




Directions: write a composition of no less than 250 words according to the outline given below.

Sample 1

My View on Playing Computer Games




Sample 2:对贫富差距加大现象谈谈看法


Global scoring



2分: 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。







There are many reasons caused the accident.

The driver of the car no in.

The life is becoming gooder and gooder.

That day rain bigly.

The man who through the street

The car which in a fast speed hit him.

The car which in a fast speed hit him.

I got the place where happened the accident.

Our city would happen many traffic.








显得很罗嗦。如:The economy is developing at a speed which is very fast.



Choice of Words

1. Three levels of English words

English native words (core) informal (oral)

French or Spanish words

Latin or Greek words (academic words) formal (written)


English French or Spanish Latin or Greek

ask inquire interrogate

break sever separate

fire flame conflagration

house abode residence

kingly royal regal

manly male masculine

rise mount ascend

time age epoch

I know that I am aware that

I believe that I am convinced that

I have a good idea. A good idea occurs to me.

Cause give rise to

Emphasize lay emphasis on

Because of due to, owing to

Stop, end come to a stop/end

Suddenly all of a sudden

Often more often than not

2. Connotation of Words (English explanation)

common, peasant, assassinate, gay, acquire, date, property, enemy, problem, issue

3. General Vs Specific terms (overuse of general terms)

beautiful, delicious, famous,

China’s English




lack, serve, contact, last, marry, concern, like

2. 汉语影响

more perfect, very excellent, return back, repeat again, good memory power, listening ability, high quality goods learn the knowledge


(1)two predicates in one simple sentence

Every year lots of familys sit at the front of TV wait this game after have delicious meal. There have many people like SFG.

My mother cooks food is very delicious.

(2) Omission and overuse of Be

Nowday people’s life level is arise.

Many person are like watch SFG in the eve.

SFG was appeared since 1984.

SFG is liked by many people.

How fast time was gone!

SFG can divide into several parts.

We very busy.

(3) Comparative degree

more and more better

become gooder and gooder,

(4) Conjunction




(5) I very like SFG. Very hate

(6) Part of speech

most of we Chinese, make me surprise,

with the quick development of economic and social,

In my’s opinion, I advice to keep SFG.

eating good, drinking good, playing good;

good plays, good look, good use;

I think it dues to the development,

Let’s analysis and discovery the main factors leading the changes.

To men, women just liked clothes. they like it like me like it.

two weeks past

choose, choice, succeed, success, successful, die, dead, death

(7) Choice of words

The whole family assemble to have a dinner.

congratulate Spring Festival,

abolish (stop, give up) SFG,

sit behind the TV to look SFG,

Many people fall in love with watching SFG.

We can elect other programs to see.

celebrate SFG with bomb,

stand in the shadow/shade

mosquito bite/sting

It’s a gay meeting/party

(8) Phrases

in all in; one hand, another hand, third hand; at one hand, at second hand, at last hand; in one hand, from other hand; last but not the last, last but not most; on my opinion; A coin has two hands (coins). Everything has two hands (coins).

(9) Spelling

We can’t cansle (cancer, cancle) it.

SFG is watched by hole word.


include (ing) SF, Every student include me enjoys

Poor people maybe very angry (hungry).

eat the soap (soup);




I will adopt to the campus life



and, as well as

on the one hand… on the other hand

for one thing….. for another


subsequently, then, thereafter, afterward, in the following …at first, initially, originally

at last, eventually

2. 递进:



In addition,


What is more


Apart from…

3. 转折







On the contrary

In contrast

4. 结果





As a result (consequence)


5. 原因

Because (of)

Due to

Owing to

On the account of

In view of

Thanks to

On the grounds that

6. 假设


Given that

Provided that


On the condition of

As (so) long as

7. 其他

(1)Sentence adverbs: absolutely, alternatively, currently, undoubtedly, certainly, consequently, subsequently , obviously

(2) PP: in general, on average, in fact, in effect, in theory, in practice, in reality, in particular,

(3) Adv speaking: generally speaking, broadly speaking, strictly speaking, theoretically speaking

(4) precisely because, mainly because, merely because, only because



With the development of

As is well known to

We all know that

As we all know

As a proverb says,

As a saying goes

As for… some people hold the opinion that…. While others

argue (maintain) that

Every coin has two sides.

It has merits and demerits.

It has pros and cons. Supporters and opponents


Recent researches have proven/shown/indicated that

My arguments/reasons/ideas will be listed as follows:

In the following paragraph, I will

Firstly, secondly, and finally

Why is it that …..


All in all

In a word

In conclusion

In short

In summary

To sum up

To summarize

In brief


be deeply rooted in

be in favor of

be opposed to

It goes without saying that

The past twenty years saw/witness

Chances are

No wonder

It is likely that

As time goes by

When it comes to

As illustrated/shown in the chart/table







怎样提高初中英语的写作技巧和方法 西畴县逸夫中学-----杨宗粉 【摘要】:培养学生写作能力须:打好词汇量基础;熟练记住单词;熟练使用简单句;加强听力训练,;书写规范,促进写作;注重听、说、读能力的同步发展;重视课外练习。注重学生平时的单词拼写与组句能力,提醒学生积累常用表达方式,要求阅读背诵精彩段落,同时教师要利用教材话题资源,结合多种训练与评价方式,提升学生思维能力,强化写作专项指导,使学生养成英语书面表达的习惯,最终达到英语作为语言交际的目的。 【关键词】:写作技巧;词汇量;写作方法;单词拼写组句能力;阅读背诵;常用表达方式 听说读写是构成英语语言交际能力的重要组成部分,其中要求较高的是“写”的能力。《英语课程标准》对各个年级学生“写”的技能提出了明确目标对于我们农村地区的学生来说,英语写作非常困难。尤其在每一次的英语考试中,英语写作题型总是必不可少的,而且占到 15-20分左右,可见写作在英语考题中占的比例还是较大的。但一提起写作学生们就犯愁,甚至一字不写,有的干脆放弃。写一篇像样的英语作文多80%的学生来说是“难于上青天”。针对这种现象来分析学生存在的问题和解决的办法: 一、学生写作过程中出现的现状 1.词汇量太少 词汇是英语写作必不可少的基本要素,要写好一篇作文以表达自己的思想,必须以足够的词汇量为基础,但实际上大多数学生掌握的词汇

量都达不到规定的要求,因而在写作时也就不能随心所欲地表达自己的思想。出现的问题往往有拼写错误,影响理解;词语误用,表达不准确;某一词语反复使用,语言表达缺乏变式,文章显得单调乏味;文章中出现大量“造词”,让人看了啼笑皆非等。 语法规则和句型句式是英语写作涉及的另一基本要素。学生英语写作中出现的“大错”又多半是由语法错误引起的,学生在写作中语法不规范、句子结构混乱、含义不清等情况屡见不鲜,Chinese English 现象更是不乏其中,所以词汇量和语法问题是中学生英语写作时首先要解决的问题。 2.词汇错误较多 学生在写作的时候,中式英语Chinglish :如There are many people would like to go on a vacation. I by bike to school every day. 2、词汇错误:错别字、近义词混淆、词性误用3、词组、句型使用不正确,缺乏重点句型的使用:如I spent one hour to read the book yesterday. 4、时态、语态、人称把握不正确(审题不正确)。思维模式总是先汉语,后转化为英语,可能他想到了句子该怎样写,句型也知道的,但却有个别单词不会。如:“对我来说学英语是困难的”这个句子可能他想到了,句子结构“it is+adj for sb to do sth”也知道,但里面的形容词difficult不会写,导致句子表达含糊,以至于整篇文章错词百出,面目全非。 3.写出的长句达不到表达效果 一般的英语应试作文,总会给出汉语提示,学生写作也是从提示

英语作文 知识还是创造力重要

Which should be emphasized: knowledge or creativity? Knowledge or creativity, which is primary? So many people have asked the question. According to a recently survey, mere 55% parents think essential knowledge is more important for their children. They point that knowledge is the basic of everything, without which it’s utterly impossible to develop one’s creativity. Besides that, the relationship of knowledge and creativity is input and output. Last but not least, focusing on the basic will make you patient, make you dig out the essential part of things. But opposed to the parents, 85% educators are for that creativity play a vital role in the socialization of children. Frankly, I agree with them more. The fact that we face demand us to emphasize the creativity. Date back to the past, our ancestors made many wonderful achievements. They discovered some math theories hundreds years before western scientists. The reason why we lag behind today lies in we lack of the creativity today. In schools, students are stuffed with piles of knowledge under the pressure of fierce competition. Many young people lose their chances to enter college just because of one early failure in a stupid examination. But practically speaking, how can they show their true abilities? Creativity is the key to a brighter future. Fortunately we have learned the point, and many workable reforms are being carried out. In most schools, students are actively involved in the class activities. For sake of the Chinese children, Creativity is in need.


科技英语写作注意事项 一、文体特点 清晰、准确、精练、严密 1、避免主观渲染,少用带感情色彩的词汇和修辞手段,做到说理叙事清楚明白,用词造句简洁准确,并尽量使用行话,使文章读起来有科技文章的韵味。 2、文章中结论性的表述,必须经过可靠实验性的验证,否则少用肯定性的语言。 二、语言结构特色 1、大量的名词化结构 因为科技问题要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大;强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。 例:Archimedes first discovered the principle that water is displaced by solid bodies. Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 第二句中of displacement of water by solid bodies系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement这一事实。 由于科技英语所表达的是客观规律,因之尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,为使主要信息置于句首。 例:If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced. The heat loss can be considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler. 2、广泛使用被动语句 英国利兹大学John Swales统计,科技英语中的谓语至少1/3是被动态。(同上) 3、非限定动词 科技文章要求行文简练、结构紧凑,因此往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列从句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。这样,即可缩短句子,又比较醒目。 例:Materials which are used for structural purposes are chosen so that they behave elastically in the environmental conditions. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.


英语写作注意事项 一.如何使句子意义明确 怎样写、写什么样的文章才能得高分呢?这是大家共同关心的问题。下面请大家注意以下几个句子: (1)I get up early,study hard and go to bed late.我早起晚睡,努力学习。 (2)Everything was over.I put my heart into my stomach.一切都结束了。我放心了。 (3)You must make a choice,because you can't eat fish and bear's paw at the same time.你必须做出选择,因为鱼与熊掌不可兼得。 这几个句子都是同学们平时写作练习中出现过的,信手拈来与大家共同探讨。虽然句子结构本身没有毛病,但是属于坏句子。为什么呢?先说句(1),它给人造成的印象很模糊,

泛泛而谈,空洞无物。How early? How late?How hard?没有交代清楚。这就涉及到写单句(非简单句)的一条原则:具体的原则。能给人留下深刻印象的东西往往是具体的事物,比如说某人想家时会想念家乡的“一草一木”。这“一草一木”就是家乡的“一切的一切”的具体化。同样,要形象地说明自己起早贪黑,刻苦学习的情形,就不能仅仅用两个无法限定准确时间的副词 early和late及无法限定准确程度的副词hard来表示。经提示后,该学生将句(1)改成了:I get up early in the morning,study 8 hours and go to bed late at night。还是不太理想。他想了想再改成:I get up at 5:50 in the morning,study earnestly 8 hours all day and go to bed at 11:00。这样就好多了。 句(2)和句(3)的问题是非英语(Non-English),也就是说这种说法在英语中不存在。由于许多同学写作时往往是用汉语打腹稿,然后逐句译成英语,所以这种“汉化英语”为数不少。解决的办法就是加强词汇积累,同时注意培养英语思维习惯。日积月累,能够改观。 二.句型的灵活运用


考研英语图表作文写作常识50例 一、图表作文写作常识 1、图形种类及概述法: 泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram 趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram 表格图:table 流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram 程序图:processing/procedures diagram 2、常用的描述用法 The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) According to the table/chart diagram/graph As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures, figures/statistics shows (that)…… It can be seen from the figures/statistics We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that)…… table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how…… 3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法


商务英语邮件写作的注意事项 1. Write a meaningful subject line 主题要有意义 在把你的邮件发送出去之前,你要检查一下邮件主题是否能够准确概括邮件的正文内容。如果你的主题写得很模糊,或者主题栏是空的话,那么很有可能对方压根就不会打开你的邮件。 我们来看一个例子: Subject: Important! Read Immediately!!! 简评:你认为很重要的事情在别人看来却未必如此,你在邮件主题栏里大喊大叫只会让对方觉得你很傲慢,且不专业。邮件的主题一定要informative (具体;提供有用信息),让对方在没打开你邮件之前就知道你大概要说什么。上面这个主题可以这样改: Subject: Emergency: All Cars in the Lower Lot Will Be Towed in One Hour 简评:如果你的邮件内容真的很重要且紧急,那么不妨把主题写得具体些,同时,尝试主题首字母大写,这样可以引起对方的重视。 Hi, I m going to miss tomorrow conference, can you send me the conference proceedings? 简评:收到这样一封邮件之后,你肯定很蒙:FuZzYKltTy2000是何许人也?这封邮件可以这样改: To: Bruce Blinderson From: m.****@***.c*m Subject: Conference absence, Sept. 10 Dear Mr. Bruce, This is Morris Ponsybil from


提高英语写作的方法与技巧 1.背景 写文章难,用英语写文章则更难。理由很简单,中国人若想用英 语写文章,首先必须具备一定的语言水平,即必须掌握英语中最基本 的词汇和语法,必须具备写出通顺连贯的英语句子的水平,同时还要 懂得一点英美文化背景知识和一定的修辞法。所有这些要素都是用英 语写作的基本前提。用英语写文章难的另一原因是,英语写作与汉语 写作虽有很多相同之处,但因为社会文化背景的差异,两者之间又有 些不同之处,像思维模式、遣词造句、文体风格等都存有着明显的差异,我们只有了解了这些差异,并在实践中灵活利用这些差异,写出 的文章才能合乎英语习惯、流畅得体,达到书面交际的目的,所以我 们常说,写作不但要表达出想要表达的意念,而且还要得体,要符合 英语表达习惯。当然,要想写出像样的文章,除扎实的语言功底外, 还需要具备其他一些水平,其中包括审题水平、选材水平、谋篇水平、思维水平、分析水平、想象水平以及比较渊博的文化知识。 2.存有的问题 当前学生用英语写作文存有以下几个突出问题:一是语言表达水 平差,这是语言基本功不扎实造成的;二是语言不规范。三是分析问题、理解问题的水平不强。关于第一个问题,主要表现在遣词造句、 语法的规范化方面;学生们不善于选词,想到哪个就用哪个,学了很多,记了很多,会用的却很少。所以,应用时往往苦于无法用英语完 全表达思想,随之就产生了汉语式的句子。关于第二个问题,主要表 现在句型意识弱,对于一些习惯表达法知之甚少。学生只会写: “ Computer is very important to our life.” 却很少通过阅读学 会这样的句子:“ Computer is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life ” 又如:“ The transportation can p romote the tourism industry greatly” , 这个句子好不好,还有没有其他表达法,通过学习写作知识,我们知


The saying “Knowledge is power” has been well known for hundreds of years, while Bacon was meaning that “Do you want power? Then learn knowledge.” What is knowledge? Knowledge is everything that is known by man through his long experience in the world. Knowledge is the inheritance and development of all the wisdom of the history. The great role of knowledge have shown ever since man appeared on the earth and every period of social development. Nowadays it is a popular view that the prosperity of the country rely on the people's cultural knowledge level of the country. I think this view is reasonable. There are many examples in the history. The government of the Qing Dynasty implemented the seclusion policy, which had brought about serious consequences. In?comparison, the Tang Dynasty had adopted enlightened policies at that time, while culture and science was widespread in the country. As a result, the Tang Dynasty become the most powerful country in the world and the Qing government fell down quickly. The prosperity of a country can't be separate from the knowledge. With the development of our economy, the importance of knowledge is more and more obvious ,especially scientific and technological knowledge. Science and technology are the motive power of the social development. For example, in ancient times thunder and the other natural phenomena have been regarded as acts of god. If there happened to be a drought in the area, what the ancient people can do is praying for god's help. However, now we have the scientific knowledge. With the artificial rainfall approach, crops can be grown still good even in case of severe drought. Man can conquer nature with the knowledge. For thousands of years, human beings have been using their knowledge to improve their life


英语写作三大注意事 项

英语写作三大注意事项 1. 尤其在商业上,报章杂志或公文书信上,尽量不用难字 (big word) 或过时 的字眼 (old-fashioned word) 例如: Many people feel that moral education is the infrastructure ofhigher learning. (许多人认为道德教育是高等知识的基础) (如果用 foundation 或 basis 代 替 infrastructure 就更明白) Three hundred acres of land is the parameter of ouruniversity, s expansion (growth). (三百英亩的土地是本大学发展的限度) (如果用limit代 替parameter,会更简单易懂。) This news has been disseminated all over the U.S. (这消息已散布到全美各地) (如果用spread取代disseminated,不更简单?) (动词时态是: spread, spread, spread) The president of this college is not diminutive in size. (这大学的校长个子不小) (假如用small代替diminutive,不更明白吗?) I have to elucidate this document to my staff. (我要向我的员工解释这份文件) (如用explain代替elucidate,也许更明白。) Mr. A will endeavor to be a physician. (A 先生想尝试当个医生) (如果用try代 替endeavor,会更浅白。) (Endeavour = endeavor) We hope to visualize world peace in the future. (我们希望将来看到世界和平) (如果用see代替visualize,也许更简单!) The charitable organization solicits for our annual donation. (慈善机构要求我 们一年一度乐捐)(假如用 ask 代替 solicit,更浅白易懂。)(solicitation是名词)


小学英语在线学习|小学英语写作方 法和技巧 【--考试祝福语】 作文在小学英语考试中占了很大的分值,那么究竟怎样做才能写好一篇小学作文呢?下面给大家介绍小学英语写作方法和技巧,欢迎阅读! 小学英语写作方法和技巧要写好英语作文,具体要做到以下几点: 注重英文阅读习惯的养成与坚持 坚持英语阅读的习惯,不仅可以保持对英语语感的敏感度,更重要的是它有助于培养英式思维,从而避免汉式思维句子的出现。 (1)平时多读,积累句型:读的越多,语感欲强烈,写作的时候自然而然就可以自如的运用灵活多变的句式来完整一篇小作文了,另外建议多积累名言警句、谚语等以作为高级句型运用与作文中。 (2)选出一些代表性范文精读:选出不同题材的优秀作文范文,读的时候注意文章的开头、结尾、层次结构以及所用

句型等。要有目的、用学习的心态来精读优秀范文,并做到学以致用。 注重平时的写作训练 英语写作训练可以以日记、话题或仿写的形式来进行。通过坚持一个学期的英语日记,保持英语写作的习惯。所以一定要坚持每周两到三次的写作训练,正所谓习惯成自然就是这个道理。 五步写出一篇好作文 什么才是好作文呢?很多同学误认为只要像学校平时测验那样子“句子结构正确,无单词拼写错误”就应该得满分。而小升初对作文的考核并非如此简单,同学们应该走出对英语写作认识上的误区。那么除了以上两个方面外,我们怎样才能写出一篇优秀作文而在小升初中获取高分呢?下面就来看我们的“高分作文五步法”。 (1)认真审题,确定时态人称,同时关注题材格式 时态:故事性文章一般用过去时,其中表达感受时可用现在时。说明性或议论性文章一般用现在时,举例时可用过去时。根据题目要求也会出现时态的交错使用,如过去和现在的对比等。如果句中出现了时间状语,时态则要遵循时间状语。 如ago,last…过去时;next,in…将来时等 人称:注意在句子中人称的统一。


2020 中考冲刺 英语书面表达写作方法和技巧辅导 书面表达是中考中的主观题,分值为 15 分。培养写作技能,训练语言表达能力,要求学生能在所学 词汇、语法和句型的基础上造简单的句子,再到段落,最后到短文。书面表达是中考综合考查学生运用所 学英语知识进行语言表达的能力。 考查目标: (一)考查考生能力: 1.理解能力 2.思维能力 3.综合分析能力 4.运用语言知识的能力 5.用英语组词造句,连句成篇的能力 6.书写能力 (二)考查考生英语基础知识: 1. 词类及用法常识 2. 句法功能 3. 动词时态用法 4. 动词不定式及动名词的用法 5. 情态动词的用法 6. 形容词和副词的用法 7. 主谓一致 8. 被动语态 9. 从句的用法。 1 、认真审 题: 弄清楚该题目究竟要表达什么,明确写作要点、要求,选好人称、时态、文体。 2 、语言地 道: 尽量使用你初中读本中学过的句式、句型、常用的短语、习惯用法。表达要正确。 3 、避繁就 简: 理解脉络,抓住重点。确保使用有把握的词汇和句型,同时注意文章的连贯性。 4 、仔细检 查: 复核全文,注意时态、语态、人称是否上下文一致,单词是否有单复数的错误, 拼写的错误,字数是否达到要求等。 (一)写好词汇注意要点: 一、措辞要遵循习惯 语言是说话的习惯,交流的工具。写作时应该尽量使用常见的、熟悉的、符合语法习惯的词语,同时 注意口语和书面语的区别,使用真实的书面语表达方式,避免文章生硬、难懂。 二、选词要表达精准 词义指词所表达的含义。要用词贴切,准确的表达意思。尤其要注意辨析近义词在具体语境中的语法 区别,否则使用不当就会出错。 三、用词简明扼要 选词时我们要尽量根据自己的词汇量和能力,尽量使用自己有把握,同时又能准确表达文意的单词。 (二)写好句子注意要点: 1. 如何写好简单句? 句型 1:S+V (主谓结构: S=主语; V= 谓语) The students listened carefully. He runs quickly. My parents work day and night. 句型 2:S+V+P (主系表结构: P=表语 ) The story sounds interesting. He becomes a teacher when he grew up. 句型 3:S+V+O ( 主谓宾结构: O=宾语)


英语写作常识 外国有句名言:说能让人变得聪明,写能让人变得严谨。九年义务教育教学大纲对中学毕业生写的要求既明确又突出,写是必备的技能。但对中学生来说,用英语写作是一件很不容易的事,特别是对初学者来说,更是觉得困难重重。为了帮助同学们提高英语写作水平,在中考书面表达题中取得理想成绩,从本期开始,本刊将陆续刊登英语写作知识的辅导与讲座,精彩不容错过哟! 同学们,写作知识辅导正式开始了,要讲的内容太多了,一时不知从哪儿开始。噢,对了,啥事都有一定之规,那就先说说写作常识吧! 先说标题吧。 一篇完整的文章通常包括四部分:标题部分、引言部分、扩展部分和结尾部分。标题也叫题目,是文章的有机组成部分。好的标题新颖生动、引人入胜,能激发读者的阅读兴趣,因此对于没有命题的作文对标题要精心锤炼。拟定标题有如下3个要求 1.准确。即要求标题含义和文章内容相吻合,题目意义不宜过宽过泛。题目拟得过宽,写作时便很难抓住要点,容易出现文不对题的毛病。 2.醒目。标题应鲜明、生动地表达文章内容,不落俗套。 3.简练。标题往往只是二三个词构成的词组,而不用完整的句子。而且要做到画龙点睛,言简意赅,用较少的文字表达尽可能多的内容。 标题写法也须注意哟。标题应该放在第一行的中部,和正文之间留有一行或两行的空白。如果标题过长,就把标题写成两行。第二行比第一行短,写在第一行下方的中部。如: an intertesting story about my grandfather and grandmother 标题的第一个字母和重要的单词都用大写开头。介词、连词和冠词通常不算重要的词,一般不大写。但如果标题中介词是五个以上的字母构成的(如through,between,about,among等),这个单词首字母通常要大写。另外尚需注意不能在标题下加横线,标题也不该用引号和括号;即使是完整的一句话,也不用句号,但问号和感叹号可以使用。如: is it an accident? 好了好了,下面再说说英语字母何时大写? 1.英语句子第一个词的第一字母要大写。如:my name is li ping. 2.国家、城市、乡、镇等名称的首字母要大写。如:china(中国)shanghai (上海) 3.表示语言、某国人等首字母要大写。如:chinese(中国人,汉语)english (英语) 4.姓名中指姓的词和名的词首字母要大写。如:john smith(约翰。史密斯)wu hongjun(吴洪军) 5.一些专有名词的首字母要大写。如:grade two(二年级),marx(马克思) 6.文章的标题、书名、报刊的名称等,第一个单词及每个实词的第一个字母一般要大写。如:lesson two(第二课),an express way to english 7.表示节日、星期、月份的第一个字母要大写。如:tuesday(星期二),january(一月),children’s day(儿童节)


练习1 II冠词 1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.(Emmet博士2001年毕业 于哈弗大学) 2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988.(李教授1998年在西安理工大学获得机械工 程博士学位) 3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.(现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网) 4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.(质谱仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器) 5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment?(做这个实验 需要多长时间?) 6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.(压力的增加总会引 起体积的减少) 7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).(图(2-5)画出了式(2-2)所表 示的情况) 8.The unit of inductance is the henry.(电感的单位是亨利) III、改错 1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure.(UASMA协议采用了 独特的帧结构) 2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.(最 后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器) 3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharing system(先应秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估) 4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with an arbitrary profile.(该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒) 5.We propose a numerical method based on Newton’s iterative method.(我们提出 了一种基于牛顿地带发的数值方法) 练习2 1. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.(该电路是由一个电池、一个电感器和一个电容器组成) 2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.(试计算在a、b、c三点处的电场。) 3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.(这颗卫星用于美国与英国、法国、意大利之间的通讯) 4. We assume that the antenna is vertical and that its loss is zero.(我们假设该天线是垂直的,并且其损耗为0)


英语写作注意事项 1、为了保证文章层次分明、条理清楚,要把时间固定下来,如: 记叙一件事要用过去时;写经常发生的事或对人物的描写,要用一般现 在时。整个文章中的人称要一致,首尾呼应,不要随意改动,以免造 成误解。 2、不要为了追求“一鸣惊人”而去找一些生冷的词汇,对这些一 知半解的词你不会用,不知道如何搭配,结果可能适得其反,使文章 显的生硬、不协调,甚至错误百出,所以要使用有把握的词,避免不 必要的失分。比如说发生了一起意外事件,我们通常用“have an accident ”来表示,不要错误的使用“have an incident”。 3、注意不同语言的表达习惯,也是写好英语作文的重要环节,如“我的理想是做一名歌手”,很多同学写成“My ambition is to do/make a singer,” “to do”表示“做”或者“干”,“to make”表示“制作”,而“做一名歌手”则表示“成为一名歌手”应该用 “be/become a singer”;又如“看书、看报”应用“read a book/newspaper”,而不是“see a book/newspaper”。所以,平时 应该注意不同语言的表达习惯,切忌望文生义或一味生搬硬套。 4、有些同学因怕出错而只写短句或简单句,写出的文章过于幼稚、空洞乏味。要使文章有血有肉就要把平时学的知识用进去,如:定语 从句、宾语从句、非谓语动词和比较等句型,关键时用上一、二个, 就能使文章不同凡响,更有文采,特别是对关联词的使用,如“so that”、“not…but ”“not only...but also”等,会使你的文章 逻辑结构紧密、层次鲜明、条理清楚,更能显示出你的英文功底,但 要做到这些并非一日之功,要靠平时的持续训练和积累。 5、最简单的增分点就是认真的书写。工整漂亮的书写会给评卷老 师留下美好的第一印象,在扣分时自然会“手下留情”,而且很多地 区都在写作上有1分的书写分。只要平时多下点功夫,得到这个分并 不难。


英语作文的书写格式·英文书写和移行 英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。 写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺。如字母i,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。有的学生却按写汉字的习惯从上到下写,写快了,就会把点和下面的十笔连在量起,显得十分别扭。字形t应为两笔。不少人却将两笔合成一笔,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,难以辨认。另外,把r写成v,把q写成把g,把k写成h等等,都是中学生书写中常见的毛病。 不少人在四线三格的练习纸上书写尚有规矩,能按字母的占格、高低和大小要求书写,但在白纸或横线纸上书写,却显得十分幼稚拙劣。字母或跳上跳下,或一律写成同一高度,占上中两格的字母与占中下两格的字母完全没有高低之别。这些现象都要防止。 另外,书写时还要注意词与词之间要保持一定的距离,不能紧靠在一起。字母之间的连写也应该按照习惯,不能随意乱来。 在一篇字数有限的作文里,我们还要注意尽量不把一个单词拆开移行。万一要移行,则必须以音节为单位进行,如revolution这个词,依照音节移行的原则可以按re-,revo-, revolu-这几种方法移行。在移行时,我们还应特别注意以下几点: 1. 单音节词不能移行,即使是字母较多的单音节词,如through等也不能例外。 2.缩略词如Mr.,Dr.等不能和后面的名字拆开移行。 缩略的专用名词如U.K.,U.S.A等也不能拆开移行。 3.时间、量度及货币单位应视为一个整体;不能分开移行。如; 11:00P.M.应写在一行内,不能将11:00和P.M.分开移行;写38℃时,不能将36和C 分开移行。 4.由“年、月、日”表示的日期,如果必须分开移行只能将“月、日”与“年”分开。如January 6,1980不能将January和6分开移行,但可以把January 6,和1980分成两行。5.含双写辅音字母的单词,在移行时要将辅音字母拆开。如better可拆成better,necessary 可拆成necessary。 但如果双写辅音字母属于词根,后面又加了后缀,就不能将两个辅音字母拆开。如drill加上-ing后构成了drilling,就不可以将它拆成成dril-ling,而只能拆为drilling。


英语写作教学的方法与技巧 一、潜意识写作训练法 潜意识写作训练法是帮助学生快速有效写作的一条捷径。潜意识写作就是让学生在不知不觉当中进行写作,写作前老师不明确向学生布置写作任务,只要求他们回答问题,这些问题都是老师根据写作的程序和写作的内容来设计的,学生的正确回答就是文章的基本构架和主旨内容。设计这种方法的目的就是尽量减少学生一开始对写作的神秘感和畏难情绪,将语言的两种产出——口头产出( 说) 和笔头产出( 写) 结合起来。在老师的引导之下,学生由说向写过渡,再通过学生的记忆对师生课堂说的内容进行筛选并用笔记录下来,最后通过老师的讲评,让学生从一种无意识状态下的写作过渡到有意识的模仿写作,学生在“恍然大悟”中掌握写作的基本规范和基本技巧。如论说文的写作: 第一步:老师板书,给予主题。 T :同学们!我们今天这节英语课只需要回答几个问题,请看黑板上的一句话:Science is a Two-blade Sword ( 科学是一柄双刃剑。) 第二步:老师以提问题的方式引导学生表述自己对句子的理解。 Question One T :How do you understand the word “two-blade ” ( 双刃)? S1 :The first blade( 第一刃)means science can bring us happiness. T :What about the second blade ? S2 :The second blade means science can bring us suffering. Question Two T :Can you give some examples to explain the two different opinions? S3 :Since 1950's many changes have taken place because of the scientific development.Science has brought a lot of things to our life such as computer ,VCD ,TV ,radio ,etc.Our life is getting more and more colourful and interesting. Question Three T :Who can supply examples to support the second opinion ?


英语作文三步曲及注意事项 即写作前、写作中和写作后。 1. 写作前 不可急于动笔,要先审题,列出要点,写出提纲。接下来,脑海中确定文章的体裁与时态。 初中阶段所接触的体裁主要有:记叙文、应用文、议论文及说明文。其中,应用文又包括信件、电子邮件文稿、寻物启示、失物招领、请假条、留言条、通知等不同的形式,这些都是生活中常用的。 至于时态,要依据表达的内容来灵活应用。初中阶段较常用的主要时态有:一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时。其他时态多为必要时穿插使用。平时有必要积累 一些有代表性的,与生活贴近的文章,用以参考。 2. 写作中 动笔前要有清晰的轮廓,即上述的要点、体裁、时态,并可回顾一下已学过的类似篇目。但在考试时,最好不要直接写在试卷上,以免修改时涂改太多。在时间充足的前提下,先写在草稿纸上为宜。 写作中应注意三大问题:文章所要求的格式,逻辑顺序和遣词造句。我们主要研究下格式的运用与过渡性和连接性词汇的运用。 (1)常见格式 ①信件的格式: Dear Betty, Thank you for your last letter. Here are… Love, ②电子邮件的格式: Subject:My dog From:Thomas\&Nancy, Good news!I have a new pet… Thomas ③日记的格式: Friday,April 10th Fine Today our school held a sports meeting on the playground…\&] (2)写作中的遣词造句 ①使用熟悉的、已掌握的词汇和句型;少用难拼写的词及复合句(亮点句需用自己熟记的掌握的)。 ②学会用同义词及同义句替换不会写的词句。
