






1. Where is the man?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a hotel room.

C. In a dining room.

2. What was the weather like last weekend?

A. Windy.

B. Sunny.

C. Rainy.

3. What time will the pie be ready?

A. At 4:35.

B. At 5:00.

C. At 5:20.

4. What is the woman going to do?

A. Leave a bit early.

B. Make a speech.

C. Join the discussion.

5. Who is Jack?

A. The woman’s neighbor.

B. The woman’s brother.

C. The man’s friend.




6. What does the man think of the first photo?

A. It is excellent.

B. It is funny.

C. It is disappointing.

7. Which photo does the man dislike?

A. The one of her on the beach.

B. The one of her wearing a dress.

C. The one of her on the boat.


8. What color is the woman’s new dress?

A. Red.

B. Black.

C. Blue.

9. What is the woman going to wear for the party?

A. A long dress.

B. A skirt and a blouse.

C. Jeans and a sweatshirt.


10. What will Mr. Smith do on Wednesday morning?

A. Go on business.

B. Have a meeting.

C. Meet Mrs. White.

11. What does Mr. Smith probably do?

A. A doctor.

B. A manager.

C. A professor.

12. When will the man meet Mr. Smith?

A. This Tuesday.

B. Next Monday.

C. Next Tuesday.


13. Why won’t the man leave on Saturday morning?

A. There is no flight available.

B. He doesn’t want to get up early.

C. He couldn’t book a ticket.

14. Why is the man going to Beijing?

A. To visit a friend.

B. To visit some places.

C. To attend a conference.

15. When will the man leave for Tokyo on Thursday?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening.

16. How long will the man probably stay in Japan?

A. About 3 days.

B. About 5 days.

C. About 7 days.


17. Why did the speaker become interested in photography?

A. She thought she could earn money from it.

B. Her father encouraged her to do it.

C. She was interested in all forms of art.

18. What kind of professional photography does the speaker find the most difficult?

A. Weddings.

B. Advertising.

C. Sports.

19. What does the speaker spend most time doing?

A. Taking pictures.

B. Working on photos.

C. Organizing the business.

20. What does the speaker enjoy most?

A. Pleasing her customers.

B. Traveling to new places.

C. Getting her photos in magazines.





Are you interested in movie musicals? Here are some best movie musicals you need to watch.

Singin’in the Rain (1952)

Debbie Reynolds (the heroine) is ultra-charming in this time-honored classic musical about the coming of the talking pictures in movie history. She plays a winning showgirl with a golden singing voice designed for Hollywood stars. You can also see how Gene Kelly (the hero) made a hit in the timeless “Singin’in the Rain”.

The Sound of Music (1965)

It hit the big screen in 1965 and became an early blockbuster. It’s one of those movies that everybody wa tches again and again. Whether you’re singing along to ‘‘Do-Re-Mi” or‘‘My Favorite Things”, you’ll still think of the cute V on Trapp children and the beautiful Austrian setting. Christopher Plummer (the hero) is wonderful as the serious captain melts into gentleness when singing “Edelweiss”. And Julie Andrews (the heroine) shows her addictive voice in such songs as “I Have Confidence”.

Chicago (2002)

Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones sing and dance as criminals in this musical about fame, envy, and murderous love. Famous songs include “Cell Block Tango”, where female criminals sing about how they ended up in jail. It won Best Picture, Best Actress in a supporting role, Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Costume Design, Best Film Editing, and Best Sound in Oscar 2003.

La La Land (2016)

Struggling actress Mia (Emma Stone) and ambitious jazz pianist Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) begin a romance as they both follow their heart in the path of their dreams in Los Angeles. It won Best Performance by an Actress in a leading role, Best Achievement in Directing, Best Achievement in Cinematography, Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, and Best Achievement in Production Design in Oscar 2017.

21. Which movie musical marks a change in the movie history?

A. Chicago.

B. La ha Land.

C. Sin gin9 in the Rain.

D. The Sound of Music.

22. In which song will you feel gentleness from a serious man?

A. “Do-Re-Mi”.

B. “Edelweiss”.

C. “Singin’in the Rain”.

D. “Cell Block Tango”.

23. What do Chicago and La La Land have in common?

A. They both won Best Picture.

B. They both talk about crimes.

C. They both talk about dreams.

D. They both won some Oscar Awards.

24. If you are interested in Jazz music, whose role will be your favorite?

A. Ryan Gosling’s.

B. Renee Zellweger’s.

C. Catherine Zeta-Jones’.

D. Christopher Plummer’s.


The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen is offering a free meal to any guest who is able to produce electricity for the hotel on an exercise bike linked to a generator (发电机). The idea is to get people fit and reduce their carbon footprint. Guests will have to produce at least 10 watt hours of electricity —roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness. Guests staying at Plaza Hotel will be given meal tickets worth $ 36 once they have produced 10 watt hours of electricity. The bicycles will have smart phones attached to the handlebars measuring how much power is being generated for the hotel.

The plan, a world-first, will start on 19 April and run for a year. Only guests staying at the hotel will be able to take part. Frederikke Toemmergaard,hotel spokeswoman, said, “Many of our visitors are business people who enjoy going to the gym. There might be people who will cycle just to ge t a free meal, but generally I don’t think people will take advantage of our programme.”

Copenhagen has a long-standing cycling tradition and 36 % of locals cycle to work each day, one of the highest percentages in the world, according to the website visitcopenhagen. dk. US environmental website treehugger. com recently voted Copenhagen the world’s best city for cyclists. “Because Copenhagen is strongly connected with cycling, we felt the bicycle would work well as a symbol of the hotel’s green profile (形象).”

If successful,the electric bicycle meal programme will be spread to all Crowne Plaza hotels in the UK, the hotel said in a statement.

25. What is the main purpose of the free meal programme?

A. To promote the hotel’s green concept.

B. To make the city known to the world.

C. To attract people to the hotel restaurant.

D. To get guests to stay longer at the hotel.

26. How can a participant get a free meal?

A. By becoming a professional cyclist.

B. By cycling to produce some electricity.

C. By linking a smart phone to a bicycle.

D. By monitoring his or her carbon footprint.

27. Who are most likely to enter for the programme?

A. The poor local people.

B. The environment activists.

C. Health-conscious hotel guests.

D. Visitors fond of Copenhagen food.

28. According to Paragraph 3, Copenhagen has one of the world’s .

A. best chain hotels

B. greenest natural environments

C. longest bike paths

D. highest rates of people cycling to work


The Indian government may use 3D paintings as virtual speed-breakers on major highways and roads, in an attempt to check speeding and careless driving,and eventually make its deadly roads a little safer. “We are trying out 3D paintings used as virtual speed breakers to avoid unnecessary requirements of speed breakers,”India’s transport minister Nitin Gadkari tweeted.

The visual illusions (幻象) are supposed to encourage drivers to slow down automatically. Earlier this month, India had ordered the removal of all speed breakers from highways, which are considered to be a danger to safety for high-speed vehicles.

India has the highest number of road accident deaths in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, over 200,00 people are killed by road accidents due to poor application of road safety laws. This is considerably higher than its official figures of 141,526 for 2014.

The use of visual illusions as speed breakers was first pioneered in the American city of Philadelphia in 2008, as part of a campaign against speeding motorists. The technique has also been tried out in China to create floating 3D crossings.

In India, cities such as Ahmedabad and Chennai have already experimented with 3D zebra crossings in the last one year. In Ahmedabad for instance, two artists, mother and daughter have painted 3D crosswalks in the first few months of this year. The artists say their motto is “to increase the attention of drivers”, and that the concept has been successfully tested in zones where accidents easily occur on a highway.

However, critics argue that once drivers know that these speed breakers are visual illusions, they may ignore them. Others also point out that India’s decision does not consider the safety of a large number of walkers. In the end, the new policy may be just one step towards improving road safety.

29. Accoding to the passage, 3D paintings as virtual speed breakers in India aims to .

A. Repalce all speed breakers from highways.

B. Encourage essential requirements of speed breakers.

C. Check speeding and careless driving on all highways.

D. Remind divers to speed down voluntarily for road safety.

30. What caused the high number of road accident deaths in India?

A. Speeding motorists.

B. Floating 3D crossings.

C. Free use of visual illusions.

D. Bad application of traffic laws.

31. The author explains the experiment of 3D zebra crossings in India by .

A. giving examples.

B. analysing causes.

C. providing figures.

D. making comparisons.

32. What’s the author’s attitude towards 3D zebra crossings?

A. Subjective.

B. Objective.

C. Supportive.

D. Critical.


Before I studied psychology, I used to think that people would laugh when funny things occurred. While I was right about that, I discovered there are lots of other psychological factors that make people laugh other than the funny part of a joke. When someone laughs at a joke, there will usually be more than one reason that makes him laugh and the more reasons there are, the more powerful the joke will be.

I was attending a stand-up comedy show in Egypt, and when the man started to make fun of pedestrians crossing streets, everyone laughed their hearts out. The main reason those people strongly laughed was that almost all of them felt angry towards pedestrians who crossed streets carelessly. The joke wasn’t only funny, it a lso made the audience feel that they were right about being angry at those pedestrians. That is, people were laughing both because of the funny joke and because of the happiness experienced as a result of the psychological support they got.

The better a joke makes a person feel, and the more it includes other psychological factors, the more the person will like it. For example, if you envy one of your friends, and someone tells a joke that is funny and, at the same time, makes your friend seem stupid, then you will probably laugh at it louder than if you weren’t jealous of him.

In short, we don’t laugh only when we hear something funny; we also laugh when we experience some kind of happiness that results from the other psychological factors involved in the joke. I strongly discourage making fun of anyone or belittling someone to make someone else laugh. All I want to explain is that if your joke supports a person’s emotions, he will certainly like it a lot.

33. What did the author find out after studying psychology?

A. Only good jokes make people laugh.

B. Many factors lead to people laughing.

C. Funny things can make people laugh.

D. Laughter can make people healthy.

34. Why did the audience laugh loud at the pedestrians?

A. They played a trick on the pedestrians.

B. The pedestrians behaved in a funny way.

C. They could feel the pedestrians’ happiness.

D. Their emotion was approved of by the show.

35. What does the underlined word “belittling” probably mean?

A. Praise.

B. Blame.

C. Look down on.

D. Make up to.



As you’re busy with your studies, the weeks during the Spring Festival can be a time when training and healthy eating plans go out of the window. But you can continue running and avoid weight gain during the holiday season.


Pick a race

Having a race on your calendar (日历) is a motivation to keep running during the holiday. 37 Check our active. com or Running in the City for events near you.

Don’t skip breakfast

If you’re going to a holiday party in the evening, don’t make the mistake of skipping breakfast. You may think you’re saving calories for later.38

Bring your own healthy dishes

Chances are that most of the dishes at holiday gatherings are going to be high in calories. Bring your own healthy appetizers to the party. The host will appreciate it, and you know there will be at least one wise choice on the buffet table.


If you’re heading to an evening event, eat regular meals and snacks every few hours up until party time. You won’t arrive at the party ready to attack appetizers (开胃品). Make sure you include fiber at each meal because it keeps you full longer.

Plan your runs

It’s easy to say that you’ll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but stickin g to it requires a strategy. Schedule your runs like appointments, so you make the first thing during a busy week. 40

A. Treat yourself.

B. Eat small meals.

C. Try some or all of these strategies (策略).

D. In fact, it may lead to overeating later in the day.

E. Buy yourself a gift of some new running shoes and clothes.

F. If you have runs scheduled, you are more likely to get them done.

G. Once you choose one that is in a few weeks, set a plan and stick to it.


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Do you ever feel like you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such a 41 pace, it is easy to lose sight of what you are learning. It is important to 42 every now and then to think about what you’ve been learning.

Self reflection means stopping the mad rush and 43 yourself so your brain can evaluate what it has already 44 . Some people prefer to do their self reflections 45 , while others keep a journal. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal 46 is.

School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make it 47 for someone to begin the process of self reflection. Watch for the times when you complete a unit of study. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is 48 because there is some kind of test or quiz. Use these natural 49 as opportunities to stop and reflect.

You should find a 50 place—anywhere without noise is OK. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something 51 and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out your journal. Write down some notes on things that you 52 learned in this unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some 53 .

Sometimes just pausing to think deeply allows your brain to make connections 54 new information can quickly appear when you 55 it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder about. 56 maybe you learned about a certain body system, but you don’t 57 how it works with the other body systems. Maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your 58 will help you remember to continue seeking answers the next time you 59 the same topic.

Self reflection is an essential skill for a 60 student. If you have never taken the time to reflect, try it now.

41. A. steady B. fast C. relaxing D. unique

42. A. change B. check C. stop D. exercise

43. A. calming B. enjoying C. behaving D. helping

44. A. dealt B. forgotten C. found D. received

45. A. personally B. mentally C. slowly D. directly

46. A. pace B. grade C. skill D. style

47. A. quick B. necessary C. easy D. hard

48. A. finished B. divided C. interrupted D. covered

49. A. breaks B. tests C. units D. periods

50. A. safe B. familiar C. quiet D. comfortable

51. A. correctly B. finally C. early D. independently

52. A. actively B. newly C. rapidly D. carefully

53. A. choices B. decisions C. connections D. improvements

54. A. in case B. so that C. even if D. as though

55. A. seek B. share C. show D. need

56. A. In general B. Of course C. For example D. As usual

57. A. know B. doubt C. believe D. remember

58. A. opinions B. methods C. worries D. questions

59. A. come across B. get through C. think of D. take away

60. A. talented B. successful C. serious D. young




Music is one of the most 61 (power) things in my life. Listening to music can help to motivate me in trying time. When younger, I 62 (have) no great love for music as I do now. I mainly listened to 63 my parents were listening to. Whether I was in the car, the house, 64 anywhere else there was sure to be some Beatles, or Buddy Holly constantly playing in the background. Now as I’m older, I enjoy it for the reason that it allows me to remember my childhood.

I believe music has the power 65 (convey) all sorts of emotion. The song “A little bit longer” by Nick Jonas is 66 an emotional and inspiring song that when I hear it, I always come close to 67 (drop) down tears, especially when I watch it being played live. The effect that music can have 68 our emotions is tremendous, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of 69 (laugh).

I believe music affects people in many ways. To me, music is 70 (extreme) important in my life. I think it brings me closer to my friends and family.




71. Services should be run to suit the (方便) of the customer, not the staff.

72. I was looking forward to working under her expert (指导).

73. Don’t (犹豫) to contact me if you need any more information.

74. For your own (安全), please keep away from the tiger cage.

75. My father is pretty (流利) in Italian.

76. Miller was a quiet and (rely) man.

77. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with (disappoint) looks on their faces.

78. He was charged with his (honest).

79. They got (stick) in the traffic jam.

80. Many elderly people expressed a strong (prefer) to live in their own homes.



In summer, the sun for a long time does harm to our health.

82. She is the person you can expect good advice. (定语从句)

83.他一进入实验室就开始着手做实验。(no sooner)

the laboratory he set out to do the experiment.


you found your lost pen?


It last night, for the ground is so wet.








Mr. Turner turned over in bed from time to time in last night, for he was so excited that he could not fall sleep. Yesterday morning, he went to a big gardening company, knowing as Green Fingers, for the interview. Mr. Turner, who liked to help his grandfather grew flowers in the garden, looking forward to the job offered by the company. When he got the company, he found there were many people waiting and he had no ideas whether he could get the job. While waiting, he helped the workers there to remove the fallen trees and clear the road. Luckily, he was the only one who finally got the job, so the manager decided to give the job to whomever he believed was helpful.









Dear Mike,

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me last week.

Best wishes.


Li Hua




1 ?5: BBCAA 6?10: ABABB

11?15: ACBCC 16?20: ACBBA


21?24: CBDA 25?28: ABCD 29?32: DDAB 33?35: BDC 36?40: CGDBF



41?45: BCADB 46?50: DCAAC 51?55: CBCBD 56?60: CADAB


61. powerful 62. had 63. what/whatever 64. or 65. to convey 66. such

67. dropping 68. on 69. laughter 70. extremely



71. convenience 72. guidance 73. hesitate 74. safety 75. fluent 76. reliable

77. disappointed 78. dishonesty 79. stuck 80. preference 81. being exposed to/ exposure to

82. from whom 83. No sooner had he got to/arrived at; than

84. Where was it that 85. must have rained













One possible version:

Dear Mike,

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me last week. I have been thinking about the question you asked me. From my point of view, you can choose to come to China after finishing your studies.

For one reason, China’s development over the past 30 years offers quantities of job opportunities for the young. What’s more, what you are studying is badly needed in China nowadays. In fact, many big companies in our city are hoping to hire people like you.

For another reason, China is a country with so different cultures and traditions from the west that many foreigners enjoy living and working here. Why not come and join them? I’m sure you will adapt to the environment quickly. If you come here, I will do what I can to help you. So what are you waiting for?

I’m looking forward to your coming.

Best wishes.


Li Hua


2019年全国高三统一联合考试 理科综合能力测试(生物部分) 1.下列关于人体内细胞分化的叙述,错误的是 A.细胞分化是基因在不同时间或空间选择性表达的结果 B.细胞分化使细胞功能专门化,提高了各项生理功能的效率 C.细胞内合成了血红蛋白是造血干细胞分化为红细胞的标志 D.胚胎干细胞、成肌细胞及造血干细胞的分化程度依次降低 2.将同一部位的紫色洋葱外表皮细胞分别浸在甲、乙、丙3种溶液中,测得原生质层的外界面与细胞壁间距离变化如图所示,下列相关分析错误的是 A.实验开始时,甲、乙溶液的浓度均大于洋葱表皮细胞细胞液浓度 B.与t0时相比,t2时乙溶液中洋葱表皮细胞的细胞液浓度未发生变化 C.实验过程中,丙溶液中有水分子进出洋葱表皮细胞 D.实验结束时,甲、乙溶液的浓度有所下降 3.将某小鼠的皮肤移植给多只同种小鼠后,将受皮鼠分成甲、乙两组。甲组小鼠注射一定剂量的环孢霉素A,乙组小鼠注射等量生理盐水,并每天统计植皮的存活率,结果如图。下列分析错误的是 A.受皮鼠与供皮鼠的细胞表面抗原不完全相同 B.甲组小鼠对外源供皮的免疫排斥强度大于乙组小鼠 C.环孢霉素A可能通过抑制T细胞增殖从而减弱免疫应答 D.使用环孢霉素A有可能提高人体器官移植患者的存活率 4.在植物叶肉细胞的叶绿体基质中有R酶,既能与CO2结合,催化CO2与C5反应生成C3,也能与O2结合,催化

C5的分解。CO2和O2在与R酶结合时具有竞争性相互抑制。下列分析正确的是 A.植物叶肉细胞内CO2的固定发生在叶绿体内膜上 B.R酶催化CO2与C5反应时需要[H]和ATP C.增大CO2浓度后,植物叶肉细胞内的C3/C5比值增大 D.增大O2/CO2的比值,有利于提高植物的净光合速率 5.将生理状态相同、大小相似的多只家兔均分为甲、乙2组,2组家兔分别注射一定浓度的胰岛素溶液和肾上腺素溶液,一段时间后检测发现甲组家免血糖浓度下降,乙组家兔血糖浓度升高。下列分析错误的是A.因缺少对照,该实验不能得出血糖浓度受激素影响的结论 B.实验开始前,应分别测量甲、乙两组小鼠的初始血糖浓度 C.实验过程中,甲组家兔可能会出现行动迟缓甚至昏迷等症状 D.肾上腺素可能具有促进肝糖原分解,升高血糖的功能 6.正常人16号染色体有4个A基因(基因型为AA/AA),均能独立编码正常肽链,a基因则编码异常肽链。每个血红蛋白分子均有2个上述肽链参与构成(异常肽链也能参与)。研究表明,当体内缺少1~2个A基因时无明显贫血症状,缺少3个A基因时有溶血现象,无A基因时,胎儿因无正常的血红蛋白造成胚胎致死。一对无明显贫血症状的夫妇婚后先后怀孕二胎,头胎胚胎致死,第二胎完全正常。下列分析错误的是 A.这对夫妇的基因型均为AA/aa B.这对夫妇的血红蛋白有2种类型 C.血红蛋白结构异常时可造成红细胞破裂 D.这对夫妇再生育完全正常孩子的概率为1/4 7.草莓在大棚内种植受光质影响较大。在大棚内总透射光照强度、温度、CO2浓度和湿度等相同的条件下,科研人员测得某品种香草莓在不同农膜(白膜为自然光质,对照组)大棚内,3个月后草莓叶片和果实的部分数据见下表,请回答下列问题: (1)与对照组相比,蓝膜、红膜大棚内草莓叶片细胞内色素含量对环境的适应性表现分别是 ______________________;依据表中数据,对蓝膜大棚内草莓叶片适应性变化的解释是_______________________。(2)依据表中光补偿点和光饱和点的数据分析,草莓在___________(填“白膜”蓝膜”或“红膜”)大棚中的生长反应是耐阴生性增强;为提高冬季大棚草莓的产量,除了选择适合的农膜颜色外,还可适当补充___________光源。


河北省衡水中学2018届高三十六模理综 生物试题 一、选择题 1. 下列关于细胞内含磷化合物的叙述,错误的是 A. 为生命活动直接供能的“通货”是含磷化合物 B. 对细胞代谢具有催化作用的酶都是含磷化合物 C. 组成细胞膜、核糖体、染色体都有含磷化合物 D. 人体维持内环境pH的稳定有含磷化合物参与 【答案】B 【解析】为生命活动直接供能的“通货”是ATP,为含磷化合物,A正确;对细胞代谢具有催化作用的酶,大多数是蛋白质,少数是RNA,其中蛋白质不一定含有磷,B错误;组成细胞膜的磷脂分子、组成核糖体的RNA、组成染色体的DNA都是含磷化合物,C正确;人体维持内环境pH的稳定有含磷化合物参与,如缓冲物质磷酸氢二钠和磷酸二氢钠,D正确。 2. 下列有关细胞内物质含量比值的关系,正确的是 A. 细胞内结合水/自由水的比值,种子萌发时比休眠时高 B. 人体细胞内02/C02的比值,线粒体内比细胞质基质高 C. 神经纤维膜内K+/Na+的比值,动作电位时比静息电位时高 D. 适宜条件下光合作用过程中C5/C3的比值,停止供应C02后比停止前的高 【答案】D 【解析】种子萌发时细胞代谢旺盛,自由水含量多,细胞内结合水/自由水的比值比休眠时低,A错误;人体细胞在进行有氧呼吸时,每分解1摩尔的葡萄糖,则在线粒体基质中产生6摩尔的CO2,在线粒体内膜上消耗6摩尔的O2,人体细胞在进行无氧呼吸时,既无CO2的产生有无O2的消耗,B错误;神经细胞内K+浓度明显高于膜外,而Na+浓度比膜外低,静息电位的产生与维持主要是由于K+外流,动作电位产生的机制是Na+内流,所以K+/Na+的比值,动作电位时比静息电位时低,C错误;光合作用的暗反应阶段,首先发生CO2的固定,即CO2与C1化合物结合生成C2,随后在光反应产生的ATP提供能量的前提下,C2被光反应的产物[H]还原,所以适宜条件下光合作用过程中C1/C2的比值,停止供应CO2后比停止前的高,D正确。 【考点定位】细胞代谢 3. 科技工作者在广西发现了可能是现代栽培水稻祖先的万年野生稻,它们不但抗病、抗虫害能力特别强,一穗可达千粒果实,而且可与近缘栽培水稻杂交产生可育子代,以提高栽培水稻的抗逆性和产量。下列叙


第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 will the woman do? a taxi. Jack's family. with Jack. does the woman think of the restaurant? 's the worst one. 's the best one. 's just so-so. are the speakers talking about? attitudes. friends. children. are the speakers? a department store. the airport. a restaurant. does the woman usually go to work? foot bus. taxi. 第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 is the woman doing? TV. computer games. a book. is the man's attitude towards the man's idea? is opposed to it. doesn't care about it. is in favor of it. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 does the conversation probably take place?


2018-2019学年度上学期高三年级二调考试 英语试卷 命题人:张炳霞 本试卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How many days does the man work overtime continuously? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. 2. What does the man want the woman to know? A. His class is difficult to pass. B. Her program is very serious. C. About 30% students in his class will fail. 3. How does the man feel about doing yoga? A. Excited. B. Relaxed. C. Anxious. 4. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Turn up the gas in the fireplace. B. Get some more wood from outside. C. Let the wood burn a bit more. 5. What is the relationship between the speakers?


2019届衡水中学全国高三统一联合考试 化学试卷 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 B-11 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 P-31 S-32 Ca-40 Fe-56 Ba-137 Pb-207 一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的。 7.以铜银合金(含少量铁)废料为原料回收银和铜的工艺流程如下: 下列说法正确的是 A.粗铜溶于过量稀硝酸,过滤、低温干燥得纯铜 B电解时用粗银作阴极,硝酸银溶液为电解质溶液 C用稀硫酸处理渣料时主要发生了氧化还原反应 D从滤液B中可以提取绿矾(FeSO 4·7H 2 O) 8资料显示:一定条件下NH 3 能还原CuO。为了证明资料的真实性,利用下列装置(含药品)进行实验,其中错误的是 9.有机物 Urolithin A常用于合成某药物,其结构简式如图所示。下列说法错误的是

A. Urolithin A分于中苯环上的一氯代物有6种 B. Urolithin A分子中所有原子不可能共平面 C. Urolithin A能发生加成、取代和氧化反应 D. Urolithin A在稀硫酸中的水解产物含2种官能团 10国际计量大会第26次会议新修订了阿伏加德罗常数(N A =6.02214076×1023mol- 1),并于2019年5月20日正式生效。下列说法正确的是 A.56g聚乙烯分子中含碳碳双键的数目为2 N A B2 mol NH 3和3molO 2 在催化剂和加热条件下充分反应生成NO的分子数为2 N A C铅蓄电池放电时负极净增质量比正极净增质量多16g时转移电子数为N A D.1L0.5mlol·L-1Al 2Fe(SO 4 ) 4 溶液中阳离子数目小于1.5 N A 11某化工厂排放出大量含硫酸铵的废水,技术人员设计如图所示装置处理废水中的硫酸铵,并回收化工产品硫酸和氨水,废水处理达标后再排放。下列说法错误的是 A.离子交换膜1为阳离子交换膜,Y极发生氧化反应 B.a口进入稀氨水,d口流出硫酸 C.阳极的电极反应式为2H 2O-4e-=4H++O 2 ↑ D.对含硫酸铵较多的废水处理过程中若转移0.2mol电子,则可回收19.6gH 2SO 4 12.W、X、Y、Z为原子序数依次增大的四种短周期元素,其中两种为非金属元素。W的气态氢化物遇到其最高价氧化物对应的水化物产生“白烟”,Z的最外层电子


河北省衡水中学2018届高三上学期七调考试 语文试题参考答案 2018年3月30日1.B(A.“这说明审美价值重于实用价值”。原文句子“中国的陶瓷闻名遐迩,丝绸远销世界,古代建筑令人陶醉,皆因实用价值与审美价值相得益彰。”C.错在“说到底就是为了增强科技产品的竞争力”。原文说“凝聚着美……给人更多便利感受和美的体验”。D.错在“多些技术的诗意,实质正是遵守技术伦理,把创意和人文有机融合。”偷换概念。)2.B(错在“是为了说明人文要素比效率、性能更重要”。两者之间是相得益彰,互不缺少的关系。缺少“效率、性能”的科技,没有使用价值。而缺少“人文要素”的科技创新美感。) 3.A(错在此句表述本身就是错误。“某些技术成果缺少良好的用户体验的根本原因在于设计者在“贪多求快的浮躁心理驱使下主动放弃了对诗意的探求”。) 4.A(牧羊人对“我”的怀疑和不相信,是因为汉人疯狂采伐石头,不仅对当地地貌造成不可逆转的破坏,也对当地游牧民族人们的价值观带来了冲击,起了贪念的是疯狂采伐石头的汉人。) 5.答案:①人类疯狂开采石头,对戈壁滩的地貌造成了极大的伤害,但所开采的石头制作成商品后在城市售卖,价格却十分廉价。②人类因贪婪对大自然造成了不可逆转的伤害,这种伤害让人感到“哀凉无望”。③现代文明对游牧文明的价值观带来了冲击。(第一、二点,每点2分,第三点1分。) 6.答案:因为“我”深深认识到: ①“我”虽然喜爱石头,但不能把“喜爱”变成“贪婪”而去占有不属于自己的石头; ②触碰石头不仅会改变一只虫子的命运,甚至可能会改变更多——季节、气候、降雪量等,从而造成各种自然灾害。 ③戈壁玉的确美丽,但一旦离开荒野,离开纯粹的蓝天和粗砾的大地,它的美丽便迅速枯萎(每点2分。) 7.A(本题考查文本内容的理解分析。本题要求找出不属于该书观点的一项。题中A 错在遗漏信息,林风眠被誉为“百年巨匠”之一的原因很多,“奠定了中国现代绘画的基础”和“培养了很多大师级的名家”等也不可忽视。) 8.B、E(本题重点考查学生把握文章内容和筛选文章信息的能力。找到答题区间,筛选关键词句,概括形成答案。A.林风眠从小接受了良好的教育,既在学校接受了系统的文化学习,又在梁伯聪、南洋回来的朋友等人的影响下关注西方的艺术世界,这为他日后进行中西调和的创新打下了基础。C.为接受了“西方现代艺术和思想的双重启蒙”,中国传统艺术的启蒙他幼时就接受了。D.无中生有,林风眠出国留学、在国外艺术展上一举成名并未提到他的爱国情怀。) 9.①保持好奇心,善于学习。无论是中国的传统艺术、西洋插画,还是西方的艺术理论与思想,林风眠都兼收并蓄。 ②善于创新,能打破传统。林风眠不一味地做守规矩的“好学生”,才能在复兴东方岂术和调和东西艺术方面走出了一条自己的路。 ③贴近生活,保持人味。他的画作直接描述生活,拷问人性,富有活力。 ④耐住寂寞,专心创作。林风眠在上海不问世事埋头作画,最终让自己的艺术达到前所未有的高度。 ⑤有师友亲人的帮助。梁伯聪将林风眠引向了艺术的新天地,蔡元培的任人唯贤,父亲的影响,等等,都促成了林风眠的成功。 10.C(抓住关键主语“帝”“言官”和关键词“使”“再”。) 11.D(“汉武帝”是谥号。谥法制度有两个要点:一是谥号要符合死者的为人,二是谥号在死后由别人评定并授予。君主的谥号由礼官确定,由即位皇帝宣布,大臣的谥号是朝廷赐予的。谥号带有评判性,相当于盖棺定论。) 12.B(“余懋衡和王基洪等御史官先后把这件事上奏皇帝弹劾梁永”与文中内容不符。由原文“永虑军民为难,召亡命擐甲自卫。御史王基洪声言永必反,具陈永斩关及杀掠吏民状。巡抚顾其志颇为永讳,永乃藉口辨。帝疑御史言不实。”可以推测。)


2017---2018高三周日测试英语试卷(4) 姓名_________ 班级_______ 学号_______ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 语法填空:阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。81.____________ 82 _____________ 83. _____________ 84. _____________ 85. _____________ 86.____________ 87._____________ 88. _____________ 89. _____________ 90. _____________ 第四部分写作(满分45分) 第一节词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 91.____________ 92. _____________ 93. _____________ 94. _____________ 95. _____________ 96.____________ 97. _____________ 98. _____________99. _____________ 100. _____________ 第二节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者不计分。 The Mid-Autumn Festival fell on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar. As one of the traditional Chinese festival, it has been enjoyed great popularity in our country. Usually, no matter how far away or how busily we are, we will try to come home for the celebration. The moon on that night looks the brightest in the whole lunar month. What we love most is the time which we enjoy the full moon together. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together but eat moon cakes and fruit, shared our stories. In addition to these traditional activities, we have wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting their relatives or friends. 第三节书面表达(满分25分) Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is Li Hua. Thank you! Yours faithfully Li Hua 在各题规定的区域内用黑色中性笔答题,超出该区域的答案无效!


2018~2019学年度高三年级上学期期中考试 地理试卷 本试卷满分100分,考试时间110分钟。 注意事项:1.答卷Ⅰ前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.答卷Ⅰ时,每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 3.答卷Ⅱ时,答案一定要答在答案纸上,不能答在试卷上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分) 一、单选题(每题1分,共50分) 读某地区等高线图,完成1~2题。 1.有关图中a、b、c、d四点海拔的比较,正确的是 A.b>a>c>d B. b>a>c=d C. b>d=c>a D. b>d>c>a 2.图中河流的主汛期,最不可能在 A.12月至次年2月 B.3至5月 C. 6至8月 D.9至11月 下图示意我国西部某区域水系图。读图完成3~4题。

3.有关两河流域流经地区的说法最可能是 A.该地区河道弯曲,可推知地势平坦开阔 B.河流以冰雪融水补给为主,由东南流向西北 C.该地地质构造既有断层也有褶皱 D.实施河流综合开发的主要措施是发电和航运 4.计划在MN之间修建一条公路,假设所经河流的水文和地质状况都相同,则四个方案中最合理的是 A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 随着人口老龄化的加速推进,农村地区应对人口老龄化面临的问题更为严峻。读人口老龄化城乡差异转变模型图(P点对应时间预测在2045年前后),完成5~6题。 5.导致人口老龄化城乡差异变化的主要因素是 A.医疗生活水平 B.人口政策 C.交通条件 D.人口流动 6.下列措施能有效缓解我国农村人口老龄化压力的是 A.加快乡镇企业的发展 B.控制老年人口数量


河北省衡水中学2018届上学期高三年级一调考试 物理 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共6页,满分110分,考试时间110分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 一、选择题(每小题4分,共60分,每小题为不定项选择,全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2 分,有选错的得0分) 1.物理学的发展极大地丰富了人类对物质世界的认识,推动了科学技术的创新和革命,促进了人类文明的进步,关于物理学中运动与力的发展过程和研究方法的认识,下列说法中正确的是()A.亚里士多德首先提出了惯性的概念 B.伽利略对自由落体运动研究方法的核心是:把实验和逻辑推理(包括数学演算)结合起来,从而发展了人类的科学思维方式和科学研究方法 C.牛顿三条运动定律是研究动力学问题的基石,牛顿的三条运动定律都能通过现代的实验手段直接验证 m/s”是导出单位 D.力的单位“N”是基本单位,加速度的单位“2 2.一质点位于x= -1m处,t=0时刻沿x轴正方向做直线运动,其运动的v-t图像如图所示。下列说法正确的是( ) A.0~2s内和0~4s内,质点的平均速度相同 B.t=4s时,质点在x=2m处 C.第3s内和第4s内,质点位移相同 D.第3s内和第4s内,质点加速度的方向相反 3.如图所示,小球A、B通过一细绳跨过定滑轮连接,它们都穿在一根竖直杆上。当两球平衡时,连接两球的细绳与水平方向的夹角分别为θ和2θ,假设装置中各处摩擦均不计,则A、B球的质量之比为() A.2cosθ:1 B.1:2cosθC.tanθ:1 D.1:2sinθ

4.如图所示,一个半径为R 的圆球,其重心不在球心O 上,将它置于水平地面上,则平衡时球与地面的接触点为A ;若将它置于倾角为30°的粗糙斜面上,则平衡时(静摩擦力足够大)球与斜面的接触点为B 。已知AB 段弧所对应的圆心角度数为60°,对圆球重心离球心O 的距离以下判断正确的是 ( ) 5.如图所示,光滑的大圆环固定在竖直平面上,圆心为O 点,P 为环上最高点,轻弹簧的一端固定在P 点,另一端栓连一个套在大环上的小球,小球静止在图示位置,则( ) A .弹簧可能处于压缩状态 B .大圆环对小球的弹力方向可能指向O 点 C .小球受到弹簧的弹力与重力的合力一定指向O 点 D .大圆环对小球的弹力大小可能小于球的重力,也可能大于球的重力 6.如图所示,a 、b 、c 三根轻细绳悬挂两个质量相同的小球A 、B 保持静止,细绳a 是水平的,现对B 球施加一个水平向右的力F ,将B 缓缓拉到图中虚线位置,A 球保持不动,这时三根细绳张力a F 、 b F 、 c F 的变化情况是( ) A .都变大 B .都不变 C .a F 、b F 不变,c F 变大 D .a F 、c F 不变,b F 不变 7.半圆柱体P 放在粗糙的水平面上,有一挡板MN ,其延长线总是过半圆柱体的轴心O ,但挡板与半圆柱体不接触,在P 和MN 之间放有一个光滑均匀的小圆柱体Q (P 的截面半径远大于Q 的截面半径),整个装胄置处于静止状态,如图是这个装置的截面图,若用外力使MN 绕O 点缓慢地逆时针转动,在Q 到达最高位置前,发现P 始终保持静止,在此过程中,下列说法正确的是( ) A .MN 对Q 的弹力大小逐渐减小 B .P 、Q 间的弹力先增大后减小 C .桌面对P 的摩擦力先增大后减小 D .P 所受桌面的支持力保持不变


衡水中学高考押题英语试题(有答案) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19. 15. B. £9. 15. C. £9. 18. 答案是C。 1. Which sport does Jane like best? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Tennis. 2. What will the woman do? A. Deliver the man’s baby. B. Attend the man’s wife. C. Take care of the man’s dog. 3. What did the man do? A. He played in the park. B. He removed the rubbish. C. He fixed the shower. 4. When will the woman probably arrive at Beijing Hotel? A. 11:30. B. 11:50. C. 11:20. 5. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. What to buy as birthday gifts. B. Whether to hold a birthday party. C. Where to spend the weekend. 第二节(共I5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5 分) 请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Who did the woman babysit before?


第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A EVENTS Aug. 31-Sept. 4, Laughter Bus Cape Town, South Africa Lovely sightseeing tour with laughter, fun and festivities. The tour departs from Cape Town towards the Garden Route, stopping at beautiful and interesting places, enjoying lunch at the seaside and sharing laughter with local communities. Cost: $ 800. + 27 7222-97454,info@ laughterbus.co.za Sept. 17-18, Laughter Yoga 2-day Certified Leader Training Irvine, California, USA 10 a. m. — 5 p. m. daily at Irvine Valley College. Learn to laugh for health without the need of jokes. Start a laughter club, share laughter with elders and kids, and earn income sharing happiness. Includes practice with Jeffrey Briar. Costs: $ 295. (949) 376-1939, JBriar@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b217268535.html, Sept. 30, Laughter is Serious Business Workshop St. Albans, Hertfordshire, UK A workshop for those who have completed Laughter Leader / Skills courses and want to get ideas and real advice on how to promote (提升) themselves. 10 a. m. — 3 p.m. with lunch break. Costs: £ 100 (includes a £ 25 DVD). + 44 (0) 1727-741-050, lotte@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b217268535.html, Oct. 7-9, Laguna Laughter Club Mountain Retreat (静修) Angelus Oaks, California, USA Everyone is welcome on this three-day retreat in the pine forest of Redlands. Daily laughter yoga sessions, music, dancing, hiking, and vision-sharing. Costs: $ 150


2018~2019学年度上学期高三年级二调考试 听力:1-5 CACBA 6-10 BBABA 11-15 CBCAC 16-20 ABACB 阅读理解:(A) BAC (B) AAAC (C) BCDA (D) DADD 七选五; GAFBD 完形填空: 41-45 BACDC 46-50 ACBDA 51-55 CDCAB 56-60 BCADB 语法填空:61. performance 62. as/because 63. higher 64. driven 65.to 66. the 67. to grow 68. increasing 69. on 70. globally 词汇运用:71.Basing 72. equality 73. officially 74. trapped 75. reliable 76. As a matter of fact 77. be made use of 78. no such thing as 79. which 80. of /among which 短文改错: Being a teacher is always believed to be one of ︿greatest occupations, because teachers make the great contributions for the world. Last week, I got a chance to experience teaching students. Our to school asked us to teach some kids live in the countryside. The kids was


绝密★启用前 河北省衡水中学2019 届高三第十次模拟考试 理科综合试题 一、选择题 1.下列对组成细胞分子的描述,正确的是 A.各种有机分子都因物种不同而存在结构差异 B.有的 RNA分子能降低某些生化反应的活化能而加速反应进行 C.水稻细胞中由 C、G、 T, U 四种碱基参与合成的核苷酸有8 种 D.激素、抗体、酶、载体蛋白发挥作用后均将失去生物活性 2. 下列关于人体细胞的结构和功能的叙述,正确的是 A.细胞分化、衰老和癌变都会导致细胞形态、结构和功能发生变化 B.细胞间传递信号的分子都是由细胞内的核糖体合成的 3.图甲是将加热杀死的 S 型细菌与 R 型活菌混合注射到小鼠体内后两种细菌的含量变化,图乙是 利用同位素标记技术完成噬菌体侵染细菌实验的部分操作步骤。下列相关叙述中,不正确的 是 A. 甲图中 ab 时间段内,小鼠体内还没形成大量的免疫R型细菌的抗体 B. 图甲中,后期出现的大量S 型细菌是由R 型细菌转化并增殖而来 C.图乙沉淀物中新形成的子代噬菌体完全没有放射性 D.图乙中若用32P标记亲代噬菌体,出现上清液放射性偏高一定是保温时间过短导致 4.水稻体细胞有 24 条染色体,非糯性和糯性是—对相对性状。非糯性花粉中所含的淀粉为直链 淀粉,遇碘变蓝黑色。而糯性花粉中所含的淀粉为支链淀粉,遇碘变橙红色。下列有关水稻的叙 述正确的是 A. 要验证孟德尔的基因分离定律,必需用纯种非糯性水稻(AA)和糯性水稻(aa)杂交,获得F1,F1再自交

B. 用纯种非糯性水稻(AA)和糯性水稻( aa)杂交获得 F , F 再自交获得 F ,取 F 花粉加碘染 1121 色,在显微镜下观察到蓝黑色花粉粒占3/4 C.二倍体水稻的花粉经离体培养,可得到单倍体水稻,稻穗、米粒变小 D.若含有 a 基因的花粉50%的死亡,则非糯性水稻( Aa)自交后代基因型比例是2: 3: 1 5.下列关于生物学实验的描述,正确的是 A.在常温下,双缩脲试剂加入到酶溶液中一定能观察到紫色反应 B.为加速健那绿染液对线粒体染色,可用适宜浓度的盐酸处理细胞 6.下列关于动、植物生命活动调节的叙述,正确的是 A.寒冷环境下机体通过各种途径减少散热,使散热量低于炎热环境 B.肾小管细胞和下丘脑神经分泌细胞能够选择性表达抗利尿激素受体基因 7.化学与生活、生产、环境密切相关。下列说法不正确的是 A.卤水点豆腐、明矾净水的原理都是破坏胶体的介稳性 B.使用含有氯化钙的融雪剂会加速桥梁的腐蚀 C.“山东疫苗案”涉及疫苗未冷藏储运而失效,这与蛋白质变性有关 D.玛瑙、水晶、钻石、红宝石等装饰品的主要成分都是硅酸盐


河北省衡水中学2018届高三上学期分科综合 测试(物理) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

河北省衡水中学2018届高三上学期分科综合测试 物理 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第1-8题只有一项符合题目要求,第9-12题有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。 1.我们在中学阶段的物理知识中,接触并学习了很多思想方法,这些方法对于提高解决实际问题的能力具有很重要的意义。下列关于思想方法的叙述正确的是- A.理想化模型是对实际问题的理想化处理,即突出主要因素,忽略次要因素——物理学学习中懂得忽略什么跟懂得重视什么同等重要,质点、点电荷、位移等均是理想化模型 B.分力、合力和交变电流的有效值等概念的建立都体现了等效替代的思想C.用两个(或多个)物理量通过比值的方法去定义一个新的物理量,即为比值 定义法。电动势 W E q =非静电力,电容 Q C U = ,匀强电场的场强 U E d =等都是采用 比值法定义的 D.根据加速度定义式a = v t ? ? ,当?t非常小时, v t ? ? 就可以表本物体在时刻的瞬 时加速度,该定 义应用了赋值的思想方法 2.甲、乙两物体同时从同一地点出发,其v-t图象如图所示。下列说法正确的是 A.甲、乙两物体运动方向相反,加速度方向相同 B.甲的位移不断减小,乙的位移不断增大 C.第1s末两物体相遇

D.前2 s内两物体的平均速度相同 3.如图所示,粗糙水平地面上的长方体物块将一重为G的光滑圆球抵在光滑竖直的墙壁上,现用水平 向右的拉力F缓慢拉动长方体物块,在圆球与地面接触之前,下面的相关判断正确的是 A.球对墙壁的压力逐渐减小 B.地面对长方体物块的支持力逐渐增大 C.地面对长方体物块的摩擦力逐渐增大 D.水平拉力F逐渐减小 4.如图所示为点电荷A、B形成的电场,下列说法正确的是 A.A带正电,B带负电 B.A的电荷量大于B的电荷量 C.A的左侧某点电场强度可能为零 D.AB连线上从A到B电势降低 5.如图所示,粗糙水平圆盘上,质量相等的A、B两物块叠放在一起,随圆盘一起做勻速圆周运动,则下列说法正确的是


衡水中学高考模拟考试英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When will the party be held? A.On the 13th at 8:30 p.m. B.On the 30th at 8:00 a.m. C.On the 30th at 8:30 p.m. 2.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.The way to get her hair fixed. B.An appointment with a hairdresser. C.An appointment with a teacher. 3.What does the man mean to do? A.Fix his old car. B.Solve a math problem. C.Give the woman a lift. 4.Who is the woman most probably? A.The man's boss. B.The man's mother. C.The man's colleague. 5.Where is the post office? A.Beside a bookshop. B.Near an office building. C.At the second light. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How much money will the man save if he buys two bicycles? A.¥50. B.¥100. C.¥350. 7.How will the man pay for the bike? A.In cash. B.By check. C.By credit card. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What color are the new basketball shirts? A.Yellow. B.Green. C.White.


2018-2019学年河北省衡水中学高三(上)第一次调研物理试卷 一.选择题 1. 物理学的发展极大地丰富了人类对物质世界的认识,推动了科学技术的创新和革命,促进了人类文明的进步,关于物理学中运动与力的发展过程和研究方法的认识,下列 说法中正确的是() A.亚里士多德首先提出了惯性的概念 B.伽利略对自由落体运动研究方法的核心是:把实验和逻辑推理(包括数学演算)结 合起来,从而发展了人类的科学思维方式和科学研究方法 C.牛顿三条运动定律是研究动力学问题的基石,牛顿的三条运动定律都能通过现代的 实验手段直接验证 D.力的单位“N“是基本单位,加速度的单位“m/s2”是导出单位 2. 一质点位于x=?1m处,t=0时刻沿x轴正方向做直线运动,其运动的v?t图象如 图所示.下列说法正确的是() A.0~2s内和0~4s内,质点的平均速度相同 B.t=4s时,质点在x=2m处 C.第3s内和第4s内,质点位移相同 D.第3s内和第4s内,质点加速度的方向相反 3. 如图所示,小球A、B通过一条细绳跨过定滑轮连接,它们都穿在一根竖直杆上.当 两球平衡时,连接两球的细绳与水平方向的夹角分别为θ和2θ.假设装置中的各处摩 擦均不计,则A、B球的质量之比为() A.2cosθ:1 B.1:2cosθ C.tanθ:1 D.1:2sinθ 4. 如图所示,一个半径为R的圆球,其重心不在球心O上,将它置于水平地面上,则平衡时球与地面的接触点为A;若将它置于倾角为30°的粗糙斜面上,则平衡时(静摩擦 力足够大)球与斜面的接触点为B.已知AB的圆心角度数为60°,对圆球重心离球心O 的距离是()


第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who is the man probably speaking to? A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A patient. 2. Why did Sam call the man? A. To get his notes back. B. To borrow the man’s notes. C. To ask about a math problem. 3. What is the man’s plan for this afternoon? A. To go out with Mom. B. To go to the mall. C. To visit a relative. 4. What’s the woman going to d o? A. Do the typing. B. Read the paper aloud. C. Check for typing errors. 5. How much total should the man pay for the tickets? A. $ 300. B. $ 260. C. $ 120. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. When did the woman ask Sarah about the room? A. At about 3:30. B. At about 3:00. C. At about 2:40.
