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9、试着写下三个分析型句子,如“My mother is a woman.”,并设想一个语境,使表 面上没有什么有效信息的话段事实上向听话人 传递了特别有效的信息。 10、试着写下三个表面上矛盾的句子,如 “My mother is a boy.” My boy.”,并设想有一个语境使 表面上无意义的话段对听话人而言是有有意义 的。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
3、在以下每例中,在各个话段互相有关的情况下,你 能得出什么样的会话含义? (a)Wet feet? Look out for colds. Gargle with Listerine quick. (b)Is your teen just have barely hanging on? Big Sky Montana is a great place for changes. (c)Tired of ordinary sport-utilities? Try the Subaru Forester. (d)Now there’s a refrigerator that fits precisely into your renovation plans. Introducing the Monogram. (e)Introducing Microsun. A technological breakthrough. (f)Birds have sanctuaries. People have Hampton Inns.
7、下面哪些句子不能被判断为“真”或“假”, 除非你有额外的非语言信息: (a)My hamster(仓鼠) is a mammal. (b)My cousin is a girl. (c)My sister is a girl. (d)My sister is female. (e)I saw a female rock. (f)I saw a female tortoise. (g)My cat likes ice-cream. (h)My sick cat is not well.
4、填空:有一位美国总统叫James Polk, 一般发为 poke,l不发音。同样的,folk被发为foke,l也不发 音,就像鸡蛋白(the white of an egg)被发 为 。 5、你会考虑在这份请愿书上签名吗? 我们要求政府采取措施确保对dihydrogen monoxide/ mə'nɔksaid /严格控制或总消耗。这种化 学物: 是酸雨的一种主要成分 能引起出汗过多和呕吐。 如果突然吸入会引起死亡。 在其气态情况下会引起严重烫伤。 是石油浸蚀的帮凶。 降低机动车刹车的效能。 在晚期癌症病人身上有携带。
6、哪条会话准则导致下面括弧中的会话含义? (a)What an elephant Jane is! ( Jane is clumsy ) (b)Steve’s a pig.(Steve is greedy)
7、再看一下练习6中的隐喻。这次我们加了一些 语境信息。你能得出什么样的会话含义? (a)She’s still mad at me. What an elephant Jane is! (b)Look at this room. Steve’s a pig.
4、在以下每对句子中,假设其中一个句子是人为性 正确的话,另一个句子是否也自动正确? 1(a)Goldilocks(金发姑娘) saw a bear. 1(b)Goldilocks saw an animal. 2(a)This porridge is too cold. 2(b)This porridge is not too hot. 3(a)Baby Bear cried. 3(b)Baby Bear wept. 4(a)Mama Bear is in front of Papa Bear. 4(b)Papa Bear is behind Mama Bear. 单向蕴涵(One-way entailment) 双向蕴涵(Two-way entailment)
8、给以下每个句子提供两个蕴涵。一个是单 向蕴涵,一个是双向蕴涵。 (a)My sister-in-law grows roses. (b)Steve is furious. (c)Tom sold a computer to Mark. (d)My brother repaired my car.
2、以下是一些被视为新闻业的错误典型的新闻标题。 每个例子都有两个可能的理解。请你指出是什么引起歧 义。然后考虑哪一种理解更自然。 (a)Retired priest may marry Bruce Springsteen (b)Defendant’s speech ends in long sentence (c)You can combat that feeling of helplessness with illegal drugs (d)Prison warden says inmates may have 3 guns (e)Rhode Island secretary excites furniture experts (f)Crowds rushing to see Pope trample 6 to death
第8讲 意义表达
1、阅读以下一段话后,再将你所记住的内容默写下来。 The procedure is quite simple. First you arrange things into different groups. Of course one pile may be sufficient depending on how much there is to do. If you have to go somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step, otherwise you are pretty well set. It is important not to overdo things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many. In the short run this may not seem too important but complications can easily arise. A mistake can be expensive as well. At first the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it will just become another facet of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this task, in the immediate future, but then one can never tell. After the procedure is completed, one arranges the materials into different groups again. Then they can be put into their appropriate places. Eventually, they will be used once more and the whole cycle will have to be repeated. However that is a part of life.
11、在练习6里,我们注意到落在一个词上的重音可以 用来凸显某一特别的蕴涵。某些句子结构也可以做到, 尤其是在没有重音表示的书面语里特别有用。后一种 句子一般叫作分裂句(cleft sentence): (a)The PAINTERS broke the window.(口语) (b)It was the painters who broke the window.(书面 ) 语) 当分裂句被用在口语里时,也会伴随某种重音指派方 式,一些有趣的意义就会浮现出来。试比较: (c)It wasn’t ME who burnt the toast. (d)It WASN’T me burnt the toast.