




In-Class Reading

The Bermuda Triangle


【例句】His job consists of helping old people who live alone.他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。

【词组】consist of由…构成

consist in在于;存在于

consist with符合;与…一致


on board在船[火车,飞机,汽车]上;已装船

【例句】The plane burst into flames,killing two of the airmen on board.飞机突然起火,机上的两名飞行员丧生。

good condition情况良好;完好;完好无缺

【例句】①The piano was in good condition.这台钢琴状况良好。

②All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.所有




【例句】My expenditure is conditioned by my income.我的支出受我的收入限制。【词组】on condition(that)在…条件下

【派生】conditional adj.有条件的;假定的

conditioner n.调节器;调节剂;调料槽



【例句】The sailboat compassed the island.帆船绕岛航行。




【例句】The raft was floating gently down the river.筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。

【搭配】life raft救生筏



【例句】Wood floats on water.木头漂浮在水上。

【词组】float on浮在…上

float off浮起;漂浮


control tower(机场)指挥塔台


【例句】But magnetic propulsion has some drawbacks.但是磁力推进有一些缺陷。【助记】magnet磁铁magic+net魔网,魔网能吸东西,磁场→有磁铁。



【例句】They traced the criminal to a house in the city.他们追踪罪犯,一直追到了城里的一座房子里。

【词组】trace sb.sth.(to sth.)追踪;追溯;探索

trace sth.(back)to sth.找出某事的根源

without a trace无影无踪地;渺无踪迹地

trace out描绘出;探寻;轨迹为

(hot)on the trace of(紧)追…,追赶…


【派生】tracing n.追踪;追查;描摹


【例句】There are many mysterious stories about the Egyptian pyramids.关于埃及金字塔有许多神秘的故事。

take place发生,举行


【例句】These triangular patterns show you the state of your environment.



【例句】His disappearance overshadowed the family.他的失踪给家庭蒙上了一层阴影。

【搭配】a mysterious disappearance神秘的失踪

carry off完成;抢走;成功地对付;赢得

【例句】He’s got the experience and the authority to carry it off.他的经验和威望足以做成这件事。

flying saucer飞碟


【例句】In our geography class,we are learning about rivers.我们正在地理课上学习有关河流的知识。



【例句】The cabinet is responsible to the parliament.内阁对国会负责。

【词组】responsible for是…的原由;为…负责

be responsible to sb.对某人负责


lie on压在[位于]…之上;依赖,取决于

earthquake belt地震区


【例句】The underwater world is really fascination.水下世界真是引人入胜。

result in引起,导致,以…为结局;落得;致使

【例句】A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.失之毫厘,谬以


as with如同,和…一样,就…而言

【例句】As with all new ideas it met with resistance.和所有的新观念一样,它受到了抵制。


【例句】He normally stays up late.他通常都熬夜。


【例句】This car is my property.这车是我的财产。

【词组】property right产权

intellectual property right知识产权;智慧财产权



【例句】Her explanation certainly sounded believable.她的解释听起来的确可信。




2018高中英语选修六重点单词及短语 Unit1. Art aim n. 目标;目的vi. & vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的 adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收养 possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配 a great deal 大量 attempt n. 努力;尝试;企图vt. 尝试;企图 on the other hand (可是)另一方面 predict vt. 预言;预告;预测 specific adj. 确切的;特定的 appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助vt. 将……上诉n. 呼吁;恳求appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 Unit2. Poems concrete adj. 具体的 flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的 take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容 run out of 用完 be made up of 由……构成 in particular 尤其;特别 eventually adv. 最后;终于 transform vi. & vt. 转化;转换;改造变换

appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的 exchange n. 交换;交流;互换vt. & vi. 调换;交换sponsor n. 赞助人;主办者;倡议者vt. 发起;举办;倡议try out 测试;试验 let out 发出;放走 Unit3. A healthy life abuse n. & vt. 滥用;虐待 stress n. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张 ban vt. 禁止;取缔n. 禁令;谴责 due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的 due to 由于…… automatic adj. 无意识的;自动 mental adj. 精神的;智力的 effect n. 结果;效力 strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强vi. 变强 decide on 对……作出决定 feel like (doing) 想要(做)…… desperate adj. 绝望的,拼命的 disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的 ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的 in spite of 不顾;不管 take risks (a risk) 冒险


M5 Unit3 Life in the Future private school 私立学校public school 公立学校 in private 私下地 lack: lack sth (vt) 缺少……eg: lack courage/ confidence/ responsibility 缺乏勇气/信心/责任感be lacking in lack of sth (n) eg: The plants died because of lack of water. 同义词:be short of eg: I’m short of money. lack for nothing 应有尽有 press down 往下按 the press 新闻界 master a language 掌握一门语言master English 掌握英语 switch on/ off 开/ 关 take up a prize 接受奖励 rub one’s eyes 擦亮眼睛 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 be unsettled 不安的 as a result 结果是 suffer from 遭受 be similar to 与……相似 feel nervous and uncertain 感到不安 be understanding 能理解人的 make sb sleepy 人们感到昏昏欲睡 be known for 因……而出名be known as 作为……而出名 transport sb into the future 把人送到未来 hit by the lack of fresh air 由于缺乏新鲜空气 in no time立刻,马上 at any time 在任何时候 in time 及时;迟早,最终eg: In time, you’ll forget him. be back on one’s feet=well by doing 通过某种方式,手段 get lost 迷路 in all directions= in every direction 朝四面八方 sight: lose sight of 看不见 catch sight of 瞥见 at first sight 乍一眼 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。in sight 在视线范围内 slide into/ out of (slid, slid) 悄悄溜进/ 溜出 on earth 究竟 in length 在长度范围内at length 详尽地;最终 an optimistic view / a pessimistic view 乐观/悲观的观点

Book 2 Unit 3 Computers

教材词汇要记牢(1-8册已学词汇) Ⅰ.阅读单词——我会认 1.laptop n.手提电脑2.analytical adj.分析的 3.sum n.总数;算术题;金额4.artificial adj.人造的;假的5.designer n.设计师 6.chip n.碎片;芯片7.network n.网络;网状物8.web n.网 9.Mars n.火星 10.supporting adj.支持的;支撑的11.programmer n.程序员;程序师12.teammate n.同伴;伙伴13.mop n.拖把v t.用拖把拖;擦14.naughty adj.顽皮的;淘气的15.niece n.侄女;甥女16.spoil v t.损坏;宠坏 Ⅱ.重点单词——我会写1.revolution n.革命 2.tube n.管;管子;电子管3.mobile adj.可移动的;机动的4.rocket n.火箭

5.explore v t.& v i.探索;探测;探究 6.anyhow ad v.(也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此 7.goal n.目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 8.happiness n.幸福;快乐 9.download v t.下载 10.virus n.病毒 11.signal v i.& v t.发信号n.信号 12.type n.类型v t.& v i.打字 13.coach n.教练 14.arise v i.(arose,arisen)出现;发生 15.electronic adj.电子的 16.character n.性格;特点 Ⅲ.拓展单词——我会变 1.universal adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的→universe n.宇宙→universally ad v.普遍地;一致地2.simplify v t.简化→simple adj.简单的→simply ad v.简直;只;不过 3.operator n.(电脑)操作员;接线员→operate v.操作;做手术→operation n.操作;手术4.logical adj.合逻辑的;合情理的→logically ad v.逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地5.technology n.工艺;科技;技术→technological adj.科技的 6.intelligence n.智力;聪明;智能→intelligent adj.智能的;聪明的 7.solve v t.解决;解答→solution n.解决办法 8.reality n.真实;事实;现实→real adj.真实的 9.personal adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的→personally ad v.就个人而言;亲自→personality n.个性;人格 10.total adj.总的;整个的n.总数;合计→totally ad v.完全地;整个地 11.application n.应用;用途;申请→apply v.运用;涉及;申请→applicant n.申请人;求职者 12.finance n.金融;财经→financial adj.金融的;财经的→financially ad v.经济上;财政上;金融上 13.appearance n.外观;外貌;出现→appear v.出现;到场 14.calculate v t.计算→calculator n.计算器 Ⅳ.核心短语 1.have...in common有……共同之处 2.from...on从……时起 3.as a result结果


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS 1. Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines. (P10)【分析】 ①本句是一个主从复合句。 ②主语是Another simple … easily write,其中包含一个由________引导的限制性定语从句,修饰form of poem。 ③a poem … five lines作the cinquain的同位语,其中made up of five lines是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰poem。 【句意】另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的,叫做五行诗。 【仿写】你刚看到的那个人是史密斯先生,一位教英语的高中老师。 ____________________________________________________________ 2. The language is concrete but imaginative, and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition. (P10)【分析】 ①本句是一个由________连接的并列句。 ②前一个分句是简单句,其中concrete but imaginative作________。 ③后一个分句是复合句,其中主句是they delight children,because 引导________从句。【句意】(童谣的)语言具体但富有想象力,这些童谣能使小孩子们快乐,因为它们押韵、节奏感强,而且重复多遍。 【仿写】这些故事短小但有趣,深受读者喜爱,因为它们的结局常在意料之外。 ____________________________________________________________ 3. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. (P10)【分析】 ①本句是一个主从复合句。 ②主句为Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way。 ③that引导的定语从句修饰________。 【仿写】我们决定用一种他能接受的方法来帮助他。 ____________________________________________________________ 4. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. (P11) 【分析】 ①本句是一个简单句。 ②With so many … to choose from是with复合结构,由“with +名词+动词不定式”构成,在句中作________。 【句意】有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。 【仿写】有那个小男孩带路,我们很容易就找到了那所房子。 ____________________________________________________________

Book 7 Unit 3 单词答案

Book 7 Unit 3我爱记单词 1. witness 1) History has witne ssed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world.vt 目击了某事 2)His health is a good witness to the success of the treatment. n. 是…的目击者 We were witness to the worst excesses of the military. 是…的目击者 3) The witness who witnessed the incident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness. Cn目击者Vt 目击做…的证人;为…作证Cn.(法庭上的)证人 4) One witness claimed to have seen the gun. Cn. 证人 5)a witness to a will 见证人遗嘱的见证人 6) Her principal was called to witness to her good character. vt短语证实,证明(某事) 她的校长被传唤来证明她优良的品德。 7) We witnessed the break-up of the former Soviet Union. Vt. 亲身经历(重要事件或变迁) 2. opposite 1) The woman turned and walked off in the opposite direction. adj. 相反的 2)The colors ‘black’ and ‘white’ are opposites. Cn. 对立物,相反的人 3) Martha’s not shy at all—just the opposite in fact. 不…,正好/完全相反 3. abandon 1) The baby had been abandoned by its mother. vt. 离弃,遗弃 2) They had to abandon their lands to the invading forces. ~ sth. to sb./sth. 3) He abandoned himself to despair. 陷入,沉湎于 4) The child was found abandoned but unharmed. adj. 被遗弃的 4. leap leapt, leaped; leapt, leaped 1) Brenda leaped the gate and ran across the field. 2) Wendi leaped to his assistance. 援助某人 3)They were offering a free holiday in the Algarve, so naturally I leapt at the chance. leap at the chance/ opportunity/ offer 立刻抓住机会/迫不及待地接受建议

人教版高中英语必修三 第一单元词汇与短语

人教版高中英语必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world I.核心单词 1.starve 饿死 2. obvious 明显的 3. satisfy 满足;使满意 4. lead 领导;引导 5. origin 起源;源头 6. trick 诡计,窍门;欺骗,诈骗 7. arrival 到来,到达 8. national 国家的9. gain 得到,获得10. independence 独立11. gather 集合 12. European 欧洲的13. custom 习俗,风俗14. award 奖品; 授予 II.重点短语 1.take place 发生 2. day and night 日夜 3. in memory of 纪念;追念 4. dress up 盛装;打扮 5. play a trick on 诈骗;开玩笑 6. look forward to 期盼;盼望 7. as though 好像8. have fan with 玩得开心9. turn up 出现;到场 10. keep one’s word 守信用11. h old one’s breath 12. Set off 出发13. r emind …of … 使……想起…… III.课文内涵及外延短语及其用法 1.Mean 意欲,打算,意味 (1)sb./sth. be meant /intended to do 某人/某物专门被用来做…… . The students in that university are meant to be teachers. .His father meant him to be a businessman. (2)sb./sth. be meant/intended for 打算使某人/某物为……所用/做…… .He was meant for teaching. (3)mean sb. for …打算让某人成为 .He didn’t mean for a translator. (4) mean to do sth. 打算做某事 .He meant to go to America. (5) mean doing sth. (6) mean something/nothing 2.celebration 庆祝;庆典 in celebration of 为了庆祝…… . They decided to hold a party in celebration of their father’s birthday. have/ hold a celebration 举行庆祝会/庆典 celebrated adj. = famous adj. 着名的,驰名的 3.take place 发生,举行,进行 take the place of …代替…… . He will take the place of the manager when the manager go abroad. take one’s place 代替某人;就坐 . Please, take my place during I am in France for a business visit. take (the)first place 居首位,得第一 4.take place , happen, occur, come about, break out take place 表示按照事先是我安排或计划发生,多指运动,变化,进步,会议或婚礼等


词汇 1. convey vt, 向…表达、传递(感情,思想,意见等) convey sb. to some place 用车送某人去某地 vt convey sb/ sth from ……to…..传送,运送 eg.1. The train conveys both passengers from the airport to your hotel. 2.These results will enable us at least to convey(表明)a sense of progress. 这些结果至少能表明一种进步的感觉。 3.His songs convey a sense of optimism. 【练习】I was so nervous that I couldn’t______my true feelings in front of so many people. A. expose B. deliver C. instruct D. convey 解析:. D 此题考查动词辨析。 句意:我如此紧张,以至于当着这么多人的面,我不能表达自己的真实感情。 expose显露,暴露;deliver传送,发表;instruct指示,吩咐;convey表达(思想、情感)等。 2. concrete adj/n/v混凝土的,确凿的(证据),具体的(建议) The garden had been concreted over. 铺设了混凝土 Concrete evidence Concrete proposals It’s easier to think in concrete terms rather than abstract. 3. contradictory adj引起矛盾的,好反驳的 contradict v反驳,相矛盾contradiction n不一致,矛盾 contradict oneself 自相矛盾 例句 : There were contradictory versions of what happened. 对于发生的事情的说法相互矛盾。 4. flexible adj灵活的,可弯曲的 flexibility n. 灵活 flexibly adv. 灵活地,柔顺地


Book1 Unit3 Travel Journal 一.重点短语和单词 1. journal n. (旅行,航海)日记,日志;定期刊物(the Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报)journey n. 旅行,旅程 2. transport sth from…to…. 把某物从…运到…transportation n. 3. A to B 与B相比,更喜欢A prefer (preferred, preferred) v. doing A to doing B 宁愿做A而不愿做B to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 4. advantages and disadvantages 不利条件;不便之处shortcoming(s) n. 缺点 5. fare n. (交通费用) school fees and bus fare 6. flow from/to 从....流到….. flow into 流进…flow through 流经… 7. persuade sb to do =persuade sb into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb not to do = persuade sb out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事 try to persuade sb to do sth. 劝说(不一定成功) 8. cycle vi. 骑自行车cyclist n. 骑自行车的人 9. graduate from 从…学校毕业graduate in 从…专业毕业graduate n. 大学毕业生 10. finally 最后,终于= in the end=at last 11. on schedule 准时,按时ahead of schedule(time) 提前behind schedule 迟于预定时间 draw/plan a (tight) schedule制定一个(紧凑)的计划 12. be fond of =like + doing sth 喜欢,喜爱 13. organize vt.组织;安排organization n. 14. care about 1)关心,惦念=care for =be concerned about 2)在乎,介意I don’t care about you. 15. determine vt 决定,下定决心determination n. 决心determined adj. 坚决的,有决心的 决定做某事determine to do sth / be determined to do sth 16. make up one’s mind to do 下决心,决定做某事make up our minds 17. change one’s mind 改变主意change our minds 18. at an altitude of 在…海拔高度,高处 19. an attitude to/toward/towards 对…的态度;看法 20. give in to sb向…投降,屈服,让步give up doing sth 放弃做某事 give off 放出,散发(光,热,烟,气味等)give away 泄露;赠送; give out 分配,分发; (食物,燃料,电力)用光;精疲力竭give back 归还;恢复 21. keep pace with 并驾齐驱,赶上 22. bend (bent,bent) v. 使弯曲;弯身,弓腰n. 弯,拐角; 23. as usual 照常usually 24. reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的v. rely on = depend on 相信,依赖,信赖 25. in my view= in my opinion= from my point of view= as far as I’m concerned 就我看来 26. at midnight在午夜at dusk在黄昏at dawn在黎明at noon 在正午 27. in one’s daily life在某人的日常生活中 28. dream of/about doing梦想做某事 29. take a bike trip骑自行车旅游 30. get sb interested in 使某人对….感兴趣 31. the (best) way to do/of doing 做某事(最好)的方法是


72. deputy 英 ['depj?t?]美 ['d?pjuti] n. 代理人,代表 adj. 副的;代理的 I delegated my responsibilities to my deputy.我把职责委托给了我的代理人。 When he was ill,his duties devolved on his deputy.他生病期间他的工作移交给了他的副手。 73. kick off [足球]中线开球;[口](使)开始;[美,口]死;踢开 1.Kick off your shoes and find a game on TV.脱下鞋子打开电视找场比赛看吧。 2.They kick off their campaign against Paraguay tomorrow night. 他们脱掉他们明天晚上对阵巴拉圭。 74. gluttony英 ['gl?t(?)n?]暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食,贪吃 1.In love,as in gluttony,pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. 在爱情中,如同暴饮暴食,快乐的关键在于毫厘不差的精准。 75. unique 英[ju?'ni?k]美 [j?'nik] adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的 n. 独一无二的人或物 We all have unique skills and gifts.我们都拥有独特的技能和天赋。 In this case however,despite the name of the property,it need not and should notbe unique. 尽管该属性的名称如此,但在这种情况下,它不需要也不应该为唯一的。 76. pyramid英 ['p?r?m?d]美 ['p?r?m?d] n. 金字塔;角锥体 vi. 渐增;上涨;成金字塔状 vt. 使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状 Imagine this as a pyramid and not a triangle.想象一下这是个金字塔,不说三角形。 We can reach the glorious summit of pyramid if we learn English in this way.我们按照这样的过程学习英语,就一定能达到金字塔光辉的顶端! 77. phenomenon [f?'n?m?n?]n. 现象,事件;奇迹;非凡的人 This phenomenon is not as outrageous as it seems. 这种现象并不像它看上去那样骇人。78. complement英 ['k?mpl?m(?)nt]美 ['kɑmpl?m?nt] n. 补语;余角;补足物 vt. 补足,补助 1.You do not want to duplicate efforts, though you may come to complement them. 虽然您可能会为其做补充,您不会想去做重复的工作。 79. bid [b?d] vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐 vi. 投标;吩咐 n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取 n. (Bid)人名;(俄)比


英语学科教师教案 辅导科目:英语学员姓名:年级:高学管老师: 学科教师:课时数:第___次课 课题40篇阅读(8) 课型□预习课□同步课□复习课□习题课□拓展课 授课日期及时段 教学目的 1. 掌握课文中的单词和短语。 重难点学生能够掌握阅读技巧。 教学内容 I.上次课复习 II.作业检查 III.新知传授 8. Computers 电脑 The goal of early calculating machines was to simplify difficult sum s. But with the help of new technology, electronic chip s replaced tube s and a revolution of artificial intelligence has arise n. From then on, the appearance of computers totally changed our lives. They can not only download information from the wet when connected by the network or mobile phone signal s, but also solve different type s of logical problems. With operator s as their coach es, they can even control rocket s to explore the moon and instruct android s with the human race’s character s to mop floors and watch over your naughty niece. Anyhow, computers are so helpful that they do bring happiness. However, computers are easily attacked by virus es. This reality has become a hard-to-deal with-problem. As a result, computers are dangerous in a way. So, personally, I worry about their universal application s in some fields, such as finance. 1. application n.[C,U]应用;用途;申请;请求 Make an application ( to sb.) for (向某人)申请... An application from 申请表 Apply v. 应用,申请apply...to...把......应用于...... Apply oneself to 致力于,集中精力于apply for 申请 Apply to...for...向......申请...... 2. goal n.目标;目的set a goal 设定目标achieve/realize/attain/reach a goal 实现目标进球,得分,球门set a goal 得分(踢进一球)keep goal守球门 3. of high quality 高质量的 Of + 修饰词(如high,great,little,some,no等)+抽象名词结构除了用作定语,还常用作表语,相当于


UNIT 1 一.词汇 1)starve Vi:表“饿死,挨饿”,可与介词to搭配。 They starved to death. Vt:表:“使挨饿,使饿死” The lady is starving herself. Phrases:starve for=be starved for表”渴望获得,迫切需要”, The patients are starved of / starving for medicine.(相当于long for ; be in great need of ) 2)plenty n. 丰富, 充分, 大量 We have plenty of time to finish the job. adj. [常用作表语]很多的, 足够的 This is plenty. adv. (=quite) 完全, 十分 plenty good enough Phrases:in plenty ; plenty of 许多,大量 注:plenty宜用于陈述句, 在疑问句或在否定句中一般用enough We have plenty of food for the holiday. Have you enough food for the holiday? We have not enough food for holiday. 3)satisfy (与interest 等词类似) Vt:表示“满意,使满足”,直接跟宾语,若接that从句时,意思是“使相信”. sb. be satisfied with对……满足 sb. be satisfied to do sth满足于做某事 Satisfy sb. with 以……满足 satisfy…for 向……偿还 4)harm n : 意为“损害”,常与do,come,mean等动词搭配。 do harm/good to sb. = be harmful/good to sb. = do sb. harm/good对某人有害 There’s no harm in doing sth.= It does no harm for sb to do sth 做某事无害处 do sb. wrong = do wrong to sb. 委屈某人,做对不起某人的事 Vt: 表示“损害,伤害”。 Did he harm you? 5)origin n : 表示“起源,起因,出身”。 What's the origin of your anxiety? 你焦虑的根源是什么? be of origin起源于,出身于 6)event n : 表“事变,事件”,既可以指历史上的,国际上的,国内的大事件,也可以指日常事件,复数形式还可以指事态的发展和结局,也可以指体育比赛中的“项目”。 常见词组: at all events/in every event总之,无论如何,不管怎样 in the event结果,终于


人教版八年级上册英语Unit3重点单词与重点短语(附例句) Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 【重点单词】 outgoing ['a?tɡ????] adj. 外向的 The little girl is outgoing and lively. better ['bet?(r)] adj. & adv. (good和well的比较级) 较好的(地);更好的(地) Tom is better at mathematics. loudly ['la?dli] adv. 喧闹地;大声地 ①Xiao Ming is talking loudly in the classroom. ②You should read English aloud in the morning声地;响亮地 quietly ['kwa??tli] adv. 轻声地;轻柔地;安静地He walked quietly into the bedroom.

hard-working [?hɑ?(r)d'w??k??] adj. 工作努力的;辛勤的 He is a hard-working girl. Xiao Ming is a hard-working worker. competition [?k?mp?'t??n], [?kɑ?mp?'t??n] n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争 There will be a math competition in our school tomorrow. I won the first prize in the painting competition. fantastic [f?n't?st?k] adj. 极好的;了不起的 You look fantastic in that dress. 你穿那件连衣裙真好看。 which [w?t?] pron. & adj. 哪一个;哪一些 Which book do you like best? Which animal do you like best? clearly ['kl??li], ['kl?rli] adv. 清楚地;清晰地;明白的

高中英语人教版必修二Book 2 unit 1- unit 3 1-3单元词性变化词汇短语整理

Unit 1-3 1. culture n.________—( ) adj.文化的 2. rare adj. ________—( ) adv.稀罕地 3. value n. ________—( ) adj.有价值的 4. survive v. ________—( ) adj.幸存者 5. amaze v. ________—( ) adj.令人吃惊的 6. design n./v. ________—( ) n.设计师 7. decorate v. ________—( ) n.装修8. art n. ________—( ) n.艺术家 9. wood n. ________—( ) adj.木制的10. former n. ________—( ) n.后者 11. build v. ________—( ) v.重建12. paint v. _____—( ) n.画家—( ) n.画13. enter v. ________—( ) n.入口14. sail v. ________—( ) n.水手;海员 15. formal adj. ________—( ) adj.非正式的16. Greece n. ________—( ) n.希腊人adj.希腊的 17. compete v. __________—( ) n.竞争者—( ) n.竞争 18. magic n.________—( ) adj.有魔力的19. regular adj. ________—( ) adv.有规律地20. responsible adj. ________—( ) n.责任21. place n. ________—( ) v.替换;取代 22. swift adj. ________—( ) adv.迅速地23. similar adj. ________—( ) n.相似点 24. physics n. ________—( ) adj.物理的25. advertise v. ________—( ) n.广告 26. prince n. ________—( ) n.公主27. fool n. ________—( ) adj.愚蠢的 28. hope v. ___________—( ) adj.有希望的—( ) adj.绝望的 29. pain n. ________—( ) adj. 痛的30. strike v. ________—( ) n.敲击者;前锋31. calculate v. ________—( ) n.计算器32. analyse v. ________—( ) adj.分析的 33. universe n. ________—( ) adj.普遍的34. simple adj. ________—( ) v.简化 35. operate v. ________—( ) n.操作员36. technology n. ________—( ) adj.科技的 36. logic n. ________—( ) adj.合逻辑的—( ) adv.合逻辑地 37. intelligence n. _______—( ) adj.智能的38. math n. ________—( ) adj.数学的 39. real adj. _________—( ) adv.事实上—( ) n.现实 40. person n. _________—( )adj.私人的—( )adv.私人地;亲自 41. total adj. ________—( ) adv.完整地42. apply v. ________—( ) n.应用;申请43. finance n. ________—( ) adj.财经的44. happy adj. ________—( ) n.幸福 45. support v. ________—( ) adj.支持的46. program n.________ v. ______—( ) n.程序员 47. type n.______ v. ______—( ) n.打字员47. solve v. __________—( ) n.解决 48. appear v.________—( ) n.外貌;出现—( ) v.消失 49. 文化遗产( ) 50. 寻找( ) 51. 属于( ) 52. 做为回报( ) 53. 一群( ) 54. 处于交战( ) 55. 少于( ) 56. 多于( ) 57. 拆开( ) 58. 看重( ) 59. 参加( ) 60. 代表( ) 61. 主管;看管( ) 62. 一个接一个( ) 63. 人工智能( ) 64. 信息技术( ) 65. 结果( ) 66. 如此…以至于( ) 67. 人类( ) 68. 在某种程度( ) 69. 在…的帮助( ) 70. 处理( ) 71. 看守;监视( )
