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Business School of Nankai University
• informercial: n. A commercial television program or relatively long commercial segment offe百度文库ing consumer information, such as educational or instructional material, related to the sponsor‘s product or service. 商业信息片 franchise: n. Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area. 特许经营权 edge: n. A margin of superiority; an advantage: 强势 differentiation: n. 区别 tactical: adj. Of, relating to, or using tactics. 战 术的 departmental: adj. 部门的 peer: n. A person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age: 同等 的人与他人在如爵位、阶级或年龄上相当的人:
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Strategic goals: Goals that focus on broad
organizational issues and aim to improve performance. Middle managers: Those in the middle of the management hierarchy; they develop plans to implement the goals of top managers and coordinate the work of first-line managers. Tactical objectives: Objectives that focus on departmental issues and describe the results necessary to achieve organization’s strategic goals. First-line managers: Those at the lowest management hierarchy, who supervise the operating employees and implement the plans set at the higher management levels; also called supervisory managers.
Business School of Nankai University
Management is needed in every type of organization. An auto plant, a city government, a baseball team, an army, and a school all require management. Every organization has goals. Management entails planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, and controlling resources (land, labor, capital and information) to efficiently reach these goals. The challenges of management include maintaining an organizational structure, developing both long- and short-tem plans, motivating employees, and maintaining quality—a measure of how closely goods and services conform to predetermined standards and customer expectations. To meet these challenges, managers must possess certain skills that enable them to fulfill specific roles. As Bill Gates has demonstrated, when managers possess the right combination of vision, skill, experience, and determination, they can lead an organization to success.
Business School of Nankai University
Managerial Goals
Why do organizations like Microsoft, Intel, Ford, and General Electric exist? Like most organizations, they were formed in order to realize a vision, a realistic, credible, and attractive view of the future that grows out of and improves upon the present. Henry Ford envisioned making affordable transportation available to every person. Bill Gates envisioned making the computer a useful household and business tool. Without such visionary managers, who knows how the world would be different. In today’s innovative and competitive business environment, companies that strive to envision and define the future often have an advantage over those that simply react to the present.
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Business School of Nankai University
interpersonal: adj. Relating to, occurring among, or involving several people. 人与人之 间的 foster: v. To promote the growth and development of; cultivate: 促进 pervasive: adj. Having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate: 渗透性的 stakeholder: n. One who has a share or an interest, as in an enterprise. 股东 flourish: v. To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence: 活跃 automotive: adj. Moving by itself; selfpropelling or self-propelled. 自动的 nonroutine: n. 非常规程序 analogue: n. Something that bears an analogy to something else 类似情况,
Unit Two The scope of Management
作者:南开大学 商学院 李桂华
Business School of Nankai University
entail: v. To have, impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence: 伴随 conform: v. To act or be in accord or agreement; comply. 使和谐一致 vision: n. Unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight: 洞察力 envision: v. To picture in the mind; imagine. 想像 strive: v. To exert much effort or energy; endeavor. 努 力 affordable: adj. That can be afforded: 买得起的 mission: n. A special assignment given to a person or group: an agent on a secret mission. 任务
Business School of Nankai University
Management is needed in every type of organization. An auto plant, a city government, a baseball team, an army, and a school all require management. Every organization has goals. Management entails planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, and controlling resources (land, labor, capital and information) to efficiently reach these goals. The challenges of management include maintaining an organizational structure, developing both long- and short-tem plans, motivating employees, and maintaining quality—a measure of how closely goods and services conform to predetermined standards and customer expectations. To meet these challenges, managers must possess certain skills that enable them to fulfill specific roles. As Bill Gates has demonstrated, when managers possess the right combination of vision, skill, experience, and determination, they can lead an organization to success.
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Vision: A viable view of the future that is rooted in
but improves on the present. Mission statement: A statement of the organization’s purpose. Goal: Broad long-range target or aim. Objective: Specific, short-range target or aim Management pyramid: Organizational structure comprising top, middle, and lower management Top managers: Those at the highest level of the organization’s management hierarchy; they are responsible for setting strategic goals, and they have the most power and responsibility in the organization.