




1)How are you?

—Fine, (Very well, Not bad,) thank you. And you?

—Just so so. I have a headache.

—Not too well, I’m afraid.

2)How’s Bob?

How’s the family?

How’s everybody at the office?

(2)Expressing surprise and pleasure in seeing someone

1)Hello, Jack. Haven’t seen you for a long time (ages) ! How’s everything going?

2)Oh, hello, Wang. I’m so glad to see you. How’re you doing?

3)Hi, John! Nice to meet you here. How are you getting on? (How are things with you?)

4)Hi, Mary! Fancy running into you here! It’s great to see you again.

What have you been doing since I saw you last?


(1)Announcing that you must be leaving

1)Well, I must be off. Good-bye.


2)I’m afraid I’ve got to be going now. So long!

—So long!

4)I’m afraid I must be going now. It was nice meeting you. See you later.

—(I’m) glad to have met you, too. Take care.

5)Sorry, I’ll have to be going. It’s getting very late. Good night.

—Good night.

6)Mr. Smith. Thank you for a pleasant evening. I must be going now. See you tomorrow.

—It was nice to have you, Mr. Chang. Good night.

(2)When taking one’s leave

1)I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay in China.

—I certainly have. I shall never forget my visit to your wonderful country.

2)Thank you for everyth ing you’ve done for me during my stay here.

—You’re welcome.

3)I wish you a pleasant journey.

—Thank you.


(1)Introducing yourself

1)May I introduce myself ? I’m Chang Lan.

2)How do you do? My name is Chang Lan.

3)Mr. Jones, I believe? My name is Chang Lan.

4)Hi, My name is…

(2)Introducing somebody else

1)Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Wang.

2)May I introduce you to Mr. Wang, head of the Friendship Delegation?

3)Mr. Johnson, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Wang. Jack, I'd like you to meet my Chinese friend, Wang.

(3)Exchange of formalities

1)How do you do?

—How do you do?

2)(I’m) glad to meet you.

—(I’m) glad to meet you, too.

3)(I’m) delighted to know you, Mr. Smith.

—(I’m) equally delighted to meet you.

4)(I’m) very pleased to meet you.

—The pleasure is mine.

5)(It’s) nice to meet you.

—Same here.


(1)Thank you (very much)

1)Thanks (a lot) .

2)It’s very kind (thoughtful) of you !

3)How kind (thoughtful) of you!

4)(I’m very) much obliged (to you) .

5)I’m really very grateful to you.

6)I shall always feel indebted to you.

7)Thank you anyway (all the same) .

(2)Giving answers

1)Don’t mention it.

2)Not at all.

3)You’re welcome.

4)Sure thing.

5)I’m very glad to have been of help to you.

6)I’m so glad you like it.

7)Think nothing of it.

8)Thank you for the trouble you have gone to.

—No trouble at all. I’m always glad to help you.

9)Thank you for your help.

—It’s been a pleasure.

—I’m afraid I haven’t done as much as I should.


(1)Apologizing for being late or troubling somebody

1)I’m so (very) sorry, I’m afraid I’m late.

2)Sorry for being late. You see, I was held up by the rain.

3)I must apologize for being late.

4)I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.

5)Sorry to have kept you waiting.

—It’s perfectly all right.

—Oh, it doesn’t matter.

6)I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.

—Not in the least.

7)I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

(2)Apologizing for having done something wrong

1)I’m sorry, I quite forgot.

2)I’m sorry, I forgot all about it.

3)I’m sorry, it’s my fault.

4)I beg your pardon. Did I hurt you?

5)I’m awfully sorry. I hope I haven’t hurt you.

6)I’m terribly sorry. I hope it isn’t broken.

7)I must apologize for being so careless.

8)I’m sorry. I hope I haven’t spoiled it.

—Oh, it’s nothing. Don’t let a little thing li ke that worry you.

—Oh, it’s perfectly all right. Don’t worry about it.

—Oh, it’s quite all right. Forget it!

—It doesn’t matter.

—I assure you, it’s nothing at all.

—Not a bit.

—Never mind.


(1)Asking for permission

1)May I come in?

—Come in (please) .

—Do come in.

2)May I open the window?

3)May I help you?

4)May I have a look?

5)May I interrupt you?

—Of course you may (can).

—Yes. (certainly).

—By all means.

—Please do.

—I’m sorry. I’m afraid…

6)(Do you) mind if I smoke?

Do you mind my smoking here?

Would you mind if I opened the window?

7)You don’t mind if I smoke, do you?

—Not at all.

—Go ahead.

8)I wonder if I could…

9)I should like to…if I may.

10)Would it be possible to have a talk with your students?

—Yes, of course.

—Well, I’m afraid…

(2)Asking for help

1)Could you lend me your dictionary?


2)Could I trouble you to send this book for me?

—Sure. I’ll be glad to.

3)I wonder if you would tell me…

—I’ll be delighted to.

—I’d very much like to.

4)If it isn’t too troublesome, could (would) you…

If it’s not too much trouble I’d like to ask you…

—You’re welcome.

5)Do me a favor, will you?

Would you do me a favor?

—With pleasure.

—I will if I can.

6)Would it be all right if I ask you to get me a pad of writing paper?

If it’s all right, c ould I trouble you with some questions?

—That’s all right.

—Sure. I’ll be glad to.

7)Would you mind telling Mr. Gao that I’d like to see him tomorrow morning?

—Not at all.

—I’ll be glad to.

—I’m sorry, I don’t think I can manage it.

—I’m sorry, but I’ve so me other business to attend to.

—I’m sorry. I wish I could.

—I’m afraid I won’t be able to.


(1)Making suggestions and offers

1)Shall we (I) …? Shall we go and have lunch now?

2)Would you like to…? Would you like (to have) a cup of tea?

3)Suppose… Suppose we go there on foot? It’s only a few minutes’ walk.

4)Will…do? I’d like to have a talk with you. Shall we fix the time? Will this evening do?

5)I wonder if… I wonder if you could also call up his family.

6)Let me… Let’s… Let me help you with your l uggage. Let’s start at eight.

7)Have… Have a smoke (a cup of tea) .

8)Why not…? Why not buy one of each kind?

9)How about…? What about…? How about (going for) a swim? What about this one?

10)(Would you) care for…? Would you care for a swim?

11)Don’t you think it would be a good idea to…?

Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get something to eat first?

12)I suggest you (should) do… I suggest you (should) visit the doctor first.

13)If I were you, I’d do… If I were you, I’d do something about it right away.

14)Do you mind if…? Do you mind if I ask Bob to come too?

(2)Giving replies

1)To show acceptance

That would be fine (nice) .

That would suit me fine (very well) .

That is a good idea.


All right.


Yes, let’s.

Yes, please.


Yes, thank you.

I’d love to.

Not in the least.

2)To decline something

I’m sorry, but…; I’m afraid I…; I’d love to, but…

No. thanks.

Well, could we (I) …?

Well, will it be all right if…?


(1)Excuse me, Mr. Smith, but are you free this evening?

Do you happen to be free this evening?

—Yes. Why?

—No. I’ve something to attend to.

—Well, I’m fully engaged this evening.

—I’m sorry. I’ve an appointment at seven.

(2)Excuse me, Mr. Smith, but can I speak to you for a moment?

Excuse me, Mr. Smith, can you spare me a few minutes? There’s something I’d like to speak to you about. I won’t keep you long.

—Yes, of course.

—Yes, go ahead.

—Well, I’m afraid we have to find some other time. I’m fully occupied now.

—Well, I’m terribly busy right now. Perhaps we can arrange to have the talk sometime this afternoon.

(3)I know you’re very busy but there’s something rather urgent I want to talk to you about. Will it be all right if I come round in the evening?

—Sure. I’ll be expecting you.

—Excellent. What time shall I expect you?

—Fine. Would 8:00 o’clock be all right for you?

—Well, I’ll have an important meeting to attend this evening. Will tomorrow morning suit you?


(1)Going on foot

1)Asking directions

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Peace Hotel?

Pardon me. Can you tell me where the Peace Hotel is?

Excuse me. I’m trying to locate this address.

Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Peace Hotel?

2)Giving directions

—Just go along this road until you come to a place where the road

forks. Take the road to your right. The Hotel is about fifty meters

down the road on the left-hand side.

—Just go straight down this street till you see a tall building. Turn left

at the first traffic lights there and keep on going till you see a big

signboard. The Hotel is just next to it.

—Walk on a short distance, turn right at the corner. The place you

want is only a few steps ahead on your right.

(2)Going by bus

1)Excuse me. Does this bus go to the Peace Hotel?

—Yes. The Hotel is the third stop.

—No. You’ll have to take the No. 3 bus. The bus stop is just around the corner.

2)Excuse me. Can I get to the Peace Hotel by bus?

Excuse me. Could you tell me if this is where I can catch a bus to the

Peace Hotel?

—Yes, but you’ll have to change from the No. 3 bus to the No. 6 bus at Market Street.

—Yes. Take the No. 4 trolley-bus and get off at Market Street, and

then walk a few yards and there you are.

—Yes. Take the No. 4 bus to Market Street and change there to the No.

8 bus.

—Yes. All the buses go past there. Get off at the first stop.

—No. There’s no bus going in that direction.

—No, but you can take the subway. The nearest subway station is just

about a block down from here.

3)Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bus stop going to the Peace Hotel is?

Excuse me. Can you tell me where I get the bus to the Peace Hotel?

—Yes. The bus stop is over there across the street in front of the Department Store.

—Yes. Walk two blocks and turn right and you’ll find a bus stop sign.

Take the No. 3 bus, which goes to the Peace Hotel.


(1)Would y ou like to join…?

(2)I’ll be happy if you can come to the…

(3)Let’s go and have something.

(4)We should be delighted if you could…

(5)Would you be free to a concert on Sunday?

(6)What about going to…?

(7)Why not join…?


(1)Wish you every success !

(2)Good luck to you.

(3)Wishing you good luck (forever) .

(4)Let me wish you the best of everything.

(5)May you succeed at whatever you try.

(6)May all your wishes come true.

(7)I wish you every fortune and every success.

(8)May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth!

(9)Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy.

(10)If only I had more time, I could do it.

(11)Keep my fingers crossed that I’ll win the first prize.

(12)I'm sure you’ll be happy together.

(13)You make a great couple.

(14)I want to congratulate you with all my heart.

(15)Please send him my congratulations.

(16)What marvelous news!


(1)May I speak to…?(2)Speaking.

(3)Is Roger there? (4)Yes, speaking.

(5)Hi, my hands are tied. I’ll get back to you in a minute.

(6)Can I call back? Something has come up.

(7)Can I have your name and telephone number?

(8)I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

(9)Hang on a second/a moment.

(10)Would you like to hold?

(11)Hold the line, please.

(12)He’s not available now. Can I take a message?

(13)Lo ng distance call from…

(14)Should I tell him you’ll call back, or do you want him to call you?

(15)John is on another line now. Can you hold on?


(1)What’s the matter?(2)What’s the trouble with you?

(3)What seems to be the trouble? (4)I don’t feel li ke eating.

(5)How long have you been like this? (6)I’ve been sick for a day.

(7)It hurts me when I breathe. (8)I feel feverish.

(9)I’d like to run some tests.(10)I’d like to take a blood sample.

(11)Take the medicine, and you’ll be better.(12)He is up and about now.


(1)Could you show us the menu? (2)Would you like to see the menu?

(3)Are you ready to order? (4)What do you recommend?

(5)Which do you prefer?

(6)How would you like that prepared/done?

(7)What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

(8)What is your favorite…?(9)Let’s grab something to

(10)We will go Dutch. (11)Tonight’s on me.

(12)I’ll take care of the bill/check.(13)Bring me the bill/check, please.


(1)May/Can l help you? (2)We have a clearance sale today.

(3)The price will go down. (4)Please try it on.

(5)I’ve seen this cheaper in other places.(6)Could you bring the price down?

(7)That is a steal. (8)It’s a little overpriced.

(9)Do you know what size you are?

(10)I’m afraid we don’t have it in stock.(11)Do you have this in stock?

(12)Do you have this in blue? (13)How will you pay for this?

(14)Cash back? (15)What a deal!


(1)Have you heard the weather forecast? (2)What does the weather forecast say?

(3)What will it be after the clear weather? (4)It says a storm may come soon.

(5)How long will this hot weather last? (6)I hope it stays nice for the whole month.

(7)It’s wonderful after the rain.(8)Autumn is the best season

(9)It has turned out to be a nice day. (10)It seems to be clearing up.

(11)It’s hot like o ven now in this part of the country.

(12)We’ll have fine weather for the next few days.


(1)If I were you, I’d phone him now. (2)What do you think I should do?

(3)I advise you to see a doctor. (4)I would try again if I were you.

(5)Should we go now? (6)What do you think I should do?

(7)Why don’t you go to bed earlier?(8)How about going to a concert?

(9)I don’t think it is very practical.(10)I recommend you to give up smoking.

(11)Isn’t there anything else I could do?


(1)Sure./Absolutely. (2)You got it.

(3)By all means. (4)That’s true/right.

(5)That’s for sure.(6)I couldn’t agree with you any more.

(7)I don’t think so.(8)That’s not right.

(9)That’s out of the question(10)You’ve got it all wrong.(11)Next time get the facts first.

附录2: 常见的关系和地点的特定词汇


1.teacher, advisor, supervisor, president, dean, professor

2.student, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate,


3.homework\assignment, paper\thesis, quiz\test\exam,

marks\grades\scores\credits, pass\fail

4.Bachelor’s\Master’s \Doctor’s degree, diploma, certificate

5.major, department, course\subject, compulsory\optional course,

6.academic year, term\semester, schedule, office hour

7.school record\report, scholarship\awards

8.enroll\register, admit, quit school, drop course

9.dinning hall, dorm, language lab

10.rent, lease, tenant\lodger, landlady\landlord


1.borrow\return, renew, due, overdue, fine

2.books, periodicals, fiction, reference books, magazines, volume, issue

3.reading room, shelf, library card, library catalogue


1.doctor, surgeon, physician, patient

2.flu, cold, fever\temperature, pain, ache, cancer, broken leg

3.check, medicine\drug, injection\shot, pill\tablet\capsule\pain killer, dose,

treatment, cure,

4.prescription, d rug store, the chemist’s, recover, get better\get worse,


1.customer, waiter\waitress\hostess, manager

2.menu, order, drink, tip, bill, go Dutch, reserve\book a table

3.appetizer, main dish, dissert, steak, salad, toast, ham, jam, sausage, butter,



1.receptionist, reception desk

2.book\reserve a room, make a reservation, single\double room with a bath,

3.vacant, fully booked, check in \check out, shuttle, room service


1.shop assistant\sales girl\sales man, customer, cashier

2.look for, buy, purchase, take, try …on

3.price, cheap\bargain\reasonable, expensive\costly\dear, discount\on

sale\20% off

4.in stock\out of stock, sold out, color, size, style, cotton, leather, wool


1.air hostess\stewardess, passenger, airplane\ flight\airline, customs

2.luggage, passport, ticket, boarding pass, departure gate, a window seat

3.check in, take off\land, fasten the safety-belt, claim the luggage, delay,


Post office

registered mail\ air mail, postage, parcel, printed matter, postcard, zip code, address


cash the check, open an account, withdraw\draw, deposit, exchange, interest rate, clerk


1.Switchboard, extension, collect call, phone booth, out-going calls,

in-coming calls

2.dial, put sb. through, get through, the line is busy, hold the line\ hold on, leave\take a message

附录3: 习惯用语及短语


一年级学生口语交际能力的培养 2009-01-17 7:39 学生口语交际能力的培养对于每一个年龄段的学生来说都是非常重要的,并且存在着不同程度的难点。作为一年级的小学生来说,口语能力培养的难度更大,口语交际我们从这样几方面做一下探索: 一、利用语文教学有意识地培养学生的口语交际能力 由于低年级学生受识字不足、词汇缺乏、抽象思维能力弱的影响,常常出现“心中千言万语,不知从何说起”的情形,教师一定要充分利用好教材中的说话资源,联系学生实际,进行有目的、有步骤地指导、训练,使学生能清楚、明确地表达自己的思想。 1.在拼音教学中训练口语交际,可以让学生展开想象,进行说话练习,及时地给予表扬,鼓励其他学生像他这样把话说完整、说具体、说生动。还可以让学生可以根据四声音节组不同的词,造不同的句子,这样学生既掌握了音节的四声,又丰富了他们的词汇,学会了运用。 2.在识字教学中训练口语交际,可以让学生说说自己的识字方法,就在学生一个个把自己的办法说出来时,他们就是在进行口语交际,为他们创造的一个交际的机会,让他们想说、愿意说,其他人也做到了认真地倾听。 3.在朗读阅读教学中训练口语交际,朗读是学生口头表达的基础,它既能让学生积累规范的语言,又能让学生在规范的语言中增强语感。长期坚持就能促进学生水到渠成的准确用语、表情达意。在阅读教学中,教师引导性的话语也显得尤为重要。 二、关注生活,利用一切机会练习口语交际 1.在课间交流中进行口语交际训练,教师可以抽出时间引导学生在课间交流,经常与学生共同“拉家常”、聊天,一起讲故事,续编故事,使学生的口语交际有实践的园地。谈论动画片、童话故事是打开学生的话匣子的导火索,引起学生的共鸣,丰富口语交际的内容,增大口语交际面。要求学生对每一个话题的表述都尽量做到说流利、有条理、说准确,形成良好的训练氛围和说话习惯。久而久之,学生就会在对话中不断纠正错误,提高说话质量。平时学生们的日常交谈,教师也应留心听听,并及时提醒学生注意身份、环境和听话对象,表达要清


2013年(第六版大纲)英语要求 一词汇: 掌握约6000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6000个词汇中的2800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完型填空和英译汉等中识别和理解。 二题型: 分试卷一和试卷二 试卷一考试分数占75分值考试时间100分钟 1 口语交际 10道题 10分 2 词汇 10道题 10分 3 阅读理解 25道题 25分 4 完型填空 10道题 10分 5 短文完成 20道题 20分

试卷二考试分数占25分值考试时间50分钟 6 英译汉 100词左右 10分 7 写作不少于150词 15分 2015年同等学力英语真题解析 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) 命题规律: 规律一:把握语篇关系(词汇、句子、篇章基础之上的综合能力)(1)逻辑关系:转折、条件、因果等。 (2)语义走向:句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间、或者分句与分句之间的关系。会出现没有任何连接词,但具有某种语义关系的情况。比如,表示态度色彩的褒贬语义走向,表示支持或是反对的语义走向,表示顺承、递进、解释、说明、强调的语义走向。 规律二:把握场景语境(固定用语是重点考查对象) 具体场景:对话、旅游、就餐、图书馆、邀请、道歉、恭贺、支持等。

规律三:把握句型结构(疑问句、感叹句、强调句、倒装句)。 解题方法: 第一步:抓住谈话双方的身份 具体有:师生之间、父女之间、夫妻之间、图书管理员与学生之间、医生病人之间、来电者与接线员之间、服务员与就餐者之间。第二步:读懂首句的关键词 第三步:分析空格前后线索 同义词、反义词反复出现;逻辑关系;固定搭配与特殊句型。第四步:代入空格通读检查。 Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 总体印象:


语法翻译法直接法(19世 纪末40年代) 情景法(50年 代) 听说法(第二 次世界大战期 间) 认知法 交际法(功能 法20实际70 年代初期) 全身反应法 (詹姆斯.阿 谢尔70年代) 任务型语言教 学模式(7、80 年代) 目标语(外语)看成 是一个规则系统语言学习被视为智力活动(规则学习、规则记忆和以大量翻译方式与母语意义相联系的操作)口语第一性,学生 应学习日常使用的 目标语。语言学习 过程可用联想心理 学解释 口语是基础,结构 是说话的核心。学 习语言的过程:接 受语言输入,重复 操练记住和在实际 练习中使之变为个 人技能 语言是一个系统。 听说法以结构主义 作其理论基础,以 行为主义的学习理 论作其依据。语言 技能获得过程:刺 激-反应-强化 语言不是一套习惯 的结构,而是一套 受规则支配的体 系。四个原则:1、 活的语言是受规则 支配的创造性活 动;2、语法规则有 其心理的现实性; 3、人类所特有的学 习语言机制;4、活 的语言是思维工具 在语言教学中,学 习者不但要学会 结构,更重要的是 要学会使用结构, 掌握语言功能。特 点强调交际中意 义的传递、语言的 使用 阿谢尔把刺激-反 应看做语言教学方 法的学习理论。我 们认为全身反应法 体现了以语法为基 础的语言观和行为 主义语言学习观 以多种语言模式作 其语言理论,语言学 习观与交际法一样。 阅读文学作品的能力使用外语进行交际听说读写的能力使用外语进行交际实际全面运用外语 培养学生外语的 交际能力 掌握初步听说能力 使用外语交际和做 事能 把课文逐句把外文翻译成母语的活动。首先,教师会用母语把文章的作者和写作背景做一个简单的介绍;其次,课文进行逐句翻译。教师会先朗读句子,然后用母语解释词、短语和句子的意义。逐句翻译和语法讲解是教学活动的中心。课堂活动除了课文朗诵和学生用英语来进行翻译外,绝大部分是在用母语教学。阅读理解练习多半以多项选择的形式出现。主张在外语教学中 外语词语应该同它 所代表的事物和意 义直接联系起来。 特点:1、全外语教 学。并广泛使用实 物、图画、手势、 表情等直观手段对 外语的词义和句子 作解释;2、模仿、 朗读和问答是主要 的教学活动形式; 3、教师要求学生在 提问或对教师的问 题作答时,均以完 整的句子说出问句 或答句。句子被视 为口头交际的基本 单位。 新概念英语的教学 活动可以概括为: 提出情景,学习语 言:听说领先,反 复操练:书面联系, 巩固结构。 教授活动可以归纳 为:教授对话,听 说领先:跟读模仿, 句句复述;强化训 练,掌握句型;巩 固口头,读写跟上。 教师可以通过不同 的方式进行表演。 句型操练可以说是 听说法很有特色的 一个训练项目。特 可以是替换句型, 也可以是句型转换 型。听说训练完成 后,教师才让学生 拿到或看到所学对 话的书面形式。 教学过程被分为三 个阶段:及语言理 解、语言能力和语 言运用。语言规则 的教授可采用发现 法,引导学生发现 和总结出语法规 则。语言能力,必 须在理解语法规律 的基础上,通过有 意识、有组织、有 意义的操练来获 得。 科特尔伍德在 1981年出版的《交 际法》一书中描述 了交集法教学活 动的类型。准交际 活动是为真是交 际做准备而设计 的教学活动,可以 是句型操练、对话 等项目。真正的交 际活动应有的三 大特点:信息沟、 选择性和消息的 反馈。交际法另一 特点是教师会尽 量使用真实的材 料近进行教学。 主要教学活动是教 师发命令和学生对 命令作出反应。口 头操练结束,学生 们可以学习阅读和 书写。当然,阅读 和书写都是口头练 习过的祈使句。 教学中都包含两种 活动类型:任务型语 言学习活动活动。强 任务派的任务型活 动是真实交际活动 和结构性交际活动, 其他语言学习活动 或称使能性任务都 不能算任务型活动; 而弱任务派任务则 包括所有的交际活 动。 重视词汇和语法的 学习,强调阅读和写作培养学生口头交际强调口语第一性 口语第一性,文字 第二性。强调听说 听说读写齐头并进 听说读写从头就 练 侧重听说,强调对 语法结构和词汇的 掌握 培养交际能力


2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


“口语交际讲座”学习心得体会 语文课程标准明确指出:“语文是最重要的交际工具,应当培养学生具有日常口语交际的基本能力,让学生在各种交际活动中学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际交往,发展合作精神。”那么,在语文教学中,教师怎样才能有效地进行口语交际教学呢? 一、利用语文教学有意识地培养学生的口语交际能力 (一)在拼音教学中训练口语交际 (二)在识字教学中训练口语交际 (三)在阅读教学中训练口语交际 (四)巧妙布置作业,创设交际情境。 二、紧扣生活,随机训练。 丰富多采的生活给口语交际教学提供了源泉,教师要用心捕捉现实生活现象,对于一些突发现象可以进行随机训练。如:对一件事情的不同看法、对问题的讨论、一些好的提议、某种现象的辨析等。 只要我们在平时的教学过程中,多给学生机会,激发其表达的欲望,把握契机,有步骤地进行指导,学生的口语表达能力就一定会得到很大的提高,更为重要的是,在其过程

中培养了他们想说、敢说的心理素质和语言的适应能力,形成了良好的口语表达习惯,为今后学生的语文素养的形成与发展奠定了良好的基础。 三、口语交际专题训练 通过教材中的专题训练,使学生比较系统、快捷地掌握口语交际的有关知识,提高相关技能。这种专题训练具有以下特点:一是跟学生生活实际紧密联系,具有广泛的适用性;二是遵循由易到难,由简单到复杂的规律。 除此之外,还要在语文活动课上让学生朗诵诗歌,讲故事,读自己喜欢的文章等。这样学生既积累了知识,又激发了学生说话的兴趣,活跃了思维,使学生有话说。 四、利用媒体课件进行教学 现代化教学媒体的运用,为学生营造一个身临其境的场景,使学生有话想说。媒体教学的信息有图、文、形、声等多种形式,对口语教学比较有帮助。教师运用媒体进行口语教学,可以给学生创设一个生动具体的教学情境,不仅能激发学生学习口语的兴趣,更提高了他们学习的积极性和主动性。如在教学一年级上册《小兔运南瓜》一课时,教师把在《小兔运南瓜》一课中出现的各种情景制成课件,通过电脑出现在大屏幕上,然后引导学生仔细观察后思考,小白兔到


初中英语教学方法总结 每一个英语初学者总希望别人告诉他学好英语的窍门或捷径,通过近几年的英语教学,我认为在英语学习上无捷径可走,但有方法可寻。科学的方法,可以使我们的英语学习达到事半功倍的效果。 一、“兴趣”是学好英语的前提 兴趣是最好的老师,它能唤起学生的好奇心和迫切的求知欲。古人说:“知之者,不如好之者;好之者,不如乐之者”。兴趣爱好比智力技能更能促进学生勤奋学习,它是学好英语的首要条件。因为只有love what you do,才会get what you love。人往往一旦爱上某件事,即使不让他去做,他也非去做不可,兴趣就是在这一次次实践中产生和发展起来,而且变得越来越浓。 如何在英语教学中,培养和发展学生的兴趣呢?我认为: 首先,作为一个老师,要热爱自己所从事的事业,要热爱自己的学生,要把自己对英语、对人生、对生活的深沉的爱和理解传授给学生,要把自己最真实、最美丽、最张扬、最健康、最阳光而最富有独特激情的东西展现给学生,感染学生,让其产生共鸣,从而激起他们内心深处对语言、对生活的热爱和激情,从而转化为学习动力。 其次,运用灵活多变的教学手段,将教材所设置的情景生动形象的表现出来,利用投影仪、录音机、简笔画、实物、模型、动作、表情、小表演等多种直观手段,化静为动,化无声为有声,化难为易,调动学生多种感官,将其引入特定的情境,在具有游戏性、趣味性、故事性、探索性、竞争性等各种活动中获得乐趣,增长知识。

最后,让学生体验成功是教师进行兴趣培养的重要策略。心理学者告诉我们,一个人只要体验一次成功的喜悦,便会激起无休止的追求意念和力量。教师要充分利用学生的成功愿望,在课堂教学中争取让每个学生都能得到成功的体验,使每个学生在不断获得成功的过程中,产生快感,获得更大成功的愿望。 二、“模仿”是学好英语的基础 说到模仿我们一般想到的是发音,确实纯正的发音会给人留下美好深刻的印象,别人也会对你的英语水平刮目相看。如果发音不好,即使你以后的英语功底很深,人家也可能对你作出不公正的判断,更糟的是,它对今后的听力会带来一定的困难。所以,要不惜一切代价刻苦模仿,掌握好每一个音素,千万不要认为发音好不好无所谓,这个关攻不下,就会导致你学习中的残缺。有位成功人士谈他学英语的秘诀时说,“我没有什么特别之处,外国人怎么说,我就怎么说,外国人怎么写,我就怎么写。”世界闻名的英语专家亚力山大为英语学习也下了这样的定义,“语言是一种表演技巧,我们在思考语言的时候,不是考虑我们对它了解多少,而是我们能把它表演得多好,我们能把它用得多好”。说到底,学英语就是模仿那种腔,那种调,那种味儿。 要突破语音关,先要明白单个音素的发音方法,在此基础上把握连读、弱读等在口语表达时的语音现象,进而练习语调和节奏,练习时最好模仿原声录音,有条件的还应录下自己发音,与原声进行对比,这样容易发现自己的不足。纠正发音是一个枯燥的过程,但唯有耐心、


2015年同等学力英语真题答案 PartⅠ Dialogue 1 A C B Dialogue 2 B C A Dialogue 3 D C A B PartⅡ 1-5 A D A B C 6-10 D C A C B PartⅢ Passage one: 21-25 D B A A D Passage two: 26-30 D A C C B Passage three 31-35 D A A B C Passage four 36-40 A D A B D Section B 41-45 C C D D B Part ⅣCloze 1-5 B A D C C 6-10 B A D C D PartⅤText completion Text 1 A B C A B C Text 2 D A B C B A D C Text 3 A C B C B A Part ⅥTranslation Should work be placed among the causes of happiness or be regarded as a burden? Much work is exceedingly tiresome, and an excess of work causes stress and even disease. I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even boring work is less harmful than idleness. We sometimes feel a little relief from work; at other times work gives us delight. These feelings arise according to the type of work we are doing and our ability to do that work. Work fills many hours of the day and removes the need to decide what one should do. 参考译文: 我们应该把工作当成快乐的源泉呢?还是视它为一种负担?大量的工作让人极为不爽,超负荷的工作给人造成巨大压力,甚而积劳成疾。然而,我认为:如果工作量不是很大,即便没什么乐趣,也比无聊空虚对身体健康有益。有时我们从工作中获得慰藉;有时工作给我们带来快乐。这些感觉的产生取决于我们所从事工作的类型以及我们自身的工作能力。工作占去了我们一天当中大部分的时间,也不允许我们需要决定应该做什么。 PartⅦWriting 范文 Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem of environmental protection, for the pollution has brought us so many bad influences. It is important for us to realize that it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment. To cope with this nation-wide problem, our government has started to take a series of effective measures. The most effective way is to save energy and reduce carbon emission. Because every


小学口语交际课堂教学总结 《语文课程标准》在总目标中强调指出——口语交际要使学生“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神。”“要利用语文教学的各个环节有意识地培养学生的听说能力;要在课内外创设多种多样的交际情景,让每个学生无拘无束地进行口语交流;要鼓励学生在日常生活中积极主动地锻炼口语交际能力。”那么,如何上好口语交际课呢?如何让学生积极参加讨论,对感兴趣的话题发表意见,提高学生的口语交际能力呢?我校就此开展了语文课题研究,深入提高我校口语交际的课程教学。 近期,我校已进入此课研的第二阶段,通过两名语文教师的课堂教学模式的实践,意图为学生创设了口语交际的空间,激发了学生的兴趣,在互动中不断创新,发现问题,产生新思想,从而使课堂更活跃,使口语交际这个大课堂不断延伸。在此,围绕这两节课做了以下总结: 一、口语交际指导思想 口语交际课是立足于小学语文教学听话、说话训练基础上的一种新课型,是根据社会对人的口语交际能力的要求而设置的。

探索小学生口语交际能力的形成规律,探索口语交际训练的语文教学模式,全面提高学生的语文能力,是我们研究的最终目的。基此,我们提出如下指导思想: 1、科学有序,遵循规律。根据现代言语交际学理论,遵循口语交际能力形成的规律,设计科学的口语交际训练全程序列。 2、训练为主,规范操作。口语交际能力的形成重在根据一定的教学模式进行规范化的“历练”,在“历练”中养成口语交际的良好习惯,形成口语交际能力。 3、立足教材,联系生活。以教材为例子,联系生活,即把语文教学与学生的生活实际结合起来,因为生活决定了我们“训练什么”,同时也决定了我们“怎么训练”,因此必须面向生活,走进生活。 二、教学模式的意义 新课程理念要求学生“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神”。设计这个模式,可以很大程度上改变传统的读、写能力并行,变为听、说、读、写能力得到有效的整合;也可以更体现了学生的主体地位,让学生自主地学习;它可以为我们展现一个活跃的,开放而新颖的语文课堂教学模式。


2015 同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 Dialogue Two A. The hours and limitations are printed on the card and this handout. B. May I have your driver‘s license, please? C. Are you familiar with our rules and fines? Student: Excuse me. I am interested in getting a library card. Librarian: Sure, let me give you an application. You can fill it out right here at the counter. Student: Thank you. I‘ll do it right now.



自考英语教学法知识点总结: 中学英语教学指导思想:是对中学英语教学的总体科学认识,包括对教学目的,教学路子的认识以及科学观,学习观,教学观等。 智力因素主要包括:思维力,记忆力,想象力,观察力,注意力等。非智力因素包括:动机,兴趣,情感,意志,性格等。 语言是指语言系统,也就是语音,词汇,语法系统。 言语是指人们使用语言所进行的表示和理解的话语活动,也就是说听,说,读,写活动。 教学路子指的是达到教学目的基本途径或总路线,包括成体系的教学法。 语感是指学习者对语言信息的敏锐感知和理解,是自动化的意识活动。教学基本原则是教学指导思想的组成部分,是指导思想的具体化,条理化,在中学英语教学法科学体系中占有重要的地位。 语法是对语言的一般描述,主要是对其组织原则的理论描述, ______学,句法学,词汇学,语义学。 “双规”化简就是运用语音规则,把大量的表面看起来相当复杂的词的读音和拼写化繁为简,化难为易。 句型也叫句式,是从口语和书面语的无数实际句子中概括出来的句子模型或模式,句型是有代表性的,常见性的。 分析性听:是指在听的活动中有明显的语言分析,另外是指把听的材料分析为各个语言层次,让学生分步听,进行听的基本功训练。 综合性听:是指在听的活动中无明显的语言分析而直接达到对内容的理解,也指在听力基本功训练基础上所进行的整篇成文的听的练习。 话语结构就是说话的套路,说的各句子之间的联系规律。

泛读就是广泛地阅读,大量地阅读,快速地阅读。 默读泛指一切不出声地读,默读既包括不出声地“声读”,也包括直接理解文字地“视读”。 实行纵式阅读:真正的默读一般都是快速阅读,在阅读过程中,人的目光主要表现为上下移动,因而阅读有慢速的横向或横式转变为纵向或纵式。 写的含义:在教学中写有两个方面的含义,一是书写或书法,包括字母,单词,句子,标点符号,国际音标的正确写法;二是写作,即笔头表示,如作文,写信,写日记等。 心理控制法:即惊异,悬念,满足。 密度:指单位时间所授教学内容。 广度:这包括两个方面,一是学生的活动面要广,二是教学内容所涉及的面要广。 深度:就是课堂教学内容要有一定的难度。 灵活度:指在练习中学生所表现的理解的多层次程度和表示的多样化程度。 独立度:指教师指导的程度和学生独立的程度。 测试:主要是用来了解,检查和鉴定学习者掌握英语的实际水平的一种手段。 资质倾向测试:是指对学习者的天赋的测定,目的在于了解被测者今后学习外语时是否具有些较强的潜在的学习能力。 诊断测试:目的在于了解被测者在外语学习上的困难或缺陷或发现讲授上的薄弱环节,以便采取相应的补救措施。 综合性测试:目的在于测定被测者的语言知识和言语技能综合运用的能


小学口语交际总结及反思 本组的口语交际紧紧地围绕童话专题展开的,是对本组开展的综合性学习活动的总结和展示。 编排的意图是使学生在听、说、读、写的活动中,进一步体验童话的魅力,感受童话给我们带来的快乐。 教学时,可以先写后说,也可以先说后写,教师可以根据本班的实际情况做出具体安排。 写童话,提出了两个角度的要求,一个是续编童话,一个是自编童话。 教学时,教师可以根据学情,让学生自由选择习作的题目,并对不同的学生提出不同层次的要求。 想象是这次习作的基础,对学生的习作要求,重点是能展开想象。 为了引导学生展开想象,教师可以和同学一起回顾本组的几篇童话,看看作者是怎样展开想象的,以启迪学生的思维。 讲童话,包括讲听评三个要求。 讲的内容是自编的童话故事或课外阅读的童话故事。 要求讲故事,不要读故事,也不要背故事。 教师指导的重点是让学生抓住故事的主要内容,用自己的话讲述。 在讲故事的时候,要注意培养学生良好的讲话习惯,如,讲话要面向听众,态度要自然大方,声音大小要适当,眼神要和听众有交流。 评一评的前提是认真听,评价时,不仅要评哪个故事有趣,哪个

同学讲得好,而且要让学生说说理由。 被评价的同学若有不同意见,也可以提出来。 演童话。 这个要求教师在前面的教学中要有所布置,如,可以在安排综合性学习活动时提出,也可以在学习《幸福是什么》一课后提出。 学生自由组合,商量好打算合作演出哪部童话作品,然后对童话中的角色进行分工,分头进行排练。 如果有条件,还可以做一些简单的道具。 在课堂上表演时,对学生的要求不宜过高,只要他们能抓住童话的主要情节,展现主人公的形象即可。 总结:童话故事是每一位小朋友喜爱的,他们能在故事中享受快乐.反思:由于是农村的孩子,在教学中会遇到一些麻烦,如不能很自如的想象,因为孩子们没有更多的课外书,更多的是留守孩.


2018 年同等学力英语真题及答案 一卷部分 Paper One (100 minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. Dialogue One How about you? Wanna join us? It’s a long weekend. Tina: I’m so glad the weekend’s finally here. Lewis: Me too. Imagine! 1 c We’ve got three days in a row. Tina: So, where’re you going? Lewis:I don't have any plan yet. I’ll just play it by ear.2 A Tina: We’re going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting! Tina: 3.B Lewis: Hm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later. Dialogue Two And I’d like the cheapest flight available. What is your destination? And when will you be returning? Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How can I help you? Caller: Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent: Okay. 4 B . Caller: Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland. Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. 5 C Caller: Uh, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. 6A Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, that’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90from Kennedy to Helsinki. It’s only $980. Caller: Alright, let’s go with that. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. I think the big difference is, What have you done to make this yours? how they look in the Oval Office. you don’t need so much heart.


同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解一 来源:更新:2009-3-2 14:31:10 点击次数:5226 同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解一 同等学力申请硕士学位英语考试1995-2006真题高频词汇详解 考前突破词汇难关之对策 词汇在英语学习中的重要性自不待言,要想把英语学好,词汇掌握少了是不可能的。为了帮助考生在考前有效突破这一难关,特提出如下对策: 一、区别不同要求,各个击破“堡垒” 同等学力考试分为口语交际、阅读、翻译、写作、词汇等专项测试。这些专项测试对词汇数量、类型和掌握的熟练程度要求也是差别很大的。口语交际所要求的词汇量不大,但要求熟练程度高。其中对人文教育、科学技术、生活口语、习语谚 38

语等,必须做到“眼熟”。翻译和写作涉及的词数量也不大,但多数是正规的大词,尤其连接词汇、句法结构功能词等要用得熟练。辨错改错、综合填充用词数量均有限,主要考运用技能。相比之下,阅读词汇数量最大,几乎涉及到全部《大纲》词表,不过其中许多词只要能认识即可。“词汇”考项涉及的词群已如前所述,不仅要求认识,更要求掌握其用法及细微差别。针对这些不同的要求,考生不可仅靠“背词”一招取胜,而应采取如下方法各个击破:(1)先快速背诵本系列丛书的《大纲词汇板块速记》一书,不仅可一举突破阅读的词汇难关,也可对听力等其它考项词群认识在先。(2)在背上述词汇其间,重在“听”配套的磁带,以听熟“听力”词群。(3)对写作、翻译涉及的词群,通过动笔“写”熟。(4)对其它词群则主要靠在练习中巩固与消化。 二、集中精力于难点,复用词汇靠题练 《大纲》规定同等学力应试考生最低应掌握5,300个英语词汇和300个左右的常用动词词组。对其中的2,500个带星号的复用词要求熟练掌握。其学习重点已很明确。且在这2,500左右带星号的复用词中,其中中学学过的词就有1,500多。要考的复用词中真正生疏的也只有1,000个左右。下面把1995~2006这11年考题中经常考到的词汇列示如下: 38


口语交际教学心得体会 几天前,我有幸参加了由学校组织的语文教研活动,认真观摩和听取了由特级教师阳湘玲主任主讲的说广告课和有关口语交际教学策略的讲座。听完之后,我颇受启发,受益匪浅,再结合自己的日常课堂教学,使我认识到在教学中存在着严重的不足,无论是在教学手段、教学内容还有教学方式上都急需要加强和改进。现在就将我听完之后的一些心得体会和大家分享一下。 在讲座过程中,阳主任首先以一堂生动有趣的说广告课开始。在讲课过程中,阳老师风趣幽默的语言,恰到好处的点拨、示范和引导,和学生的良好互动,以及流畅完整的讲课流程和讲课方式都深深的感染了我。在课堂上,阳老师真正做到了对学生收放自如,教师师范和学生实践兼顾,极大地激发了学生的求知欲、表现欲和学习兴趣,学生在玩中学、学中玩,从课堂中感受到了学习的极大乐趣,同时又能够很好的理解、接受和消化课堂中的重点知识和内容,很大限度的提高了课堂效率,真正做到了高校课堂的要求。对比自己日常的课堂教学,使我意识到自己在很多方面,如与学生的良好互动、讲课方式等方面都做得很不到位,值得我去学习和借鉴。 在接下来的口语交际教学策略讲座中,阳老师讲解清晰明了,条分缕析,看问题全面、切中要点,既讲到了在口语交际教学中学生在口语交际中存在的问题和在实际生活中与人交往时存在的问题,又对此还进行了归因分析,同时还针对这一问题结合原因,提出了几点具体而切实可行的解决方法和建议。整个讲座过程中,结合我国现成

的教育体制、教育模式以及我们的教育方式,让我们不禁发出感叹:中国的应试教育,是时候淡出中国的历史舞台了!然而,众所周知,一国的教育制度,是不可能轻易地说改变就改变的,必然会经过很长一段时间的过渡。所以需要我们不断的摸索和努力,不断加以改进,在传统的应试教育中融入新的教育理念,响应新课标的号召,积极实践不断改进,因此,口语交际就应运而生了。在新课标中对口语交际的概念是:“口语交际是一种必备的能力,应培养学生学会倾听,表达和应对的能力,使学生具有进行文明和谐地交流的素养。”口语交际教学内容的这一明确提出,具有深刻的意义。这一明确规定,从信息儿时代的社会需要出发,以人的发展为最终目的,充分体现了大语文教育观。搞好口语交际的教学,有助于学生感情的交流,培养学生听的能力、表达能力、交往能力和思维能力,提高他们的语文水平和认识水平。同时,还能使他们养成有礼貌、认真倾听别人说话的习惯,以及尊重他人、懂得合作等良好的思想品质。在各年段的教学中,我们都应该予以足够的重视。 以往练说话,往往凭借看图来进行,通过看图来说话和作文,严重脱离了生活实际。口语交际则不一样,其交流的话题来自于学生生活当中。训练的形式多是当面交谈,与生活实际状况没什么明显的区别,学生课堂上学的,正是生活中要用的,具有使用价值。然而既然是当面交谈,面对面的接触、交流,我们就不能像自言自语那样,爱说什么就说什么,爱怎样说就怎样说,而应该考虑对象、考虑语言、情感、举止等综合因素。所以。在口语交际中,不仅需要听说技巧,


口语交际展示活动总结 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 ”激发学生的动机、兴趣和追求的意向,加强教师与学生情感交流,是促进认知发展的支柱和动力” 。以发展学生听说能力为重要目标之一的语文课上,许多学生的嘴却很”紧”。长期以来,语文课堂只是教师的”讲坛”,学生习惯了做忠实的听众。在听讲和繁琐的一问一答中,学生慢慢地丢失了说的欲望,说的能力、口语交际的能力可想而知了。要真正解放学生的嘴巴,就要树立正确的语文教学观,淡化语文教师的表演欲,从兴趣、情感的激活入手,培养学生的表现欲。 新学期伊始,根据学生的现状,我们确定了本学期的教学工作重点,就是让学生成为课堂的主人,认为首先要让学生敢说、爱说最后形成会说的能力。

开学初,通过学习崔峦老师的——与内容分析式说再见的讲话,我们更觉得我校的语文教学改革迫在眉睫,把什么作为突破口呢?——口语交际。于是我们请来这方面的专家——王凤桐老师,指导我们研究口语交际;请来巨山小学朗诵团指导孙志杰老师给师生开设朗诵课,让朗诵走进课堂。 一、学习理论,提升认识。 首先我们请两位专家为全体教师做了口语交际、朗诵的理论讲座,使教师具备了一些专业知识、技能,并明确了这两项工作的意义,提升认识,特别强调: 保护好学生的自信心和自尊心。 害怕说话不当、举止失措而当众出丑,害怕一旦说错就被同学嗤笑、抬不起头来,这些问题成为不少学生口语交际中的心理阴影。”心病还得用心来治”,保护学生口语交际的自尊心、自信心至关重要。 1、要在课堂上建立平等、信任、和

谐的师生关系。在教学中,尊重学生作为一个人所应有的权利、尊严、个性特长、思维与说话方式,要给学生一种感觉:口语交际课是我们自己的,是轻松的、自主的。同时,教师树立:学生是处于发展中的人,是一个正在成长的人,因而每个学生都是等待开垦的金矿,有着发展的可能和潜力。但要理解学生身上存在的不足,在课堂教学中要把相信人人能成功口语交际的期望传达给每个学生,放下”师道尊严”的架子,把自己作为一个听众、朋友而不是一个威严的法官,与学生一起聊天、讨论,进行没有心灵距离的开放式的交流。 2、要处理好学生之间的关系,营造一个轻松的、积极的班级口语交际环境。学生之间的相互作用显然是不可忽视的教育因素。如果一个学生在说时,其它学生冷眼旁观、窃窃私语甚至进行人身攻击,那么有几个学生能顺利、轻松地完成口语交际,可能连最后的一丝勇气都要消失。所以要鼓励学生学会交往,
