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a kind of, kind of, of a kind

a kind of放在名词之前作定语,意思是“一种,某种”;kind of只作状语,放在被修饰的动词、形容词或副词之前,表示“有点,多少”的意思;of a kind只用作后置定语,有两个意思:①同类的,②徒有其名的,不怎么样的。如:

Although bamboo is really a kind of grass, it looks more like a tree. 虽然竹子的确是一种草,但它的样子更象一棵树。

I kind of thought this would happen. 我还以为这会发生的。

She looks kind of pale after her illness.她病后脸色有点苍白。

The sisters are two of a kind. They like the same things. 这姊妹俩性格完全一样,她们的爱好也相同。

She gave me tea of a kind; but we couldn’t drink it. 她给我的美其名曰是茶,但简直不能喝。

alike, like, likely


The two sisters are very much alike.这姐妹两个很相像。

Our teacher treats all the students alike.我们的老师对所有的学生都一样。


He climbs the tree like a monkey.他爬起树来象猴子一样。

It is more like a spear than anything else.与其说它象别的东西,倒不如说它象一支梭镖。

likely用作形容词时,意思是“很可能的,可期待的”;作副词时,主要用在most和very 后,意思是“很可能”。如:

It is likely to rain.天很可能要下雨。

It is likely that he will win the match.很可能他会赢得这场比赛。

They will very likely come by car.他们很可能开车来。

a l i t t l e,a

b i t



a little(a bit)cold 有点冷

a little(a bit)smaller 有些小


1)a bit后接名词时需加of,而a little则不必。如:

I have a bit of headache.我有点头痛。

Don’t worry. You still have a little time. 别担心,你还有点时间。

2)与not连用时,二者意思都变了。not a bit意思是“毫不”,“一点也不”,not a little 是“许多,很多,非常,很”的意思。试比较:

I am not a bit tired. 我一点也不累。

I am not a little tired. 我非常累。

alive, living, live, lively


Her parents are still alive. 她的父母依然健在。

No man alive will believe what he says. 谁也不会相信他的话。

living的意思是“活着的”,“有生命的”,“现存的”,作定语或表语均可。如:He is still living. 他还活着。

Living men can err. 活人都会有错误。

a living language 活的语言


It seemed that all were dead; However, there were three live men on the board. 好象所有的人都死了;然而,在船上还有三个活着的人。


lively conversation热烈愉快的谈话

a lively person愉快的人

lively youth活泼的青年人

He is a lively man. 他是个精神旺盛的人。

all along, all the time


all along是个习语,表示“从头到尾,一直”。如:

I knew that all along. 我从一开始就知道此事。

I saw trees all along the road. 我一路上都看见有树。

all the time是个普通短语,表示“始终”。如:

Conditions are changing all the time. 情况在不断地变化。

all one’s life , in life

all one’s life 意思是“一生,终生,一辈子”。如:

My mother taught English in the village school all her life.我母亲在那所乡村学校教了一辈子英语。

in life的意思是“生前,活着的时候”。如:

The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. 人生最重要的事情是有一个伟大的目标和实现这个目标的决心。

All right, That’s all right

这是两句口语中常用的答语,意思不同。All right是“行的”,“好的”“可以”的意思,一般用于“赞同”意见。如:

—Let’s go for a walk, shall we?我们去散步好吗?

—All right.好。

—Shall we meet at seven?我们七点碰头好吗?

—All right.行。

All right还可以表示:


Are you feeling all right? 你身体觉得好吗?


Can you speak English all right now?你现在英语说得很好了吗?

Everything is all right. 一切顺利。


She is pretty, all right, but I don’t like her. 她是漂亮,但我不喜欢她。

That’s all right. 是“没有关系”的意思,是对别人抱歉的安慰语。如:

—I am sorry I was not able to come yesterday evening. I had a bad cold. 对不起,昨晚我没有来,我感冒了。

—That’s all right. 没关系。

allow, let, permit, promise, admit

let, allow和permit,意思都是允许,但词意依次增强,许多情况下可以互换,permit比allow更正式些。如:

I’ll let you know as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就通知你。

The teacher allowed me to enter the office. 教师让我进办公室。
