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Crazy English


Yunnan crossing ⁃the ⁃bridge rice noodles,

with an over 100⁃year history,is one of the best ⁃

known Yunnan snacks,and was listed as an in ⁃tangible (无形的)cultural heritage of Kunming city in 2008.

It is composed of three parts:stewed

chicken or goose soup,slices of pork,fish and other vegetables,and rice noodles.

People who have never tried these rice noodles sometimes lose face (出丑)as they burn their lips when drinking the boiling soup too quickly.

The soup is boiling but in a misleading,

calm way ;its floating thick chicken or goose oil

prevents steam and makes us try to taste it too soon.It is used to boil the raw meat slices and

vegetables before the cooked rice noodles are added.

There are many stories about the invention of the dish.

One story is that during the Qing Dynasty

(1644—1912)there was a scholar who studied

on an island of Mengzi city,Yunnan Province.

His wife made his favorite food,rice noodles,for him every day.

But the noodles always got cold when they

were sent to the island.One day,the wife found that the chicken soup she sent to her husband was still hot.She soon figured out that the thick oil on the chicken soup preserved heat.She al 鄄so found that the rice noodles tasted better if

not boiled together with the chicken soup .

The smart wife therefore started bringing

separated chicken soup,rice noodles and other

ingredients to the island and combined them

only after arriving at her husband ’s place.

The rice noodles tasted so good that the

cooking method soon spread across the city .

Yunnan crossing ⁃the ⁃bridge rice noodles








Local people named the dish“crossing⁃the⁃bridge rice noodles”in memory of the wife as she had needed to cross a bridge to the island every day.

Language study

I.Words in the context


1.in a...way以一种……的方式

2.be used to do被用来做……

3.in memory of为了纪念……

Ⅲ.Difficult sentences


She also found that the rice noodles tasted better if____________(not boil)together with the chicken soup.

【点石成金】that引导宾语从句,可以省略;if引导条件状语从句,省略了it was。在时间状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句中,如果主语和主句主语一致,并且从句中含有be动词,这时,可以省略从句中的主语和be 动词。

When(he was)asked the reason for his ab⁃sence from school,he kept silent.当被问及他旷课的原因时,他保持沉默。

If(I am)invited,I will go to their wedding.如果我受到邀请,我就会去参加他们的婚礼。


The rice noodles tasted__________good __________the cooking method soon spread across the city.


The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲没有重复内容。

Reading check

Match each word with its correct meaning according to the text.

pose A.to cover a larger and larger area

2.boiling B.one of the things from which sth is made,especially one of the foods that are used

together to make a particular dish

3.preserve C.to combine together to form a whole

4.ingredient D.to keep a particular quality,feature,etc.

5.spread E.very hot


