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Unit 1


1举起lift up

2身体特征physical characteristics

3.提出理论put forward a theory

4得到结论draw a conclusion

5私人医生personal physician

6接触霍乱be exposed to cholera

7面对挑战face the challenge

8开始询问begin the enquiry

9某人应该对…负责sb. be to blame for 10把…归咎于blame sth on sb/sth

11因…责备…blame sb/sth for sth

12处理事情handle the matter

13把…和…连接link A to B 14全神贯注于be absorbed in

15除了apart from

16捐赠,投稿,贡献contribute to sth 17讲不通make no sense

18在某种意义上in a sense

19对…热情be enthusiastic about

20从事work on

21导致lead to

22有时at times

23只有only if

24对…谨慎be cautious about

25.按照只是那样as instructed

26被污染的水polluted water


1. 谁写了一本书解释动植物如何随着环境的变化进化?

2. 约翰斯诺的确医术精湛,因而成为照顾维多利亚女皇的私人医生。

3. 每次爆发霍乱时,就有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。

4. 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰斯诺建议所有水源都要经过检测。

5. 有位妇女从宽街搬过来,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里来。

6. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置,天空中其他行星的运动才能说的清楚。

1. Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?(v-ing 做定语)

2. John Snow was so expert that he attended Queen Victoria.(so that句型)

变式So expert was John Snow that …..(倒装)

3.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. (every time做连词引导让步状语从句)

4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. (不定式表目的, 宾从虚拟)

5. She had it delivered to her house every day.(have+n/pron+ to do/do/doing/done)

6. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.

(only+状语句子倒装&only if 意为"只有", if only 意为"要是…就好了",用虚拟语气)

He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going around it.



1. The theory _______________________(提出) by him deserves a scientific research. (put)

2. John Snow was ___________________(一个非常熟练的内科医生) that he attended Queen Victoria. (expert)

3. ______________________(暴露于) radiation led to individuals being ill. (expose)

4. ______________________(每次有困难), he would come to John for help. (every)

5. He_____________________________________(以前没专心于学习), for which he couldn't catch up with others easily at the moment though he worked hard. (absorb)

6. The father, rather than the brothers,_______________________(该负责) what has happened. (blame)

7. __________________(正如已宣布的) in the meeting, we need to begin the enquiry soon. (announce)

8. __________(怀疑他) having sheltered his brother, the police took a thorough investigation. (suspect)

9. We are in great trouble. Never ___________________________ (我们应该放弃面对挑战). (challenge)

10. _________________________(为了不让自己被欺骗), he reconsidered the man's words. (prevent)

Unit 2

1.consist of =be made up of 由…组成


3.clarify one’s position 阐明某人的立场

4.clarify matters 澄清真相

e into conflict with…与…发生冲突

6.be in conflict with…与…相冲突

7.a credit card 信用卡

8.on credit 以赊账的方式

9.to one’s credit值得赞扬,为某人带来荣誉earn enough credit for …为…获得足够的学分

10.for (the sake of ) convenience 为了方便起见

11.for sb’s convenience 为了某人方便起见

12.at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

13.It is convenient to/for sb 某人方便时/的话;对某人方便

14.It is convenient for sb to do sth某人方便做某事
