


Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program. Most of the girls ___1___ boys like the program. They ___2___ like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day, too.

Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15.

The program ___7___ at 7:30. He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ___8___ the news.

Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ___9___ his car. He ___10___ newspaper and listens to music after supper.

He thinks his life is very interesting.

1. A. and B. with C. but D. about

2. A. too B. to C. also D. so

3. A. to B. for C. of D. and

4. A. letter B. letters

C. friends

D. words5. A. at B. with C. for D. to6. A. goes B. gets C. gets to

D. gets up7. A. begins B. finishes C. over D. start8. A. to B. for C. of D. in9. A. by B. in C. on D. takes10. A. looks B. reads C. sees D. watches 【答案】



小学四年级英语完型填空练习题 Passage 1 room. It’s 1 room. There are two maps 2 the wall. One is a map 3 This is Peter’s a desk in front of (在……前面) the China, the other is a map 4 the world(世界). There’s a glass. There 7 some tea in it. window. There’s a clock 5 it. Near the 6 there’s There are two pens and some books 8 the desk , too. On the floor there’s a chair and a football under it. Peter studies 9 his room and he10 his room very much. ( )1.A. a quite nice B. a very nice C. very a nice ( )2.A. on B. to C. in ( )3.A. on B. of C. at ( )4.A. in B. near C. of ( )5.A. in B. on C. under ( )6.A. desk B. clock C. window ( )7.A. are B. is C. am ( )8.A. in B. on C. behind ( )9.A. in B. of C. near ( )10.A. like B. looks like C. likes Passage 2 Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li is 5 English teacher. He is a good 6 . They love 7 very much. They have two good 8 . 9 names are Lucy and Lily. They are 10 . ( )1.A. teachers B. workers C. students D. twin ( )2.A. both B. all C. too D. two ( )3.A. at B. in C. of D. to ( )4.A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss D. Teacher ( )5.A. a B. an C. their D. they ( )6.A. worker B. teacher C. father D. mother ( )7.A. her B. his C. he D. him ( )8.A. friends B. students C. brothers D. sisters ( )9.A. Their B. Our C. They D. They’re ( )10.A. all American B. American girl C. America D. American teachers Passage 3 Kate 1 John are students. They are in 2 Three. Kate is in Class Four. And John 3 in Class Two. 4 are forty-five students in Kate’s class. Twenty-five students 5 boys. There are fifty students in Jim’s 6.Twenty-eight students are girls. They go to 7 at seven in the 8 , and go 9 at three in the 10 . ( )1.A. or B. and C. with

小学英语完形填空技巧 练习精选附答案

小学英语完形填空技巧练习精选附答案 一、小学完形填空解题技巧 1. 部编最新小升初英语完型填空做题技巧+完形填空练习题(含详细答案解析) 1、浏览全文:完形填空大多都是讲一个故事,如果一拿来卷子就开始填,你就会发现很难,无法猜测读者要表达什么意思。例如,这篇文章,通读全文完就会发现,本文讲了一个乞丐睡在路牌上休息,却无意中赚了三美元的故事。通晓了故事大概,这样填空就游刃有余了。 2、逐个填空:在浏览全文的基础上开始填空做题。这样就能联系上下文轻松地把题目做好。在课堂上我反复强调"联系上下文",什么意思呢,我们举例说明: 例如这道题的第5题,很多孩子就犯糊涂,也有很多孩子选了A right。先不从语法角度来判对错,其实原文就给你了答案。在driver向beggar问路的时候文章中说which road to Franklin(红色标记处),你要是通读全文能敏感地看到这,就能选出正确答案了B which. 另外从语法角度来说,right是形容词,前面应该加上the,只能说the right road。 再例如第7小题,意思说乞丐想路人指路说:这条路通往富兰克林。很多孩子选择了walk,其实文章也给你了答案。在一开始说乞丐躺在路牌上休息时文章是这样描述的take this road to Franklin.(红色标记处)所以这道题选择B Take。孩子你发现了没有呢? 最后我们在填空时一定要细心注意题中设计的语法陷阱。例如第10题,很多孩子觉得这个乞丐得到了三美元,所以选择了A three。一定要看清楚了哦,孩子们,如果选择A的话题中的dollar就要改成dollars,变成复数形式了对吗?所以这道题只能选择D,表示又得到了一美元,孩子现在明白了吗? 3、再次通读全文检查。如果你做题的速度足够快的话,这一步骤是很有必要的。现在孩子都很不细心,再次揣摩一些自己拿不准的地方,用语法的角度来审视自己做过的题,会又有新的发现的! 二、完形填空 2.完形填空完形填空 Today it is 1 to get on-line(上网). 2 people use the Internet every day. People can do many things at home with the 3 of the Internet, for example, shopping, seeing a doctor, booking a plane ticket. 4 you want to know some information but the library is far away, the Internet can give you a hand. 5 E-mail is more and more popular among people. The Internet is important in our work and life. 1. A. easy B. difficult C. different 2. A. Millions B. Million of C. Millions of 3. A. computer B. help C. need 4. A. If B. Because C. why 5. A. Sending B. Building C. Making


一、完形填空 1.完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词 Jiamin had a race 1 his father and John. There were 2 people there. His father ran very fast but Jiamin could not. There was 3 he could do. He was so 4 . "I could run fast at school," he 5 . "Why am I so slow now?" Then Mike said, "Drink this!" and gave Jiamin some water. Jiamin 6 it and suddenly he 7 good. He could run fast again. There was a second race. There were many animals in that race. Jiamin ran like a cheetah. He could 8 the race. But suddenly he 9 and fell. Then he woke up. He was 10 the bed. It was all a dream. 1. A. and B. with C. of 2. A. much B. a lot C. many 3. A. nothing B. thing C. anything 4. A. worry B. worryed C. worried 5. A. think B. thought C. through 6. A. drank B. drinks C. drink 7. A. feeled B. felt C. fell 8. A. win B. won C. wins 9. A. trips B. triped C. tripped 10. A. at B. in C. on 【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)A;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:嘉敏......爸爸和约翰进行比赛。A选项是:和,连接并列的 成分,用在这里不合适;B选项是:和......一起,是介词用在这里正确。C选项是:......的,是所有格,用在这里不合适。故答案为:B。 (2)句意:这里有......人。much“许多”修饰不可数名词,这里修饰可数名词people,不正确;a lot“许多”是副词短语,不修饰名词。many“许多”,修饰可数名词复数,用在这里正确。故答案为:C。 (3)句意:他......可做的。根据上句“他的爸爸跑得很快,但是佳明不能。”可知用nothing“没有什么事”。故答案为:A。 (4)句意:他很.....。这里和be动词搭配worried“焦急的”。故答案为:C。 (5)句意:他......“我能在学校跑得快。”这是叙述过去的事,用动词过去式,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (6)句意:佳明......它。根据上句,句子时态是一般过去时,这里也用过去时,用动词的 过去式。A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (7)句意:突然他......很好。上句是一般过去时,本句也用过去时,这里用动词的过去式,feel的过去式是felt,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (8)句意:他能够......比赛。这里跟在情态动词后面,用动词原形,A选项正确。故答案为:A。

人教PEP版英语四年级上册 阅读理解,短文填空与完形填空测试卷(含答案)

阅读理解,短文填空与完形填空检测卷 一.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 (A) Hi! I'm Mike. I'm ten years old. This is my grandpa.He likes beef. He is a driver. This is my uncle. He is tall and thin. He likes noodles. He is a cook. This is my sister. She is three. She is cute. She likes fish. I am a student. I like vegetables. ( )1.His grandma is a driver. ( )2.His uncle is tall and thin. ( )3. His sister is cute. ( )4.Mike is three years old. He likes fish. ( )5.Mike is 10 years old. He is a pupil. (B) My name is John. I'm 11.I'm a quiet boy. I have a friend. His name is Tom. He's 12.He has black glasses. He is tall and thin. He has short hair and big eyes. He is very friendly. We are good friends. ( )1.Tom is 12 years old. ( )2.John is a friendly boy. ( )3. Tom has green glasses and a big bag. ( )4. Tom is quiet. ( )5.They are good friends. 二、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。


第1页 (共4页) 第2页 (共4页) 密 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 2018年秋五年级英语趣味知识竞赛题目 分数:________ 一.选择题。(每题3分,共60分) ( )1.小码衣服的标志是: A. S B.L C.M D.Y ( )2.麦当劳的英语是: A. McDonald's B. Madonna C.Mike D.My ( )3.中码衣服的标志是: A.S B.L C.M D.Y ( )4.鲁迅有一本书叫做《阿__正传》 A.P B.H C.G D.Q ( )5.护士手上的是:___光片。 A.S B.L C.C D.X ( )6. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词: A. red B. orange C. peach D. banana ( )7.肯德基的英语是: https://www.360docs.net/doc/a312958518.html,A B.KFC C.MAC D.YSL ( )8. 字母组合______可表示长度单位“厘米”: A.cm B.kg C.mm D.m 2 ( )9. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是__和___。 A.E, N B.F, I C.H, F D.F, X ( )10. VIP 的意思是: A. 贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C.人民币 D.英国 ( )11. What letter (字母) is a drink ? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )11. What letter is an animal (动物)? A. B B. V C.T D.G ( )12. What letter is a question (问题)? A. B B. Q C.Y D.H ( )13. A 与 C 谁高: A. A B. B C.C D.D ( )14. “Love me ,love my do ”翻译成中文的意思是: A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗 ( )15. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如123456@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a312958518.html, 等。请问其中的 @表示什么意思,该怎么读? A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。 B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个 a ”。 C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词for 相同。 D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词 at 相同。 ( )16. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说 成 ______ tea 。 A. red B. white C. black D. green ( ) 17. 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 _______. A. One world, One dream B. New Beijing, Great Olympics C. Great China welcome you D. Faster, Higher, Stronger


小学英语完形填空试题(附答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空完形填空。 It was 1 yesterday. I went to the department store with my dad. I wanted 2 a new bag. My old bag was blue. It was nice 3 it was broken. I liked the red bag with pockets. But it was very heavy. Then I 4 a smaller one. It was very nice. I liked it very much. It was 60 yuan. Dad 5 it for me. I was very happy. 1. A. sun B. sunny C. suny 2. A. buy B. to buy C. to buying 3. A. and B. or C. but 4. A. see B. saw C. sees 5. A. bought B. buys C. buy 【答案】(1)B;(2)B;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】 (1)句意是昨天天气是晴朗的。根据下句I went to the department store with my dad.主人公和爸爸一起却商场购物可以推测,天气一定晴朗。sunny是形容词晴朗的含义。故选B。(2)句意是我想要购买一个新包。根据动词词组want to+动词原形可知,此处要表达want to buy想要购买。故选B。 (3)句意是我的旧包是蓝色的。它是漂亮的,但是它坏了。根据形容词nice和broken的对比可知,此处要表达转折之意。but用来表达转折,但是之意。故选C。 (4)句意是之后我看上了一个更小的包。根据上文内容可知,主人公是去因为旧包破损购买新包。必然要走走看看。saw是看的动词。故选B。 (5)句意是爸爸给我买的。我非常高兴。根据上文内容可知,主人公的旧包坏了。喜欢上一个小的新包。新包60元,可以推测是爸爸给她购买的。bought是购买的动词。故选A。【点评】考查完形填空。注意根句意选择相对应的单词。 2.完形填空完形填空。 Li Yanhui and Wang Fang are in 1 same school. They are in the same 2 , too, They are 3 . After class, they 4 games. 5 friends play 6 . Some play basketball, some play football, some fly 7 and some ride 8 . They 9 jump, swim and sing, too. They 10 all good students. They love their school. 1. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. A. room B. grade C. school D. desk 3. A. good student B. goods student C. goods students D. good students 4. A. play B. get C. want D. put 5. A. They B. Their C. Them D. Theirs 6. A. different game B. different games C. same game D. same games 7. A. kites B. bikes C. planes D. birds


人教版四年级英语下册完形填空练习题 根据对话,用首字母填空,单词不能重复使用。 A篇 Kate: Excuse me. What's this in English? Sue: It's an a_____1_______. Kate: And what's this? Sue: It's an e_____2_______. It's purple. Kate: Look, I have four p____3____ and e_____4_____ t_____5____ What about you? Sue: I have t____6____ o_____7____ and s____8____ p____9_____. Kate: What's that in English? Sue: I know! It's a yellow boat. Kate: Are you sure? Sue: Yes! Kate: Look! Sue: Oh, no! It's a b_____10_____. 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________ 6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________10,__________ B篇 Li Yan: Hi, Mimi! What's your number? Mimi: I'm number s___1___. Li Yan: What's o___2___ and n___3___? Mimi: It's t___4___. Li Yan: That's right! And what's t___5___ and f___6___? Mimi: It's s___7___. Li Yan: What's t___8___ and f___9___? Mimi: It's e___10___. Li Yan: Good! Mimi: Yeah! 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________


小学英语 知识竞赛试题及答案 目录 小学英语知识竞赛试题 (1) 小学英语知识竞赛试题答案 (9) 小学英语知识竞赛试题 满分100分考试时间60分钟 考生注意事项: 本试卷分选择题与非选择题。 单项选择(共15小题,每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案的英文字母写在答题 卡相应位置。 1. Jane isn A. is play 't here now. She tennis on the playgro und. C. playi ng D. is playi ng B. is plays 2. you sick? / 3. A. Are …feel B. Do …feel C. Do …feeling D. Do ——Hi, every one! There a football match tomorrow. ——Wow! A. is going to have B will have C. is going to be D.will has 4. ——Must I return the books tomorrow? 第1页共10页

15. Frank to see his grandma if he _________ free tomorrow. 、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16?25各题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 项中,选出最佳选项,并将 所选答案的英文字母写在答题卡相应位置。 Betty likes see ing movies very much. She has no less ons 16 homework on Sun days, so she always goes to the 17 that afternoon. She likes funny movies, but she often sees other kinds of movies. She usually goes with some of her school friends. And they 18_ sit together and eat someth ing and laugh whe n someth ing 19 . They are always happy at cinema. 20 a funny man. His n ame was Percy. Percy was fat. He midnight, a big dog ran 22 him and tore (撕破) his trousers pocket. Percy tried his best to escape and lost his 23 . He tried to climb in from the window, but he 24 down and made a terrible no ise. His wife 25 and cried, — Help! Thieves! II Some one called the police and a truck full 第2页共10页 went out 21 to play cards with his friends when his wife slept. When he was going home at 5. A. No, you can C. No, you n eed n t. t. ——It was wet and foggy. A. How was the weather like? B. No, you don D. No, you aren ' t. B. What ' s the air like? t. 6. I ' m the VCD is very A. surpris ing …in terest ing B. surpris ing …in terested C. surprised …in terest ing D. surprised …in terested 7. People usually —Hello I I to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B tell C.talk D.speak A. is B. does C. doesn ' t D. isn 't 9. I ofte n e-mail my pen friend, but e-mails me. A. everybody B.anybody C. somebody D. nobody 10. ---Our family are traveling to Germany for the Beer Festival. —— ! A. Con gratulati ons B. See you later 11. Why don ' t you come ____ earlier? A. a few B. a little C. Have fun C. much more D. Take care D. many more 12. This is _____ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Anne and Jane B. Anne ' s and Jane ' s Anne and Jane ' s C.Anne ' s and Jane D. 13. There is ______ A. a; an II in _____ word B. an; the —foot II C. the; the D. an; / 14. There are few ____ in the fridge. L et ' s go and buy some carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D.eggs A.will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be Last Sun day Betty saw a movie C. What ' s the temperature? D. What was the weather like? 8. I like pop music very much, but my father _______


小学英语完形填空训练经典题目(含答案) 一、完形填空 1.完形填空完形填空 A: Dad, where are you going? B: I'm going to the 1 , Simon. There is a new film 2 this afternoon. A: When does it 3 ? B: At two o'clock. A: 4 Can I go with you? B: Sure, what time is it now? A: It's a quarter 5 two. B: We must go quickly. A: Look at the busy street. Let's Cross it now. B: Oh no. look! The light is red. We must stop and wait. A: Look! The light is 6 now. Can we cross the street now? B: Not yet. Oh. The light is green now. Let's cross the street quickly. 1. A. cinema B. school C. home 2. A. in B. / C. on 3. A. show B. start C. end 4. A. Sounds great B. Looks good C. Feels nice 5. A. past B. to C. over 6. A. red B. green C. yellow 【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)B;(6)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇父子去看电影的对话。 (1)句意:我要去......,Simon。根据第二句的new film“新电影”可知是去电影院。A选项正确。故答案为:A。 (2)句意:今天下午有一场新电影。this afternoon前面不用冠词。故答案为:B。 (3)句意:什么时候......?根据上下文这里是问开始时间,用start“开始”。show“上演”,和end“结束”意思不合适。故答案为:B。 (4)A选项是:听起来很棒。B选项是:看起来不错。C选项是:感觉不错。根据上下文,A选项合适。故答案为:A。 (5)句意:时间是一刻钟.....2点。根据下文的go quickly“快走”和at two o'clock“在两点”。可知是1点45.应填to。故答案为:B。 (6)根据上文“交通灯是红色的。我们必须停下来等候”和后边的“现在我们可以穿过吗?不可以。”可知应该是黄灯。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。首先通读对话,了解对话内容,然后根据语法和句意提示来选择合适的答案。 2.完形填空完形填空


Unit 1 Passage 1 I am 1 girl. I am twelve. I am 2 school. 3 name is Zhang Hua. I am in 4 .I am 5 Row Five. Jim is 6 English boy. He is eleven. He and I 7 in the same class. He is my friend . We 8 good friends. 9 is my teacher, Miss Gao. 10 is a good teacher. ( )1.A. an B. the C. × D. a ( )2.A. at B. in C. and D. or ( )3.A. I B. My C. He D. Y ou ( )4.A. Graed One, Class One B. grade one, class one. C. Class One, Grade One D. class one , grade one ( )5.A. at B. or C. in D. and ( )6.A. an B. a C. the D. × ( )7.A. is B. am C. be D. are ( )8.A. are B. am C. is D. be ( )9.A. What B. This C. He D. Y ou ( )10.A.He B. I C. She D. Y ou Passage 2 Today we have 1 new students in 2 school. 3 are Chinese. 4 names are Liu Mei and Liu Fang. 5 twins. They 6 the same. 7 in Class One, Grade One. 8 is Liu Mei? 9 is Liu Fang? Oh, they are over 10 . ( )1.A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )2.A. my B. your C. our D. we ( )3.A. they B. we C. They D. We ( )4.A.They B. My C. His D. Their ( )5.A. They’re B. He’s C. We D. Their ( )6.A. see B. look C. is D. are ( )7.A. We B. Its C. They’re D. These ( )8.A. She B. That C. He D. Who ( )9.A.Who B. He C. She D. That ( )10.A. here B. at C. there D. in Passage 3 Jim Green and I 1 twin brothers. We are 2 .Lucy King is 3 English gir l . We’re in the same 4 . She is eleven. 5 are twelve. We’re good friends and 6 . Our Chinese 7 is Miss Gao. She’s a nice teacher. We all 8 her. ( )1.A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )2.A. America B. American C. America D. american ( )3.A. a B. an C. the D. × ( )4.A. class B. classes C. Class D. Classes ( )5.A. I B. He C. They D. We ( )6.A. classmate B. a classmate C. classmates D. a classmates ( )7.A. teacher B. student C. teachers D. students ( )8.A. are B. love C. put D. see


小学英语趣味知识大积累 一、给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号里。20’ 灯( ) 教室( ) 十二( ) 来自于( ) 对( ) 同学( ) 地板( ) 瓶子( ) 二十( ) 也许( ) A、classroom B、floor C、light D、twelve E、right F、twenty G、from H、bottle I、classmate J 、perhaps 二、连线。将下列姓名与他相对应的中文翻译连起来。10’ Sarah Miss White Mike Amy John 艾米萨拉约翰怀特小姐迈克 三、选择,用正确的中文或英文来回答问题。20’ 1、What’s in your classroom ?() A、电扇电灯操场 B、一个教室 C、桌子、椅子、窗户 2、Who’s your English teacher ?() A、Mr Sun B、Mrs Wang C、Miss Zhang 3、How many storybooks do you have ? () A、Five B、Five notebooks C、I like them. 4、What colour is your English book ? () A、two B、blue C、black 5、Do you like balloons ? () A、No, I don’t. B、Yes. It is. C、OK. 6、May I have a look ? () A、Sure, here you are. B、No. C、Not at all. 7、我的座位在哪里?() A、Wow ! It’s so big ! B、It’s near the door. C、It’s on the wall. 8、你的好朋友喜欢什么?() A、She is quite . B、She is painting . C、She likes music . 9、今天谁值日?()

部编人教版小学英语完形填空技巧 练习训练经典题目(及答案)

部编人教版小学英语完形填空技巧练习训练经典题目(及答案) 一、小学完形填空解题技巧 1. 部编最新小升初完形填空解题技巧+完形填空练习题(含详细答案解析) 一、完形填空的特点是什么? 文体多以记叙文为主,首句通常不设空。考查内容集中在对名词、动词、代词、形容词和副词等实词的理解上。完形填空考查的就是你能否在缺字,不认得字、词语的情况下,能否通过推理判断、综合分析等全面理解文章的正确意思,然后把答案填入空白处,使短文前后连贯、意思通顺、结构完整合理。它的一个显著特点就是突出语篇,即重在文意的干扰,把具体的语言知识融进具体的语言情境中去,考查学生通过上下文对整体文意进行把握的能力。 完形填空解题步骤与要领 第一步:细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意 细读首句: 明确短文话题,了解篇章结构,预测全文内容。 跳过空格,快速通读,领会大意,把握中心。 生词的处理;跳过、判断词性、了解大意、猜测。 第二步:上下联系,逐句阅读,先易后难,初定答案。 答案要求语法正确, 搭配无误, 结构完整,意思通顺, 前后一致, 逻辑得当。 怎样分析: A. 从空格所在的句子单独考虑。 B. 从空格所在的前后2-3句考虑。 C. 从整个段落、整篇短文考虑。 思路一: 分析句子结构,从语法和句型结构考虑。 思路二: 理解句子含义,判断句义关系,从词汇的意义、用法和搭配考虑。 思路三: 把握整体意思,寻找答题线索,从上下文考虑。 思路四: 结合前后语境,进行逻辑推理,从日常生活常识考虑。 第三步:复读全文,逐个核对,验证答案,坚定信心。 ▲怎样验证答案: ①所选答案是否能使全文流畅,逻辑推理是否正确。 ②具体实事是否成立,前后关系是否理顺。 ③语法是否正确,其中包括时态的选择、词汇选择、固定搭配等。 ④在通读全文时最好在可能的条件下将所选答案填入文章中,反复阅读。 二、完形填空 2.完形填空根据文章内容,选择最佳的答案。 Robert is eleven years old. He is a 1 of class 1, Grade 5. At school, he likes English, Chinese, music and some other 2 , but he doesn't like 3 . He thinks it's 4 ,


about. They don ' t like to 7 ,in the zoo. Many peope like My n ame is 1二 My 2_name is Joy. 3 twelve. teacher. Her name is Sue. She ' S a 7 .Liu YangiSn ' t here today. I think he is 8 . LiU Yang is my friend. I have SeVen 9 at school. They are in Grade 1 , 10 . Zhen gxiao Fang B . Zhe ng xiao fang On SUn days We ofte n go to the _ 1 in it----tigers, elepha nts, Pan das and mon keys. The are Very big. They all have no ses. Their no SeS Can them eat and drink. TigerS are Very 1 MiddIe School. I m5in. I m in ROWjL Li is my English 4 school is NO. Zheng Xiao Fang D . Zheng XiaOfa ng Chi nese B . English JaPanese D . English ' S Am B . C . I ' D . Am I HiS B . Her C . Their D . My Grade One , Class One Class One , Grade One Grade one , Class one Class One , Grade One Mr B . MrS C . mr D . mrs man B . boy C . woma n D . girl in home B . at home C . at school D . at a home friend B . friend ' S C . friends ' D . friends 10 . A . and B . or C . too D . two many n ear our school. There are .They ofte n run

四年级上册英语试题- 阅读理解,短文填空与完形填空 人教PEP版 含答案

阅读理解,短文填空与完形填空过关检测密卷 一.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 (A) Hi! I'm Mike. I'm ten years old. This is my grandpa.He likes beef. He is a driver. This is my uncle. He is tall and thin. He likes noodles. He is a cook. This is my sister. She is three. She is cute. She likes fish. I am a student. I like vegetables. ( )1.His grandma is a driver. ( )2.His uncle is tall and thin. ( )3. His sister is cute. ( )4.Mike is three years old. He likes fish. ( )5.Mike is 10 years old. He is a pupil. (B) My name is John. I'm 11.I'm a quiet boy. I have a friend. His name is Tom. He's 12.He has black glasses. He is tall and thin. He has short hair and big eyes. He is very friendly. We are good friends. ( )1.Tom is 12 years old. ( )2.John is a friendly boy. ( )3. Tom has green glasses and a big bag. ( )4. Tom is quiet. ( )5.They are good friends. 二、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 (A) My name is Alice. There are forty-eight(48) students in our class. You can see 28 boys in the classroom. Our classroom is clean and bright. There is a Canadian student in our class. Her name is Amy. She has long golden hair and two big eyes. She's very quiet. She is a beautiful girl. Especially(特别是), her English is super(很棒的). She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. I like eating rice and drinking tea.I like to learn English. I am good at English. But she likes to learn Chinese very much. We all love her! We have very happy time together in our class. ( )1.There are _____ girls in our class. A.48 B.20 C.28 ( )2.Amy is _____ . A.long golden hair B.two big eyes C.quiet ( ) 3. _____ is (are)good at English. A.Amy B.Alice C.Both A and B ( )4. The Canadian girl likes eating _____ . A.milk and orange juice
