






1. What does the man think of David's car?

A. It’s too expensive.

B. It's really cheap.

C. It's rather old.

2. When did the woman go shopping?

A. Before sleeping.

B. After taking a walk.

C. After dinner.

3. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The man's car hit a truck.

B. The man is badly injured.

C. The car can still work well.

4. How does Peter feel about the results of the test?

A. Worried.

B. Disappointed.

C. Satisfied.

5. Where are the two speakers most probably?

A. In a taxi.

B. On a bus.

C. On a plane




6. Who went on a package holiday?

A. Tony and Betty.

B. Tony and Julia.

C. Julia and Betty.

7. How did the man like the holiday?

A. Comfortable.

B. Disappointing.

C. Wonderful.


8. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Classmates.

C. Father and daughter.

9. What does the woman worry about?

A. Her term paper.

B. The exams.

C. Her health.

10. What does the man advise her to do?

A. Hand in the paper.

B. Change her major.

C. Do something relaxing.请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题

11. Why won't Susan go to Phoenix?

A. She didn't book a plane ticket.

B. She lost her plane ticket.

C. She can't afford the trip.

12. Where did Susan probably lose her wallet?

A. In the street.

B. In the bank.

C. On the bus.

13. What does the man advise Susan to do?

A. To go to the police station.

B. To call the bus company.

C. To ask someone about it.


14. What is the rent of the apartment near the park?

A. $ 400.

B. $ 350.

C. $ 415.

15. What is the cheapest two-bedroom apartment like?

A. It's rather noisy.

B. It's very quiet.

C. It's not furnished.

16. Which apartment do they prefer?

A. The one next to the supermarket.

B. The one near University Avenue.

C. The one on Fifteenth Avenue.


17. What is the man speaker probably?

A. A zoo keeper.

B. A volunteer.

C. An animal expert.

18. What can we learn about volunteers?

A. They can operate on sick animals.

B. They are not allowed to do office work.

C. They can help animals in their daily life.

19. Which is not mentioned to help abandoned pets?

A. The responsibility.

B. The medical care.

C. The family's support.

20. Where can you go if you want to help animals?

A. To the nature centers.

B. To the pet shops.

C. To the local hospitals. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The least-visited countries in the world

It’s every traveler’s dream — a corner of the planet still undisturbed by tourists. And obviously, such places do exist. The United Nations World Tourism Organization lately reported the four least-visited countries globally. Montserrat (9,000)

Once a popular holiday spot, this Lesser Antilles island has never quite recovered from a series of natural disasters. Hurricane Hugo in 1989 hit 90 per cent of the island and in 1995 the Soufriere Hills volcano erupted.

These days, its volcano is now actually one of Montserrat’s main attractions, along with its beautiful beaches. Visitors can also go diving in its clear waters. Comoros (24,000)

This collection of islands in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar serves as the perfect destination for those who want to get away from everyday city life.

Comoros offers beautiful volcanic scenery, fruitful forests, and remote sleepy towns. There are even some of the best undiscovered reefs (礁) just waiting to be explored by divers.

Liechtenstein (69,000)

The sixth smallest country in the world is also one of the most undiscovered.

Lying between Austria and Switzerland, Liechtenstein is an outdoor enthusiast’s playground. It’s the only country in the world to be totally in the Alps and a summer destination for hiking and cycling and snow-covered skiing perfection in winter, for those who can afford it.

French Guiana (199,000)

French Guiana is the least-visited country in South America, with some of the world’s most diverse plant and animal life.

While there is much to attract tourists to the area, not least its miles of jungle, the infrastructure (基础设施) is in need of some attention.

21. What do Montserrat and Comoros have in common?

A. They have thick forests.

B. They are destinations for divers.

C. They have recovered from natural disasters.

D. They were badly destroyed by volcanic eruptions.

22. Which country is the best choice for snow skiing lovers?

A. Montserrat.

B. Comoros.

C. Liechtenstein.

D. French Guiana.

23. What do we know about French Guiana?

A. It has a rich diversity of species.

B. Its infrastructure is new and advanced.

C. It is the least-visited country in the world.

D. Its most popular attraction is large areas of jungle.


Rock band Dionysus have surprised many including themselves with their sudden success.

After winning the Rock Awards at the Normandy Hotel last year, the five-member rock band is competing in the Raceview Hotel “Battle of the Bands”and is booked to perform at the launch (开幕式) of Disability Access Week at Jupiters Casino on

20 July.

Not bad for a band that has only played together a few times.

The band members are aged between 18 and 23 and consist of lead singer Tony Siciliano, drummer Michael Carmody, Joe Vanzutphen on lead guitar, Melissa Knight on base and Stephen Clarke who plays rhythm guitar.

When Stephen broke his back two years ago in a car accident, the road to rock fame had to be put on the backburner (先搁置一边).

“We started playing together about a year ago before Stephen's accident. It stops things for a while,” says Joe.

Stephen says recovery was a slow six-month process and changed the course of the band completely.

“The accident has changed my attitude towards life. It has given me more motivation towards the band. I want to make it a bit more now. I know what I want and I want to get it. ”

Tony says the crowd reactions to Stephen playing rhythm guitar in his wheelchair are always amazing.

“It's not a big issue but people seem to remember and they say it's amazing he gets up and does it and doesn't just give up,” he says.

“We don't look at him as having a disability at all. He just sits down while he's playing, and that's all. ”

Stephen said the first time he went on stage as a paraplegic (截瘫患者), he felt out of place, but quickly got back into the rhythm.

“We just make sure we don't trip ove r him and that he doesn't roll off the stage and we're fine,” says Tony.

Their music speaks for itself. They won the first rock gig (特约演奏) they ever entered and it was also only the third gig they had played together as a new band.

24. What do we know about the rock band Dionysus?

A. It enjoyed global popularity.

B. It topped the charts for a year.

C. It started Disability Access Week.

D. It succeeded without lots of practice.

25. What can be inferred about Stephen?

A. He lost his legs in a car crash.

B. He didn't have great ambitions.

C. He was the leader of the rock band.

D. He didn't lose hope though being disabled.

26. What is the audience's reaction to Stephen's performance?

A. They give him high praise.

B. They take no notice of him.

C. They worry about his health.

D. They seem to have forgotten him.

27. What is the best title for the text?

A. Back into the rhythm

B. Dreaming big pays off

C. Rock band makes history

D. There's no life without direction


You know that Grandparents Day, taking place the Sunday after Labor Day every year, is a holiday for celebrating your parents’ parents. But how did the holiday come to be? Did it originate out of a sweet, sincere wish at heart ... or was it all a giant marketing plan to sell more goods?

It is, in fact, the former. When Marian McQuade first thought of the idea for the holiday, commercialism (商业主义) was the last thing on her mind. In 1956, McQuade was trying to plan a celebration for the elderly members of her community. She made the sad discovery that many o f the senior citizens in the nursing home didn’t often receive visits from their families. So she set a day to appreciate grandparents.

In any case, McQuade never wanted the holiday to be a money grab. Mother’s Day actually has a similar story; in fact, its founder wanted it discontinued in the 1920s after she saw how commercialized it had become. However, it didn’t stop card companies from getting excited about the future of a new holiday. Hallmark predicted that, by

1983, Grandparents Day would become the sixth highest card-selling holiday. But to their disappointment, it never became a commercial holiday.

Many families have much more meaningful ways of celebrating the holiday. Danielle Kirsch celebrates by trying a new activity every year with her grandmother Elsie. “This year, we’ll be painting together,” she tells https://www.360docs.net/doc/b38227511.html,. Molly Arnold’s grandmother is no longer around, yet she still finds a way to honor the holiday. Arnold is the Chief Operations Officer of the Frank and Barbara Broyles Foundation, a charity she created in memory of her grandmother, Barbara Broyles, who passed away from Alzheimer’s disease (老年痴呆症).

However, just because the holiday is not about commercialism doesn’t mean you can’t exchange gifts. https://www.360docs.net/doc/b38227511.html, actually suggests that grandparents give their grandchildren gifts, especially gifts that “honor family traditions”. For example, a meaningful gift from a grandpa to his granddaughter would be actually a birthday gift, but we think it’s a perfect Grandparents Day idea too.

28. Why did McQuade found Grandparents Day?

A. To grow her own business.

B. To realize her parents’ dream.

C. To remember her own grandparents.

D. To call on people to care for the elderly.

29. What does the underlined part “a money grab” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. A way to make big money.

B. A celebration of one’s wealth.

C. A chance to give others money.

D. A deal between family members.

30. Hallmark thought Grandparents Day _____.

A. wouldn’t grow popular among young people

B. would become a commercial holiday

C. would turn into a global holiday

D. wouldn’t last long

31. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. Meaningful ways of celebrating the holiday.

B. People’s attitudes toward the holiday.

C. The effort to carry out the holiday.

D. The future of the holiday.


Scientists may have evidence that our personality plays into our eating habits. People who are open and extroverted (外向的) eat more fruits and vegetables than others, according to new research.

The new report, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, analyzed the eating habits of more than 1,000 young adults ages 17 to 25. Researchers gave participants a test to measure for the “Big Five” personalities: openness to experience, conscientiousness (尽责性), extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (神经质). Then they asked some participants to keep a food diary for 21 days and others for 13 days, in hopes of encouraging more people to complete the task.

Participants who scored higher than average for openness ate about 4.5 more servings of combined fruits and vegetables per week than those less open ones. They also consumed less unhealthy food, such as potato chips or fries. Extroversion also had a positive effect on fruits and vegetable consumption, though not as strongly as openness did, while conscientiousness was a weak predictor of produce consumption.

Of course, the study only found an association between the characteristic and eating habits, rather than a direct causation. It’s likely that people who are open to new experiences take those same attitudes toward food, study author Tamlin Conner, a professor at the University of Otago, told The Huffington Post. Their personality may make them more eager to try new fruits and vegetables. But it’s also possible that eating healthy foods can cause anyone to feel more like an extrovert: Another of Conner’s studies found that in the short term, eating more fruits and vegetables resulted in more feelings of motivation, which she says are key characteristics of extroversion.

So, you want to eat better? Start eating like an open, extroverted person. “Try to take an attitude of openness, especially toward unusual healthy foods,” Conner

said. “Go to the store, and pick something new. Practice behaving like an open person.”

32. What does the new research focus on?

A. Food and health.

B. Personality and health.

C. Eating habits and health.

D. Eating habits and personality.

33. What do we know about the experiment?

A. It asked participants to share their food diaries.

B. It was carried out among old people.

C. It involved five personalities.

D. It lasted for a month.

34. Which of the following would lead you to eat more fruits and vegetables?

A. Openness to experience.

B. Extroversion.

C. Conscientiousness.

D. Agreeableness.

35. What does Conner suggest?

A. Consulting an extrovert about foods.

B. Making friends with open people.

C. Going on a balanced diet.

D. Trying new healthy foods.



I was giving my 5-year-old girl a bath one night when she looked out the window at our fence and announced, “You know, Mamma, sometimes looking at trees helps you to think.” 36 What a deep ob servation from a little child. “You are right,” I encouraged. “What are you thinking about?”

Lately, there have been a lot of changes going on in my life at work. Business has been hard and I have been doing a lot of consulting for customers who haven’t been able to afford help. 37 I have a need and desire to help, but I often say “Yes”

when my wallet should be saying “No!”

The last few years have been such a struggle for so many of my customers from so many walks of life. 38 Worse yet, I always have a voice in the back of my head that says if I don’t relax or learn a better way to deal with stress, cancer might come near!

So when my daughter said that one sentence, I promised to spend more time in nature.

39 It is so grounding and so healing. I have traded a few gym days for hikes in the hills above my house. 40 I am always more clear-headed after that. So I plan on spending some time this summer in southern California, enjoying thinking at the base of an old, wise tree — with my daughter of course.

A. I struggle with this.

B. What she said is so true.

C. My health is on the downside.

D. I decided to stop the busy life.

E. I just sat in surprise and silence.

F. I have trouble sleeping, sometimes.

G. Have you ever sat in a park and stared at a tree?




One day a crane stood on the bank of a pool with a sad look on his face. A crab (蟹) noticed the bird and asked: “The pool is full of 41 . Why do you stand there as if you have 42 the thought of eating?”“I am 43 ,” said the crane. “Because I heard the fishermen say they will pick up every fish in the pool tomorrow. I shall have nothing to 44 when that happens. I am now prepared to die of 45 .”

The fishes in the pool heard what the crane said, and they said to each other in 46 , “Since he and we have a 47 enemy, perhaps the wise crane can advise us what to do.” So they asked the crane how they may 48 themselves. “There is only one 49 ,” said the crane. “You must get to another pool 50 it is too late. I know a pool nearby. Let me carry you there.”

The fishes 51 among themselves and said: “Since we can’t save ourselves, we must 52 with the crane.” They agreed to let the crane 53 them to the pool. The

54 crane took the fishes to a spot nearby, where he ate them. He returned for more,

55 that all the others were safe in another pool.

Finally all the fishes were 56 , and the crab said: “Sir, take me also to that pool, for I 57 to be with the fishes.” The crane carried him to the spot where he had eaten the fishes. When the crab saw the 58 on the ground, he thought to himself: “I am cheated! Yet when the wise are 59 , they will die fighting instead of giving up, even if there is no 60 of saving them-selves.” Then the crab fastened his claws upon the crane’s throat and tore at it until the crane died.

41. A. weed B. shells C. sand D. fishes

42. A. learned about B. spoken out C. brought back D. given up

43. A. confused B. careless C. sad D. surprised

44. A. deal with B. live on C. take up D. find out

45. A. violence B. coldness C. hunger D. illness

46. A. sorrow B. order C. relief D. return

47. A. common B. new C. special D. smart

48. A. enjoy B. save C. improve D. change

49. A. fisherman B. way C. friend D. problem

50. A. before B. if C. unless D. though

51. A. complained B. argued C. explained D. discussed

52. A. play B. compare C. meet D. cooperate

53. A. transport B. invite C. follow D. introduce

54. A. helpful B. greedy C. curious D. tired

55. A. reporting B. believing C. thinking D. imagining

56. A. worried B. gone C. disturbed D. bored

57A. agree B. decide C. wish D. regret

58. A. treasures B. holes C. bones D. cranes

59. A. discovered B. respected C. forgotten D. attacked

60. A. need B. intention C. doubt D. hope



Buying books on the Internet is a great way to save time and money. Online bookstores offer not only new books but also used b ooks. What’s more, they are far better 61 _________ (compare) to traditional bookstores as they offer much broader kinds of books. You can either click the kind of e-books online 62 ________ type the book title to get it in seconds. Another advantage of shopping online is that you can also read the book reviews as well as readers’ reviews to get an idea whether the book is worth 63_________ (buy). Online bookstores often offer great discounts,

64______ is a big attraction for book lovers with a tight budget.

For book lovers, 65______ is most important to get books in time, in which case they need to find a 66 ________ (rely) online bookstore that is able to provide fast deliveries.

Here are some tips for reference when you are selecting an online bookstore. Some online bookstores are popular for fiction books; some are for non-fiction books or novels, etc. 67__________(understand) their specialization will help you to get the right kinds of books in time. Remember to check 68__________ you will be buying books from a third-party seller or directly from the websites. Never jump at stores that offer 69_________ (believe) cheap prices, as books that are sold at such low prices could be 70_________ very bad condition.







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

We are now living in an information age that TV, cellphones and the Intemet are wide used. It seemed that many people cannot enjoy themselves without it. However, if I were to give up one of them, I would rather turn off TV than to switch off my cellphone or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because few show interest me and there is too many commercials. Beside, most programs on TV are available elsewhere. As for cellphones and the Internet, they are less necessary for me. I need a cellphone to keep in touch my friends and my family.



1. 时间、地点和观看人员;

2. 内容:欣赏以歌曲形式咏唱的经典古诗词;

3. 提醒:提前简要了解一些中国经典古诗词,观后一起谈感受。注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:《经典咏流传》Everlasting Classics


听力 1-5 BBCCA 6-10 BBABC 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 CCCBA

阅读A: 21-23 BCA

B: 24-27 DDAA

C:28-31 DABA

D:32-35 DCAD

七选五36-40 EAFBG

完形填空 41-45 DDCBC 46-50 AABBA 51-55 DDABA 56-60 BCCDD

语法填空 61. compared 62. or 63. buying 64. which

65. it 66. reliable 67. Understanding(大写) 68 whether

69. unbelievably 70. in


71. in an information age that------where

72. wide-----widely

73. seemed-----seems

74. without it ------them

75. than to switch------to去掉

76. few show interest------shows

77. there is too many-----are

78. Beside----Besides

79. less-----more

80. keep in touch-----touch后加with


Hi Albert,

How is everything? As you are into classical Chinese poetry, I’m writing to invite you to join us in watching an attractive variety show called Everlasting Classics at 7:00 p.m. on May 10th in Room 603 in the Office Building.

It is a hit program on CCTV 3, where a lot of classic Chinese poems are chanted in beautiful tunes. We plan to exchange our reviews after watching the shoe together, so you’d better learn in advance some poems to be shown and their background. The list of them is attached to the email, handy for you to refer to.

I’m looking forward to your participation and I believe you will enjoy it and learn a lot.


Li Hua


高二英语期中考试试卷 第二节(共6小题; 每小题1分, 共6分) 听下面3段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问题的选项。 每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第4段材料,回答第4至5题。 4. How long does short term memory last? A. A few seconds. B. A few minutes. C. A few hours. 5. Which of the following events requires only medium memory? A. Reading newspaper. B. Writing a resume(简历). C. Doing shopping. 听第5段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What does the man say about his working experience? A. Teaching Spanish at a local school. B. Working at a company for years. C. Owning a small business in Detroit. 7. Why does the man want to leave his present job? A. To find a full-time job in a company near home. B. To find a part-time job with chances of travelling.

C. To find a full-time job with more responsibility. 听第6段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What are the two people in the above flat like? A. Selfish. B. Sensitive. C. Optimistic. 9. What advice does the woman give to the man? A. Talking to them. B. Inviting them to a party. C. Speaking ill of them. 第三节(共3小题; 每小题1分, 共3分) 听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在相应题号后的横线上写下关键信息,每空只填一词。这段对话你将听两遍。 Booking Information Name Nancy Rosa Telephone Office 10 Home 84649966 Number of guests 8 in total


2019-2020年职高英语高二第一学期期中考试 一、本试卷共4页,包括三部分,共120分。其中第一部分和第二部分为选择题, 包括70个小题,第三部分为非选择题。 二、所有题目均需在答题纸上完成。在本试卷和草稿纸上作答无效。 三、考试结束后,将本试卷与答题纸一并交回。 第一部分英语知识运用(共分三节,满分40分) 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项,并将答案填写在答题纸上。(共5分,每小题1分) 1.believe A. tie B. lie C. die D .field 2. faded A. asked B. minded C liked D. faced 3. know A. now B .allow C show D .knowledge 4. favorite A. says B. save C. again D handsome 5. pleasure A.speak B.ahead C.weak D.please 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在答题纸上。(共25分,每小题1分) 6.The ___you study , the__ you will be. A . farther; more B. further ;more happy C. further; wiser D. farther; more clever 7. ___is clear that the trouble comes from the person. A. That B. This C .It D. Which 8. - The little girl _____in bed and cried herself to sleep. A. lied B. lying C. lay D. lies 9.All the students are in active in ___the wild animals. A. protects B .protected C. to protect D .protecting 10. you send a letter to him, it will be. A,The early, the better B.earler,better C.earlier, the better D.The earlier, the better 11. A number of students ___in the library and the number of them __89 A. were ,were B. was, were C were, was D. was, was 12. At last his friend gave up___. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoked D .smoking 13. This picture reminds me ___my childhood A. in B. on C of D. as 14. Life is _____happiness and sorrow, do you think so? A. full with B. full of C. fill with D. fill in 15.Tom went to school without ___breakfast this morning. A. have B. has C. having D. had 16.It is important for the government to have these three roads ___ A. link B. linked C .extend D. extending 17. The door is ___high and ___wide. A, 2 meters ;1.5 meters B. 2 meter;1.5 meter C 2 meters ;1.5 meter D.2meter;1.5meters 18. One million people were forced _____the Great Wall at the time. A. go to build B. to build C. built D. to be built 19. It is dangerous a little boy alone. A of , to swim B. for , to swim C. of ,swimming D for , swims 20. Would you please __me the gifts from your friends ? A. to show B. showing C. show D. shown 21. A computer consists of ___components A. thousand of B .thousands of C .nine thousands D. a thousands of 22.When he ___the mountain at last ,he was out of breath. A. reached to B .arrived to C. got to D. got 23. He always_______, which makes his parents very upset. A. stays in B. stays up C. stays away from school D. stays at 24. If you have difficulty _____English , you should listen as much as possible. A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken 25. I______ three days _______the work. A. spent, to do B. cost, doing C. spent, doing D. take, to do 26. When he_________, he found that he was in hospital. A. came to himself B. come on C. come up D come in 27. Watching TV for a long time is ____ your eyes. A. harm to B. harmful to C. harm with D. harmful with 28. Jason __an hour playing football everyday. A .pays B. takes C. costs D. spends 29. ____nice present it is! A. What a B .How C. What D. How a 30. Listen!Someone ____outside. A. singing B .are singing C. is singing D. sings 第三节完型填空:阅读下面的短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确的答案,并将答案填写在答题纸上。(共10分,每小题1分) People in different countries 1 their different favorite food. Englishmen like to eat fish and chips. Americans 2 to eat hot dogs and fried chicken. Italians like to eat pizza. Japanese like to eat fish and the fish is sometimes not cooked. In the north 3 China, the most popular food is dumplings. People usually eat dumplings on important festivals or on weekends, especially on the Spring Festival and New Year’s Day. All the family members come back home and 4 dumplings together.


高二英语期中考试试卷分析 一、试卷总体情况分析 本次期中考试试卷主要考查英语模块3所学内容,试卷总分150分。试题内容丰富,知识覆盖面广,题型较多,包括听力、完形填空、阅读理解、语法填空、短文改错和作文,和高考题型保持一致。考点知识既源于教材,又聚焦高考,全面考查了学生读、写等方面的能力。试卷以新课程理念为指导,既关注高考,又强调知识与能力并重。总体而言,试卷难度稍微偏大了点,下面以我校英语考试为抽样分析样本,对本次试卷做一个简要的分析。 二、学生各项题型得分情况及主要失分点分析 (一)试卷各大题得分情况统计(如下表): 从表中的数据看,阅读得分相对好一点,但也不是很理想,所以我们平时要重视基础知识;而完形填空、阅读理解这两项综合运用题的得分不高,高一学生语篇语境理解的能力较弱,综合运用能力差在

意料之中,虽然客观上这两项的难度的确大了些,但我们在教学中仍不可忽视这一点,即要在立足课本的同时,应重视学生的课外阅读。短文改错和作文得分一般,这提醒老师在教学中仍要加强课外阅读指导和训练,加强作文和短文改错的训练。 (二)各大题主要失分点及其原因分析: 第一部分:听力 听力既与学生所学教材紧密联系,又聚焦高考,与高考题型保持一致。听力语速较慢难度不大,但得分率不算高。本项失分较多的题目分别为:第3、5、6题,其中3、6题得分率最低。 第二部分:阅读 本次阅读理解包括四篇短文,一篇七选五,体裁涉及议论文和记叙文,所选文章具有一定的思想性和可读性,事实细节题、推理判断题和主旨大意题等各种题型均有涉及,注重考查学生的阅读理解能力。其中16、23、26题得分率比较低。 第三部分:完型填空 完形填空主要考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、语法和词汇知识的掌握情况,要求学生能够综合运用所学的词汇、语法等知识选出最佳选项,是综合性能力比较强的题型,也是学生难得高分的题型。本篇完形填空选用的夹叙夹议文体,选材精当,内容感人,问题设置非常巧妙。主要考查了三种能力:阅读理解能力;利用上下文线索进行分析和推理的能力;学生语言基础知识的运用能力。总的来说,材料偏难,达不到锻炼的效果。难题占了一半以上,其中41、42、47、50最难。 第四部分:语法填空与短文改错 这两道题考场学生的综合能力,难度较大,也是高考的难点与易错点。得分率非常的低。学生对一些语法点和语言点掌握的不牢固,需要不断加强训练,总结答题技巧。 第五部分:写作和书面表达 本次作文不是很好写,尤其对于刚上高中的学生来说更是很难,甚至出现了很多0分现象。在评卷的过程中我们还发现下面所存在的


高二英语期中模拟(一) 班级姓名学号 一:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. No matter what happens, he thinks friends should always find way to help each other. A. the; the B. /; / C. /; a D. the; a 2. The students listened carefully to the teacher with their eyes on the blackboard. A. to focus B. focused C. focusing D. being focused 3. with the traffic jam, many big cities are trying to solve it, but the situation is still very serious especially during the rush hour. A. Facing B. To face C. Faced D. Having faced 4. —We sang and dance by the lake. We didn’t return home until it was dark. —You have had a pleasant time. A. could B. might C. should D. must 5. Such great progress in space exploration that it is becoming a powerful country in the world. A. has the country made B. the country has made C. did the country make D. the country made 6. Shortly after that, the reporter apologized to the company publicly for the improper remarks he on its products. A. made B. was making C. had made D. have made 7. —My money . Could you lend me some? —Certainly. A. has used up B. has run out C. has run out of D. has been given out 8. —If you go on doing it carelessly, you will failing again. —Thank you for telling me this. I will be careful in future. A. come up B. put up C. end up D. take up 9. My mother was against my plan while my father was it. A. in need of B. in honour of C. in favour of D. in case of 10. Not with the work, the boss made Walter do it again. A. satisfy B. to satisfy C. satisfied D. satisfying 11. Recent studies have shown coffee doesn’t seem to play a role against cancer. . A. So does tea B. So tea does C. Nor tea does D. Nor does tea 12. —Morning, madam. How much should I pay for the letter to Hong Kong? —4 yuan, please. A. to be posted B. posting C. to post D. having posted 13. I would appreciate to be frank, if my computer could be fixed as soon as possible. A. that B. it C. one D. this 14. There seems to be some doubt about Ann will attend the meeting. A. when B. whether C. what D. that 15. —We used different methods to solve the question and got the same result.


高二上学期期中考试英语试题 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分。请将第Ⅰ卷答案涂在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷答案写在答卷纸上。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题)共85分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How long did it take the man to finish the writing? A. Three hours B. One hour and a half C. Half an hour 2. What will the weather be like in the following days? A. It is warming up. B. It is going to rain. C. It is getting colder. 3. How will the two speakers go home? A. By subway B. By taxi C. By bus 4. Where is Tom now? A. In the police station B. On a bus C. At school 5. How many parents will come to the meeting? A. 40 B. 26 C. 13 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Why is the man here? A. To buy a car B. To attend a wedding C. To have a family get-together 7. What is the man going to do next? A. Find a parking space B. Talk to the policeman C. Move his car 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What does the man probably do? A. A salesman B. A bus conductor C. A student 9. How much time is left for the man to catch the bus? A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 30 minutes 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. When did the woman make the appointment? A. Last week B. Two days ago C. Yesterday 11. What’s the matter with the woman according to the man? A. The work has tired her out B. She’s got H1N1 flu C. She’s got a cold 12. What is the man’s advice? A. To sleep well B. To play sports C. To take medicine 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。


2017-2018学年度第二学期高二英语期中考试答案参考答案 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 1-5 BCBAC 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 BCBBA 16-20 CCBCB 第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 21-23: BAB 24-27: CABD 28-31: AACD 32-35: BBCC 36-40: DBFEG 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 41-45: BCADB 46-50: DABCA 51-55: BBDAD 56-60: CACCD 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 61. carrying 62. a 63. to tour 64. which 65. photos 66. Since 67. ran 或者were running 68. biggest 69. that 70. were built 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分) 1.disablity-disabled 2. which-who/that 3.at-to 4.walk-walking 5. are- be 6.at后面加the 7.one-ones 8.toilet-toliets 9.special-specially 10. more-much或者去掉more 笫二节:书面表达(满分25分) Dear fellow students, Our school advocates that we should build a low carbon campus in order to protect the earth. I think it is everyone’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. Here is what I think we should do: First of all, we should walk or ride bikes instead of riding in cars or school buses to reduce the amount of pollution. Secondly, when we eat the food in the school cafeteria, we should eat up what we buy and not waste the food. Thirdly, it is important for us to save electricity and water. We should turn off lights and taps as soon as we leave the classroom and dormitories. Dear fellow students, let’s start right now and spare no effort to do every little thing we can from now on! Li Hua


第二学期期中考试 高二英语试题 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of poems does the man dislike? A. Realistic poems. B. Romantic poems. C. Humorous poems. 2. What is the woman doing? A. Enjoying her music. B. Preparing for a contest. C. Looking for her earphones. 3. Where are the speakers? A. In a post office. B. In a hotel. C. In a taxi. 4. What time is it now? A. 1010. B.1030. C. 1100. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She wants to practice French with the man. B. She will move to the quiet section. C. She won’t do what the man asks. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6. Which place is the woman looking for? A.A hotel. B. A street. C. A park. 7. Where will the woman turn right? A. On the next block. B. At the second street. C. At the very end of the street. 听第 7 段材料,回答第8-9题。 8. How did the man intend to change his appointment? A. By cancelling it. B. By changing it to another day. C. By making it earlier that day. 9. When did the man decide to see Dr. Benjamin in the end? A. At 300 p.m. on Wednesday. B. At 430 p.m. on Wednesday. C. At 1000 a.m. on Thursday. 听第 8 段材料,回答第10-12题。 10. Where is the woman going for her vacation? A. To New ealand. B. To Australia. C. To Spain. 11. How long did the woman’s mother travel with the man in Spain? A. For two months. B. For two weeks. C. For six months. 12. Who might Terri be? A. The woman’s mother. B. The man’s aunt. C. The man’s wife. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13-16 题。


诸暨中学2019学年高二期中考试英语试卷 考生须知: 1.本卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟; 2.所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效; 3.考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Check his room. B. Write his report. C. Call his dad. 2. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A photo. B. A friend. C. A party. 3. What will the woman’s family probably do this year? A. Cycling. B. Windsurfing. C. Walking. 4. How much is the man's ticket? A. £16.50. B. £14.50. C. £12.50. 5. Where are the speakers probably? A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C. In the cinema. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题. 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What happened to Molly? A. She hurt her finger. B. She broke her arm. C. She fell off her bike. 7. What does the woman complain about? A. The tennis player. B. The big bandage. C. The insect bites. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Order some equipment. B. Find a new supplier. C. Contact a job candidate. 9. What problems do the speakers have? A. The model has been discontinued.


高二英语期中试卷 姓名------------ 一,选择合适的单词填空。 1.()污染物 A, protection B, pollute C, pollutant D, pollution 2. ()伤口,创伤 A, would B, wound C, die D, illess 3. ()买,购买 A, qulity B, purchase C, product D, promptly 4. ()证实,确认 A, confirmation B, submit C, comparison D, decision 5. ()冒险的经历 A, aerospace B, mission C, technological D, splendid 6. ()连接 A, connect B, module C, tether D, hook 7. ()营救,救援 A,relief B, rescue C, resist D, reply 8. ()值得的,有益的 A, rewarding B, outstanding C,precious D, magnitude 9. ()使改道,使改变方向 A, redirect B, direct C, survey D, tension 10. ()微妙的 A, basic B, subtle C, tiny D, refresher 二,选择 1. () he said ,”I am living with my brother.”→he said that _______was living with his brother . A.i B. you C. he D.they 2. ()she said to me ,”my mother took me to the park yesterday .”→she told me that her mother had taken her to the park______.


高中英语期中考试总结 导读:期中考试已经结束,静下心来好好总结这两个多月的教学,有成功之处,也有不足的地方。特将此总结如下: 首先针对本次期中考试,我反思一下自己的不足和改进措施:本学期我担任高二(7)班和高二(8)班的英语,为了更好的完成后半个学期的教学工作,特对本次考试做一下总结。 7、8班在文科班中分别列为第一、第二名,也绝大高于其他理科班;因为7班我是后来接手的,孩子们基础相对比其他班要好,也都很听话,这次成绩考的也还相对这个学校来说不错;8班相对上次月考来说是有进步的,有一个及格的整体也有了提高还算是欣慰的。但对于平均分40多分给我的打击也是挺大的,所以针对这个分数结合平时的学习状况我也进行了反思,主要有以下问题: 1 、其中存在的最大问题是学生们基础太差,基本上可以说是零基础。他们写的作文经常主宾不分,词性不分,话不成句句不成章,比如: I is Lihua。或是I like she。我真的高估了学生的水平,小学生都会写的作文他们都不会,看来真得"从头"开始了。 2、学生做题时过于马虎,没有很好地培养学生的做题技巧。比语法填空题:好不容易会填一个空,忘了首字母要大写了,白白失分,对他们也算是个教训吧。 3、课后反馈工作做的不到位。学习是一个过程,学生也许当时学懂了,但过一会就会忘记,我没有及时让他们背诵记忆和复习,而

是培养他们自觉去背去复习,过高评价了学生的自学能力。而且对于四中的学生来说,几乎大多数人是完全没有自学能力的,所以就更得靠我的督促和引导了,以后多注意这方面的'问题。 4、忽视了学生的知识运用能力。尤其是最近讲课的时候发现一 个问题,讲词语造句的时候,当时一起领着大家说能明白,让学生自己站起来说就不会了,他们只是把知识死记住了,并没有明白如何去使用词语造句子,所以我更应该注意教会学生们去灵活地运用知识,而不是死记硬背。 5、做不出题,缺少练习。平时我们注重的是课文的谅解以至于 学生们一看到题就束手无策做不出来,也不想做,这就是平时练的少,太生疏了,应该多学多练,练的多了自然而然的也就会了。 针对学生们这种零基础以及课堂情况,我决定采取以下措施改进: 1、让学生们写下反思以及对自己的意见或建议,及时发现自己 的不足及时改正,师生共同进步。找一些个别学生谈谈心,及时给予鼓励与信心,不是学习英语的信心。 2、认真设置课堂教学环节,充分发挥学生的潜能。注重学生的 只是运用能力,让学生说,做,真正学到知识。 3、每天督促、检查、反馈。确保学生能真正掌握,扎牢知识。 4、多和其他岗友交流,及时交换意见,相互改进共同进步。 其次,我谈一谈在教学中的随感。 一、词汇教学中,教师要特别注意教学方法,有的学生不认识音


2016~2017学年 东北师大附中高二年级英语学科试卷 上学期期中考试 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。共120分,考试时间120分钟。 第I卷选择题(满分80分) 第一部分听力(共两节,每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When will the woman need an umbrella? A. On Wednesday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Monday. 2. What does the woman think the man should do? A. Stop playing tennis. B.Don?t stop what he?s doing. C. Find the cause of his failure. 3. What will the woman do tomorrow morning? A. Go to the office. B. Drive the man downtown. C. Attend a meeting. 4. Why won?t the woman go to the man?s house? A. She wants to have a rest. B. She has some guests. C. She has to go out of town. 5. Which has the woman decided to buy? A. The city postcard. B. The lake postcard. C. The forest postcard. 第二节(共15小题) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. When the dance class begins. B. What they will do after the dance class. C. Whether they will play tennis today. 7. At what time is the dance class today? A. 4:15 p.m. B. 4:45 p.m. C. 5:15 p.m. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What does the woman suggest doing? A. Meeting in the city. B. Going to the yoga class together. C. Having a quick lunch. 9. Where will the woman be at 2:15? A. At a gym. B. At a barber?s. C. At Maria?s shop. 10. What will the man do next? A. Go to work. B. Have breakfast. C. Do shopping. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Doctor and patient. C. Boyfriend and girlfriend. 12. How does the man feel about his boss? A. Regretful. B. Apologetic. C. Nervous. 13. What does the man?s mother ask him to do? A. Do housework quickly. B. Never speak to his girlfriend. C. Avoid making mistakes at work. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. How did the man pay his tuition? A. By cheque. B. By credit card. C. In cash. 15. Why didn?t the man get his student ID? A. He got to the office late. B. There were too many people. C. There was an accident in the office. 16. What did the man do today? A. He got his schedule. B. He bought his books. C. He registered his class.


中职英语期中模拟考试试题:阅读理解 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) A 56.The place where the boy was hiding smelt terrible because it . A.was too wet there B.was used as a barn C.was dirtied by animals D.was just under the garage 57.Which of the following correctly shows the boy’s emotional changes when he was under the porch? A.Happy – excited – nervous. B.Regretted – happy – anxious. C.Excited – nervous – disappointed. D.Happy – nervous – regretted. 58.By saying “a kid pulls the wool over people’s eyes”, what does the writer mean? A.Children can lose others’ trust if they often lie. B.Children can tell a lie that others believe to be true. C.Children can be easily fooled by adults. D.Children are good at telling lies. 59.The story is most probably written by . A.a teenager B.a naughty boy child C.a young adult D.a middle – aged man B The Booking Notes of the Play "the Age of Innocence" Price: $10
