

Lesson 91

still adv.

1) 还,仍旧

Eg: I still can’t decide where to go. 我还是不能决定去哪儿。

Eg: She was still beautiful at the age of 46.她46岁时依然美丽。

Eg: I still use the watch you gave me. 我还在用你给我的那块表。


Eg: He is sitting still.他一动不动的坐着。

Eg: The patient is lying still. 病人安静地躺着。

Eg: Please stand still while I take your picture. 我为你拍照时,请站好别动。move

1)v.搬家 move from…to…从…搬到…

Eg: They moved from Nanjing to Shenzhen.他们从南京搬到深圳。

Eg: We are going to move to a house in the country. 我们将要搬到乡下的房子。

2)移动 eg : Don’t move that chair, because I’ve just painted it. 请不要搬那张椅子,国为我刚刚漆过。

Eg: The teacher asked her to move to the front of the classroom. 老师请她坐到教室的前面去。

Eg: Move along ,please. 往前走。


Eg: His song moved us greatly,她的歌深深的打动了我们。

Eg: His story moved us to tears.他的故事感动得我们流泪。

--move to 搬家,移动(动作) --move in 搬进(强调结果)

--move into 搬进(强调过程) --move out 搬出


1) v. 想念,思念

Eg: We will miss you very much if you move. 如果你搬家,我们会想你的。

Eg: I really miss my hometown.我真的很想念我的家乡。


Eg: When did you miss your bag? 你什么时候发现提包不见的?


Eg: I missed a good chance. 我失去一次机会。

Eg: They missed the bus and walk home. 他们没有赶上公共汽车就走回家了。

--miss doing 未能

Eg: I missed buying the magazine. 我没有买到这本杂志。

Eg: I missed seeing him yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我没能看到他。

neighbour n. 邻居

eg: He and I are next-door neighbors. 他和我比邻而居。

A good neighbor 好邻居 neighborhood 四邻,临近地区

Eg: This is a quite neighborhood. 这一带很安静。

Eg: He is moving into the neighborhood.他要搬到这一带。

In the neighborhood of 在。。。。的附近 = near

Eg: I want to live in the neighborhood of my office. = I want to live near my office. person n.人

eg: He is a nice person. 他是个好人 eg: who is that person?那个人是谁?

--in person 亲自,直接地

Eg: He will go to get the money in person. 他将亲自去取钱。

--personal adj. 个人的,私人的 a personal letter

--a personal conversation 私人谈话

people n. 人们

eg: There are a lot of people in the street.街上有很多人。

--the people 民众,人民,国民

Eg: government of the people, by the people, for the people 民有民治民享的政府(林肯演说中的名言)

poor adj.

1)可怜的eg: The poor old woman had no one to talk to. 那个可怜的老人找不到人跟她说话。

Poor fellow =poor thing 可怜的人,


--a poor man 贫穷的人 a poor village 贫穷的村庄 the poor 穷人(用作复数)Eg: We should help the poor. 我们应该帮助穷人。

3) 笨拙的,差劲的

Poor jokes 差劲的笑话 a poor excuse笨拙的借口

--be poor at sth / be poor at doing sth 不擅长

--be good at sth / be good at doing sth 擅长

Ed: My daughter is poor at swimming. 我的女儿不擅长游泳。


1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作,状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,tomorrow/ this month/ the day after tomorrow/ next week/ in two day’s time/ from now on / in the future

2)一般将来时的形式主语+will/ shall+动词原形

--will 用于所有人称,shall可用第一人称I和we(在当代英语中,不管什么人称,人们都喜欢用will)

3)一般疑问句是将助动词will/ shall提前,否定是在will/ shall的后面加not.

否定缩写:shan’t=shall not won’t= will not

Eg: He will come next week. 他下星期来

Eg: I’ll have eggs and coast for breakfast tomorrow morning.明天早饭我吃鸡蛋和烤面包。


Eg: He won’t come back next week. 他下周回不来。

Eg: She will not go to visit her friend this afternoon. 她今天下午不会去拜访她的朋友。


Will you see him tomorrow morning? 你明天早晨会见他吗??-Yes, I will./ No, I won’t.

Will she post the letter the day after tomorrow? Yes, I will / no, I won’t.

除了will/ shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to do 比will/ shall 更为普通。

1)用来表示说话人的意思或打算。She is going to travel by air. 她打算乘飞机旅行。2)也可用来表示有迹象某事即将发生。It’s going to rain. 将要下雨了。


今天:this morning/ this afternoon/ this evening/ tonight/

明天:tomorrow morning/tomorrow afternoon/tomorrow evening/

后天:the day after tomorrow ,the night after next

其他:in the morning /in the afternoon/in the evening


1. Who wanted to sell the house? 谁想卖房?

2.When did the person sell the house? 房子什么时候卖掉的?



Has Ian sold his house yet? yet己经(疑问句)还(否定句) already (肯定句) -My father has already come home form work. 我的父亲己经下班回到了家。(already 置于助动词与实义动词之间)

--Has your father come home yet?你的父亲己经下班到家了吗?(yet一般放在句末)--My father hasn’t come home from work yet. 我的父亲还没有下班回家。

Yes, he has. He sold it last week.一般过去时,强调“上周”这个时间所发生“卖房”的这个动作。

Has he moved to his new house yet? 现在完成时的一般疑问句。它的意图是想知道他现在是否依然在这,还是己经离开了,而不是想知道过去的发生的搬家的这个动作。

--move to 搬家到…

--All her family have moved to the U.S.她全家人都己经搬到美国去住了。

--move in 搬进(强调结果)

--His new neighbor moved in last week. 他的新邻居上周搬了进来。

--move out (of…) (从…)搬出去

--If you come back at midnight every day and make such a big noise, you have to move out. 如果你每天都半夜回来,还弄这么大的声音,你就得搬走。

--I really don’t want to move out of here. 我真的不想从这搬走。

No, not yet. He’s still here. He’s going to move tomorrow.

--Not yet. 还没有。(简略回答)He hasn’t moved to his new house yet.

--still 还,仍旧 Why are you still here? 你为什么还在这?

--Are the students still in the park?

-- She is still here waiting for you.

--be going to do 打算做某事

--I’m not going to argue with you tonight. 我今天晚上不想和你吵。

--be going to do 即将,可能

--Look out! The ice is going to crack! 当心,冰要塌了!

--Is it going to be fine tomorrow? 明天会晴天吗?

When? Tomorrow morning?

--when 特殊疑问词同,用来询问时间。

Eg: when do you go to school every day? When did she come back?

--When are you going to leave here? 你打算什么时候离开这里?

No, Tomorrow afternoon. I will miss him. He has always been a good neighbor.

Tomorrow morning/tomorrow afternoon/tomorrow evening,这些状语用在将来时态中。--I’ll miss him.我会想他的。

--I’ll= I will (will表示将来,可用于所有的人称)

--miss 想念,思念

--I miss my parents very much. 我非常想念我的父母。

--I will miss you when you leave for Paris. 当你离开去巴黎的时候,我会想你的。--He has always been a good neighbor. 他一直是一个好邻居。

--这句话也可以用He is a good neighbor.






--She has been very hard. 她一直都很用功。

He’s a very nice person. we’ll all miss him.

--all 在家,全部(指3个或3个以上的人或物)we 的同位语。

--They all like English. 他们所有的人都有喜欢英语。

--both 用来指2个人或物

--Both Mr. Smith and Miss Lee are from Brazil. Smith先生和李小姐都是巴西人。--Both of them want to go there. 他们两个都想去那儿。

When will the new people move into the house?

-new people 新住户 move into 搬进来(强调过程) move in 搬进来(强调状态,结果)

I think that they’ll move in the day after tomorrow.

--I think 我认为,我想(宾语从句)(由that 引导作think 的宾语)

--Do you believe that we will win the game? 你相信我们将赢得这场比赛吗?

The day after tomorrow 明天

Will you see Ian today, Jenny?

--Will they attend the meeting tomorrow? 他们明天会出席这个会议吗?

Please give him my regards.请代表我问候他。

--give sb sth = give sth to sb 把…给某人(双宾语)

--regards(复) 致意,问候

--give him my regards= give my regards to him

Poor Ian! He didn’t want to leave this house.

--poor adj. 可怜的 poor girl 可怜的女孩

--poor adj. 贫穷的 the poor country 贫穷的国家

--leave 离开 leave… for…离开…去…

--When will you leave China for England? 你什么时候离开中国去英国?

--leave for 动身去… I will leave for England on September 23rd.

No, he didn’t want to leave, but his wife did!




本课Ian 确实不想离开这里。因此不管Catherine说得是否正确,Jenny都不去评价它,只是直接说出实际情况。

实际情况:I am a student.

--You are a student, aren’t you?你是一名学生,是吧?

--Yes, I am.

--You are not a student, are you?你不是一名学生,是吧?

--Yes, I am.

--实际情况:They haven’t come back yet.

--They have already come back. No, they haven’t.

--They haven’t come back yet. No, They haven’t.

--but his wife did

--did 代替上文中的wanted to leave


Have/ has…yet? 己经…了吗?

--move to 搬到

--tomorrow morning 明天上午

--tomorrow afternoon 明天下午

--miss sb 想念某人

--move in 搬进来(状态,结果)

--move into 搬进来(动作)

--give sb my regards 代我向某人问候。


Text The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. 定语从句:who died in 800 B.C.修饰an Egyptian woman 死于公元前800年的一位埃及妇女 B.C. (Before Christ)公元前 eg Julius Caesar died in 44 B.C. . Julius Caesar 死于公元前44年。 A.D.(Anno Domini 拉丁语)公元(后) eg William the Conqueror invaded Britain in A.D. 1066. William征服者于1066年入侵英国。 have an operation接受手术 perform an operation on sb for… 给…做手术 eg He`ll perform an operation on her for a diseased lung. 他要为她做肺部手术。 operation1n[u] 工作,操作 eg The operation of a big new machine can be hard to learn. 一部大型新机器的操作室很难学会的。 2n[c] 工作,行动 begin operations开展业务 a difficult operation一项艰巨的行动 The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes. As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. 定语从句:the mummy is that of Shepenmut,这是Shapenmut木乃伊,那么Shapenmut是何许人也,后面的定语从句告诉我们,who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes 曾在Thebes神殿做过歌手的Shapenmut的木乃X-Ray plates X光片子 taken of the mummy, taken是 take的过去分词,整个过去分词短语作定语修饰X-ray plates,给木乃伊拍摄的X 光片。 have been trying现在完成进行时,一直试图 Whether the woman died of a rare disease是否这位妇女死于一种罕见的疾病。Whether引导的宾语从句做find out 的宾语从句。 take the plates of…给…拍片子 take a picture of sb给…照相 find out1查出,揭露 eg I won`t tell you -you must find out for yourself. 我不会告诉你的,你必须自己去发现真相。 2揭发(恶行) eg I`ve found you out at last, you cheat! 我终于把你揭发了,骗子! 3(美)寻找(某人) to find out one`s relatives in China 寻找在中国的亲戚 find v得知,发觉,查出 find the answer to a question 找出问题的答案 eg Please find (out) what time they are coming. 请弄清楚他们什么时候来。 eg I find that I have plenty of time now. 我发觉我现在有很多时间。 die of死于(内因) die of a fever死于高烧 die of thirst干渴而死 die in an acceident死于事故 die by drowning溺水而死 die from a wound死于外伤 die by one`s own hand自杀 die hard(指旧观念,习俗等)一时很难根除,消失 The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin which covered the shin. The only way to do this was to operate 搞清楚的唯一方法就是做手术 to to this 是不定式做定语修饰the only way。 定语从句:The operation, which lasted for over four hours,which引导的非限定性定语从句修饰operation 延续了四个多小时的手术 定语从句:which covered the skin 引导定语从句修饰hard resin 裹着皮肤的硬硬的树脂 prove to be +adj/ture out to be 显示出… skin n皮肤 leather n皮革 complexion n肤色 eg Hard resin covered the skin. 裹着皮肤的硬硬的树脂。


新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson91【课文】 CATHERING: Has Ian sold his house yet? JENNY: Yes, he has. He sold it last week. CATHERING: Has he moved to his new house yet? JENNY: No, not yet. He's still here. He's going to move tomorrow. CATHERING: When? Tomorrow morning? JENNY: No. Tomorrow afternoon. I'll miss him. He has always been a good neighbour. LIDA: He's a very nice person. We'll all miss him. CATHERING: When will the new people move into this house? JENNY: I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow. LINDA: Will you see Ian today, Jenny? JENNY: Yes, I will. LINDA: Please give him my regards. CATHERING: Poor Ian! He didn't want to leave this house. JENNY: No, he didn't want to leave, but his wife did! 【课文翻译】 凯瑟琳:伊恩已他的房子卖掉了吗?


新概念英语第二册lesson91课后习题 新概念英语第二册lesson91课后习题 1.d 2.b 从课文第11-13行可以推测b是课文内容所暗示的,而其他3个 选择都与课文内容不符,所以应该选b. 3.c 该句的谓语动词noticed可以跟宾语+不带to的不定式或动词加ing形式。 b.tomake和d.inmaking都不能用在notice后面,所以都不对。 a.make和c.making都可以用在notice后面做宾语补足语,但 它们表达的含义不同。 不带to的不定式make是指整体的动作,即动作的全过程;而making是指正在进行的动作。因此,c.更符合句子的含义:apilotnoticedaballoonmakingforaroyalairforcestation.(一个飞 行员发现了一只气球正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地),强调气球正 在飞往而不是已经飞向了……。所以选c. 4.b 本句的谓语动词informed后面只有跟介词of搭配才符合习惯用法:toinformsb.ofsth.(通知某人某事).所以只有c.是正确答案. 5.c 本句需要选一个同前一句中的时间从句whenheheard含义相同的短语。

只有c.onhearing(当听到……时)与whenheheard含义相同,而 其他3个选择都不符合习惯用法,所以选c. 6.d 只有选d.was最合乎语法,因为news是不可数名词,后面只能 跟第三人称单数形式的动词。a.were和b.are都不合乎语法;c.had 不是动词be,不合乎题目意思,所以只有d.是正确的。 7.b 只有选b.therewere才能使这个句子与前一句(theballooncontainedtwomps)的.含义相同。英语中表示某处“有”或“存在”要用thereis或thereare这样的结果,而不能用have. 因此,a.theywere,c.theyhad,d.therehad都不合乎语法,只有b. 是正确的答案。 8.b 本句需要选一个同前一句中的形容词nearby(在附近的,在旁边)含义相符合的词或短语。a.quitefar(相当远);b.quitecloseto(很 靠近);c.beside(在……旁边);d.ratherfarfrom(离……相当远)4 个选择中只有b.与nearby的含义相同,c.beside往往指比较确定 的地点,如besidethewindow(在窗户旁),nearby只是指附近的, 范围比较宽泛,两个词含义有些不同,所以选b. 9.c 本句需要选一个与前一句中的动词短语keeptrackof(跟踪)含义 相同的动词,才能使它同前一句意义相同。a.record(录音,记 录);b.control(控制,操纵);c.follow(跟随,追踪);和 d.check(检查,核实)中,只有c.与keeptrackof含义相同,所以 选c. 10.b 前一句的makeout是"看出","辨认出"的意思,本句需要一个与它含义相同的动词,以使两个句子意思相吻合.

新概念英语第二册:Lesson77 课文注释

新概念英语第二册:Lesson77 课文注释 【篇一】 The mummy is that of Shepenmut…这是……赛潘姆特的木乃伊。 that用以指代前面的 the mummy,以避免重复。在指代特指的事物时,尤其是在比较状语从句中,常用that和those指代前面提到的事物: The cost of living here is lower than that in London. 这里的生活费用比伦敦的要低。 that of和those of一般用于较正式的文体中: The area of the USA is larger than that of Britain. 美国的面积比英国的大。 Toms pen is better than that of the other boys. 汤姆的笔比其他男孩的要好。 课文中使用that of结构的原因之一是 Shepenmut需要后面跟一个补充说明她身份的关系从句。 【篇二】 die of,死于……,因……而死(后面跟名词)。 His grandfather died of a bad cold/died of hunger. 他爷爷死于重感冒/是饿死的。 【篇三】

The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult…手术持续了4个多小时,非常难做…… (1)last表示“持续”、“延续”时为不及物动词,后面通常跟 一个表示时间的名词/短语,for可有可无: The war between the two countries lasted (for) over three years/until 1453. 这两个国家之间的战争持续了3年多/一直持续到1453年。 (2)prove表示“证明”、“证实”,后面能够跟从句、形容词、名词、不定式等: Weve been trying to sell our house, but its proved to be very difficult. 我们一直试图把房子卖掉,不过事实证明这很困难。 You should first prove that you bought these goods here. 你应该首先证明这些物品你是从这里买的。 (3)which引导的分句为非限定性关系从句,因为它前后都有逗号。非限定性关系从句提供补充信息,往往能够略去。逗号的取舍有时对 句子的意思有很大影响: The government which promises to cut taxes will be popular. 承诺减税的政府将赢得人心。(限定性) The government, which promises to cut taxes, will be popular. 这个政府承诺减税,它将会赢得人心。(非限定性)


新版新概念英语第一册第11课课堂笔记 Women lie about their age, men lie about their income. A man, who can govern a woman can govern a nation. Lesson 31 Where's Sally? [词汇] garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……这下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过 cat n. 猫 garden center:花卉中心 garden city:花园城市 savage garden:野人花园 in the garden:在花园里 under the tree:在树下

family tree:家谱 tree ring:年轮 climb the tree:爬树 run across the grass:跑过草地 run after:在……之后跑 语法——时态: 在第一册出现了八种时态 1 首先了解概念 2 时态——动词变化规则、时间的状态 now 现在实行时 usually, often, always… 一般现在时 already, yet 现在完成时 现在实行时:表示现在正在实行或者发生的动作、状态 表示现阶段正在实行或发生,但说话的此刻动作不一定实行后面加一个将来的时间,能够表示打算做的事情。 结构:S. + be + v.-ing S. + be + not + v.-ing Be + S. + v.-ing ? Yes, S. + be/ No, S. + be + not What + be + S. + v.-ing? I am speaking/talking.


新概念英语第二册Lesson91~93课文详注 新概念英语第二册Lesson91课文详注 1.A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。 (1)to be making for为不定式的进行式,表示正在进行的动作: They seem to be talking about something important. 他们似乎正在谈论某件重要的事情。 She seems to be looking for somebody/something. 她似乎正在找人/什么东西。 (2)make for为固定短语,其含义之一为“(匆匆)走向”、“向……前进”: While the thief was making for his car, a policeman stopped him. 当小偷匆勿走向他的汽车时,一位警察拦住了他。 After leaving Calais, the ship made for Dover. 离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。 2.He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the

strange object. 他说有可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。 (1)might be doing sth.表示对正在进行的动作的推测(cf.第19课语法): What can Tom be doing in that room? 汤姆会在那个房间里干什么呢? He might be reading/watching TV. 他或许在看书/看电视。 (2)keep track of 为固定短语,表示“追踪”、“保持联系”、“记录”等(其反义词为 lose track of):Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat. He looks suspicious to me. 跟踪那个戴顶灰帽子的人。我觉得他看上去可疑。 She managed to keep track of her friends. 她设法保持了与朋友们的联系。 3.He could make out three men in a basket under it… 他看清了气球下面有3个人呆在一只筐里…… make out是固定短语,它在这里的含义是“(勉强)看出”、“辨认出”、“听出”: In the darkness of night, he could just make out three men coming toward them. 在黑夜中,他只能看出有3个人在向他们走来。 Can you make out what they are talking about? 你能听清他们在谈什么吗?


新概念英语第一册课文(全中文)$课文1对不起! 1对不起 2什么事? 3这是您的手提包吗? 4对不起,请再说一遍。 5这是您的手提包吗? 6是的,是我的。 7非常感谢! $课文3对不起,先生。 8请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 9这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。 10谢谢,先生。 11是5号。 12这是您的伞和大衣 13这不是我的伞。 14对不起,先生。 15这把伞是您的吗? 16不,不是! 17这把是吗? 18是,是这把 19非常感谢。 $课文5很高兴见到你。 20早上好。 21早上好,布莱克先生。 22这位是索菲娅 23索菲娅是个新学生。 24她是法国人。 25索菲娅,这位是汉斯。 26他是德国人。 27很高兴见到你。 28这位是直子。 29她是日本人。 30很高兴见到你。 31这位是昌宇。 32他是韩国人。 33很高兴见到你。 34这位是鲁明。 35他是中国人。 36很高兴见到你。 37这位是晓惠。 38她也是中国人。 39很高兴见到你。 $课文7你是教师吗?

40我是个新学生, 41我的名字叫罗伯特。 42很高兴见到你。 43我的名字叫索菲娅。 44你是法国人吗? 45是的,我是法国人。 46你也是法国人吗? 47不,我不是。 48你是哪国人? 49我是意大利人。 50你是教师吗? 51不,我不是。 52你是做什么工作的? 53我是电脑录入员。 54你是做什么工作的? 55我是工程师。 $课文9今天好吗? 56你好,海伦 57你好,史蒂文 58你今天好吗? 59很好,谢谢你。 60你好吗? 61很好,谢谢。 62托尼好吗? 63他很好,谢谢。 64埃玛好吗? 65她也很好,海伦。 66再见,海伦。 67见到你真高兴。 68我见到你也很高兴,史蒂文。69再见。 $课文11这是你的衬衫吗? 70那是谁的衬衫? 71戴夫,这是你的衬衫吗? 72不,先生。 73这不是我的衬衫。 74这是我的衬衫。 75我的衬衫是蓝色的。 76这件衬衫是蒂姆的吗? 77也许是,先生。 78蒂姆的衬衫是白色的。 79蒂姆! 80什么事,先生。 81这是你的衬衫吗? 82是的,先生。 83给你。

新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点 第91课(2)

新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第91课(2) Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing! 句子讲解: 4、He said that someone might be spyiing on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. 他说可能有人正对该基地实行侦察,所以命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。 语言点 might be spying可能正在实行侦察


新概念英语单词第二册第77课:一例成功的手术 mummy ['mm] 木乃伊 Egyptian ['dp()n] adj.埃及的 temple ['temp()l] n.庙 【单词例句】 A: The bus to Jinge Temple has just left. A:去金阁寺的车刚走。 B: How long will the next bus arrive? B:坐下趟车要等多长时间? nark [nɑk] 斑点 【单词扩充】 negative底片 【单词例句】 A:I can’t find the plate of this picture. A:我找不到这张照片的底片了。 B:It's in the bag,which is Lmder that book. B:在那本书下面的袋子里。 present ['prez()nt]当前的 disease [d'ziz] 疾病 champion ['tmpn] 冠军 last [lɑst] 持续

【派生词】lasting持久的 lastlong time经久不衰 【单词例句】 A:Los Angel Lakers won the championlast out。 A:洛杉矶湖人队今年再次嬴得了冠军。 B:They deserve it. B:这是他们应得的。 【单词例句】 A: How long will the match last? A:这场比赛会持续多久? B: It will last one and a half hours. B:会持续一个半小时。 A: You need to be tough to survive in the jungle. A:你需要在丛林中艰难生存。 B: You can say that again. It's the challenge to the maximum of man's life. B:是啊,这是对人类极限的挑战。 prove [pruv] v显示出 【单词例句】 A: How's the workmanship of your products? A:你们的产品做工如何? B: I'll let my products prove themselves.


单词完型: 1 It rained hard but he s____ worked in the field. 2.We all m____ parents working in another city. 3. The warm-hearted man over there is our n________. 4. He is the first p_____ to come in the hal. 5. We Chinese p____ are very hard-working and brave. 6. The p____ child is begging door to door. 7.′My uncle is a famous _____________(飞行员) 8. Yesterday we _________(飞往) to Beijing for a holiday. 9. Mr. Smith will __________(返回) hometown this afternoon. 10. I think I’m a _________(幸运的) person. 11. My_______(隔壁) neighbor is a friendly man. 12. ___________(此时此刻), he is in Tokyo, studying Japanese. 13.They hurried and at last they c____ the first bus. 14.M_______the plane means waiting for another 3 hours. 15. P___ of books have been given to the poor children. 16. I want to buy one r_____ ticket to Shanghai. 17. They bought some food in the shop near the ___________(火车站) 18. The Whites go to Hangzhou for a holiday by ________(火车) 19. I ______(遗留) my schoolbag on the bus in the morning. 20. Can you ______(描绘) the beauty of your hometown clearly? 21. He wore his new clothes with the ________(标签) on.


Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 【Text】 A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing! 【课文翻译】 一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。他马上把情况报告了该基地,但那里的人没有一个能解释这到底是怎么回事。控制塔上的官员得知这一消息后,非常气愤,因为气球有可能给飞机造成极大的危险。他说可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。飞行员设法绕着气球飞了一阵。他看清了气球下面有3个人呆在一只筐里,其中一个举着望远镜。当气球飞临基地上空时,飞行员看见有一个人在拍照。不久,气球开始降落,在一个停机坪附近着了陆。警察被召来了,但他们却不能逮捕任何人,因为筐里是两名国会议员和一名基地的指挥官!正如指挥官后来解释的那样,基地的这半边不知道那半边正在干什么! New words and expressions 生词和短语


Lesson 77 A successful operation一例成功的手术 【Text】 The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes. As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. The only way to do this was to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin which covered the skin. The doctors removed a section of the mummy and sent it to a laboratory. They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show: a small wax figure of the god Duamutef. This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mummy. The doctors have not yet decided how the woman died. They feared that the mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this has not happened. The mummy successfully survived the operation. 【课文翻译】 死于公元前800年的一位埃及妇女的木乃伊刚刚接受了一次手术。这是曾在底比斯神殿里当过歌手的赛潘姆特的木乃伊。由于在给这个木乃伊拍摄的X光片子上有点奇怪的斑点,所以,医生们一直试图搞清这位妇女是否死于一种罕见的疾病。搞清的唯一办法就是手术。手术持续了4个多小时,非常难做,因为皮肤上覆盖着一层硬硬的树脂。医生们从木乃伊身上取下一个切片,送去化验。他们还发现了X光片所没有显示的东西:一个蜡制的杜瓦木特夫神小塑像。这种牛头人身的神像通常被放在木乃伊体内。医生们至今还未确定这位妇女的死因。他们曾担心在把木乃伊切开后,它会散成碎片,但幸运得很,这种情况并未发生。这具木乃伊成功地经受了这次手术。 New words and expressions 生词和短语 1. mummy


新概念第一册阶段测试题 (Lesson 91—Lesson 106) 姓名:____________________ 得分:____________________ 一.英汉互译。(10分) 1. (邻居) 2. (车库) 3. (车票) 4. (提手) 5.. (penny) 6. (slip) 7. (youth) 8. (讨厌)9. (错误)10. (贵的) 二.根据括号内的意义,用合适的代词填空。(5分) 1. (我的)watch is black. What about (他的)? 2. (他的)brother is a pilot, (我的)is a chemist and (她的)is an engineer. 3.Where are (他们的) books? 4.These photographs are not (我的),(它们的)are (他们的). 5.There are many balls. The red are (你们的),the white are (我们的). 三.用括号中所给的动词的适当形式填空(5分) 1. I missed the last bus. I have to go home on foot.(catch) 2. He (feel) thirsty and a lot of water yesterday. (drink) 3. He English for 5 years.(learn) 4. Would you like shopping? (go) 5. You had better up now, we are late.(get) 四、单项选择(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.—_____pencil-box is this,Kate?—It’s_____. A.Who se/mine B.Who’s/mine C.Whose/my D.Who’s/my ( )02.My watch keeps good time.What about_____? A.you B.her C.hers D.your ( )03.The small blue case_____got a zip on it. A.is B.have C.has D.had ( )04.Fish can’t live_____water. A.with B.have no C.without D.have ( )05.I’m afraid_____I can’t get up. A.it B.this C.that D.what


葿 Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 薆【New words and expressionS (5) track n.轨迹,踪迹 芈 bino culars n.望远鏡 蚂 hoist a ballo on = raise a ballo on 升起氣球 羆 an observation balloon 觀測氣球 螆(2) n.(玩具的)氣球 羄 blow up balloon 吹氣球 ; eg : The balloon burst .氣球爆炸了。 膀^ royal (1) adj.皇家的、皇室的 聿the Royal Navy 英國皇家海軍 祎(2) adj.王的、王室的、女王的 賺 a royal place 王宮 ; a royal family 王室 ; royal power 王權 袂(3) (口語)極好的、極佳的 螈 a royal welcome 盛大的歡迎; a royal feast 盛宴 祎 have a royal time 盡歡,玩得極為愉快 薂^ spy (1) v.侦察 芀 spy on sth = spy upon sth = spy into sth 侦察某事物 薇 eg : The police have been spying on the gan ' movements .膃ballo on n.气球 royal adj. 皇家 羀spy v.侦察

羅警方正在監視那團夥的動靜羃spy doing sth 發現某人正在做某事 : I spied some one coming up the slope . 羂eg 薀我發現有人正在走上斜坡。 肅(2)n.間諜、密探、情報員 : He was arrested as an in dustrial say 他由於是工業間諜被捕了。莄eg 蒀^ track (1)n.(人、動物、車等的)轨迹,踪迹 荿tire tracks 輪胎痕跡、夕彳跡 : The hunter followed the bearstracks .獵人跟著熊的足跡。 膅eg 螅(2)n.(人、動物等踏成的)小徑、小道 : A track runs through the grove . 一條小路穿過了小樹林。 膂eg 膈(3)n.路線、航線the track of the storm 暴風雨的線路 芅(4)n.慣例、常規keep to the beaten track循規蹈矩 袂go off the beaten track 打破常規 虿(5)鐵軌、軌道 羇a single track 單軌; a double track 雙軌 莅run off the track 出軌 = jump the track 节* binoculars n.望远鏡 莁field-glass 望遠鏡 罿bin ocular adj.雙眼的、雙眼用的


Lesson77 Terrible toothache 一、单词与短语 appointment: n.约会,预约; make an appointment:约会; I made an appointment with Tom on Monday. 星期一我跟汤姆约会了。 urgent:adj.急切的;紧急的; till:prep.直到、、、为止; 掌握与till相近的一个短语:not、、、until:直到、、、才: I did not know the truth until I met her at school. 直到在学校遇见她,我才知道事情的真相; Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped. 车停稳了以后再下车。 You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. 看过医生之后,你才能吃东西。 not、、、until是英语中一个相当重要的句型,需要掌握! 二、短语句型及语法 1、Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗? 在本句中需要掌握的是appointment的用法: appointment是约会、预约的意思,在英语中应用地非常广泛,关于appointment需要掌握一个常见的重要短语: have an appointment with sb:和某人有个约会

I will have an appointment with my classmate tomorrow. 我明天跟同学有个约会。 2、Is it urgent? 紧急吗? Urgent是“紧急的”的意思,关于urgent需要掌握一个重要的句型即可:it is urgent for sb to do sth:对某人来说做、、、是非常紧急的,例: It is urgent for me to learn English. 对我来说学英语是件紧急的事情。 It is urgent for me to be accustomed to the new environment. 对我来说尽快适应新环境是件紧急的事情。 3、Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th? 您在4月24日星期一上午十点钟来可以吗? 在本句中我们要复习前边学过的in、on及at后边跟时间名词的具体用法: ①on指具体的某一天,或者是特定某一天的早上、中午、晚上。例: Sam and I go swimming on march 1(st), 2011. 在2010年3月1号我跟萨姆游泳去了。 On Monday morning, I came to Beijing from my hometown. 星期一的早晨,我从家乡来到北京。 ②in后边一般加一天中的早、中、晚,及季节、月份及年份。in the morning:在早上;in the afternoon:在下午;in the evening:
