


Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.


whose truck picnic rabbit attend valuable pink anybody happening noise policeman wolf uneasy laboratory outdoors coat sleepy land alien run after suit express all the same time circle Britain mystery receive historian leader midsummer medical purpose prevent energy position burial honor ancestor victory enemy period hard-working



1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may(可能),might / could(也许,或许)。

He must/may/might know the answer to this question?他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。

2.否定句中用can’t / couldn’t(不可能), may not/might not(可能不)。

It can’t/couldn’t be the headmaster. He has gone to America.这不可能是校长,他去美国了。

3.疑问句中用can/could (能……?)。

Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗?

(注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非may, can的过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。


1.对将来情况的推测,用“情态动词+ 动词原形”。

She must / may / might / could arrive before 5. 5:00前她一定/可能/也许到。

2.对现在或一般情况的推测,用“情态动词+ be”,“情态动词+be doing”或“情态动词+ 动词原形”(1)He must / may / might / could be listening to the radio now.

(2)He can’t ( couldn’t ) / may ( might ) not be at home at this time.

(3)Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How can ( could ) he be late for the opening ceremony ?布什先生一向准时,这次开幕式他怎么可能迟到呢?

3.对过去情况的推测,用“情态动词+ have +过去分词”。

(1)It must / may / might / could have rained last night .The ground is wet.

(2)The door was locked. He can ( could ) not / may ( might ) not have been at home .


(3)Can / Could he have gotten the book?难道他找到书了吗?








have done表示对过去的推测:

be doing表示对正在进行的推测


There be 句型表推测

There+情态动词+be/do sth

There+情态动词+be doing sth

There+情态动词+have done sth

二.1.attend/join/join in/take part in



①When did your brother join the army? 你哥哥什么时候参军的?

②She joined the Young Pioneers. 她加入了少先队。

(2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.,根据上下文,in (doing) sth. 也可以省去。如:

①Will you join us in the discussion? 你参加我们的讨论吗?

②He'll join us in singing the song. 他将和我们一道唱歌。

③We're going to the East Lake Park on Sunday. Will you join us?


2)join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。

①Come along, and join in the ball game. 快,来参加球赛。

②Why didn't you join in the talk last night? 昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?

3)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。

①We'll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.


②We often take part in physical labor. 我们经常参加体力劳动。

【注意】take part in是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。如:

①Lincoln took an active part in polities and was strongly against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制。


①He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要的会议。

②I attended his lecture. 我听了他的讲课。





①His advice is of great value to me. 他的忠告对我很有价值。


①In fact, sports and games can be of great value to people's health.


②We have already realized the value of good story books to children.




I value our friendship very much. 我非常尊重我们的友谊。

valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)和invaluable (极宝贵的,极有价值的)并不是一对反义词,而是一对意义相近的词,后者比前者语气更强,相当于extremely valuable。如:

It was a valuable (an invaluable) painting. 那是一幅很有(极有)价值的画。

valuable (宝贵的,有价值的)与valueless (无价值的,没有用的)是一对反义词。如:

This jewellery is valueless; it is made of glass and ordinary metals. 这首饰不值钱,它是由玻璃和普通金属做的。

注:valueless 和worthless 是同义词,均指“无价值的”、“不值钱的”。


a.表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用“sth.+ happen +地点/时间”这一结构来表达,此时主语应是事情。The story happened in 2003. 这个故事发生在2003年。

An accident happened in that street. 那条街上发生了一起事故。

b.表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“sth.+ happen+to sb.”这一结构来表达。

A car accident happened to her this morning. 今天上午她发生了交通事故。

What happened to you? 你怎么啦?

c.表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“sb.+ happen+ to do sth.”这一结构来表达。

I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。d.happen表示“碰巧或恰巧发生某事”时,还可用“It happens / happened that...”这一结构来表达。

It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. 碰巧那天布莱恩和彼得在家了。

It happened that he had to take part in a meeting that afternoon. 碰巧那天下午他不得不参加一个会议。注:that从句中的主语是人时,此种结构可以与“sb.+ happen + to do sth.”结构互换。

It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day. = Brian and Peter happened to be at home that day.



I heard the sound of running water. 我听见流水声。

Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。


I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。

There's a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。


Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。





6.suit /fit/match均可表示“适合”。

1) fit“大小,尺寸”的适合:

The dress fitted her nicely. 这套裙子穿在她身上太合适了。

2) suit指“颜色,图案”的适合:

The color of the new dress suits my mother very well. 这件新衣服的颜色很适合我妈妈。

3) match指“和……匹配,和……相称”:

Rose's clothes and hat don't match. 罗丝的衣服和帽子不协调。



She received his present, but she didn't accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但是没有接受。

8.the purpose of doing sth

9.prevent/stop/keep...from doing sth “阻止某人做某事”

在主动式中,stop sb.from doing sth.和prevent sb.from doing sth.中的介词from可以省略,但keep sb.from doing sth.中的介词from不能省略(keep sb.doing sth.意思为让某人一直做某事).在被动式中三个词组中的from都不能省.


问句:whose book is this?=whose is this book?=who does this book belong to?=Who is the owner of this book?

回答:This is my book.=This book is mine.=This book belongs to me.=I am the owner of this book.

This is Tom’s book.=This book is Tom’s.=This book belongs to Tom.=Tom is the owner of this book. belong to 意为“属于”,它一般不用于


The hair band belongs to Anna. (√)

The hair band is belonging to Anna. (×)

The hair band is belonged to Anna. (×)

此外, belong to sb. 通常可以和名词性物主代词或名词所有格(一般是’s 所有格)互相转换。

The blue jacket belongs to him / Jerry. →The blue jacket is his / Jerry’s.

11.what’s wrong=what’s up=what’s the matter=what’s th e tr ouble=what’s the problem=what happened

12.Well, where did you last put it ?

last adv. 上次; 最后一次

last除用于句末外, 还常置于句子中间。

When I last saw her, she was working in Shanghai.我上次见她时, 她在上海工作。

When did you see him last?你最近见到他是什么时候?

latest 最近的;最新的

13.remember to do/remember doing

remember to do 记得去做某事(未做)

remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.记着放学后去趟邮局。

Don't you remember seeing the man before?你不记得以前见过那个人吗?

14.Pick up

1. 表示“拾起”?“拿起”?“捡起”(某物);“扶起”(某人)等意思。

He picked up the dictionary at hand and began to look up the new word in it.


2. 表示“中途搭载乘客”?“(用车)来接人”等意思。

Wait here and I’ll pick you up at two o’clock. 在这儿等着,两点钟我来接你。

3. 表示“意外发现”;(指不是通过正规教育和指导) “学到”?“掌握”;


While working in the factory, the students picked up a great deal of information on machinery.


4. 表示“收拾”?“整理”等意思。例如:

The teacher told the students to pick up everything on the floor and get the room tidy before they went out.



neighbor 邻居指人

neighborhood 邻居指地区也可指附近地区的人

16.too; also; either

too “也” 肯定句。句末。

also “也”肯定句。句中,be,情态动词后面,行为动词前。

either “也”否定句。句末。

She is a singer, too. 她也是个歌手。

He can also sing the English song. 他也可以唱英文歌。

If you don't go to the park, he won't go there ,either. 如果你不去公园,他也不去。

17.Maybe/may be


Maybe you put the letter in your pockets. 大概你把信放在衣袋里了。

在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。

He may be a soldier. 他可能是军人。

maybe和may be可相互转换。

He may be in the office. = Maybe he is in the office. 他或许在办公室。

You may be right. = Maybe you are right. 你或许是对的。



简单地; 简明地; 简易地Say what you mean clearly and simply.请简单扼要地说明你的意思。

朴素地; 率直地My grandmother lived very simply.我祖母生活非常简朴。

单单, 仅仅=only This drink consists simply of fresh oranges. 这种饮料仅含新鲜柑汁。

[加强语气]真正, 的确; 非常, 极, 简直, 完全It is simply beautiful. 这个的确是美。

19.I don’t think that is going to happen.

(1)be going to 将要





3.谓语动词应是think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等。

I don’t imagine the meeting will take more than an hour. 我想会议不会超过一小时。

20.Because/ since/as/for


(1) 关于because:语气最强,表示直接原因,可用于回答why 提出的问题、引导表语从句、用于强调句等,而其余三者均不行:

“Why didn’t he come?” “Becaus e he was ill.” “他为什么没来?”“因为他病了。”

My stomach hurts because I have eaten too many apples. 我肚子痛,因为苹果吃得太多。

That’s because you can’t appreciate music. 这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。

It is because he is honest that I like him. 是因为他诚实我才喜欢他。

(2) 关于since 与as:

a. 两者所表示的原因都是人们已知的,即对已知事实提供理由,而不是表示直接原因。since 比as 语气稍强,且比as 略为正式,它们引导的从句通常放在主句之前,有时也放在主句之后:

As you weren’t there, I left a message. 由于你不在那儿,我留了个口信。

Since you are wrong, you should apologize. 你既然错了,就应该道歉。

b. since 可用于省略句,而其他三者不行:

Since so, I have nothing to say. 既然如此,我无话可说。

(3) 关于for:是并列连词(其余三者为从属连词),它有时可表示因果关系(通常要放在主句之后,且可与because 换用);有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断(也要放在主句之后,但不能与because 换用)。比较:

The ground is wet, for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是湿的,因为昨晚下过雨。

It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是湿的。(此句不能用because 代for)

21.Not only...but also

a.当not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致。

Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.

b.为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。

Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water.

c. 该结构中的also有时可以省略,或将also换成too, as well(置于句末)。如:

He not only washed the car, but polished it too [as well].

His name is known not only in Japan, but in China. 。

22.I’ll call them now to check if anybody has it.

anybody, anyone的用法

1. 表示“某人”,常用于否定句、疑问句及条件句,用以代替someone, somebody (常译为:什么人、谁);表示“任何人”,可用于肯定句(也可用于其它句型)。如:

Did anybody hear of such a thing? 有谁听说过这样的事吗?

I can do it if anybody can. 如果有谁能干这事,我也能。

Anyone can cook;it’s easy. 做饭谁都会,这很容易。

2. 只能指人,不能指物;且其后一般不接of 短语。若是指物或后接of短语,可用any one (分开写)。如:

any one of the boys (books)孩子们(书)当中的任何一个(本)

23.The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.

have fun doing sth. 做某事玩得愉快。

=have a good time doing sth.

=enjoy doing sth.

I have fun flying kites. 我享受放风筝的乐趣。


point at:指向,主要是指向的近距离的地方。

The teacher point at the blackboard and said: " Please look at these words carefully. "

point to: 指向,指出;主要指的是比较远的地方。

He point to the house on the other side of the river and said: " That is my house. "

point out: 给某人指出方向,错误等

The teacher point out many mistakes in my homework.

25.such so



I am so glad to hear from my friend.

He writes so well.


He told us such a funny story.

You are interested in such things.



He told us so funny a story.




说明:1.当名词前有many, much, few和little等词修饰时,要用so而不用such.如:

I have had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.


There is so little time that we can't finish work on time.



They are such little children that they can't do anything.


26.当play 指弹奏乐器时,常在乐器前用定冠词

play the guitar play the piano play the violin

当play 指进行球类运动时,则不用定冠词

play football play basketball play baseball

27.there be sb./ sth. doing 如:There is a cat eating fish.

28.in the way挡道/in this way以这种方式/on the way在路上/by the way顺便说一下

29. 到达(3)属于玩具卡车戴眼镜发带出席音乐会在音乐大厅在野餐其余的拾起捡起去野餐某个不寻常的东西隔壁邻居感觉不安感觉困倦彼此离开制造恐惧在社区里去游泳池逃跑在实验室没主意追赶赶公交车不但...而且... 洗澡照进纪念祖先多于,超过指出,指明一些...另一些... 一组...的中心一些医疗目的把...放在一起call the police 报警


No more mystery in the neighborhood

Last week, in a quiet neighborhood ,something strange happened .Residents heard noises in the night but no one knew why. Victor Smith thought that it was teenagers having fun while Mrs. Smith and their neighbor ,Helen Jones, blamed it on animals.

We now know what was happening in the neighborhood. A ranger’s station is being built in the nearby forest. Trees had to be cut down to make space for the station .This affected some animals living in the forest .A raccoon family lost their home and had problems finding food .The raccoons discovered food in the neighborhood’s garbage bins , so they came back every night.

Now the mystery is solved .People in the neighborhood feel sorry for the raccoons浣熊and they are trying to help them.







⑴由have/ has +过去分词


标志already, just , yet , ever, never,since+时间点,for+时间段,in the last few(five) years, so far

Have you finished your work yet?你完成了你的工作了吗?

Yes, I have. I have just finished it.是的。我刚刚完成了。

I have already finished it .我已经完成了。

Have you ever been to China?你曾经去过中国吗?

No, I have never been there.没有,我从来也没有去过。

⑶①表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态和表示过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的一段时间的状态连用如:(for + 时间段,since + 时间点,或过去某一动作,以及how long )

②注:非延续性动词在现在完成时态中不能和for, since 引导的表示一段时间的状语的肯定句连用。应转为相应的延续性动词如:

buy---- have die---- be dead join ---- be in borrow----- keep leave---- be away

I have bought a pen.------ I have had a pen for 2 weeks.

The dog has died.------- The dog has been dead since last week.

⑷①have (has) been to + 地点去过某地已经回来

②have ( has) gone to + 地点去了某地没有回来

③have been in + 地点一直呆在某地没有离开过如:

She has been to Shanghai. 她去过上海。(已经回来)

She ha s gone to Shanghai. 她去了上海。(没有回来)

She has been in Shanghai for 2 days.她呆上海两天了。(没有离开过上海)


初二英语下基本功练习题 Unit 1 写出下列单词。 课程又一的音乐会谁日程表明天后天工作日临时照顾邀请遗憾训练锻炼化学美国的美洲的作业比赛、竞赛整个的顺便来访空闲的 二写出下列句子 1 你能在周六来参加我的聚会吗? 2 当然可以。 3 那么你呢?抱歉,我必须帮助我的父母。 4 准备考试去看医生上钢琴课帮助我的父母 5 你能在周三参加我的聚会吗? 6 我必须去看医生。 7 Jeff 不能参加聚会。 8 抱歉,我正在踢足球。我必须上我的吉他课。我想要去看电影。我要去拜访我的姑姑。 9 你周六能去看电影吗? 10 这个周末,我有太多的家庭作业 11,太糟了!下一次吧! 12 谢谢你的邀请。 13 你能参加我的聚会吗? 14 我必须帮助我的父母。 15 她能去看电影吗?他正在踢足球。

16 他能参加棒球比赛吗?他必须学习 17他们能去音乐会吗?他们将要参加聚会。 18 这个周末你能去超市吗? 19周四下午你作什么? 20今天几号?周一,14号。 21你能和我打乒乓球吗? 22 谢谢你的邀请。 23 抱歉,这周我不能去拜访你。 24 我真得很忙,今天晚上我要参加我表弟的生日聚会。 25 明天,我必须去看牙医。 26周三我要和校队参加网球训练。 27周四,我必须准备化学考试。 28 周五晚上,我和一些朋友去看电影。 29 周五你能和我们去看电影吗? 30 多谢你的邀请。 31 您能在周三晚上顺便到我家里来讨论科学报告吗? 32 10点我有空。 Unit2 写出下列单词。

友好的,爽直的孪生的无忧虑的鲁莽的严肃的庄重的伶俐的体格强健的注释解释方面两个都物理然而超出共同的擅长学业功课迫使笑对立的想法观点爱好大多数虽然打败友谊初级的小学的消息资料 写出下列句子 1 他长着比sam更短的头发。 2 他比sam更镇定。 3 pedro 比paul 要滑稽。 4 感谢你的上一封信。 5 这是我和我双胞胎妹妹的照片。 6 就像你看到的,在一些方面,我们看上去一样,在一些方面我们看上去不同。 7 我们两个都长着黑眼睛和黑头发 8 尽管我的头发比他的要短。 9 我们两个都喜欢运动,但是它比我要更强健。 10 他更外向,我更文静。 11 我认为我比她要聪明。 12 我最喜欢的学科是物理和化学,她最喜欢的学科是体育。 13 我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。 14 刘英不止一个妹妹。 15 刘英和刘立有一些相似之处。


Unit1 同步听力练习 听力辨音题的答题技巧 本单元听力的重点是能听懂“看病就医”及提建议方面的内容。 这种题型是通过对所听到的读音相近的单词或短语的辨别来提高“听”的能力。它一般是先听一个句子或一组对话,要求从所给的四个选项中找出在句子或对话中出现的那个词或短语。这种题型难度不大,因此一般只听一遍,但所给的选项迷惑性较强,稍不留意就容易出错,在听的过程中要特别注意。 该题型的特点是先给出一句或一组语音信号,要求能从题目所给的四个选项中捕捉在录音中曾经出现的信息。这类试题所提供的选项中,一般都用另外三个选项来“混淆视听”,因此应辨别读音的细微差异,才能做好这类试题。 听力练习 一、听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. I’m a student. B. I have a headache. C. She has a cold. 2. A. No, I don’t. B. No, I didn’t. C. That’s a good idea. 3. A. You should lie sown and rest. B. You should see a dentist. C. You should drink hot tea. 4. A. Yes, you should. B. Yes, you can. C. No, you don’t. 5. A. I can’t move my arm. B. I played computer games. C. No, I didn’t. 二、听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. What’s the matter with Bob? A. He has a sore throat. B. He has a headache. C. He has a sore back. 7. What should the man do? A. He should drink some water. B. He should see a doctor. C. He should have a rest.


八年级(上)英语课本知识点 Module 1 How to learn English 一、经典句型 1. We should always speak English in class. 在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。 2. Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语。 3. Why not write down the mistake in our notebooks? 为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢? 4. it’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。 5. How about listening to the radio? 听广播怎么样? 二、重点语法——提建议的句型 1. 提建议常用句型主要有以下几种: Why not...? Why don’t we/you? How/what about...? It’s a good idea to... Let’s... We/You should... 2.具体用法 (1)Why not+动词原形...?----意思是“为什么不.......呢?” (2)Why don’t we/you +动词原形...?----意思是“我们/你(们)为什么不.......呢?”这个句型与第一个句型为同义句型,互相之间可进行改写。 (3)How/What about + 动词-ing形式...?----意思是“......怎么样?” (4)It’s a good idea + to do sth. ----意思是“做某事是一个好主意。” (5)Let’s +动词原形...----意思是“让我们......吧” (6)We/You should +动词原形...----意思是“我们/你们应该...” Module 2 My hometown and my country 一、经典句型


17个英语基本知识点,赶紧收藏吧。 1.That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right. That’s right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如: "I think we must help the old man.""我想我们应该帮助这位老人。" "That's right."或 "You're right.""说得对"。 That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如: "Many thanks." "That's all right." "Sorry. It's broken." "That's all right." All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好” "Please tell me about it." "请把此事告诉我。" "All right.""好吧。" Is your mother all right?你妈身体好吗 2. make/do 这两个词都可以解释为“做”,但含义却不同,不能混用。make指做东西或制东西,do指做一件具体的事。 Can you make a paper boat for me? 你能为我做个纸船吗? He’s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作业。 3. say/speak/talk/tell say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话。如: “I want to go there by bus”, he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去。” Please say it in English .请用英语说。


八年级英语单元测试题 I. 词汇。(10分) A) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She sees a film ________ (one) a month. 2. Tom was ________ (illness) yesterday, so he didn't go to school. 3. Doing exercise can help us stay ________ (health). 4. Li Hua had a ________ (quickly) breakfast and then went to work. 5. Don't ________ (worried) about your English. I can help you. B) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分) 6. They are waiting for you at the bus s______. 7. Beijing is in the n________ of China. 8. I often get up at h________ past six in the morning. 9. There are sixty m________ in an hour. 10. It's about two k________ from here to there. II. 选择填空。(10分) 1. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week. A. to B. with C. in D. for 2. -________ is it from your home to school? -Three miles.


新目标八年级英语(上)练习册配套答案 Unit 1 SectionA I.1.beaches 2.most 3.myself 4.fed 5.bored II. 1.yourself 2.to be 3.diaries 4.wonderful 5.to do III. 1-5 CABBD IV. 1.summer camp 2.on vacation ;went to the mountains 3.anyone friendly 4.anywhere interesting 5.quite a few V.1.Where did ; go 2.didn’t visit 3.What was ; like 4.What did ; do 5.Did ; do VI. 1-5 ECAGD VII. 1.everyone 2.everything 3.something 4.nothing 5. no one 6.anywhere 7.anything SectionB I. 1.below 2.duck 3.hungry 4.traders 5.boring II. 1.buildings 2.to visit 3.activities 4.walking 5.differences III. 1-5 ACACD 6-10BCBAA IV. 1.tried paragliding 2.rode bikes /bicycles 3.walked up ; the top ; something special 4.umbrella ; was / got wet 5.because of V. 1-5 DFBEA VI.1.parents 2.On 3.arrived at 4.was 5.lost 6.didn,t 7.helped 8.sport 9.cool 10.want VII. 1-5 BDBCA My Vacation to Qingdao Last summer vacation , my family and I went to Qingdao by train . There was always sunshine and fresh air , which made us so comfortable .We went to the seaside , the sea was blue , I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister . There I bought many interesting things for my friends . We ate much delicious food there . Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel , and the price was not so expensive . I like Qingdao very much , and I hope to come here again .It is such a beautiful and interesting place . Unit 2 Section A I.1.never 2. full 3.Maybe 4.hardly 5.program II. 1. (to) cook https://www.360docs.net/doc/a27611224.html,ually 3.housework 4.shopping 5.practice III. 1-5 BACCD 6-10 DBCAC IV. 1.How often 2.helps with housework 3.hardly ever 4.at least twice 5.four times a month V. 1.How often does ; go 2.What does ; do 3.Does ; go ; doesn’t 4.doesn’t exercise


1-6单元知识点总结 一.作文题材(参考写过的作文及练习册作文) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?(谈论假期生活,一般过去时) Unit 2 How often do you exercise? (谈论生活习惯,一般现在时) Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister(谈论事物人物对比,形容词比较级)Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?(谈论事物比较,形容词最高级) Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?(谈论内心想法,对事物或电视,电 影看法,一般现在时) Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.(谈谈生活的目标或计划,一般将来 时be going to ) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、词组、短语: 1、go on vacation去度假, 2、stay at home 呆在家, 3、go to the mountains 上山/进山, 4、go to the beach到海边去, 5、visit museums 参观博物馆, 6、go to summer camp 去夏令营, 7、quite a few 相当多, 8、study for为……学习, 9、go out 出去, 10、most of the time 大部分时间/绝大多数时间, 11、taste good 尝起来味道好, 12、have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 玩得开心(+ doing),13、of course当然可以,14、feel like感觉像……/想要, 15、in the past 在过去, 16、walk around绕……走, 17、too many +可数名词复数: 太多... too much +不可数名词太多... much too =形容词太 19、because of 因为, 20、one bowl of 一碗……, 21、find out 查出来/发现, 22、go on继续, 23、take photos 照相, 24、something important重要的事情, 25、up and down上上下下, 26、come up出来 二、重要句子(语法):


新目标八年级上英语1-5单元检测 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.—How often does your sister surf the internet? —About . A. three time B. three times C. three time every day D. three times a day ()2. —When is your father going to Hong Kong? —He is going there July 28th. A. on B. at C. in D. to ()3. Thank you for me find my little cat yesterday. A. help B. helps C. helped D. helping ()4.Are you good at ? A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swam ()5. —Could I please use your computer? —. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. No, I can’t. ()6. —does it take you to watch TV?—About forty minutes. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How many ()7. I am very because I don’t like exercise. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy ()8. Judy a stomachache, so she eat anything for twenty-four hours. A. has; should B. have; should C. has; shouldn’t D. have; shouldn’t ()9. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at home to watch TV. So my friend is than me. A. seriouser B. more serious C. calmer D. more outgoing ()10. —How does he get to work? —He a bike. —How long does it him to get from home to the office? —It him 20 minutes. A. rides; takes; takes B. rides; take; takes C. ride; takes; takes D. ride; take; takes ()11. Does Babara go to work bus or foot? A. to; by B. with; on C. by; on D. on; on ()12. My birthday is in . A. Tuesday B. April C. March 3rd D. Monday ()13. —are you staying in Ottawa? —For two weeks. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much ()14. I’m short, so I want to be . A. heavier B. larger C. taller D. bigger ()15. When it rains, I a taxi. A. take B. ride C. by D. sit 二、完形填空(15分): Some people in Britain or America like to _1___ friends to dinner at home . But this is more common in America than in Britain .Don’t worry ___2__your English friends don’t invite you home .It doesn’t mean that they ___3_ you. When you are invited to dinner ,__4__ your friends what time you should ___5__. It is a good idea to ___6_ a small present when you arrive ,and it is __7__ to say how much you like the


八年级下册英语基础训练答案 第一部分:听力(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与其内容相符的图画。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) 1. Ⅱ.听句子,选择准确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) 6. A. Very well. B. That’s great. C. Good idea. ( ) 7. A. He is old. B. He looks disappointed. C. He’s from the USA. ( ) 8. A. What’s wrong? B. What a shame! C. What’s more. ( ) 9. A. Who are you? B. I hope so. C. This is Lili speaking. ( ) 10. A. A banana, please. B. I’m full. C. I can’t find my keys. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择准确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( ) 11. What’s the matter with Ja ck? A. He is ill. B. He is hurt. C. He lost his ticket. ( ) 12. Does Jane like Beijing Opera? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, a little. ( ) 13. What does Li Hong think of this story? A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Moving. ( ) 14. What is Mary worried about? A. Chinese. B. English. C. Math.


八年级上册基础知识(一) 1. ----You play the piano so well. do you have the piano lessons? ----Once a week. A.How soon B.How often C.How long 2. My mother asked me in bed. A.not read B.not to read C. not reading 3. I am tired now. I need to rest. A.kind of B.a kind of C. all kinds of 4. Jerry doesn’t study .He does his homework. A.hard, hard B.hard, hardly C. hardly, hardly 5.There are apples on the table. You may have them. A.a little B.few C.a few 6.----Maybe you should see a doctor. ---- . A.You’re welcome. B.Oh, that’s too bad. C.That’s a good idea. 7.You should not eat 24 hours. A.something in B.anything for C.everything at 8.I am planning some time in the countryside this autumn. A.spending, fishing B.to spend, to fish C.to spend, fishing 9.----How do you like the film Hero? ---- . A.It’s wonderful. B.Yes,I like it. C.No,I don’t like it. 10.Please me your new watch. A.see B.watch C.show 11.We are in the mountains for vacation. A.go to hike B.going hiking C.going hike 12.My uncle back from Shanghai next Monday. A.come B.comes C.is coming 13.Hainan Island is famous its beautiful scenery. A.for B.as C.by 14.---- do you get to school? ----I ride my bike. A.When B.How C.What 15.---- is it today? ----It’s Friday. A.What date B.When C.What day 16.The party will start 4:30. A.at B.on C.for 17.----For is the postcard? ----For Xiao Li.


八年级下第一单元基础练习(30分钟) 1. Everyone ________ here but no one ________ her. A. is; knows B. are; know C. is; know D. are; knows 2. It ________ him thirty minutes to finish his homework. A. took B. cost C. spent D. used 3. It is important ________ us to learn English well. A. with B. to C. of D. for 4. My uncle went to London and ________ there for a few days last month. A. lived B. lives C. stays D. stayed 5. I predict he will be an engineer _______ten years because he is so interested in making things. A. in B. after C. later D. for 6. This year I think I will have ______ friends and spend _______ time in playing computer games. A. more, less B. less, more C. fewer; fewer D. more, fewer 7. I hear that the small river is very dirty, and _______ people go to swim in it. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 8. Look! There are some children ________ games on the playground. A. play B. playing C. to play D. are playing 9. If I am an astronaut in the future, I’ll ________ to the moon._____ a rocket. A. can fly, by B. be able to fly, in C. to fly, on D. flying, by 10. Would you like to have a try now? ---- Sure. It _______ both interesting and exciting. A. seems B. is looking C. is like D. sound 11. Do you know _________ in 300 years? A. what man will look like B. how man will look like C. what will man look like D. how will man look like 12. Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? --- Certainly, we can buy _____than this, but _______this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more important, not as good as 13. How many people __________there fifty years ago. A. will B. were C. are D. will be X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m 14. I ________rockets to the moon when I grow up. A. take B. will fly C. took D. will be fly 15. It will take ________ years to make robots ________ the most unpleasant things. A. hundred , do B. hundreds of , to do C. two hundreds , do D. hundreds of , do 16. This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has _________ a huge body and the coat is _________ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so 17. Here’s_______ ink in my pen. Could you give me some? A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 18. My friends ________ a pet pig in their house. A. keeps B. feeds C. keep D. look 19. Could you pass me two __________? A. pieces of paper B. pieces of papers C. pieces paper D. piece papers 20. Our teacher tried ________ the players ________ well in the match. A. make; play B. to make; to play C. to make; play D. make; to play 1. When she was 20,her dream to be a singer___________________(实现). 2. We should remember the words ______ and ________________(反复地). 3. In fact, in some cities, the air p_________ is quite serious(严重的). What’s your opinion, Mary? 4. Her mother ________(可能) go to Australia. 5. I ________________________________(爱上了) the big city of Shanghai as soon as I got there last year.


八年级英语7-10单元试题 一.单选题。 ( )1. —________ does he want to be when he ________ ? —He wants to be a computer programmer. A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up D. How, grow up ( )2. --Is she going to be ________ actor? —Yes. She is taking ________ lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting D. a, action ( )3. Cut up these apples and pears and then _____ . A. mix up it B. mix up them C. mix it up D. mix them up ( )5. What will the weather _______ tomorrow? A. of B. on C. like D. be like ( )6. More and more people can ______over 100 years old in the future. A. live B. live to C. live to be D. have ( )7 . The teacher (not let) you in if you (wear)jeans to the party. ( )8. My sister learns English ________computers _____ home. A. at ,to B. in at C. on, at D. on, in ( )9. Wait a moment, please. I need two_____ of _____ to write down your questions. A. pieces, paper B. piece, bread C. pieces, cake D. pieces, papers ( )10. — How many trees can you see in the park? —I can see _____trees here. A. hundreds of B. five hundreds C. hundred of D. five hundreds of ( )11. —Did you play a part in _____our school last week? — Yes, I did. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning ( )12. Tom will visit our farm _____ two weeks. A. in B. during C. before D. later ( )13. There ______an important meeting this afternoon. A. will have B. will hold C. will be D. has ( )14. Please cut _____ two apples and put them _____ the blender. A. up, in B. up, on C. in, up D. on, up ( )15.--Would you like_____ football with us ? -- Sure , I like_____ football very much . A. to play, playing B. playing, play C. to play, play D. playing, to, play ( )16. Don’t forget to _____ the blender when you use it . A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up ( )17. -- _______ teaspoons of salt do we need? --Two. A. How B. How much C. How many D. How many of ( )18. My parents ______ in the same post office . A. are all B. all are C. are both D. both are ( )19. He is not full .He wants to eat _____ piece of bread .


人教版八年级英语测试题 (笔试部分) 姓名_______ 班级_______ 分数_______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1.- Hey, Tony. You look tired today. - I _____ until 12 o’clock last night for the math test. A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up D. put up ( )2.I _____ born in a small village in Hebei Province. A. am B. was C. are D. were ( )3. The little girl over there is _____ cousin. A. Tom B. Tom's C. the Tom D. the Tom's ( )4.-Bill, did you see Tom? -Yes, he just parked his car here and then hurried _____ the street. A.Through B.over C.past D.across ( )5.My cousin _____ 100 model planes since 2015. A. collects B. is collecting C. has collected D. collected ( )6. My family have moved to a new house. I also have my own room and the floor of the room is _____ wooden blocks (木板). A. made of B made from


第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What part of the man’s body got injured? A. His knee. B. His fo ot. C. His leg. 2. Where is Larry now? A. In his office. B. At home. C. In a classroom. 3. What does the man like doing? A. Talking. B. Walking. C. Dancing. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Which movie to see. B. Where to go. C. Where to park. 5. What do we know about the man? A. He can’t find Bob’s apartment. B. He is late for the woman’s birthday party. C. He thought today was the woman’s birthday. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。


2017新目标英语八年级(上)第一单元基础知识练习题 第1课时当堂达标题 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1a—2d Ⅰ. 单项填空。 ( )1. Robert didn’t play _________ violin last Saturday, but he played ________ badminton with his father. A. the; / B. /; the C. the; the D. /; / ( )2. Lucy bought a nice hat __________ Tom __________ his birthday. A. for; in B. to; on C. for; on D. to; in ( )3. The Sichuan food was really ________________. I liked it a lot. A. friendly B. delicious C. terrible D. relaxing ( )4. Last weekend Ann just stayed at home and ____________________. A. to relax B. relaxing C. relax D. relaxed ( )5. Chinese people were really _______________ when I was on vacation in China. I made quite a few ________________ there. A. friends; friends B. friendly; friendly C. friendly; friends D. friends; friendly ( )6. —Where did you go on your vacation? —Oh, I didn’t go _____________ with ______________. It was terrible. A. somewhere; someone B. anywhere; anyone C. somewhere; anyone D. anywhere; someone ( )7. Last weekend Ann just stayed at home and ____________________. A. to relax B. relaxing C. relax D. relaxed ( )8. Grace didn’t go to the shopping ______ but she went to ________ Park. A. center; Central B. Central; center C. center Center D. central; Central ( )9. He didn’t buy __________ in the stores because the things are expensive A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything ( )10.—What did Jim lose yesterday? —He __________ his keys. He often __________ things. A. loses; loses B. lost; lost C. loses; lost D. lost; loses Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The water in the sea was __________________ (real) warm and clean. 2. Mary took quite a few __________________ (photo) of animals in the zoo. 3. The Great Wall is so _________________ (wonder) that there are a lot of visitors go to visit it every year. 4. Central Park is an ____________________ (interest) place to exercise. 5. My parents are very _____________________ (interest) in playing badminton.
