


The show would approximately begin in five minutes. It's apt to rain that afternoon. The television men had set up their apparatuses. Some appliances were made of stainless steel. Last week, Grace's first appearance failed. There was no apology needed. People's disappointment was already apparent. She was so sorry that she had no appetite to eat. Grace appealed to her friends for help. Thus she got an appointment with the appointed director. The way was applicable. The director was not easily approached. But Grace's appropriate attitude and clean appearance impressed him. Although he had received twenty applications, he agreed to give her another change. Grace appreciated his help very much. And now, Grace's second performance won the applause of the audiences. She was loudly applauded.There was an appreciable difference between her two performances. The final list together with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval. Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension.


The Arabian Nights’ Entertainment is very interesting. One of them was a story about an outstanding architect named Ralph. He was good at arithmetic since childhood. And at the age of 20, his opportunity had arisen. The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch. On top of the arch, there would be an artificial arctic bear. It’s architecture of great artistic value. The king and the architect arrived at the agreement

without argument. Before Ralph finished his work, he saw the princess. Even a flower was not as beautiful as she. Once he saw her, he felt as if he were drunk. As to that, he hadn’t thought of his social rank. Love was important for Ralph as well as for the princess. As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family. One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess. She arranged with him to meet at her bedroom. The next day, the princess aroused him just before dawn. But the arbitrary king had arrayed troops and he ordered the soldiers to arrest him. Luckily, the princess shot an arrow to stop them in time.


Sandy was an Asian. The local theare associated with other business establishments to discriminate against Asians. Every one aside from Asians could get into the theatre. Sandy was stopped too. But his angry aspect frightened the entrance guard. That evening, several Asian students including Sandy assembled in the campus. Each student had been assigned to a job. As for Sandy, he was to make an assault on the theatre. In the middle of the night with a loud"bang", the theare was burned to ashes. Sandy assisted other students to swim ashore. A helicoper was waiting for them. But Sandy stayed alone. He watched the helicopter ascend higher and higher until it disappeared. The police was going to ascertain the truth and they arrested Sandy. On the court, Sandy made a speech to assert his innocence. He assumed his action would arouse attention to race discrimination. But

his assumption proved to be wrong. No one assessed his speech at its true worth. The court simply put him into prison. Sandy asked for a meeting with his parents. They came with tears. They had brought some easily assimilated food for him. Sandy asked them to ask after his grandmother.


An Australian, Mr. Mason, was charged with being in debt! On the day of trial, there was a great attendance at the court. Every audience was attentive to what he said. Mr. Mason used to be an athlete. But he had a dream of being an astronaut. In his mind, astronomy had atom theory were much more attractive than sports games. He paid attention to all kinds of space information. And he borrowed too much money to rent a spacecraft. But he hadn’t paid off his debt yet. Mr. Mason gave assurance that his debts should be paid soon. His sincere attitude was so moving that he attained his freedom. But he attributed this to his attorney. After that, Mr. Mason worked in a store during the day. And he augmented his income by teaching in the evenings. He used tapes as aural material to teach English. By the end of that year, he paid off all his debt. So Mr. Mason decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a trip. He attached a label to his baggage then went aboard. It’s a day of nice atmospheric pressure. He was astonished to feel the atmosphere of peace and calm on the sea. It reminded him of his dream again!



背单词的书推荐 在日常学习英语中,背单词,应该找那些书籍。 1、新东方-胡敏读故事记单词系列。这套书是新东方教育集团总裁、北京新东方学校第二任校胡敏编著的,他主张在英语培训领域提出自己独特的教学理念改进学习方法、提高应试技巧、加强英语实,升华事业人生,这一理念在新东方的课堂上得以贯彻并为广大学员所认可。书中是一些内容各异、即兴创作的故事,且借故事帮助读者记住单词和它们的一些用法。此套从书由易到难,有初中、高中、大英四级、六级和托福等五本书,建议同学们觉得自己平时就爱看小说、故事之类书籍的选择,而且可以根据自己的英语水平选择套中的不同书本,循序渐进地学习。 2、李阳疯狂英语口语突破系列之突破单词。这本书是的目的是突破核心单词,口语更胜一筹。书中包括数十种高效的单词记忆法:方法穿插全书。建议平时背单词时喜欢边读边背,不读背不出的同学选择。 3、新经典智库的爱上背单词丛书。这套丛书特别适合刚刚开始学习英语的中小学生;曾学过英语,但由于种种原因被迫放弃者;深受传统英语教学方法束缚,学习不得法,甚至失去兴趣者。它满足了读者背单词的两个根本目的:一是“记住”,二是“会用”。丛书包括基础关键词、进阶关键词和高考关键词三本,如果同学有觉得自己需要从头开始学

英语,背单词的,又愿意找到一个好方法认真学的,可以考虑这套书。甚至跟自己的孩子们比比看谁学得快,不知道你们有没有勇气呢。 4、词根记忆书。词根记忆是英语单词记忆中非常重要的一种记忆方法,英语中的很多单词都具有相同的词根,因此记住词根,并根据词根来记忆单词,可以实现背一即背十的目标,而且掌握了词根后,即使在考试、日常的阅读中碰到不会的单词,也可以用词根法来推断它的意思。以词根记忆单词的书籍,我推荐新东方出的《大学英语考试CET-4:四级词汇词根+联想记忆法》,还有六级版的、英语词汇速记大全、TOEFL词汇等几本。还有声名很好的《星火式四六级词汇巧记速记》。建议平常就看推理的同学,喜欢举一反三的同学用。 5、口袋书系列。我看过的口袋书都还挺不错的,如吴铭方英语词汇书,一小本,装在口袋里,有空的时候就拿出来看看,或者每天给自己一个任务,背完10页,一小本书很快就过了。而且书里也有各种单词的记忆法提示,和提醒你循环背诵的时间表。 其实“背单词”从来就是学英语不可或缺的一部分,只是母语孩子不像我们几十年前(写下这个数字的时候真是辛酸,青春还没享受呢怎么就没了)学英语那样,刻苦就是抱着“红宝书”啃下单词列表。现在大家耳熟能详的Phonics(见


小学生爱看的英语故事精选【三篇】 "I had another bad dream," she told her fianc e . "It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep. "I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It's a wonder I didn't crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can't take any more dreams like this. We're going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won't be jealous anymore, and I won't have these bad dreams anymore." "Why didn't you call me up and tell me about your dream?" he asked. "They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you'll stop having them." She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress. He didn't know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without


胡敏读故事记单词(六级)1 abbreviation n.缩写, 缩写词 abide vt. 容忍 abide by 遵守,履行 abnormal a.反常地,异常地 abolish vt. 废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) abortion n. 流产, 堕胎 abound vi. 1. 大量存在 2.(in,with)充满,富于 abreast ad. 并列,并排 keep abreast of 与……齐头并进,了解……地最新情况 abrupt a. 1. 突然地,意外地 2.(举止、言谈等)唐突地,鲁莽地 abstain vi. 1.弃权 2.(from)戒除 absurd a. 荒谬地,荒唐地 abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足 in abundance充足,丰富 accessory n. 1.附件,零件,配件 2.[常pl.](妇女手提包之类地)装饰品 3.同谋,帮凶,包庇犯 acclaim vt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩 n. 称赞,欢迎 accommodate vt. 1.容纳 2.向……提供住处(或膳宿) 3.使适应,顺应 accomplice n. 共犯,从犯 accountable a. 负有责任地 ace n. 1.(纸牌等中地)幺点,“A”牌 2.(网球等比赛中)发球得分 3.(在某方面地)佼佼者 a. 第一流地,杰出地 acoustic a. 1.听觉地,声音地 2.(乐器)原声地 acquaint vt. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉 acquit vt. 1.宣判……无罪 2.(oneself)使(自己)作出某种表现 activate vt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用 Accommodating a Pregnancy Xiaomin never thought abortion was a big deal. As he became acquainted with American politics , however , he realized you have to work hard to keep abreast of changing value s to truly understand how absurdly controversial this issue has become. He found out from his American friends that opinions are in abundance of how to teach people to be accountable for their actions, how to make people abide by Family Planning laws, and even how to teach people just to abstain from sex. The significance of this issue became abruptly clear when Xiaomin's best friend, Jeff, got his girlfriend pregnant. Jeff was an acclaimed graduate student who was living an abnormal life from other Americans just by attending a Chinese university to get his Ph.D.(Ph.D. is an abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree available in a university). Jeff was also an ace soccer player and acoustic guitar player. There was also alway an abundance of women around him. This is how he met Sarah. When Sarah became pregnant with Jeff, his friends suddenly treated him as if he was an accessory to murder. Jeff also felt as if he needed to be acquitted of some crime. But he decided in the end that he and his accomplice, Sarah, would keep the baby. According to Jeff and Sarah, the life of their child was more important than their career. Xiaomin was amazed. Keeping the child would abolish any chance of a successful career for Jeff. And in Xiaomin's eyes, one could activate the process for an abortion with a simple visit to the doctor even though there might be lines, three people abreast . But Jeff and Sarah were firm in their decision and Xiaomin had to abide his friends' decision. Life abounded in surprises. Now Jeff and Sarah were leaving school and returning to the United States. They would do everying they could to accommodate themselves to their new situation.精品文档收集整理汇总版权文档,请勿用做商业用途 选择生孩子 小民从来没想过流产是个大事.但是,当他了解美国政治之后,他认识到得下很大地工夫才能一直了解不断变化着地价值观念,真正理解关于这个问题地争议是多么地荒唐可笑.他从美国朋友身上发现人们对许多问题地看法是很丰富地,如怎样教人们对自己地行为负责、如何使人们遵守计划生育地法律规定、甚至如何教人们节制性生活.小民最要好地朋友杰夫使女朋友怀孕了,这件事情使上述问题地重要性突然变得清楚了. 杰夫是位颇受赞扬地研究生,他地生活和其他美国人相比是有些反常,因为他在一所中国大学里读博士学位(Ph.D.是Doctor of


高中英语词汇——看故事记单词(二) Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent. He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear. From then on, he was in an agony of longing. Africa was a mysterious land attracting him. His heart agitated for adventure. Mr. bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport. According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food. The agricultural commodities were deficient that year. There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. They alarmed the police at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey! 培根先生曾是一个音乐CD的代理商。他通过一个职业代理处得到这份工作。偶然地,他听到一些非洲音乐。那音乐非常令人愉快。从此,他陷入了热望的苦恼中。非洲成了一块吸引他的神秘土地。他的心煽动着要求冒险。培根先生有一个名为杰克的朋友。杰克是一个机灵的外侨。他们在性格方面非常相像。两个人都不沾酒。两人都很好斗,而杰克更胜一筹。在400米赛跑中,每次都是他领先培根先生。一天,培根先生收到了来自杰克的航空邮件。信中,杰克描述了非洲的美丽。培根先生肯定他说的是真的。三天以后他们在机场碰头。按照议事日程,他们第二天到了非洲。他们发现干旱使食物短缺加重了。那年的农业产品不足。有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。他们立刻向警方报警并等候援助。这真是倒霉的旅行! The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as “Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.”, “Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries.”, and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class. 一所学院在史蒂夫15岁时接受了他。这个消息遍及了村庄。不但他自己,而且他的父母都为此高兴。他们总是与他并肩作战。与大学通知书一起来的一张账单让他们心烦。这个家庭一点也不富裕,他们没有收音机,更不用说电视了。但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育。毕竟,他们只有一个儿子。幸运的是,学员体谅史蒂夫的处境并发给他一项5000美


a(an)一(个、件。。。) abandon 抛弃,放弃 ability 能力,才能 able 有能力的,能干的 be able to 能,会 abnormal 反常的,变态的 aboard 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车) abolish 废除,取消 abortion 流产;(计划)夭折 about 大约;到处,四处 above 在。。。之上,上面的,在上面 abroad 到(在)国外 abrupt 突然的,意外的;粗鲁的,无礼的absence 不在,缺席 absent 缺席,不在;缺乏的 absolute 绝对的;完全的注意:副词拼写为absolutely absorb 吸收;吸引 abstract 抽象的;深奥的概要 absurd 荒谬的,不合理的 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 abuse 滥用,虐待 academic 学院的,理论的大学教师 academy 专科院校;研究院,学院 accelerate加速;促进 ▲accent 口音,音调 ▲accept 接受 access 通路,入门接近;存取 accessible易接近的,可到达的 ▲accident 事故,意外的事 accommodation 膳食供应;适应 accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 accomplish 完成,实现 account 账目,描述 accountant 会计员(师) accumulate 积蓄;堆积,增加 accuracy 精确性,精确度 accurate 正确的,精确的 accuse 控告,谴责 accustomed 通常的,习惯的 ache 痛,疼痛 achieve 达到,取得 ▲achievement 成就,功绩 acid 酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的 acknowledge 承认,致谢acquaintance 相识,熟人 acquire 获得,学到 acquisition 获得(物) acre 英亩 across 横过,穿过 act 法令,条例(戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出,行动,做事 ▲action 行动 active 积极的,主动的 ▲activity 活动 actor男演员 actress 女演员 actual 实际的,现实的 acute 敏锐的,尖锐的,急性的 AD 公元 ad 广告 adapt 使适应;改编 adaptation 适应,改编 add 添加,增加 addicted 沉迷于某种嗜好的 addition 增加;加 ▲address 地址 adequate 适当的,足够的 adjust 调整,使适合 adjustment 调整,调节,调节器administration 管理,经营,行政部门 admirable令人钦佩的,绝妙的 admire 钦佩,羡慕 ▲admission 准入,接纳 ▲admit 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)adolescence 青春期 adolescent 青少年 adopt 采用;收养 adore 崇拜,爱慕;喜爱 ▲adult 成年人 advance 推进,促进,前进前进,提升 ▲advantage 优点;好处 adventure 冒险;奇遇 advertise 为。。。做广告 ▲advertisement 广告 ▲advice 忠告,劝告,建议 advise 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate 提倡,鼓吹 affair 事,事情 affect 影响 affection 爱,爱慕,影响,疾病


Having Faith You can call me A.J., which is an abbreviation of my full name, Alexander Justice. I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember. I work for a museum that collects aboriginal artifacts. I would like to tell you why I have an abiding faith in the legal system. The story you're about to read has been abridged to reduce its length. I used to live in an area where criminals abounded and where the legal system seemed powerless. One day, my daughter was abducted. Although I abided by the kidnapper's monetary demands,they refused to release her.. The Police responded immediately and searched the area. Despite their lack of success, they refused to abandon their search or to call an abort to their mission. They knew that any abortive action would surely result in my daughter's death. The investigation eventually led the police to conduct an abrupt search at the home of a local official who was abashed when he learned of the search. My daughter was found in his basement. She had abrasions to her wrists where the abrasive rope had scraped her. The official was arrested along with his bodyguard who abetted him in the kidnapping. The official was forced to abdicate his position and was sent to prison for life. The judge told him that he was lucky that capital punishment had been abolished and that it was only due to this abolition that he would not be executed. The swift apprehension and strict punishment of these criminals helped to abate my lack of faith in the legal system. These days, I truly believe in "justice", and it's not because of my name! 你可以叫我A.J.,这是我的全名Alexander Justice 的缩写。我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记住。我在一家收藏土著手工艺品的博物馆工作。 我要告诉你为什么我会始终不渝地信任法制。下面你将讲到我的故事已被删减,以免冗长。我曾住在一个罪犯多如牛毛而法律又软弱的地区。一天,我的女儿遭到绑架。尽管我遵从了绑架者的金钱要求,他们仍然拒绝释放她。我别无选择,只好寄希望于法律机构。警察部门立刻行动,铺面搜查该地区。虽然徒劳无获,但他们不愿中止行动、放弃搜查,因为他们知道任何失败都将导致我女儿的死亡。调查到最后,警察部门决定出其不意地搜查当地一名官员的家。那名官员得知要被搜查时,羞愧难当。警察在他的地下室找到了我女儿。她的手腕有多处磨伤,那是补粗糙的绳子擦伤的。那名官员连同唆使他绑架的保镖双双被捕。那名官员被迫辞职,判处终身监禁。法官告诉他该庆幸极刑已被废除,他将免遭处决。迅速抓获罪犯并严惩的做法减少了我对法治的不信任感。现在,我真正信任“司法”,但并不是因为我的名字叫Justice! abandon vt. 抛弃,放弃; n. 放纵,沉溺于abash vt. 使羞愧 abate v. (数量、程度等)减少,减轻,缓解abbreviate vt. 缩短;缩写 abbreviation n. 缩写,缩写词 abdicate v. 让位,辞职;放弃(权利或责任)abduct vt. 绑架,拐走 abet vt. 帮助;教唆,唆使;煽动,怂恿abide vi. 遵守;vt. 忍受 abiding adj. 持久的abolish vt. 废除,取消 abolition n. 废除,革除 aboriginal adj. 土著的;原来的;土著居民的abort n. 中止计划(任务) abortive adj. 失败的,无结果的 abound vi. 充满;富于 abrasion n. 表面磨损 abrasive adj. 研磨的 abridge v. 缩短,删节 abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的 Love of Numbers


看故事学英语单词:班门弄斧 【成语来源】 show off before an expert/teach a fish how to swim班门弄斧 Lu Ban (鲁班) was supposed to be a consummate carpenter in ancient times. 古代有一个建筑和雕刻技术非常高超的人,名叫鲁班。 It is said that he once carved a wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. 传说他曾用木头制作了一只五彩斑斓的凤凰,能够在空中飞翔三天不掉下来。 Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban. 谁敢在鲁班门前卖弄使用斧子的技术,也就是说,想在大行家面前显示自的本领,这种太不谦虚的可笑行为,就叫做“班门弄斧”( 这句成语有时也用作自谦之词,表示自己不敢在行家面前卖弄自己的小本领)。 【成语活用】 I'm making a fool of myself trying to show off before an expert like you. 在你面前班门弄斧,太不好意思了。 【文化链接】 “班门弄斧”的英文表达,常用“to teach a fish how to swim”,也就是说“去教一条鱼怎么游泳”,鱼本来就会游泳,怎么还用人来教呢?所以英语中要表示一个人“班门弄斧”做无用的行为的时候,就会用“to teach a fish how to swim”。举例来说:


2018年高考英语必背单词分类汇总(实用)时间词一、一周七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 时间词二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 时间词三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 五、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 六、以下动词加-ed或-ing要 双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘 记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英 语)也可不双写(美国英语) 七、部分过去式和过去分词不 规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是 规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过 去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是 规则的;作“位于”讲时,其 过去式是lay,过去分词是 lain) 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻 求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发 抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌 11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉 12. spread (spread, spread) 传播 13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳


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X寒假英语学习计划安排 计划的安排应合理、科学,尽量不要让你的时间浪费。下面是整理的X年寒假英语学习计划安排,仅供参考! 寒假英语学习计划安排(一) 1."循序渐进"——就是人们按照学科的知识体系和自身的智能条件,系统而有步骤地进行学习。它要求人们应注重基础,切忌好高骛远,急于求成。循序渐进的原则体现为:一要打好基础。二要由易到难。三要量力而行。 2."熟读精思"——就是要根据记忆和理解的辩证关系,把记忆与理解紧密结合起来,两者不可偏废。我们知道记忆与理解是密切联系、相辅相成的。一方面,只有在记忆的基础上进行理解,理解才能透彻;另一方面,只有在理解的参与下进行记忆,记忆才会牢固,"熟读",要做到"三到":心到、眼到、口到。"精思",要善于提出问题和解决问题,用"自我诘难法"和"众说诘难法"去质疑问难。 3."自求自得"——就是要充分发挥学习的主动性和积极性,尽可能挖掘自我内在的学习潜力,培养和提高自学能力。自求自得的原则要求不要为读书而读书,应当把所学的知识加以消化吸收,变成自己的东西。 4."博约结合"——就是要根据广搏和精研的辩证关系,把广博和精研结合起来,众所周知,博与约的关系是在博的基础上去约,在约的指导下去博,博约结合,相互促进。坚持博约结合,一是要广泛阅读。二是精读。 5."知行统一"——就是要根据认识与实践的辩证关系,把学习和实践结合起来,切忌学而不用。"知者行之始,行者知之成",以知为指导的行才能行之有效,脱离知的行则是盲动。同样,以行验证的知才是真知灼见,脱离行的知则是空知。因此,知行统一要注重实践:一是要善于在实践中学习,边实践、边学习、边积累。二是躬行实践,即把学习得来的知识,用在实际工作中,解决实际问题。


我们可以通过自编故事把要记忆的单词串联起来,用这种方法背单词,操作简单有趣而且记得牢靠。 比如,我们记忆一组单词: dog 狗 bog 沼泽 cog 小船 fog 雾 hog 公猪 jog 轻撞 log 原木 mog 撤走 nog 木钉 tog 衣服 wog 东方佬 【自编故事】 有一天,一只dog和一只hog上山玩,谁知途中天上fog很浓,正当他们想mog的时候,hog 不小心jog了一下dog,dog跌进了bog里。hog很惊怕,他想拿来一块log,不知为什么却拿来一块nog,向dog里一扔……结果nog扔到了dog的头,当场晕倒。hog用绳子拉上了dog,这时走来了一位wog,对hog和dog进行了一番说教,于是dog感谢了hog,两位好朋友又一起开心地下山了。 再如,我们记忆一组单词: baby 婴儿

balcony 阳台 bank 银行 bathroom 浴室 beach 海滩 bear 熊 bedroom 卧室 beg 乞讨 believe 相信 boat 船 【自编故事】 婴儿baby在银行bank的阳台balcony上乞讨beg,熊bear相信believe海滩beach的船上boat有卧室bedroom和浴室bathroom。 这些自编故事有时显得有些莫名其妙、怪诞、幼稚甚至弱智,但却极为管用。很多时候,你在编故事的过程中就已经把成堆的单词记住了。如果这个方法融会贯通了,那天底下还真就没有记不住的单词。 最后,再给二组例子: 1) best最好 lest免得 nest鸟巢 jest恶作剧、笑话

pest害虫 rest休息 test检测 vest女装背心 west西边 zest热心、风味 【自编故事】 在west西方有一群zest热心人搞了一个jest恶作剧,用pest害虫去test测试nest鸟巢,这种方法可以test测试出best最好的nest鸟巢,这个做法主要是lest免得那些穿vest V 型背心的女孩们rest休息的时候去掏nest鸟巢。 2) direct v. 引导;adj.直接的 disarm v. 缴械;消除(敌意 disarming adj. 消除敌意的 disarrange v. 扰乱 disarray v./n. 杂乱;混乱 disaster n. 灾难 disastrous adj. 灾难性的;悲惨的 disband v. 解散(军队) disburse v. 支付,支出;分配 discard v. 丢弃 【自编故事】 诸葛亮direct军队disarm了孟获的军队,disarming的孟获终于投降,disband了军队,


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