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剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 GreetingS 一、 T eaChing aims and demands :

1) Can USe SimPle EngIiSh greet OtherS

2) Can Say zz GOOd morning!" "Good afternoon

3) Can read the new WOrdS about Ietter A a 4)

Can SPeak OUt the SGntenCeS Of Part 7 二、 I mPOrtant and difficult points:

What z S this lt ,s the Ietter Aa.

Hello! Hi! Slide 三、TeaChing StePS : StePI Greetings :

GOOd morning /afternoon! BOyS and girls how are you today .............

ASk One StUdent to Stand UP and Say HelIO to him Or her .and enCOUrage him Or her to anSWer "hello!" Then ask SOme Other StUdentS to PraCtiCe this SentenCe ・

SteP 2: CaII their names and Say hello to them ・ HelIO Ming Ming HeIlO z Dan Dan. HGlIO Fang Fang SteP 3: PreSentatiOn

ShOW the StUdents SOme PiCtUreS about morning and ask z what ,s the PiCtUre Say 一一 MOrning, YeS Z its morning teach

the new WOrCl ・

Then ShOW ano ther PiCtUre and then teach the WOrd after noon and the Same Way to the WOrd evening ・

SteP 4: After Iearning the ShOrt SentGnCeS z We WiIl Iearn an EngliSh song, teach the SOng and PraCtiCe in groups Or in PairS

SteP 5: ShOW a model Slide (this is a Slide Z What does it Iike Yes, it IikeS the Ietter Aa).Write the Ietter Aa On the blackboard and teach the Ietter A a

SteP 6 teach the WOrdS about the Ietter A a : ape ace alien SteP 7 TeaCh them how to Write Ietter Aa

SteP 8 : DO SOme exercises

1) DO the exercises On Page 4 Of the StUdentS Z book 2) match them 3) GOOd morning GoOd night. GOOd evening ・ Hello!

剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 2 WhO is the first 一、 T eaChing aims a nd demands :

*They Can Understand SOme SimPIe actiOnSand do it; *They Can do "Stand UP ""Sit down? COme here : "Go back * Can Understand the meaning Of "up ZZ and ""down"・ *Can read B b and SOme new WOrdS about Bb *Can read the SGntenCeS Of Part 5

二、 I mPOrtant and difficult POintS

What z S this Stand up.

Sit down ・

COme here ・

GO back HandS PGnS PenCilS feet Cat SnaiI back bee ball


三、teaching method:

本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩S 教 师一到课堂里就可以边做手势边说,NOW Z

Stand UP z

Sit down, Stand up! Sit down.i½的时候可以先慢后快,也 可以让学生无法预料。大家基本上不出什么错误的时候,教师就可以跑到教室的后而叫一个同学说,COme here! COme here!等到学生来了之后,教师可以说GO back. GO back. GO back.然后再叫另外的同学,在这四 个句子中来回变换花样•最好是时常有所变化。等大家熟悉了以后八让大家一起来说廻口溜,UP z

UP z

Stand up. DOWn Z

down, Sit down. Here, here, COme here. BaCk Z

baCk Z

go back.边说边做动作 O 然后教师开始用实物来 做替换练习 6 如Z

HandS up! HandS down. HandS UP z

hands down. BOOkS UP .Books down ・等等。

当大家累了的时候,就让大家休息一下,来给图画着色。着色之后再让大家相互观看,看谁色彩上的好。 接下来便是教字母的时间。教帀首先让学生们看两个字母的卡片或形象的图片(猫和蜗牛九边看大写B 的时候,边说 Big BiSa Cat •然后拿小写 b 说PSmaIl b is a snail. The Cat and the Snail .They are the Ietter Bb 等•让 大家反复说,反复练习.然后,让小组的同学进行朗诵比赛,看看哪个组最好。在学字母的时候,注意把 这几个词给学生,

GOOd morning! GOOd after noon! GOOd evening "Good evening"

A is the slide, Slide On the A a. then PraCtiCe SOme times ・


GOOd afternoon. GOOd morning. GOOd night. GOOd afternoon! GOOd evening.
