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❖ 1.4 灵活练唱,培养良好的语音语调
Are You Hungry ?
❖ 1=E 2/4 ❖1 2 3
1 | 1 23 1 |
❖ Are you hungry? Are you hungry?
❖3 4 5 | ❖ Yes , I am
3 4 5| Yes , I am

❖5 6 5 4 3 1 |5 6 5 4 3 1|
3 | 5 3|5
5 | 3 -|
❖ Go back Go back Go go back
2 | 4 2 | 3 2| 1 -|
❖ Sit down Sit down Sit sit down
❖ 1.3 反复练听,培养学生的听力
Who is the man?
Who’s the man? Who is he? Who is he? Who is he? He’s my father,my father. He’s my father. Who’s the woman? Who is she? Who is
she? Who is she? She’s my mother,my mother. She’s my mother.
Where is my hat ?
where is my hat ? where is my hat ?
It is on the bed . It is on the bed where is my cap ? where is my cap ? It is in the bag . It is in the bag . where is my ball ? where is my ball ? It is under the chair , under the chair.
ringing. ❖ Dingdingdong. Dingdingdong.
❖ Walking,walking, walking, walking. ❖ Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. ❖ Running,running, running,running,
❖ Do you want a cookie ? Do you want a cookie?
5 1|2
5 1|
❖ Yes , I do Yes , I do.
Are you sleeping?
❖ Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? ❖ Brother John. Brother John. ❖ Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are
又如在教Weather天气情况的词时教这首歌 曲
Sunny day,sunny day,hot,hot,hot. Rainy day,rainy day,rain,rain,rain. Windy day,windy day,blow,blow,blow. Cloudy day,cloudy day, clouds,clouds,clouds.
1.5 因势利导,发散学生的创新思维
2. 英文歌曲在英语教学中的作用
❖ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
❖ 2.1 激发学生的兴趣,渲染课堂气氛。 ❖ 2.2 强化记忆 ❖ 2.3 学习背景知识 ❖ 2.4 在歌曲中学生无意识地学习了语音,
语法与一些基本句型。 ❖ 2.5 学唱英文歌曲可让学生得到
1. 英语歌曲和英语教学的完美结合
❖ 1.1 授课与歌曲结合,化难为易 ❖ 1.2 歌唱与表演结合,化抽象为具体 ❖ 1.3 反复练听,培养学生的听力 ❖ 1.4 灵活练唱,培养良好的语音语调 ❖ 1.5 因势利导,发散学生的创新思维
Seasons,seasons,do you know them? Yes, I do . Yes, I do . How many seasons in a year? Four seasons,four seasons in a year. Spring,summer,fall and winter.
running,running. ❖ Hand in hand,hand in hand.
《Walking, Walking》(两只老虎曲调)
❖ Walking, walking, walking, walking,
Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, (两个手指同时跳起来再落回到手背)
Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes. Head and shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes. eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
❖ 1.2 歌唱与表演结合,化抽象为具体
Stand up 1=C 2/4
❖ 5 3 | 5 3 |5
5 | 3 -|
Stand up Stand up Stand stand up
2 | 4 2| 4 4 | 2- |
❖ Come here Come here Come come here
Running, running, running, (快速地移动两个手指,做跑状)
Running, running, running,
Now, let's stop, (停住不动)
Up and down.
歌曲歌谣在英语教学中的应用 ----波力教育春季教研项目
❖ 英语有一句谚语:“Education must be fun.”(教育必须是有趣的。)在小学英语教学 中,让课堂“活”起来,使学生的主观能动 性得到充分发挥,在有节奏的歌谣中体验英 语,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入英语,在 唱中学、玩中学、做中学,才能激发和保持 学生学习英语的兴趣,取得更好的英语学习 效果。