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石油钻井英语--课堂上学不到的内容 2

1.Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管

2.Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管

3.Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节

4.Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力

5.Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试

6.Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器

7.Move the BOP to the moonpool door. 将防喷器移到园井甲板的活动门上

8.Run the test plug. 下试压塞

9.Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器

10.Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀

11.The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅

12.The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅

13.Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环

14.Remove the hose bundles. 卸下垮接软管

15.Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自控转动

16.Set the LMRP on the test pump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上

17.Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头

nd the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头

19.Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察

20.Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具

21.BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车

22.Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架

23.Paint mark the top 6 meters of 30” conductor white. 在30”隔水管的顶部6米处用白漆


24.Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够

25.Move temporary guide base (TGB) into moonpool. 将临时导向基板到园井甲板

26.Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接

27.Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给导向基板及下入工具上黄油

28.Test fit TGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接

29.Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物

30.P ick up 30” conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣

31.Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?

32.Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态

33.Place BOP stack on the test pump. 将防喷器组放在试压桩上

34.Check condition of all 30” casing connect ors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况

35.Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈

36.Attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪

37.Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器

38.Prepare spud plate and wireline to check water depth. 准备测深板和钢丝绳测量水深

39.Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录

40.Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件

41.Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓

42.Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气

43.Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏

44.Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX


45.Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验

46.Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水

47.Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力

48.Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到


49.Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板

50.Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了

51.Slack off drill pipe and release running tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具

52.Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水电视观察钻头是否进入临时导向基板

53.Don’t rotate until hole opener passes through the TGB. 在扩眼器通过临时导向基板前不


54.Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板

55.Monitor riser level via trip tank. 用计量罐来控制隔水管内的液面

56.Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psi

57.Pick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组

Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防

328.Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业

329.Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊

330.Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽

331.It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区

332.That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业

333.Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动

334.The repairing is under way. 正在检修

335.Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动

336.Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带

337.Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣

338.Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持放毒面具在附近

339.It’s a drill. 这是演习

340.It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习

341.Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇

342.Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣
