








SECTION Ⅰ Listening Comprehension



This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.

Remember, while you are doing the text, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.

Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

Part A


You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer----A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once.

1.What will the woman do tomorrow?

A. hold a party.

B. See Mt. Smith.

C. Work over time.

D. Attend a wedding.

2. Who is Mr. Johnson according to the speakers?

A. Their former colleague.

B. Their former neighbour.

C. Their former teacher.

D. Their former client.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A job interview.

B. A reporter’s work.

C. How to impress people.

D. How to handle an interview.

4. How many flights to Sydney will there be next Tuesday afternoon?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Four.

D. Five.

5. What did the man’s teacher tell him to do?

A. Polish his essay.

B. Hand in his essay.

C. Rewrite his essay.

D. Write a shorter essay.

6. What can we learn about the woman’s son?

A. He often talks with his mother.

B. He often drives in a careless way.

C. He is willing to listen to his mother.

D. He is worried about his driving skills.

7. What do we know about Jack?

A. He is a company manager.

B. He makes emergency calls.

C. He records emergency calls.

D. He is a company technician.

8. What can we learn from this conversation?

A. The woman is paying the bill.

B. Bill’s phone number is 510-1520-20.

C. The man pays 20 dollars to the woman.

D. The woman ha a 20-dollaar bill changed.

9. What does the woman mean?

A. The dentist’s is at a convenient place.

B. The dentist’s is close to Times Square.

C. It was comfortable to sit at the dentist’s.

D. It was not terrible to visit to the dentist’s.

10. What do we know about the woman?

A. She is going to deliver a lecture.

B. She spent a year in the rain forest.

C. She is looking forward to the lecture.

D. She will finish her report this weekend.

Part B


You will hear four dialogues of monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear the recording only once.

Questions 11—13 are based on the following conversation between a reporter and a female writer.

11. What do we know about the woman’s family?

A. They kept a lot of birds.

B. They lived in a big house.

C. They owned a small farm.

D. They suffered from poverty.

12. What did the woman’s mother impress her with?

A. Her love.

B. Her success.

C. Her ambition.

D. Her knowledge.

13. What did the woman’s mother wish her to do?

A. Go to college.

B. Become a writer.

C. Have a better life.

D. Support her family. Questions 14 – 17 are based on the following conversation.

14. Whom is the man probably complaining to?

A. A receptionist.

B. A travel agent.

C. A coach driver.

D. A hotel staff member.

15. Why did the man wait in the heat for two hours?

A. The coach had to be replaced.

B. The coach driver felt sick.

C. The hotel rooms were full.

D. The hotel had to be cleaned.

16. What did the man mention in his complaint?

A. Impolite hotel cleaners.

B. Dark light and dirty rooms.

C. Rude people living downstairs.

D. Disturbing noise and poor food.

17. How did the man feel about the woman’s apology?

A. Amusing.

B. Annoying.

C. Desirable.

D. Reasonable.

Questions 18 –21 are based on the following interview with John Smith, chairman of National Weight and Health Association (NWHA).

18. What did the NWHA survey aim to explore?

A. The incidents of obesity.

B. Popular views on obesity.

C. Ways to fight obesity.

D. The causes of obesity.

19. How many people in the world are rated as being overweight?

A. 16 million.

B. 18 million.

C. 1.6 billion.

D. 1.8 billion.

20. In which country do people feel the most pressure to be thin?

A. Brazil.

B. India.

C. France.

D. America.

21. Who are most likely to blame their parent for obesity?

A. The French.

B. The Swiss.

C. Germans.

D. Russians.

Questions 22 – 25 are based on the following interview with Emily Galash, a high school students who woks part-time as a trendspotter.

22. What do trendspotters do?

A. Take pictures of youth culture.

B. Write reports on youth culture.

C. Sell products to young people.

D. Create websites for young people.

23. What does Look-Look concentrate on?

A. Recruiting trendspotters for its clients.

B. Providing advice to young trendspotters.

C. Organizing sales networks for its clients.

D. Dealing in information about youth trends.

24. Why do some companies use Look-Look’s images on their websites?

A. To promote visits to Look-Look. com.

B. To attract young people to their new products.

C. To learn about what makes young people buy.

D. To encourage young people to be photographed.

25. Why is it difficult for trendspotters to catch original styles?

A. Many young people like to show off.

B. Many young people stick to the rules.

C. Many young people try to copy trends.

D. Many young people refuse to take pictures. You now have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

That is the end of Listening Comprehension.

SECTION Ⅱ Use of English

(15 minutes)


Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEER 1.

What do I want? It’s really a very 26 questions; yet many of us are not sure. 27 it doesn’t have to be all that difficult to answer. It’s a matter of 28.

Have you ever looked through a telescope at something? You find a 29point to concentrate on, and then 30 the settings. At first, it’s too 31 , then it’s too far away, finally it’s just right. The 32 is that it takes many adjustments to 33 the subject into focus. If 34 want to look at something else, the 35 starts again.

Goal-setting is the same way. Don’t 36 if at first you don’t know exactly what you want to 37 . Just don’t make the mistake of never committing 38 anything. Sometimes the answer is very simple: Just 39 something.

Dr. Mark Goldstone, author of Get Out of Your Own Way, 40 you ―look back in order to look 41‖ . Examine your calendar at day’s end during a typical week and 42each appointment or listing on a scale of -3 to + 3, 43 -3 means ―If I never do this again, it will be too soon to do it.‖ And +3 means ―I could do this all day long, and I can’t 44 to do it all over again.‖45you identify the frequent themes, you’ll be able to better focus your dreams.

26. A. strange B. simple C. ridiculous D. funny

27. A. And B. So C. For D. But

28. A. time B. determination C. focus D. preference

29. A. reference B. turning C. starting D. major

30. A. switch B. open C. adjust D. fix

31. A. large B. dark C. foggy D. close

32. A. sign B. point C. choice D. law

33. A. bring B. move C. include D. put

34. A. observers B. viewers C. we D. you

35. A. practice B. process C. progress D. performance

36. A. hesitate B. mind C. worry D. apologize

37. A. see B. say C. do D. hear

38. A. in B. on C. to D. at

39. A. write B. pick C. test D. draw

40. A. suggests B. announces C. imagines D. warns

41. A. forward B. up C. round D. in

42. A. read B. correct C. define D. grade

43. A. which B. what C. where D. why

44. A. wait B. promise C. afford D. manage

45. A. Once B. Unless C. Before D. Though

SECTION Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

(40 minutes)

Part A


Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Text 1

In 1997, 25 Japanese citizens, all older than 6o, launched Jeeba (the name means ―old man and woman‖) to make senior-friendly products. They knew they were making history when they coined their company motto: ―Of the elderly, by the elderly, and for the elderly.‖ They do not hire young people, and the oldest of their workers is 75.

Firms run by senior citizens are still a rarity, in Japan and worldwide. But the elderly have numbers on their side. Healthier and longer-living seniors, born immediately after World WarⅡ, are reaching retirement age in huge numbers all over the developed world. Extremely low birthrates in those same countries mean there are far fewer young workers to take their place. One likely consequence is now clear.

While the streamlining effects of international competition are focusing attention on the need to create and keep good jobs, those fears will eventually give way to worries about growing shortage of young workers. One unavoidable solution: putting older people back to work, whether they like it or not. Indeed, advanced economies like those of Finland and Denmark have already raised their retirement ages. Others are under severe pressure to follow suit, as both the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have recently warned their members that their future prosperity depends on a growing contribution from the elderly.

Whether these changes are good or bad news to workers depend on whether they anticipate retirement with eagerness or dread. In the United States, half of working-age Americans now expect to work into their 70s, whether by financial necessity or by lifestyle choice, according to a new study by Putnam Investments.

Contrary to still widespread assumptions, there is very little hard evidence to suggest that companies cannot stay competitive with a rising share of older workers. At British hardware chain B&Q, its ―elder worker‖stores in Manchester and Exmouth were 18

percent more profitable than its regular outlets—due in part, the company says, to six times less employee turnover and 60 percent less shoplifting and breakage.

46. Jeeba’s difference from a conventional company mainly lies in .

A. the age of its emplyees

B. the number of its owners

C. the quality of its products

D. the scope of its operations

47. In the developed world, compared with young people, the elderly .

A. are better at business

B. are greater in number

C. have healthier lifestyles

D. have more job opportunities

48. According to the writer, in the current situation companies are faced with the tough task of .

A. creating good positions

B. employing retired workers

C. filling vacant positions

D. replacing unskilled workers

49. For future prosperity, many European countries will have to .

A. increase the number of young workers

B. offer many senior-friendly jobs

C. improve services for seniors

D. raise their retirement ages

5o. B&Q’s ―elder worker‖stores are mentioned to show that the employment of older workers .

A.does not reduce a company’s competitiveness.

B.does not affect older workers’ life style choices.

C.is not a usual practice among competitive firms.

D.is not good news to those who are eager to retire.

Text 2

Here’s how I want to watch the 2014 Winter Olympics. I want to go to a Web site to see any event I want, whenever I want to watch it, on whatever screen I choose. I’ll gladly pay.

The technology exists to make it happen today. Yet nearly two decades after introduction of the World Wide Web, this remains a fantasy. NBC, which broadcasted the Vancouver Olympics in the United States, wouldn’t put videos on its Web site until they had been shown on prime-time TV. So Americans had the weird experience of learning from a news report during that day that something fantastic had just happened, and then having to wait until that night’s broadcast to see it.

Bloggers complained, but NBC wouldn’t give way. Its research shows that people like me, who want to watch the Olympics online, represent only 7 percent of the total audience. The other, bigger concern is: the Internet doesn’t deliver any money. Advertisers remain willing to pay big money to show their commercials on prime-time TV. But on the Internet? Not so much.

So NBC clings to the old way of doing things. As it sees it, the prime-time show is the most important. To make matters worse, NBC was already expecting to lose$ 250 million on the 2010 Vancouver Games. Good luck persuading it to invest in a risky Web project.

It’s easy to blame the network executives. But the NBC guys and their like are only doing what makes sense. They’re going where the money is.

That needs to change. Yes, selling reporting of Olympic events over the Internet would drain away some of the prime-time show. And over time, the subscription dollars could become a substantial revenue stream. Instead of viewing the Internet as a threat to prime time, the TV. Networks should see Web as a way to sell even more of their product to a small but passionate subset of their audience.

I’m hoping that by 2014, that will have changed.

51. According to the writer, watching the Olympics online as one likes .

A. is technologically impossible.

B. is still denied to the audience.

C. has been a dream for 20 years.

D. will no longer be free in 2014.

52. We learn that what Americans saw about the Vancouver Olympics .

A. was unavailable online

B. differed from the news

C. seemed weird to them

D. was first shown on TV

53. Bloggers complained about NBC’s .

A. neglect of those in the minority

B. excessive online advertisements

C. delay in providing videos online

D. limited reporting on sports news

54. After the 2010 Vancouver Games, NBC is likely to .

A. improve its prime-time show

B. continue its current practice

C. raise its price for advertising

D. try its luck in a web progress

55. The writer thinks the TV networks should view the Web as a potential to help them to


A. make dramatic profits

B. develop new products

C. satisfy their subscribers C. divide prime-time revenues

Text 3

One important thing during the pre-Christmas rush at our house was the arrival of my daughter’s kindergarten report card. She got high praise for her reading, vocabulary and overall enthusiasm. On the other hand, we learnt that she has work to do on her numbers and facility with the computer, though the detailed handwritten report her teachers prepared is absent of any words that might be interpreted as negative in describing her efforts. A number system indicates how she’s measuring up in each area without any mention of passing or failing.

All of which seems to make my daughter’s school neither fish nor fowl when it comes to the debate over the merits of giving formal grades to kids. At one level, the advantages and disadvantages are obvious. A grade system provides a straightforward standard by which to measure how your child is progressing at school---and how he or she is getting on compared to other children. But as writer Sue Ferguson notes, ―Grades can deceive.‖ The aim should be ―to measure learning, not simply what a student can recall on a test.‖ The two aren’t the same---and if you doubt that as an adult, ask yourself whether you could sit down without any preparation and still pass those high-school-level examinations.

If you’re old enough, you’ve lived through this debate before. At one time, it was considered unfair to put children in direct competition with one another if it could be avoided. The intention behind that may have been good, but it ignored the fact that competition, and the will come out on top, are essential components of the human condition.

This time around, educators working with a no-grades approach are emphasizing different reasons. The thing is, that approach is much more commonplace in the adult work place than is the traditional pass-fail system we place on our children. Many workplaces conduct regular employee evaluations. There are usually fairly strict limits to what an employer can tell an employee in those evaluations---and even then, negative evaluations can be challenged by the employee. No matter where you sit in the debate over the grade system, then, the real question is this: if it’s so good for kids, why is n’t it that also true for adults?

56. The school report indicates that the writer’s daughter .

A. lacks interest in her school work

B. ranks among the best at language

C. has some trouble with her handwriting

D. needs to improve math and computer skills.

57. We can learn that the girl’s school tries to deliver the report .

A. in a positive way

B. in a scientific way

C. in an attractive way C. in an enthusiastic way

58. Sue Ferguson seems dissatisfied with the grade system for its focus on .

A. the process of getting the knowledge

B. the capability of memorizing for the test

C. the procedure of measuring learning

D. the standard of comparing schools

59. The writer would agree that cutting children off from competition is .

A. fit for human development

B. fit for their age and experience

C. against a key part of human nature

D. out of consideration for children

60. It can be learned that today’s educators supporting the no-grades approach insist that


A.kids be allowed to challenge the negative evaluations

B.the traditional teacher-student relationship be changed

C.the evaluation system for kids be similar to that for adults

D.strict rules be set up in evaluating school children

Part B


Read the text from a magazine in which five people voice their different opinions in response to an article on the issue of praising. For 61-65, match the name of each person (61-65) to one of the statements (A-G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.


Praise often and sincerely---it’s as simple as that. Employees want to feel needed and appreciated. By offering sincere praise with examples about what they did right, you’ll go far in creating an energetic team. Meanwhile, I don’t agree with the assertion that ―to focus on what needs improving isn’t good management.‖ In fact, it’s the balance of praise along with constructive criticism that drives employees to work smarter and reach higher.


This article makes a valid point that needs to be understood, especially for the new generation of workers, my generation. We don’t see ourselves as parts in the machine to be put in the dark to work. My generation needs respect in return from out employer, we need to feel appreciated beyond just a pay check, it’s the difference between being fulfilled at our career and being sad at our job.


One skill missing in today’s workplace is the ability to build effective business relationships. At the core of that relationship is the need for consistent feedback. ―How am I doing?‖ is a question that should be answered consistently. When you tell an employee once a year what is needed to improve, you have not done your job as a leader----build skills, provide feedback and help the employee grow and develop.


I don’t see a problem with problem with praising employees when it’s truly deserved (insincere praise is an entirely different story). It’s a cost-free ―benefit‖, if you will, in that it allows employees to see that their efforts are both noticed and valued. In the work world there are always people available to tell that you are doing something wrong and far too few occasions when employees are told that they’ve done something right!


Praise what the employee did. Be specific about why it was helpful. An employee

who continually earns your praise also deserves your attention as to how else to reward their behavior. Meaningful praise encourages people beyond anything else. Written comments are available for later review. They give them confidence that they can ―do it again.‖ I never regretted praising an employee who deserved it but often kicked myself for missing an opportunity.

Now match the name of each person (61-65)to the appropriate statement.

Note: there are two extra statements.


61. Mike A. Praise combined with criticism is helpful.

62. Frank B. Praise an bring about many kinds of desired behavior.

63. Joyce C. Employees may feel it hard to accept insincere praise.

64. Ellen D. Let employees know exactly for what they are praised.

65. Diana E. In my opinion, we are not generous enough to give praise

F. Employees need helpful advice on a regular basis.

G. Money alone cannot guarantee a sense of career fulfillment for me.


(40 minutes)


You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Part A

66. You will be transferred to the city where your friend James lives. Write an email to him, telling him about:

1) the reason(s) for your job transfer;

2) the help you will need from him

You should write approximately 100 words. Do not use your own name at the end of your email. Use ―Wang Lin‖ instead.

Part B

67. Below is a picture showing a young man who chooses to stay at home, depending on his parents for a living. Write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points:

1) the possible causes of the young man’s problem;

2) your suggested solutions to the problem.



2008年5月份心理咨询师三级技能考试真题 案例一: 一般资料:求助者,女性,70岁,退休干部。 案例介绍:求助者自述失眠、躯体不适,怀疑脑部有问题,害怕得病,专门到医院神经内科住院检查。在医院做了脑CT、核磁、心电图等各类检查,均未查出明显器质性病变。求助者自称没有查出病,心理很高兴,但仍觉得头晕、颈部僵硬,腿痛,为此非常烦恼,心里不安,害怕会发生什么不测,经常失眠,神经内科医生建议其进行心理咨询。 多选:1.该求助者的躯体症状是()。 A.头晕 B.脑部疾病 C.腿病 D.颈部僵硬 单选:2.该求助者的情绪症状主要是()。 A.强迫 B.抑郁 C.焦 虑 D.恐惧 单选:3.该求助者的主要心理问题是()。 A.反复就医 B.害怕得病 C.强迫就 医 D.性格内向 多选:4.心理咨询师在本案例中应重点询问求助者的内容是()。

A.婚姻史 B.对身体的看法 C.成长史 D.目前情绪体验 单选:5.该求助者的心理问题的特点是()。 A.存在内心冲突 B.人格障碍明显 C.存在错误认知 D.社会功能受损 单选:6.该案例最可能的诊断是()。 A.一般心理问题 B.情感性障碍 C.严重心理问 题 D.精神类疾病 多选:7.对该求助者的诊断依据()。 A.内心痛苦程度 B.病程时间长短 C.社会功能损 害 D.躯体疾病性质 多选:8.对本案例需保密的内容包括()。 A.咨询内容 B.心理诊断 C.保密原 则 D.测验结果 案例二: 一般资料:求助者,男性,37岁,自考本科学历,公司职员。 案例介绍:求助者最大的遗憾是没有接受过正规的高等教育。与朋友相处时,总觉得自己笨,样样不如别人,羡慕别人知识面广,认为别人知道的自己也应该知道。害怕在人多的场合说话,怕说不好,别人会笑话他,对他的评价低,很不自信。因此内心非常烦恼,也非常着急。为此不断地买书,积极去听各类讲座,但仍觉得没有太大的收获。目前,求助者还面临婚姻问题,认为这对自己的心理状况也有一定的影响。


第一部分职业道德 (第1~25题,共25道题) 一、职业道德知识部分 (1—10题) (一)单项选择题(第1一8题) 1、关于道德的讲法中,正确的是()。 (A)道德内含着一种重要的精神力量 (B)道德是尊长对晚辈、下属进行有效治理的要求 (C)道德不是“我”的要求,而是社会外加于“我”的规范(D)道德是无助者的呼唤 2、与法律比较,道德() (A)比法律产生得时刻晚(B)比法律的适用范围广(C)比法律的社会阻碍力小(D)比法律模糊 3、在中国传统道德中,所谓“扎之用,和为贵”的意思是()。(A)礼法的运用,要把求得一团和气作为重点

(B)道德的全然目的在于增进团结 (C)讲文明礼貌,没有高低贵贱之分 (D)以礼待人,促进和谐相处 4、企业文化的激励功能表现在()。 (A)刺激人们的物质欲望,挖掘职员的潜能 (B)通过引导人们追求个人荣誉,促进企业的进展 (C)通过树立正确的职业理想,激发职员的积极性 (D)满足职员的一切个性化需求,吸引职员为企业进展做贡献5、关于爱岗敬业,理解正确的是()。 (A)爱岗敬业是职员实现职业理想必不可少的素养要求 (B)在就业竞争激烈的条件下,为保住饭碗需要发扬爱岗敬业精神 (C)人们是为着自己而不是为着单位面工作的,爱岗敬业是欺人之谈 (D)无须倡导爱岗敬业精神,干一份工作拿一份酬劳就能够了6、英国思想家威廉?葛德文讲:“一个人适应于讲他明明明白的假话,或者掩盖他明明明白的真相,必定处于一种不断堕落的状态之中。”这句话的意思是()。 (A)讲假话是人的天性(B)人讲假话时,一般不明白自己是在讲假话 (C)人们明白情况的真相,但总想掩盖起(D)讲假话是一个人道德堕落的开始 7、所谓办事公道,意思是()。 (A)作风正派,公平正义(B)老实厚道,诚恳待人


关于2013年9月份一个新题型的解析 预计项目的最早完成日期是3月1日。客户坚持让项目经理提供拥有99.99%信心度的准确最晚完成日期日期。。如果计算的进度偏差如果计算的进度偏差((σ)为4天,项目经理将承诺的最晚完成日期是哪天项目经理将承诺的最晚完成日期是哪天?? A .3月5日 B .3月25日 C .4月1日 D .4月25日 此题经分析存在以下两种解题方法,其中后一种方法为学员提供,特表示感谢!也欢迎大家拍砖! 方法一方法一((根据置信度来推算-参见最后案例参见最后案例):): 对于采用三点估算来估算活动持续时间的进度计划来说,经过进度网络分析,得出的完工日期即为最早完工日期,如果学员有进度计划实战经验的会更容易理解。另外 Microsoft Project 有三点估算的功能,大家可以试着使用。 另外如果实在无法理解,我们可以假设这个项目只有一条作业。 这样也就是说三点估算的t e 为3月1日完成。 首先明确正态分布相应西格玛值下的面积: 即: 68.268949%的面积在平均数左右一个标准差2 \sigma 范围內 95.449974%的面积在平均数左右两个标准差2 \sigma 的范围內 99.730020%的面积在平均数左右三个标准差3 \sigma 的范围內 99.993666%的面积在平均数左右四个标准差4 \sigma 的范围內 99.99966%的面积在平均数左右四个标准差6 \sigma 的范围內 1. 要求99.99%的概率完成,那么99%=50%+49.99%,因此所对应的西格玛下面积为 49.99%*2=99.98%,因此在4σ左右,如果考虑4天是工作日的话,那么也就是说相应的时间为t=t e +4σ=3月1日+16天=3月25日 2. 因为从4个西格玛开始,概率就超过了99.99%,因此也无法判断精确到小数点后面几位,也就是说也存在着99%=50%+(6σ面积的一半),那如果考虑 4天是日历日的话,也就是说相应的时间为t=t e +6σ=3月1日+24天=3 月 25日 方法二方法二((学员提供学员提供):): 我们认为3月1日为最乐观的时间 考虑到99.99%接近于1,那么我们假设就是1,在最悲观的时间下完成的可能性为 100%。 由于 ,所以t p =t o +6 σ=3月1日+6*4=3月25日


[真题] 心理咨询师三级2017年5月理论知识真题 第二部分理论知识单项选择题 (每小题只有一个最恰当的答案。)第1题: 弗洛伊德认为,心理健康的充分和必要条件是()。 A.发展、完善“超我”的功能 B.合理地抑制各种本能的欲望 C.发展出各种“防御机制” D.合理地度过“性心理”发展各阶段 参考答案:D 弗洛伊德认为,“力比多”在幼年期驱动人的性心理发展,自出生起到发展结束,有三个发展阶段:口欲期、肛欲期和生殖器期。合理地度过“性心理”发展的每个阶段,是未来心理健康的充分和必要条件。 第2题: 个体在抑郁状态下出现的病理性感觉阈限增高的临床表现是()。 A.感觉过敏 B.感觉减退 C.假性幻觉 D.内感性不适 参考答案:B 感觉障碍包括感觉过敏、感觉减退和内感性不适;由于病理性或功能性感觉阈限降低而对外界低强度刺激的过称为感觉过敏;由于病理性或功能性感觉阈限增高而对外界刺激的感受迟钝被称为感觉减退;躯体内部性质不明、部位不具体的不舒适感,或难以忍受的异常感觉称为内感性不适。 第3题: 强迫观念属于()。 A.思维内容障碍 B.意志行为障碍 C.思维形式障碍 D.感知综合障碍 参考答案:A 思维内容障碍包括妄想、强迫观念和超价观念。 第4题:

如果未能得到及时治疗,()常常进一步发展为被害妄想。 A.虚无妄想 B.妄想心境 C.妄想知觉 D.自罪妄想 参考答案:B 妄想心境是指患者对他所熟悉的环境突然感到气氛不对,周围环境已经发生了某种对他不利的变化,使得患者有某种不祥的预感。如果这种妄想心境未能得到及时的治疗,常常进一步发展为被害妄想。 第5题: 健康心理学关注的重点是()。 A.矫正心理异常 B.身体健康与心理因素的关系 C.维护心理健康 D.解决各种心理不健康的问题 参考答案:B 健康心理学是“保健、诊病、防病和治病的心理学”,关注的重点是躯体疾病和心理因素的关系。 第6题: 人们在经历强大的自然灾害后,出现焦虑、紧张、失眠、注意力下降等症状,说明其处于“灾难症候群”的()。 A.警觉期 B.惊吓期 C.恢复期 D.康复期 参考答案:C “灾难症候群”的产生及其特性有三个阶段:一是惊吓期,受害者对创伤和灾难丧失知觉,失魂落魄;二是恢复期,在恢复期中,受害者出现焦虑、紧张、失眠、注意力下降等;三是康复期,在康复之后,心理重新达到平衡。 第7题: 中国第一位临床心理学是()。 A.曹日昌 B.丁瓒 C.张耀翔 D.潘菽


2016年三级心理咨询师考试模拟试题及答案(2) 1[单选题] 社会行为公式B=f(P,E)中,E的含义是() A.行为 B.函数关系 C.个体 D.个体所处的情境 参考答案:D 2[单选题] 如果你赞同“企业家应该成为大家学习的榜样”这个观点,你的理由是() A.企业家有钱 B.企业家可以做慈善事情 C.企业家有能力 D.企业家社会地位高 参考答案:B 3[单选题]按照记分规则所得的每一个测验的分数叫()。 A.分数 B.原始分 C.初始分 D.最后得分 参考答案:B 参考解析:按照记分规则所得的每一个测验的分数叫原始分(粗分1。主测者应将这些分数登入记分纸封面上相应的原始分栏内。第3题笔记记录我的笔记(0) | 精选笔记(0)选择笔记标签:试题内容(0)答案解析(0) 4[单选题] 精神分析理论的动力学观点认为:“力比多”是人的性本能,但不是心理发展的唯一动力,本能有二,另一动力本能为() A.生本能 B.死本能 C.营养本能 D.求生本能 参考答案:C 5[单选题] 在判断人的心理正常与否的情形下,下列表述中符合“内省经验标准”涵义的是()。 A.病人的内省经验 B.亚健康人群的内省经验 C.健康人群的内省经验 D.普通人的内省经验 参考答案:A 点击查看试题笔记(2)6[单选题] 对物体在空间中的位移所产生的知觉叫()。 A.似动知觉 B.时间知觉 C.空间知觉 D.运动知觉 参考答案:D 7[单选题] 1879年冯特在德国莱比锡大学建立了世界上第一个心理学实验室,标志着()。 A.心理学的研究开始运用实验的方法 B.构造心理学派的诞生 C.科学心理学的诞生 D.机能主义心理学的诞生 参考答案:C 8[多选题]对症状的自知是指求助者() A.能否提供与咨询密切联系的资料 B.能否认识到自己的心理行为异常 C.对自己的心理行为异常怎样解释 D.对自己经历的重大事件怎样解释 参考答案:B,C 参考解析:心理咨询师在进行初步诊断时,需要对来访者的心理问题进行一个判断,即确定来访者的心理问题是否属于心理咨询的工作范围,其中一点就是从求助者对“症状”的“自知”程度来分析。所谓对症状的“自知”是指求助者能否认识到自己的心理行为异常,以及对这些异常做怎样的解释。 9[多选题] 人估计时间的依据包括()。 A.心理活动的周期性变化 B.各种计时工具


2013年9月公共英语一级真题 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空从[A]、[B]、[C]和[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 26、Would you please _______ quiet, Billy and Betty? A.keep B.make C.take 27、It is much _______ to go up the hill than to come down. A.hard B.harder C.hardest 28、Tom is quite interested _______ that job. A.in B.on C.at 29、It _______ at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. A.is raining B.was raining C.has rained 30、I want to know how much I have to _______ for the camera. A.buy B.cost C.pay 31、There are many beautiful trees on _______ side of the street. A.each B.both C.all 32、I _______ the news on the radio only a moment ago. A.saw B.heard C.read 33、The children went into the cinema one _______ another. A.by


国家心理咨询师三级(理论知识) 第一部分职业道德 (第1~25题,共25道题) (一)单项选择题(第1~8题) 1、关于道德的说法中,正确的是()。 (A)道德是一种社会规范性力量 (B)道德是领导意志的集中体现 (C)个体的道德表现差异很大,判定一个人的道德优劣是不可能的 (D)普遍良好的道德,仅仅是人的善良愿望而已 2、与法律相比,道德()。 (A)产生得时间晚(B)比法律的适用范围广 (C)内容上显得十分笼统(D)评价标准难以确定 3、关于企业形象,正确的说法是()。 (A)文明礼貌是企业形象的核心与关键 (B)企业形象的本质是企业的环境卫生和企业员工的服饰状况 (C)企业形象是社会公众和企业员工对企业的整体印象和评价 (D)通过持久、大规模的媒体宣传,就能树立起企业形象 4、在企业文化中,居于核心地位的是()。 (A)企业礼俗(B)企业价值观(C)企业作风(D)规章制度 5、海尔总裁张瑞敏曾经说过这样的话,企业要靠无形资产来盘活有形资产,只有先盘活人,才能盘活资产。对这句话,准确的理解是()。 (A)企业存在着无形资产和有形资产两种形式 (B)人是有形资产,人作为资产通过劳动产生价值 (C)人是企业发展的决定性因素 (D)企业的无形资产是一种神秘的物质 6、员工处理与领导的关系时,正确的做法是()。 (A)即使知道领导的决策是错误的,也要不折不扣地执行 (B)对于领导含糊交办的任务,要含糊执行 (C)如果不同意领导的意见,要敢于随时说出自己的想法 (D)一般不越级汇报工作 7、科学发展观指的是()。 (A)科学发展,高效发展,健康发展 (B)以科学为本,科学、平稳、顺利发展 (C)以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展 (D)以人为本,科学、高效、健康发展 8、关于职业劳动,正确的说法是()。 (A)职业劳动是人们无奈的选择 (B)职业劳动是人们谋生的手段 (C)职业劳动是市场经济条件下就业竞争加剧的结果 (D)职业劳动是人生的全部内涵 (二)多项选择题(第9~16题)


全国英语等级考试第二级2013年9月真题第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What do we know about the man? A. He has difficulty waking up. B. He likes collecting clocks. C. He gets up late every day. 2. What does the man like about the restaurant? A. It’s environment. B. It’s service. C. It’s food. 3. How does the woman probably get to work? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike. 4. What will the man probably do? A. Stay indoors. B. Go to a bar. C. See a doctor. 5. When will the woman be able to use her car? A. Right now. B. In three hours. C. The next day. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。 6. What seems to be the man’s problem?


2013年高考文科数学真题及答案全国卷1 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(2013课标全国Ⅰ,文1)已知集合A ={1,2,3,4},B ={x |x =n 2 ,n ∈A },则A ∩B =( ). A .{1,4} B .{2,3} C .{9,16} D .{1,2} 【答案】A 【考点】本题主要考查集合的基本知识。 【解析】∵B ={x |x =n 2 ,n ∈A }={1,4,9,16}, ∴A ∩B ={1,4}. 2.(2013课标全国Ⅰ,文2) 2 12i 1i +(-)=( ). A. B .11+ i 2 - C . D . 【答案】B 【考点】本题主要考查复数的基本运算。 【解析】 2 12i 12i 12i i 2i 1i 2i 22++(+)-+===(-)-=1 1+i 2 -. 3.(2013课标全国Ⅰ,文3)从1,2,3,4中任取2个不同的数,则取出的2个数之差的绝对值为2的概率是( ). A .12 B .13 C .14 D .16 【答案】B 【考点】本题主要考查列举法解古典概型问题的基本能力。 【解析】由题意知总事件数为6,且分别为(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4),(3,4),满足条件的事件数是2,所以所求的概率为 13 . 4.(2013课标全国Ⅰ,文4)已知双曲线C :2222=1x y a b -(a >0,b >0) C 的渐近线方程 为( ). A . B . C .1 2 y x =± D . 【答案】C 【考点】本题主要考查双曲线的离心率、渐近线方程。 【解析】∵2e = 2c a =,即2254 c a =.


2014午11月心理咨询师三级理论真题 第二部分理论知识 (26~125题,共100道题,满分为100分) 一、单项选择题(26~85题,每题1分,共60分。每小题只有一个最恰当的答案, 请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑) 26、认为人有自我实现的需要,提倡应充分发挥人的潜能的心理学理论是( )。 (A)精神分析(B)行为主义(C)人本主义(D)构造主义 27、对甜味最敏感的部位是(C ) (A)舌尖(B)舌边前部(C)舌根(D)舌边后部 28、最难以适应的感觉是( A)。 (A)痛觉(B)嗅觉(C)味觉(D)视觉 29、人脑对客观事物本质特性的反映是( A)。 (A)思维(B)概念(C)记忆(D)判断 30、运动性言语中枢在大脑的( B)。 (A)左半球额下回靠近外侧裂的部位(B)顶叶和枕叶交会处 (C)额中回靠近中央前回的部位(D)顶、枕、颞叶交会处的颞上回 31、与他人建立情感联系,隶属于某一群体并在群体中享有地位的需要是(A )。 (A)生理和安全需要(B)他尊和自尊需要(C)爱和归属的需要(D)自我实现的需要 32、最古老的感觉是( B)。 (A)味觉(B)嗅觉(C)视觉(D)听觉 33、气质类型为多血质的个体的特点是(B )。 (A)直爽热情,但脾气暴躁,难以自我克制(B)活泼好动,但注意力易分散,兴趣多变 (C)稳定性强,但容易循规蹈矩,不善言谈(D)敏感机智、做事认真,但防御反应明显 34、“江山易改,秉性难移”,说的是(A )很难变化。 (A)气质(B)性格(C)能力(D)智力 35、按罗杰斯的观点,对个体行为及人格有重要影响的是个体的(B )。 (A)本我(B)自我概念(C)超我(D)真实自我 36、个体的全部社会化往往是以( B)社会化为条件的。 (A)性别(B)语言(C)道德(D)符号 37、第一印象作用的机制是(A )。 (A)首因效应(B)近因效应(C)光环效应(D)刻板印象 38、大多数人在印象形成过程中的信息整合加工过程符合( D)模式。 (A)加法(B)加权平均(C)平均(D)中心品质 39、按照归因的协变原则,低特异性、低共同性、高一致性情况下,人们往往将行为的原因归于(B )。 (A)情境(B)行为主体(C)时间(D)刺激客体 40、态度的ABC模型中,C是指(C )成分。 (A)行为(B)情感(C)认知(D)行为倾向 41、一般情况下,最能准确反映个体内心世界的身体语言是( B)。 (A)表情(B)目光(C)妆饰(D)姿势 42、由于他人在场,个体工作绩效降低的现象是(B )。 (A)社会促进(B)社会抑制(C)社会懈怠(D)社会逍遥


2009年11月心理咨询师三级理论真题 第一部分职业道德(第1~25题,共25道题) 一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分 (一)单项选择题(第1~8题) 1、道德评价是人们依据一定的道德原则和规范,对自己和他人的言行所进行的() (A)“荣”与“辱”的判断(B)“真”与“假”的判断 (C)“有”与“无”的判断(D)“美”与“丑”的判断 2、我国社会主义道德的基本原则是() (A)爱国主义(B)利己主义 (C)功利主义(D)集体主义 3、职业活动内在的道德标准是() (A)慎独、克己、复礼(B)正义、公道、忠恕 (C)无私、仁爱、奉献(D)忠诚、审慎、勤勉 4、下列说法中,符合“公道”本质要求的是() (A)见仁见智,不存在普遍认可的公道 (B)执行领导的决定是从业人员坚持公道的根本依据 (C)千人一致、万人一律的一视同仁体现了公正的本质要求 (D)坚持人格上的平等是实践公正职业规范要求的重要原则 5、我国社会主义职业道德的核心是() (A)以人为本(B)为人民服务 (C)团结协作(D)集体利益至上 6、关于职业化管理,正确的说法是() (A)职业化管理是一种主要靠直觉和灵活应变来从事职业活动的管理方式 (B)职业化管理是一种以业绩结果为导向而不再强调过程管理的管理方式 (C)职业化管理要求员工在合适的时间、地点、以合适的方式做合适的事 (D)职业化管理十分注重人性化的需要,而不是一味强调僵硬标准的管理 7、俗话说,“树挪死,人挪活”。你对这句话的理解是() (A)只有经过多次“跳槽”的经历,才能更好的发展自己 (B)如果个人的潜能在某一岗位上无法充分释放,就可以考虑调换岗位 (C)忠诚于企业,时时调整自己的心态 (D)数虽然不可以随便挪动,但人需要时时调换岗位 8、同事间建立信赖关系,合宜是做法是() (A)要敢于当面批评同事的不当言行 (B)同事间相互认同 (C)恩威并用,以威信促信赖 (D)敢于两肋插刀,赴汤蹈火 (二)多项选择题(第9~16题) 9、某员工将“乌鲁木齐”的字样写成了“鸟鲁木齐”,结果给企业造成很大经济损失。这一事例说明() (A)该员工做事总是粗枝大叶 (B)无论怎样强调敬业精神都不过分 (C)细节影响得失 (D)严格管理十分重要 10、对于从业人员而言,讲求“信用”包括() (A)择业信用(B)岗位责任信用 (C)离职信用(D)物质信用 11、下列做法中,符合领导对员工的要求的是() (A)不强制下属工作 (B)经常征求下属的意见 (C)善于从下属的角度考虑问题 (D)下属出现工作失误时,不予处罚 12、从业人员做到践行“公私分明”的具体要求是() (A)要有法律意识(B)要有慎微意识 (C)要有大局意识(D)要有利己意识 13、彼得·圣吉说,“真正的自由绝非摆脱的自由,而是创造我们之所真心之所向往的自由。”你对这句话的理解是() (A)不用摆脱束缚也能够获得自由(B)自由都是相对的 (C)自由是靠创造的实践活动取得的(D)自由是一种主观想象 14、在职业活动中,践行“节约”规范的具体要求是()

2013年9月中级口译听力真题 Spot Dictation 含解析

2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation 含解析 作者:沪江英语来源:沪江英语 2013年秋季上海中高级口译考试于今日9月15日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年9月中级口译听力真题Spot Dictation部分,由沪江网校提供。 Spot dictation Next, let's talk about earthquakes on our planet. Some countries have large numbers of earthquakes. Japan is one of them. Others do not have many. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain. There is often a great noise during an earthquake. The ground vibrates. Houses fall down. Trains run off the lines. Sometimes, there is a heavy loss of human lives. Earthquakes often happen near volcanoes, but this is not always true. The centers of some earthquakes are under the sea. The bottom of the sea suddenly moves. The powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks. The coast is shaken and great waves appear. These waves, also known as seismic waves, or tsunamis can travel long distances and rush over the land when they reach it. They are strong enough to break down houses and other buildings. Very often fires follow the most serious earthquakes. In 1906, the great earthquake at San Francisco broke the gas pipes. The gas escaped, and soon large numbers of fires were burning in the city. The water pipes were also shaken and broken, so it was not possible to put the fires out. There was no water. The Tokyo Earthquake of 1923 happened just before noon. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Hot materials were thrown on the different parts of the houses, some of which were made of wood. Soon 134 fires were burning in the city. What kind of building stands up best in an earthquake? A building with concrete walls is perhaps the best. A steel frame will make it even stronger.


三级心理咨询师真题及 答案 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

2015年5月三级心理咨询师真题(理论部分) 第二部分理论知识 (26~125题,共100道题,满分为100分) 一、单项选择题(26~85题,每题1分,共60分。每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答 案的相应字母涂黑) 26.一般单一性生活压力对当事人是(D)。 (A)灾难性的 (B)有延缓作用的(C)高强度的 (D)有积极作用的27.关于一般心理问题的特点,错误的说法是(A)。 (A)内容泛化 (B)近期发生(C)反应不强 (D)原因明确 28.患者在听收音机时能听到骂他的声音,关闭收音机时骂他的声音随即消失,这种幻觉是(C)。 (A)内脏性幻觉 (B)思维鸣响(C)功能性幻觉 (D)心因性幻觉29.对于人格障碍者,心理咨询的效果是(C)。 (A)良好的 (B)极差的(C)有限的

(D)未知的30.遭受强烈的精神创伤事件后,数周至数月后出现精神障碍,称为(D)。 (A)情感障碍 (B)急性应激障碍(C)认知障碍 (D)创伤后应激障碍31.关于神经症,以下描述正确的是(A)。 (A)自知力相对完整 (B)是一种短暂的精神障碍(C)不会有人格基础 (D)症状有器质性病变的基础 32.个体认知发展中最早发生,也是最早成熟的心理过程是(B)。 (A)动作 (B)感觉(C)知觉 (D)意志个月以后的婴儿对熟悉的人比对不熟悉的人有更多的微笑,这属于(D)。 (A)条件反射性的微笑 (B)无选择的社会性微笑 (C)自发性微笑 (D)有选择的社会性微笑 34.幼儿思维的主要特征是(C)。 (A)直观动作思维 (B)形象逻辑思维(C)具体形象思维


第一部分技能选择题 (1~100题,共100道题)本部分由九个案例组成。请分别根据案例回答1~100题,共100道题。每题1分,满分100分。每小题有一个或多个答案正确,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑。错选、少选、多选,该题不得分。 案例一: 一般资料:求助者,男性,61岁,退休教师。案例介绍:求助者的一位老朋友半月前因心脏病救治无效去世,求助者得知消息后当晚即感胸闷、心慌,出现入睡困难并容易惊醒的现象。经一周的住院检查,并未发现患心脏病的迹象。但求助者还是怀疑自己得了冠心病,只是医院查不出来。因而情绪较低落,茶饭不香,睡眠越来越差,反复和家属交待后事。求助者家属要求医院心理科协助治疗。 多选:1、该求助者的躯体症状包括()。 (A)心慌(B)长期失眠(C)胸闷 (D)情绪低落 单选:2、该求助者的情绪症状主要是()。 (A)失眠(B)情绪脆弱(C)焦虑 (D)自杀观念 单选:3、该求助者心理问题的关键点是()。 (A)患冠心病(B)担心心脏疾病(C)患失眠症 (D)存在疑病妄想 单选:4、该求助者的心理冲突属于()。 (A)变形冲突(B)趋避冲突(C)常形冲突(D)双趋冲突 多选:5、心理咨询师在初诊接待中应了解该求助者的资料包括()。 (A)婚姻史 (B)心脏检查结果(C)成长史(D)冠心病的体验 多选:6、心理咨询师对于该求助者的接纳应该包括()。 (A)怀疑自己得病(B)情绪较低落(C)主动求助(D)躯体症状 多选:7、对于该求助者,恰当的咨询目标包括()。 (A)改善情绪 (B)改变错误认知(C)改善睡眠(D)促进心理成长 多选:8、心理咨询师在本案例中应该注意的问题包括()。 (A)关注求助者的隐私内容(B)对求助者无条件的接纳(C)密切关注求助者的情绪(D)随时调整求助者服药剂量 多选:9、引发该求助者心理问题的原因包括()。 (A)老年男性(B)患冠心病(C)认知偏差(D)胸闷心慌


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理 科 数 学 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分. 1.已知集合A={x |x 2-2x >0},B={x |-5<x <5},则( ) A 、A∩B= B 、A ∪B=R C 、B ?A D 、A ?B 2.若复数z 满足 (3-4i)z =|4+3i |,则z 的虚部为 ( ) A 、-4 B 、-45 C 、4 D 、45 3.为了解某地区中小学生的视力情况,拟从该地区的中小学生中抽取部分学生进行调查,事 先已经了解到该地区小学、初中、高中三个学段学生的视力情况有较大差异,而男女生视力情况差异不大.在下面的抽样方法中,最合理的抽样方法是( ) A 、简单的随机抽样 B 、按性别分层抽样 C 、按学段分层抽样 D 、系统抽样 4.已知双曲线C:x 2a 2-y 2b 2=1(a >0,b >0)的离心率为52 ,则C 的渐近线方程为 ( ) A 、y =±14x B 、y =±13x C 、y =±12 x D 、y =±x 5.执行右面的程序框图,如果输入的t ∈[-1,3],则输出的s 属于( ) A 、[-3,4] B 、[-5,2] C 、[-4,3] D 、[-2,5] 6.如图,有一个水平放置的透明无盖的正方体容器,容器高8 cm ,将一个球放 在容器口,再向容器注水,当球面恰好接触水面时测得水深为6 cm ,如 不计容器的厚度,则球的体积为( ) A 、500π3 cm 3 B 、866π3cm 3 C 、1372π3cm 3 D 、2048π3cm 3 7.设等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,S m -1=-2,S m =0,S m +1=3,则m =( ) A 、3 B 、4 C 、5 D 、6 8.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为( ) A 、16+8π B 、8+8π C 、16+16π D 、8+16π 9.设m 为正整数,(x +y )2m 展开式的二项式系数的最大值为a ,(x +y )2m +1 展开式的二项式系数的最大值为b .若13a =7b ,则m =( ) A 、5 B 、6 C 、7 D 、8 10.已知椭圆E :x 2a 2+y 2 b 2=1(a >b >0)的右焦点为F (3,0),过点F 的直线交E 于A ,B 两


2017年5月心理咨询师(三级)资格考试 真题试卷及答案 国家职业资格全国统一鉴定 职业:心理咨询师 等级:国家职业资格三级 卷册二:技能选择题 案例问答题 注意事项:1、考生应首先将自己的姓名、准考证号等用钢笔、圆珠笔等写在试卷册和答题卡的相应位置上,并用铅笔填涂答题卡上的相应位置处。 2、考生同时应将本页右上角的科目代码填涂在答题卡右上角的相应 位置处。 3、本试卷册包括选择题和案例问答题两部分: 第一部分,技能选择题,在答题卡上作答; 第二部分,案例问答题,在答题纸上作答。 4、第一部分技能选择题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号处 涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。所有答案均不能答在 试卷上。不按标准要求进行填涂,则均属作答无效。 5、第二部分案例问答题,请在答题纸上写明题号,用钢笔、圆珠笔等作答,字 迹工整,易于识别.请勿在试卷上书写与考试无关的内容。 6、考试结束时,考生务必将本卷册、答题卡和答题纸一并交给监考人员。 地区: 姓名: 准考证号: 人力资源和社会保障部职业技能鉴定中心监制

第一部分技能选择题 (1~100题,共100题,满分100分) 答题指导: 本部分由六个案例组成,请分别根据案例回答1~100题,共100题,每题1分,满分100分。每小题有1个或多个答案正确,错选、少选、多选,该题均不得分。 案例一: 一般资料:求助者:男性,46 岁,公务员。 案例介绍:求助者的母亲于两个月前去世,求助者感觉父亲一直没能从悲痛解脱出来,担心父亲身体出问题,为解决父亲问题前来咨询。 下面是咨询记录。 第一次咨询: 心理咨询师:您好!您有什么心理方面的问题需要我提供帮助吗? 求助者:您好,我自己没有什么问题。主要是想请教怎么帮助我父亲从母亲去世的悲伤里走出来。 心理咨询师:您来这里是解决您父亲的问题? 求助者:是,我已经找过两个咨询师了,他们都说我来咨询只能解决我的问题,老爷子快80 岁的人了。腿脚不利落,我没法带他出来,我请他们帮忙出诊到我家里跟老爷子聊聊。他们说不行,我挺生气的。这次到您这来,不知道能不能帮我? 心理咨询师:看来您真挺为您父亲的身体和心理状况担忧的,我感觉您现在相当疲惫您想喝点水,然后把您父亲的情况和我说说。 多选:1.心理咨询师在本段对话中用到的调节方式包括() A.直接逼问 B.开放式提问 C.间接询问 D.封闭式提问 多选:2.本段对话中,表现出的咨询态度包括() A.尊重 B.热情 C.共情 D.真诚 单选:3.本段对话中可以反映出该求助者() A.咨询目标明确 B.咨询动机正确 C.了解咨询过程 D.对咨询有期待


2010年11月人力资源和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定 国家心理咨询师(三级) 第一部分职业道德 (第1~25题,共25道题) 一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分 (一)单项选择题(第1~8题) 1、职业道德是从业人员在职业活动中( )。 (A)必须遵循的命令要求 (B)应该积极履行的行为规范 (C)衡量绩效的核心标准 (D)决定前途命运的唯一要素 2、从业人员在职业活动中应遵循的内在的道德准则是( )。 (A)真诚、宽容、和谐 (B)细致、热情、敬业 (C)忠诚、审慎、勤勉 (D)科学、自由、民主 3、所谓职业化,指的是从业人员工作状态的( )。 (A)国际化、流动化、制度化 (B)标准化、社会化、高效化 (C)规范化、制度化、定型化 (D)标准化、规范化、制度化 4、下列说法中,对“敬业”的理解不正确的是( )。 (A)员工敬业度的概念最早是由美国学者盖洛普提出的 (B)想在竞争中取胜的公司必须设法培养每个员工的敬业意识 (C)敬业精神强烈的员工能够得到更多的自我发展的机会 (D)敬业精神会影响企业的绩效,但不会影响企业的稳定性 5、“今天工作不努力,明天努力找”,这句话所蕴含的意思是( )。 (A)不要把工作当回事儿 (B)工作十分好找 (C)敬业精神十分重要 (D)未来会更好 6、关于“诚信”的说法,正确的是( )。 (A)坚持“诚信”,必须反对“诚信”条件论 (B)“诚信”与否,应以“义”作为基本前提 (C)坚持“诚信”是在眼前小事上吃亏,但符合其长远利益 (D)善意的谎言不违背诚信的要求 7、关于“平等待人”,理解或做法正确的是( )。 (A)不作区别地对待每一个人 (B)工作年限长的员工应优先晋升 (C)多劳多得,少劳少得,不劳动者不得食 (D)尊重人格是平等待人的精髓 8、关于“纪律”的理解,正确的是( )。 (A)用来约束下属的纪律,上级可以不遵守 . (B)强调纪律,会制约、削弱从业人员的创造性 (C)纪律是增强企业执行力的重要保证 (D)权力在谁手里,纪律的制定权就在谁的手里 (二)多项选择题(第9~16题) 9、下列属于《公民道德建设实施纲要》提出的职业道德规范是( )。 (A)爱国守法 (B)诚实守信 (C)服务群众 (D)宽容和谐 10、下列选项中,属于职业道德特征的是( )。 (A)模糊的行业性 (B)适用范围上的无限性 (C)表现形式的多样性 (D)一定程度的强制性


第一套 选择题((1)~(20)每小题1分,共20分) 下列A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的。 1.下列关于计算机病毒的叙述中,错误的是() A.计算机病毒具有传染性 B.反病毒软件可以查、杀任何类的病毒 C.计算机病毒是人为制造的、其突破坏计算机功能或计算机数据的一小段程序 D.反病毒软件必须随着新的病毒的出现而升级,提高查杀病毒的功能 2.区位码输入法的最大优点是() A.只是数码输入,方法简单、容易记忆 B.一字一码,无重码 C.编码有规律,不容易忘记 D.易记易用 3.在标准的ASCII码中,已知英文字母A的ASCII是01000001,则英文字母D 的ASCII是(). A.01000011 B.01000010 C.01000101 D.01000100 4. 用8位二进制数能表示的最大的无符号整数等于十进制整数() A.128 B.256 C.127 D.255 5.计算机技术应用广泛,以下属于科学计算方法是() A.视频信息处理 B.信息检索 C.火箭轨道计算 D.图像信息处理 6.JPEG是一个数字信号压缩的国际标准,其压缩对象是() A.文本 B.视频信号 C.音频信号 D.静态图像

7.组成计算机硬件系统的基本部分是() A.主机和输入/输出设备 B.CPU、硬盘、键盘和显示器 C.CPU和输入/输出设备 D.CPU、键盘和显示器 8.当前流行的Pentium 4 CPU的字长是() A.32bits B.16bits C.64bits D.8bits 9.“32位微型计算机”中的32,是指下列技术指标中的() A.型号 B.功耗 C.字长 D.主频 10.计算机内存中用于存储信息的部件是() A.只读存储器 B.U盘 C.RAM D.硬盘 11.在微机中,I/O设备是() A.输出设备 B输入设备 C.输入输出设备 D.控制设备 12.移动硬盘与U盘相比,最大的优点是() A.兼容性好 B.容量大 C.速度快 D.安全性高 13.下列关于操作系统的描述,正确的是() A.操作系统是一种重要的应用软件 B.操作系统提供的是人机交互接口其它软件无法使用 C.一台计算机可以安装多个操作系统 D.操作系统中只有程序没有数据


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 语文 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、 准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.作答时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷阅读题 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题 20世纪后期,陕西凤雏村出土了刻有“凤”字的甲骨四片,这些“凤”字的形体大致相同,均为头上带有象征神权或王权的抽象化了的毛角的短尾鸟。东汉许筷《说文解字》云:“公耸,凤属,神鸟也。……江中有公耸,似兔而大,赤目。”据此,古代传说中鸣于岐山、兆示周王朝兴起的神鸟凤凰,其原型应该是一种形象普通、类似水鸭的短尾水鸟。 那么,普通的短尾鸟“凤”为何在周代变为华冠长尾、祥瑞美丽的神鸟了呢?我们看到,在商代早期和中期的青铜器纹饰中,只有鸟纹而没有凤纹,真正的凤形直到殷商晚期才出现,而且此时是华冠短尾鸟和华丽而饰有眼翎的长尾鸟同时出现,可见“凤”是由鸟演变而来的。综观甲骨文和商代青铜器,凤鸟的演变应该是鸟在先,凤在后,贯穿整个商代的不是凤而是鸟。“天命玄鸟,降而生商”,在商人的历史中鸟始终扮演着图腾始祖的重要角色。 《左传》记载郯子说:“我高祖少暤挚之立也,凤鸟适至,故纪于鸟,为鸟师而鸟名。凤鸟氏历正也,……九扈为九农正。”凤鸟氏成为“历正”之官,是由于它知天时,九扈成为“九农正”,也是由于它们带来了耕种、耘田和收获的信息。殷人先祖之所以“鸟师而鸟名”,应该是由于这些随着信风迁批的鸟,给以少暤为首的商人的农业生产带来了四季节令的消息。 对凤鸟的崇拜起于商代,其鼎盛却在周代。正是在周代,“凤”完成了其发展程序中最后也是最重要的环节:变为神鸟凤凰。许多历史资料记载了周王室在克商前后对“天命”的重视。《尚书》“周书”十二篇中大量出现的“命”字多指天命,“殷革夏命”也是常见的语句。武王在甲子日牧野之战结束后,紧接着就“不革服,“格于庙”(来不及换衣服就到神庙参拜),这个“庙”自然不可能是周庙,而是商人的神庙。这说明周王室急于把商人的正统接过来,成为中原合法的统治者。周人之所以宣扬天命,归根结底在于强调“周改殷命”是出自天的意志和抉择。那么有谁能给周人带来“上天之命”呢? 根据当时的社会共识,最合适的就应该是“天的使者”——凤鸟。《国语》云:“昔武王伐殷,岁在鹑火。”岁即岁星,鹑火即柳宿。古人把赤凤叫作鹑,看来周人选择克商的时间也是寓有深意的。 (摘编自何丹《试论中国凤文化的“历史素地”及其在文化类型学上的深层涵义》)1.下列关于凤的形象的表述,不正确的一项是 A.20世纪后期在陕西凤雏村出土的甲骨文中,凤都表现为短尾鸟的形象。 B.在东汉许慎的《说文解字》中,作为凤属的鸑贫是跟凫一般大的红眼睛水鸟。 C.综合甲骨文和上古文献记载看,凤的原型是一种类似水鸭的普通短尾水鸟。 D.在周代文化中,凤已经从短尾水鸟变成一种华冠长尾、祥瑞美丽的神鸟。 2.下列表述,不符合原文意思的一项是 A.在商代晚期的青铜器纹饰中,华丽而饰有眼翎的长尾鸟形状的凤纹还没有出现。 B.从青铜器纹饰和“天命玄鸟,降而生商”这句话看,鸟是殷商人传说中的图腾始祖。
