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Hard times, written by Charles Dickens, is the immortal masterpiece of the great critical realism, and a huge and instantaneous success upon publication in 1854. Novels of Dickens popular at utilitarianism trend powerfully criticism, thus revealing the main character in the novel the tragic end of the root. But in the novel Dickens expressed his human love for the poor, revealing that love generates strength, love triumphs over Facts, and love brings about hope. Through analyzing the love in Hard Times, it is concluded that Hard Times is full of love. Two persons need to be remembered. Mr,Gradigrind, the warmly endearing Sissy jupe, and the eternally noble Stephen Blackpool-Hard Time carries a uniquely powerful message and remains one of the most w idely read of Dicken’s.

The whole thesis conisits of five parts. The first part introduce Literary Review,Second part is Hard Times,Third parts is The Plot of Hard Times,Fourth parts is Love in Hard Times,and last parts is Conclusion.

Key words: Charles Dickens, Hard Times, human love


《艰难时世》是杰出的批判现实主义作家查尔斯·狄更斯的不朽之作, 出版于1854年,瞬间成为了伟大的作品。通常狄更斯的小说是在功利主义的趋势下强烈批判,因而揭示出主要人物在小说中最后一悲惨告终。小说中狄更斯表达了对穷人的人性之爱,揭示出爱情是力量的源泉,爱能战胜“事实”教育,爱能给人们带来希望。笔者意在分析这不小说中的人性之爱,之处《艰难时世》中充满爱。




I. Introduction.................................................................................. .1 II. Literary Review (1)

2.1Charles D ickens (1)

2.1.1Life (1)

2.1.2Works (2)

2.1.3Comments (2)

2.2 Hard T imes (3)

2.2.1 The main idea (3)

2.2.2 The fiction (3)

III. The Plot of Hard Times (4)

3.1 Sowing (4)

3.2 Reaping (4)

3.3 Garnering (5)

IV. The Love in Hard Times (5)

4.1 Huam Love (5)

4.2 Love generates strength (6)

4.2.1 Rechael and Stephen’s wife (6)

4.2. 2Reachael and Stephen (7)

4.3Love brings ab out hope (8)

4.3.1 The hope of Stephen (8)

4.3.2 The hope of solutions (9)

V. Conclusion (10)

VI. Bibliography (11)
