Join in小学英语六年级上册全套教案(打印版)

Join in小学英语六年级上册全套教案(打印版)
Join in小学英语六年级上册全套教案(打印版)

Starter unit A plan for the new school year第1课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter unit



一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能听懂、理解文本,并对句子做出相应判断。

2. 能读懂内容,并与朋友讨论自己的新学期计划。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)


三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)



Step 1: Review

师生自由对话,交流暑假生活(最好能提前通知学生准备几张假期生活的照片),How was your summer holiday? 与学生一起分享美好的暑假。接着老师问Have you got a plan for year 6? 引出本节课话题。

Step 2: Presentation

老师提出问题:How was Mark’s summer holiday? 学生带着问题听录音,






Linda: Hello, Mark!

Mark: Hi, Linda. It’s good to see you again.

Linda: You’re looking well! How was your summer holiday?

Mark: It was great! I was with my grandparents on the farm. It was green and pretty there. And there were many fruit trees and birds. It was so beautiful!

How about you, Linda?

Linda: Er, it was OK. I was at home, in Foshan City. Mm, have you got a plan for Year 6?

Mark: No, I haven’t. What are you going to do in Year 6?

Linda: I'm going to work harder at English.

Mark: Me, too. I will do more listening and reading.





4. F

5. T

6. T



四人小组活动’学生在组内逐个谈论自己的新学期计划,其余学生给予评价,如:Drink more water. It’s a good idea. Play computer games. It’s bad for your health.并选出2—3名学生在全班介绍自己的新学期计划,老师适时给予指导及评价。


Eat healthy food and eat better

Drink more water

Exercise more

Laugh more often

Enjoy life

Get good grades

Learn something new

Study often

Read more books

Watch less television

Play fewer games .Take a trip

Get along better with people

Make new friends

Spend more time with family and friends

Help others

Step3: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第2页1部分录音3遍。

2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。

3. 制定一份新学期计划。


Starter unit A plan for the new school year第2课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter unit



一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能正确理解短语并与图片连线。

2. 能听懂、理解对话内容,并根据关键词给图片标号。

3. 能根据短文内容选出正确的单词完成练习。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)


三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)



Step 1: Review

教师播放How is the weather?歌曲,巩固天气单词。接着出示一张全国的天气预报图片,找几个代表的城市,What’s the weather like in…? 引导学生复习天气句型。

Step 2: Presentation



老师指向一幅图片,选出一名学生示范对话:What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather? It’s ...



1.What’s the weather like in Nanjing?

—It’s raining.

2.What’s the weather like in your place?

—Oh, it’s sunny. The sky is clear and blue.

3.How’s the weather today,Lily?

—It’s cloudy.

4.—Hi, Carl. I’ll get to Beijing tomorrow morning.

—Oh, great!

—How’s the weather there?

—It's windy and cold. You’ll have to bring your warm clothes.


2 3 4 1

老师通过PPT出示Toby图片依次呈现get on the bus, get off the bus, put on his shirt, take off his shirt图片,引导学生复习相应短语。









My best friend is Kate Lee. She likes to watch lots of TV. At quarter past five she turns on the TV. She wants to see Kevin Dee, her favourite TV star. Kevin says on TV, “I love these sweets, ’’ and he eats and eats and eats. So Kate Lee also wants to have sweets very much, and she goes out and buys lots of sweets. Then she eats and eats and eats. Soon she cries out, “Oh, my tummy, my tummy!” Then she never eats them again. Kate Lee says to me, “I hate these sweets and Kevin Dee.”


friend, watch, turns on, wants, favourite, love, have, buys, never, hate

Step3: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第5页5b部分录音3遍。

2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。


Starter unit A plan for the new school year第3课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter unit



一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能读懂、理解句子,并在地图上标上相应的序号。

2. 能读懂对话,并在地图上标上相应的序号。

3. 能读懂句子,并将句子排序,组成对话。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)


三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)



Step 1: Review


Step 2: Presentation

6. Read and fill in the numbers on the map.读一读,写数字。





7. Read and number. Then listen and check.读一读,标序号。听一听,核答案。






—Excuse me, where’s the post office?

—Go straight ahead. Then turn right.

—Thank you.

—That’s OK.

—Excuse me, where’s the hospital?

—Turn left and then left again. It’s on the left side of the street.

—Thank you.

—Excuse me, where’s the museum?

—Go straight ahead. It’s on the left, opposite the park.

—Thank you.

—That’s all right.

—Excuse me, where's the cinema?

—Turn left and it’s on the right. It’s next to the church.

—Thank you.

—That’s OK.


4 3 1 2

8. Make a dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check.编对话。写序号,听一听,核答案。






—Excuse me, where’s the new cinema?

—The new cinema? That s easy. It’s opposite the supermarket.

—Sorry, but where’s the supermarket?

—Turn left, then right. You can see it.

—Thank you. Bye-bye.



3 5 1 6 2 4

Step3: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第7页7部分录音3遍。

2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。


Unit1 School is great fun! 教学设计


1. 能听懂并认读课程单词:Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT, 并完成英文课程表。

2. 能正确运用句型Which school do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? What is your favourite subject? What do you often do? What do you like doing in English? 等谈论自己的学校生活。

3. 能正确理解、运用句型I like/love doing ... I often…介绍自己并完成相关练习。

4. 能在老师的指导下读懂短文,并完成相关任务。


1. Answer the questions.答一答。

Step 1 Free Talk:老师与一名学生进行有关school life的自由问答,如:Who’s your English teacher? How is he/she? 等。

Step 2 学生打开课本到第8页,根据课本上的问题进行两人问答,谈论自己的学校生活。

2a. Read about Lake School.读一读。

2b. Listen and read again. Tick True or False.听一听,读一读,勾一勾。

Step l 学生打开课本到第8页,自主阅读短文,整体感知短文内容。

Step 2 在学生阅读完2b的句子后,老师播放录音,学生初步判断句子正误。Step 3 学生打开课本到第8页,再次阅读短文,根据相关信息自查。

Step 4 全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由,老师适时教授新内容,如:drama, history等。

Step 5 播放录音数遍,学生采用多种形式朗读短文,如男女生读、开火车读、分组读等,并选出2-3组进行展示,老师适时给予评价。

Step 6 小组活动,要求学生根据课本中的5个问题进行问答,并选出1-2组进行展示,老师适时给予指导及评价。


School is great fun!

By Mary Chen

I come from China. I go to Lake School on North Island. In our class there are 23

pupils: 12 girls and 11 boys. This year we will have two new subjects, Drama and History. Ms Howard will teach us Drama. I am her fan. Mr Washington will teach us History. We all love sports. Most pupils in our class like pop music. Four boys and two girls have pets. Our classroom is great. We like our teachers.

School is great fun!








3. Listen and learn the words for school subjects.听一听,学一学。

Step l 老师呈现如下课程表,播放录音,学生根据单词的发音及图片初步理解单词的含义。

Step 2 老师播放录音数遍,选出数名学生当小老师,其余学生跟读并采取多种形式操练,如男女生读、开火车读、分组读等,学习新单词。

Step 3 老师呈现以下课程表,学生根据图片描述周三、周四的课程。

Step 4要求学生设计周五的课程并完成以上课程表,选出几名学生向全班汇报,其余学生做记录。

Step 5小组活动,引导学生根据完成的课程表用What’s your favorite day/subject? What subject do you like? I like ...等句型讨论自己喜欢的科目,并选出2-3组进行展示。


Chinese Maths English Science Music Art

History PE Drama French ICT Geography

4a. Listen and fill in the days.听一听,写一写。

4b. Play the game. Guess what day it is. 玩一玩,猜一猜。

Step l老师出示一张课程表,选出数名学生进行以下对话:What day is it today? What’s your favorite day/subject? What have you got on Monday? Do you like...? Why?

Step 2学生打开课本到第10页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意,然后阅读每天的课程。

Step 3老师播放录音,引导学生根据听到的关键词将答案写在方框内。

Step 4 师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。

Step 5老师选出一名学生到讲台上示范,其余学生根据他的描述猜出是哪一天的课程,然后小组活动,并选出几组进行展示。


(Kevin and Christine are talking about their timetable.)

Kevin: Christine, what have we got tomorrow?

Christine: Let me think, tomorrow is Thursday. On Thursday we’ve got PE and

then French. I’m not sure about the third lesson.

Kevin: It’s Science.

Christine: No, 1 think it’s Maths.

Kevin: You're right. What's your favorite day, Christine?

Christine: Tuesday.

Kevin: Why’s that?

Christine: Because I like Geography and Music. And I love Science. And what’s your favorite day?

Kevin: I’ve got two favorite days: Monday and Wednesday. My favorite subject is History and we've got it on Monday and Wednesday. Have we got French homework for tomorrow?

Christine: Yes, we have got to learn the new words.

4a答案:Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday, Friday

5. Read and guess. What are their favorite subjects? Then write out the words.读一读,猜一猜,写一写。

Step l 学生打开课本到第11页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。

Step 2 学生自主阅读,根据每个小朋友的描述,写出3个问题的答案。

Step 3 小组活动,两人一组以问答形式相互交流讨论所回答的内容,师生共同核对答案,老师适时给予指导并强调:I like/love doing以及第三人称单数表达方式。Step 4 采用多种形式朗读短文,如全班读、分组读、个人读等。

Step 5 老师示范,呈现不同科目的课本,用相关句型描述自己喜欢的课程,并提出与课程有关的3个问题,引导学生回答。

Step 6 四人小组活动,一人描述自己喜欢的科目,—人提问,其余人回答,并选出数组进行展示,老师适时给予指导和评价。

答案:Alison –music Jeff-Art Mark-PE Clair-Maths Sue-Chinese Simon-ICT Tom-Science Kate-Drama

6a. Read. Then listen and repeat. 读一读,说一说

6b. Read again. Then complete the sentences. 读一读,完成句子。

Step l 学生打开课本到第12页,自主阅读两段文本,回答问题:What are Sandra and Mario’s favorite subjects? 初步了解大意。

Step 2老师提问:What do they like doing? 然后逐句播放录音,学生跟读并回答问题,进一步了解文章内容。

Step 3学生通过再次阅读短文,完成6b的练习。

Step 4师生共同核对答案,老师引导学生注意第一人称和第三人称的不同表达方式。

Step 5 采用多种形式阅读短文,如全班读、分组读、个人读,再次巩固文本内容。Step 6 老师示范,仿照文本,描述自己的学校生活,学生根据自己的实际情况进行描述并展示。


In my English class there are twelve pupils: eight girls and four boys. Our teacher's name is Mrs Blasco. She is a very nice teacher. English is my favorite subject. I like reading stories and listening to cassettes best.

This year my favorite day at school is Thursday. We have got History, English, Maths and PE. I like History very much. Our History teacher is very nice. In English, I like singing songs and playing games best. English is great fun!

6b答案:1.has, her, likes 2. has, his, likes, His, likes, thinks

7a. Read and tell what Mario likes doing in English.读一读,说一说。

7b. Talk in class.谈一谈。

Step 1 老师通过问题What can we do in English? 引导学生回答:We can sing songs, work in groups, practise dialogues, learn new words, say chants, read stories, watch cartoons, act in plays…并适时板书、教授主要短语。

Step 2 学生打开课本到第13页,带着问题What does Mario like doing in English?自主阅读句子并回答,老师引导学生注意I like doing…的用法以及第三人称的表达方式。

Step 3 采用多种形式阅读短文,如全班读、分组读、个人读。

Step 4 三人小组活动,一人提问:What do you like doing in English? 一人回答,另一人用第三人称转述。

8. Write your own timetable in English.写一写。

Step l 学生打开课本到第13页,仔细观察题目,弄清题意。

Step 2 学生根据班级课程表完成表格,师生共同核对答案。

Step 3 引导学生用句型来描述课程表,如:On Monday, we’ve got... I love ... I like …I often…然后选出数名学生进行展示。


1. In, there, pupils, and, This, teacher, our, pop music, comics, collect, Four, pets, is, we, English

2. Betty doesn’t like listening to music.

Jim doesn’t, like writing texts.

Bob likes using the computer.

Ann likes reading storie s.

Unit2 Big cities教学设计


1. 能听懂the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the White House, the Smithsonian Castle,指认图片,并能根据图片认读短语。

2. 能正确运用take the first/second/third left/right等表达方式指路,并能听懂、理解关于问路的表达方式。

3. 能听懂、理解并朗读不同城市、国家的小短文并完成相关练习。

4. 能了解明信片的正确书写格式。

5. 能了解不同国家和城市的相关背景知识。


1a. Listen and point.听一听,指一指。

1b. Listen and match.听一听,连一连。

1c. Listen and read.听一听,读一读。

Step 1 老师以视听形式呈现1a的内容数遍,如展示景点的图片并同步播放景点名称的录音。

Step 2 学生打开课本到第14页,观察题目,弄清题意,然后老师播放录音,学生完成1a的任务,并适时学习六个景点名称。

Step 3 播放1b录音,学生完成1b的连线练习,师生共同核对答案。然后老师引导学生采取不同方式朗读三个句子,并适时教授capital,Washington DC, US, UK 等相关内容。

Step 4 老师逐句播放录音数遍,学生跟读并学习culture, popular等相关内容。Step 5 采取多种文本朗读文本,如全班读,分组读,个人读等,老师适时给予指导。

Step 6 老师播放没有声音的1a图片示范描述,引导学生进行练习,再次巩固所学内容。

Step 7老师呈现不同国家、不同地区的图片,学生尝试描述,老师适时给予评价。1a录音稿:

the Great Wall the Palace Museum Tower Bridge the London Eye

the White House the Smithsonian Castle

lb & 1C录音稿:

Beijing is in the north of China. It is the capital of the country. There are many

interesting places in Beijing. The Great Wall and the Palace Museum are the most popular.

London is the capital of the UK. The city is full of history and culture. The British Museum, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the London Eye are great fun to visit!

Washington DC is the capital of the US. It is home to the famous White House and the Smithsonian Museums. You can feel the history and culture of the country here.


2 1 3

2. Emma is in London. Match the pictures with the postcards.连一连。

Step l 学生打开课本到第16页,自主阅读,根据三张明信片的主要内容,完成连线练习。

Step 2师生共同核对答案,请做对的同学说出理由。

Step 3逐句播放录音数遍,学生跟读并适时学习in the middle of, at the moment 等相关内容。

Step 4采取多种形式朗读文本内容,如全班读、小组读、自由读等,并引导学生总结出明信片的书写格式。

Step 5学生尝试给自己的好朋友写一张明信片,然后老师选出2-3人进行展示并适时给予评价。


Dear Mike,

Guess where we are today. We are looking at the Palace. The Queen lives there. She’ s not at home today. Tomorrow we’ll be back in Manchester.



Dear Mike,

It’s great! There are so many big shops. There are lots and lots of people. Guess where

we are at the moment.



Dear Mike,

I like it here! Today we’re in the middle of London. We’re walking around Hyde Park. It’s so big. Next we are going to Big Ben and Tower Bridge.



3a. Read and learn.读一读,学一学。

3b. Who gets the correct answer? Listen and tick. 听一听,勾一勾。

Step l 老师出示3b的地图,引导学生仔细观察并学习录音中出现的相关地名。Step 2 老师呈现某人在地图中的不同位置,通过问答形式(Excuse me, how can we get to ...? Excuse me, how can we get to …from here? Go straight ahead, then ... Thank you very much. You’re welcome.),引导学生复习问路、指路的表达方式。Step 3 多次变换此人在地图中的位置,老师通过问答形式适时教授take the first/ second/third left/right的表达方式,并引导学生学习及操练。

Step 4 学生打开课本到第17页,自主阅读3a的内容,弄清题意并在3b的地图中找出关键地名,做上记号。

Step 5 播放录音数遍,学生根据关键词完成听力练习。

Step 6 师生共同核对答案,并请做对的学生说出理由。


Mum: Excuse me, how can we get to the National Gallery from here?

Man: Go straight ahead, then take the first right. Go straight ahead again and then take the third street on the left.

Mum: Thank you.

Man: That’s OK.

Dad: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the National Gallery?

Girl: Go straight ahead, cross Piccadilly Circus into Regent Street. Then take the second street on the right.

Dad: Thank you very much.

Girl: You’re welcome.

Emma: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the National Gallery?

Woman: OK. Take the first left and then the third right. Go straight ahead to Trafalgar Square where the National Gallery is.

Emma: Thank you very much.

Woman: No problem.

4a. Look at the photo and do the New York quiz. 看一看,测一测。

4b. Read and check.读一读,核答案。

Step l 学生打开课本到第18页,仔细观察4a的图片,老师引导图片说出相关信息,如:This is New York. It’s a big city.等。

Step 2 学生自主阅读5个问题,根据图片及对纽约的了解作出回答,老师巡视并给予指导。

Step 3 学生通过自主阅读4b文本,自查5个问题的答案,然后全班核对,适时学习并了解twin towers, World Trade Centre的相关背景知识。

Step 4老师播放录音,学生逐句跟读,并采取不同形式朗读,如全班读、小组读、个人读等,老师适时给予指导和评价。


New York City is a busy city by the sea in the US. It is also one of the biggest cities in the world. The twin towers in the photo were the tallest buildings in the city. But they were hit by two planes and fell down in 2001.

5a. Listen and read.听一听,读一读。

5b. Read again and then tick True of False.读一读,勾一勾。

Step 1老师播放5a录音,学生通过回答What is the passage about? 初步了解文章


Step 2 老师提问:What do you know about Wuhan from this passage? 再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读,回答问题,进一步了解文章内容。

Step 3学生通过自主阅读短文,完成5b练习,师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。

Step 4采取不同形式朗读短文,如全班读、男女生读、小组读等。

Step 5老师示范仿照文本描述一个城市的特征,学生猜出地名。然后学生尝试描述其他的城市,全班开展游戏。


Wuhan is a big city in China. It is a city of rivers. The Changjiang River runs across the city from west to east, and the Han River enters the Changjiang River here. Wuhan is also a city of lakes because there are many lakes in the city. And the East Lake is the biggest. There are many beautiful parks around the lake.


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. False


1. Dear, great, There, shops, lots, people, are, palace, Queen, Love

2. go straight ahead, take the second left, take the first right, turn right, turn left

3. Dialogue 1: Take the first left and then take the next right. The cinema is opposite the bus stop.

Dialogue 2: Take the first left and go straight ahead. The post office is on the left. Dialogue 3: Go straight ahead and take the third right.

Dialogue 4: Go straight ahead and take the third left. Then go straight ahead and take the second left.

Unit3 Festivals教学设计




3.能理解并学唱歌曲Halloween song.



1.Read the texts about festivals. Then listen and repeat.读一读,听一听,说一说。

Step l 老师呈现不同节日图片,并提问:What festival is it? When is it? What do we often do on this day?引导学生说出对不同节日的了解。

Step 2 学生打开课本到第20页,自主阅读两段短文,通过回答问题What festivals are they?初步了解文章大意。

Step 3老师提问What do you know about Mid-Autumn Festival and Thanksgiving from the passage? 学生再次阅读短文,找出相关信息回答问题,进一步理解短文内容。

Step 4老师播放录音,学生逐句跟读,借助图片,学习get together, moon cake, turkey等生词和短语。

Step 5学生采用不同形式朗读短文,如全班读、分组读、分段读等。

Step 6老师分别呈现中秋节和感恩节的图片,引导学生描述,并选出几人进行展示,老师给予指导和评价。

Step 7老师示范描述其他节日,其余节日的名称,全班开展游戏。


Mid-Autumn Festival

The 15th day of the Chinese lunar August is a very important festival in China.

It’s Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, the moon is full and bright. Families get together and eat moon cakes. People far from home look up at the moon and think about their families.


The fourth Thursday in November is a holiday in the USA. It Thanksgiving.

On this day, families get together and have a big dinner. People usually eat turkey,

sweet potatoes and other vegetables. Many people will meet in the streets and enjoy their holiday together. Everybody has fun!

2.Read the story and find out more about Thanksgiving.读一读,找一找。Step l 学生打开课本到第21页,仔细观察图片说出节日的名称,并根据自己所学知识谈谈感恩节。

Step 2 老师要求学生通过自主阅读,找出更多感恩节的相关信息,并在全班汇报交流,了解感恩节的来历。

Step 3 播放录音,学生逐句跟读,并适时学习native, build, hunt, wild turkey, plant corn, invite等相关内容。

Step 4 学生采用不同形式朗读故事,如全班读、分组读、男女生读等。

Step 5 引导学生描述感恩节来历及习俗,并全班展示汇报,老师给予指导与评价。录音稿:

It is 1620. The Mayflower lands in America. The ship comes from England. The People on the Mayflower are looking for a new home. It is winter. The people from England are cold and hungry. Native Americans help them to build houses. They show them how to hunt for wild turkey. They show them how to catch fish. Later, when it warm again, they show them how to plant corn. The people want to thank the Native Americans and have a big party. They invite the Native Americans. They call their party Thanksgiving.

3a. Listen and read the text.听一听,读一读。

3b. Answer the questions.答一答。

3c. Read the text again. Then put the sentences in the correct order. 读一读,排排序。

Step l 老师播放有关万圣节的各种图片,引导学生自由谈论对于万圣节的了解。Step 2 老师播放录音,学生通过回答What do the children often do at Halloween?初步感知短文内容。

Step 3 学生打开课本到第22页,带着3b的5个问题自主阅读短文并找出答案。Step 4 师生共同核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由,并适时教授dress up, witches, trick or treat等。

Step 5 学生分小组阅读短文,完成3c的排序练习,全班核对答案。

Step 6 采取不同形式朗读短文,如全班读、分小组读、男女生读等。

Step 7 老师引导学生根据所学内容描述万圣节的相关习俗,并请2-3名学生汇报,老师给予指导与评价。



On 31st October, children in Britain and the USA dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts. They go from house to house and ring the doorbell. When the door opens, they call out, "T rick or treat.”

Most people give the children a treat, often chocolates or other sweets.

Some people don’t give the children anything. Then the children play a trick. They come back, ring the doorbell again and run away.


1.Halloween is on 31st October.

2.The children dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts.

3.They go from house to house and ring the doorbell.

4.When the door opens, they call out, “Trick or treat”.

5.Most people give the children a treat, often chocolates or other sweets.

3c答案: 34512

4. Listen and sing the song.听一听,唱一唱。

Step l学生打开课本到第23页,仔细观察图片,自主阅读对话,通过回答问题What festival is it? What do you know about it? 为学习歌曲做好铺垫。

Step 2老师播放录音,学生初步感受歌曲旋律及内容。

Step 3老师再次播放录音数遍,学生尝试跟唱歌曲,并重点学习第三段,如老师借助图片和动作帮助学生理解和操练歌词。

Step 4学生再次演唱歌曲,可采用多种形式,如师生对唱、男女生对唱、分组对唱等。

Step 5老师示范,引导学生创编新歌曲,谈谈其他的节日,并选出2-3组进行展示,老师给予指导和评价。


五年级英语测试卷 学校班级姓名 听力部分(共 20 分) 一、 Listen and colour.听数字,涂颜色。(5分) 1318403080 1420125015 二、 Listen and tick. 听录音,在相应的格子里打“√”。(6分) Play Swim Play the Ride a Roller Play foot Ski table ball piano horse blade tennis Tom Jimmy Iane 三、 Listen and number.听录音,标序号。(9分) pig fox lion cow

snake duck hippo wolf sheep 笔试部分(共 80 分) 一、 Write the questions.将完整的句子写在下面的横线上。(10 分) got it Has eyes on a farm it live sheep a it other animals eat it it Is 二、 Look and choose.看看它们是谁,将字母填入括号内。(8 分) A. B. C. D.

E. F.G.H. ( )pig( )fox( )sheep( ) cat ( ) snake( ) lion( ) mouse ( ) elephant 三、 Look at the pictures and write the questions.看图片,根据答语写出相应的问题。 (10 分) No,it doesn’t.

Yes,it is. Yes,it does. Yes,it has. Yes,it does. 四、 Choose the right answer. 选择正确的答案。 (18 分 ) 1、it live on a farm fly


《Join in》六年级Starter Unit 重点单词: Cinema['s?n?m?;]电影院cry out大声喊叫exercise ['eks?sa?z]运动锻炼get along 相处grade[gre?d]成绩,分数left左边的plan[pl?n]计划spend 花(时间) supermarket['su?p?mɑ?k?t; 'sju?-]超市trip [tr?p]旅行turn [t??n]on打开will将 (用于将来时)get on the bus上车get off the bus下车put on his shirt穿上他的T 恤take off his shirt脱下他的T恤 重点短语:(要 Eat healthy['helθ?]and eat better 吃健康的食物,吃好点 求背诵) Drink more water 多喝水Exercise more多运动Laugh[lɑ?f]more often经常笑 Enjoy life享受生活Get good grades取得好成绩 Learn something new学习新东西Study often经常学习Read more books多读书 Watch less television['tel?v??(?)n; tel?'v??(?)n]少看电视 Play fewer ['fju??] games少玩游戏Take a trip去旅行Help others帮助他人 Get along better with people更好的与人相处Make new friends交新朋友 Spend more time with family and friends 多花时间与家人和朋友相处 (要求可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答) 重点句型It’s good to see you again.很高兴再见到你 How was your summer holiday?你暑假过得怎么样? It was great.There were so many fruit trees and birds.非常棒。那里有很多水果树和小鸟。 How about you?那你呢? What are you doing to do in Year 6?你6年级准备干嘛? I’m going to work harder at English.我打算更加努力的学英语 What’s the weather like?=How’s the weather?今天天气怎么样? It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/raining..今天天气晴朗/多云/有风/下雨 Excuse me.where’s the post office?打扰一下,请问邮局在哪? Go straight ahead [?'hed].Then turn right.往前直走,然后右转 It’s on the left,opposite['?p?z?t]the park.它在左边,公园的对面 Turn left and it’s on the right.It’s next to the church.左转,在右边,在教堂的旁边 重点语法: 1.会用I’m going to ….句型向别人讲述自己的计划 2.会用what’s the weather like?和How\s the weather?询问天气,并回答It’s sunny/cloudy… 3.会用Where is the…..?问路并回答。


Join In剑桥小学英语(改编版)入门阶段Unit 1Hello,hello第1单元嗨,嗨 and mime. 1 听,模仿 Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 站起来说"嗨" 拍手坐下来 Good. Let's do up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 好. 我们来再做一遍.站起来说"嗨"拍手坐下来 the pictures. 2 再听一遍给图画编号. up "hello" hands down 1 站起来 2 说"嗨" 3 拍手 4 坐下来说 3. A ,what's yourname 3 一首歌嗨,你叫什么名字 Hello. , what's yourname Hello. Hello. 嗨. 嗨. 嗨, 你叫什么名字嗨,嗨. Hello, what's yourname I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello,hello.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比. 我叫托比 . 嗨,嗨,嗨. I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello, let's go! 我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨, 我们一起! Hello. , what's yourname I'm 'm Toby. 嗨.嗨.嗨, 你叫什么名字我叫托比.我叫托比. Hello,hello,hello. I'm 'm Toby. Hello,hello,let's go! 嗨,嗨,嗨.我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨,我们一起! 4 Listen and stick 4 听和指 What's your name I'm Bob. 你叫什么名字我叫鲍勃. What's your name I'm Rita. What's your name I'm Nick. 你叫什么名字我叫丽塔. 你叫什么名字我叫尼克. What's your name I'm Lisa. 你叫什么名字我叫利萨. 5. A story-Pit'sskateboard. 5 一个故事-彼德的滑板. Pa:Hello,Pit. Pa:好,彼德. Pi:Hello,:What's this Pi:嗨,帕特.Pa:这是什么 Pi:My new :Look!Pi:Goodbye,Pat! Pi:这是我的新滑板.Pi:看!Pi:再见,帕特! Pa:Bye-bye,Pit!Pi:Help!Help!pi:Bye-bye,skateboard! Pa:再见,彼德!Pi:救命!救命!Pi:再见,滑板! Unit 16. Let's learnand act 第1单元6 我们来边学边表演.

外研社JOIN IN剑桥小学英语四年级第一单元培优题

四年级第一单元培优题 一、Basic words(基础单词): things in a room 1.桌子 2.椅子 3.窗户 4.图片 5.墙壁 6.时钟 8.盒子 Verb 1.唱歌 2.开始开始 3.结束 phrases 1.起床 2.上学 3.做运动 4.吃午饭 5.做运动 6.睡觉 7.开始上课 8.结束上课 Adj. 1.快的 2.慢的 Time 1.分钟 2.小时 3.天 4.周 5.月 6.季节 7.年 二、Extensive words(拓展词汇): 1.墙壁 2. 疯狂的 3.strike 4.midnight 6.correct 7. 告诉 8.outside 三、Basic sentences: 1. What’s the time on your watch? It’s (12:30) 2. ?

It’s eight o’clock. 3. What time do you get up? I get up 4. When do you have lunch? 5. When do classes begin? 6. When does school end? 7. How many minutes are there in an hour? There are 8. How many are there in a year? There are four. 9. ? There are seven days in a week. 10. What time is it by the black watch? (11:30) 四、Extensive sentences: 1. I have got a beautiful clock. But I think it is very . Because at one o’clock it strikes two. At two o’clock my crazy clock four. At ten o’clock it do a thing. But at midnight my clock to sing. 五、Passages: 基础篇 Hello! I’m Sophie. I’m ten years old. I’m from Australia. But now I live in


小学英语毕业考试模拟试卷 姓名:分数 一、听录音,判断你听到的内容与下了图片是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的 写“F”。(读两遍,共5分) 1.() 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 二、听录音,根据录音内容将下面句子编号,用数字1—5表示。(读两遍,共5分)( ) Yes,I have. ( ) Five. Two rabbits and three dogs. ( ) Hello , have you got any pets? ( ) That’s nice. ( )How many have you got? 三、听录音,选出与你听到的单词同类的一个单词。(读两遍,共10分) ( )1. A. pear B. thirty C. elephant D.sweater ( )2. A. sandwich B. necklace C.pencil case D. pink ( )3 A. ten B. orange juice D. fox ( )4. A. thirty B.eraser C.sticker D.dress ( )5. A.desk B. fifteen C. milk D.yellow 四、听录音,给你听到的问句选择正确的答语。(读两遍,共10分) ()1. A. Yes, I can . B. It’s ten. C. Yes, I have. ( ) 2. A. They are fifty yuan. B. It’ s ten years old. C. Eleven. ( ) 3. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes, it can C.Yes, I have. . ( ) 4. A. It’s Monda y. B. In January. C. Yellow and green. ( ) 5. A. I’m going to clean the car. B. I collect stamps and comics. C. I often dream of monkeys. 五、在四线格中按顺序默写26个字母的大写和小写形式。(共10分) 六、读一读,按要求将下面的单词分类。(共10分) yellow frog thirteen hamburger schoolbag orange hamster twelve desk beef purple snake sixteen pears ruler white rabbit twenty noodles chair Colours:__________________________________________________________ Pets:______________________________________________________________ Numbers:__________________________________________________________ Food:_____________________________________________________________ School things:______________________________________________________ 七、看图片,补全单词。(共10分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.sch_ _lbag 2. n_se 3. c_w 4.sh_l_s 5.r_ _g 6. sh_ _t 7.l_ _p 8. t_es 9.c_k_ 10.d_ _r

Join In剑桥小学英语.doc

Join In剑桥小学英语(改编版)入门阶段 Unit 1Hello,hello第1单元嗨,嗨 1.Listen and mime. 1 听,模仿 Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 站起来说"嗨" 拍手坐下来 Good. Let's do itagain.Stand up Say 'hello' Slap hands Sit down 好. 我们来再做一遍.站起来说"嗨"拍手坐下来 2.listen again.Number the pictures. 2 再听一遍给图画编号. 1.Stand up 2.Say "hello" 3.Slap hands 4.Sit down 1 站起来 2 说"嗨" 3 拍手 4 坐下来说 3. A song.Hello,what's yourname? 3 一首歌嗨,你叫什么名字? Hello. Hello.Hello, what's yourname? Hello. Hello. 嗨. 嗨. 嗨, 你叫什么名字? 嗨,嗨. Hello, what's yourname? I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello,hello. 嗨, 你叫什么名字? 我叫托比. 我叫托比 . 嗨,嗨,嗨. I'm Toby. I'm Toby. Hello,hello, let's go! 我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨, 我们一起! Hello. Hello.Hello, what's yourname? I'm Toby.I'm Toby. 嗨.嗨.嗨, 你叫什么名字? 我叫托比.我叫托比. Hello,hello,hello. I'm Toby.I'm Toby. Hello,hello,let's go! 嗨,嗨,嗨.我是托比. 我是托比. 嗨,嗨,我们一起! 4 Listen and stick 4 听和指 What's your name? I'm Bob. 你叫什么名字? 我叫鲍勃. What's your name ? I'm Rita. What's your name ? I'm Nick. 你叫什么名字? 我叫丽塔. 你叫什么名字? 我叫尼克. What's your name ? I'm Lisa. 你叫什么名字? 我叫利萨. 5. A story-Pit'sskateboard. 5 一个故事-彼德的滑板. Pa:Hello,Pit. Pa:好,彼德. Pi:Hello,Pat.Pa:What's this? Pi:嗨,帕特.Pa:这是什么? Pi:My new skateboard.Pi:Look!Pi:Goodbye,Pat! Pi:这是我的新滑板.Pi:看!Pi:再见,帕特! Pa:Bye-bye,Pit!Pi:Help!Help!pi:Bye-bye,skateboard! Pa:再见,彼德!Pi:救命!救命!Pi:再见,滑板! Unit 16. Let's learnand act 第1单元6 我们来边学边表演.


五 年 级 英 语 测 试 卷 学校 班级 姓名 听力部分(共20分) 一、Listen and colour . 听数字,涂颜色。(5分) 二、Listen and tick .听录音,在相应的格子里打“√”。(6分)

三、Listen and number.听录音,标序号。(9分) pig fox lion cow snake duck hippo wolf sheep 笔试部分(共80分) 一、Write the questions.将完整的句子写在下面的横线上。(10分) 1.two got it Has eyes?

2.Does on a farm ? it live 3.Is sheep? a it 4.Does other animals? eat it it Is 二、Look and choose.看看它们是谁,将字母填入括号内。(8分)

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. ( ) pig ( ) fox ( ) sheep ( ) cat ( ) snake ( ) lion ( ) mouse ( ) elephant 三、Look at the pictures and write the questions.看图片,根据答语写出相应的问题。(10分)

?No,it doesn’t. ?Yes,it is. ?Yes,it does.

?Yes,it has. ?Yes,it does. 四、Choose the right answer.选择正确的答案。(18分) 1、it live on a farm? A.Do B.Has C.Does


《剑桥小学英语Join In ——Book 3 下学期》教材教法分析2012-03-12 18:50:43| 分类:JOIN IN 教案| 标签:|字号大中小订阅. 一、学情分析: 作为毕业班的学生,六年级的孩子在英语学习上具有非常显著的特点: 1、因为教材的编排体系和课时不足,某些知识学生已遗忘,知识回生的现象很突出。 2、有的学生因受学习习惯及学习能力的制约,有些知识掌握较差,学生学习个体的差异性,学习情况参差不齐、两级分化的情况明显,对英语感兴趣的孩子很喜欢英语,不喜欢英语的孩子很难学进去了。 3、六年级的孩子已经进入青春前期,他们跟三、四、五年级的孩子相比已经有了很大的不同。他们自尊心强,好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,有自己的评判标准和思想,对知识的学习趋于理性化,更有自主学习的欲望和探索的要求。 六年级学生在英语学习上的两极分化已经给教师的教学带来很大的挑战,在教学中教师要注意引导学生调整学习方式: 1、注重培养学生自主学习的态度 如何抓住学习课堂上的学习注意力,吸引他们的视线,保持他们高涨的学习激情,注重过程的趣味化和学习内容的简易化。 2、给予学生独立思考的空间。 3、鼓励学生坚持课前预习、课后复习的好习惯。 六年级教材中的单词、句子量比较多,难点也比较多,学生课前回家预习,不懂的地方查英汉词典或者其它资料,上课可以达到事半功倍的效果,课后复习也可以很好的消化课堂上的内容。 4、注意培养学生合作学习的习惯。 5、重在培养学生探究的能力:学习内容以问题的方式呈现、留给学生更多的发展空间。 二、教材分析: (一).教材特点: 1.以学生为主体,全面提高学生的素质。


外研版五年级英语上册期末测试题 姓名:_______________ 分数:____________ (时间60分钟满分100分) 听力部分:(30分) 一、圈出你所听到的单词(10分) 1. bored 2. now 3. last 4. bell bottle number late well 5. plant 6. plant 7. ninety 8. show playground place nineteen slow 10. bush 11. family bring farmer 二、根据所听句子给下列图片排序(5分) ()()()()()三、听问句,选答语(5分) ()1.A.He is tired. B.Yes,I am. C.I am happy. ()2.A.Yes,please. B.We buy two bottles.

C.She drinks it all. ()3.A.I go to school at seven o’clock. B.I get up at seven o’clock. C.I get up on Sunday. ()4.A.Yes,I can. B.No,I don’t. C.Yes,it is. ()5.A.I’m fine. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,I have. 四、根据所听内容完成下列对话(10分) A:What is it? B:It’s past eight. A:Oh, I am for school. How can I get to school on ? B:Don’t worry. I send you to your school. 笔试部分:(70分) 一、根据汉语提示,讲下列排序错乱的字母组成正确的单词(5分) 1.erwolf(花) 2.serwan (答案) 3.anelc(弄干净) 4.afimyl (家庭,家人) 5.letl (告诉) 二、将每组不同类的单词找出来(5分),k juice ice cream water tell swim playground forty sixty thirteen 4.tired exercise sad hungry


2011-2012 学年度上学期六年级复习题(Unit2-Unit3 ) 一、听力部分 1、听录音排序 ( ) () ()() () 2、听录音,找出与你所听到的单词属同一类的单词 () 1. A. spaceman B. pond C . tiger () 2. A.mascots B. potato C . jeans () 3. A. door B. behind C . golden () 4. A. sometimes B. shop C . prince () 5. A. chair B. who C . sell 3、听录音,将下面人物与他的梦连线 Sarah Tim Juliet Jenny Peter 4、听短文,请在属于Mr. Brown的物品下面打√ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5、听问句选答句 () 1. A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I have C . Yes, you do () 2. A.Pink B. A friendship band C . Yes. () 3. A. OK B. Bye-bye. C . Thanks, too. () 4. A. Monday. B. Some juice. C . Kitty. () 5. A. I ’ve got a shookbag. B. I ’m a student. C . It has got a round face. 6、听短文,选择正确答案 () 1. Where is Xiaoqing from? She is from . A.Hebei B. Hubei C . Hunan () 2. She goes to school at . A.7:00 B.7:30 C . 7:15 () 3. How many classes in the afternoon? classes. A. four B. three C . two () 4. Where is Xiaoqing at twelve o ’clock? She is . A. at home B. at school C .in the park () 5. What does she do from seven to half past eight? She . TV B. reads the book C. does homework

小学英语join in六年级上学期的知识点

JOIN IN英语六年级下册课本知识点 Starter Unit Join us 1Words blink 眨(眼) pony 小马 boss 老板,领导 really 确实地,的确 cowboy 牛仔 spacecraft 宇宙飞船 for now 目前暂时 supersonic 超音速的 pilot 飞行员 pm 下午(用于表示重点的数字之后) think 想,认为 have to 必须,不得不 from …to…从…到… want to be 想成为 2Sentences 1. What do you want to be in ten years’time from now? 十年后你想做什么? 2. You could be …But I don’t want to be …I want to be …I don’t want to be… 你可能成为…但是你不想成为一个…我想成为一个…我不想成为 3. I don’t really know. 我真的不知道 4. I really have to go. 我真的必须走了 5. Where is Simon from? Simon 来自哪里? 6. What does he love? 他喜欢做什么? 7. What did he do from 3 to 5 pm? 从3点到5点他做了什么? 8. What is your favourite subject at school and why? 在学校你最喜欢的学科是什么?为什么? 9.I also like PE . I love to run a lot for exercise. 我也喜欢体育。我喜欢将跑步作为一项锻炼。 10.Tomorrow I will play football with my friends in the park after school. 明天放学后,我将和朋友们踢足球。 2Grammar 一般过去时:主+动词的过去式例: I had a fun day yesterday. 一般现在时:主+V (当第三人称单数作主语时,动词要变化) 例:It makes me so happy. 一般将来时:主+will +V 例: Tomorrow I will play football with my friends . There be 句型:There is a /an…There are some… Unit 1 My cousin and I 1Words auntie 姑妈,姨妈,伯母,婶婶,舅妈 friendly 友好,友善的 little 幼小的 Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节


六上英语期末测试 听力部分(共 50 分)(听力材料读两遍)I. Listen and number. 听录音,给图片标号。(12 分)IV. Listen and match. 听录音,选出与短文描述相符的动物图片,并将字母序号写在对应的括号内。(10 分) 1.() A. 2.() B. 3.() E . 4.() C. 5.() D. II. Listen and connect. 听录音,将人名和对应的图片连线。(8 分) III. Listen, guess and write. 听录音,根据对话猜一猜孩子们喜欢的课程,并将课程前的数字序号写在方框内。(4 分) 1. Geography 2. History 3. French 4. ICT 5. Drama 6. Science 7. Maths 8. Music 1. 3. 2. 4.V. Listen and choose. 听录音,在正确答案后的括号里打“ √”。(10 分) 1. Susan is from Australia. A.() Argentina. B.() 2. She often helps her mother do some housework. A.() feed chickens. B.() 3. She usually goes to school by bus. A.() on foot. B.() 4. Her precious thing is the piano. A.() the basketball. B.() 5. She wants to have a good job. A.() to be a musician. B.() VI. Listen and judge.听录音,判断句子的正误,对的在“内打“√”,错的打“×”。 (6 分)1 .Mary is a Chinese girl. 2 . There are 25 pupils in Mary’s class:12 girls and 13 boys. 3 . This year Mary will have a new subject: Drama. 4Mr. White will teach Mary Drama. She is his


外研社剑桥小学英语Join_in四年级上册整体课时教案Starter Unit Let's begin 第一学时: The pupils learn to understand: How are you today? I’m fine/OK. Goodbye. The pupils learn to use: What’s your name? I’m (Alice). How are you? I’m fine. I’m OK. Activities and skills: Decoding meaning from teacher input. Using phrases for interaction in class. Greeting each other. I Introduce oneself. Asking someone’s mane. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm—up. Sing a song. Hello, what’s your name? Step 2: Presentation. 1. What’s your name? I’m…. (1) The teacher introduces herself, saying: Hello, /Good morning, I’m Miss Sun. (2) Asks a volunteer’s name:

What’s your name? The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, I’m (Alice). (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whispering I’m…. 2. How are you today? I’m fine. I’m OK. (1) The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2) Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers, I’m (not very) fine/I’m Ok. (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply. Step3: Speak English in class. 1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, and listen to the tape. 2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. A volunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group. 第二学时: The pupils learn to use these new words: Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar.

Join In六年级上1-6单元句型

《Join in》六年级Unit 1 重点单词:(重点复习星期的单词)(要求背诵) 重点句型:(要求背诵) 1.How many pupils are there in your class 你班上有多少个学生? There are twenty pupils in our class. 我们班上有20个学生。 2.How many subjects do you have at school 你在学校里有多少门课? I have 10 subjects at school. 我在学校里有10门课。 3.What’s your favorite subject 你最喜欢的科目是什么 My favorite subject is English. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。 4.Which school do you go to 你去哪个学校?I go to Lake School. 5.What do they like doing 他们喜欢干什么?They like singing songs. 他们喜欢唱歌。 6.What do you like doing 你最喜欢干什么?I like playing football. 我最喜欢踢足球。 7.What do they often do 他们经常干什么?They often listen to classical music. 他们经 常听古典音乐。 8.What do you often do 你经常干些什么?I often go to Science Museum. 我经常去科 学馆。(要求可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答) 课文图片句型 1.I came to China. 我来自中国。 2.This year we will have two new subjects, Drama and History.今年我们加了两门新课程,戏 剧和历史。 3.We all love sports. 我们都喜欢运动。 4.School is great fun. 学校非常有趣。 5.I love sports and games. 我爱运动和游戏。 6.I love drawing pictures. 我爱画画。 7.I often go to the Science Museum. 我经常去科学馆。 重点语法: 1.会用How many。。。提问,问数量:How many books do you have你有几本书? 2.会用What’s your favorite color/food/animal/...句型提问,你最喜欢的颜色/食物/动物... 是什么? doing喜欢做某事I like swimming。我喜欢游泳。 注:重点单词,重点句型,重点语法是必须掌握的。


Starter Unit Let's begin 第一学时: The pupils learn to understand: How are you today? I’m fine/OK. Goodbye. The pupils learn to use: What’s your name? I’m (Alice). How are you? I’m fine. I’m OK. Activities and skills: Decoding meaning from teacher input. Using phrases for interaction in class. Greeting each other. I Introduce oneself. Asking someone’s mane. Teaching process: Step 1: Warm—up. Sing a song. Hello, what’s your name? Step 2: Presentation. 1. What’s your name? I’m…. (1) The teacher introduces herself, saying: Hello, /Good morning, I’m Miss Sun. (2) Asks a volunteer’s name: What’s your name? The teacher prompt the pupil by whispering, I’m (Alice). (3) Asks all the pupils the same question and help those who need it by whispering I’m…. 2. How ar e you today? I’m fine. I’m OK. (1)The teacher explains the meaning of How are you today? (2)Tell the class to ask the question all together and introduce two answers, I’m (not very) fine/I’m Ok. (3)Asks all the pupils the same question and make sure that all the students can reply. Step3: Speak English in class. 1. Tells the pupils to open their books at page3, look at the four photographs, and listen to the tape. 2. Asks the pupils to dramatise the situations depicted in the four photographs. A volunteer will play the part of the parts of the other pupils, answering as a group. 第二学时: The pupils learn to use these new words: Sandwich, hamburger, hot dog, puller, cowboy, jeans, cinema, walkman, snack bar, Taxi, clown, superstar. Activities and skills: Singing the song and colouring picture frames. Teaching process:


六年级上册期末练习题 满分:100 时间:60分钟 一.根据单词意思补全单词.(20分) 1.c ne a(电影院) 2. e e ci e(练习) 3.s p rm rk t(超市) 4.l ft (左边) 5. f n(狂热崇拜者) 6.p a (戏剧,玩) 7.b s (忙) 8.m p(地图) 9.r g t(右边) 10.r v r(河流)11.b c (后面)12.f r(远) 13.g t(抓住某人)14.p a t(种植)15.k n (体贴) 16. i ty(肮脏) s (草地)18.w r (工作) 19.y st rd y(昨天)20.d wn(向下) 二.选择填空。(18分) ( )1. In English, I like in groups. A. work B. working C. works ( )2.What do you like doing English ? A. in B. on C. at ( )3.How many are there your class ? A .pupils ;in B. pupil ;at C. pupils ;at ( )4.Beijing is in north China. A. the;at B. the ;of C. 不填;of ( )5. New York city is a busy city the sea. A. by B. on C. of ( )6.Wuhan is a city rivers. A. on B. in C. of ( )7.The city is full history and culture. A. of B. in C. at ( )8. What do the children do Halloween? A. at C. on ( )9.People far home look up at the moon.
