


Dear Mr. Wang,

I’m writing to complain about the noise which made by your daugther while she is practicing the piano at night. I find it difficult to concentrate on my study and I can’t have a good rest at all.

To be honest, I am not prepared to put up with the noise anymore. I would appreciate it very much if you could rearrange the practicing time. I think the evening could be a better time for your daugther’s practice.

I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise I will be forced to take legal action. 感谢信

Dear David (name of your friends),

Many thanks to you for inviting me to your party. I've spent a sweet night there with you,your family and friends.

Your family members were very nice and hospital. You really made me feel home. Please remember me to your wife. She had prepared a fancy meal. I enjoyed that very much. And also your daughter Cicy. She dances very well. From her I foresee a promising dancer in the future.

Your friends were all easy-going and cute. Especially your collegues. You must keep a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in your office.

Last but not the least, thank you for your Vodka. How do you know that is my favoriate? I have a bottle of Russian Vodka. Hope to enjoy that with you when you come to my home!

Thanks again for your invitaion, your hospitality, your family, your friends, your Vodka and all the fancy memory you brought to me


Dear Sirs,

I am graduating from the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade this summer. As a student of English for Business, I hope to work for a foreign company after graduation.

In the past three academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight student, awarded a succession of scholarships. My English is particularly good and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will live up to the requirements set by a wholly foreign-owned enterprise like yours.

I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager. You will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to learn. I believe I can be of value to your company.

Enclosed please find my resume.

I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.

Yours sincerely,

Wang Lin


Dear Mr. Harrison: Our new factory will be commencing production on [April 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion. As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting. Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming


职场英语短文阅读 人很难找到一份自己喜欢并坚持做下去的工作,如果碰到一份上班时感到沮丧的工作怎么办?下面是为大家带来职场英语短文阅读,希望大家喜欢! 职场英语短文阅读:How to Hack Your Job If going in to work is starting to feel like a depressing chore rather than something enjoyable andchallenging, you re not alone almost of employees are reportedly unhappy with their jobs.Maybe it s time for you to rethink where you re at in terms of your career and your chosen job and fortunately, there are more opportunities than ever for a job that s unique and customized toyou. Many companies are beginning to realize that the current workforce isn t a one-size-fits-allsituation; many valuable employees are eschewing the traditional 9-to-5 office cubicle and searchingfor a way to create their best work on their own terms. As a sea change occurs within traditional office roles, many industries may be left playing catch-upwhen it comes to attracting top talent. With freelancing and small business becoming lucrativeoptions, and more workplace environments becoming receptive to innovative alternatives, there snever been a better time to figure out just how you can make your job work for you. Why the Modern Job Needs to be Hacked There s something to be said for the status quo it keeps things in line; it offers stability; peopleknow that it works. And in the case of the workplace, it can be hard to let go of the status quo thatis, the methods and processes that have gotten a company this far. However, as the workforcebecomes upended by new expectations and innovations, many employees are beginning to wantsomething more. As seen in The New Face of the American Workforce, with the rise of the Internet has come a wave ofoutsourcing and collaboration. Companies have begun to realize that they can attain solid work fromoutside parties, which saves them the costs that would normally go towards fully tenured employees.These outside parties many of


英文作文个人简历 简历作为一种特殊的应用文体,是求职和招聘中间的一个重要媒介,在个人的职业发展道路和企业招聘发挥着重要的作用。以下是整理的英文作文个人简历,以供大家参考。 英文作文个人简历一:Objective: To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development Scholarships and Awards: 1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate 1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress Award Please note that I am currently completing my senior year at North Dakota University and will receive my B.S.degree with a major in accounting and a concentration in computer programming in May.Throughout school,and during full-time and part-time employment,I have continued to strengthen my focus in these areas.In addition,I have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that,if given the opportunity,I would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm.


AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURES Members, Considering that Ministers agreed in the Punta del Este Declaration that "Following an examination of the operation of GATT Articles related to the trade restrictive and distorting effects of investment measures, negotiations should elaborate, as appropriate, further provisions that may be necessary to avoid such adverse effects on trade"; Desiring to promote the expansion and progressive liberalisation of world trade and to facilitate investment across international frontiers so as to increase the economic growth of all trading partners, particularly developing country Members, while ensuring free competition; Taking into account the particular trade, development and financial needs of developing country Members, particularly those of the least-developed country Members; Recognizing that certain investment measures can cause trade-restrictive and distorting effects; Hereby agree as follows: 与贸易有关的投资措施协定 各成员, 考虑到部长们在《埃斯特角城宣言》中同意“在审查与投资措施的贸易限制作用和扭曲作用有关的GATT条款的运用情况之后,谈判应酌情详述为避免此类对贸易的不利影响而可能需要的进一步规定”; 期望促进世界贸易的扩大和逐步自由化,便利跨国投资,以便提高所有贸易伙伴、特别是发展中国家成员的经济增长,同时保证自由竞争; 考虑到发展中国家成员、特别是最不发达国家成员特殊的贸易、发展和财政需要; 认识到某些投资措施可能产生贸易限制作用和扭曲作用: 特此协议如下: Article 1 Coverage This Agreement applies to investment measures related to trade in goods only (referred to in this Agreement as "TRIMs"). 第1条 范围 本协定仅适用于与货物贸易有关的投资措施(本协定中称“TRIMs”)。 Article 2 National Treatment and Quantitative Restrictions 1. Without prejudice to other rights and obligations under GATT 1994, no Member shall apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article III or Article XI of GATT 1994. 第2条 国民待遇和数量限制 1. 在不损害GATT 1994项下其他权利和义务的情况下,各成员不得实施任何与GATT l994第3条或第11条规定不一致的TRIM。


培养兴趣爱好英语作文 【英语作文】 As a middle school student,I learn many subjects,I study so hard every day. When I get home,I will do my homework and then go over the book. But when holiday comes,I feel a little confused,because I don t want to study and do something new.Then I don t know what to do, my mind get blank. 作为一个中学生,我学许多科目,我每天那么努力学习。当我回家时,我会做作业,然后复习书本。但当假期来临的时候, 我感到有点困惑,因为我不想学习,想做一些新的事情。我就不知道要做什么,我的头脑一片空白。 I decide to develop my interest.Some day,I happened to see a tennis match,and I couldn t stop watching, then I fell in love with tennis. So I started to learn playing tennis,I felt so happy. 我决定培养我的兴趣。有一天, 我碰巧看到一场网球比赛,我无法停止下来看,然后我爱上了网球。因此我开始学习打网球,我感到很高兴。培训兴趣爱好 Now tennis is my favorite sport,I find a way to relax myself. 现在网球是我最喜欢的运动,我找到一个方法来放松自己。


浅谈英语写作教学的策略 写作教学应以课文为中心,由易到难,由浅入深地逐一实行训练,训练可分为五个阶段。 一,由“词汇积累”到“句式”的训练阶段从七年级开始就增强学生词汇方面的训练,让学生通过积累的方法增加词汇量。首先,在每个单元的对话和课文中都有很多单词、词组、习惯用语和句型等,老师应坚持每天听写学生,强化训练。对于课文中的重点句型,能够在课堂上协助学生划分好句子成分,然后叫学生“读熟”。其次,让学生达到会用学过的单词、词组和句型造句。在课堂上,针对每节课所学的单词、词组及句型,老师带领学生操练。课后,老师应根据不同学生的特点,分层次的布置作业,协助学生增强举一反三的水平。再次,要增强英汉互译练习。平时引导学生多做一些复述、表演、翻译等练习,让学生口头表述或书面整理,有助于启发学生的写作思路,培养和规范学生的英语表达水平。 二,“由句式”到“段落”的训练阶段从七年级开始就对学生实行书写小段落的训练,做到口笔同步。随着教学的持续深入,写作内容也持续丰富,八年级就要注意段落中的时态差异、句型变化以及过渡句的使用等。到了九年级就要注意文章的体裁、格式、写作方法、复句的准确性以及中外文化的差异性。 三,各种体裁文章的训练阶段在我们所学的课文中有记叙文、说明文和议论文,还有日记、通知、假条、书信、电子邮件等应用文。在实践教学中,根据教学进度及学生的接受水准在适当的时候介绍各种体裁文章的写作方法及各自的特点,这样能够避免写作练习的盲目性,做到有的放矢,有目标地训练。另外课文中还有大量的插图,能够利用图片让学生实行看图说话、写作。从一些常见的文体练起,由短到长,由浅入深,循序渐进。 默写课文及优秀的作文范文提升学生的英语写作水平,以课文为中心实行训练尤为重要,因为课文能够体现各种英语语法及句法的特点,课文中的句子就是规范、地道的英语范文。所以,每学完一篇课文,都要求学生实行熟练地默写。这对夯实学生的基础写作水平有很大的协助,会收到事半功倍的效果。教师还能够指导学生对作文实行自批和互批,将文中的主要错误批出并纠正,这样既能够锻炼学生的改错水平,又能增强学生修改文章的意识,同时还减轻了教师的负担。久而久之,学生形成了良好的写作习惯,写作水平将会大大提升。 四,注重阅读与写作的结合,提升学生的语言表达水平 教师要即时对学生实行阅读技巧方面的指导学生在阅读过程中会遇到一些生词,教师应指导学生锻炼自己在阅读文章过程中的猜词水平,联系上下文语境理解文章主旨大意的水平,注意从阅读技巧方面指导学生,培养学生自行分析和解决问题的水平。 协助不同层次的学生实行阅读范围的指导根据不同学生的个体差异,教师能够协助他们确定不同范围、不同标准和不同难易水准的文章,供他们去读。比如说,能够给阅读水平强的学生提供一些稍长、有哲理的趣味文章去阅读,给阅读水平稍弱一些的学生提供一些简单易懂的文章,增强他们的阅读兴趣,从而培养各层次学生的英语语言综合表达水平。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除职场礼仪着装英语作文 篇一:着装礼仪youarewhatyouwear 着装礼仪youarewhatyouwear! 1.引子 人不可以不饰,不饰无貌,无貌不敬,不敬无礼,无礼不立。--孔子 孔子的话,指出了着装是表现对客户的尊重的手段。 你的服装往往表明你是哪一类人物,他们代表着你的个性。一个和你会面的人往往不自觉地根据你的衣着来判断你的为人。--索菲·罗兰 索菲·罗兰的话,指出着装会影响客户对你的判断。 服装往往可以表现人格。--莎士比亚 莎士比亚的话,指出着装对于人内心情感和气质的影响和暗示。 2.介绍着装礼仪主要是指人们在社交场合、商务场合以及各种场合所应该穿着的服装打扮等,是一门实用性礼仪规范。

员工的职业着装、举止、谈吐都直接向客户呈现了公司的形象和文化内涵。 穿着置业得体不仅表示对别人的尊重,更有助您增强自信,展现个人特质以及职业素质,帮您快速建立一个沟通平台。 良好的个人形象会给别人留下深刻的印象,更容易取得成功。您着装的专业与否将是别人判断您专业性关键的第一印象。 3.正装的规则 a正装穿着六要素 ·Top -根据时间(T)、场合(o)、地点(p)着装。 ·统一 -各件服装类型统一。 ·三色 -全身颜色不要超过三种。 ·适度 -装饰物不要过多、慎用闪亮、花纹。 ·扬长避短 -注意和自己的身材和肤色的搭配。 b职场着装六忌 ·忌过于杂乱

着装过于杂乱,是指不按照正式场合的规范要求着装。杂乱的着装极易给人留下不良的印象,使人对企业的规范程度产生疑虑。 ·忌过于鲜艳 着装过于鲜艳,是指商务人员在正式场合的着装色彩过为繁杂,过分耀眼。如衣服图案过分繁琐以及标新立异等问题。 ·忌过于暴露 在正式的商务场合身体的某些部位是不宜暴露的,比如胸部、肩部、大腿。在正式的商务场合通常要求不暴露胸部,不暴露肩部,不暴露大腿。 ·忌过于透视 在社交场合穿着透视装往往是允许的,但是在正式的商务交往中着装过分透视就有失于 对方的嫌疑。 ·忌过于短小 在正式场合,商务人员的着装不可以过于短小。比如不可以穿短裤、超短裙,非常重要的场合不允许穿露脐装、短袖衬衫等等。特别需要强调的是,男士在正式场合身着短裤绝对是不允许的。 ·忌过于紧身 在社交场合身着非常紧身的服饰是允许的。但是必须强


2020考博英语作文预测:白色污染问题现象与措施 2020考博各研究生院已陆续开始初试,考前考博英语作文押题是 考博生们喜闻乐见的信息,俗话说考前磨刀不快也光,作文考前一定 要充分准备好,常考的话题就那么几类,多练多总结并不难。以下是 小编整理的一些考博英语作文预测范文,供大家参考复习。 1. 开头(介绍背景):先下定义,白色污染(white pollution)是随意丢弃塑料袋(disposal of plastic bags),难以降解处理(hard to be decomposed in nature),造成环境破坏:影响市容(destroy the look of city),同时对人体有潜在危害(has hazards to human’s health)。 2. 问题产生根源:居民为其方便(for the sake of convenience),大量使用,造成不可逆转的污染(cause irreversible damage to environment)。 3. 措施1:政府制定政策(make policies and regulations),限制污染企业(place a limitation on the development of factories that pollute; 4. 措施2:政府大力探索新材料(make an effort to seek new material),用清洁环保材料代替(use environmental-friendly materials to replace old ones) ,既清洁又便利; 5. 措施3:政府应做好民众的宣传(make known to people the danger of white pollution),提升民众环保意识(raise the public awareness towards environmental protection),比如多用环保袋去替代产生白色污染的塑料袋(encourage people to use reusable bags more); 5.结尾(号召):解决白色污染问题不是梦,要考政府和民众的齐 心努力(requires the collaboration of the government and the population)。


兴趣爱好英语范文 对于要写自己的兴趣爱好,这样的英语作文,相信大家很快就会有写作灵感。下面是给大家整理的兴趣爱好英语范文,供大家参阅! I like play football very much.I think it is one of the most popular way to relax.And it can help your body grow more strong.I often play football on PE lesson and after school.In this way I make friends with a lot of football-liker.we always play together.Football bring me so much,I like it! 兴趣爱好英语范文2Diffrent people have diffrent hobbies I have a lot of hobbies like reading books,watching movies and so on.I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it's makes me happy. I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love life.myhobbies make life colourful.I like chinese book. 兴趣爱好英语范文3I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to


英语写作教学策略 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 《英语课程标准》对初中学生的写作能力提出了明确的要求,要求学生能根据图画或文字所提供的信息,围绕文章的话题或主题,综合运用已学语言知识写出文章。但是,现在的初中生英语写作能力却不容乐观,主要问题是教师的写作教学模式旧,对学生的写作能力缺乏有效的训练。因此,教师要科学有效地帮助学生突破写作难点,有意识地帮助学生形成适合自己的写作策略,让学生成为写作的主体,从而有效提高英语写作教学质量。 一、学生英语写作现状 目前,学生在英语写作方面得分较低,写作技能停滞不前,主要表现在:一是基本功不扎实,单词拼写错误率较高;二是学生掌握的语言素材太少;三是缺乏词语搭配知识;四是语法规则运用不熟练;五是受母语负迁移影响。究其原因,学生对写作的不重视

及对写作无兴趣或有畏惧心理,阻碍了英语写作水平的根本性提高。在当前英语教学中绝大部分课时都被用于讲授语言点、语法等容,写作练习往往被一带而过,教师对学生的写作训练也以应试为主,使得学生为写作而写作,显得很被动,对写作亦无多大兴趣。 二、英语写作教学的策略 英语写作教学的目的就是要提高写作教学的效果,而提高写作教学效果表现在以下两个方面: (1)促进学生主动学习,提高学生写作兴趣和参与度,让各类学生都能亲身经历合作学习和知识建构的过程; (2)更新写作教学理念,优化写作教学过程,促进学生有效的学习。那么,如何提高学生的写作水平和促进写作教学呢? 1. 进行科学合理的写作训练 写作能力的培养和提高并不是一蹴而就的,要坚持循序渐进的原则,先易后难,由浅入深,一环扣一


Li Min 10Hangzhou Road Hangzhou,310000 20April,2014 Mr Newman Director Human Resources Dept. Morrison Brothers Corporation Renmin Road,Beijing,100000 Dear Mr Newman, With reference to your advertisement in today’s China Daily,I would like to apply for the position of international sales department in your company.I am just graduate from XYZ university.I want to work in the International Sale Department of an American-affiliated firm. In my CV,you can know that I major in Business Administration.My education has given me a broad background in the field of foreign trade.Courses in international finance,globalization and economics,etc.have an understanding of The relevant knowledge of foreign enterprises.I believe I could do well in a company like yours.Although I have just graduated,my past work experience during vacations and my education background have given me the right qualifications for the job. In summer vacation of2013,I was the executive assistant to the President,Xingda Co.,Ltd.And in summer vacation of2012,I was the clerk at Accounting Department of Sunshine Supermarket. The two work experience let me know more clearly about the knowledge of the Marketing Department.In the aspect of foreign language,I speak fluently in English,semi-fluently in German,and can read knowledge of French. I’ve enclosed my resume with this letter and a sample of my work.I can come for an interview with you any day of the week but please give a2-day notice so I can make proper arrangements. Should you have any questions or wish to contact me,my address and telephone number are written on my resume. Sincerely yours, Li Min

职场商务英语写作:英语推荐信怎么写 via安格英语

职场商务英语写作:英语推荐信怎么写 年后马上就要迎来金三银四的跳槽高峰,外企因其福利好、待遇高一直是求职市场中的热门,如果能够有一定地位的人向用人单位推荐你,那么你就比较容易从众多求职者中脱颖而出。所以,我们要如何邀请别人推荐自己呢?如果别人希望你推荐他,你知道怎么写推荐信吗? 在本篇文章中,安格英语老师就要教大家如何请求对方为自己写推荐信,以及如何推荐别人。 Letter One: Requesting a recommendation(请求对方予以推荐) Dear Mr. Walter, I was one of your former employees working as an assistant manager in Marketing Department of your company. As I wished to finish my MBA degree in America, I resigned from the position last June. I suppose you may have heard of it. Now I have obtained my degree and am applying for the position of Marketing Manager of Compact International. I would be grateful if you could write a recommendation letter for me. In my service with your company, my responsibilities included the usual routine sales-related duties as well as attending meetings, taking minutes, and supervising and advising junior secretaries. Your recommendation letter will be of great importance in my application for the above-mentioned position. I would be deeply grateful to you for the reference you may provide for me. Yours sincerely, Li Tang Letter Two: Recommending an applicant to a company(推荐求职者) Dear Mr. Jackson, I am very happy to recommend one of my former employees to you, Mr. Robert Jones who has worked in my company for twelve years. I think he will be perfect for the position of Deputy Production Manager in your new company. He is highly qualified and has a great deal of experience, which should be very relevant to the position. Mr. Jones is able to turn what appears to be a disadvantage into a chance to benefit him


高考英语写作……怎样写人物简介 一. 教学内容: 英语写作……怎样写人物简介 二. 重点、难点: (一)人物简介的写作步骤 1. Birthday and birth place 2. Family background 3. Education 4. Big events in his or her life ( in order of time ) 5. Evaluation (二)人物简介写作中常用的词组及句子 1. Birthday and birth place ——was / were born on…in… , 2. Family background —— 1) a poor / rich family 2) his (her) family was so poor that……, 3) with the help of his parents , 4) his father was very strict with him……, 5) the son of a poor family , 6) when he was a small boy , 7) as a child , 8) during his (her) childhood , 9) spend his childhood in……, 10) live a happy (hard ) life , 11) a boy of 15 3. Education—— 1) graduate from……department of ……university , 2) When at college , he majored in……, 3) receive a doctor’s degree . 4) get higher education 5) go abroad for further studies 4. Big events in his life—— 1) be interested in … , 2) work hard at … , 3) devote his lifetime to … , 4) do research about / into … 5) make a big decision . make up one’s mind to do sth. 6) do sth with great determination and perseverance . 7) be fond of… , 8) be strict in sth. 9) have a … way of doing sth. 10) try one’s best to do sth. 11) encourage sb to do sth. 12) fight for , give up one’s life for sb / sth. 13) win a prize in … competition . 14) be good at . 15) make rapid progress in … , 16) set a new world record of … 17) become a member of … 18) study hard . train hard . 19) win a gold medal . 20) work so hard as to improve… 21) have a gift for… 5. Evaluation—— 1) on e of the best (most important) … 2) set sb a good example . 3) a model teacher . 4) be respected by everyone . 5) sing high praise for… speak (think) highly of… 6) his hard work


英语万能作文(模板型) Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。 In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that.... 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。 The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。 ...... plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:"我们该如何抉择?" Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。 People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case. 不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。 The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。 When asked ..., some people think..... while some prefer... 说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。 Just as the saying goes: "so many people, so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.


求职简历英文作文 简历是求职者敲开企业大门的拍门砖,企业对求职者的第一印 象简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思设计具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是的求职简历英文作文,以供大家参考。 XXX, XX Road Guangzhou Guangdong, China Phone: XXXXXXXXXXX E-mail: OBJECTIVE: To seek a position of a web designer in a pany where my skills and abilities will be used and nurtured. EXPERIENCE: XX Web Designers, Guangzhou

20xx - Present Web Designer Responsible for the design and development of Inter, Intra, web sites and web applications through the use of Macromedia Dream weaver, Front Page and Adobe Photo Shop 5.0. Developed page layout, navigation, copy, animation, buttons and icons. Presented designs and concepts to Clients and the Management for review. Installed Shopping Carts, Automatic Response mailers and Online Forms. Assisted help desk staff in streamlining the process. EDUCATION: Guangdong University of Technology


首先,我先谈谈在我所教授的班上,对于英语写作所存在的问题。 1.学生对写作有畏惧感 很大部分学生对英语写作不感兴趣,一提到写作就害怕,也无从下手,不知道该写什么,怎么写,尽管绞尽脑汁,写出来的作文得分率也很低,有的甚至就不写,经常出现写作空白卷。 2.写作中常见的错误 (1)单词拼写错误多 拼写错误是学生作文中普遍存在的一个问题,主要错误集中在一些形相似,音相近的单词等等。 (2)选词不当的错误 学生在写英语作文时只注意“要点提示”中的汉语字面意思,而忽视了所选单词的词性,用法及其搭配。以至于错用,乱用。(3)时态,句子结构,主谓一致等语法错误 很多学生在英语写作中会有一些基本的语法错误。主要原因在于学生不习惯英语语言中的变化形式。 (4)句式表达错误 此类错误具体表现为学生所选用的句式不符合英语语言习惯,学生经常按汉语顺序译成英语,使得逻辑混乱。 (5)综合性错误 如名词的单,复数变化,形容词和副词的混淆,冠词的错用,介词的错用,代词的误用,非谓语动词误用等。 其次,我谈一下,听了专家的讲座后,我该如何解决这些问题,帮助

学生们提高写作水平。 1.抓好英语写作的基础性训练。 英语写作的基础性训练是训练基本句型。因此,在写作教学中,应把这五个基本句型作为写作训练的出发点。课堂练习以及作业布置上,多在造句上下工夫,打好写作的第一步。 2.多条途径培养学生的英语写作思维能力。 一是扩大阅读量。要让学生言之有物,就必须重视扩大其阅读量。大量阅读对学生熟悉词汇和句子结构有积极的作用。通过一段时间的语言输入,丰富了学生的语言材料,对写作能起到极好地促进作用。 二是背诵范文。在英语写作教学过程中,教师要选择适当的阅读材料作范文,这将对启发学生的思维起到立竿见影的作用。课文是提供给学生的最好范文,背诵课文是一个积累语篇的过程,也是思维发展的过程,它有记忆、理解、感悟、鉴赏四个阶段。背诵课文有助于学生对词汇的记忆,诵读过程中学生感悟内容,内化语言,提高能力。 三是仿写作文。首先,由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进、一环紧扣一环地进行训练。然后,通过对知识点的复习加深学生对句型的印象。最后,让学生仿写成文。 3.优化作文的批改,增强纠错的时效性。对于学生的写作错误采用符号的方式加以提醒,再由学生根据提示改正。每次改完作文后,总结学生的一般性错误,并再课堂上指出并强调。有时还可以选几篇比较有针对性的作文,让全班同学一起批改,加深印象。
