




First listen and then answer the question.


What is the special importance of a telescope in space?

The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billiondollars. Right from the

start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were verydisappointing because its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A

robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon

be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the

time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.








Hubble n. 哈勃

telescope n. 望远镜

launch v. 发射

space n. 空间

NASA n.(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 国家航空和航天局

billion n. 10亿

faulty adj. 有错误的

astronaut n. 宇航员

shuttle n. 航天飞机

Endeavour n. “奋进”号

robot-arm n. 机器手

grab v. 抓

atmosphere n. 大气层

distant adj. 遥远的

galaxy n. 星系

universe n. 宇宙

eagle eye 鹰眼


at a cost of以……的代价






2,by the time somebody do sth


例:By the time the police arrived, the murderer had left.警方赶到时杀人犯已经逃之夭夭。

《新概念英语》第二册第62课:After the fire


First listen and then answer the question.


What was the danger to the villages after the fire?


Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over

the desolate hills. Winter was coming on and the

hillsthreatened the surrounding villages with destruction,

for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. When the fire had at last been put out, the forestauthorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which had

been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun

to appear in the blackened soil.











control n. 控制

smoke n. 烟

desolate adj. 荒凉的

threaten v. 威胁

surrounding adj. 周围的

destruction n. 破坏,毁灭

flood n. 洪水,水灾

authority n. (常用复数)*

grass-seed n. 草籽

spray v. 喷撒

quantity n. 量

root n. 根

century n. 世纪

patch n. 小片

blacken v. 变黑,发暗


get sth under control使……得到控制put out扑灭

rise up升起





例:you can't play music here, for grandma is sleeping.你不能在这儿演奏音乐,因为奶奶正在睡觉。


1,not only A,but also B

2,neither A,nor B

3,either A,or B



例:Neither you nor I am responsible.咱们都不用负责。

《新概念英语》第二册第63课:She was not amused


First listen and then answer the question.


Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception?

Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. he had included

a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny

told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To

his surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!



佩他那绝妙的幽默感 -- 人人,就是说,除他6岁的女儿珍妮之外的







circle n. 圈子

admire v. 赞美,钦佩

close adj. 亲密的

wedding n. 婚礼

reception n. 招待会

sort n. 种类


admire somebody for sth因某些事而崇拜某人

laugh at嘲笑


1,make a speech与have a speech



用listen或者hear,而是用have a concert。同样的还有give a talk, give a lesson, give a class等。

2,sort of与kind of



例:this shirt is sort of out of fashion.这种衬衫有点过时了吧。

例:this dress is kind of too much for me.这种短裙对我来说有


3,复习:as soon as一怎样就,引导时间状语从句

例:As soon as the rain stops,my mother brings me the umbrella.雨停了我妈才把伞送过来。


2-4 Place:whl Date:2016- 10 - 16 Time: Sun. 4:00-Teaching type&title:new lesson lesson 63 She was not amused Teaching contents&aims:circle admire close wedding reception Indirect speech Key points:admire close reception circle Indirect speech Difficulties:indirect speech Tools:computer Procedure: Step one review and have a dictation Step two new lesson 1. Lead in:Have you ever been invited to attend a wedding?How do you feel?How does the bride/bridegroom feel? 2. Introduce the story: Jeremy is very humourous but her daughter doesn’t think so. 3. Listen and answer:Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception? 4. Words 5. Listen,imitate and learn: ★admire v 赞美, 钦佩 admire sb for sth : 因为...羡慕某人 I admire him for his richness/house/clever daughter/knowledge. ★close adj 亲蜜的 close friend


Lesson 63:She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception? Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and if very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him! New words and expressions 生词和短语 1. circle ['s ?:kl] n. 圈子 2. admire [ ? d'mai ?] v. 赞美,钦佩 3. close [kl ?uz] adj. 亲密的 4. wedding ['wedi?] n. 婚礼 5. reception [ri'sep ??n] n. 招待会 6. sort [s ?:t] n. 种类 参考译文 杰里米.汉普登交际甚广,是各种聚会上深受大家欢迎的人。人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感-- 人人,就是说,除他 6 岁的女儿珍妮之外的每一个人。最近,杰里米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。这正是杰里米喜欢做的事情。他认真准备了讲稿,带着珍妮一道去参加了婚礼。他的祝词里面加进了大量逗人的故事,自然大获成功。他刚一讲完,珍妮就对他说她要回家。这不免使杰里米有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。杰里米问他为何不喜欢,她说她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他!【生词讲解】 1. circle ['s ?:kl] n. 圈子 1)圆,圆周,圆形空间 eg. Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用你的圆规画个圆。 2)一圈?? a circle of trees 一圈树 eg. We sat in a circle. 我们坐成一圈 a circle of hills 环山 a circle of lookers-on 一圈围观者


新概念英语第二册课后题答案详解:Lesson63 新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 63 1. d 根据课文第2行Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour 能够判断只有d. he is an amusing person (他是一个有 趣的人)是他深受大家欢迎的原因。其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 所以选d. 2. b 根据课文第8-11行,只有b. everyone had been laughing at Jeremy's stories, not at Jeremy 是课文所暗示的情况,珍妮没有意识到“每个人都在笑他父亲讲 的故事,而不是在嘲笑他父亲本人”。其他3个选择都不符合逻辑, 所以选b. 3. a 只有a. he's got 符合题目意思。 he's got = he has got = he has ,所以选a. 其他3个选择都不符合题目意思和语法。 has got = has 表示“有”的意思。 4. a b. Apart (adv. 分开,离开);d. Unless (conj. 除非,如果不) 这两个选择词性和词意思都与这个句子不符, a. 和 c. 都有with the exception of (除……外)的意思,但except 不能单独用于句首,所以只能选a. 5. b

表示喜欢或喜爱做某事应该用一般现在时,或一般过去时,而不 应用实行时态度,所以该句只能选b. loves . 其他3个选择 a. is loving, c. has been loving, d. was loving 时态都不对。 6. d 该句的动词succeeded(成功)后面只能跟介词in加动名词表示 “成功做某事”。a. to make, b. for making, c. in make都不合乎语法。只有d. in making合乎语法,所以选d. 7. d 该句需要选出同前一句中的 a little (有点儿,有些)意义相同 的词,才能使两个句子的意思相同。a. little (没有多少),b. somehow (不知怎么地,以某种方式);c. enough (充足) 和d. somewhat (一点,几分)4个选择中,只有 d. 与 a little 意思相同,所以选d. 8. a a. think highly of (看得起,高看); b. laugh at (嘲笑); c. estimate (评定,估计); d. esteem (尊敬,尊重)中只有a. 同前一句中的admire (赞美)含义相近,所以选a. 9. c a. lastly(最后), b. at last(最后,最终), c. lately(最近), d. at least(至少)4个词中只有c.同前一句的recently (最近)意义相同,所以选c. 10. d 该句需要选出同前一句中的reception(招待会)含义相同的词才能使两个句子意义相同。


新概念第二册63课课文同步练习 一、close多种意思,细读下列句子并指出close的意思。 a)nearinspaceb)nearinrelationshipc)onthebrinkof,attheedgeof d)almostevene)thoroughf)shutg)stale,stuffyh)tighti)stoprunning 1.Whensheheardthenews,thegirlwasclosetotears. 1.Themaniswelcomeever ywherehegoesbecausehehasaverygood. 2.OldJackisamonghisyoungfriends. 3.EveryonelovedJoehissister. 4.Theoldmechanicmycarbuthedidn'tfindanythingwrong.

5.Thecivilwarwasaeventinhistory. 6.0urteacherhasgotagreat. 7.Sallyismuchbecausesheiswealthyandhealthy! 8.Whencanyougetthesituationunder. 9.Hehascompleteoverthefinancesofthecompany. 1.Ithardlyrainedatallthissummer,thefarmershadapoorharvest. a)sothat b)inorderthatc)so d)accordingly 2.Thegamewillnotstarttomorrow. a)by b)for c)on d)until 3.wehavemadeaverygoodstart,westillneedtotryharder.


新概念英语第二册答案详解每课的选择题: Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb Lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc Lesson 10: addcb cacac ca Lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd Lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa Lesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa ad Lesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bb Lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb Lesson 16: aadab adadd da Lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad Lesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cb Lesson 19: Adccd bcbca cc Lesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc da Lesson 21 : cdcda cbbad cc Lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da Lesson 43: bbaad daccd ac Lesson 44: cbccc bdaba bd Lesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca


新概念英语第二册Lesson61~63课文详注 新概念英语第二册Lesson61课文详注 1.at a cost of,造价为……,耗资,以……的价格/费用。 He has just built a new house for his family at a cost of £10,000. 他刚为他的家庭盖了一座新房子,耗资1万英镑。 2.Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. 从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题。 (1)start为名词,表示“开始”、“开端”,from the start表示“从开始时”,副词right起强调作用: He didn't want to work at the firm(right) from the start. 他从最开始就不想在这家公司上班。 (2)trouble在这里指“(机器等的)故障”、“问题”: There is (engine) trouble with my car. 我的汽车(发动机)有问题。 (3)the Hubble代指 the Hubble telescope。因为上下文中没有其他以 Hubble命名的东西,前面又提到过一次Hubble telescope,所以用 the Hubble既简洁又不会引起误解。 3.NASA is now going to put the telescope right…国家航天局准备纠正这个错误…… put right表示“修好(故障等)”、“校正”、“纠正”等: Have you put the watch/clock right?


Lesson 63 She was not amused 一、教学重点 1、复习书信写作 二、教学步骤 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2? 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。5? ①Is Jeremy greatly admired for his great sense of humor or not? ②What was he invited to do? ③Did he immediately agree to do so or not? 3、生词解读,纠正发音。10? 4、提出问题:Why had Jenny not enjoyed her father?s speech? 看一遍视频,解答问题。3? 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。20? 1、做291页的两道选择理解题。5? 2、朗读课文。10? 3、复习句型(详见下文)。10? 4、做289页关于句型的练习。15? 5、绕口令。10? 【第三节课】 1、讲解290页的难点。10? 2、听写单词,记忆法指点。10? 3、听英文歌曲。8? 4、看图背课文比赛。20? 5、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。1? 6、布置作业:摘要写作,291页的选择题,背课文和单词。1? 三、单词讲解 1. circle ['s?:kl] n. 圈子 1)圆,圆周,圆形空间 eg. Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用你的圆规画个圆。 2)一圈…… a circle of trees 一圈树 eg. We sat in a circle. 我们坐成一圈 a circle of hills 环山 a circle of lookers-on 一圈围观者 [词汇扩展] square 正方形 triangle 三角形 a star has five ends, a square has four ends, a triangle has three ends, a line has two ends, i hope your happiness is no end. 3)(有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界


新概念英语第一册(第63课) Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor.谢谢你,医生。Listen to the tape then answer this question.听录音,然后回答问题。Who else is in bed today? Why?还有谁今天也卧床休息?为什么?How's Jimmy today?吉米今天怎么样了?Better. Thank you, Doctor.他好些了。谢谢您,医生。Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?我可以看看他吗,威廉斯夫人?Certainly, doctor.当然可以,医生。Come upstairs.上楼吧。You look very well, Jimmy.你看上去很好,吉米。You are better now,^你现在好些了,but you mustn't get up yet.但你还不应该起床。You must stay in bed for another two days.你必须再卧床两天。The boy mustn't go to school yet, Mr. Williams.这孩子还不能去上学,威廉斯夫人,And he mustn't eat rich food.而且不能吃油腻的食物。Does he have a temperature, doctor?他还发烧吗,医生?No, he doesn't.不,他不发烧了。Must he stay in bed?他还必须卧床吗?Yes. He must remain in bed for another two days.是的,他还必须卧床两天。He can get up for about two hours each day,他每天可以起来两个小时,but you must keep the room warm.但您必须保持房间温暖。Where's Mr. Williams this evening?威廉斯先生今晚去哪儿了?He's in bed, doctor.他


Lesson63 DOCTOR: How's Jimmy today? MRS. WILLIAMAS: Better. Thank you, Doctor. DOCTOR: Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams? MRS. WILLIAMS: Certainly, doctor. Come upstairs. DOCTOR: You look very well, Jimmy. You are better now, but you mustn't get up yet. You must stay in bed for another two days. DOCTOR: The boy mustn't go to school yet, Mrs. Williams. And he mustn't eat rich food. MRS. WILLIAMS: Does he have a temperature, doctor? DOCTOR: No, he doesn't. MRS. WILLIAMS: Must he stay in bed? DOCTOR: Yes. He must remain in bed for another two days. He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm. DOCTOR: Where's Mr. Williams this evening? MRS. WILLIAMS: He's in bed, doctor. Can you see him please? He has a bad cold, too! 医生:吉米今天怎么样了? 威廉斯夫人:他好些了。谢谢您,医生。 医生:我可以看看他吗,威廉斯夫人? 威廉斯夫人:当然可以,医生。上楼吧。 医生:你看上去很好,吉米。你现在好些了, 但你还不应该起床。 你必须再卧床两天。 医生:这孩子还不能去上学, 威廉斯夫人,而且不能吃油腻的食物。 威廉斯夫人:他还发烧吗,医生? 医生:不,他不发烧了。 威廉斯夫人:他还必须卧床吗? 医生:是的,他还必须卧床两天。 他每天可以起来两个小时, 但您必须保持房间温暖。 医生:威廉斯先生今晚去哪儿了? 威廉斯夫人:他在床上呢,医生。 您能看看他吗?他也得了重感冒!


Text Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. a large circle of friends 交际广泛 be popular with 受…的欢迎eg The nurse is very popular with little children. 那个保育员非常受小孩子们的欢迎。 be popular among sb 在某人中间受欢迎 eg Chinese food is coming popular among Americans. 中餐越来越受美国人的欢迎了。 popular newspaper 大众报纸 popular opinion 舆论 popular government 民主政治 party 1n 聚会,团,一行,一伙 at parties 在各种聚会中 have a party / give a party 聚会 a party of tourists 旅行团tourist n the climbing party 登山者一行 eg The president and his party started for Geneva. 总统一行今日启程前往日内瓦。 2n the party concerned 当事者 admire sb for sth 钦佩某人某事(因为…而钦佩某人)a sense of humor 幽默感 sense 1 a musical sense 音乐感 eg He has no sense of business. 他没有经商意识。 2意念,意识 a sense of hunger 饥饿感 a sense of shame 羞耻感 a sense of responsibility 责任感 a moral sense 道德观 3common sense 常识 a man of good sense 同情达理的人 4eg She lost her senses when she heard the news. 听到这个消息她失去了理智。 that is 也就是说,即 that is to say 也就是说 eg She is a house wife, that is when she is not teaching English.她是个家庭妇女也就是说当她不教英语时。six-year-old 只可做前置定语 a face-to-face talk 面对面的交流 Recently, one of Jeremy`s closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. make a speek 做演讲;(本文中)祝词 This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. that Jeremy loves 定语从句修饰thing 这个词,意思:Jeremy 喜欢做的事情eg all sorts of… 各种各样的, 相当于 all kinds of a sorts of… 一种…的;像…的a sort of scholar 还算是学者的人 eg She is not my sort (of woman). 她不是我喜欢的那种女人。 She prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. prepare the speech 准备讲稿 go to the wedding 参加婚礼 He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. include v 反义词排除 eg The price includes postage charge. 这个价钱包含邮资。辨识力,思虑,判断力,常识 正常的精神状态,神智 包含,包括(包含内容一部分)exclude That`s the sort of motorcycle I want. 那正是我想要的摩托车。 one of Jeremy`s closest friends / a closest firend of Jeremy`s. Jeremy 的最亲密的一个朋友。这种结构叫做双重所有格 了解…的感觉当事者,关系人 旅客,游客 Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour-everybody, that is , except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny.


新概念英语第二册课后练习题答案详解(第63课) 新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 63 1. d 根据课文第2行Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour 能够判断只有d. he is an amusing person (他是一个有 趣的人)是他深受大家欢迎的原因。其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。 所以选d. 2. b 根据课文第8-11行,只有b. everyone had been laughing at Jeremy's stories, not at Jeremy 是课文所暗示的情况,珍妮没有意识到“每个人都在笑他父亲讲 的故事,而不是在嘲笑他父亲本人”。其他3个选择都不符合逻辑, 所以选b. 3. a 只有a. he's got 符合题目意思。 he's got = he has got = he has ,所以选a. 其他3个选择都不符合题目意思和语法。 has got = has 表示“有”的意思。 4. a b. Apart (adv. 分开,离开);d. Unless (conj. 除非,如果不) 这两个选择词性和词意思都与这个句子不符, a. 和 c. 都有with the exception of (除……外)的意思,但except 不能单独用于句首,所以只能选a. 5. b

表示喜欢或喜爱做某事应该用一般现在时,或一般过去时,而不 应用实行时态度,所以该句只能选b. loves . 其他3个选择 a. is loving, c. has been loving, d. was loving 时态都不对。 6. d 该句的动词succeeded(成功)后面只能跟介词in加动名词表示“成功做某事”。a. to make, b. for making, c. in make都不合乎语法。只有d. in making合乎语法,所以选d. 7. d 该句需要选出同前一句中的 a little (有点儿,有些)意义相同 的词,才能使两个句子的意思相同。a. little (没有多少),b. somehow (不知怎么地,以某种方式);c. enough (充足) 和d. somewhat (一点,几分)4个选择中,只有 d. 与 a little 意思相同,所以选d. 8. a a. think highly of (看得起,高看); b. laugh at (嘲笑); c. estimate (评定,估计); d. esteem (尊敬,尊重)中只有a. 同前一句中的admire (赞美)含义相近,所以选a. 9. c a. lastly(最后), b. at last(最后,最终), c. lately(最近), d. at least(至少)4个词中只有c.同前一句的recently (最近)意义相同,所以选c. 10. d 该句需要选出同前一句中的reception(招待会)含义相同的词才 能使两个句子意义相同。


新概念第二册课文翻译及学习笔记【Lesson61、62、 63】 【课文】 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What is the special importance of a telescope in space? The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billiondollars. Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were verydisappointing because its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. 【课文翻译】 哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,耗资10 多亿美元。从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题。它传送给我们的图像很令 人失望,因为它的主要镜子有误差。国家航天局准备纠正这个错误, 为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜。“奋进”号航天飞机将把


新概念英语第二册:第63课课文详解及语法解析 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1. Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties.杰里米·汉普登交际甚广,是各种聚会上深受大家欢迎的人。 (1)circle的含义之一是“(具有共同利益或兴趣等的人形成的)圈子”、“……界”: Such things are never talked about in businese circles. 商业界的人士从来不谈论这种事。 Jeremy used to have a large circle of friends, but now he likes being alone. 杰里米以前交游甚广,但现在他喜欢独处。 (2)popular在这里表示“受欢迎的”、“得人心的”: She is now a popular actress. 她现在是个走红的演员。 Mary is always popular with/among children. 玛丽总是很受孩子们的欢迎。 2.his great sense of humour,他那绝妙的幽默感。 humour可以指“幽默”、“幽默感”,sense of humour指“幽默感”: He has a good/great sense of humour. 他很有幽默感。 George has no sense of humour. 乔治没有幽默感。 He is a man without humour.


Lesson 6312-09-2013 circle n 圈子admire v 赞美,钦佩close adj 亲密的wedding n 婚礼reception n 招待会sort n 种类circle 1n eg Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用你的圆规画一个圆。compass n 指南针2一圈a circle of trees 一圈树eg We sat in a circle . 我们坐成一圈。a circle of hills 一圈山a circle of looks-on 一圈围观者square n 正方形triangle n 三角形3n (有共同兴趣,职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界have a large circle of friends 交友广阔,朋友圈子很广in theatrical circles 在演艺界in business circles 在商界in political circle 在政界,在政坛4n 循环,一周a circle of seansons 四季的循环vicious circle 恶性循环go round in circles 原地转圈,无进展,瞎忙admire 1v admire sb for … 因为某事而羡慕某人admire sth for… 羡慕某事物eg I admire you for your success in business. 我真羡慕你事业有成。eg We admire him for his sense of humor. 我们羡慕他出色的幽默感。eg I was admiring his new car. 我羡慕他那辆新车。2v (口) (恭维地)称赞remember to admire her new dress 记得去恭维她的新裙子admirer n eg She has a lot of admirers. 她有许多的羡慕者。admiring adj admirer glances 羡慕的眼光admiration n *,?dm?'re???n+ 钦佩,羡慕eg We had great admiration for his courage. 我们非常钦佩他的勇气。look at a picture with admiration / look at a picture in admiration 羡慕的看着一幅画a mutual admiration society 相互吹捧的社会close 1v 关close the door 关门close your eyes 闭上眼睛eg The shop closes at 5:30 p.m. 这家商店在下午5:30 关门。close one`s eyes to sth / turn a blind eye to sth 视而不见close one`s mind to sth 不愿思考2adj *kl??s+(在空间或时间上) 接近eg The church is close to the school. 教堂距离学校很近。 3adj a close relative 近亲 a close friend / a bosom friend 亲密的朋友,知心的朋友 4adj a close match 势均力敌的比赛 a close election 水平相当的选举亲密的,亲近的 赞赏的,羡慕的称赞者,羡慕者赞美,钦佩,羡慕She was not amused New words and expressions 圆,圆周,原形空间势均力敌的


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第63课lesson 63 circle n 圈子 admire v 赞美,钦佩 close adj 亲蜜的 wedding n 婚礼 reception n 招待会 sort n 种类 admire sb for sth:因为...羡慕某人 i admire him for his richness/house/clever daughter/konwledge. close friend my best friend's reception = party wedding=reception婚宴 news conference新闻发布会,记者招待会 type 种类,有特殊特征的 一般情况都用kind,sort 习惯用sort的时候:1、那种人that sort of person 2、sort可含有讽刺意味 that's the sort of thing you like best

text Geoffrey Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor--everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Geoffrey's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding recep- tion. This is the sort of thing that Geoffrey loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Geoffrey asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!


2015.5.16 Lesson 63She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑 一、课文原句 1、a large circle of friends 交际很广 2、admires him for his great sense of humour 钦佩他的幽默感Admire sb for sth 因某事羡慕/赞美某人 3、make a speech 演讲、致祝词 4、the sort of thing ***类事情 The sort of +n.(单数) 5、prepared the speech 准备演讲稿 二、本课单词 ★circle ?①n. 环形物,圈 Eg:围成一圈坐下sit in a circle ?②n. 集团,同伙,社会,…界(常用复数) Eg:上流社会the upper circles Eg:商业界business circles ?③v.转,旋转,回旋,盘旋 Eg:飞机在我们的农场上空盘旋 The airplane circled over our farm. ★admire ?①vt. 钦佩,赞赏 Eg:我比其他人更加赞赏他的音乐。 I admire his mus ic more than anyone else?s. 固定短语:admire sb. for sth. 因为……羡慕某人 Eg:我羡慕他的知识 I admire him for his knowledge. ?②vt. 欣赏,观赏 Eg:当在欣赏一座新建筑的时候,我听见有人在叫我的名字。 While admiring the new building, I heard someone calling my name. ?③vt. (口语)夸奖,称赞 Eg:她喜欢别人赞赏她的孩子。 She likes to hear her children admired.
