instruction serves to standardize the sampling standard applying ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 to conduct incoming materials and finish goods inspections, ensuring products meeting quality requirements.

本规程旨在规范使用ANSI/ASQC Z1.4单次抽样法对来料进行抽样检验,确保品质符合规范要求。

2. Scope 适用范围

This document is applicable to the inspection of all production materials and finished goods of *** Company Limited Plant.


3. Responsibility职责

Quality Manager has the responsibility and authority to implement this procedure wherever sampling is required


4. Definition定义

AQL: Acceptable Quality Level 可接收质量水平。

Ac: Accept 接受

Re: Reject 拒收

CR: Critical 致命缺陷,会对人员造成伤害或火灾等。

MA: Major 严重缺陷,对产品有重大影响的缺陷。

MI: Minor 轻微缺陷,对产品有影响的缺陷。

5. Procedures作业程序

5.1 Inspection Levels 检查水平的规定:

There are three general inspection levels (I, II & III) and four special inspection levels (S-1, S-2, S-3 & S-4).


may be specified when less discrimination is needed, or Level III may be specified for greater discrimination. Four additional special levels: S-1, S-2, S-3, and S-4, are given in the same table and may be used where relatively small sample sizes are necessary and large sampling risks can or must be tolerated..

除非另有规定,通常采用一般检查水平 II 。当需要的判别力比较低时,可规定使用一般检查水平 I ,当需要的判别力比较高时,可规定使用一般检查水平 III 。特殊检查水平仅适用于必须使用较小的样本,而且能够或必须允许较大的误判风险。

Individual Inspection levels are designated per category of non-conforming in principle, it should be noted that inspection levels correspond with acceptance level of quality.


NOTE: In the designation of inspection levels S-1 to S-4, care must be exercised to avoid AQLs inconsistent with these inspection levels.

For example,

To correspond with the maximum sample size of single sampling plan for normal inspection exceeds

8 if sample size did not exceed D in S-1 level.

If specified AQL =0.10, then the smaller sample sizes of single sampling plan for normal inspection is 125, therefore, S-1 shall be not to be used under AQL=0.10.


例如,在S-1中,样本大小字码没有超过 D,相当于正常一次抽样方案样本大小最多等于8。若规定AQL=0.10,则正常检查一次抽样方案的最小样本大小为125。因此,在规定AQL=0.10的情况下,不能规定使用特殊检查水平S-1。

5.2 Normal, Tightened and Reduced Inspection 检查严格度的确定:

Generally, there are three grades for inspection –normal , tightened and reduced.

Normal inspection will be used at the start of inspection unless otherwise directed by the responsible authority.


5.3 Switching Procedures 转移规则:

5.3.1 Normal to Tightened 从正常检查到加严检查

When normal inspection is in effect, tightened inspection shall be instituted when 3 out of 5 or fewer consecutive lots or batches have been non-acceptable on original inspection.


5.3.2 Tightened to Normal 从加严检查到正常检查

When tightened inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be instituted when 5 consecutive lots or batches have been considered acceptable on original inspection.
