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【Common Fallacies in topics】

1.Flaws in evidence

1)Problems about survey/statistics/study

a.Selective sample 选择性样本

b.Do the statistics make any difference? 有意义?

c.Quantity of the sample 样本数量

d.What questions was asked in the survey? 问题是否恰当

e.Who conducted the survey? 机构

f.When was the survey conducted? 时效性

g.Are the respondents forthright? 回应者是否诚实

h.Are the respondents representative? 回应者代表性

2)Problems about data/information

a.Vague data 模糊数据

b.Incomplete information 信息完整性

2.Flaws in the reasoning line

1)False analogy 错误类比(A与B是否有可比性)

2)Confusing comparison and variation 横向对比与纵向对比混淆

3)Incomplete comparison and selective comparison 不完整对比

4)Hasty Generalization 草率推广

a.Unrelated concepts 无关概念

b.Changing scopes 差异范围

c.Inferring a future condition from a past condition 过去 将来

5)Failing to weigh the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly/

unexpected consequences 正负得失

6)False dilemma 非此即彼,极端选择

7)Cause-Effect fallacies 因果关系

a.Non-causal relationship 直接无因果

b.Confusing the cause and the effect 因果倒置

c.Confusing concurrence with causal relationship 同时性混淆为因


d.(after this, therefore because of this) 时间先后混淆为因果性3.Flaws in the conclusion

1)Necessity and Sufficiency of the Solution 对策的充分性&必要性

2)Failing to consider the feasibility of the conclusion 可行性
