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1.He got up late and hurried to his office, _______ the breakfast untouched.

A.left B.to leave

C.leaving D.having left




考查非谓语动词。句意:他起晚了,没有吃早饭就匆忙赶往办公室。he与leave是主谓关系,即他让......处于某种状态,应该用现在分词表伴随状况,排除A、B;“hurried”和“leaving”两个动作是同时发生的,当两个动作有时间先后关系时,需要使用现在分词的完成式,排除D;leave the breakfast untouched没有动早餐,故选C。

2.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____.

A.hurt B.spoiled C.damaged D.harmed





3.With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ________ presents for my dad

A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.to have bought



句意:父亲节将要到来, 为了给爸爸买礼物我已经从银行取了一些钱。题干中空格划在名词后, 但是空格后的部分不是对bank解释说明, 而是说明取钱的目的, 因此此题中非谓语动词做目的状语, 非谓语动词中不定式做状语用来表示目的, 因此选择B

4.(福建) ___________the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

A.Spending B.Spent

C.Having spent D.To spend






5.China’s image is improving steadily, with more countries ________ its role in international affairs.

A.recognizing B.being recognized C.to be recognized D.recognized





6.More TV programs, according to government officials, w ill be produced _____ people’s concern over food safety.

A.to raise B.raising C.to have raised D.having raised



7.—Did Peter fix the computer himself?

—He ________,because he doesn’t know much about computers.

A.has it fixed B.had fixed it

C.had it fixed D.fixed it




考查固定短语。句意:——Peter自己修的电脑吗?——他让别人修的,因为他不太懂电脑。have sb. done是过去分词作宾语补足语,表示“使(让,请)别人做某事”。根据所提供的情景because he doesn’t know much about computers可判断出他找别人维修了电脑。故选C。

8.He had wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the world.

A.travel B.to travel C.traveled D.traveling






9.Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when ______ to sunlight. A.exposed B.to expose C.exposing D.being exposed



试题分析:考查非谓语动词。本题考查短语be exposed to暴露与……。句意:处理这种化学物质时要小心,因为它暴露在阳光下时会爆炸。故A正确。


10.Recently a survey _______ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

A.compared B.comparing C.compares D.being compared 【答案】B



考查非谓语动词。句意:最近,一项对两家不同超市的同种商品价格进行比较的调查在市民中引起了激烈的争论。分析句子结构可知,该句的主语是a survey,谓语动词是has caused,宾语是heated debate。可见,句子结构是完整的,因此我们要选择的只能是非谓语动词形式。survey与compare之间存在主动关系,因此用现在分词短语作后置定语。故选B。

11.You are supposed to leave your child ________ his homework alone.

A.do B.to do

C.being done D.done




考查动词用法。句意:你应该让你的孩子自己做作业。该题考查leave的用法。表示“让某人去做某事”,应该用leave的复合结构leave sb. to do sth.,没有leave sb. do结构;leave sb./sth. done意为“使得某人/物被……”。B选项正确。

12.IPhone, the world’s largest mobile phone maker, said that over the first nine months of the year it ________ 23 million handsets in China, an increase of 77 percent ________ the same period a year ago.

A.had sold; compared to B.has sold; compared to

C.sold; comparing with D.had sold; comparing with

