

Lesson 1 Introduction to

Control System


Automatic control has played a vital role in the advancement of engineering and science. In addition to its extreme importance in space-vehicle, missile-guidance, and aircraft-piloting systems, etc, automatic control has become an important and integral part of modern manufacturing and industrial processes. For example, automatic control is essential in such industrial operations as controlling pressure, temperature, humidity, viscosity, and flow in the process industries; tooling, handling, and assembling mechanical parts in the manufacturing industries, among many others.

Since advances in the theory and practice of automatic control provide means for attaining optimal performance of dynamic systems, improve the quality and lower the cost of production, expand the production rate, relieve the drudgery of many routine, repetitive manual operations etc, most engineers and scientists must now have a good understanding of this field.

The first signific ant work in automatic control was James Watt’s centrifugal governor for the speed control of a steam engine in the eighteenth century. Other significant works in the early stages of development of control theory were due to Minorsky, Hazen, and Nyquist, among many others. In 1922 Minorsky worked on automatic controllers for steering ships and showed how stability could be determined by the differential equations describing the system. In 1934 Hazen, who introduced the term “servomechanisms” for position con trol systems, discussed design of relay servomechanisms capable of closely following a changing input.

During the decade of the 1940’s, frequency-response methods made it possible for engineers to design linear feedback control systems that satisfied performance requirements. From the end of the 1940’s to early 1950’s, the root-locus method in control system design was fully developed.

The frequency-response and the root-locus methods, which are the core of classical theory, lead to systems that are stable and satisfy a set of more or less arbitrary performance requirements. Such systems are, in general, not optimal in any meaningful sense. Since the late 1950’s, the emphasis on control design problems has been shifted from the design of one of many systems that can work to the design of one optimal system in some meaningful sense.

As modern plants with many inputs and outputs become more and more complex, the description of a modern control system requires a large number of equations. Classical control theory, which deals only with single-input-single-output (SISO) systems, becomes entirely

powerless for multiple-input-multiple-output systems (MIMO). Since about 1960, modern control theory has been developed to cope with the increased complexity of modern plants and the stringent requirements on accuracy, weight, and industrial applications.

Because of the readily available electronic analog, digital, and hybrid computers for use in complex computations, the use of computers in the design of control systems and the use of on-line computers in the operation of control systems are now becoming common practice.

The most recent developments in modern control theory may be said to be in the direction of the optimal control of both deterministic and stochastic systems as well as the adaptive and learning control of complex systems. Applications of modern control theory to such nonengineering fields as biology, economics, medicine, and sociology are now under way, and interesting and significant results can be expected in the near future.

PartⅡTerminology Used in Control System

Next we shall introduce the terminology necessary to describe control systems.

Plants. A plant is a piece of equipment, perhaps just a set of machine parts functioning together, the purpose of which is to perform a particular operation. Here we shall call any physical object to be controlled (such as a heating furnace, a chemical reactor, or a spacecraft) a plant.

Systems. A system is a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective. A system is not limited to abstract, dynamic phenomena such as those encountered in economics. The word “system” should, therefore, be interpreted to imply physical, biological, economic, etc., system.

Disturbances. A disturbance is a signal which tends to adversely affect the value of the output of a system. If a disturbance is generated within the system, it is called internal, while an external disturbance is generated outside the system and is an input.

Feedback control. Feedback control is an operation which, in the presence of disturbances, tends to reduce the difference between the output of a system and the reference input (or an arbitrarily varied, desired state) and which does so on the basis of this difference. Here, only unpredictable disturbance (i.e., those unknown beforehand) are designated for as such, since with predictable or known disturbances, it is always possible to include compensation with the system so that measurements are unnecessary.

Feedback control systems. A feedback control system is one which tends to maintain a prescribed relationship between the output and the reference input by comparing these and using the difference as a means of control.

Note that feedback control systems are not limited to the field of engineering but can be found in various nonengineering fields such as economics and biology. For example, the human organism, in one aspect, is analogous to an intricate chemical plant with an enormous variety of unit operations. The process control of this transport and chemical-reaction network involves a variety of control loops. In fact, human organism is an extremely complex feedback control system.

Servomechanisms. A servomechanism is a feedback control system in which the output is some mechanical position, velocity, or acceleration. Therefore, the terms servomechanism and position- (or velocity- or acceleration-) control system are synonymous. Servomechanisms are extensively used in modern industry. For example, the completely automatic operation of machine tools, together with programmed instruction, may be accomplished by use of servomechanisms.

Automatic regulating systems. An automatic regulating system is a feedback control system in which the reference input or the desired output is either constant or slowly varying with time and in which the primary task is to maintain the actual output at the desired value in the presence of disturbances.

A home heating system in which a thermostat is the controller is an example of an automatic regulating system. In this system, the thermostat setting (the desired temperature) is compared with the actual room temperature. A change in the desired room temperature is a disturbance in this system. The objective is to maintain the desired room temperature despite changes in outdoor temperature. There are many other examples of automatic regulating systems, some of which are the automatic control of pressure and of electric quantities such as voltage, current and frequency.

Process control systems. An automatic regulating system in which the output is a variable such as temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, or pH is called a process control system. Process control is widely applied in industry. Programmed controls such as the temperature control of heating furnaces in which the furnace temperature is controlled according to a preset program are often used in such systems. For example, a preset program may be such that the furnace temperature is raised to a given temperature in a given time interval and then lowered to another given temperature in some other given time interval. In such program control the set point is varied according to the preset time schedule. The controller then functions to maintain the furnace temperature close to the varying set point. It should be noted that most process control systems include servomechanisms as an integral part.

Part ⅢNew Words and Phrases

New Words:

1. analogous[?'n?l?g?s]adj. 类似的,相似的

2. drudgery['dr?d??ri] n. 苦差事,苦工

3. differential [dif?'ren??l]adj. [数学] 微分的n. [数学] 微分

4. deterministic[di,t?:mi'nistik]adj. 可定的,明确的,决定性的,确定性的

5. designate['dezigneit]vt.指明,指出,任命,指派

6. function['f??k??n]n. 官能,功能,职责,仪式;函数

vi. (器官等) 活动,运行,行使职责

7. humidity [hju:'miditi]n. 湿气,潮湿,湿度

8. hybrid['haibrid] computer 混[复]合计算机

9. integral ['intigr?l]adj. [数学]积分的n. [数学] 整数,积分

10. intricate['intrikit]adj. 复杂的,错综的,难以理解的

11. interval['int?v?l]n. 间隔,距离,幕间休息

12. optimal ['?pt?m?l]adj. 最佳的,最优的,最理想的

13. plant[plɑ:nt]n.工厂,对象,车间,设备,联合装置

14. preset[pri:'set]vt.事先调整,预先安置,预先调试

15. relieve [ri'li:v]vt.减轻,解除,援救,救济,换班

16. routine [ru:'ti:n]n. 例行公事,常规,惯例,日常事务,程序

adj. 常规的,平淡的,乏味的

17. relay [ri'lei]n.继电器

18. stringent ['strind??nt]adj. 严厉的,迫切的

19. stochastic[st?'k?stik]adj. 随机的,机遇的,偶然的,推测的

20. servomechanism ['s?:v?u'mek?niz?m] n. 伺服机构(系统),自动控制装置,跟踪器

21. synonymous[si'n?nim?s]adj. 同义的

22. terminology[,t?:mi'n?l?d?i]n. 术语学,术语,专门名词

23. thermostat['θ?:m?st?t]n. 自动调温器,温度调节装置

24. tooling['tu:li?]n. 用刀具加工,工具,机床安装

25. unpredictable['?npri'dikt?bl]adj. 不可预知的

26. viscosity[vis'k?siti]n. 黏质,黏性

27. velocity [vi'l?siti]. n. 速度,速率


1. adaptive and learning control (自)适应与学习控制

2. centrifugal [sen'trifjug?l] governor 离心调速器

3. common practice 常规,习惯作法,一般惯例

4. liquid['likwid]level 液位

5. machine tools 机床

6. under way 在进行中,在行进,起步的,启动的


1. i.e. [,ai'i:]abbr. [拉] id est [id’est]=that is (to say) 也,即,就是

2. etc abbr. [拉] et cetera:[ètsét?r?] 等等

Part ⅣExercises

1. Translate the following into English.







2.Translate the following into Chinese

In many cases, the design of control system is based on some theory rather than intuition or trail-and-error. Control theory is used for dealing with the dynamic response of a system to commands, regulations, or disturbances. The application of control theory has essentially two phases: dynamic analysis and control system design. The analysis phase is concerned with determination of the response of a plant (the controlled object) to commands, disturbance, and changes in the plant parameters. If the dynamic response is satisfactory, there need be no second phase. If the response is unsatisfactory, a design phase is necessary to select the control elements (the controller) needed to improve the dynamic performance to acceptable levels.

石油化工自动化仪表常见故障分析及处理 钟凡

石油化工自动化仪表常见故障分析及处理钟凡 摘要:自动化仪表在石油化工生产工作中具备监管的作用,因此其运行的平稳 性直接影响着企业生产的安全性。深层探索石油化工自动化仪表在工作中经常出 现的故障,了解发生的原因,并提出相对应的解决方案,可以保障自动化仪表在 应用中的效率和质量,提升石油化工生产工作的水平。 关键词:石油化工;自动化仪表;常见故障;处理措施 引言 目前石油化工企业内的自动化仪表主要有温度仪表、压力仪表、流量仪表以 及液位仪表,这些仪表在使用的过程中不可避免的会出现故障问题,企业需要根 据故障出现的原因,结合仪表的运行原理,采用有效的措施及处理步骤,保障自 动化仪表正常运行。 1.温度仪表故障分析及处理措施 1.1温度仪表简介 在石油化工生产工作中,有很多化学反应和化学变化都要在规定条件下进行 操作,因此为了保障生产工作环境的变化符合要求,准确掌握温度的控制范围, 工作人员一定要在生产中安装相应的温度测量仪表。现阶段,对温度的控制主要 选择接触式测量,一般会用热电偶与热电阻等原件来加以控制,并依据生产现场 的总线技术构建自动化测量控制系统。 1.2温度仪表故障分析 这一自动化仪表出现问题后,工作人员要先观察两方面的内容,一方面是仪 表引用电动仪表进行测量、指示及管理;另一方面系统仪表的测量一般要滞后。 具体情况分为以下几点:其一,温度仪表系统的指示数值突然变大或变小通常是 仪表系统出现问题。由于温度仪表系统的测量较为落后,所以不会突然出现问题,此时出现故障的缘由大都是因为热电偶、补偿导线断线等因素带来的;其二,温 度仪表系统指示出现加速震荡问题,一般情况下是由PID调节不正确带来的;其三,温度仪表系统的指示若是出现较大变化,一般是由手工操作带来的,如当时 的操作没有问题,就表明仪表控制系统本身存在问题 1.3处理措施及步骤 在温度仪表日常运行的过程中,一般仪表内的测量组件主要采用的是热电偶,该种类型的组件一般都是采用的双金属显示,所以控制室内的温度测量仪表显示 数值应和现场的温度测量仪表显示数值相同,如果两者的温度不同,则说明温度 仪表出现了故障问题。在处理温度仪表的故障时,由于双金属显示的组件相对较 为简单,所以需要从控制室内的温度仪表入手,首先对热电偶的热电势数值进行 测量,同时查看其对应的温度变化情况,如果热电偶的热电势数值相对较低,这 说明热电偶出现了问题,该种问题大多数都是由于热电偶保护组件内积水造成, 由于热电偶进行温度测量的过程中采用的是点温测量原理,当保护组件内大量积水,会使得热电势大大降低。 2.压力仪表故障分析及处理措施 2.1压力仪表简介 这种仪表的类型有很多种,如变送器、传感器及特种压力等。在石油化工企 业生产工作中应用的压力仪表需要适宜高温环境,且可以在高温、腐蚀性强的环 境下正常测量。通常情况下,石油化工在生产阶段实施压力调节都要以压力变送 器为基础进行操作,此时可以让生产阶段收集的信息传递到控制系统中,以此实


PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A 计算机的结构与功能 这一节介绍计算机的内部体系结构,描述了指令如何存储和译码,并解释了指令执行周期怎样分解成不同的部分。 从最基本的水平来讲,计算机简单执行存储在存储器中的二进制编码指令。这些指令按照二进制编码数据来产生二进制编码结果。对于通用可编程计算机,四个必要部件是存储器、中央处理单元(CPU,或简称处理器),外部处理器总线,输入/输出系统,正如图 3-1A-1所示。 外部处理器总线 存储器CPU输入/输出 图 3-1A-1 计算机的基本元件 存储器储存指令和数据。 CPU读取和解释指令,读每条指令所需的数据,执行指令所需的操作,将结果存回存储器。CPU所需的操作之一是从外部设备读取或写入数据。这利用输入/输出系统来实现。 外部处理器总线是一套能在其他计算机部件之间传送数据、地址和控制信息的电导线。 存储器 计算机的存储器是由一套连续编号的单元所组成。每个存储单元是一个能存二进制信息的寄存器。单元的编号称为地址。初始地址为0。制造商定义处理器的一个字长为单元的整数长。在每个字中,各位表示数据或指令。对于英特尔8086/87和摩托罗拉MC68000微处理器来说,一个字是16位长,但每个存储单元仅为8位,因此两个8位单元来存取获得一个数据字长。

为了使用存储器中的内容,处理器必须取来右边的内容。为了完成这一次读取,处理器把所需单元的二进制编码地址放到外部处理器地址总线的地址线上,然后,存储器允许处理器读取所寻址的存储单元的内容。读取存储单元的内容的这一过程并不改变该单元的内容。 存储器中的指令存储器中的指令由CPU取来。除非发生程序转移,它们按在存储器中出现的顺序来执行。用二进制形式所写的指令叫做机器语言指令。一种得到(指令)有效形式的方法是将(这些)位分成段,如图3-1A-2所示。每一段都包含一个不同类型信息的代码。 在简单的计算机中,每条指令可分为四段,每段有四位。每条指令包括操作代码(或操作码,每条指令有唯一的操作码)、操作数地址、立即数、转换地址。 在一个实际的指令集中,有很多指令。也有大量的存储单元来存储指令和数据。为了增加存储单元的数目,如果我们使用同样的方法,地址段的指令一定长于16位。除了增加指令长度外,还有很多增加微处理器寻址范围的方法:可变指令段、多字指令、多寻址模式,可变指令长度。我们不将详细讨论它们。 存储数据数据是存储器中代表代码的信息。为了有效利用存储空间和处理时间,大多数计算机提供了不同长度和表示方法的处理数据能力。能被处理器识别的各种不同表示称作数据类型。常用的数据类型有:位、二进制码、十进制数字(4位字节,BCD)、字节(8位)、字(2个字节)、双字(4个字节)。 有一些处理器提供了可处理其他数据类型。例如单精度浮点数据类(32位)和双精度浮点数据(64位)等的指令。还有另一类的数据–––特征数据。通常也表示为8位。在标准键盘上,每个计算机终端键和键的组合(例如shift和control功能键)有定为美国信息交换标准码的7位码。 存储器类型在数字控制系统的应用中,我们也关注不同存储技术的特征。对主存储器来说,我们需用它临时存储信息,并逐次地从不同单元写入或获得信息。这种类型的存储器称作随机访问存储器(RAM)。在某些情况下,我们不想让存储器中的信息丢失。因此我们愿使用特殊技术写入存储器。如果写入只在物理改变连接时才能实现,那么这种存储器称为只读存储器(ROM)。如果相互连接的模式可由程序设定,那存储器叫做可编程只读存储器(PROM)。如果需要实现改写的情况,我们有可擦的可编程只读存储器(EPROM)。电可擦除的PROM缩写为EEPROM。


关于石油化工自动化仪表技术的应用探讨 发表时间:2019-01-21T15:37:40.093Z 来源:《建筑模拟》2018年第31期作者:牛文海 [导读] 从改革开放以来,国家的社会经济水平一直在努力发展,不断追逐世界的脚步。科学技术的发展促使国家对于各种能源的需求也逐渐增加。 牛文海 青岛石化检修安装工程有限责任公司山东青岛 266043 摘要:从改革开放以来,国家的社会经济水平一直在努力发展,不断追逐世界的脚步。科学技术的发展促使国家对于各种能源的需求也逐渐增加。石油,作为我国能源使用的主要生产原料,其开发采集的油田数量以及石油产量对于整个国家都非常重要。生产采集石油的化工企业,其社会责任也因此变得非常重大,他们必须做到满足国家经济运转和人民生活活动两方面对于石油的双重需要。石油化工领域内,自动化仪表技术经过长久的发展提升,依旧作为保证石油化工企业正常运作的最主要的仪器设备之一。它是企业生产、提升石油质量和产量、降低企业工业化生产原料技术成本的关键性技术,在企业之间的相对竞争力提升方面发挥着巨大的作用。就目前而言,自动化仪表技术已经在石油化工领域取得了一定成就,为企业工业化生产赢取了一定的社会收益和经济收益。本文将通过分析石油企业工业化生产过程中所采用的自动化仪表技术的应用,从而推动自动化仪表技术的优化发展,推广自动化技术在石油化工企业中的实际应用与发展,为后人的研究和使用提供理论依据。 关键词:石油化工;自动化仪表技术;应用探讨 引言 在石化生产中,化工仪表构成了其中的核心部分,运用化工仪表可以测定石化工业的数据及信息,从而为自动化的石化工业控制提供根据。近些年来,石化企业更多运用了新型的自动化技术,在自动化控制的前提下改进了工业仪表,进而确保了化工仪表具备更高的可靠性与精准性,从而创造更优良的石化生产效益。为此对于石油化工领域而言,有必要明确自动化控制的基本特征及其内容;结合自动化仪表技术的运用现状,探究可行的技术措施。 1自动化仪表技术使用的必要性 石油工业化生产过程中始终存在人工依赖问题和环境问题等,这些问题的出现不仅企业生产造成一定不利影响,同时企业生产出的产品质量也会遭受一定的影响。故企业在工业化生产过程中利用自动化仪表技术来改善和控制上述问题的出现是非常必要的,这也是自动化技术在石油化工生产领域内应用的重要性。对于要求生产质量高标准的企业而言,聘用操作人员,在生产过程中采取人工操作的方式很难达到企业所要求的精度标准,采取人工操作不仅会造成原料投入控制不稳定,生产流程和产品质量等方面都难以满足企业的要求,甚至有可能出现温度或压力过高的现象,导致对于最后的成品质量造成巨大的影响。严重时还会出现作业环境中的安全隐患,给操作人员的生命安全带来威胁。多数情况下采取单纯的人工操作会使生产过程中出现工作质量低等问题。石油化工企业的生产流程本身就是比较复杂、庞大的生产作业流水技术流程,如果过度依赖人工操作会产生对于劳动力的严重需求,这样不仅增加企业生产成本,还极有可能出现人力短缺的情况。人工操作的工作效率地下,远不如机械自动化生产的工作效率,所以人工操作的生产方式难以实现企业生产的需要,也无法跟上社会发展的步伐。 2自动化控制的基本技术特征 在传统的生产控制中,石油化工行业通常运用DCS控制的自动化策略来实现生产控制,DCS系统有助于简化流程,操作简单。近些年来,自动化控制相关的技术更新很快,更加先进智能。具体而言,自动化控制应当具备如下的技术特性。 2.1自动化的仪表控制有利于优化技术措施 近些年来,自动化控制的具体措施正在获得改进和提升。从化工领域来讲,大量使用单回路和串级控制。对于控制器规律通常可以选择PID方式。PID设置了独立性的软件包,包含了各种整定方法,智能PID还密切联系了软测量技术与动态变量技术等。目前很多化工企业已意识到PID技术的价值,因而开始尝试大量运用串级控制的仪表测控方式。 2.2交互界面是化工仪表控制的重要一环 化工仪表实现自动化控制,这个过程不能缺少交互性的人机界面。在显示器的辅助下,操作员可以观察到被控参数值,通过输入自动控制的设定值命令现场执行机构动作,进而为化工决策提供必要的参考。这在根本上符合了集成性的化工生产。从现状来看,人性化的交互界面正在逐步推广与普及,特别是新型自动化系统产生后,操作软件访问数据更加简单。交互界面是化工仪表控制的重要一环。 2.3自动化控制在本质上保障了安全性 石化行业表现出较强风险性,大多数生产操作都蕴含危险。为了消除风险,自动化的化工仪表有必要确保安全,对于各项风险都应当予以控制并且尽量消除。对于安全性加以综合考虑,自动化控制最根本的目标就在于在保证安全的前提下提升效益并且杜绝频繁发生化工事故。 3石油化工行业自动化仪表的控制技术的应用 3.1常规控制 常规控制是控制理论中最为基础的控制方式,主要包括顺序控制、批量控制和连续控制等。一般来说,常规控制的内容是比较固定的,即使系统已经升级更新,对于常规控制而言几乎没有变化。传统控制的发展,比如从常规DCS到新一代DCS,电气单元的有机组合等,其中包含的部分和内容如何都基本没发生什么变化。其次,常规控制涵盖的内容主要有:比例调节、分程调节控制、和PID调节等,其中PID调节是控制理论中最简单的调节控制方式。传统控制在控制学中,是对自动化工具最基本部分的控制,由于块数据和控制算法基本维持不变,因此主要通过配置选项和控制方案进行优化。 3.2先进控制 随着科学技术的不断发展,控制理论与多门学科不断地交叉融合,已经进入了现代控制阶段,出现了大量基于现代控制理论的智能算法,而且多变量的控制技术得到了广泛的应用。相较于传统的PID控制,目前,智能PID控制器已经比较常见了,而且应用前景广阔,因为它具有级联控制功能,能够使控制的效率更高,而且比传统的单轨控制系统更稳定。对于石化企业而言,智能PID控制器的出现,能够大大


element n、元件,成分node n、节点branch n、分支loop n、回路resistor n、电阻器impedance n、阻抗analog n、模拟digital adj、数字的pulse n、脉冲interface n、接触面,界面decoder n、解码器 transformer n、变压器single-phase 单相pulsate vi、脉动three-phase power三相电源three-phase circuit 三相电路 wye connection 星形连接delta connection 三角形连接phase voltage 相电压line voltage 线电压voltmeter n、电压表ammeter n、电流表clamp-on ammeter钳式安培表 solid-state adj、固态的valve n、真空管,活栓semiconductor n、半导体switching n、开关diode n、二极管inverter n、反向换流器(逆变器) thyristor n、硅可控整流器inverter thyristor 晶闸管逆变器transistor n、晶体管substantial adj、牢固的fluorescent lamp ballast 荧光灯镇流器HVDC transmission system 高压直流输电系统 induction motor 感应电动机rectifier n、整流器 thyratron n、闸流管ignitron n、引燃管,放电管cycloconverter n、循环变流器spectrum n、光谱 wafer n、圆片,晶片chopper n、斩波器polarity n、极性silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR) n、可控硅整流器 gate turn-off thyristors (GTO) n、门极可关断晶闸管 MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT) n、MOS控制晶闸管


自动化专业英语常用词汇 acceleration transducer 加速度传感器 accumulated error 累积误差 AC-DC-AC frequency converter交-直-交变频器 AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动 active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定 adjoint operator 伴随算子 admissible error 容许误差 amplifying element 放大环节 analog-digital conversion 模数转换 operational amplifiers运算放大器 aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot 关节型机器人 asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性 attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移 attitude acquisition 姿态捕获 AOCS (attitude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度 attitude disturbance 姿态扰动 automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器 automaton 自动机 base coordinate system 基座坐标系 bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表 gauge测量仪器


石油化工自动化仪表技术的的应用分析 摘要:针对石油化工自动化仪表技术的应用进行分析,介绍了石油化工企业当 中自动化仪表技术的几个类型,分别为,物味仪表,流量仪表。结合当前石油化 工企业发展现状,探讨可使用自动化仪表技术的必要性。最后,结合这些内容, 总结石油化工企业自动化仪表技术的应用情况,内容主要有:自适应控制、最优 控制、理性引进、加大科技投入。 关键词:石油化工;自动化仪表;物位仪表 随着科学技术的不断发展,在石油化工企业中也引进了大量的先进技术和先 进设备,石油化工企业具有一定特殊性,对自动化仪表技术进行应用,能够在一 定程度上提升产品生产效率,同时为工作人员的人身安全提供一定保障。因此, 研究当前石油化工企业使用的自动化仪表技术情况,分析不同自动化仪表技术的 适用范围,探讨在对这些设备使用过程中应当注意的问题,对于石油化工企业未 来发展具有重要意义。 1 石油化工自动化仪表的类型 1.1 物味仪表 结合应用对象的不同将物位仪表进行进一步划分,还可以将仪表分成两种类型,分别为料位表和液位表。这两种仪表通常被应用在两相物资的计量中,被人 们称作是相位计。其中电子型物位仪表的应用较为广泛,这种仪表的使用量已经 超过了机械式物位仪表。人们应用的电子型物位仪表当中,使用和发展最为广泛 的是非接触式物位仪表。 1.2 流量仪表 流量仪表主要被应用在对是由输送管道当中的单位时间内流载物体的体积进 行测量,该种类型的仪表同样在石油化工企业当中广泛应用,属于一种自动化仪表。对于流量计而言,其已经被应用在石油开采、石油运输和石油冶炼、石油交 工等领域,伴随着当前我国石油贸易不断增加,能够对大量的输送管道进行测量,同时也可以对微小的输送管道进行测量,该仪器逐渐成为石油化工企业的新能需要。流量仪表使用过程中,稳定性极高,同时还具备一定的耐腐蚀性能,测量精 度较高,并不会因为其他因素而干扰。 2 应用石油化工自动化仪表技术的必要性 对于石油化工企业而言,进行具体生产过程中,存在一定的人工依赖问题, 同时也存在一定环境问题等,这些问题的存在不但给石油化工企业带来一定影响。同时还会对企业生产和质量带来影响。因此,对自动化仪表技术进行科学应用, 并且对其进行进一步改善和控制,十分必要,这也是应用自动化技术的重要性。 当石油化工企业具体生产过程中,一些企业对生产过程要求较高,采用人工 操作方式,难以达到工作精度的需求,这不仅给材料控制带来影响,也导致生产 流程和产品追量等方面很难满足企业对质量的需求。在一定程度上,还有可能会 导致温度超标现象,这种情况下,会给最后的品质带来影响,如果后果严重,可 能会出现安全隐患,从而给工作人员的生命安全带来威胁[1]。 如果过分依赖人工操作方式,会导致操作程度过低、工作效率低下等问题, 这种情况下,所生产出来的产品中会出现一定量的次品。对于对于石油化工企业 而言,可能会有人力短缺的现象出现。对于人力操作而言,其工作效率有限,和 机械相比存在较大的差距,这就促使企业生产需求难以实现,导致企业竞争力下降。如果生产过程中,一个区域中集中大量的工人,也为其安全埋下隐患。


2008年秋冬学期研究生专业英语期末考试试卷参考答案 1. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese ① Metric 度量 ② Convergence 收敛 ③ Covariance 方差 ④ Stochastic 随机 ⑤ Equivalence 等价 ⑥ Dynamic equation 动态方程 ⑦ Criteria 判据、评价标准 ⑧ Measurement Model 测量模型 ⑨ Partial derivative equation 偏微分方程 ⑩ In the sense of probability 在概率意义上,依概率 2. Explain the following symbols in English ① m b '' the second order derivative of b sub m , b double prime sub m ② A B ? A is equivalent to B ③ i x a → i x approaches a ④ y x ?? the partial derivative of y with respective to x ⑤ ?a b integral between limits b to a ⑥ a ‖b a is parallel to b ⑦ 3 a the cube root of a ⑧ A X ? set A is contained in X ⑨ ()a b c d e f +-?÷= a plus b minus c multiplied d , all divided by e equals f ⑩ ,,. as i N s t a a i ε??→→∞ for any special ε, there is a respected N ,


architecture n. 体系结构 artillery shell 炮弹 conveyor n. 传送带 flip-flop n. 触发器 geothermal adj. 地热的 off-peak adj. 非高峰的 Ohm n. 欧姆 wye n. Y形联结,星形联结,三通 character recognition 文字识别 pattern recognition 模式识别 abound v. 大量存在 accelerate v. 加速 access v. 存取,接近 accessory n. 附件 accommodate v. 容纳,使适应 acoustic adj. 听觉的 acoustic sensor 声传感器,声敏元件 acronym n. 首字母缩写词 active adj. 主动的,有源的 active network 有源网络 actuator n. 执行器 ad hoc 尤其,特定地 address n. 寻址 address generators 地址发生器 adjoint n., adj. 伴随(的),共轭(的) admissible adj. 可采纳的,允许的 advent n. 出现 aerodynamic adj. 空气动力学的 aerodynamics n. 空气动力学,气 体力学 aesthetically adv. 美术地,美学地 aforementioned adj. 上述的,前面 提到的 agility n. 灵活,便捷 agility n. 灵活,便捷 AI 人工智能 air gap 气隙 airgap = air gap 气隙 air-to-close (AC) adj. 气关的 air-to-open (AO) adj. 气开的 albeit conj. 虽然 algebraic equation 代数方程 alignment n. 组合 all-electric range 全电动行驶里程 alleviate v. 减轻,缓和 allowance for finish 加工余量 alloy n. 合金 alnico n. 铝镍钴合金,铝镍钴永 磁合金 aloft adv. 高高地 alphanumeric adj. 字母数字混合 的 alternative n. 可供选择的办法 altitude n. 海拔 aluminum n. 铝 amortisseur n. 阻尼器 amplifier n. 放大器 amplify v. 放大 amplitude n. 振幅 anthropomorphically adv. 拟人地 anti-alias filter 抗混叠滤波器 APICS = American Production and Inventory Control Society 美国生产与 库存管理学会 apparatus n. 一套仪器,装置 approach n. 途径,方法;研究 aptness n. 恰当 arbitrary adj. 任意的 arbitrary adj. 任意的 architecture n. 架构 archive v. 存档 argument n. 辐角,相位 arithmetic-logic unit 算术逻辑部 件 armature n. 电枢,衔铁,加固 arrival angle 入射角 arrival point 汇合点 artificial intelligence 人工智能 ASIC = Application Specific Integrated Circuit 特定用途集成电路 assembly n. 装置,构件 assembly line 装配生产线 assumption n. 假设 asymmetric adj. 不对称的 asymptote n. 渐进线 asymptotically stable 渐近稳定 asynchronous adj. 异步的 asynchronous adj. 异步的 at rest 处于平衡状态 at the most 至多 attached adj. 附加的 attain v. 达到,实现 attenuate v. 减弱 attenuation n. 衰减 attitude n. 姿态 audio adj. 音频的 auto-isolation n. 自动隔离 autonomous adj. 自治的 autonomous adj.自治的,自激的 auto-restoration n. 自动恢复供电 auto-sectionalizing n. 自动分段 auxiliary material 辅助材料 axon n. 轴突 backlash n. 齿隙游移 bandwidth n. 带宽 bar code scanner 条码扫描仪 baud n. 波特 become adept in 熟练 bench mark 基准点 bias n. 偏压 bi-directional adj. 双向的 binary adj. 二进制的 binary-coded adj. 二进制编码的 biomass n. 生物质 biopsy n. 活体检查 bipolar adj. 双向的 BJT 双极结型晶体管 blackout n. (大区域的)停电 BLDM 无刷直流电动机 block diagram algebra 方块图计 算(代数) 1 / 11


石油化工自动化仪表选型设计规范 SH 3005-1999 3 温度仪表 3.1单位和量程 3.1.1温度仪表的标度(刻度)单位, 应采用摄氏度(C)。 3.1.2 温度标度(刻度)应采用直读式。 3.1.3 温度仪表正常使用温度应为量程的50%一70%, 最高测量值不应超过量程的90%。多个测量元件共用一台显示表时, 正常使甩温度应为量程的20%一90%, 个别点可低到量程的10%。 3.2 就地温度仪表 3.2.1就地温度仪表应根据工艺要求的测温范围、精确度等级, 检测点的环境、工作压力等因素选用。 3.2.2一般情况下, 就地温度仪表宜选用带外保护套管双金属温度计, 温度范围为-80一5OOC。刻度盘直径宜为1OOmm; 在照明条件较差、安装位置较高或观察距离较远的场合, 可选用15Omm。需要位式控制和报警的, 可选用耐气候型或防爆型电接点双金属温度计。仪表外壳与保护管连接方式, 宜按便于观察的原则选用轴向式或径向式, 也可选用万向式。 3.2.3 在精确度要求较高、振动较小、观察方便的场合, 可选用玻璃液体温度计, 其温度范围:有机液体的为-80一1OO℃。需要位式控制及报警, 且为恒温控制时, 可选用电接点温度计。

3.2.4 被测温度在-200一50℃或-80一500℃范围内, 在无法近距离读数、有振动、低温且精确度要求不高的场合, 可选用压力式温度计。压力式温度计的毛细管应有保护措施, 长度应小于2Om。 3.2.5 就地测量、调节, 宜选用基地式温度仪表。 3.2.6关键的温度联锁、报警系统, 需接点信号输出的场合, 宜选用温度开关。 3.2.7 安装在爆炸危险场所的就地带电接点的温度仪表、温度开关, 应选用隔爆型或本安型。 3.3集中检测温度仪表 3.3.1要求以标准信号传输的场合, 应采用温度变迭器。在满足设计要求的情况下, 可选用测量和变送一体化的温度变送器。 3.3.2 检测元件及保护套管, 应根据温度测量范围、安装场所等条件选择(不同检测元件的温度测量范围见表 3.3.2), 且应符合下列规定: 1热电偶适用于一般场合; 热电阻适田于精确度要求较高、无振动场合; 热敏电阻适用于要求测量反应速度快的场合。 2 采用热电阻温度检测元件时, 宜采用PtlO0热电阻。 3 测量设备或管道的外壁温度, 应选用表面热电偶或表面热电阻。 4 测量流动的含固体颗粒介质的温度, 应选用耐磨热电偶。 5 下列情况, 可选用销装热电阻、热电偶: a测量部位比较狭小, 测温元件需要弯曲安装; b 被测物体热容量非常小;

自动化专业英语PartⅤ-Ⅵ 课文原文内容

Part Ⅴ Sensors and Transmitters In a feedback control system, the elements of a process-control systemare defined interms of separate functional parts of the system . The four basic components of controlsystems are thesensors, transmitter , controller , and final control elements . Thesecomponents per form the three basic operations of every control system: measurementdecision, and action. Sensors and transmitters perform the measurements operation of control system. Thesensor produces a phenomenon, mechanical, or the like related to the process variable that itmeasures. The function of transmitter in turn is to convert the signal from sensor to the formrequired by the final control device. The signal, therefor e, is related to the process variable. Two analog standards are in common u se as a means of representing the range ofvariables in control systems. For electrical systems we use a range of electric current carriedin wires , and for pneumatic systems we use a range of gas pressure carried in pipes . Thesesignals are used primarily to transmitvariable information over some distance, such as to andfrom the control room and the plant .Fig .5 . 9 shows a diagram of a process- controlinstallation where current is used to transmit measurement data about the controlled variableto the control room, and gas pressure in pipes is used to transmit a feedback signal to a valve to change flow as the controlling variable . Fig .5 .9 Electrical current and pneumatic pressures are the most common means of information transmitter in the industrial environment Current signal The most common current transmission signal is 4 to 20 mA . Thu s , in the preceding temperature example, 20℃might be represented by 4 mA, and 120℃by 20 mA, with all temperatures in between represented by a proportional current . The gain is 略 That is , we can say that the gain of sensor/ transmitter is ratio of the span of the output to the span of input . Current is used instead of voltage because the system is then les s dependent on load . Voltage is not used for transmission because of its susceptibility to changes of resistance in the line . Pneumatic signals The most common standard for pneumatic signal transmitter is 3 to 15 psi . In this case, when a sensor measures some variable in a range it is converted into a proportionalpressure of gas in a pipe . The gas is usually dry air .The pipe may be many hundreds of meters long , but as long as there is no leak in the system the pressure will be propagated down the pipe . This English system standard is still widely used in the U .S ., despite the move to the SI system of units . The equivalent SI range that will eventually be adopted is 20 to 100 kPa. The two cases presented show that the gain of the sensor/ transmitter is constant over its completeoperating range . For most sensor/ transmitter this is the case; however , there are some in stances , such as a differential pressure sensor used to measure flow, when this is not the case . A differential pressure sensor measures the differential pressure ,h, across an orifice . This differential pressure is related to the square of the volumetric flow rate F . That is F2 ah . The equation that describes the output signal form an electronicdifferential pressure transmitter when used to measure volumetric flow with a range of 0~F maxgpm is


An electrical circuit or network is composed of elements such as resistors , inductors , and capacitors connected together in some manner .If the network contains no energy sources , such as batteries or electrical generators,it is known as a passive network.On the other hand, if one or more energy sources are present , the resultant combination is an active network. In studying the behavior of an electrical network,we are interested in determining the voltages and currents that exist within the circuit. Since a network is composed of passive circuit elements,we must first define the electrical characteristics of these elements. 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器、电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性. In the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm's law, which ststes that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance. Mathematically, this is expressed as u=iR where u=voltage , V; i=current, A; R=resistance Ω. 就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R = 电阻,欧姆。 The voltage across a pure inductor is defined by Faraday's law ,which states that the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the rate of change with time of the current through the inductor. Thus we have u=Ldi/dt where di/dt=rate of change of current ,A/s; L=inductance ,H. 纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中di/dt = 电流变化率,安培/秒;L = 感应系数,享利。 The voltage developed across a capacitor is proportional to the electric charge q accumulating on the plates of the capacitor. Since the accumulation of charge may be expressed as the summation, or integral , of the charge increments dq, we have the equation u=1/c fdq where the capacitance C is the proportionality constant relating voltage and charge. By definition, current equals the rate of change of charge with time and is expressed as i=dq/dt. Thus an increment of charge dq is equal to the current multiplied by the corresponding time increment, or dq=i dt. 电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量dq的和或积分,因此得到的等式为u= 1/c fdq,式中电容量C是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或dq = i dt,那么等式(1-1A-3) 可写为式中 C = 电容量,法拉。
