

Good morning teachers, my name is Han Mengyang. Today I will give a speech about Qipao’s history.

As we all known, Qipao is one of the most beautiful flower in long culture river of China with one hundred years history.

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, because of feudal ideas, women couldn’t wear tight clothes to show their body. So at that time Qipao were loose. The size of waist were close to the size of chest. Yellow meant royal back to then, so folks were not allow to wear Qipao. Qipao were colorful and made all kinds of material, there were also a lot of decorations on the cuff and collar. To gave the best wishes, they often sewed some flowers and mythical animals on it, such as Phoenix and Peony.

After the 1940s, influenced by the west countries ,the traditional Qipao had changed. The shorts of the sleeves, the fitting waist, showed the elegance and active of Chinese women and set off the beauty of the female shape. Since then Qipao became a symbol of fashion, students, housewife, movie stars, even the old ladies were wearing that. It was the most golden time of Qipao.

Today when Qipao exhibited in other country, it received worm welcome. Now it became a formal suit of social or political occasions. The world famous movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Emma Watson, Victoria Beckham, they worn Qipao to some activities.

I think Qipao, traditional Chinese clothes, is the treasure of Chinese culture. We should know it more and pass it to our next generations.

Thanks for your listening.


Cheongsam, as the greatest influential Chinese traditional clothing in the world, is also one of the representive costumes of Chinese. It is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion. Cheongsam is still in fashion and popular nowsday, though there are several tens of year since it has been created. The name "cheongsam," meaning simply "long dress," entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as "qipao". Besides, it is complicated to make a cheongsam cause there are so many processes in making it. Pitifully, the exact time of inventing Cheongsam is still a mystery to us. The origin of Cheongsam could date back to the Republic of China Government in 1929, which Cheongsam was first mentioned in the book. There are 4 stages in cheongsam’s evolution. The first period is the late Qing Dynatsty. The wide and loose body had gradually become short and narrow because of the entering of European-style suits. And then, in 1920s, there was a new change that the style of collar was highlighted to be fashionable to show feminine appearance. Then, in 1930s to 1940s, cheongsam was shortened with the length to the knees, and the cuffs were also narrowed. Lastly, cheongsam has been endowed with the popular design, which attracts people’s attention and even becomes a representative clothing of Chinese.


中国旗袍历史 旗袍起源于中国上海。 旗袍,是一种内与外和谐统一的典型民族服装,被誉为中华服饰文化的代表。它以其流动的旋律、潇洒的画意与浓郁的诗情,表现出中华女性贤淑、典雅、温柔、清丽的性情与气质。 旗袍是清代的旗人之袍,是贵族的衣饰,现代意义的旗袍,诞生于20世纪初叶,盛行于三四十年代,是中国女性服装的代表。行家把上个世纪20年代看作旗袍流行的起点,三十年代它到了顶峰状态,很快从发源地上海风靡至全国各地。当时上海是上流名媛的福地,她们热衷于游泳、打高尔夫、飞行术、骑马,奢华的社交生活和追赶时髦,注定了旗袍的流行。由于上海一直崇尚海派的西式生活方式,以致后来出现了“改良旗袍”,从遮掩身体的曲线到显现玲珑突兀的女性美,使旗袍彻底摆脱了旧有模式,成为中国女性独具民族特色的“国服”。 经过多年的修正与改良,旗袍已经成为最能体现中国女性美的服装,用最中国的布料,丝绸、锦缎,做成最中国的服装———旗袍,穿在发髻高挽身段窈窕的中国女子身上,那种东方的美、东方的神韵,令人叹为观止。旗袍在这里,已超脱了一般意义上的服装而成为一种象征,为什么它会成为经典,答案也正在这里。 旗袍的美是一种典雅而高贵的美,这种由旗袍内涵所决定的文化品位限制了它的普及、大众化,同时它对穿着者的要求也十分苛刻,这不仅仅表现在对身体的要求上,同时也表现在对穿着者内涵及气质表现上,而且,旗袍的出现对背景、环境、气氛要求特别讲究,我们不能设想一个菜贩身着旗袍脚趿拖鞋的模样,这是对美的糟塌,我们同样也不能接受一个身着旗袍的女人不停地挖鼻孔和吐口水。旗袍的美是一种距离的美,一种静止的典雅美。 旗袍追随着时代,承载着文明,显露着修养,体现着美德,演化为天地间一道绚丽的彩虹。愿旗袍连接起过去和未来,连接起生活与艺术,将美的憧憬、美的风韵洒满人间。 旗袍是中华女性最具代表性的传统服装。说到传统,人们总要想到封建主义的保守、封闭,还有封建主义对妇女的各方面的禁锢。数千年来,中华女性的着装是严肃的。直到现在,严肃而正规的“职业女装”仍然占据着中国女性服装的主要地位。 凤冠霞帔,母仪天下,如果说中国几千年来的封建传统把妇女的最高期望值定到这里,那么最能说明一切奥妙的关键字眼就是“表现”。把美好的体貌表现出来的唯一媒介是好的服装。“霓裳羽衣”也好,“凤冠霞帔”也罢,除了对那种繁华尊贵的追求之外,无论如何也剪不掉那段渴望美丽、渴望风采浪漫。旗袍的出现或许就因为如此吧。 人类文明有五千年悠久的历史,女性的服装也随着历史不断改变。比起科技带给世界的巨大变化,人体却顽强地保持了原状,这虽然不能算是奇迹,却为服装发展史、提供了可能。服装不能脱离人体而孤立存在,旗袍也一样。女性的头、颈、肩、臂、胸、腰、臀、腿以及手足,构成众多曲线巧妙结合的完美整体。旗袍的审美,似乎可以从这里谈起。 旗袍的起


中国传统服饰之美 二十世纪三四十年代的上海,是上流名媛,高级交际花的福地,她们热衷于游泳、打高尔夫、飞行术、骑马,奢华的社交生活和追赶时髦,注定了旗袍的流行。由于上海一直崇尚海派的西式生活方式,以致后来出现了“改良旗袍”,从遮掩身体的曲线到显现玲珑突兀的女性曲线美,使旗袍彻底摆脱了旧有模式,成为中国女性独具民族特色的时装之一。文化风格旗袍不能脱离人体而孤立存在。女性的头、颈、肩、臂、胸、腰、臀、腿以及手足,构成众多曲线巧妙结合的完美整体,形成旗袍文化。京派与海派旗袍,代表着艺术、文化上的两种风格。海派风格以吸收西艺为特点,标新且灵活多样,商业气息浓厚;京派风格则带有官派作风,显得矜持凝练。 旗袍的起源 辛亥革命废除帝制,创立民国。民国之初,剪辫发,易服色,把属于封建朝代的冠服等级制度送进了历史博物馆,这一切为倒大袖与新样式旗袍的延生创造了条件。二十年代早期,城市女性中时兴过一阵“文明新装”。 黄金时代

二十世纪二十年代到四十年代,是中国旗袍最灿烂的时期。尤其是三十年代,旗袍奠定了它在女装舞台上不可替代的重要地位,成为中国女装的典型代表,基本完成旗袍文化走向经典的过程,四十年代是其黄金时代在时间上的延续。经过二十世纪上半叶的演变,旗袍的各种基本特征和组成元素慢慢稳定下来。旗袍成为一种经典女装。经典相对稳定,而时装千变万化。但时装设计师常从经典的宝库中寻找灵感,旗袍也是设计师灵感的来源之一。 风姿再现 二十世纪五十年代,旗袍曾有过灿烂的一瞬。在人民当家作主的时代,服装流行的主导已转向平民。从一九六六至一九七六年,中华传统文化的遭遇浩劫,旗袍文化也被冷落。二十世纪八十年代开放之初,被冷落了三十年之久的旗袍文化显得有些落伍。近十几年来,木棉道品牌时装中重新出现的旗袍,在国际时装舞频频亮相,风姿绰约尤胜当年,并被做为一种有民族代表意义的正式礼服出现在各种国际社交礼 仪场合。 旗袍配饰 旗袍作为中国妇女的传统服装,而并非已经湮灭失传的历史服装。它既有沧桑变幻的往昔,加之可欣赏度高,因而极富


用英语介绍旗袍 用英语介绍旗袍 “ 旗袍” 在英语中有一个固定的词,不过是一个 loanword ,外来语,写 做 cheongsam ,是从广东话 Cantonese 里来的。我们也可以拼写为 qipao 或者 chipao : The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women; the male version is the changshan. It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qipao or chipao, and is also known in English as a mandarin gown. 旗袍是中国一种紧身的连衣女子服饰,男子的被称为长衫。英语中也用mandarin gown来表示这种服饰。 清朝时候的旗装是很宽松的, 1900年之后,在上海,旗袍的样式发生了改变: The modernized version is noted for accentuating the figures of women, and as such was popular as a dress for high society. As Western fashions changed, the basic cheongsam design changed too, introducing high-necked sleeveless dresses, bell-like sleeves, and the black lace frothing at the hem. By the 1940s, cheongsam came in a wide variety of fabrics with an equal variety of accessories. 现代版 的旗袍很贴身, 更能显出女子的身材, 为上流社会的女性所推崇。旗袍的式样也跟随西方时尚而变化, 出现了高领无袖、喇叭状袖子和黑色蕾丝泡泡镶边 的款式。到上世纪四十年代,旗袍已经有很多种不同材质和配饰。 旗袍和长衫的那种标志性小立领被称为 mandarin collar, a short unfolded stand-up collar style,而旗袍的那种盘扣被称为 frog ,或者Chinese frog, frog 在这里不是青蛙的意思哦,意为一种用细绳做的扣 饰: A frog (sometimes referred to as a Chinese frog) is an ornamental braiding for fastening the front of a garment that consists of a button and a loop through which it passes. 盘扣是一种装饰性的编织状扣子,用来扣住一件衣服的前襟 英语脑筋急转弯 1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打 破? ) Silence. (沉默 ) 2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实 吗? ) No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。 (不会,他们依旧撒谎。 Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。 )


旗袍中国服饰文化 旗袍是我国一种富有民族风情的妇女服装,旗袍的源头是袍服中的棗,其发源最早认为可追溯到春秋战国时期的深衣。后演变发展为满族服饰,再由满族妇女的长袍演变而来。由于满族称为“旗人”,故将其称之为“旗袍”。在清代,妇女服饰可谓是满汉并存。清初,满族妇女以长袍为主,而汉人妇女仍以上衣下裙为时尚;清中期,满汉各有仿效;到了清代后期,满族效仿汉族的风气日盛,甚至出现“大半旗装改汉装,宫袍截作短衣裳”的情况,而汉族仿效满族服饰的风气,也于此时在一些达官贵妇中流行起来。

时尚旗袍搭配提示 古韵佳人,温宛如玉,身着旗袍,香肩、蜂腰,玲珑迷人的曲线内敛地演绎着典雅风情。经...时尚旗袍搭配提示... 关于旗袍的美丽传说故事 满族民间流传着这样一个美丽的传说故事。传说,从前镜泊湖畔有个满族渔家姑娘,因...关于旗袍的美丽传说故事... 旗袍旗袍,我的心是通向它的 我的心是通向它的。眼睛穿透衣橱,停在瘪扁的饰边暗紫短袖夹层旗袍上。旗袍

的左侧,酒...旗袍旗袍,我的心是通向它的... 旗袍旗袍,骨子里就有一种东方美 旗袍风情旗袍旗袍,骨子里就有一种东方美。多少女子,都梦想着有一袭华美的旗...旗袍旗袍,骨子里就有一种东方美... 旗袍旗袍,穿出女人的时尚妩媚与典雅 旗袍旗袍,穿出女人的时尚妩媚与典雅...旗袍旗袍,穿出女人的时尚妩媚与典雅. 旗袍,这一被当代国际服装界誉为“东方女装”的代表,如今不仅受到我国广大汉族妇女的爱戴,而且也受到西方欧美妇女的青睐。..

改良旗袍贴身旗袍美女展现身姿典雅与内秀 改良旗袍贴身旗袍美女展现身姿典雅与内秀旗袍专为中国女性而设计,它所勾勒出的典...改良旗袍贴身旗袍美女展现身姿典雅与内秀... 中华旗袍美,如何穿旗袍演绎典雅风情 中华旗袍美,如何穿旗袍演绎典雅风情,古韵佳人,温宛如玉,身着旗袍,香肩、蜂腰,旗袍之于女人,是一首诗,是一首永远水灵动人的抒情诗。而之于男人,就该是那首抒情诗中的一个意象了,因为着迷,所以他才会欣赏它,解读它,花心思研究它。...


用英语介绍旗袍 “旗袍”在英语中有一个固定的词,不过是一个loanword,外来语,写做cheongsam,是从广东话Cantonese里来的。我们也可以拼写为qipao或者chipao: The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women; the male version is the changshan. It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qipao or chipao, and is also known in English as a mandarin gown. 旗袍是中国一种紧身的连衣女子服饰,男子的被称为长衫。英语中也用mandarin gown 来表示这种服饰。 清朝时候的旗装是很宽松的,1900年之后,在上海,旗袍的样式发生了改变: The modernized version is noted for accentuating the figures of women, and as such was popular as a dress for high society. As Western fashions changed, the basic cheongsam design changed too, introducing high-necked sleeveless dresses, bell-like sleeves, and the black lace frothing at the hem. By the 1940s, cheongsam came in a wide variety of fabrics with an equal variety of accessories. 现代版的旗袍很贴身,更能显出女子的身材,为上流社会的女性所推崇。旗袍的式样也跟随西方时尚而变化,出现了高领无袖、喇叭状袖子和黑色蕾丝泡泡镶边的款式。到上世纪四十年代,旗袍已经有很多种不同材质和配饰。 旗袍和长衫的那种标志性小立领被称为mandarin collar,a short unfolded stand-up collar style,而旗袍的那种盘扣被称为frog,或者Chinese frog,frog在这里不是青蛙的意思哦,意为一种用细绳做的扣饰: A frog (sometimes referred to as a Chinese frog) is an ornamental braiding for fastening the front of a garment that consists of a button and a loop through which it passes. 盘扣是一种装饰性的编织状扣子,用来扣住一件衣服的前襟 英语脑筋急转弯 1. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?) Silence. (沉默) 2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?) No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)


旗袍文化浅析 国际商学院旅游管理乔梓文 1307714027 内容摘要:旗袍在中国已有百来年历史,一直被视为中华民族服饰的典型代表,如今改良后的旗袍更是走向世界,成为时尚的领军人物和东方璀璨的明珠。本文从旗袍的起源与发展,旗袍的神秘魅力,旗袍穿着要领,旗袍赋予的文化内涵以及当今旗袍的时代精神与意义等几个方面论述旗袍的韵律与妩媚。 一、旗袍的起源与发展 旗袍始于清代,清太祖努尔哈赤统一了女真族各部。设立了清军中的红、蓝、黄、自四正旗。入关后又增添镶黄、镶红、镶蓝、镶白四镶旗,以此来区分、统驭所属军民,称做“八旗”。八旗所属臣民习惯穿长袍,是满族的土著服装,故此而得名为“旗袍”。旗袍是满族妇女传统服饰工艺品,又是满族男女老少一年四季都穿着的服饰,裁剪很简单,四片裁制,衣衩较长,主要特征有右衽大襟,饰以各式袢扣,直腰身,袍身宽大,“元宝领”用得十分普遍,领高盖住腮帮甚至碰到耳,袍身上多绣以各色花纹,领、袖、襟都有多重宽大的滚边。…满族贵族妇女的旗袍,面料多为绸缎,图案大都是吉祥纹饰,走起路来像是“风摆荷叶”。 到2O世纪2O年代,满汉女子服饰不断融合为一,并吸收了西洋服装式样。当初的旗袍样式,袖口收紧,滚边减窄,纹样刺绣稍作简略,衣身略短。到2O 年代末,受西方裙装的影响,旗袍的样式有了明显的改变,旗袍变为收腰合体曲线式,展现了女性的凹凸特征,具备了现代女装的基本特征和流行基础。 进入三、四十年代后,旗袍造型完美成熟,全世界家喻户晓,堪称经典之作,是旗袍的顶峰时期。这时的旗袍采用高立领、吸腰、短袖、纽襻、斜襟、高开衩,袍子忽短忽长,剪裁和造型学习了西裙特点,使旗袍更加合身,展露女性玲珑突兀的优美体态。”面料上,纱、绉、绸、缎、花呢、棉布等都在应用。 1949年解放前夕,旗袍已经相当普遍,成为城市妇女的日常便装。但新中国建立后,妇女穿衣服鄙弃穿红戴绿,鄙弃小资情调,流行朴素的军装、列宁装。于是,旗袍所蕴含的悠闲、舒适、柔曼的大家闺秀形象,已失去了其生存的意义。 1956年,据说苏联的某领导人到中国访问时提出,中国人的服装要体现新中国欣欣向荣的新面貌,于是,我们国家提出口号“人人穿花衣裳”,于是旗袍


略谈中国旗袍文化 就我平日所见,穿旗袍者多是礼仪小姐、迎宾小姐和服务人员。迎宾小姐穿旗袍给人印象最深刻的一幕,便是在寒冷的冬天,穿着高开衩的单薄面料伫立风中,笑迎下机的重要人物。这种为了“风度”而牺牲“温度”的穿法,使旗袍负上一面不解人情的性格,实是无辜。转视校内各大活动现场中的礼仪小姐,她们身上的旗袍所用的是化纤仿真丝面料,色彩很鲜艳,开衩也很高;而穿的人有时由于身形与所穿的旗袍不相适合,有时由于站姿不得体或所画的妆掩盖了气质,诸如此类因素无不扭曲了旗袍的本来面目,旗袍也因此由淡雅落为低俗。今日已有人提出“制服旗袍”这一现象,可想而知,当旗袍被冠以制服一词,对人而言,无疑就承受了一种制服上暴力压迫。那么旗袍原本的美是怎样的呢?在搜寻中国文化的背景下,本文试图通过追溯旗袍的一些往昔故事,重新发现旗袍的美丽倩影。 有人这样诠释旗袍:旗袍,是一种内与外和谐统一的典型传统旧时时装,被誉为近代中国女性时装的代表。它以其流动的旋律、潇洒的画意与浓郁的诗情,表现出近代中国女性的贤淑、典雅、温柔、性感和清丽,诠释了20世纪上半叶的中国城市女性特有的时尚性情与气质。它追随着时代,承载了中华服饰文化的文明,显露出中华女性良好的修养与个人美德,演化为天地间一道绚丽的彩虹。 诚如斯言,旗袍确实但当得起上面一段恭维。一个有文化常识的人,看到一件精美的旗袍,不难联想到人体的曲线,联想到近代历史,联想到繁华的都市,联想到有旗袍出场的电影。之所以它能唤起人们诸多的联想,在于它所承载的时代文明于我们并不陌生。 现代意义上的旗袍,并非是我们从当下泛滥的清宫大戏中看到的那种,而是指诞生于20世纪初叶,盛行于三四十年代几经变化后的改良旗袍。我们知道,20世纪初,清王朝被摧毁了,中国进入了民国时期,各地军阀割据,整个社会动荡不安。颇令人费解的是,就在这样一个年代,中国人依然没有忘记享受生活,于四处硝烟中趁机发展了时装业,他们拿旗人的女长袍加以改造后就成了一件璀璨的艺术品。在有这件令人费解的事同时,也有一件令人习以为常的事,那就是,在本国历朝历代的历史上,无论一个朝代的末期多么混乱,总有一个角落,总有一群高贵,生活于歌舞升平之中。 从近代的历史看,上海算是一个那样的角落。当时的上海是上流名媛的福地,她们热衷于打高尔夫、游泳和骑马等社会活动。在奢华的社交生活和追赶时髦的迫需下,旗袍的改良与流行也就是顺理成章的事了。改良后的旗袍在结构上吸取西式裁剪方法,袍身更为称身合体。旗袍的样式也发展为多种:开襟有如意襟、琵琶襟、斜襟、双襟;领有高领、低领、无领;袖口有长袖、短袖、无袖;开衩有高开衩、低开衩;还有长旗袍、短旗袍、夹旗袍、单旗袍等。在改良的过程中,也曾有过一些阻力,当旗袍下摆缩至膝盖以上一寸,袖子采用西式时,即惹起了一遭非议。1931年后旗袍又开始变长,下摆下垂,至30年代中期袍底落地遮住了双脚。越来越短的是袖子,原先能遮住手腕的袖子缩短至肘部,再后来缩至肩下两寸,1936年后几乎无袖。从我所了解到的有关资料中,大概可以看出,进入30年代后,旗袍多在长短、胖度及装饰上略作调整,而无法跳出基本的轮廓,这也说明旗袍发展至此已然成熟完美,现代意义上的旗袍造型由此奠定。 可以说,在整个20世纪30年代,旗袍几乎成为中国妇女的标准服装。但,并不是每位女性穿起旗袍都好看的,旗袍的美丽对女性的天然组成有不少的挑


将中国旗袍文化营销到西方 摘要:旗袍被誉为中华服饰文化的代表。是一种内与外和谐统一的典型民族服装。集满、汉文化于一身。它以其流动的旋律、潇洒的画意与浓郁的诗情,表现出中华女性贤淑、典雅、温柔、清丽的性情与气质,是中华民族服饰文化的结晶。由于中西文化不同,再将旗袍营销到西方过程中,必须考虑中西文化异同,制定文化整合策略,将旗袍文化,中国文化营销到西方 关键词:旗袍产品文化品牌文化差异化战略 中国素有“衣冠王国”的美誉,旗袍更是中国女性最具代表性的传统服装,其形制体现自然和谐、内敛含蓄之美,是中华民族服饰文化瑰宝,被国际上公认为最具有代表性的中国传统服饰。通过对旗袍的研究可以看出:旗袍的独特魅力在于它所包含的文化底蕴。一方面是传统旗袍中体现出来的传统文化意蕴,另一方面是在旗袍发展过程中体现出来的文化意蕴。[1]而在经济日趋全球化,文化日益交融的今天,企业要想将中国旗袍文化营销到西方,必须重视营销过程中分析文化环境,识别不同价值观之的差异,中西文化差异,营销人员在进行营销活动的时候,一定要注意文化的差异性,最大限度地减少文化的差异给营销活动带来的负面影响,最大程度地将企业自身文化融合到当地文化中[8],求同存异,制定适合西方国民消费的策略,在西方市场上营销旗袍文化。 一、旗袍中的中西文化差异与融合 1.旗袍表现不同的中西文化内涵 旗袍行成中国女性服饰的一种民族传统服饰,其重要原因是中华民族内在凝聚力的外在表现。旗袍采用比例式的造型结构,整件服装上下、由独块衣料制成,结构严谨、线条流畅,没有任何不必要的附件装饰,正符合东方女性的身体结构,能衬托东方女性的形体之美,这正是东方人讲究和谐统一的文化底蕴的体现,抑或是中华民族统一团结的自然流露。文化的发展具有历史的连续性。旗袍历经沧桑而不变其神韵,而且还要流传下去,正显示了中华文化连续性的特征。如今旗袍在造型上采用符合中国女性体型的立体造型方式,它在保持中国传统文化内涵的同时,大量吸收了西方的思想观念和制衣技巧,融合并演变出东西合璧的现代旗袍。在20世纪90年代,西方女性穿上中式旗袍,她们只是好奇而已,兴趣来了就试试。因此,旗袍无法体现更深层次的西方文化内涵。但是西方也有西方的服饰文化。西方男子的晚礼服——燕尾服和女性的晚礼服都很能显示他们的服饰个性,这也是他们的文化传统。特别在女性服装设计上表现大胆、豪放、飘逸、华贵,甚至不怕坦胸露乳,这都是西方意识形态的反映,也彰显了中西文化的差异。


Shanghai Chi-pao NO. 1 The history of Shanghai Chi-pao The Chinese chi-pao originated in Shanghai. In the period of the Republic of China, Chinese women began to wear these clothesin a traditional style. Chi-pao design from the Qing Dynasty Manchu women robe transformed, it is a noble clothing. Modern chi-pao was born in early twentieth Century, popular in 30s and 40s, is the representative of Chinese women's clothing. Experts think the last century in 20s is the starting point of the popularity of chi-pao. Chi-pao reached its peakin 30s and soon swept from the cradle of Shanghai to all parts of China. As Shanghai has been advocating Western way of life style, the reformed chi-pao bagan to appear. NO. 2 Characteristics of Shanghai Chi-pao The traditional Shanghai chi-pao is made of Chinese brocade cloth in China type cut. But nowadays, the design of Shanghai chi-pao has been integrated into the western style, including many fashion elements, so Shanghai chi-pao is full of modern sense. The Shanghai women who wearing the chi-pao give a person the sense of elegant, when they are walking, they are exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful.The main feature of it is the high side, opening with cloth buttons and slit skirt slits. NO. 3 Shanghai Chi-pao Street Shanghai has two streets and there are many chi-pao stores, one is Changle Road, the other is Maoming Road. The chi-pao shops thereare famous for its characteristics of small and exquisite and private workshop customization.


摘要 旗袍是中国传统女性服饰的代表,亦是最具风情的中国符号之一。虽然其定义和产生的时间至今还存有诸多争论,但它仍然以其独特的形式美、装饰美及东方式的含蓄美受到当今世人的喜爱与推崇。旗袍是传统中国多民族和多元文化不断交流、融合的产物,蕴藏了深厚的历史价值与文化内涵,对现代服饰业的发展具有现实意义。 本文是在文化大发展大繁荣、文化强国战略实施以及服饰国际化的背景下,分析比较前人的研究成果,运用调查法、文献研究法、描述法等研究方法,对中国旗袍的概况、文化内涵以及对中国旗袍文化传承与发展的必要性进行了深入探讨,最终的目的是为了找到与现代服饰设计的契合点,提出一些创造性意见,为中国旗袍的现代发展提供有效参考依据。 关键词:旗袍;文化内涵;文化价值;传承与发展

Abstract Cheongsam is a representative of the traditional Chinese female costumes, and it is one of the most amorous feelings of the Chinese symbols. Although the definition and the time still have a lot of debate, but it is still in its unique aesthetic, decorative beauty and the Oriental implicative beauty by the love and esteem of the world today. Cheongsam is a traditional Chinese multi-ethnic and multicultural exchanges and integration of the product, has the profound historical value and cultural connotation, have practical significance to the development of modern clothing industry. This article is in the great development of prosperity, cultural power strategy implementation and clothing under the background of internationalization, compared the results of other researchers, using the survey method, literature research, description method and other research methods, the general situation of Chinese qipao, cultural connotation and the necessity of the heritage and development of Chinese qipao culture carried on the thorough discussion, the final purpose is to find and the correspondency of modern clothing design, put forward some creative ideas, provide effective reference basis for the modern development of Chinese qipao. Key words:Cheongsam; cultural connotation;cultural value;inheritance and development


Good morning teachers, my name is Han Mengyang. Today I will give a speech about Qipao’s history. As we all known, Qipao is one of the most beautiful flower in long culture river of China with one hundred years history. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, because of feudal ideas, women couldn’t wear tight clothes to show their body. So at that time Qipao were loose. The size of waist were close to the size of chest. Yellow meant royal back to then, so folks were not allow to wear Qipao. Qipao were colorful and made all kinds of material, there were also a lot of decorations on the cuff and collar. To gave the best wishes, they often sewed some flowers and mythical animals on it, such as Phoenix and Peony. After the 1940s, influenced by the west countries ,the traditional Qipao had changed. The shorts of the sleeves, the fitting waist, showed the elegance and active of Chinese women and set off the beauty of the female shape. Since then Qipao became a symbol of fashion, students, housewife, movie stars, even the old ladies were wearing that. It was the most golden time of Qipao. Today when Qipao exhibited in other country, it received worm welcome. Now it became a formal suit of social or political occasions. The world famous movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Emma Watson, Victoria Beckham, they worn Qipao to some activities. I think Qipao, traditional Chinese clothes, is the treasure of Chinese culture. We should know it more and pass it to our next generations. Thanks for your listening.


中国旗袍文化 作者:名媛雅集 旗袍作为中国女性服饰美的元素已经被世界认可,成为了我国传统文化的重要组成部分。 旗袍是民国的旗人之袍,盛行于三四十年代。行家把二十世纪二十年代看作旗袍流行的起点,三十年代它到了顶峰状态,很快从发源地上海风靡至中国各地。 旗袍追随着时代,承载着文明,显露着修养,体现着美德,演化为天地间一道绚丽的彩虹。以其流动的旋律、潇洒的画意与浓郁的诗情,表现出中华女性贤淑、典雅、温柔、清丽的性情与气质。旗袍连接起过去和未来,连接起生活与艺术,将美的风韵洒满人间。虽然现在已很难看见身着旗袍、左手执油纸伞、右手执香扇的雅致美女款款而步,但那唯美的景象至今让人向往。 二十世纪三四十年代的上海,是上流名媛,高级交际花的福地,她们热衷于游泳、打高尔夫、飞行术、骑马,奢华的社交生活和追赶时髦,注定了旗袍的流行。由于上海一直崇尚海派的西式生活方式,以致后来出现了“改良旗袍”,从遮掩身体的曲线到显现玲珑突兀的女性曲线美,使旗袍彻底摆脱了旧有模式,成为中国女性独具民族特色的时装之一。 旗袍不能脱离人体而孤立存在。女性的头、颈、肩、臂、胸、腰、臀、腿以及手足,构成众多曲线巧妙结合的完美整体,形成旗袍文化。京派与海派旗袍,代表着艺术、文化上的两种风格。海派风格以吸收西艺为特点,标新且灵活多样,商业气息浓厚;京派风格则带有官派作风,显得矜持凝练。 百年旗袍发展历史 民国之初——悄然过渡过的旗袍。20世纪初,中国政治风云跌宕。辛亥革命废除帝制,创立民国,剪辫发,易服色,摧枯拉朽,把属于封建朝代的冠服等级制度送进了历史博物馆,这一切为新式旗袍的延生创造了条件,城市女性中时兴过一阵“文明新装”。 30、40年代,旗袍的黄金时代,也是近代中国女装最光辉灿烂的时期。也就是在此时,旗袍奠定了它在女装舞台上不可替代的重要地位,成为中国女装的典型代表。旗袍走向经典的过程,可说在30年代已基本完成,40年代是其黄金时代在时间上的延续。 50年代也有过灿烂的一瞬,在人民当家作主的时代,如果说服装也有流行的话,那流行的主导已转向平民。 60、70年代是旗袍被冷落的20年,从1966年至1976年的“文革”,是传统文化的浩劫,也是旗袍的灾难。 80、90年代——现在,旗袍辉煌难再。改革开放后,旗袍的鼎盛年代已经远去,被冷落了30年之久的它,在80年代以来开放后的国土上显得有些落伍了。 旗袍的审美 近十几年来,时装中重新出现的旗袍,在国际时装舞频频亮相,风姿绰约有胜当年,并被做为一种有民族代表意义的正式礼服出现在各种国际社交礼仪场合。 旗袍的京派与海派 京派与海派代表着艺术、文化上的两种风格。海派风格以吸收西艺为特点,标新且灵活多样,商业气息浓厚;京派风格则带有官派作风,显得矜持凝练。


CHINESE CHEONGSAM (QIPAO) The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion. The name "cheongsam," meaning simply "long dress," entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as "qipao", which has a history behind it. When the early Manchu rulers came to China proper, they organized certain people, mainly Manchus, into "banners" (qi) and called them "banner people" (qiren), which then became loosely the name of all Manchus. The Manchu women wore normally a one-piece dress which, likewise, came to be called "qipao" or "banner dress." Although the 1911 Revolution toppled the rule of the Qing (Manchu) Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women. Easy to slip on and comfortable to wear, the cheongsam fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, collar closed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape. The cheongsam is not too complicated to make. Nor does it call for too much material, for there are no accessories like belts, scarves, sashes or frills to go with it. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.
