


Unit 1

1. That women have out grown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era. 女人们已经成长到不再是一看见老鼠就跳到椅子上的时代了。

2.The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing—bait for a snake.


3. It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10 1/2 mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills.


4. The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was; why bother concentrating on pace when she was such a nice pacesetter for me?


5. We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.


6. Yet as Peggy Mimon so clearly demonstrated, the similarities between male and female runners are more important than the differences.

然而就像Peggy Mimon清晰的证实的一样,男性和女性跑步者之间的相同点比不同点更重要。

7. There was still a noticeable bounce in her stride, but whatever springiness I had once possessed had long since left me.


Unit 2

1.Writers note that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. is not unlike the

temples that ancient Greeks built in honor of their gods, and that annual ceremonies of celebrating Lincoln’s birthday in schools and public places have sometimes had characteristics of religious services.


2.Americans admire the self-made person—the one who, with neither money nor

family influence, fights his or her way to the top.


3.When reformers in the northern states put pressure on Congress not to permit

slavery in western territories that later became states, some of the southern stated to secede, or withdraw, from the United States.


4.As President, he appointed men to high govern-men to positions whom he

considered most capable, even though some of them openly scorned him.


5.The uncontrolled emotional reaction of the nation to his death was almost

unbelievable and demonstrated the deep esteem in which he was held.


Unit 3

1. I held a series of jobs for short periods, quitting some in disgust, being fired from other because of my attitude , my speech, or the lool in my eyes.


2.“Maybe that’s wrong with Negroes, ”I said. They take too much time.


3. The next morning I was outside the office of the optical company long before it opened. I was reminding myself that I must be polite, must think before I spoke, must think before I acted, must say “yes, sir.”or“no, sir”, that I must behave myself so that White people wouldn’t think that I thought I was so good as they.


4. I even tried to keep the tone of my voice low, trying to rob it of any suggestion or overtone of aggressiveness.


5.I tried to answer in a way that would let him know that I would try to be worthy of what he was doing.



Unit 4

1.During his useful life he often felt he was useless:“Alfred Nobel, ”he once wrote

of himself,“ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life.”

在他有用的生命中,他经常觉得他是无用的:“Alfred Nobel,他曾经写他自己,他本应在他刚出生时即被一位好心的医生弄死。

2.He had never been t school or university but had studied privately and by the time

he was twenty was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English.

他从来没有上过正规的学校或大学,但他私下学习,在他20 岁的时候,他就是一个娴熟的化学家和卓越的语言家,他会讲瑞士语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。

3.Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an

original scientist with those of a forward-looking industrialist.


4.Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and form his youth

had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.


5.His famous will in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in

Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.


Unit 5

1.The space shuttle is our doorway into space. It is the first true spaceship.


2.More importantly, the Shuttle can carry parts of large structures and park them in

orbit. Eventually, there will be a great many structures, all near each other, all circling the Earth.


3.In the same way, we can build computerized factories in space. These factories

can make use of the properties of space—high and low temperatures, lots of good vacuum and no gravity. We can build laboratories and observatories, too.


4.If human beings wish to invest the time, money, and effort, all of this can be done

in about fifty years, and many people your age will be part of it. Yours will be the first generation of space. People your age now will grow up to be engineers and construction workers in space.


5.You may be on the first team to mine the moon, and your son or daughter may be

on the first crew to land on an asteroid or on one of the outer moons of Jupiter.


Unit 6

1.Anyone who’s a doctor is right out of luck, I thought. Anyone who’s studying

medicine should have his head examined.

我认为。任何一个医生注定倒霉,任何一个学医的人都应该去检查他的脑子。2.As one of my friends says—even doctors have a few friends—it’s all experience. 正如我的一个朋友所说——医生的朋友很少,但他们都和有经验。

3.As I speed down Lea Bridge in the dark at this horrible morning hour, the swish of

the mud against the windows, the heater first blowing hot then cold, my back aching from the car-seat made for a misshapen camel, the fog swirling about the empty petrol stations, I do not feel like a ministering angel.


4.Occasionally people are ill, occasionally you can help, occasionally you get given

a cup of tea and rock-hand cake at two o’clock in the morning—then you worry

if you have done everything.



Unit 7

1.The large woman simply turned around and kicked him, reached down, picked the

boy up by his shirtfront, and shook him violently.


2.Sweat popped out on the boy’s face and he began to struggle. Mrs. Jones stopped,

jerked him around in front of her, put a half-nelson about his neck and continued to drag him up the street.

汗珠从男孩的脸上蹦出,他开始挣脱,Mrs. Jones停下来,猛拉他到她的前边,卡住她的脖子,继续拖着他往前走。

3.After he had dried his face and not knowing what else to do, dried it again, the

boy turned around, wondering what to do next.


4.He did not trust the woman to trust him, And he did not trust the woman not to

trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted now.


5.The boy wanted to say something other than “Thank you, ma’ m” to Mrs. Luella

Bates Washington Jones, but although his lips moved, he couldn’t even say that, as he turned at the foot of the steps and looked up at the large woman in the door.

男孩想再说些什么,他想对Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones说:谢谢你,妈妈,虽然他的嘴唇动了动,但他说不出,当他走到最后一个台阶时,他回头看了一眼这个站在门口的那女人。


1.The intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word. 这个意图不是为了抓住每个人,而是为了传播要严打的消息。

2.They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall:“life is like a field of

newly fallen snow ; where I choose to walk every step will show.”


3.They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of

morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand.


4.His message was contained in the smallest doll:“If each of us hires people who are

smaller than we are ,we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants.”

他的信息被包在最小的娃娃里:如果我们雇佣比我们更小的人,我们将变成一个侏儒公司,但是如果我们雇佣比我们呢更大的人,那么Ogilvy& Mather将变成一个巨人公司。

5.So be yourself. Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in

your life. When it’s tough, do it tough. In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life’s challenges.


6.Integrity means you so what you do because it’s right and not just fashionable or

politically correct. A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror.



1.He was about to give a student a zero for his answer to a physics question, while the student claimed he should receive a perfect score and would if the system were not set up against the student.


2. I pointed out that the student really had a strong case for full credit, since he had answered the question completely and correctly.


3. For example, you could take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the barometer, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building, and by the use of a simple proportion, determine the height of the building. 例如,你可以在晴天带着气压表去测量气压表的高度,利用它的影子的长度。在利用建筑影子的长度,使用一个简单的比例就可以决定建筑的高度。

4.He admitted that he did, but said that the he was fed up with high school and college instructors trying to teach him how to think, to use the “scientific method,” and to explore the deep inner logic of the subject in a pedantic way, as is often done in the new mathematics, rather than teaching him the structure of the subject. With this in mind, he decided to revive scholasticism as an academic lark to challenge the Sputnik-panicked classrooms of America.


Unit 10

1. Weary and discouraged, I didn’t seem able to do anything right.


2. Why—when one word can bring such pleasure?


3. I admired my father. He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. He would be able to appreciate this wonderful poem of mine even more than my mother.


4. His mood seemed thunderous. He could not sit down but circled the long dining-room table with a drink in his hand, calling down terrible oaths on his employees.


5. When I had cried the worst of the disappointment out of me, I could hear my parents still quarreling over my first poem at the dinner table.


6.A writer—in fact every one of us in life—needs that mother force, the loving force from which all creation flows; and yet the mother force alone is incomplete, even misleading, finally destructive.



2012大学英语第二次作业 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1. — Could I borrow your car for a few days? — 所选答案: C. Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey. 问题 2 得 3 分,满分 3 分 2. — Thank you for inviting me. — ______________ 所选答案: C. Thank you for coming. 问题 3 得 3 分,满分 3 分 3. —May I see your tickets, please? — ______________ 所选答案: C. Sure. 问题 4 得 3 分,满分 3 分 4. — Please help yourself to the seafood. —__________ 所选答案: D. Thanks, but I don't like the seafood. 问题 5 得 3 分,满分 3 分 5. — Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —__________ 所选答案: B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 问题 6 得 3 分,满分 3 分 6. — Congratulations! Y ou won the first prize in today's speech contest. —__________ 所选答案: C. Thank you. 问题7 得0 分,满分 3 分 7.—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. — _______. 所选答案: C. It’s a pleasure 问题8 得 3 分,满分 3 分 8.— Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? — _______? 所选答案: A. What for 问题9 得 3 分,满分 3 分 9— What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. — _________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me. 所选答案: B. It’s up to you 问题10 得 3 分,满分 3 分 10.— How about putting some pictures into the report? — ________ A picture is worth a thousand words.


《大学英语(二)》作业 Part I. Reading Comprehension Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage 1 Charlie Chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh. No one has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick and the overlarge shoes. Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career, and opinions have ranged widely. But perhaps those who called him "the most general human being of our time" came closest to the truth. Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work. It is an art filled with sad elements and deep human feeling, with which an audience cannot help but become involved. It is for these reasons, I believe, that the figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation. All the writers who give accounts of Chaplin's life agree that Charlie's unhappy early years in the area in London where houses were dirty and worn had a great influence on his development and on the type of films he made. Chaplin himself emphasizes it in his memoirs (回忆录). The more one reads about his earliest period, the more one tends to agree. Indeed, his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him. Chaplin was never afraid to deal with subjects causing much disagreement in his films. He gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers came home from World War I in 1918. This was regarded as madness, but the performance was well received. So perfectly did it hit the nail on the head that even the returning soldiers found it impossible to hate it and deeply appreciated this short and humorous performance on what for them had been unpleasant reality. Chaplin gave numerous performances attacking capital governments, satirizing (讽刺) the cruelty of the machine age and even making fun of Hitler. Years after his death, the funny films of motion picture actor and director Charlie Chaplin continue to be popular. He is particularly well known for his success as a creator of humorous presentations that make fun of people, the establishment, or networks. 1. All of the following about Charlie Chaplin are true except __________. A. he was born in the USA B. he was a great film actor C. he had an unhappy early life D. he made fun of Hitler in his films


2010上半年大学英语(3)第2次作业大学英语(三) 第一部分:交际英语(每题3分,共15分) 1. — _____A_______________ — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. How long have your parents been in Paris? B. When did your parents arrive at Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to Paris? 2. —My mother is pretty sick. —____C______________. A. Good for her. B. Oh, it’s not true. C. That’s too bad. D. Why s 3. — I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. My plane leaves at 7:25. — Well, ______C________________. A. sounds great B. good for you C. goodbye and have a good trip D. it’s emergent 4. — Good morning, sir. Can I help you? — _______B__________. A. Yes, why not? B. Yes, is there a bank near here? C. Are you kidding? D. You are welcome! 5. — Please help yourself to some seafood. — ______D_________. A. No, I can’t. B. Sorry, I can’t help. C. Well, seafood don’t suit. D. Thanks, but I don’t like seafood. 第二部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共30分) Passage 1 A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression as young adults. But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered. The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression. They based


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 __________ each question, the teacher writes the correct answer and three other statements that look like correct ones. ?A、As to ?B、Except fo ?C、Along with ?D、In addition 标准答案:c 说明: 题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The army has _____________ a successful attack on the anti-government organization. ?A、computerized ?B、achieved ?C、scheduled ?D、completed 标准答案:d 说明: 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 __________ brought up and educated in Chicago, the author is most famous for his stories about New York City. ?A、Since ?B、As

?C、Although ?D、When 标准答案:c 说明: 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ____________ all the electronic devices, computers have the greatest significance in modern technology. ?A、On ?B、In ?C、with ?D、Of 标准答案:d 说明: 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 If we compare the weather in Nanjing ___________ in London, we find there are many differences. ?A、with it ?B、with that ?C、and ?D、with 标准答案:b 说明: 题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 It will not take more than five hours ____________ to Beijing by train by the end of the year.


江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 学号 姓名 完成日期2018年4月16日 课程代码110004 课程名称大学英语A(专)评阅教师(教师填写) 得分(教师填写) 评阅时间2018年X月X日第 2 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 2 答题纸 I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分) II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分) IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分) 1.a foolish idea 2. we didn’t see anyone all day 3. any money on herself 4. deal with the problem 5. the weather conditions 6. is best known for 7. are different from each other 8.important for you to pass the exam 9.Will benefit from a free medical examination 10. apply for a job 教师评语:。

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 2 试题 I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. There ______ only a few eggs and there ______ not much milk left in the refrigerator. A. is, are B. is, is C. are, are D. are, is 2. Xiao Li ______ in this school since 2008. A. has been teaching B. has teaching C. taught D. teaches 3. The road is so slippery. It ______ . A. might snow soon B. must snow soon C. must have snowed D. may be snowing now 4. Li Ping got a new job and she ______. A. doesn’t work here no longer B. doesn’t work here any longer C. works here no longer D. works here any longer 5. – Do you know who he is? –He ______ familiar, but I’m not sure who he is. A. tastes B. feels C. smells D. looks 6. If the card ________, customers should report the loss as soon as possible A. has lost B. lost C. is lost D. loses 7. I use the short-wave radio to get the ________ financial news. A. last B. latter C. latest D. later 8. I was working part-time last Saturday, otherwise I _________ you in the football game. A. would like B. joined C. should join D. could have joined 9. Jack made a promise __________ he would return the money to me within three days. A. what B. when C. that D. which 10. As a rule, the employer paid the workers __________. A. by an hour B. by the hour C. by hour D. by hours II. Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box.(每小题2分,共10分) A. Why don’t you B. What about C. planning to D. I’m going to E. I will Hans: What are you 1 do after class? Mark: I’m going to play basketball. 2 you? Hans: Well, 3 stay in the classroom and do the homework. Mark: 4 take a break first? Hans: Maybe 5 , you know, go out for a walk. Mark: That’s better

大学英语( 2 )第二次网络作业答卷纸

大学英语 (2)第二次网络作业(新教材) 一、阅读: ( 1 ) One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional society, when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age,marry or live with people whom their parents have never met,and choose jobs different from those of their parents. 1. The first paragraph tells us that __A__. a.the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from people 2. In a more traditional society, old people___A__. a. have their children respect and listen to them b. do not care for their children at all c. expect their children to rebel against them d. do not live together with their children 3. In American society young people___B___. a. do not need to find jobs b. leave home at an early age


一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —What a poor job I’ve done! —_______ 2. ( D ) 1. Do it again. 2. 3. You can do it. 4. 5. Do your best! 6. 7. Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 8. 3. —Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity! 4. ( B ) 1. No, nothing special 2. 3. Yes, I have promised to call on some friends 4. 5. Yes, of course 6. 7. No, I’m not sure. Why? 8. 1. —I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. White. —_______ 2. ( C ) 1.

Sorry, he is busy at the moment. 2. 3. Why didn’t you call earlier? 4. 5. Certainly. May I know your name? 6. 7. Sorry. He doesn’t want to see you. 8. 1. —This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. You’re wrong 2. 3. I don’t think so, I’m afraid 4. 5. Not at all 6. 7. No, that’s not real 8. 1. —My dear! I made a mistake again. —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. Be careful. 2. 3. Don’t w orry. We can do something to make up for it. 4. 5. What a pity!


一、单项选择题。本大题共30个小题,每小题2.5 分,共75.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —Would you like to go skating with me? —________________. ( C ) A.Yes, I think so B.No, thanks C.Yes, I'd love to D.I'm afraid not 2. —Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea? —________________( A ) A.No, thanks. B.No, I wouldn't. C.Yes, I want. D.Yes, I like. 3. —Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster? —________________.( C ) A.Sorry, I don't know you B.No, you can't C.Certainly. Wait a minute, please D.Let me see 4. —Why not join us in the game? —________________.( A ) A.OK! I'm coming B.No, you do the same C.Oh, that's all right D.Don't mention it 5. —Could I see your ticket please? —________________( D ) A.I am not sure yet. B.I'd love one. C.I might be. Why? D.Here you are. 6. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary this weekend? —Sorry, but ________________ ( C ) A.you can not have it right away. B.I'm sure you'll like it. C.I'm going to need it myself. D.the dictionary is just there.


作业二 一、单选题 1、- Would you please show me your bankbook - _________ A:Sorry, I have no idea. B:Here you are. C:Come with me. D:Yes, I'd like to. 2、-- Did you win the 100 metre race -- Yes, I did. -- Really -- _________. A:Congratulations B:Best wishes C:Good luck D:Right-I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office. -_________ A:Can you take a message for me B:Are you sure for that C:Would you like to leave a message D:Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. 3、 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________

A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 6、______is the temperature today A:What B:How C:How many D:How much 7、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening. A:were doing B:was to do C:am doing D:was doing 8、Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A:would catch B:would have caught C:could catch


记分作业 2 一、交际用语 1--- I won the first prize in todays speech contest. ---_______ A) Congratulations! B) Great! C) Thanks! 参考答案: A 2---Would you like to have dinner with my family this Saturday ---_______ A) Thank you. I’d love to come. B) I would. C)

参考答案: A 3--- Hello, can I speak to Liu Hui, please ---_______ A) Yes, I am. B) Yes, speaking. C) Yes, you can. 参考答案: B 4--- Hello, I’m Susan. Nice to meet you. ---_______ A) Are you B) Nice to meet you,too. C) Very nice. 参考答案: B

A) Much better. B) It ’s OK. C) Thank you. 参考答案: A 二、词汇与结构 you are driving. 6 Don’t forget to_______your seat belt when A) put up B) put off C) put on 参考答案: C 7 The couple was _______that they couldn ’t drive home. A)


问题1 得2 分,满分2 分 1、--What does your father do? -- ___________. 答案 所选答案: C. C:He is a farmer 问题2 得2 分,满分2 分 2、-- How are you today? --___________, thank you. 答案 所选答案: A:Fine 问题3 得2 分,满分2 分 3、- _______ - You too! 答案 所选答案: A:Merry Christmas! 问题4 得2 分,满分2 分 4、- Good-bye for now. - _________ 答案 所选答案: C:See you. 问题5 得2 分,满分2 分 5、--Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? -- _____________. 答案 所选答案: D:Sorry, but I am a stranger here myself

问题6 得2 分,满分2 分 6、- How do I get to the cinema? - _________ 答案 所选答案: D:Go down this street and turn left. 问题7 得2 分,满分2 分 7、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight? - _______ 答案 所选答案: D:I think so. 问题8 得2 分,满分2 分 8、-- May I use your bike for a moment? -- ________ 答案 所选答案: C:By all means. 问题9 得2 分,满分2 分 9、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. -- ________ 答案 所选答案: C:Thank you. 问题10 得2 分,满分2 分 10、- How are you, Bob? - _______ 答案 所选答案: B:I'm fine. Thank you 问题11 得2 分,满分2 分 11、-- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? -- ________ 答案 所选答案: B:I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 问题12 得2 分,满分2 分


大学英语(二) 开始时间2016年12月12日星期一20:46 状态完成 完成于2016年12月12日星期一21:24 耗时38 分钟26 秒 分数26.00/30.00 成绩86.67/满分100.00 窗体顶端 题目1 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 标记题目 题干 He _______ lives in the house where he was born. 选择一项: a. ever b. yet c. still d. already 反馈 正确答案是:still 题目2 不正确 获得1.00分中的0.00分 标记题目 题干 Measles ________ a long time to get over. 选择一项:

a. spend b. take c. takes d. spends 反馈 正确答案是:takes 题目3 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 标记题目 题干 It is _______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new. 选择一项: a. average b. ordinary c. regular d. .normal 反馈 正确答案是:.normal 题目4 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 标记题目 题干 If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _____ in her diet. 选择一项:

a. change b. turn c. go d. run 反馈 正确答案是:change 题目5 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 标记题目 题干 They were all very tired, but _______of them would stop to take a rest. 选择一项: a. some b. neither c. none d. any 反馈 正确答案是:none 题目6 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 标记题目 题干 If we could learn English in the same _______, it would not seem so difficult. 选择一项:


第 1 页 共 3 页 大学英语(二)作业答案 一、交际对话 1-5 ACBDB 5-10 ADBAC 11-15 A B DCA 16-20 CBCDA 二、阅读理解 Passage 1 : B A D C B Passage 2 : C B A B D Passage 3 : C B C D A Passage 4 : C A D C A Passage 5 : A B B C D Passage 6 : D B C A C Passage 7 : B C A D C Passage 8 : A C D B D Passage 9 : D A C A B Passage 10 : D B C D A Passage 11 : B C B A C Passage 12 : C D A B C 三、词汇和结构 1-10. D A C B A A B C D C 10-20. C D A C B C D B B A

第 2 页 共 3 页 21-30. A D C B B A B C C D 31-40. B D C B A A B D A C 四、完型填空 Passage 1 : 1-5 A B B D A 6-10. C A D C D Passage 2 :11-15. C A B A C 16-20. D B D A B Passage 3:21-25. B D C B A 26-30. A B C D C Passage 4: 31-35. C D B B B 36-40. D A C D B 五、英汉互译 1. 这本书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息。 2. 尽管总是被打扰,他还是按时完成了工作。 3. 他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。 4. We should keep on recycling paper. 5. She jogs every morning for thirty minutes to get rid of her excessive weight. 6. 直到他生了重病,他才知道健康的重要。 7. 他唯一的希望是今年暑假去长途旅行。 8. 政府已答应采取措施帮助失业人员。 9. You should look up the usage of this word in the dictionary. 10. Taking effective notes in class is a vital skill for college students.

大学英语( 2 )第二次网络作业答卷纸

大学英语(2)第二次网络作业(新教材) 一、阅读: ( 1 ) A few years ago it was common to speak of a generation gap between young people and their elders. Parents said that children did not respect and listen to them, while children said that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. Many people argue that it is built into every part of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional society, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs. In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose jobs different from those of their parents. In our society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did, to find better jobs, to make more money and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, that is another cause of the gap between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is the third cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, senior people are valued for their knowledge, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may


大学英语(1)第二次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试成绩30%,请大家在认真复习好《大学英语》课本第一册第3-4单元的课文、词汇与短语后完成如下作业;作业一经批 改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面 中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,不要以附件形式缴交) 一. 阅读: ( 1 ) The angry woman stood by the station. “ The railway owes me £12,”she said to Harry Jenks, the booking clerk (订票员). “My ticket was for May 22nd, and there was no ship from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me £12.” Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “Come into the office, madam,”he said, “ I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd .” The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How ever had he made such a big mistake? Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look healthy,” he said to her. “ Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” “Yes,”she answered. “The beach was beautiful. And I can swim too!” “ That’s fine,” said Harry. “ My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three-----” “ I’m four,” the child said proudly. “ I’ll soon be four and a half.” Harry turned to the mother. “ I remember your ticket, madam,”he said. “But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?” “Er, well-----”The woman looked at the child. “I mean-----she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.” “A four year old child must have a ticket, madam. A child’s
