

1359) Part 1 VocabuiaQ and Structure f 10 pointsj Questions 1 — 5 arc based on the following task. Cboose the

appropriatr words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. Ilicrc are THREE extra

chokes Hint you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Nanotechnology is the science of the small. ( I ) ______________ from rhe Greek word for *dwarfnano a one billionth unit of measurement (2) _____________________ a nanometer is a

billiomh of a meter# and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nnnotechnology 诉the Term ( 3) _

describe a wide army of theoretical and experimental approaches to

engineering finy machines: everything from making smaller microchip!!> TO environing molecular robatis

that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disca«. People working in the held of nanotechnology

today are divided between two disciplines:those working from the "bottom up." mostly chemist*

attempting to create suucture by connecting moleculesi (4) thu!

taking existing devices• (5〉

_____ trnn^isiors* nnd making Them smaller.

Part 2 Paruumph Organi/ntion and Ikvelapmcnl 40 points] Questhmsi 6—8 arr b^sed on the following task.

< 15 points) Rend I hr followini; paruuraphs t Choose the best answer to cMch question. Write your answer

A・ B or C oa the Answer Sheet.

A new generation of communicarions tcchnolagies is upon us. They have changed workplace

conimumcatian« providing many option> for ending a mesnage^ (6)_______________________ •Etnuil is so pcrvtfsivc in organizatians thni it has become the default choice for communic^Tion t People still call each other at work, but sending an email to someone in the next cubicle common, h 1 * no

surprise that moM people believe email is u»cd too often instrnd of (her-to-Cure comTnunicatioru

(7) ________ • For nhoft messages a nd quick questions, these channels ate ideal. Of

courset with smart phono, email may give you an instant response ns well, but this varies by orKnntzations

and ptrople. A> you probably know, the real value of IMing 44presence awarcnc«s H—you know someone is

available to respond imrnediattjly t Although nomc people

COn5idcr ,M nn annoying interruption at work, people who IM are at fhr office report frwrr diaruptionn and believe

that IM saves time and provides timely, relevant information. One analyst predicts that in the next few years, a

vast majority of the employees will use IM as【be” pnmnry communications tool.

Prrhnps the more interesting technologies for communication nrc social media, Web 2. 0. which

cncouragca online interaction, has opened the door for people to participate on the wcb・ I his in quite

different from the one - way communinition of the curly Internet, when componitii would post brochure - like

wrl^ite (or pcoplr to connuinr

I he? real value of social rnc<(tR for companies is the opportunity to connect with people online.(8) 一To promote interaction• companieN me Web 2. 0 technologies t for

example, hlogs,w山惜.video, and social nctwarkinK Thrnr took orc uned on the* lntcrneU pn n company、intranet and on cxtranctn. 7 he Fortune Global 100 componirs arc mUng »ocral media actively. Seventy nine percent are uxing at (emit one of four miiin %orinl plaHorrnn-Twittcr. videos. Fnccbcxjk nnd blog^ to communicate with cuMomers. (){ these luuM 1 wilier is the nrtant frequently used nhd h«K proved u^rful fur comp/imM.

6. Clwosr the thesis «!Atrmcnt«

A・ Impending on the type of mcssngrjit you mny chtMnc from a variety of communicAtiont tcchrtoloRirfi

IL As business (od. mobile tcchnulagteA are useful (ar reporting newn end connecting with customers

C. I cchnolpgy is blurring fnnny (ormii of comrnunicntion—oral nnd written • hce-tcrUcc and online

7. Choose the topic sentence for the pnragrnph^

A. Texting H AS been considered too informal for cornmunicntinK At wurk«

B・ Instant meiisnging mnybr considered rude in front ul other people.

(• Instant me心・ging (IM) nnd texting arc bcroming increasingly populiir nt work.

8. Chose the bridge scntcncce

A・ Social networking Bites are for people who Hharr common interests.

A Multi-comniunicAtion is smd to be an effective way.

Ct Socin! media is about the convcrMatiuru

Question 9 Supply the missing support tn complete Panigraph A(25 points).

•Make sure your tone and the vocabulary you use are in unity with the relevant paragraphs.

•Write about 60—80 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Paragraph A

Modem technology has revolutionized our Life has become very easy. You can ____________________ (Add supporting dcUih here ) _______________ _______________________

Pamgraph B

However, modern conveniences come at R price. You have to give out informutian about

yournclf whenever you unr these iniuuunx device!!• eo^y tereHB to pcr»onnl infurnuition hns bec ome n nrnoun nnd RrowinR problcme h i> reponed that e commerce Krowst niArketrfR «nd buRybodics can Access marc consumer datn than rvrr before, h i~ senry tu think that the pcr^onnl prtvnte dots to get surnr ^crvicr^ enn cnMtly br given tu ^onicbody we dun e 1 know nnd without our pcrmi»sion t It Ui even refiner to know our pcrhonnl inlorrruition enn be u^ed ngoinnt UN

Purugraph C

Irt apitc of nil the fnghtcninK concern*• you enn *till rrccivr ninny brnefitH from the convenient services that arr provided nnlinr. You |unl nrrd

Part 3 Writing NO Etwiy [50(x>lntN]

Quetlion IO< Write un

Write rm CYny abetn n person / ggt Imdrr 八pef〔M ynu ndTnjrc,

•Do no! try to give this per心、complete Me hiRtory.

•ConerntrAtr on why thin ptrswin is admirable^

•Write about 150—180 words.


Part I Vocahulory and Structure (10 p

Part 2 ParMRmph OrRnnlxntlon and Development (40 paintsi)

Quntimis 6 — 8 (15 p

6. A

8. C

Question 9. 25 points*

Parngniph A

Modern tcchnoh»Ky htu revolutionlxcd our Hvr». Lifr bah become very easy. You can buy

whmvcr you wont in one second Your m。眼y is H号”引!curd in your pock”(htd you

UM? to puTxh/uc ihingj* CH g" some catih. You oin tMk to your fnEily or friends alm。" imytimc from Mtng anywhere gng your

cell phono RenMinw gErnufdcatiota with fricti& in iU| pMr〔§ c4 ihc world 将now comEonplnce and 酬板carried OLH with Lmnih chai. And cnhb Web bvwd too& Th。”[哭u箜hJ md Envjnicnt H ddiHam to “ur 12姬

(Pxrwgniph B und C arc given on the St pnpvr.)

Paragraph B

However • modern conveniences come a t a pnce< You have io give out mfornintion nlwut

yourself whenever you u«c these amazing devices, easy access to personal informntion has become « serious and growing problem^ li is reported that ns e^commerce grows, marketers and busybodies can access more consumer datn th«n rver before. It is scary rci think that the personnl private data tD get some services can easily be given to somebody we don * 1 know and without mr permission. It is even scarier to know our personal informution cun be Used againsT 岫

Paragraph C

In ipite of all the frightening concerns« you can Mill reeejvc many benefitsi from the

convrnicni service thut nvc provided online. You juyt need to be very careful You should

know what infortnAiton to give< how much inforrnation to give> and when and to whom ta

give IL After that • you enn save time and effort and enjoy using such conveniences as credit

cardfif anime shopping • or prepaid telephone cnrds<

Part 3 Writing an essay (50 pointe)


On one occasion, an American journalist reached out to shake Zhou Enlai,s hand while he was at an international conference in Geneva, and Mr. Zhou did not refuse out of courtesy. But the reporter did not expect that, just after shaking hands, he suddenly shouted, 〃how can I shake hands with a Chinese warmonger? I shouldn't have! I shouldn,t have! 〃 Then he took out his handkerchief and kept wiping the hand he had just shook with Premier Zhou Enlai, and put the handkerchief in your pants pocket. Many people were watching to see how Premier Zhou would handle it. Zhou Enlai frowned a little, took his handkerchief from his pocket, gave it a casual sweep, and went to the corner, as if to throw it into a spittoon.


关于2006-2007学年度第一学期期末考试安排的补充通知 电大考[2006] 号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及独立设置的广播电视大学教务处(开放教育办公室、考试中心): 现将 2006-2007学年度第一学期期末考试安排补充通知发给你们,请遵照执行。 一、开放本科 1.增加广告学专业广告策划课程(1228号)的考试,考试时间为1月14日14:00-15:30,考试方式为闭卷; 2.证据学课程(1017号)考试时间长度由90分钟调整为120分钟,英语综合实践课程(1201号)考试时间长度由120分钟调整为90分钟,考试日期和开考时间不变; 3. 取消高级英语写作(1027号)、变化中的英语(1029号)、跨文化交际(1028号)3门课程的听力测试,保留笔试; 4. 高级财务管理(1038号)由闭卷改为半开卷,考核方案见附件1,管理办法见附件2。 二、开放专科: 1.增加经济信息概论、微机系统与维护、网站美工设计基础、大学语文4门课程的考试,考试安排如下: 经济信息概论的考生可以带计算器。

2. 数控技术专业初级英语课程(试卷号2438)用英语I(1)(试卷号2204)试卷考试,但成绩仍登录到英语课程(试卷号2438); 3.取消2007年1月12日11:00--12:30安排的数据处理概论的考试; 4.市政工程制图实训课程(2483号)、计算机专业指南(2461号)由省级电大按中央电大有关要求命题并组织考试。 三、“一村一名大学生”计划 实用写作知识(2756号)考试时间长度由90分钟调整为120分钟,考试日期和开考时间不变。 四、电算化会计课程的考试说明 1.开放教育专科的新生,必须参加基于网络的课程考核改革。未通过的以往学生,可以参加本学期的基于网路的课程考试,也可采用原无纸化系统考试。 基于网络的考核,使用2818试卷号,具体要求按电大考[2006]67号文件执行,无终结性考试,形成性考试成绩为最终成绩,成绩登录到终考成绩;未通过的以往学生,如果采用无纸化系统的考核,使用2135试卷号,成绩登录按原规定执行。 2.成普招学生,中央电大将于12月初下发无纸化考试软件,由各省电大自行组织考试。 五、在考务模块字典中考核方式功能增加半开卷代码“D”。 请有关电大根据以上调整在教务系统中做好有关数据的更新工作。 附件: 1.高级财务管理课程半开卷考试试行方案 2.高级财务管理课程实施半开卷考试管理办法 中央广播电视大学考试中心 主题词:电大考试补充通知


离线考核 《高级英语写作》 2020年奥鹏东北师大考核试题标准答案 试读1页答案在最后 满分100分 I. Tell an unforgettable thing that happened between you and your father (or mother, or one of your relatives). (40分) II. What do you want your child to be like? (Or what do you want your future child to be like?) (60分) 参考答案 《高级英语写作》 满分100分 答: I. Tell an unforgettable thing that happened between you and your father (or mother, or one of your relatives). (40分) I can forget one thing that benefit me enormously. That happened when I studied at Middle School. I studied very hard. I wanted to be the best student in my class. But, I could catch up with my deskmate, Liu Fang. She didn’t have father. She was very poor. But I didn’t know my father cared for her. Once we joined the Maths compition. She did better than me. I was envious of her success. I told it to my father. My father said that I should stuely to


2021国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》期末试题及答案(试卷号: 1359) Part 1 VocabuiaQ and Structure f 10 pointsj Questions 1 — 5 arc based on the following task. Cboose the appropriatr words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. Ilicrc are THREE extra chokes Hint you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. Nanotechnology is the science of the small. ( I ) ______________ from rhe Greek word for *dwarfnano a one billionth unit of measurement (2) _____________________ a nanometer is a billiomh of a meter# and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nnnotechnology 诉the Term ( 3) _ describe a wide army of theoretical and experimental approaches to engineering finy machines: everything from making smaller microchip!!> TO environing molecular robatis that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disca«. People working in the held of nanotechnology today are divided between two disciplines:those working from the "bottom up." mostly chemist* attempting to create suucture by connecting moleculesi (4) thu! for ending a mesnage^ (6)_______________________ •Etnuil is so pcrvtfsivc in organizatians thni it has become the default choice for communic^Tion t People still call each other at work, but sending an email to someone in the next cubicle common, h 1 * no surprise that moM people believe email is u»cd too often instrnd of (her-to-Cure comTnunicatioru (7) ________ • For nhoft messages a nd quick questions, these channels ate ideal. Of courset with smart phono, email may give you an instant response ns well, but this varies by orKnntzations and ptrople. A> you probably know, the real value of IMing 44presence awarcnc«s H—you know someone is available to respond imrnediattjly t Although nomc people COn5idcr ,M nn annoying interruption at work, people who IM are at fhr office report frwrr diaruptionn and believe that IM saves time and provides timely, relevant information. One analyst predicts that in the next few years, a vast majority of the employees will use IM as【be” pnmnry communications tool. Prrhnps the more interesting technologies for communication nrc social media, Web 2. 0. which cncouragca online interaction, has opened the door for people to participate on the wcb・ I his in quite different from the one - way communinition of the curly Internet, when componitii would post brochure - like wrl^ite (or pcoplr to connuinr


试卷代号:1359 国家开放大学2021年秋季学期期末统一考试 高级英语写作,试题 2022年1月 注意事.项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the examinees: ●This examlnation consists of 3 parts. They are: Part 1:Vocabulary and Structure [10 points] Part 2:Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points] Part 3:Writing an Essay [50 points] ●The total marks for this examlnation are 100 points. Timeallowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. ●There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore,you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task. Part1Vocabulary and Structure[10points,2points each] Questions1-5are based on the following task. C hoose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the f ollowing paragraph.There are THREE extra choices that you don't need.Write Nanotechnology is the science of the small.(1) from the Greek word for : “dwarf,”nano is a one-billionth unit of measurement.(2) a nanometer is a billionth of a meter, and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nanotechnology is the term (3) describe a wide array of theoretical and experimental approaches to engineering tiny machines: everything from making smaller microchips,to envisioning molecular robots that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disease. People working in the field of nanotechnology today are divided between two disciplines: those working from the “bottom up”,mostly chemists attempting to create structure by connecting molecules; (4) those working from the “top down”, engineers taking existing devices,(5) transistors, and making them smaller. Part2Paragraph Organization and Development[40points] Qu estions6-8are based on the following task.(15points,5points each) Read the following paragraphs.Choose the best answer to each question.Write




范文: On one occasion, an American journalist reached out to shake Zhou Enlai's hand while he was at an international conference in Geneva, and Mr. Zhou did not refuse out of courtesy. But the reporter did not expect that, just after shaking hands, he suddenly shouted, "how can I shake hands with a Chinese warmonger? I shouldn't have! I shouldn't have! " Then he took out his handkerchief and kept wiping the hand he had just shook with Premier Zhou Enlai, and put the handkerchief in your pants pocket. Many people were watching to see how Premier Zhou would handle it. Zhou Enlai frowned a little, took his handkerchief from his pocket, gave it a casual sweep, and went to the corner, as if to throw it into a spittoon.


试卷代号:1359 国家开放大学2 0 2 0年秋季学期期 高级英语写作试题 2021年1月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后, 把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才 可离开考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上, 写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the examinees: ● This examination consists of 3 parts.They are: Part l: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points) Part 2 : Paragraph Organization and Development (40 points) Part 3 : Writing (50 points) ● The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. ● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task. Part l Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 points) Questions l - 5 are based on the following task. Choose FIVE appropriate words or expressions from the list a-h to complete the following paragraph. There are THREE extra choices that you don' t need. Write the Ietter of your choice on the Answer Sheet A common example is the gesture of waving farewell.In Italy, the palm of the hand is held(l)_ the speaker and the fingers make the motion of drawing the departingperson back. In Spain,the movement iS the same, (2) _ the hand is held horizontally.In France, the palm is frequently held facing the departing person, and the movement of the hand appears to (3)_ the departing person on his way. Some scholars think that exposing one's palm(4)_ surrender, so perhaps the French form of farewell implies a reassurance of nonaggression. Americans are (5) _ show the palm also and move the flattened hand from left to right Part 2 Parayaph Orgaruzation and Development (40 points)


甘肃播送电视大学 关于2021年7月期末考试情况的通报 甘电大教发〔2021〕040号 各分校、直属工作站、有关二级学院教务〔考务〕管理部门:2021-2021学年度第二学期期末考试工作已全部结束,考试成绩已上报中央电大考试中心和下发给你们。现将本次考试情况通报如下: 一、考试概况 本次考试全省共设考点107个,考试科目714门,总报考数 160316〔不包括实践环节、补修课等上报成绩课程〕人次,实考149823人次,具体情况如下: 表1 考试科目情况表

表2 考试人次情况表 二、考试组织与管理情况 1、报考情况 本次考试从对报考数据的导入和校对情况来看,有14所分校、直属工作站、有关二级学院的考试管理人员能够较好地按教学方案〔专业规那么〕和考试文件对报考数据进行校对,过失率低,且有些分校和直属工作站已经实现零过失。有10所分校〔直属工作站〕仍存在未履行课程注册而直接增加报考、报考试卷号使用错误、漏报考等情况。酒泉分校在本次考试报考中,出现重复报考现象〔正常报考与借考重复〕。重复报考、错报、漏报试卷等现象,不仅增加了考试管理部门的工作难度,而且会导致毕业审核时学生成绩无效不能毕业。 表3 课程漏报考情况统计表

2、卷务落实情况 从本次考试的整体情况看,大多数考点考试工作的各项管理措施根本得到落实,考务人员和监考人员能够履行职责,做好本职工作。但少数考点考务人员和监考人员工作不认真,责任心不强,出现考场试卷错发、试卷装订不标准、试卷保密号未贴或贴错的情况。 ---酒泉分校在本次考试中试卷未按规定装订,使用订书机装订试卷,造成局部整本试卷松开、脱落,给阅卷工作带来极大的不便.尤其是酒泉分校的玉门考点,试卷装订时把缺考试卷没有装订且顺序混乱,给登分工作也带来极大的不便。 ---有个别考场监考教师不认真核对各类学生的考试试卷代号,造本钱科考生错考成专科试卷及新旧教材试卷混乱现象。 〔1〕平凉分校在本次考试中,应考1057#?人力资源管理?试卷,因监考教师发错试卷,造成错考2195#?人力资源管理?试卷。 〔2〕酒泉分校应考7144#?素质与思想品德教育?试卷,错考成7070#?素质与思想品德教育?试卷。
