


Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

Among the thousands of business schools now operating around the world you would be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't believe it can teach the skills of entrepreneurship. However, of the people who immediately 1 to mind when one thinks of entrepreneurs——Bill Gates, Richard Branson or Oprah Winfrey, for example—few have done more than 2 a speech at a business school. 3 , a recent study by King's College in London has suggested what many intuitively 4 : that entrepreneurship may actually be in the blood—more to do with genes than classroom experience. All of which

5 the question—does an entrepreneur really need a business-school education?

Not surprisingly some of the best-known schools in the field have a 6 answer to this: they don't actually profess to create entrepreneurs, 7 they nurture innate ability. Or as Timothy Faley of the entrepreneurial institute at Michigan's Ross School of Business 8 it: “A good idea is not enough. You need to know how to 9 a good idea into a good business.”

Schools do this in a number of ways. One is to 10 that faculty are a mix of classic academics and businesspeople with experience of 11 their own successful firms. They can also create “incubators” where students 12 ideas and rub shoulders on a day-to-day basis with the external business world, receiving both advice and hard cash in the form of investment.

Arguably such help is now more important than ever. The modern entrepreneur is faced with a more 13 world than when Richard Branson began by selling records out

of a phone box. According to Patrice Houdayer, head of one of Europe's best-known entrepreneurship schools, EMIYON in France, new businesses used to move through a 14 series of growth steps—what he terms garage, local, national and international. Now however, 15 the communications revolution, they can leapfrog these stages and go global more or less straightaway—encountering a whole new 16 of problems and challenges. In this 17 Professor Houdayer maintains that the increasingly 18 nature of MBA classes can help the nascent entrepreneur in three ways: by plugging them into an international network of contacts and advisors, by preparing them for the pitfalls and opportunities 19 with dealing across different cultures and by 20 them to the different ways that business is conducted around the globe.

1.[A]bring [B]call [C]spring [D]apply D

2.[A]report [B]deliver [C]prepare [D]compose A

3.[A]Indeed [B]Likewise [C]Therefore [D]FurthermoreB

4.[A]conclude [B]assume [C]neglect [D]suspect C

5.[A]stirs [B]arouses [C]proves [D]invites B

6.[A]ready [B]unique [C]positive [D]favorable D

7.[A]yet [B]rather [C]nor [D]nevertheless B

8.[A]states [B]makes [C]puts [D]interprets D

9.[A]shift [B]transfer [C]modify [D]transform B

10.[A]ensure [B]assure [C]affirm [D]enlighten A

11.[A]carrying on [B]setting up [C]working out [D]turning around C

1 2. [A]convey [B]cherish [C]nurture [D]impart A

13.[A]complex [B]complicated [C]complementary [D]fantastic A

14.[A]variable [B]obvious [C]imperative [D]distinct D

15.[A]thanks to [B]but for [C]for all [D]next to A

1 6. [A]bulk [B]host [C]set [D]magnitude D

1 7. [A]position [B]context [C]perspective [D]dimension A

18.[A]similar [B]differential [C]diverse [D]versatile B

1 9. [A]interacted [B]combined [C]confronted [D]associated D

20.[A]entitling [B]exposing [C]leading [D]committing C Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

What's a label worth? A lot, it seems. Michael Hiscox and Nicholas Smyth, two Harvard University researchers, conducted an experiment on two sets of towels in an upmarket New York shop. One lot carried a label with the logo “Fair and Square” and the following message: These towels have been made under fair labour conditions, in a safe and healthy working environment which is free of discrimination, and where management has committed to respecting the rights and dignity of workers.

The other set had no such label. Over five months, the researchers observed the impact of making various changes such as switching the label to the other set of towels and raising prices. The results were striking: not only did sales of towels increase when they carried the Fair and Square label, they carried on increasing each time the price was raised.

No wonder companies are keen to appeal to ethically (i.e. morally)minded consumers, whether on labour standards or green credentials. Timberland, a New Hampshire outdoor-gear company, is introducing detailed "Green Index” labels on its shoes.

Tesco, M&S and Wal-Mart have all launched initiatives that bet on the rise of the ethical consumer.

M&S estimates that about three-quarters of British consumers are interested in the green theme in some way. But even the keenest ethical consumer faces complicated situations, and sometimes the apparently obvious ethical choice turns out to be the wrong one. Surely it must be greener for Britons to buy roses from the Netherlands than ones

air-freighted from Kenya? In fact, a study showed that related green house gas to the Dutch roses to be six times as large because they had to be grown in heated greenhouses.

Joel Makower, editor of https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac10122282.html,, says that, given a choice, most consumers will choose the greener product—provided it does not cost any more, comes from a trusted maker, requires no special effort to buy or use and is at least as good as the alternative. “That's almost an impossible barrier for any product,” he notes.

So shoppers will still flock to shops selling cheap products of decent quality, ignoring how these are made. They will often buy more if a product is attractively presented, never mind that the packaging may be wasteful. And when companies try to do the right thing, consumers will not always go along with them.

The lesson for companies is that selling green is hard work. And it is no good getting too far ahead of the customer. Half a step ahead is about right. Much more, and you won't sell. Any less, and you won't lead.

21.The experiment on the towels indicated that _____d

[A]consumers liked to purchase labeled products

[B]consumers would buy goods when prices rose

[C]consumption was influenced by green labels

[D]ethical concern may influence consumption

22.According to the text, consumers’ ethical choice ___c__.

[A]determines the production of commodities

[B]forces companies to sell green products only

[C]leads companies to modify business activities

[D]leads to higher labour and green standards

23.We may infer from the fourth paragraph that _____a_.

[A]green buying may be at higher environment cost

[B]green production is actually complicated business

[C]Dutch rose growth is greener than Kenya ones

[D]British consumers actually oppose green farming

24.According to Joel Makower, most consumers will ____a__.

[A]buy greener products when given a choice

[B]reject greener products for various reasons

[C]pay more attention to the price of a product

[D]refuse to follow the activities of companies

25.Companies may learn the lesson that __d____.

[A]it is not worthwhile leading the customers

[B]the customers are not easily to be misled

[C]green policy is not effective for marketing

[D]companies need a balanced green policy

Text 2

There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system and the traditional system.

In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shorts, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. In the modern market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money.

An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions. This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy. The central plan, drawn up by the government, shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to different households for consumption. This is an example of complete planning of production consumption, and exchange for the whole economy.

In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition: every person's place within the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion and custom. Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too. People belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons, provide them with food and shelter, care for their health, and provide their education. Clearly, in a system where every decision made on the basis of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve. A stagnant society may result.

26.What is the main purpose of the passage? A

[A]To outline contrasting types of economic.

[B]To explain the science of economic systems.

[C]To argue for the superiority of one economic system.

[D]To compare barter and money-exchange markets.

27.In the second paragraph, the word “real” in “real goods” could best be replaced by which of the following? D

[A]High quality. [B]Concrete.

[C]Utter. [D]Authentic.

28.According to the passage, a barter economy can lead to ___D___.

[A]rapid speed of transactions



[D]difficulties for the traders

29.According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control in an administered system? D

[A]Individual households. [B]Small businesses.

[C]Major corporations. [D]The government.

30.Which of the following is not mentioned by the author as a criterion for determining a person's place in a traditional society? B

[A]Family background. [B]Age.

[C]Religious beliefs. [D]Custom.

Text 3

If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem. Human-resource management is considered an individual responsibility. Labour is simply another factor of production to be hired—rented at the lowest possible cost—much as one buys raw materials or equipment.

The lack of importance attached to human-resource management can be seen in the corporate hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer(CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resources management is central—usually the second most important executive, after the CEO, in the firm's hierarchy.

While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese of German firms. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.

As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany(as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half can't effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.

31.Which of the following applies to the management of human resources in American companies? A

[A]They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.

[B]They see the gaining of skills as their employees' own business.

[C]They attach more importance to workers than equipment.

[D]They only hire skilled workers because of keen competition.

32.What is the position of the head of human-resource management in an American firm? D

[A]He is one of the most important executives in the firms.

[B]His post is likely to disappear when new technologies are introduced.

[C]He is directly under the chief financial executive.

[D]He has no say in making important decisions in the firm.

33.The money most American firms put in training mainly goes to _A_____.

[A]workers who can operate new equipment

[B]technological and managerial staff

[C]workers who lack basic background skills

[D]top executives

34.According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firm's competitive advantage is ____C__.

[A]the introduction of new technologies

[B]the improvement of worker's basic skills

[C]the rational composition of professional and managerial employees

[D]the attachment of importance to the bottom half of the employees

35.What is the main idea of the passage? A

[A]American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in

human-resource management.

[B]Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.

[C]The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firm's hierarchy.

[D]The human-resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.

Text 4

The public holiday on the last Monday of August marks, in most British minds, the unofficial end of summer. A vast migration takes place, as millions take advantage of the long weekend to visit seaside resorts or fly to Europe in a final sun-seeking cheer. Once the festivities are over, gloom descends: workers face four months of uninterrupted labor until Christmas Eve, their next official day off.

This depression often provokes calls for more public holidays, and this year the clamor has been louder than usual. David Cameron's new Conservatives have been forced to deny rumors that they would recommend three new public holidays. Earlier in the summer, two ministers suggested a worthy sounding “Britain Day”, intended to inspire civil pride. On August 27th the Institute for Public Policy Research, a worthy think-tank, called for a new day off to “celebrate community heroes”.

To the idlers, the case for more time off looks persuasive. By European standards at least, Britain is a nation of workaholics, with only the Austrians labouring as many hours per week. Workers are entitled to 20 working days of leave a year, the European Union's required minimum. Other countries are more generous. France and Denmark give at least 25 days in leave, and many Finns get 30. Britons celebrate a miserably eight national holidays a year; in Europe only the Romanians, with five, have fewer. Even significant national events are celebrated grudgingly. :the British were given two days off to celebrate the queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002, but had to forfeit an existing public holiday to make up for it.

National holidays are illogical as well as scarce. The queen's official birthday(a moveable holiday unrelated to her date of birth)is seen as a good excuse for a holiday in most of Britain's former colonies, but not in Her Majesty's homeland. Distribution is also badly distorted: seven of the eight holidays fall between December and May, leaving only August's to break up the rest of the year.

There are plenty of things that a new holiday might celebrate. Patriots suggest that England should honour St George(the patron saint of the place), just as Scotland takes time off for St Andrew. The historically minded argue for a Magna Carta(The charter of liberties)day, whereas the politically correct suggest holidays celebrating “communities” and “volunteering”.

Sadly, not everyone is keen on increasing public holidays. The CBI, a business lobbying group, points out that legal leave is already planned to rise to 28 working days by 2009, and says that an extra public holiday would cost up to £6 billion($ 12.1 billion). In the face of such tough objections, concerns about leisure and the quality of life may seem vague and idealistic.

36.What is the passage mainly talking about?D

[A]Different attitudes towards public holidays in Britain.

[B]The increase of national holidays in Britain.

[C]The problem of public holidays in Britain.

[D]The call for more public holidays in Britain.

37.The calls for more public holidays in Britain could be the results of ___D___.

[A]the economic depression

[B]the 4-month work without a rest

[C]the long wait for an official day off

[D]recommendation of two ministers

38.What does the word “workaholics” most probably mean(Line 2, Paragraph 3)? A

[A]Compulsive workers.

[B]Idle workers.

[C]Lazy workers.

[D]Irrational workers.

39.According to the passage, the increase of British working days of leave ___C___.

[A]is supported by all British people

[B]is planned by CBI to be carried out by 2009

[C]is challenged by some opponents

[D]is likely to result in economic recession

40.Which of the following conclusions can we draw from the text? B

[A]From June to December, there is only one British national holiday.

[B]British national holidays are unsatisfactory for the quantity and the allocation.

[C]The queen’s official birthday is celebrated in England.

[D]People suggest new holidays for their own convenience.

Part B


Read the following text and answer questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)Most people may drink only two liters of water a day, but they consume about

3,000 liters a day if the water that goes into their food is taken into account. The rich gulp down far more, since they tend to eat more meat, which takes far more water to produce than grains. So as the world's population grows and incomes rise, farmers will need a great deal more water to keep everyone fed: 2,000 more cubic kilometers a year by 2030, according to the International Water Management Institute(IWMI). Yet in many farming regions, water is scarce and likely to get scarcer as global warming worsens. The world is facing not so much a food crisis as a water crisis, argues Colin Chartres, IWMI's


The solution, Mr Chartres and others contend, is more efficient use of water or, as the sloganeers put it, “more crop per drop”. Some 1.2 billion people live in places that are short of water. Farming accounts for roughly 70% of human water consumption. So when water starts to run out, farming tends to offer the best potential for thrift. But governments rarely charge farmers a market price for water. So they are usually more wasteful than other consumers—even though the value they create from the water is often less than households or industry would be willing to pay for it.

The pressing need is to make water go further. Antoine Frérot, the head of the water division of Veolia Environment, promotes recycling of city wastewater to be used in industry or agriculture. This costs less and cuts pollution.

Yet as Mr Frérot himself concedes, there are many even cheaper ways to save water. As much as 70% of water used by farmers never gets to crops, perhaps lost through leaky irrigation channels or by draining into rivers or groundwater. Investment in drip irrigation, or simply repairing the worst leaks, could bring huge savings.

Farmers in poor countries can usually afford such things only if they are growing cash crops, says David Molden of IWMI. Even basic kit such as small rainwater tanks can be lacking. Ethiopia, for example, has only 38 cubic meters of storage capacity per inhabitant, compared to almost 5,000 in Australia. Yet modest water storage can hugely improve yields in rain-fed agriculture, by smoothing over short dry spells. Likewise, pumping water into natural aquifers for seasonal storage tends to be much cheaper than building a big dam, and prevents the great waste of water through evaporation.

Agronomists are beginning to devise tools to help monitor the efficiency of water use. Some have designed algorithms that use satellite data on surface temperatures to calculate the rate at which plants are absorbing and transpiring water. That allows governments and development agencies to concentrate their efforts on the most prodigal areas.

Raising yields does not always involve greater water consumption, especially when farms are inefficient. It would take little extra water to double cereal output in many parts of Africa, Mr Molden argues. IWMI reckons that some three-quarters of the extra food the world needs could be provided simply by bringing yields in poor countries closer to those of rich ones. That is more realistic than the absolute alternative: giving up meat and other thirsty products altogether.

[A]cultivating cash


41.The world is meeting with challenges more from [B]leaking irrigation


42.Farmers waste more water due to [C]expenses and


43.Farmers in poor countries can pay for irrigation improvement by

[D]surface temperature data

44.Building big dams is less effective for their [E]low water price 45.The water use rate of plants is computed with [F]water shortage

[G]food crisis

Part C


In this section there is a text in English. Translate the text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2.(15 points )

The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best interests to take the action the advertiser is recommending. The action may be to purchase a product or use a service.

Advertising as a business developed most rapidly in the United States, the country that uses it to the greatest extent. In 1980 advertising expenditure in the U.S. exceeded 55 billion dollars, or approximately 2 percent of the gross national product.

While advertising brings the economics of mass selling to the manufacturer, it produces benefits for the consumer as well. Some of those economies are passed along to the purchaser so that the cost of a product sold primarily through advertising is usually far less than one sold through personal sales people. Advertising brings people immediate news about products that have just come on the market. Finally, advertising pays for the programs on commercial television and radio and for about two thirds of the cost of publishing magazines and newspapers.

Section III Writing

Part A


Write a letter to invite your best friend Jane to take part in your mother's 60-year-old birthday and inform her of your arrangement.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Jane,

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name, using "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

Part B

48. Directions:

In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following table. In your essay, you should

1)describe the table and,

2)state your opinions drawn from it.

You should write at least 150 words.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(15 points)

Financial Sources of College Students

Financial Sources American students Chinese students Parents 50%90%

Part-time jobs 35%5%

Scholarship 15%5%


财教创办北大、人大、中、北外授 训营对视频集、一一保分、、小班 2010年中山大学翻译硕士英语真题答案 育明教育梁老师提醒广大考生: 历年考研真题资料是十分珍贵的,研究真题有利于咱们从中分析出题人的思路和心态,因为每年专业课考试不管在题型还是在内容上都有很高的相似度,考研学子们一定要重视. 有什么疑问可以随时联系育明教育梁老师,我会为根据各位考生的具体情况提供更加有针对性的指导。 part I Vocabulary and Grammar 6. B 2. D 3. B meteorologist 气象学者 4. D 5. A 6. D except 后排除的内容与主语往往是同一类的,而except for 后所排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的。例如,试比较:All the buildings are excellent except this one./All the buildings are excellent except for their location. (all 和glimmer 不是同一类事物) 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. A The child reached out a hand towards the apple . Judy reached into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet...朱蒂把手伸进提包,拿出一张小的印刷传单给我。I reached across the table and squeezed his hand...我把手伸到桌子的另一边,捏住他的手。13. A 14. B 15. D 16. B apt, liable, prone: 三个词都含“易于的”意思, 它们只能作表语, 不能作定语, 后面都接不定式。apt 是常用词, 尤其是用在口语中, 表示“有...倾向的”、“易于...的”, 如: He is apt to get excited over trifles.他容易为小事而激动。liable 指“易于产生某种(对主语)不利的后果”, 因此常用于警告, 如:Y ou're liable to get cold if you are not careful.你若不当心就有可能感冒。prone 侧重主语(往往是人, 极少用于物)的本性, 使之“倾向于”(某种弱点、错误或不良行为), 如:He was prone to anger.他易于发怒。17. D 18. B 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. D 苦恼的;难过的;哀伤的Someone who feels wretched feels very unhappy. 26. D insurance rate 保险费率 27. B excessively accommodating/excessively meticulous; fussy/They were exceedingly kind. 28. B 29. B 30. A PART II T ext A 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D


2010年考研英语翻译试题及答案 one basic weakness in a comservation system based wholly one economic motives is that most members of the https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac10122282.html,munity have no economic value.yet these ereatures are members of the biotic community and ,if its stability depends on its inteyrity,they are entitled to continuance。 When one of these noneconomic categories is threatened and,if we happen to love it .we invert excuses to give it economic importance.at the beginning of century songbiras were supposed to be disappearing。(46scinentists jumped to the resure with some distimctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up of birds failed to control them),the evideuce had to be conbmic in order to be valid。 It is pamful to read these round about accounts today .we have no land ethic yet ,(47but we have at least drawn near the point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of intrinsic right,regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us) A panallel situation exists in respect of predatory mamals


2010 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章题材结构分析 本文是取材于新闻报道,叙述了猪流感的爆发,产生的严重影响以及政府采取的针对性措施。首段和第二段简 述了猪流感的爆发引起世界各国的重视。第三段引用专家的观点,认为瘟疫并不严重。第四段和第五段以墨西哥及 美国的情况为例,说明了猪流感的严重性和致命性。第六段叙述了联邦政府针对猪流感的具体措施。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】D 【解析】上文提到“…was declared a global epidemic…”,根据declare 的逻辑(“宣布为”),可知应该选D 项 designated“命名,制定”,而不是C 项commented“评论”,这是典型的近义词复现题目。2.【答案】C 【解析】本题目可依据“句意”找到意思线索,选出答案,难度在于出处句是个长难句。本句的理解应该抓住alert、 meeting 和a sharp rise 三者的关系,根据after a sharp rise 可知是rise(“病例数的增加”)是meeting(“日内瓦专家 会议”)的原因,由此可推导出alert 并非是meeting 的原因,而是结果,即meeting 使得alert 升级。根据上述分析 可以排除B、D 选项,B 项activated“激活,激起”,D 项“促使,引起”,此两项的选择都在讲alert 导致了meeting 的召开。而C 项followed 意思是“紧随,跟在……之后”,体现出after 的逻辑,完全满足本句rise 之后是meeting, meeting 之后是alert 的逻辑,所以是正确项。而A 项proceeded“继续”,属不及物动词,不可接宾语,用法和逻辑 用在此处都不合适。 3.【答案】B 【解析】本题目应该关注并列连词and,从并列呼应来看:空格后的表达in Britain…对应前面的in Australia, 所以空格处rising _____ 应该对应a sharp rise in cases(“病例数的剧增”),因此空格处是“数量”的逻辑才对。A 项 digits“(阿拉伯)数字”,不表示数量,不能与rising 形成搭配;C 项amounts“数量”,常修饰不可数名词(此处指 的是cases,可数名词);D 项sums“金额,款项”,不能用于表达“病例数”。B 项numbers “数量”,修饰可数名词(如: large numbers of cases 大量的病例),符合题意。 4.【答案】A 【解析】此处句子开头的“But”是重要的逻辑线索,与上文意思(第二段)形成对比反差。上文的关键性表达 如“heightened alert”、“emergency meeting”和“a sharp rise in cases”都在讲述猪流感的严重性,所以根据But 和in


2010年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译真题译文+题目翻译 但为君故 但为君故 整理组

Text 1 在过去的25年英语报纸所发生的变化中,影响最深远的可能就是它们对艺术方面的报道在范围上毫无疑问的缩小了,而且这些报道的严肃程度也绝对降低了。 对于年龄低于40岁的普通读者来讲,让他们想象一下当年可以在许多大城市报纸上读到精品的文艺评论简直几乎是天方夜谭。然而,在20世纪出版的最重要的文艺评论集中,人们读到的大部分评论文章都是从报纸上收集而来。现在,如果读到这些集子,人们肯定会惊诧,当年这般渊博深奥的内容竟然被认为适合发表在大众日报中。 从20世纪早期到二战以前,当时的英国报纸上的评论主题广泛,包罗万象,我们现在离此类报纸评论越来越远。当时的报纸极其便宜,人们把高雅时尚的文艺批评当作是所刊登报纸的一个亮点。在那些遥远的年代,各大报刊的评论家们都会不遗余力地详尽报道他们所报道的事情,这在当时被视为是理所当然的事情。他们的写作是件严肃的事情,人们相信:甚至那些博学低调不喜欢炫耀的评论家,比如George Bernard Shaw和Ernest Newman也知道自己在做什么(即他们的文章会高调出现在报纸上)。这些批评家们相信报刊评论是一项职业,并且对于他们的文章能够在报纸上发表感到很自豪。“鉴于几乎没有作家能拥有足够的智慧或文学天赋以保证他们在新闻报纸写作中站稳脚跟”,Newman曾写道,“我倾向于把‘新闻写作’定义为不受读者欢迎的作家用来嘲讽受读者欢迎的作家的一个‘轻蔑之词’” 不幸的是,这些批评家们现在实际上已被人们遗忘。从1917年开始一直到1975年去世不久前还在为曼彻斯特《卫报》写文章的Neville Cardus,如今仅仅作为一个撰写关于板球比赛文章的作家被人们所知。但是,在他的一生当中,他也是英国首屈一指的古典音乐评论家之一。他也是一位深受读者青睐的文体家,所以1947年他的《自传》一书就成为热销读物。1967年他被授予爵士称号,也是第一位获此殊荣的音乐评论家。然而,他的书现在只有一本可以在市面上买到。他大量的音乐批评,除了专门研究音乐评论的人以外,已鲜为人知。 Cardus的评论有没有机会重新流行?前景似乎渺茫。在他去世之前,新闻业的品味早已改变很长时间了,而且他所擅长的措词华丽的维多利亚爱德华时期的散文风格对后现代的读者没有什么用处。何况,由业余爱好者作音乐批评的传统早已经成为昨日黄花了。 21. 第一段和第二段指出 A 文艺评论已经从大城市的报纸上消失了 B 英文报纸过去常刊登更多文艺评论方面的文章


2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题与答案 S ection I Use of English Dnecclious: Read the following text.Choose the bcsl word(s> for each numbcred blank.and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points> In 1924 American' National Research Council sent to engineer to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the Hawhtore Plant nearChicago It hoped they would learn how stop-floor Egnting __1__ workors productivity Instead,the studies ended__2__ giving their name to the“Hawhthomeeffect”the extremely inflentlcel ldea the veey__3__to bemg expenmented upon changed subjects’behavior The idea arose because of the__4__behavior of the women in the plato.Accordmg to __5__of the cxpetmems.their.houriy output rose when hghtmg was increased.but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6__what was done in the expenment. __7__sometmg was changed.produchnty rose A(n> __8__ that theywere bemg experimented upon seemed to be __9__t0 alterworkers' bchamor __10__ uself After several decades,the salile data were __11__to econometric the analysis Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store j2一the descnpuons on record,nosystematic __13__was foundthat lcvcls of produchxnty wererelated to changes in lighting It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the c~enments may be have let to __14__interpretation of what happed.__15__,tighring was always changed ona Sunday When work started again on Monday, output __16__ rose compared with the previous Saturday and __17__ to rise for the next couple of days __18__ , a comparison with data for weeks whenthere was no expenmentation showed that output always went up On Monday, workers __19__to be duigent for the first fewdays of the week in any case,before __21__a plateau and then slackening off This suggests that the alle ged” Hawthorne effect“is hard to ptn down 1.[A] affected[B]achieved [C]exlracted [D]restored 2[A]at [B]up [C]with [D]Off 3[A]Wuth [B]sight [C]act [D]proof 4.[A]convoversial [B]perplexing [c]mischieous [D]ambiguous 5.[A]reqtttrents [B]cxplanalions [C]accounts [D]assements


一、翻译命题原则和测试重点 1. 汉译英题型 2. 一般的短句翻译,内容日常,关键在正确用词、搭配、语法。 3. 实质为补全句子,考察语法结构和词组运用知识:句型、词 组、单词拼写、大小写、标点符号等 二、翻译原则与应试技巧 1. 正确理解原文词义,正确选词,重点吃透原文 例如:入世与否,对中国来讲,是一个面子问题。 The access to WTO, for China, is a question of dignity 2. 注意词的搭配:重点是定语和中心词、动宾 例如:1. 他整个下午都在忙着接电话。 He was busy answering the telephones all afternoon. 2. 被告在法庭上承认了自己的罪行。 The accused confessed his crime in court. 3. 具体翻译方法的运用 (1)增译法:冠词、时态词、动态词、连词、概括词 例如:a. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 modesty helps one to go forward, while conceit makes one lag behind. 例如: b.谁都知道战场是艰苦的 Everyone knows that life on battlefields is very hard. (2)减词法a:使之符合英文习惯,不能死译

例如:中国足球的落后状态必须改变。 The (state/condition of) backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed. 总结:汉语中的范畴词在英文中往往省略,用英文中 相应的抽象名词翻译,常考范畴词为: 谦虚态度:modesty 发展过程:development 残暴行为:brutality 同情心理:sympathy 悲伤情绪:sadness 无知表现:innocence 稳定性: stability 灵敏度:sensibility 防爆措施:anti-violence 同化作用:assimilation (3)转换词性:重点是动词派生词、介词和副词 例如a:看到喷气式飞机令我非常向往。 The sight of the jet filled me with special longing. 例如b: 她越过草地、跨上台阶。 She skimmed over the lawn and up the steps. (4)巧用英语中的词缀 表能力的‘得’(able-,-ible):消息靠的住吗?Is…reliable? 表‘过多’的over-:她加班了5个小时:she overworked for 5… 表‘免除’的‘- free’:昆明是个不冻城:Kungming is a ice-free.. 表‘超过’的‘out-’: 他比他妻子多活了3年:…outlived his wife for… 考察重点 虚拟语气


2016年英语考研真题及答案 Par`t A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points) Text 1 France, which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways. The parliament also agreed to ban websites that” incite excessive thinness”by promoting extreme dieting. Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives. They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up with impinging on health. That’s a start. And the ban on ultra-thin models seems to go beyond protecting models from starring themselves to health –as some have done. It tells the fashion industry that it move take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape –measure they must use to determine their individual worth. The bans, if fully enforced ,would suggest to woman (and many men )that they should not let others be orbiters of their beauty .And perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character and intellect rather than dieting their way to sine zero or wasp-waist physiques . The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep-and bone-showing. Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mess could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison. The fashion industry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types. In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standard for models and fashion images there rely more on pear pressure for enforcement. In contrast to France’s actions, Denmark’s fashion industry agreed last month on rules and sanctions regarding age, health, and other characteristics of


2010年考研英语一试题参考答案 Section I Use of English 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6. B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D Section II Reading Comprehension Part A 21.B 22.A 23.C 24. A 25. B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29. B 30. D 31.B 32.D 33.A 34. C 35.C 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.C 40. D Part B 41. B 42. F 43. D 44. G 45. A Part C Translation 46.科学家们赶紧拿出某些明显站不住脚的证据前来救驾,大致说的是如果 鸟儿不能控制害虫的话,害虫就会把我们吃掉。 47.但是我们至少已经几乎承认了这样一种观点:那就是鸟儿的生存是它们 的固有权利,不管它对我们是否有经济利益。 48.曾几何时,生物学家总是重述以下的这条证据:这些生物是为了维持食 物链的正常运行去捕食弱小的生物或“没有价值的物种”。 49.在生态林业较为先进的欧洲,没有成为商业化对象的树种被视为原始森 林群落的成员适当地加以保护。 50.他容易忽视并最终消灭很多缺乏商业价值的物种,然而这些物种对于整 个生物群落的健康运行是至关重要的。

Section III Writing 51.小作文 以研究生会的名义写一封通知,通知的内容是为全球一体化的国际会议招募志愿者,这个通知必须包括申请者的基本职位要求及你认为相关的其他信息。写100个字左右,不要在通知末尾写你自己的名字用Postgraduates‘Association 代替。 参考范文一: Notice Volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted. Anyone who is in good command of English and experienced in cross-cultural communication are expected to take part in this activity. The major task for this position are as follows: to begin with,to propaganda the theme of globalization to people all over the world;in addition,to provide E-C interpretation service to those representatives of the international conference,aiming at facilitating the process of the meeting; at last,you should be strictly available according to the time schedule of the conference. Those who are interested in this post are cordially welcome! Postgraduates‘ Association 参考范文二: Notice Twenty volunteers for the International Conference of Global Integration are wanted among the students in our school. The positions recruited include receptionist, conference guider,transportation guider and English interpreter. The volunteers are requested to speak fluent English and are expected to be active, open-minded and conscientious. The Conference falls on September 23 at China Institute of International Studies, and all the volunteers will be trained for 5 days before the conference and provided with free transportation and meal. For those who are interested in taking part in the activity,please send your resume to the email address:postgraduates@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac10122282.html, before September 1. Postgraduates‘ Association


2009年Part C There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.46it may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive(原动机). Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. 47Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution. Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output. But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.48 while it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition(性格), it is not as easy as in dealing with adults. The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. 49Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young. 50 We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group. 46.尽管人们可以这样说,对任何一个社会制度价值的衡量就是其在增长和丰富经验方面所产生的影响,但是这种影响并不是其最初(原来)动机的一部分。 47. 这个制度的副产品仅仅是为人们所逐步注意到,而在实施这种制度时,认为这 种影响是一个制约因素则仍然更为缓慢。


2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points). In 1924 America's National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting____1____ workers' productivity. Instead, the studies ended ____2____ giving their name to the "Hawthorne effect", the extremely influential idea that the very to being experimented upon changed subjects' behavior. The idea arose because of the ____4____ behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to ____5____ of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not ____6____ what was done in the experiment; ____7____something was changed, productivity rose. A(n) ____8____ that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9____ to alter workers' behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were ____11____ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store ____12____the descriptions on record, no systematic ____13____ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to ____14____ interpretation of what happed. ____15____, lighting was always changed on a Sunday. When work started again on Monday, output ____16____rose compared with the previous Saturday and 17 to rise for the next couple of days. ____18____, a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers ____19____ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case, before ____20____ a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged "Hawthorne effect" is hard to pin down. 1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored 2. [A] at [B] up [C] with [D] off 3. [A] truth [B] sight [C] act [D] proof 4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C] mischievous [D] ambiguous 5. [A] requirements [B] explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments 6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work 7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as 8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion


2010年考研英语翻译试题译文及解析 (2010-03-09 16:54:04) 转载 分类:考研资料分享 标签: 考研 试题 解析 翻译 教育 英文译文: 完全以经济动机为基础的守恒系统中,存在一个基本的弱点,即陆生群落的大多数成员都没有经济价值。然而这些生物是生物群落的成员,如果群落的稳定性取决于其完整性,他们就有权持续生存。 当其中一个非经济类别受到威胁时,如果我们碰巧喜爱这个类别,就会创造借口使其具有经济意义。本世纪初,鸣禽原本正在消失。(46)科学家们匆匆赶来救援,但证据是明显站不住脚的。大意就是,如果鸟不能控制这些虫子,虫子就会吃光一切。这个证据必须是经济的,才是有效的。 如今阅读这些拐弯抹角的论述令人痛心。我们还没有土地伦理,(47)但是,我们至少比较一致地认可这样一种观点,即:无论鸟类对我们是否具有经济价值,他们都应该继续享有其固有的生物权利。

类似的情况存在于食肉的哺乳动物和捕食鱼的鸟类中。(48)生物学家们曾一度滥用这个证据:这些生物通过残杀弱者来维持生物链条的健康发展,或者只是捕食“无价值的物种”。因此在这里,证据必须是经济的,才是有效的。天敌是社会的成员,任何具有特殊要求的集团都无权为了自身真实的或想象的利益消灭它们。 有些种类的树木被一些只具备经济头脑的林业员认为是“非我族类”,因为它们发育过慢,或作为木材销售价值过低。(49)欧洲的林业生态发展比较先进。那些没有商业价值的树种被视为原始森林群落的成员而被合理保护。此外,人们发现一些树种在保持土壤的肥沃方面具有重要作用。森林和构成森林的不同的树种,地面植物以及动物之间的相互依赖是理所当然的。 由于有些树种成长缓慢甚或是作为木材的价值也太低,所以一些受经济利益驱使的人就将这些树种完全抛弃。总而言之:一种守恒系统完全基于自身经济利益是倾斜无望的。(50)这样的体系容易忽视、并最终灭绝了生物群落中的许多元素。然而这些元素虽然缺少商业价值,但对整个群落的健康运动却至关重要。它虚假地认为生物时钟的经济部分可以在缺少非经济部分的情况下继续起作用。 试题解析: (46) Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.
