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1.The________look in her face suggested that she________it before.

A.surprising;wouldn’t know

B.surprised;hadn’t known

C.surprising;hadn’t known

D.surprised;shouldn’t know

2.You have no business________to me the way you did yesterday.

A.about talking B.talking

C.talked D.on talking

3.In front of the whole audience,Premier Wen made his promise________the government would try its best to solve the problem of poverty in China.

A.what B.which C.that D.whether

4.Zhang Ning is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class,and she________English for a year.

A.is studying B.will study

C.studies D.has been studying

5.I would have attended your birthday party last night but for the fact that it________at that time.

A.would rain B.was raining

C.had rained D.had been raining

6.—Stay a bit longer,please.It’s been such ________ fun having you here.

—Thank you,but I’ve got________ early start tomorrow morning.

A./;a B.a;an C./;an D.the;a

7.The building,________the roof was destroyed in the big fire yesterday,is actually a small hospital.

A.whose B.of which

C.which D.which of

8.________tomorrow’s lessons,I have no time to play with you.

A.Not preparing B.Not prepared

C.Not having prepared D.Having not prepared

9.Owen wouldn’t eat anything________he cooked it himself.

A.until B.since C.unless D.while

10.Mr. Li doesn’t believe his son is able to operate a helicopter,________?

A.is he B.isn’t he

C.doesn’t he D.does he

11.I’d like to work with________is honest and easy to get on with.

A.whoever B.no matter who

C.whomever D.who

12.—That English fellow’s songs are very poetic.

—________the words to the songs,but he also composes the music.

A.He also writes

B.Although he writes

C.Not only does he write

D.He doesn’t write

13.—Say,Jane,will you come with me to the game Friday?

—________,Bob,but I promised Mary I’d go with her.

A.My pleasure B.Thanks

C.Take it easy D.Forget it

14.It is________that they will reach an agreement tomorrow.

A.possibly B.probably

C.surely D.likely

15.The little boy________stay alone when his parents are out.

A.dares not to B.dares not

C.dare not to D.dare not

16.He came here for a holiday several years ago and he ________ here ever since.

A.had lived B.lived

C.is living D.has lived

17.Although she is young,________she is clever and brave.

A.but B.and C.yet D.so

18.That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ________to the enemies until death.

A.gave up B.gave in

C.gave away D.gave out

19.The great scientist was born and grew up by the river ________the Lancang River.

A.to be called B.being called

C.calling D.called

20.—Don’t take that kind of attitude________your work,or you’ll lose it,young man.
