东北师范大学 英语写作(二)答 案

东北师范大学 英语写作(二)答 案
东北师范大学 英语写作(二)答 案




Ⅰ. Punctuation (每题6分,共30分)

1. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? E

A. Mary graduated in four years but she didn't find a job immediately.

B. It was a large, black, Labrador retriever.

C. Mary who is my sister will be at the party too.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

2. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? D

A. I just read the novel A Simple Plan.

B. Heather Hardy, Ph.D., is the director of undergraduate studies in our department.

C. He had only one desire in life: to catch a ten-pound bass.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

3. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? A

A. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered that she had bought


B. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite, surprised when we discovered that she had bought


C. No one expected her to buy a car, so we were quite surprised when we discovered, that she had bought


D. all of the above

E. none of the above

4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? A

A. My favorite writers are the following: Flannery O'Connor, David Desroches, and David Lodge.

B. My favorite writers are: Flannery O'Connor, David Desroches, and David Lodge.

C. both of the above

D. neither of the above

5. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? B

A. The word "unique" is frequently misused.

B. The word unique is frequently misused.

C. The word unique is frequently misused.

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

Ⅱ 请写一封家信向父母汇报你在学校的情况。(共30分)

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing? Is everything well at home? Two months have passed quickly since I came back to school. I miss all of you very much, and I hope the letter will give you a little pleasure. Do you still remember that I was rather poor in maths in Grade One? You were so disappointed that you always blamed

me. Now with the help of my teachers and classmates, and also because of my hard working during the summer holidays, I've made rapid progress. A few days ago I did very well in a maths exam. How happy I was! Of course, I will not be proud of it and will study even harder.Recent days my classmates and I are preparing the School English Speech Contest, I’ve been writting my speech draft and it’s going very well.

Please don't worry about me. I'm very fulfill everyday. I can do well with anything that happens around me.

After a year's study, I've been used to the life in the school. I like my teachers and really get on well with all my classmates. I hope you are both healthy and happy!

Your loving daughter/Son,


Ⅲ. Write an article. (共40分)

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports




The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport

Almost everyone of the world today desires to be healthy. As the effective way to get fitness, sport is more and more popular nowadays. There are countless positive aspects of sports. I think the main reasons are its beneficial affects on body and mental, especially for people living in big cities.

First, as people is getting busier and busier today, they rarely have chance to move their bodies. They sit before the computer or at the desk day and night, spending their major time on working. It is really terrible for our body health. As a result, more and more men are suffering diseases. To avoid such affliction, they have to take exercises. Sports would make your body more flexible and cost the unnecessary fat of your body so that you will feel far healthier.

What’s more, sport is definitely good for mental health. Mental work is taking the place of physical work day and day. So people use brain to think quite much. Meanwhile, a lot of people feel lonely today because the lack of communication with others. In that case, sport would be a proper way to relax and communicate if you take part in some kinds of teamwork. Doubtlessly, sport has its negative aspects. For example, if you don’t do it in a proper way, you may get hurt when you take sports, or it may take you too much time and energy so that you cannot concentrate on your job.

To sum up, sport in necessary and beneficial if you take it in a proper way. It will be part and important part of your life.


全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 I. Correct the errors in the following sentences.(改写病句)10% Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television .I resolved never to buy that brand again. After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again. 1.Those berries are poisonous don’t eat them. 2.Our city’s buildings are not as modern as your city. 3.To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase. 4.He told me that Mary had returned home for a week. 5.I read the book on the bus which did not interest me at all. II. Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it.(阅读以下每段文章,然后在每段文章的主题句下划线。)20% 1. The biggest problem in ancient DNA reserch is getting the DNA in the first place. The favorite material to work with is bone, and a small chunk of it is best. Cells can lie inside the hard bone structure waiting to be liberated after the calcium has been dissolved away. That’s the easy bit. Getting the DNA out, what little of it that remains is horrendously difficult and many teams have succumbed to pitfalls in the past. The rule is that it has to be done in a clean room better than used to assemble spacecraft to go into deep space, and it has to be done away from any other source of potentially contaminating DNA. 2. Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals. 3. Many TV commercials imply that a woman’s self-esteem depends on her cleaning ability. In one commercial, we see a woman terribly upset because her guests find spots on her glassware. Countless other commercials blur out the message that a woman will pass muster as a person if her kitchen floor gleams and her toilet bowl is blue. This idiocy must work, because the images of women scrubbing, moping, waxing and smiling keep on coming over the air. 4. As human beings, we are constantly in the stage of change. Our bodies change everyday. Our attitudes are constantly evolving. Something we swore by five years ago is now almost impossible for us to imagine ourselves believing The clothes we wore a few years ago now look strange to us in old photographs. Everything is changing. This is a prediction I can make with absolute certainty. 1


[考研类试卷]2015年东北师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉 1 barriers of time and space 2 firecrackers 3 distance learning 4 elite 5 intellectual property 6 internal affairs 7 WTO 8 on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 9 unequal treaty 10 bilateral cooperation 11 sustainable development 12 government-funded scholarship 13 individual income tax 14 burn the midnight oil 15 bio-technology 汉译英 16 学士学位 17 电子公告板

18 种族歧视 19 劳动力 20 情人节 21 优惠政策 22 零售商店 23 全球经济失衡 24 自治区 25 机器制造产品 26 消费品 27 商业订单 28 文化鸿沟 29 股票市场 30 学术机构 英译汉 31 Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth—something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one' s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. First, then. I will say to you my young friends—and I say it beseechingly, urgingly—


A012·00097(通卡) 绝密★启用前 2019年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 外贸英语写作 (课程代码00097) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题。 2.应考者必须按试题顺序在答题卡(纸)指定位置上作答,答在试卷上无效。 3.涂写部分、画图部分必须使用2B铅笔,书写部分必须使用黑色字迹签字笔。 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 1.He is more talented and active than in our department. A.anyone B.anyone else C.else anyone D.anybody 2.Most people considerto be responsible citizens. A.themselves B.himself C.they D.their 3.If you write checks,your service charges will decline. A.less B.least C.fewest D.fewer 4.Because of air pollution being greatly reduced,this city is still . A.lived in as a good place B.lived as a good place C.a good place to live in D.a good place which to live 5.Of all the books mentioned in the booklist,none available ecently. A.is B.has heen C.are D.have


A: All the young children were _________ over the outing. A. excited B. exciting A : What is the least dangerous kind of robbery? B : ________ robbery. A. Safe B. Safety C. Saving All the people were _________ to hear that the pirates attacked our merchant ships. A. astonished B. astonishing All the fruits must before they are paid for. A. weight B. be weighed C. weigh D. be in weight A : What are we all doing at the same time? B : We are all growing __________. A. old B. elder C. elderly B: Be careful __________ you cross the street. A. how B. for C. to D. with C: D: Do you wish me ___________? A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed Didn’t I ask you ________ in your homework this week? A. hand B. handed C. handing D. to hand E: Everyone longs ________ the summer holiday. A. till B. toward C. towards D. for Everybody was _______ at the news of a sudden outbreak of polio in the community. A. alarmed B. alarming F: G: Great changes _______ in our institute in the last few years.

英语写作(一) 期末考试试题及参考答案

英语写作试题(一) I. Supply the missing paragraph (20 points) The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. Attaining Success in College Succeeding in college is not only important to getting and education, but also crucial in this day and age to success in the work place. To me, the three most important things for attaining a successful college experience are having smart classroom conduct, taking advantage of campus resources, and making college the first priority. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Making good use of campus resources is also of great importance to college success. The school library has many resources for the growth of the students’ mind. With computers and copy-machines for individual use, computer labs and writing labs are there not just for learning purposes but also for actual help with writing papers. The “office hours” will help the students build a close relationship with their professors and give them access to the professors’ mind. From the professors the students can acquire possible extra information that may put them ahead of their study. All these resources are free, since they are funded by student tuitions. So taking good advantage of the resources can only make the students’ education more attainable. Finally, any students who want to assure success must establish school as the top priority. Personally I have watched some students slowly loosen up; I have seen a pattern of partying and a lack of motivation. Many of the freshmen have no idea why they are in college, and their “eyes” often tell it all. This world is so rich in distractions that it is hard to keep a strong focus, especially if one is just starting his or her academic career. It is said that the first semester is often the most “unsuccessful” one. This certainly rings true for me. I made mistakes in this regard and eventually learned that, to achieve success, school must always be placed above other things. In my college experience, I have observed and learned how to achieve success. I wish someone had told me earlier the importance of having that smart classroom conduct, of fully utilizing the school resources, and of making college my top priority. Then, my college beginnings would not have been so rocky and tough. II. Write an outline (20 points) Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it. Smell Smell, as a means of nonverbal communication, is important. Odor communicates not only when we are face to face with another person, but also when the other personis not present. People from different cultures may have different attitudes toward body odors. Most people in the West respond negatively to what they consider bad odors such as body odor, breath odor, or


第一部分英语写作基础(答案) 第一章句子写作 1.1 句子的种类 I. 1) Is there any water in the bottle? 2) Can she sing and dance very well? 3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England? 4) Does it often rain here in summer? 5) Did you always play together at that time? 6) Who is he? 7) How many times have you been to Beijing? 8) Where do they live? 9) What does your father like very much? 10) Why did he go to school yesterday? II. 1)“Shall we go by bus or by train?”“Better go by train.” 2)“Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?”“Tomorrow.” 3)“You are not ready, are you?”“No, I am not.” 4)We can’t take these books out, can we?”“No, we can’t” 5)Take care not to catch cold. 6)Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you. 7)Let’s not waste our time arguing about it. 8)How pretty you are in that skirt! 9)What a beautiful city Hangzhou is! 10)How I miss my parents! III. 1)She has not had her lunch. 2)I was too excited to say a ward. 3)None of the problems is difficult. 4)You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere. 5)He opened the door and we all went in. 6)Put on your coat, or you will catch cold. 7)It was late, so we went home. 8)He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely. 9)Turn off the light before you leave the room. 10)I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 1.2句子的基本句型 I. 1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC 8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SVA II. 1)My ink has run out. (SV)


学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 考试科目:英语专业基础 考试时间:2008年1月20日下午 说明:所有试题答案均需写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的一律无效。 第一部分:语言学 I. Fill in the blank with an appropriate linguistic term. (15 points) 1. The most striking feature of human language is __________, which means that an infinitely large number of sentences can be constructed out of a finite set of rules. 2. If a phoneme is realized by more than one sounds in different phonetic contexts, the sounds are called __________. 3. When words are decomposed, the minimum meaningful constituents are __________. 4. If a phrase or sentence can be interpreted in more than one ways, it is __________. 5. The infinitude of language is due to the fact that the same syntactic rules can be applied again and again. This is called __________. 6. If a sound segment copies the feature of a neighboring sound in speech it is said to be __________. 7. According to Chomsky’s theory of syntax, phrase structure rules and lexicon generate the deep structure of the sentence, which will undergo __________ before the surface structure appears. 8. Both transformational-generative grammar and systemic-functional grammar are theoretical grammars, while traditional grammar is a __________ grammar. 9. Modern linguistics differ from earlier studies of language in that it is __________, in other words, modern linguistics attempt to find out objectively the universals of human language or the regularities of a specific language. 10. __________ is an interdiscipline that studies the relation between language and the mind. 11. Pragmatics is different from semantics because it studies meaning in __________. 12. Both phonetics and phonology analyze speech sounds, but the latter studies sound __________ and __________. 13. Politician and statesman are similar in meaning, but they are different in __________. 14. According to Halliday, language plays three functions, they are __________, __________ and __________. 15. In the metaphor “marriage is a journey,” the __________ domain is travelling. II. Transcribe the initial sound of the word and then describe it. (10 points) Example: funny: [f] voiceless labiodental fricative 1. psycholinguistics: __________ ____________________ 2. amplify: __________ ____________________ 3. church: __________ ____________________


[0846]《英语写作》 第一次作业 [论述题] Define the following writing terms 1 Outline 2 Thesis sentence 3 Narration 4Description 参考答案: 1. a general explanation or description of the content of a discourse; the details being omitted. Roughly speaking, there are three types of outlines: the topic, the sentence and the paragraph outlines. All entries in a topic outline are nouns, noun phrases, gerund phrases or infinitive phrases. All entries in a sentence outline, however, are complete sentences. These two types must not be mixed. A paragraph outline provides something like the topic sentences of the paragraphs of the discourse. A few rules must be observed when one writes an outline. (1) The thesis must be a complete declarative sentence. It is general and objective. (2) Do not use single subdivisions. If "I” appears, "II” or "III” must also appear. If there is an "A,” there must be a "B” at least. (3) Do not mix a topic outline with a sentence outline. (4) A formal outline follows a strict parallelism. The following is the skeleton of a possible sample outline. Thesis statement: (a sentence stating the controlling idea of the discourse) I. Introduction II. Main idea Sub-idea Sub-idea Supporting detail Supporting detail Fact 1 Fact 2 III. Main idea Sub-idea Sub-idea Supporting detail Supporting detail Supporting detail Sub-idea IV. Conclusion 2. the sentence that states the main thought of the whole essay


全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 全部题目用英文作答。 I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His valuable papers were destroyed in the fire. Tom called the insurance company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn’t make a good negotiator he doesn’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B. Homemade ice cream is my favorite.


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要(2017宁波模拟) Many Chinese students have studied English for approximately ten years, but most of them cannot even speak English correctly or fluently. In my opinion, there are several obstacles that have caused this to happen. The main obstacle is fear! Another is the habit of mentally translating from Chinese to English and then to change these thoughts into spoken words and sentences. Many of these difficulties are caused by the way Chinese people study and learn the language. We must learn to speak as a child does. When we are learning a second language we need to remember how we learned our native language. Learning to understand and speak a language is one of the first skills a child develops. How does a child learn the language? He listens for a time and then he tries to repeat the words. Parents give great praise for the smallest effort and slightest improvement. Therefore, the child develops courage and is excited about learning. It takes a long time before he knows anything about grammar, spelling or formal sentence structures. As for language teachers, they should avoid criticism and be very encouraging and generous with praise. Criticism or pointing out faults too often causes students to lose self-confidence and develop a fear of speaking. The best way to motivate a student is using praise. The most important aspect of speaking is having good self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. When most Chinese people are asked how their English is, or they are told their English is very good, they immediately respond by saying, "Oh my English is very poor." If you say this to yourself often enough, you will believe it. When someone compliments(称赞)you, just say "thank you". __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 共()词
