


Kobe is the league's most offensive point guard, standing 6.6, weighing 220 pounds, and an amazing exit, which makes it hard for him to be blocked.

Kobe can score at any time, but when he makes him a teammate, the Lakers will be a better team. Someone said Kobe's shot is the best NBA. It makes you understand. In the first five years of his career, Kobe was defined as a Jumpman who often jumps first

It was also the approach MJ used in his early career before he took the next step, which earned him the reputation of the next MJ.

In the 2005-2006 season, Kobe allowed him to score 81 points in one game, a career high Raptor. This is the second high score in NBA history. Only Chamberlin can beat him with an unstoppable 100 points in a game.

About Kobe's English article reading

About Kobe's English article reading about Kobe, From the moment I started rolling my dad’s tube socks And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots In the Great Western Forum I knew one thing was real: I fell in love with you. A love so deep I gave you my all —From my mind body To my spirit soul. As a six-year-old boy Deeply in love with you I never saw the end of the tunnel. I only saw myself Running out of one. And so I ran. I ran up and down every court After every loose ball for you.

You asked for my hustle I gave you my heart Because it came with so much more.I played through the sweat and hurt Not because challenge called me But because YOU called me. I did everything for YOU Because that’s what you do When someone makes you feel as Alive as you’ve made me feel. You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream And I’ll always love you for it. But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer. This season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding My mind can handle the grind But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye. And that’s OK. I’m ready to let you go. I want you to know now So we both can savor every moment we have left together. The good and the bad. We have given each other All that we have. And we both know, no matter what I do next I’ll always be that kid With the rolled up socks Garbage can in the corner:05 seconds on the clock Ball in my hands.

5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 love you always, Kobe's English article about Kobe Bryant read 2: Dear students: Hello everyone! Black Mamba is a dead poison snakes have, why do I get this name because once I entered the stadium, I was dead, like the black mamba same. So the next scene, I can job, but once I entered the stadium, I "ll be like a new person, like, engrossed on the pitch. I am now 35 years old, went to be the second half of his career, like some of the injured are also commonplace. Once injured , you think the world stopped, regardless of knee injuries, shoulder injuries , and so on . I know a lot of people have ruined the

whole career , and some people even depressed , can not even return to the stadium. When that moment happened, I would look at himself in the mirror , "said Bryant , what would you If you experience such pain you what will happen " You know, every time I see someone hurt, I saw a lot of people come back after the injury , I looked at himself in the mirror muttering , "is not it quit should not stop playing it" I do not know yet whether the return game. I sit here and tell you now , I want a full recovery back on the court . But I can not promise , because a lot of the time I still have some doubts , but I think , this is to meet the challenges of significance . To seize every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone , to prove that you can meet the challenge. To those who say you can never succeed , you will fail to prove , and this is my opinion. If someone says you are the injured , to slump , and for me, if someone suffered this injury might quit , but Kobe can not do this . Others say it under your die, I would say that you so that you may quit . So I have to prove it to them , especially to my fans who support me , love , I have to win their own , to win the pain , can return to the game . So as to allow those who doubt me rethink what is the impossible becomes possible. The importance of these scars is reflected in here , these scars are my shift reflects growing . As a player, I was born with a passion to succeed , you want to win. But also the most important thing in life the hardest thing . As a player , you want to go to the stadium to meet the biggest challenge , I

think the biggest challenge is to bring people into the team like a man as to constantly , constantly win, this is the biggest challenge the team of athletic competition , this is exactly my passion . For me personally, the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge, and neverafraid of challenges is extremely important. But more important to maintain a constant curiosity of things , such as how to play better , how to improve the skills , how what is learned from others . In fact, I grew up to now has been looking for factors that inspire me from all aspects , not just from the body of Michael Jordan , Earvin Magic Johnson from the body, but also from Michael Jackson , Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci, Bruce Lee"s body, these who gave me great motivation, let me forward, so this is the spirit of the black mamba . Not that you have to constantly attack others , but to never stop you from moving forward . Life is a life-long learning , so it is extremely important to keep learning . You have to keep learning , study and study again , and talk to people , to understand , to learn, and not feel that you know everything . The only way you can become a better person , in order to further improve your skills . Finally, there will b


致敬科比的英语作文 Be lost , be tired, be out of mind , who is the really friend? Out of bread, out of head, I'm out of respect. Something I can never understand. So , please give me a break which I really need. Cause it's too late, it's too fast, it can never last. Maybe the memory will rest, but never forget what I have lost. Take off the color, and say bye-bye to California, there was my home, but the leaving is true. Too many things had happened

before deciding what to do. There is no 8, there is no 24, only a city ,Los Angeles without love. I offered 3 times for you to be the champion I made you win I spend my whole life for you to build a new way of glory. But you, Throw me away. Stone me and spit in my eye, Love me and leave me to die! It's too noisy Which almost drive me crazy. It's been so long. The leaving may be blood, but it's a work for me …… 迷路了 累了, 你疯了,


The king of NBA As the leader of Los Angelas Lakers,Kobe Brayant plays an important role in NBA.He was born on 23 August,1978 in Philadelphia. He srarted to play baketball ever since he was a child.His father who was once a basketball player influenced his life deeply.Kobe’s study at Lower Merion Hifg School brought him a lucky beginning.He became the 27th man who set foot in NBA as a senior scholol student directly. Since then,his successful career began.In 1996,he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overrall by Charlotte Hornets.And then he was transferred to Lakers because of good playing skills.During the first season with Lakers,he didn’t get many opportunities.Instead,he played in limited minutes initially. When he entered the professional level ,he flt that the expectations took the fun out of playing.But he didn’t lose his confidence. Fotunenately,this sort of situation changed as the season continued.He used high scores to show his talents to the world.However,he didn’t want to live in the shadow of the past achievements.So he played harder and harder to live up


致敬科比的句子简短第1段: 1.永远深爱着篮球的科比 2.哈登:在科比面前,我怎样敢提第一SG 3.我明白,哪怕太放不开你的爱,也到了说再见的时候了 4.那个穿着长筒袜的少年 5.我都会回到梦开始的那个地方 6.我们都明白,无论接下去我会做什么 7.无论好坏,我们已经彼此相互给予 8.雷吉-米勒:我此生无冠,只因为有科比 9.再幻想自我身处大西部论坛球馆(注,湖人先前的主场) 10.库克:我和科比合砍83分 11.扎克-兰多夫:虽然我也叫渣科,但我和科比的得分潜力不一个星球的 12.从第一次穿上老爸的长筒袜开始 13.我的内心仍能承受七苦八难,我的内心仍能忍耐各种艰难 14.诺维茨基:我中投最准的科比比我准100倍 15.忘不了你那飘逸的扣篮王. 16.他深深的爱着你 17.保罗:科比08年的MVP实至名归,我根本不可能和他相比 18.能给人以一种活生生的感觉 19.忘不了你的绝杀韦德. 20.佩顿:我最佳防守球员科比12个三分把我射爆了 21.不为挑战,只为篮球

22.我带着伤病征战,打到浑身都湿透 23.托尼-阿伦:我能把任何人防成渣,就防不住科比 24.罗伊:其实我退役的真正原因被科比打得毫无打球信心了 25.忘不了你那想都不敢想的5次60+. 26.瞄准角落里的垃圾桶 27.可我的身体已经支撑不住 28.忘不了你的单挑乔丹. 29.我的精神,我的灵魂 30.忘不了你的语录. 致敬科比的句子简短第2段: 1.我爱篮球,爱的如此深沉,以至于我愿意付出一切 2.纳什:这辈子能和科比共战两年比我两连MVP还荣耀 3.隆多:如果我有科比的得分潜力,我将历史最全面的球员 4.麦基:科比的历史地位=我在五大囧的历史地位 5.忘不了你那桀骜不驯. 6.的,那个做着紫金迷梦的六岁男孩 7.球场上,来来回回,只为争夺一个地板球 8.我忘不了你的一切,成败永随. 9.忘不了你的样貌.黑曼巴, 10.5...4...3...2 (1) 11.贾米森:我连续两场50+在科比4连50+之前根本不值一提 12.J博士:我扣篮再美,也没有科比的后仰美


致敬科比的句子简短 致敬科比的句子简短100句 致敬科比的句子简短(一): 1、詹宁斯:我为自我是一个脑残科蜜而自豪一辈子 2、伊戈达拉:我曾以为自我是最强外线终结者,直到科比在我头上射了48分 3、程杭:我此生不再黑科比 4、乔-约翰逊:我是单打王别搞笑了,科比和我单挑能把我虐出翔 5、斯嘉丽:我愿意喝科比81缸洗澡水 6、麦迪:我得分潜力历史第二,第一是科比 7、麦基:科比的历史地位=我在五大囧的历史地位 8、姚明:科比退役后如果来我的上海队,场均能够100分 9、斯特恩:科比是我在位期间最伟大的球员

10、J博士:我扣篮再美,也没有科比的后仰美 11、雷吉-米勒:我此生无冠,只是因为有科比 12、拉德马诺维奇:看见科比12个三分后,我就相信了打可是就该加入的理论 13、佩顿:我是最佳防守球员科比12个三分把我射爆了 14、扎克-兰多夫:虽然我也叫渣科,但我和科比的得分潜力不是一个星球的 15、米姆:我比LS吊,我曾和科比合砍93分 16、霍华德:科比的淳淳教诲,让我终身受益 17、贾马尔-克劳福德:我不讲理的得分潜力都是从科比那学到的 18、费舍尔:没有科比,我什么都不是 19、坎比:科比才就应是96年选秀的状元

20、刘易斯:科比12三分那场,篮筐对他来说就是大海 21、帕金斯:就算我G6没伤,科比也能把我们打回姥姥家 22、奥斯卡-罗伯特森:我的全能在科比的得分面前提都不敢提 23、杜兰特:我一向在追着一个人的背影,那就是科比 24、威少:虽然我身体劲爆,但科比教会我不能只靠身体打球 25、巴克利:如果科比总得分不超贾巴尔,我就亲奥巴马屁股 26、罗伊:其实我退役的真正原因是被科比打得毫无打球信心了 27、奥拉朱旺:还好在科比进联盟之前拿到冠军了,要不我将终身无冠 28、保罗-加索尔:没有科比,我早就已经回欧洲了 29、诺维茨基:我是中投最准的科比比我准100倍


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我今天演讲的题目是“我心中之神——科比”。 我酷爱篮球,当然喜爱篮球当然有个自己心目中最爱的球员,我也有我的篮球榜样那就是科比,他们都说乔丹是篮球之神,但我只想说对不起,我只活在科比时代。 我承认乔丹是不一个不能用明星可以来比较他的能力 的他被人称飞人,科比被人称小飞侠,被人称为下一个迈克。18岁,他加入了nba这个神圣的联盟,他将在这接受所有的考验,受伤,生病等等……不知不觉18年了,36岁了,就如我说的那样,受伤成了他的牵绊。 20xx年,有个男孩叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赐予他一个与天地争锋的机会! xx年,有个男人叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赋予他

一个足以俯视天地的机会! xx年,有个老男孩将要重出江湖,站在昔日的战场,用后仰穿透对手的意志! 20xx年,一个老男孩站在已被油漆刷过多年的的湖人标志中,昂首挺胸,穿着西装,24号球员已被永久的存放,他想哭,但没哭,他是个真男人,20xx年的少年已不在,曾经的放荡不羁,已成过去……那天晚上,他慢慢回忆,他笑了,笑得是那么开心,想当年单枪匹马砍下81分,想当年无解的后仰,笑着笑着哭了,再见的篮球,再见了兄弟…… 科比——不是任何一个人可以侮辱的,他是神圣的,请珍惜这两年吧,输了没关系,科比永在我心! 那些年,有一种后仰叫科比;

那些年,有一种突破叫答案; 那些年,有一种飞翔叫卡特; 那些年,有一种干拔叫麦迪; 那些年,有一种执着叫唯爱科比! 我的演讲结束了,谢谢大家! 致敬科比演讲稿篇二 我今天演讲的题目是“科比精神”。 无论你走在任何大街小巷,只要有篮球的出现,便一定


新品上市微博营销32式 目录 综述 新品上市三十二式”分为四个阶段: 预热期、炒作期、上市期、销售期。其中预热期主要是通过曝光产品谍照、产品特色功能、关于新产品的意见征集等吸引粉丝关注;炒作期则是通过制作一系列劲爆话题和创意活动吸引粉丝进一步关注;在上市期,要整合微博和全网资源促进新品全线销售;销售期则通过优惠返券、网络晒单等口碑分享进一步促进销售。 (一)预热期 1.新机爆料总结

①爆料内容:新机爆料可以是产品材质特点、特色功能、产品谍照、上市日期、重大技术突破、产品和竞品比较信息、价格等内容。 ②爆料账号:行业媒体账号、行业意见领袖、科技或互联网账号。 ③爆料时间:产品上市前3个月,持续到产品上市。 2.领袖论战总结 ①论战对象:行业内的意见领见领袖,其观点在粉丝心中有影响力。 ②论战内容:产品与竞品的核心功能比较。 ③论战时间:产品上市前1个月,持续到产品上市。 3.官方发声总结 ①发声内容:产品的相关参数和上市信息。 ②发声账号:可以是企业官方微博也可是行业影响较大的媒体微博。 ③官方发声时间:产品上市前1~3个月,持续到产品上市。 4.网友投票总结 产品预热期,可在企业官方微博或者行业内其他有影响力的微博上发起网友投票活动,内容可以是消费者对产品的期待度、对同类产品不同颜色的喜爱度对不同价格接受度等,通过分析微投票的结果,调整生产量和生产配比,甚至调整发售价格。 5.试用征集 一个新品推向市场前,了解消费者的接受度和认可度是非常重要的事情,于是企业可在微博上征集新品体验官,让他们提前体验产品,了解他们对产品的看法和意见,一般来讲:新品体验官候选人以业内意见领袖、专业产品达人、资深品牌粉丝等为主,他们对行业内的产品比较熟悉,也比较了解消费者的喜好。 通过微博召集产品体验官,一方面,企业可与产品体验官建立良好的互动关系,收集试


1.基德:“他打了多少分钟?42分钟?如果他再打一个加时赛,也许100分也有可能哦。” 2. 卡特:“…哇!?这就是我要说的……对于联盟,对于科比本人来说,这太伟大了,单纯就从这件事所创造的效应来看。唯一不好的一点,是对年轻的影响,他们看完这场比赛后,脑袋过早地想歪了,…噢,我将来也要做到这样,不管什么集体优先了。?这正是现在所缺失的,如何让这些家伙明白如何打团体篮球。NBA的人想得分,想排行榜。我只是希望年轻人会明白这一点,只有一些特别的人才能做,但是……” 3.比卢普斯. ...不可思议。” 4.韦德:“每个人都打电话过来,每个人都给联盟中每个球员打电话说这事儿。”当时韦德正在餐馆吃饭,无法看比赛,有人用手机不断地给他刷新分数。 5.莱利教练:“任何一个人,如果拥有这种体能,能投70次篮,他们也可以得到很多分。这确实很非凡,从结果和效率来看。但在这个联盟中,我们有很多家伙,如果他们得到70次的投篮机会,他们也可以砍下很多分。” 莱利又说:“他可以得到100分,既然你有能力得到81分,那100分也绝对没有问题。他有足够的精神和身体条件去达到那个目标。他是这个世界上体能条件最好的运动员之一。” 6.安东尼沃克:“我想在这个81分之后,再也不会有其他球员其他球队会让这种事再次发生。以后防守球员会不惜用完六次犯规也要阻止他。如果有人在我面前砍下81分,我非要clot hesline他不可。。。。加里(佩顿)打电话给我叫我看这个。我看了好象是最后三四分钟的比赛,所有人都站在那里,而他一直在罚球。。。” "He told us to get him 50 shots," Walker said, suggesting that O'Neal was fully aw are of Bryant's display. ''Gary [Payton] called and told me to watch it. I caught, like, the last three or four minutes when everybody was just on their feet and he was making free throws do wn the stretch.'' 7.沙克本人拒绝评论 O'Neal declined comment. 8.艾弗森:“对于科比来说,这个晚上太美妙了。简单就像不真实的事情,就像观看一场电脑游戏。他是赛场上最好的球员。我们将3月份对阵猛龙,到时我将砍下100分。” When asked about Kobe's performance AI had this to say "It was an amazing nigh t for Kobe. Just unreal. Like watching a video game. He's the best player in the g ame.". Asked if he will try to top the performance #3 wasnt so humble "We play T oronto in March. I'm going to go for 100." -Philadelphia Daily News 9.受害者伦罗斯:“哇,科比是个令人惊异的球员,我只能表示敬佩。这可是历史上第二高分啊。你肯定很讨厌成为历史的反面教材,但你不得不对他表示敬佩。在很长的一段时间时,这件事将会被人们不停地谈论、分析、再分析。很不幸,我们将成为分析中的反面。” "Wow. Kobe's an amazing player. I just give him credit. That's the second-highest


致敬科比的英语作文 Kobe is the league's most offensive point guard, standing 6.6, weighing 220 pounds, and an amazing exit, which makes it hard for him to be blocked. Kobe can score at any time, but when he makes him a teammate, the Lakers will be a better team. Someone said Kobe's shot is the best NBA. It makes you understand. In the first five years of his career, Kobe was defined as a Jumpman who often jumps first It was also the approach MJ used in his early career before he took the next step, which earned him the reputation of the next MJ. In the 2005-2006 season, Kobe allowed him to score 81 points in one game, a career high Raptor. This is the second high score in NBA history. Only Chamberlin can beat him with an unstoppable 100 points in a game. About Kobe's English article reading About Kobe's English article reading about Kobe, From the moment I started rolling my dad’s tube socks And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots In the Great Western Forum I knew one thing was real: I fell in love with you. A love so deep I gave you my all —From my mind body To my spirit soul. As a six-year-old boy Deeply in love with you I never saw the end of the tunnel. I only saw myself Running out of one. And so I ran. I ran up and down every court After every loose ball for you.


See you,Kobe At a young age,l had heard you. Your ambition,determination and achievement.Every time I see you play,I always view you as a God. Why do I say so? On one hand, your operations are beautiful like pictures. On the other hand,your desire for victory is beyond others.So,under your guidance,I fell in love with basketball and learnt to struggle all the time. So far ,I have made much progress in basketball. And I'm hoping to get more. But now,you are away .Just 41.When I woke up on that morning, I couldn't believe this for a time. Until so long,I really realize you're playing basketball in another world. The whole world loses you,but I believe another world will treat you as VIP. I also will work hard until l die.See you. Kobe Bryant. Hey man! I love you!Best wishes!All the best! Good luck! R.I.P.


致敬科比演讲稿 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 致敬科比演讲稿篇一 同学们,老师们: 大家好! 我今天演讲的题目是“我心中之神----科比”。 我酷爱篮球,当然喜爱篮球当然有个自己心目中最爱的球员,我也有我的篮球榜样那就是科比,他们都说乔丹是篮球之神,但我只想说对不起,我只活在科比时代。 我承认乔丹是不一个不能用明星可以来比较他的能力的他被人称飞人,科比被人称小飞侠,被人称为下一个迈克。18岁,他加入了nba这个神圣的联盟,他将在这接受所有的考验,受伤,生病等等......不知不觉18年了,36岁了,就如我说的那样,受伤成了他的牵绊。 20XX年,有个男孩叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赐予他一个与天地争锋的机会! XX年,有个男人叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赋予他一个足以俯视天地的机会! XX年,有个老男孩将要重出江湖,站在昔日的战场,用后仰穿

透对手的意志! 20XX年,一个老男孩站在已被油漆刷过多年的的湖人标志中,昂首挺胸,穿着西装,24号球员已被永久的存放,他想哭,但没哭,他是个真男人,20XX年的少年已不在,曾经的放荡不羁,已成过去......那天晚上,他慢慢回忆,他笑了,笑得是那么开心,想当年单枪匹马砍下81分,想当年无解的后仰,笑着笑着哭了,再见的篮球,再见了兄弟...... 科比----不是任何一个人可以侮辱的,他是神圣的,请珍惜这两年吧,输了没关系,科比永在我心! 那些年,有一种后仰叫科比; 那些年,有一种突破叫答案; 那些年,有一种飞翔叫卡特; 那些年,有一种干拔叫麦迪; 那些年,有一种执着叫唯爱科比! 我的演讲结束了,谢谢大家! 致敬科比演讲稿篇二 我今天演讲的题目是“科比精神”。 无论你走在任何大街小巷,只要有篮球的出现,便一定会有这个人的名字紧随其后,因为他与篮球之神迈克尔。乔丹已经毫无疑问的成为了当今篮球的象征,因为他的出现,篮球才会再一次变得神乎其神。他桀骜不驯的镜头成了永恒的代表;他无数次带伤上阵的画面成了无数人的赞佩对像;他一次次在球队最危险的时候靠自己的如火纯


致敬科比的句子简短100句 致敬科比的句子简短(一): 1、詹宁斯:我为自我是一个脑残科蜜而自豪一辈子 2、伊戈达拉:我曾以为自我是最强外线终结者,直到科比在我头上射了48分 3、程杭:我此生不再黑科比 4、乔-约翰逊:我是单打王别搞笑了,科比和我单挑能把我虐出翔 5、斯嘉丽:我愿意喝科比81缸洗澡水 6、麦迪:我得分潜力历史第二,第一是科比 7、麦基:科比的历史地位=我在五大囧的历史地位 8、姚明:科比退役后如果来我的上海队,场均能够100分 9、斯特恩:科比是我在位期间最伟大的球员 10、J博士:我扣篮再美,也没有科比的后仰美 11、雷吉-米勒:我此生无冠,只是因为有科比 12、拉德马诺维奇:看见科比12个三分后,我就相信了打可是就该加入的理论 13、佩顿:我是最佳防守球员科比12个三分把我射爆了 14、扎克-兰多夫:虽然我也叫渣科,但我和科比的得分潜力不是一个星球的

15、米姆:我比LS吊,我曾和科比合砍93分 16、霍华德:科比的淳淳教诲,让我终身受益 17、贾马尔-克劳福德:我不讲理的得分潜力都是从科比那学到的 18、费舍尔:没有科比,我什么都不是 19、坎比:科比才就应是96年选秀的状元 20、刘易斯:科比12三分那场,篮筐对他来说就是大海 21、帕金斯:就算我G6没伤,科比也能把我们打回姥姥家 22、奥斯卡-罗伯特森:我的全能在科比的得分面前提都不敢提 23、杜兰特:我一向在追着一个人的背影,那就是科比 24、威少:虽然我身体劲爆,但科比教会我不能只靠身体打球 25、巴克利:如果科比总得分不超贾巴尔,我就亲奥巴马屁股 26、罗伊:其实我退役的真正原因是被科比打得毫无打球信心了 27、奥拉朱旺:还好在科比进联盟之前拿到冠军了,要不我将终身无冠 28、保罗-加索尔:没有科比,我早就已经回欧洲了 29、诺维茨基:我是中投最准的科比比我准100倍 30、波波维奇:如果没有科比,我会拿12连冠 31、布兰德:跟腱撕裂后我就巅峰已过了,而科比得分潜力丝毫不减 32、纳什:这辈子能和科比共战两年比我两连MVP还荣耀 33、保罗:科比08年的MVP实至名归,我根本不可能和他相比


致敬科比英文文章阅读 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! The road to a superstar 明星之路 Kobe Bryant was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The reason he has the name Kobe is unusual. His parents named him after a type of steak1 (kobe) seen on a restaurant menu before his birth. It seems that Kobe likes this name. As a schoolboy, he learned the ABC2 of basketball in Italy. His father, Joe Bryant, was a former NBA forward. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission3 to become a professional basketball player. Kobe worked daily on his game, watching video4, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father. Kobe made such rapid progress that when he was about 14 or 15 years old, he could finally beat his father one-to-one. Kobe entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia. He played on the school basketball team. His team went from worst to first, to a state championship during his four


致敬科比演讲稿 致敬科比演讲稿篇一 同学们,老师们: 大家好! 我今天演讲的题目是我心中之神科比。 我酷爱篮球,当然喜爱篮球当然有个自己心目中最爱的球员,我也有我的篮球榜样那就是科比,他们都说乔丹是篮球之神,但我只想说对不起,我只活在科比时代。 我承认乔丹是不一个不能用明星可以来比较他的能力的他被人称飞人,科比被人称小飞侠,被人称为下一个迈克。18岁,他加入了nba这个神圣的联盟,他将在这接受所有的考验,受伤,生病等等不知不觉18年了,36岁了,就如我说的那样,受伤成了他的牵绊。 20XX年,有个男孩叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赐予他一个与天地争锋的机会! XX年,有个男人叫科比,他感谢上帝,因为上帝赋予他一个足以俯视天地的机会! XX年,有个老男孩将要重出江湖,站在昔日的战场,用后仰穿透对手的意志! 20XX年,一个老男孩站在已被油漆刷过多年的的湖人标志中,昂首挺胸,穿着西装,24号球员已被永久的存放,他想哭,但没哭,他是个真男人,20XX年的少年已不在,曾经的放荡不羁,已成过去那天晚上,他慢慢回忆,他笑了,笑得是那么开心,想当年单枪匹马砍下81分,想当年无解的后仰,笑着笑着哭了,再见的篮球,再见了兄弟 科比不是任何一个人可以侮辱的,他是神圣的,请珍惜这两年吧,输了没关系,科比永在我心!

那些年,有一种后仰叫科比; 那些年,有一种突破叫答案; 那些年,有一种飞翔叫卡特; 那些年,有一种干拔叫麦迪; 那些年,有一种执着叫唯爱科比! 我的演讲结束了,谢谢大家! 致敬科比演讲稿篇二 我今天演讲的题目是科比精神。 无论你走在任何大街小巷,只要有篮球的出现,便一定会有这个人的名字紧随其后,因为他与篮球之神迈克尔。乔丹已经毫无疑问的成为了当今篮球的象征,因为他的出现,篮球才会再一次变得神乎其神。他桀骜不驯的镜头成了永恒的代表;他无数次带伤上阵的画面成了无数人的赞佩对像;他一次次在球队最危险的时候靠自己的如火纯清的篮球技术解救球队的画面成为千千万万观众津津乐道的事件,他就是一个永不言败的人科比。布莱恩特。 科比出生在美国一个普通家庭,他小时候就深受篮球的熏陶,他的父亲也是一名篮球运动员以及教练。科比在高中的时候便展现了无限的潜力,他也为自己出色的表现直接进入NBA,要知道,那一年,他才17岁。此后他与奥尼尔的OK 组合叱咤风云,一举取得三连冠,但随后的两年低谷也让这位天才球员愈发成熟,终于在09-10赛季,他带领着整个湖人取得了两连冠,他再一次证明了自己的强大,也让整个湖人为之闪闪发光 当你看完科比的这些简历,你可能会羡慕他所拥有的那些常人梦寐以求的东西花不完的美元、无数的闪光灯和百年难道一见的天赋,这些都是人们打拼几年、十几年乃至一生都难以获得的东西,但你是否知道这些闪光灯背后是无数汗水所凝结的呢?科比一天要训练六个小时,投进两千个球,外加五百次罚篮和五


致敬科比三分钟英语演讲稿范文 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 致敬科比三分钟英语演讲稿篇一Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23,1978(1978-08-23)) is an American All-Star shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association.Bryant is the only son of former Philadelphia 76ers player and former Los Angeles Sparks head coach Joe "Jellybean" Bryant.His parents named him after the famous beef of Kobe,Japan,which they saw on a restaurant menu. Kobe Bryant was born in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. When Bryant was six,his father left the NBA,moved his family to Italy,and started playing professional basketball there.Bryant became accustomed to the lifestyle there and learned to speak fluent Italian.At an early age,he learned to play soccer and at first his favorite team was AC Milan.He has said that if he had stayed in Italy,he would have tried to become a professional soccer player,and that his favorite team is FC Barcelona.Bryant is a big fan of former FC Barcelona manager Frank and their former player Ronaldinho.
