







5. 作业模板如下页所示:




I. 分析所给交易并填写和翻译报表。

Holden Graham started The Graham Co., a new business that began operations on May 1. The Graham Co. completed the following transactions during

Require d:

1.Prepare an income statement for May, a statement of cash flows for May.


THE GRAHAM CO. Income Statement

THE GRAHAM CO. Statement of Cash Flows

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese(30)

1.Most U.S. companies are not directly affected by international accounting standards. International standards are put forth as preferred accounting practices. However, stock exchanges and other parties are increasing the pressure to narrow differences in worldwide accounting practices. International accounting standards are playing an important role in that process.

2.The objectivity concept and cost principle are related in that most users consider information based on cost as objective. Information prepared using both is considered highly reliable and often relevant.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a011996111.html,ers desire information about the performance of a specific entity. If information is mixed between two or more entities, its usefulness decreases.

4.The revenue recognition principle gives preparers guidelines on when to recognize (record) revenue. This is important; for example, if revenue is recognized too early, the statements report revenue sooner than it should and the business looks more profitable than it is. The reverse is also true.

5.The three basic forms of business organization are sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.

6.Owners of corporations are called shareholders(or stockholders). Corporate ownership is divided into units called shares (or stock). The most basic of corporate shares is common stock (or capital stock).

7.An income statement reports a company's revenues and expenses along with the resulting net income or loss. A statement of owner's equity shows changes in equity, including that from net income or loss. Both statements report transactions occurring over a period of time.

8.The balance sheet describes a company's financial position (assets, liabilities, and equity) at a point in time. The equity amount in the balance sheet is obtained from the statement of owner's equity.

9.Cash flows from operating activities report cash receipts and payments from the primary business the company engages in. Cash flows from investing activities involve cash transactions from buying and selling long-term assets. Cash flows from financing activities include long-term cash borrowings and repayments to lenders and the cash investments from and withdrawals by the owner.


10.Expenses:Outflows or using up of assets as part of operations of a business

to generate sales.

11. A chart of accounts is a list of all of a company's accounts and their identification numbers.

12.Posting reference numbers are entered in the journal when posting to the ledger as a

cross-reference that allows the recordkeeper or auditor to trace debits and credits from one record to another.

13.The balance sheet describes a company's financial position (assets, liabilities, and

equity) at a point in time.

14. Account balance: Difference between total debits and total credits (including the beginning balance) for an account.

15. General journal: All-purpose journal for recording the debits and credits of transactions and events.

Ⅲ. 根据提供的资料计算有关金额. (5×2)

During October, Alameda Company had $102,500 of cash receipts and $103,150 of cash disbursements. The October 31 Cash balance was $18,600. Determine how much cash the company had at the close of business on September 30.

On September 30, Valerian Co. had a $102,500 balance in Accounts Receivable. During October, the company collected $102,890 from its credit customers. The October 31 balance in Accounts Receivable was $89,000. Determine the amount of sales on account that occurred in October.

Ⅳ. 将下列交易在所给的账页中登记日记账并过账(30)

1. Aug. 1,2009, Madison Harris, the owner, invested $6,500 cash in the business.

2. Aug. 3 ,2009, Paid $2,100 cash for an insurance policy covering the next 24 months.



2012大学英语第二次作业 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1. — Could I borrow your car for a few days? — 所选答案: C. Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey. 问题 2 得 3 分,满分 3 分 2. — Thank you for inviting me. — ______________ 所选答案: C. Thank you for coming. 问题 3 得 3 分,满分 3 分 3. —May I see your tickets, please? — ______________ 所选答案: C. Sure. 问题 4 得 3 分,满分 3 分 4. — Please help yourself to the seafood. —__________ 所选答案: D. Thanks, but I don't like the seafood. 问题 5 得 3 分,满分 3 分 5. — Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —__________ 所选答案: B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 问题 6 得 3 分,满分 3 分 6. — Congratulations! Y ou won the first prize in today's speech contest. —__________ 所选答案: C. Thank you. 问题7 得0 分,满分 3 分 7.—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. — _______. 所选答案: C. It’s a pleasure 问题8 得 3 分,满分 3 分 8.— Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? — _______? 所选答案: A. What for 问题9 得 3 分,满分 3 分 9— What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. — _________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me. 所选答案: B. It’s up to you 问题10 得 3 分,满分 3 分 10.— How about putting some pictures into the report? — ________ A picture is worth a thousand words.


七年级语文寒假作业答案 1-2页一、略二、泻一泄到一道义一异查一察众一重晦一诲三、我早就想把你抓住了,我早就想剿灭你了(意对即可)。四、1.⑴用出全部力量,一点儿也不保留。 (2)形容思想感情自然而然地产生。 2.D 3.B 4.为了突出春天的绿给人间带来了许多温馨。 5.B 6.⑴绿的谦虚⑵绿的宽容⑶绿的博大和永恒⑷绿的可靠7.可靠谦虚宽容博大永恒 8.通过对四季的绿的描写,抒发了作者对生活的热爱和赞美。 3-4页一、略二、B 三、如:我们不做山沟里易涨易退的小溪,要做寒暑不变的一望无涯的沧海。四、1.裹,渺,瘪,骤 2.患得患失、垂头丧气到获得“殊荣。” 3.让他多接受阳光和风雨,多吸收养分,成为最棒的种子玉米。 4.如:“但有时候需要再等一下”;“但不要急于求成”;“但成功的过程即是等待的过程”;“天生我材必有用”;“希望总在前头”等。 5.落入平庸,获不了“殊荣”,成不了种子。 6.人要相信自己,成功需要等待。付出了,并非所有的事情都立竿见影,耐心最为重要。要接受必要的磨炼。不要半途而废。 5-6页一、C二、1. 兴致勃勃 2. 恐吓 3. 眺望 4. 抱憾 5. 心有余悸三、D 四、略 五、1.皇帝的新装;丹麦;童话;安徒生;《丑小鸭》、《卖火柴的小女孩》 2. A 3. A 4. 爱新装成癖、虚伪;怕丢官职;教训皇帝、捞钱。 7-8页一、略二、D 四、略五、B 六、1. 。;;;;……;2.“招牌”是商店的标志,这里用“招牌”比喻云是天气变化的标志,这个比喻准确,形象地说明了看云和识天气的密切关系。 3.姿态万千⑤ 4.是该段文字的中心对①②③④句总结 5. 阴森乌云密布变化无常说明云就像是天气的“招牌”,天上挂什么云,就将出现什么样的天气 6. ①‖②③④‖⑤ 7.总——分——总 9-10页一、C 二、 B 三、A 四、1.故意造作来掩饰;认为地位低下而自卑。 2.出租车司机出租汽车 3.稳稳地把着方向盘,还不时照应着两侧行人,让车轮由水洼里轻巧地、舒缓地踱了过去,不见一点水花溅起来。那车子驶离水洼,也没有立即加速,却见那小司机一手把了方向盘,一手扶着车窗,探出头,回转过脸来,望了望后面的行人,留下一个含着些歉意的微笑;虽然并没有溅染任何一个行人的裙边裤脚,却仿佛是在为车过水洼那片刻间,可能惊扰了行人——其中也包括着我和我的友人——而致歉似的 4.A C D F 5. 4 ;1 2 ;3 6.踱是慢步走,这里形容司机车速放得很慢。用“踱”形象生动地写出小司机行车时不伤害、惊扰行人的文明行为,显示了“的士”的风度。7.B D 8.把、扶、探、回转、望、留下 11-12页一、D 二、略三、 C 四、要信守承诺,要富有责任感(意对即可)六、1.不重视,不注意;老是这样下去。 2.农药的危害:破坏生态链;


2010年秋季学期计算机基础第一次作业 一、单项选择题(20分,共 10 题,每小题 2 分) 1. 计算机源程序是( ) A. 计算机命令 B. 用高级语言或汇编语言编写的程序 C. 计算机所有软件的总称 D. 用机器语言编写的程序 2. 下面的多媒体软件工具,由Windows自带的是( ) A. Media Player B. GoldWave C. Winamp D. RealPlayer 3. 在Internet中,搜索引擎其实也是一个( ) A. 网站 B. 操作系统 C. 域名服务器 D. 硬件设备 4. 要精确地设置页边距,应使用() A. 单击“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”命令,然后单击“页边距”选项卡 B. 单击“文件”菜单中的“页面设置”命令,然后单击“纸型”选项卡 C. 单击“格式”菜单中的“段落”命令,然后选择“行距” D. 将鼠标移至标尺,然后直接拖动页边距边界 5. 操作系统是( )的接口 A. 主机和外设 B. 计算机和用户 C. 软件和硬件 D. 源程序和目标程序 6. 超市收款台检查货物的条形码,这属于计算机系统应用中的( ) A. 输入技术 B. 输出技术 C. 显示技术 D. 索引技术 7. 要插入页眉和页脚,首先要切换到( )视图方式下 A. 普通 B. 页面 C. 大纲 D. Web版式 8. 如果你想整理磁盘,应执行( )中的命令 A. Internet工具 B. 辅助工具 C. 系统工具 D. 通讯工具 9. Word中若要对段落格式进行设置,应选择"格式"菜单下的( )命令 A. 段落

B. 缩进 C. 首行缩进 D. 设置 10. 下述对软件配置的叙述中不正确的是( ) A. 软件配置独立于硬件 B. 软件配置影响系统功能 C. 软件配置影响系统性能 D. 软件配置受硬件的制约 二、多项选择题(30分,共 10 题,每小题 3 分) 1. 计算机中的内存储器分为( )两大类 A. 磁盘和光盘 B. RAM和ROM C. 软盘和硬盘 D. 只读存储器和随机存储器 E. cache和光盘 2. 将文字信息复制到剪贴板时,其操作方法是首先选定这些文字,然后使用( ) A. 窗口中的菜单命令:编辑|复制 B. 使用快捷键Ctrl + C C. 鼠标拖放、双击等进行 D. 菜单命令:文件|保存 E. 快捷菜单命令:复制 3. 在Windows98中获得硬件的有关信息可通过( ) A. 鼠标右键单击“我的电脑”,选择“属性” B. 鼠标右键单击“开始”菜单 C. 鼠标右键单击桌面空白区,选择“属性” D. 双击“控制面板”中的“系统”图标 E. 鼠标左键单击任务栏的空白区域 4. 操作系统的主要作用有:( ) A. 提供方便友好的用户界面 B. 提高系统资源的利用 C. 提供软件开发的运行环境 D. 提供网络服务 5. 微机的中央处理器至少应包括( ) A. 输入设备 B. 运算器 C. 输出设备 D. 控制器 E. 外存储器 6. 在Windows2000的窗口中,标题栏的右侧可能出现的按钮是( ) A. 最大化 B. 最小化 C. 还原 D. 关闭 E. 隐藏


英文翻译练习(一) The status of Philosophy in Chinese culture has always been regarded as a comparison with that of religion in other cultures. In China, Philosophy is the concerned field by each educated one. Long time ago in China, a person would firstly accept enlightened education in Philosophy if he could be given education. Children should read the Analects, Mencius, The great Learning, The Doctrine of mean once they entered school. The Four Books were regarded as the most important documents after Song(regarded as “new Confucianism”in west).When children began to learn words, the commonly used textbook is Three Words, in which every three words a group, every six words one sentence, and the even sentence rhyme has rhyme, easy to read aloud and easy to remember. In fact, this book is used to learn words for Chinese children. The first sentence of Three Words “Man’s nature is good at birth.” Is the basic idea of philosophy of Mencius.


江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 学号 姓名 完成日期2018年4月16日 课程代码110004 课程名称大学英语A(专)评阅教师(教师填写) 得分(教师填写) 评阅时间2018年X月X日第 2 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 2 答题纸 I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分) II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分) IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分) 1.a foolish idea 2. we didn’t see anyone all day 3. any money on herself 4. deal with the problem 5. the weather conditions 6. is best known for 7. are different from each other 8.important for you to pass the exam 9.Will benefit from a free medical examination 10. apply for a job 教师评语:。

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 2 试题 I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. There ______ only a few eggs and there ______ not much milk left in the refrigerator. A. is, are B. is, is C. are, are D. are, is 2. Xiao Li ______ in this school since 2008. A. has been teaching B. has teaching C. taught D. teaches 3. The road is so slippery. It ______ . A. might snow soon B. must snow soon C. must have snowed D. may be snowing now 4. Li Ping got a new job and she ______. A. doesn’t work here no longer B. doesn’t work here any longer C. works here no longer D. works here any longer 5. – Do you know who he is? –He ______ familiar, but I’m not sure who he is. A. tastes B. feels C. smells D. looks 6. If the card ________, customers should report the loss as soon as possible A. has lost B. lost C. is lost D. loses 7. I use the short-wave radio to get the ________ financial news. A. last B. latter C. latest D. later 8. I was working part-time last Saturday, otherwise I _________ you in the football game. A. would like B. joined C. should join D. could have joined 9. Jack made a promise __________ he would return the money to me within three days. A. what B. when C. that D. which 10. As a rule, the employer paid the workers __________. A. by an hour B. by the hour C. by hour D. by hours II. Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box.(每小题2分,共10分) A. Why don’t you B. What about C. planning to D. I’m going to E. I will Hans: What are you 1 do after class? Mark: I’m going to play basketball. 2 you? Hans: Well, 3 stay in the classroom and do the homework. Mark: 4 take a break first? Hans: Maybe 5 , you know, go out for a walk. Mark: That’s better


语文人教版七年级寒假作业答案 【导语】下面是为您整理的语文人教版七年级寒假作业答案,仅供大家参考。 1-2页 一、略二、泻一泄到一道义一异查一察众一重晦一诲三、我早就想把你抓住了,我早就想剿灭你了(意对即可)。四、1.⑴用出全部力量,一点儿也不保留。 (2)形容思想感情自然而然地产生。 2.D3.B4.为了突出春天的绿给人间带来了许多温馨。 5.B6.⑴绿的谦虚⑵绿的宽容⑶绿的博大和永恒⑷绿的可靠7.可靠谦虚宽容博大永恒8.通过对四季的绿的描写,抒发了作者对生活的热爱和赞美。 3-4页 一、略p一、C二、1.兴致勃勃2.恐吓3.眺望4.抱憾5.心有余悸三、D四、略 五、1.皇帝的新装;丹麦;童话;安徒生;《丑小鸭》、《卖火柴的小女孩》2.A3.A4.爱新装成癖、虚伪;怕丢官职;教训皇帝、捞钱。 7-8页 一、略二、D四、略五、B六、1.。;;;;……;2.”招牌”是商店的标志,这里用”招牌”比喻云是天气变化的标志,这个比

喻准确,形象地说明了看云和识天气的密切关系。 3.姿态万千⑤4.是该段文字的中心对①②③④句总结5.阴森乌云密布变化无常说明云就像是天气的”招牌”,天上挂什么云,就将出现什么样的天气6.①‖②③④‖⑤7.总--分--总 9-10页 一、C二、B三、A四、1.故意造作来掩饰;认为地位低下而自卑。 2.出租车司机出租汽车 3.稳稳地把着方向盘,还不时照应着两侧行人,让车轮由水洼里轻巧地、舒缓地踱了过去,不见一点水花溅起来。那车子驶离水洼,也没有立即加速,却见那小司机一手把了方向盘,一手扶着车窗,探出头,回转过脸来,望了望后面的行人,留下一个含着些歉意的微笑;虽然并没有溅染任何一个行人的 裙边裤脚,却仿佛是在为车过水洼那片刻间,可能惊扰了行人--其中也包括着我和我的友人--而致歉似的 4.ACDF5.4;12;36.踱是慢步走,这里形容司机车速放得很慢。用”踱”形象生动地写出小司机行车时不伤害、惊扰行人的文明行为,显示了”的士”的风度。 7.BD8.把、扶、探、回转、望、留下 11-12页 一、D二、略三、C四、要信守承诺,要富有责任感(意对即可)六、1.不重视,不注意;老是这样下去。 2.农药的危害:破坏生态链;农药最终进入农作物,必然对人和动物的健康带来危害。3.”绿色”在这里指不含农药,没有危害,环保的。 4.绿色和平组织等。


Americans are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy, i.e. Government by people selected according to merit. But this self-image is a fantasy: America actually stands out as an advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society’s lower rungs have the least chance of climbing to the top or even to the middle. And if you ask why America is more class-bound in practice than the rest of the Western world, a large part of the reason is that our government falls down on the job of creating equal opportunity. The failure starts early: in America, the holes in the social safety net mean that both low-income mothers and their children are all too likely to suffer from poor nutrition and receive inadequate health care. It continues once children reach school age, where they encounter a system in which the affluent send their kids to good, well-financed public schools or, if they choose, to private schools, while less-advantaged children get a far worse education. 美国人可能比任何其他国家的人都更相信他们生活在一个精英制度之下,人们推选的政府也是据其优势。然而,这个自我形象是一种幻想:作为先进国家,实际上美国的突出特点是出身至关重要,在这个国度里,来自社会底层的人几乎没有机会爬到社会中层,更不用说社会顶层。 如果你要问为什么实际上美国比其他西方国家都要阶级分明,主要原因就是我们的政府在创造公平机会方面的失败。 这种不公平很早以前就开始了:在美国,由于社会安全网存在漏洞,这就意味着低收入的母亲和他们的孩子完全有可能存在营养不良,得不到足够的医疗服务。孩子到了上学年龄这种情况也不会得到改观,他们所遇到的体制是富人可以送自己的孩子到资金充足的好的公立学校上学,如果愿意,还可以从送到私立学校上学,而穷人孩子接受的教育却非常差。


泊秦淮 写轻轻的烟雾和淡淡的月光笼罩着寒水细沙。两个“笼”字将烟、月、水、沙四种景物融为一体,贴切传神地勾画出秦淮河两岸朦胧淡雅的景象,创设出一种冷清愁寂的氛围。首句写景,先竭力渲染水边夜色的清淡素雅。两个“笼”字连用,将轻烟、淡月、寒水、细沙四种景物融为一体,贴切传神地描绘出一幅月色迷茫、轻烟浮动的秦淮河两岸夜景,给人以迷蒙之感。 居无定所 这些年来,我忙碌,漂移,居无定所,我曾经迷惑,甚至迷失,我开始怀疑我自己所拥有的一切,是不是我当初的坚持及梦想,于是,我把空荡荡的身体继续游走,游走到一些我陌生的地方,去寻找什么,我不知道,但是,在20XX年的某一个清晨,我忽然听见自己对自己说,不要怕,不怕哭,要勇敢,放轻松,要永远相信,那个爱唱歌的自己永远在出口等着我自己,2003的秋天是幸福的,我珍惜眼前的幸福… 马腹避火 打猎因而代词代敬业惊讶敬业知道没有躲避的地方大火过后,他昂然挺立,好像被血洗过一样 英国公时常打猎,有一次,叫敬业到树林里去追赶野兽,因而乘风放火,想把他害死。敬业知道没有躲避的地方,立刻把马杀死,剖开马腹,把身体伏在里边。大火过后,他昂然挺立,好像被血洗过一样,英国公看到这副模样,感到十分惊讶。 冰心诗二首 第一首是拟人 作用:将小花人格化,表达出对人生的思考和感悟,即为人应该正确认识自己,敞开心怀。第二首是比喻 作用:诗人把人生事业的成功比喻为花,把成就事业的起步阶段比喻为花的芽儿,把奋斗的辛劳比喻为培养花的”泪泉“,把自我牺牲比喻为滋润花的”血雨“,生动贴切,发人深思。 幸福的味道 1、聊天只是一种形式,承载了本文的主题思想。正是因为父女之间的聊天,才表现出了主题。 2、哥哥给我讲故事,让我每天不再孤单 家里涂满了油漆,可是妈妈准备了凤梨皮,我就闻到了一种凤梨的香味 3、一颗对生活有细心的人,善于积累生活中点点滴滴的幸福。一颗感恩的心。 “草席上的茶叶香,刷满油漆的屋子里的菠萝香,原来都是幸福的味道,可是也要有一个嗅觉灵敏的鼻子啊!”结合短文说说你对这句话的理解。 幸福就在我们身边,只要我们有一颗感受生活的心,一双善于发现生活幸福的美得眼睛。。。就可以发现,生活得小小细节,也会充满幸福的气息!


一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —What a poor job I’ve done! —_______ 2. ( D ) 1. Do it again. 2. 3. You can do it. 4. 5. Do your best! 6. 7. Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 8. 3. —Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity! 4. ( B ) 1. No, nothing special 2. 3. Yes, I have promised to call on some friends 4. 5. Yes, of course 6. 7. No, I’m not sure. Why? 8. 1. —I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. White. —_______ 2. ( C ) 1.

Sorry, he is busy at the moment. 2. 3. Why didn’t you call earlier? 4. 5. Certainly. May I know your name? 6. 7. Sorry. He doesn’t want to see you. 8. 1. —This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. You’re wrong 2. 3. I don’t think so, I’m afraid 4. 5. Not at all 6. 7. No, that’s not real 8. 1. —My dear! I made a mistake again. —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. Be careful. 2. 3. Don’t w orry. We can do something to make up for it. 4. 5. What a pity!


2018-2019第一学期土木文检课作业(一) 1.试用图书馆书目检索系统查出如下题名的中图法分类号和检索结果条数,再用所查出的分类号分别检索中文图书和西文图书的结果条数。 图书条数:_473______,西文图书条数:___64____; (2)题名:克隆,在图书馆位置:_北四楼中文自科图书借阅室/南六楼中文自科参考书阅览室_______ ,中图分类号:_Q785_____,中文图书条数:__70______,西文图书条数:_________; (3)题名:文献编目,在图书馆位置:_南五楼中文社科参考书阅览室\北三楼中文社科图书借阅室____ ,中图分类号:__ G254.3 __,中文图书条数:__170__,西文图书条数:___9_____; (4)题名:古生物学,在图书馆位置:__南六楼中文自科参考书阅览室_______ ,中图分类号:__Q91____,中文图书条数:_317_______,西文图书条数:____15______; (5)题名:英语写作,在图书馆位置:__北三楼中文社科图书借阅室__ ,中图分类号:__H315____,中文图书条数:_3511__,西文图书条数:____679__ [填空题] * 2.用图书馆主页的《中图分类法》“生物化学”的分类号,并写出以上各级分类号和类目(参考教材11页)。[填空题] * Q生物科学(一级类目) Q5生物化学(二级类目)

3.根据要求填写下列各题。 (1)请在图书馆馆藏目录中找出2015年《细胞生物学》有几个版本?_2_;按照正确著录格式著录这几本图书: [1]左伋,刘艳平.细胞生物学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2015 [2]李瑶.细胞生物学[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2015 ⑵写出以下期刊的分类号和在图书馆的位置。 ①《基因组学与应用生物学》分类号:_Q343.1 _____ ;位置:南三楼自科期刊阅览室。 ②《青年文摘》分类号:__D432 _____ ;位置:南二楼社科报刊阅览室。 ③《生物工程学报》分类号:___Q_______ ;位置:__南三楼自科期刊阅览室_________。 ④《中国民商》分类号:___ F279.2 ____ ;位置:___南二楼社科报刊阅览室_____ 。 ⑤《生态毒理学报》分类号:__X3_____ ;位置:__南三楼自科期刊阅览室_______ 。[填空题] *


一、改译 宰客slaughter customers(cheating customers) 自学self learn(study on one’s self) 彩票colorful tickets(lottery) 救火save a fire(Firefighting) (电脑)死机systerm dead(computer crash) 吃食堂eat the canteen(eat in the canteen) 风凉话cold word(sarcastic remark) 太平门safe door(emergency exit) 三角债triangle debts(chain debts) 扣帽子put a hat on(put a label on) 文化程度cultural degree(education level) 抓紧时间grasp time firmly(hurry up) 来信写道the latter writes(the letter reads) 提高英语水平raise the level of one’s English(Improve one’s English) 胸有成竹have a bamboo in one’s stomach(have a well-thought-out plan) 二、直译 大海捞针Look for a needle in the ocean 猫哭耗子假慈悲Cat cry for mouse 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗Marry a chicken with chicken married dog follows dog 挥金如土Spend money like water 易如反掌As easy as to turn one's hand 打草惊蛇To beat the grass and frighten away the snake 呆若木鸡Dumb as a wooden chicken 千里之行始于足下Every journey begins with the first step 瑞雪兆丰年A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest . 跑得了和尚跑不了庙Run a monk can not run the temple 三、重点翻译 她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非 She always makes mischief between neighbors. 她毛遂自荐来这所学校当老师 She recommending herself to be a teacher in this school. 正真的好朋友应该是雪中送炭 True friend is who provides you timely help. 我要有个三长两短,你给我娘捎个话 If something happens to me, please give my mother a massage. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood. 你这人真的是狗嘴里吐不出象牙 他对你的许诺不过是个空头支票而已 His promise to you just a blank check. 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远 I like that house,but the fly in the ointment is too far away from the work place.


作业二 一、单选题 1、- Would you please show me your bankbook - _________ A:Sorry, I have no idea. B:Here you are. C:Come with me. D:Yes, I'd like to. 2、-- Did you win the 100 metre race -- Yes, I did. -- Really -- _________. A:Congratulations B:Best wishes C:Good luck D:Right-I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office. -_________ A:Can you take a message for me B:Are you sure for that C:Would you like to leave a message D:Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. 3、 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________

A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 6、______is the temperature today A:What B:How C:How many D:How much 7、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening. A:were doing B:was to do C:am doing D:was doing 8、Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A:would catch B:would have caught C:could catch


2016七年级寒假作业答案 下文是关于2016七年级寒假作业答案相关内容,希望对你有一定的帮助: 2016七年级寒假作业答案:七年级寒假语文作业答案大全 2016 2016七年级寒假语文作业答案大全 (一) 一、略 二、二、.A我不是燃烧在繁华街市的烟火,而是宁静书桌上 的一只蜡烛---- 为深沉的夜晚照亮一丝光明。 三、B、人们都爱莲花,爱她的亭亭玉立,爱她的不蔓不枝, 爱她的香远益清。/人们都爱春天,爱她的风和日丽,爱她的花红柳绿,爱她的雨润万物。 3.D 四、(1)停泊潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。乡书何处达?归雁洛 阳边。

(2)七律乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 (3)秋思秋天黄昏景色夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯 五、(1)霜叶红于二月花。《山行》杜牧 (2)疑是银河落九天《望庐山瀑布》李白 (3)病树前头万木春《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》刘禹锡(二) 一、批注(略) 知识卡片:1.消逝2.消失了的3.消释放4.消失了的5.消逝(三) 1. 略 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.D (四)

1. “光秃秃”或“不长草木” 2.⑥ 3.⑤段与⑥段之间 4. 寓情于景 5.(山峰)、(电线杆)(太阳)(阳光))、(大地), 对比 6. 遮抹一切。使人颓唐阑珊。 7. 例如:第②段,通过写黑暗中的灯火,抒发了不满现实、向往光明的感情;第⑥段,通过写宁要寒风和冰雪,抒发了不愿颓唐,渴望奋斗的感情; 第⑦段,通过写红鲤鱼的跳跃,抒发了不堪沉闷,要奋起抗争的感情。 8.1、随风直到夜郎西。2、何当共剪西窗烛3、一曲新词酒一杯4、夜泊秦淮近酒家 5、闻道龙标过五溪 6、无可奈何花落去 7、则是不信;则是无礼(五) 二、1、B2、无3、B4、D5 A 三、《山中杂诗》吴均山际见来烟,竹中窥落日。鸟向檐上


开学以来第一次没做作业作文400字范文有一次周末回家,同学们都十分高兴。我背着沉重的大书包,往学校大门走,心里有一些高兴,但也有一丝的郁闷。就回家的这两天,要写这么多的作业,什么时候能写完呀!想着想着,看见妈妈接我来了,我就把一切烦恼都抛到脑后去了。 回到家后,家里的一切事物对我的诱惑力真是太大了,电脑,电视,零食,还有朋友的嬉闹声,从公园里传来的一阵阵欢笑声,操场上的欢呼声,我真恨不得马上加入到他们的队伍里。可……可是,我还没写完作业,真不知道该怎么办,写完了作业再去还不知道得等到几辈子之后,人家都回家了。如果现在去了,妈妈好说我光知道玩不写作业了,多没面子呀! 我思量再三,终于还是经不住诱惑,决定出去玩,妈妈那儿,先扛一扛吧!妈妈那儿是扛过去了,星期五玩得也很开心。星期六总该写作业了吧!不知为什么,到了星期六,我还是懒得写,心想:“不还有星期天吗!”就这样推来推去,到了上学那天,作业仍是没写完。 在上学的路上,我心里十分着急,真不知该怎么办,不知为什么,我心里竟然冒出这样一个念头:将计就计吧,我在老师心目中一直都是好学生,我编个理由,老师一定会原谅我的。

到了学校,看着大家都交作业,我恐慌极了。可老师知道我没交作业,竟然真的原谅了我。但是我却惭愧地无地自容,不能原谅自己。唉,真后悔! 后来,这件事就像真的没有发生过一样,无论在家里还是学校里,一切都很平静。但只有我自己清楚,内心起了多大的波澜。从此,我再也没有一次不完成作业。 生命中的第一次不一定都是快乐的,但第一次没完成作业真令我难忘。 第一次做什么事,作文400字那件事,我懂得了一个道理做了中学生,我还是小孩子从小到大,我经历了许许多多“第一次”,第一次做饭、第一次郊游、第一次登台表演……这无数的第一次像一个个难忘的脚印,点缀在我成长的道路上。 其中有一件事是我最难忘、最有意义的事,那就是我第一次去实验室做实验。 这学期我们开始学习科学,每一次看到老师在台上做实验,我都非常羡慕,老师像一个魔术师,很多“奇迹”在他手中出现,看得我心里直痒痒,我渴望着能自己动手见证“奇迹”的那一天。


AC500kV Substation Design In China Transmission and Substation Department,CPECC Abstract:Some brief informations about AC500kV substations in China,historical data of their design and essential design principles are presented in this paper.Some technical and engineering problems of AC500kV substation design and construction are discussed.It is emphasized to introduce the500kV substation scales,main electrical connections,selection of equipment and apparatus,insulation coordination,distribution switchyard,control and protection etc.Here we also discuss the policy of project cost control at present time and a prospective view of China AC substations in future. 1.Introduction The research and design of500kV substations in China were started in1977,and the first substation was put into operation in1981.From that time,because of the rapid development of electricity demand in China,design and construction of500kV substations have a great development.Especially in recent years,due to the increase of capital investment for power system construction from the State Government,500kV power system has developed even faster.Till1998about55substations(500kV)were already put into operation,in which217transformers were installed,and the total capacity reached60410 MVA.At present,there are30substations(total capacity26500MVA)under construction.In addition,it has been planned to construction/extends30substations(33transformers,24750 MVA)in accordance with the power delivery from Three Gorges Power Plant. A complete design system of AC500kV substation in China has been gradually established based on the past design and construction experiences and the use of new technologies.This system includes design procedures,design standards,rules and regulations, design management and so on. The essential design principles are safe and reliable,technically advanced,economical and reasonable,and good quality. 2.Size of Substations China is a developing country with broad territory.The economic development is very different from one region to another.In accordance with this fact,the500kV substation size is different at different time and for different region.
