

《Join in 》六年级

Starter unit

重点 : (重点复 星期的 )

_________在??后 __________ 影院 ___________ 大声

_________ 的 _________ 运 , __________ 相

_________成 ,分数 _________ (使)保持

________ 左 的;左 _________ 划 __________ 花〔 〕 ___________ 超 市 _________ 旅行 ___________ 客气。 ____________ 没关系。 __________打开




______________最好的朋友; ___________ 想要; ______________ 多; ___________________上公汽; ________________


___________________ 穿上你的 衣 ___________________脱下他的 衣;

__________________在你的地方; ____________________ 明天早上;



更多的 ;

_____________________与其他人好好 ; __________________________5:15; _________________________学一些新 西; __________________ 常学 ;

花更多的 与家人、朋友在一起; _________________________交新朋友;


was your summer holiday-


-It was __________ - 我 得很好。

was ________ my grandparents _______the farm

我和我的 奶奶

一起在 度 的。

you got ____________- -Yes, 是的,我有 划。 in new school year

-I ’m going to

我打算更加努力学英 。

is the ____________ in Nanjing 南京的天气怎 -It ’s ________and _______. 刮 并且很冷。

is the post office


-Go straight _____________.

直走然后右 。

- 你新学年有什么 划

你 6 年 有 划


sky is ________ and _______. 天空清澈蔚蓝。

__________ Beijing tomorrow morning. 我明天早上到达北京。

___________watch lots of TV. 她喜欢看电视。

will _______________________________. 我打算花更多的时间做听力和阅读。

’m going to __________________.我打算做一个短暂旅行。

new cinema is _____________ the supermarket.


museum is __________ the church.博物馆紧挨着教堂。

hospital is _________ the park.医院在公园里面。

9. The fruit shop is____________the school.水果店在学校旁边。


1. 会用 What are you going to do in new school year 提问,问你新学年有


2. 会用 I ’m going to make more new friends. ...\ I will do more listening

and reading.

《 Join in 》六年级 Unit 1












和... 一起工作,学习


1.-How many are there in your class

-There twenty in our class.

学生。你班上有多少个学生我们班上有20 个

2. -How many do you at school 你在学校里有多少门课-I have 10 . 我在学校里有 10 门课。

3. - What’s your 你最喜欢的科目是什么

-My is English. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。

4. -Which school to 你去哪个学校

-I Lake School.

5. -What they like 他们喜欢干什么

-They like . 他们喜欢唱歌。

6. -What like doing 你最喜欢干什么

- I like . 我最喜欢踢足球。

7. -What do they 他们经常干什么

-They often classical music. 他们经常听古典



-I often go to the

9.-What do you

-I like cartoons often do你经常干些什么


in English在英语课上你喜欢做什么. 我喜欢看卡通片。


1. I China. 我来自中国。

2. This year we have two new subjects, and

History. 今年我们加了两门新课程,戏剧和历史。

3. We love . 我们都喜欢运动。

4. School is . 学校非常有趣。

5. I love and . 我爱运动和游戏。

6. I love . 我爱画画。

7. I go to the Science . 我经常去科学馆。

8. Our teacher is very . 我们的历史老师人很好。

9. I like . 我喜欢唱歌。

10. I like . 我喜欢小组合作。

11. I like stories . 我最喜欢读故事。


1.会用 How many。。。提问,问数量: How many books do you have 你有几本书

2 会用 What’s your favorite color/food/animal/...句型提问,你最喜欢的颜色 / 食物 / 动物 ... 是什么

3. like doing喜欢做某事I like swimming。我喜欢游泳。


《 Join in》六年级Unit 2


___________ 忙碌的__________靠近____________地图

__________ 右方_________江,河_________环绕

_____________ 此刻,当前____________ 建筑__________首都,首府_____________文化_____________ 方向________ 东,东方

_____________ 著名的__________ 第一的 ______________ 中部____________ 最______________ 北方__________ 宫殿____________ 女王__________ 右方右侧___________ 江,河____________ 第二的____________ 第三的__________ 双子塔__________________ 西,西面_________________ 受欢迎的___________________ 参观,拜访


1.Beijing is the ___________ China.北京是中国的首都。

2.Beijing is ___________________________China.北京在中国的北


3. It is __________________________in the world. 这是全世界最


4. The city ___________history and culture. 这个城市弥漫着历史


5. There are many ______________________ in Beijing. 北京有很


6.Big Ben and the London Eye are ______________ to visit.

7.The Great Wall and the Palace Museumare ___________________.


8.You can feel the ___________________________of the country

here. 你可以感受到这个城市的文化与历史。

9.-Is New York one of the biggest cities _______________ 纽


-Yes, it is _______________ in the world. 是的,纽约是世界上


10. ___________is the capital of the US 美国的首都是哪个城市

Washington DC is the capital of the US. 华盛顿是美国的首都。

11. -Is New York a city __________纽约是靠近海边的城市吗

-Yes, it ___. 是的

12. -____________ many tall buildings in the city 城市里有许多


-Yes, there are. 是的,有的(可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道



1.Go ___________ ahead. 笔直往前走。

2. Take the ________ right/left. 第一个路口右拐 / 左拐

3. Take the _______ right/left. 第二个路口右拐 / 左拐

4. ________ the ________ right/left. 第三个路口右拐 / 左拐

5. Tomorrow we’ll ___________ in Manchester.明天我们会回到曼


6.Guess where we are ___________. 猜猜我们现在在哪

7.Today we’re ____________________London. 今天我们在伦敦的中


8. We’re walking ____________ Hyde Park.我们正沿着海德公园走。

9. Next we ___________________ Big Ben and Tower Bridge.接下


10.The Changjiang River ___________ the city _______west

______east. 长江自西向东穿过整个城市。


1.There be 句型:There +be+ 名词 +介词 +地点,强调“某地有某物”

2.一般将来时 : 主语 +be going to + 动词原形 I am going to swim. 我准备去游

3.现在进行时 : 主语 +be+V-ing I am swimming. 我正在游泳


《 Join in 》六年级 Unit 3














1. -is万圣节是什么时候

-31st.10 月 31 号

2. -Festival do you like,or


-I. 我喜欢感恩节。

3. -How do the孩子们会怎样装扮

-They as witches,or ghosts.


4. -What on Halloween


-They and the from house to house.他们盛装打扮,一家一家的按门铃。


1. . 按门铃。

2. . 半个小时。

3. Let what you ’ve got. 让我看看你有什么。

’s at home. 家里没有人。

5. ! 过来。

6. ! 下来。

’ll . 我们会调查的。

8. . 做得好。

. 每个人都很有趣。

moon is people will

home . 月亮又圆又亮。


the moon and their

families. 许多离家远的人会抬头看看月亮,思念他们的家人。

show them . 他们会向他们展示怎样抓鱼。


have got 和 has got 的用法

There be 句型的用法

有,强调“某人有某物” have=have got ,主语是单数时,用 has= has got I have

a book.=I have got a book.He has a book.=He has got a book.

be 句型强调“某地有某物”

There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。

There are two pens in the pencil case.笔盒里有两支笔

《Join in》六年级复习1


Art capital third potato vegetable fish


cinema Christmas first science sweets classroom museum

Corn train Thanksgiving fourth station Halloween PE

supermarket Music










1.How many pupils are there in your class

2.When is Halloween

3.What do the children do on Halloween

4.What subjects do you often do in English

5.What subjects do you like best


b. On 31st October.

They dress up and ring the doorbell from house to house.

c.I often read in English.

d.I like English best.

e. Twelve pupils.



A:Excuse me,where is the park ,please

B:Go straight ahead ,take the second left.


A:Excuse me,where is the cinema

B:Go straight ahead,take the third right.

判断正误,正确的选T 错误的选 F。

1.The Mid —Autumn Festival is always in August.

2.The moon is full and bright at Halloween.

3.Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in December.

4.People usually eat a very simple meal at Thanksgiving.

5. On 31st October ,children in Britain and USAdress up as

animals and go from house to house.

《 Join in》六年级Unit 4












把? .. 收起来






1. ---What ’s you 你怎么了

--- My knees . 我的膝盖受了。

2. 得重

3. to . 遵守些。

4. This is a . 是个漂亮的野地。

5. I ’m to the . 我打算去海。

6. There’s . 你的脚上有血。

7. I at the beach. 我在沙上割了我的脚。7. Let me ’s .You . 是个很深的口,


8. , in the village 个村庄里有医生

9. , but there is a doctor . 没有,但是

隔壁村庄有个医生 .

10. The people in the village . 个村庄里的


11. Tony’s father who .


12. Your cut needs . It . 你的伤口需要缝

5 到

6 针,会痛的。

13. The boy and the girl often

him. 村庄里的男孩和女孩经常来和托尼一起玩耍.

14. . 不要忘记了写信.




1.结构:主语+V过去式He broke his right arm.

2. 一般疑问句: Did he break his right arm Yes,he did./No,he didn’t

3.会用What’s the matter with you询问别人发生了什么事,并会用

broke his right arm来进行简单回答



们形容词性物主代词: my 我的 your 你的 his 我们的 your 你们的 their他们的它 we我

他的 her








《 Join in 》六年级 Unit 5


1 任何人 2. 竹子 3 黑犀牛 4 危险的5. 挖 6 肮脏的7 很少的8 皮毛

9 草地10 看,瞧11 (牛,羊)角

12 杀死13 翠鸟14 叶子15 药物16 烂泥17 鸟巢18 部分19 河岸

20 拯救21 如此22 华南虎23 可爱的24 工作,事情25 昨天


1 去动物园

2 去电影院

3 打篮球

4 踢足球

5 看电视

6 去公园7

吃竹子8 吃草9 看一看


1.The panda China .熊猫生活在中国

2. It . 它吃竹子 It beautiful . 它的毛色很漂亮

It is and white . 它是黑白相间的3. It four legs. It has got a long nose. It ’s a very

big . 他有四条腿和长长的鼻子,它是一种大型动物

4. It eats . It lives the . It milk.


5. a sheep. 他个子比绵羊小

6. around thelove pandas. 世界各地的人们都很喜欢熊猫

7. But they are . 但是他们现在处于危险之中 Let ’ s

to help 让我们加入去帮助他们

8.There kingfishers this year. Let’s about

kingfishers on the web.今年没什么翠鸟了,让我们上网查查关于翠鸟


9.They holes in riverbanks to nest. Let ’ s

here. 他们需要早在河岸边筑巢,我们开始在这挖吧

10. Why come and us你为什么不加入来帮助我们

11. What are you doing here Be and a look. 你们在这干



1.一般现在时:(1)用于描述客观事实真理自然现象It is a big animal .

( 2 )用于经常发生的习惯性动作He often eats bread in the



It eats small animals. It has a big nose. It can give us


3. 根据问句给出相应回答:they sweet Yes, they are

Do you think the kingfishers will come back Yes,

I . Has it got four legs Yes, it.

Is it smaller than a horse Yes,.

《 Join in 》六年级Unit 6 重点单词:





























1. I ’m Carlos. I amBrazil. I the farm.

I at past seven every day.

我是 Calos, 我来自巴西,我住在一个农场里,我每天早上7:30 起床。

2. I go to school, I my fish . My fish are beautiful.

They are very me.


3. The town is 400 kilometers , so Mark

go to school 。

最近的城镇有 400 公里远,所以Mark 不能去上学。

4. His lessons on TV nine . Mark learns

things the children in town.

他的电视上的课程9 点开始, Mark 学的东西跟城镇的孩子一样。

5. Her family the money . Lena a . One day

she wants to her little shop.

她家里需要钱。Linda 有个梦想,她想有一间属于自己的商店。

6.the afternoon he soccer. He is in the

boys’ team his school .


7. Jimmy playing in the American national team

one day. His .

thing is a football with the signature of a famous

American player.

Jimmy 梦想有一天能在美国国家足球队踢球,他最宝贵的东西是国家队著名球星的签名。

8. Many people thempets. 许多人把它当成宠物养。

9. here. 不要在这游泳Don ’t . 不要左

Don’t this way.不要走这条路Don’t.不要进去

Don’t your mobile phone here.

10. He’s the phone in the library.


They’ re on the road. 不要在这打电话


She’s in the sun. 她正在阳光下看书

They’ re on the bus. 他们正在公交车上大声交谈

重点语法: be going to

2. I ’m going to + 动词原形 ....... 表示计划要做某事(一般将来时)此句



3. 否定祈使句: Don’t + 动词原形 .... 表示命令建议,”不要 ...... ”

造句: Don’ t. 4.会用本单元所学的句子:不要讲话。

I ’ m....,I come from...I live in.....I get up

at seven everyday. Before I go to school ,I feed my fish. 等句型来描述自己的生活和爱好。



部编新版四年级英语上册期中考试卷(四年级)期中考试 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 一、xx 题 (每空xx 分,共xx 分) 【题文】将下列单词翻译成汉语。(10分) (1)traffic lights . (2)office building . (3)near . (4)chain . (5)hotel . (6)grocery store . (7)clothes shop . (8)market . (9)movie theatre . (10)stay home . 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】连线。(5分) A small truck 一件蓝衬衣 A red desk 一顶黄帽子 A new telephone 一张红色书桌 A yellow hat 一辆小卡车 A blue shirt 一部新电话 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】连线。(5分) December 八月 April 四月 August 十二月 July 十月 October 七月 【答案】 【解析】

【题文】May I help ___ ? A. you B. your C. she 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——____are you?——Fine, thank you. A. What B. Where C. How 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——Is this a cab?——___. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn’t. C. No, it is. 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——Where’s my book?——___ the bed. A. In B. At C. On 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——What ___ it? ——It’s a restaurant. A. am B. is C. are 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——___ is the gym?——I can show you. A. What B. How C. Where 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——Where are you going?——___ the office. A. From B. Beside C. To 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】Red is ___ . A. wait B. stop C. go 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】A business man works in a (an) ______ A. office building C. market 【答案】 【解析】 【题文】——Excuse me.——____. A.Sorry B. OK! C. Yes 【答案】 【解析】

Join in小学英语六年级上册教案Revision2

Revision2教学设计 一、教学目标 1.复习有关身体部位的单词。 2.能听懂、读懂关于accidents, animals in danger, children of our world等话题的信息。 3.能读懂简单的英语海报,判断句子的正误,并尝试制作海报传达信息。 4.能看懂常见的标志牌,并与相应的英语表达正确配对。 5.运用句子Don’t …提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。 6.复习形容词比较级。 二、教学建议 1.Listen and tick. Find the missing words.听一听,勾一勾,找一找。 Step l 老师借助自己和学生的身体,复习身体部位名称。 Step 2学生打开课本到第50页,在图片的提示下,进一步复习身体部位的英文名称。 Step 3老师播放录音,学生独立完成听音打钩的练习。 Step 4师生共同核对答案。 Step 5学生根据录音,在图片中找出所缺单词,并用句子The missing words are.. 说出答案。 Step 6学生将所缺单词mouth, face, hand写在图中人物相应的身体部位。 录音稿: hair arm stomach head leg toe foot eye nose elbow knee shoulder 答案: mouth, face, hand 2a. Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾。 2b. Listen again and fill in the numbers. Then read.听一听,写数字,读一读。Step l老师播放录音,学生初步感知录音内容,可以利用课件或图片,呈现短文中的一些关键信息,帮助学生理解短文内容,如by bike, in Great Street, broke the right arm, the hospital next to the school等,但老师不作任何讲解。 Step 2学生在初步感知录音内容的基础上,打开课本到第51页,在老师的指导


五年级上册期末测试 一. Look and write. 二: 该下列句子排序。 三: 四:连词成句。 1、the get seven up I in morningat(.) __________________________________________________________ 2、bestfriendabeingoften dreams my of superstar(.) __________________________________________________________

3、animals sometimes I dreamthatcan Italk to(.) __________________________________________________________ 4、dream I neverthat canIfly(.) __________________________________________________________ 5、pandas Tobyoften dreams of(.) 五:选择“of”或“that”填空。 1、I often dream_________my school. 2、He often dreams_________ heis singingand dancing. 3、Iusually dream _________ being a spaceman. 4、She sometimes dreams _________ she is agood teacher. 5、Inever dream _________he is ridingahorse. 六:()1、--Haveyou got a ring? -- A. Yes, I am. B. Yes,Ihave. C. Yes, I do. ()2、I’mgoingto _chocolates. B. buys C.buying ( )3.She __ mascots.


六年级英语分类复习阅读训练题 班级:_______________ 姓名:_____________ (1) Ben: Hi, Kitty. Kitty: Hi, Ben. Ben: Let’s have a camp trip this Saturday. Kitty: Great! What do we need? Ben: We need some bread and drinks. Kitty: What drink do you like? Ben: I like apple juice. What about you? Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink. Ben: All right. Let’s go to the supermarket now. Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money. 快速阅读,用T或F判断下列句子的正误。 ( ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday. ( ) 2. They only need something to drink. ( ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things. ( ) 4. Ben’s favourite drink is milk. ( ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him. ( ) 6. They have enough money now. (2) A: Hi, Ben! It was National Day holiday last week. What did you do? B: On Monday I watched a film with my family. On Tuesday and Wednesday I was at a camp. I played football with my family. On Thursday I played computer games with my friends. On Friday and Saturday I visited my u ncle and aunt. They’re farmers. On Sunday I stayed at home and watched TV. A: Wow, you were busy. 根据对话,在横线上写出动词词组。 Sunday _____________ Monday _____________


《Join in》六年级Starter Unit 重点单词: Cinema['s?n?m?;]电影院cry out大声喊叫exercise ['eks?sa?z]运动锻炼get along 相处grade[gre?d]成绩,分数left左边的plan[pl?n]计划spend 花(时间) supermarket['su?p?mɑ?k?t; 'sju?-]超市trip [tr?p]旅行turn [t??n]on打开will将 (用于将来时)get on the bus上车get off the bus下车put on his shirt穿上他的T 恤take off his shirt脱下他的T恤 重点短语:(要 Eat healthy['helθ?]and eat better 吃健康的食物,吃好点 求背诵) Drink more water 多喝水Exercise more多运动Laugh[lɑ?f]more often经常笑 Enjoy life享受生活Get good grades取得好成绩 Learn something new学习新东西Study often经常学习Read more books多读书 Watch less television['tel?v??(?)n; tel?'v??(?)n]少看电视 Play fewer ['fju??] games少玩游戏Take a trip去旅行Help others帮助他人 Get along better with people更好的与人相处Make new friends交新朋友 Spend more time with family and friends 多花时间与家人和朋友相处 (要求可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答) 重点句型It’s good to see you again.很高兴再见到你 How was your summer holiday?你暑假过得怎么样? It was great.There were so many fruit trees and birds.非常棒。那里有很多水果树和小鸟。 How about you?那你呢? What are you doing to do in Year 6?你6年级准备干嘛? I’m going to work harder at English.我打算更加努力的学英语 What’s the weather like?=How’s the weather?今天天气怎么样? It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/raining..今天天气晴朗/多云/有风/下雨 Excuse me.where’s the post office?打扰一下,请问邮局在哪? Go straight ahead [?'hed].Then turn right.往前直走,然后右转 It’s on the left,opposite['?p?z?t]the park.它在左边,公园的对面 Turn left and it’s on the right.It’s next to the church.左转,在右边,在教堂的旁边 重点语法: 1.会用I’m going to ….句型向别人讲述自己的计划 2.会用what’s the weather like?和How\s the weather?询问天气,并回答It’s sunny/cloudy… 3.会用Where is the…..?问路并回答。


部编版PEP五年级英语上册 学科英语 班级 教师姓名 第一学期

Unit 1 What’s he like? Topic Unit 1 Theme What’s he like? A 部分Lesson 1 Aims 1.知识与能力目标 ⑴句型: 能够听、说、读、写句型:Is he young/funny?Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.What’s she like? She’s kind. 能够在情景中运用句型Is he/she yong/…? What’s he/she like?He/She is kind/…询问并回答某人的性格或外貌特征 能够在语境中理解单词know和句子Do you know Mr Young?的意思,并能正确发音。 能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演 ⑵词汇X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m 能够听、说、读、写单词:old,young,funny,kind,strict 能够在语境中运用这些单词询问并回答关于人物性格或外貌特征的问题,或运用这些单词描述人物性格或外貌特征 能够在有意义的语境汇总运用这些单词写出句子He/She/It is … 2.情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标 树立正确的审美观,避免以貌取人 Key Points 掌握strict的运用与发音 熟练运用句型:Is he young/funny?Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.What’s she like? She’s kind. Difficult Points 掌握strict的发音 一般疑问句: Is he young/funny?肯定回答:Yes,he is./否定回答:No,he isn’t. Aids Computer,radio,blackboard Task Introduce your teachers to your friends Blackboard Design Unit1 What’s he like?


专项训练一:词汇 一、选出每组中不同类的一项。 () 1. A. doll B. bus C. car D. bike () 2. A. hot B. summer C. autumn D. winter () 3. A. speak B. write C. sing D. apple () 4. A. violin B. guitar C. basketball D. drum () 5. A. the Spring Festival B. the Lantern Festival C. Christmas D. festival () 6. A. you B. my C. his D. their () 7. A. bread B. cake C. biscuit D. cola () 8. A. run B. jump C. swim D. flying () 9. A. never B. always C. knife D. sometimes () 10. A. more B. library C. restaurant D. shop 二、把下列图片与对应的单词连起来。 A. chopsticks B. library C. present D. stamp E. buildings F. postcard G. dancing H. camera I. snake J. clean 三、选出与下列图片相符的短语。

四、选词填空。 () 1. I want to go swimming, ________ I've got a cold. () 2. New York has got about eight million________. () 3. Do you like collecting________? () 4. Don't be late ________ school. () 5. I always ride my bike to school. I ________ go by bus. 五、根据首字母提示完成单词。 1. This is a m__________ of the world. Look! China is here. 2. The UN building is very s__________. 3. I like riding my b__________ . 4. I will watch a f__________ game on TV tomorrow. 5. Mr Li told us an interesting s__________ this afternoon. 6. Eating too much c__________ is bad for our teeth. 7. It is d__________ for Americans to use chopsticks. 8. It g__________ warmer and warmer in spring. 9. S__________! The light is red now. 10. I o__________ clean my bedroom on Sundays. 六、写出句子中画线单词的汉语意思。 1. It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long. __________ 2. The US is a big country. ______________________________ 3. I sometimes climb mountains with my friends. ________________________ 4. The Great Wall is very strong. ______________________________


班级:姓名: U nit one M y c lassroo m 一.需要掌握的单词 (要求:报英语说中文,报中文说英语) c lassroo m 教室pic ture图画fan风扇 rea l ly真的 in在…里面window 窗户 door门 wal l墙壁 T V 电视 blackboard 黑板 teacher’s desk讲台co mputer计算机 f loor地板 c lean打扫 under在…下面 l ight电灯 he lp帮助 near在…旁边on 在…上面 二、需要掌握的句型 (要求:中、英文能互译) W hat’s in the c lass room? 教室里有什么One b lackboard, many desks and cha i r s.一块黑板,许多桌子和椅子. I t’s near the window. W here i s i t? 它在哪儿? 它在窗户旁边. Let’s c lean the c l ass room! 让我们打扫教室吧! Let me he lp you. 让我来帮你吧.Ok. 好的. Thank you. 谢谢. All r igh t. 好的. Good idea. 好主意. W e have a new c lass room.我们有间新教室。 Let’s go and see!我们去看看吧! 三、辨音:字母a (要求:能准确区别元音的发音,听写下划线的单词) a-e:a:cake face name make da t e ha te ca t dad map bag ha t f a n baby t ab le candy 四.Let‘s do (要求:中、英文能互译,注意动词短语) O pen the door.开门 Close the window.关窗Clean the b lackboard.擦黑板Turn on the l ight.开灯Put up the p ic ture.挂图画 U nit two M y schoolbag 一、需要掌握的单词 (要求:报英语说中文,报中文说英语) m aths book 数学书schoolbag书包storybook 故事书notebook 故事书 Engl i sh book 英语书candy 糖果C hinese book 语文书los t丢失toy玩具 so much非常地 key钥匙 二、需要掌握的句型 (要求:中、英文能互译)

Join in小学英语六年级上册教案Starter__unit

Starter unit A plan for the new school year第1课时教学设计 【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)六上Starter unit 【主题】part1,2 【课时】第1课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims) 1. 能听懂、理解文本,并对句子做出相应判断。 2. 能读懂内容,并与朋友讨论自己的新学期计划。 二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties) 复习现在一般过去时与一般将来时的构成。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation) 课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review 师生自由对话,交流暑假生活(最好能提前通知学生准备几张假期生活的照片),How was your summer holiday? 与学生一起分享美好的暑假。接着老师问Have you got a plan for year 6? 引出本节课话题。 Step 2: Presentation 老师提出问题:How was Mark’s summer ho liday? 学生带着问题听录音, 找出问题的答案。 学生打开课本到第2页,自主阅读文章后完成练习,然后全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由。 老师播放录音,学生听录音逐句跟读,进一步理解对话内容。 老师选出一名学生示范对话,然后小组活动,请学生根据自己的假期活动两人一组练习,并选出1—2组进行展示,老师适时给予指导及评价。 录音稿: Linda: Hello, Mark! Mark: Hi, Linda. It’s good to see you again. Linda: You’re looking well! How was your summer holiday? Mark: It was great! I was with my grandparents on the farm. It was green and pretty there. And there were many fruit trees and birds. It was so beautiful!


Join in 五年级英语上册期中期末 复习总结 (外语教学与研究出版社) (三年级起点五年级上册) 特殊疑问词 Unit 1 My family 我的家庭 Phrases短语: 1.Run away逃跑

2.Walk off离开 Sentences.句子 1. A: Are these your parents? 这些是你的父母吗? B: Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。 2. A:Are those your grandparents? 那些是你的祖父母吗? B:Yes,they are. 是的,他们是。 3. A: Are you Emma’s mother?你是Emma的妈妈吗? B: Yes,she is. 是的,她是。 4. A: Is Tim Emma’s brother. Tim是Emma的弟弟吗? B: Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 5. A: W ho’s that boy behind Emma? Emma后面的男孩是谁? B: He’s Emma’s brother Tim. 他是Emma的弟弟Tim。 6. My father is a doctor.我的爸爸是一个医生。 7. A: What does your father do?你的爸爸是干什么工作的? B: He is a worker. 他是一个工人。 8. A: What do you do? 你是做什么工作的? B: I am a teacher. 我是一个老师。 作文:介绍自己的家 I have got a happy family. We live in Jiexiu. Mum is an English teacher. My dad is a doctor. 我有一个快乐的家。我们住在介休。妈妈是一个英语老师。爸爸是一名医生。 My parents like reading. And my dad like sports. I am at Shiyan School. I can play the piano. 我的父母爱读书。爸爸爱运动。我在实验小学上学。我会弹钢琴。 I love my family. 我爱我的家。 Unit 2 Mascots 吉祥物 Phrases: full of 充满…的 school 在学校 3. an hour later 一个小时后 4. on the Puma Ranch 在美洲狮农场


六年级上册Unit 4:Accident(2) 【课前测验】 一、听写 二、中英互译 1.When I was eight, I had an accident with my bike. ___________________________________________________ 2.I was in hospital for four weeks. ___________________________________________________,st year I was on my holiday with my parents. ___________________________________________________ 4.One day I went swimming. ___________________________________________________ 5.I cut my foot on a broken bottle. ___________________________________________________ 6.My mum put a bandage round it. ___________________________________________________ 三、回答下列句子 1.Did Jack have an accident when he was eight ? 肯定回答:_________________________________ 否定回答:_________________________________ 2.Did Juliet cut her foot/hand last year? 肯定回答:_________________________________ 否定回答:_________________________________


新人教部编(PEP)版小学五年级英语上册期末测试卷3(附答案听力材料)班级姓名 时间:60分钟满分:100分 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,为下列图片排序。(5分) ()() () () ( ) 二、听录音,选出你听到的选项。(5分) ( )1. A. Wednesday B. Sunday C. Friday ( )2. A. help B. problem C. polite ( )3. A. beside the bed B. above the bed C. in the bedroom ( )4. A. beef and salad B. beef noodles C. salad and vegetables ( )5. A. There is a forest. B. There is a clock. C. There is a lake. 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(10分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isn't. C. She is kind. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. I have maths. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 3. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, I do. C. No, there aren't. ( ) 4. A. Some noodles, please. B. Some water, please. C. There are some noodles. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I can. B. I can sing songs. C. Yes, I do. 四、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案。(10分)


六年级上册第一单元测试 一. 从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。 ()1. A. east B. west C. south D、in ()2. A. took B. saw C. Leave D、did ()3. A. cheaper B. longest C. largest D、hottest ()4. A. stone B. grass C. water D、home ()5. A. train B. write C. bus D subway ()6. A. there B. Where C. weather D、here ()7. A. city B. Town C. school D、province ()8. A. fruit B. find C. food D、vegetables 二. 根据汉语意思的提示,找出下列单词正确的拼写形式。()1.n_ _th A. ar B. or C. ou D、in () n A. o,m B. m,m C. m,n D、o,n ()3.war i s A. i,er B.o,er C. r.or D、 ()4. c ves A. a B.e C. c D、d ()5. s_ _k A. i,o B. i,l C. a,l D、a,o 三.词性转换 1.Big (最高级) 2.tall (最高级) 3.long(最高级) 4.see(过去式) 5.came(原型) 6.left(原型) 7.tell(过去式) 8.take(过去式) 9. large (最高级)比较级)

四.用词的适当形式填空’s one of the (big) cities in the world. 2. They are good at (sing )and (dance) 3.they are usually much (cheap)than other place 4. It is (以……而著名)grapes.’s(three) hottest city in the world. 6.China has the (最大的) population in the world. 三.补全句子 1.它在黑龙江省,它在中国的北方。 It ’s in Heilongjiang province. It ’s in t of China. 2.暑假你去了哪里? Where did you go ? 3.西藏以什么闻名? What is Tibet ? 4.它以布达拉宫而闻名。 It ’s 。 5.西安以兵马俑闻名 It ’s . 6.那里的人很友好还很勤劳。 People there are and 7.在中国还有其他55个少数民族。 There are in China.

19027-Join in小学英语教案-6上-六年级英语电子备课00-1

第 1 课时 总第课时 Starter Unit A plan for the new school year 课题 1.Listen and read.Then tick True or False 一、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观) 1.学习单词:grandparents,fruit,summer holiday 2.学习并理解句子:How was your summer holiday? I was with my grandparents on the fram.It was green and pretty there.There were many fruit trees and birds.Have you got a plan for Year 6? What are you going to do in Year 6?I’m going to work harder at English.I will do more listening and reading. 3.让孩子们自由谈论暑假生活及新学期计划。 4.激发学生热爱生活,并养成良好的生活与计划学习的习惯。 二、教学重难点 教学重点:学习并理解句子:How was your summer holiday?I was with my grandparents on the fram.It was green and pretty there.There were many fruit trees and birds.Have you got a plan for Year 6? What are you going to do in Year 6?I’m going to work harder at English.I will do more listening and reading. 教学难点:会谈论自己的暑期生活及新学期计划。 三、学情分析 本节课的内容是让学生谈论暑期生活及新学期的计划,这个话题学生非常感兴趣,但是用英语表达有一定的困难。 四、教学资源准备 tape CAI 五、课前预习 P2


Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A 2.三会词汇:ask,sir 3.常见方位介词:near,next to,behind等 4.重点句型:—Where is the…? —It's near/next to/behind… 【能力目标】 1.能够听、说、读、写建筑物名称(四会)词汇,能够听、说、认读 三会词汇。会区分并且正确运用常见方位介词。 2.能够理解并熟练运用重点句型。教师帮助学生学会运用near,next to,behind等表述方位的介词,完成简单的交际问答。 【情感目标】 1.学会有礼貌地询问某一建筑物的位置。 2.通过本课的学习,培养学生主动用英语交际的习惯和乐于助人的良 好品德。 教学重点Let's learn中地点词汇的学习,以及询问、回答某一建筑物方位的句型的学习。 教学难点 1.掌握单词museum的发音。 2.常见方位介词意义和用法的区分。

第一课时 教学过程批注Warm-up & Revision 师生自由问答。 Good morning,everyone! Good morning,Miss Wang! What's the weather like today? It's sunny! Good!What's this in English?(教师拿出一本书) It's a book. Yes,it's my book.Where can we buy books?(教师出示书店图Ss:In the bookstore. “T”代 教师,“Ss”表全班学生,后同。 书店图片上有单词英文标注。 Presentation & Practice Let's learn 教师拿出science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital这几个建筑物对应的图片,带领学生认读并学习词汇。


教学资料参考范本 小学四年级英语上册期中试卷新部编 版 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

班级:姓名: 一.选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词;并将序号填入题前的括号里.(10分) ()1. A. tall B. short C.strong D. tail ()2. A. math B. English C. book D. Chinese ()3. A. blue B. ruler C. green D. yellow ()4. A.friendly B. sports C. strong D. quiet ()5. A. notebook B. floor C. wall D. door 二.把下列单词补充完整.(10分) 1. b_g 2. b__k 3. p__urer 4. fr___ d 5. p__cil 包书图画朋友铅笔6.cl__r_m 7.w_ll 8.f__or 9.c_dy 10.h__r

教室墙壁地 板糖果头发三.单项选择.(20分) ()1.I have __English book. A .a B .an C .two ()2.Let __clean the blackboard . A. me B .have C .us ()3.__is my seat? A. What B. Where C .How ()4.__is she?She is Amy. A. What B .where C. Who ()5.__colour is it? A. What B. Where C. Who ()6.Turn on the __. A .desk B. big C. light ()7.This is Amy; She is my _________ A.friend B. friendly C. class ( ) 8.--_______is my seat? ---It's near the window. A.Who B.What C.Where ( ) 9. He has short hair and ______eyes. A. thin B. long C. big ( )10. ---________________ ---Her name is Amy


东湖高新区2016年小学六年级学业水平质量监测 英语模拟试卷 学校: 考号: 班级: 姓名: Listening Part ( 45分 ) 听力部分 一、听辨读音。选择你所听到的单词,并将代表该答案的字母填入题前括号内。听 每小题录音前,你有5秒钟的时间读题;听完每小题录音后,你有5秒钟的作答时间。每小题念两遍。(1′×5) ( ) 1. A. Active B. auntie C. any D. Andy ( ) 2. A. blind B. blink C. build D. pink ( ) 3. A. competition B. confident C. camp D. Canberra ( ) 4. A. fact B. light C. fight D. friend ( ) 5. A. habit B. health C. hide D. pilot 二、听音判断。根据听到的句子,判断下列图片的内容是否正确,在括号内画上“√” 或者“×”。听每小题录音前,你有5秒钟的看图时间;听完每小题录音后,你有5秒钟的作答时间。每小题念两遍。每小题念2遍。(2′×5) 1.() 2.() 3.() 贴条形码区域

4.() 5.() 三、听音排序。根据听到的内容,在括号内写出与之相对应的图片的序号。听每小 题录音前,你有5秒钟的看图时间;听完每小题录音后,你有5秒钟的作答时间。每小题念两遍。(2′×5) ()()() ()() 四、听音选择。根据听到的问题,选择正确答语,并将代表该答案的字母填入题前 括号内。听每小题录音前,你都有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完每小题录音后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每小题念两遍。(2′×5) ()1. A. On June 2, 2007 B. In Wuhan C. No, I’m not. ()2. A. Yes, he is. B. He is going to watch Tv. C. He is watching Tv. ()3. A.I visit an old castle B. I will visit an old castle. C. I visited an old castle.

外研社Join in英语五年级上册元练习参考答案

Starter unit I'm going higher 同步练习 参考答案 1.sandwich eye grass fish hand pencil 2.bed bee apple banana orange ice cream 3.three two a/one six 4.rabbit Sunday blue three apple dog red yellow 5.Hello 学生自己的姓名Nice to meet you 学生自己的电话号码 Unit 1 My family 同步练习 参考答案 1.(1)A (2) E (3) B (4) C (5) E 2.B A B A A 3.A C A B A 4. (1)Are these your parents? (2)My uncle cooks very well. (3)What does your father do? (4)Is she your friend? (5)He is a taxi driver. (6)Who’s that boy behind your parents? 5.E D A B C 6. F T T F T F 7.Hello, I’m Tom. I’m ten years old. I have a good family. In my family, there are my father, my mother, my sister and I. Now I introduce them to you. Look at the picture, the handsome man is my father. He is a doctor. The beautiful woman is my mother. She is a teacher. The little girl is my sister, and she is five years old. I love my family.
