




agree vi.同意;持相同意见

I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。

sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见

sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人

agree to sb 建议

agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见

agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意见

agree to do sth 同意干某事


break vt.打破;损坏;破坏

We should all take a little break before dessert. 吃甜点之前我们大家应该稍微休息一下。

break down 机器坏了=go wrong 身体垮了/终止谈话

I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. 我未曾看到过一个这么强壮汉子痛哭失声。

break in 闯入,插话

break off 忽然停止讲话/断绝,结束/暂停工作,休息

break out (战争等)爆发;逃出(无被动式)

break through 打破包围

break up 驱散,学校的放学

The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不使用武人群。break away from 脱离,逃说,与…断绝来往/改变某种习惯


bring vt.拿来;带来;取来

I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来。bring about =cause,result in,lead to bring down 使倒下,使下降

bring force 使产生,引起

bring forward 提出建议=put forward/提前

bring in =get in the pops/使得到某种收入

Mr. Li: Oh… would you kindly allow me to bring in h… would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.


bring back to one's mind 使回想起

bring up sb 抚养某人

bring up sth 提出

bring up 呕吐

bring to an end 结束=come to an end


call vt.叫喊;打电话给… I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。call on sb 拜访,号召

call at 访问(某人的家);(火车、船)停靠

call for 需要

call for sb 去接某人一起去做某事

call off 取消(计划,比赛)

call out (call out+to sb.)大声地叫

call up sb 打电话

call in 请进来We'll call in a couple of days. 我们两三天後打电话。


carry vt.携带;运载;传送

Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。

carry out 进行到底,贯彻执行

Tomorrow Sandra will carry out the garbage. 明天珊多拉将会收拾垃圾的。

carry on 进行下去,坚持下去

Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。

carry away 拿走,入迷,被…吸引

carry forward 推进,发扬(精神)

carry off 抢走,夺走/获得奖品

carry through 进行到底,完成计划

carry sb through 使…渡过难关


catch vt.捉;抓住vi.接住We didn't catch anything. 我们什么也没有钓著。catch up 赶上

He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.他与世隔绝一个月,力图把功课赶上去。

catch on 勾住,绊倒

catch at 想抓住

A drowning man will catch at a straw. 溺水者见草也要抓;急何能择。

be caught in the rain 被雨淋

catch up with 赶上某人,补上工作


clear a.清澈[晰]的vt.清除

It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。

clear up (天气)转晴,澄清事实,整理收拾

It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。

clear away 清除掉,去掉,消散

clear off 消除(积雪)等障碍,把…拆掉,擦掉,清除


come vi.到来;变得;到达May I come in? 我能进来吗?

come across 偶然发现,偶然遇到

come on 快点(口),开始,到来,举行,走吧,一起去

come at 向…扑过来,向…袭击

We may come at another time.我们可以另找个时间来。

come down 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒

come forward 涌现,主动地响应要求做某事

come in 进来,上市

And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection? 你们可有一个工程师来做过检查吗

come from 来自于

come out 出来,出发,结果

Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的评论出来了没有? come to 苏醒,总共,达到,得到谅解

When will he come to see you? 他什么时候来看你?

come up sb 走进

come up 种子生长发育,被提出And I'll come up with something. 我会想出个办法的。

come to one's rescuers 帮助

come true 实现

I know,but it's still a dream come true. 我知道但这终究是一个梦想实现了。Cut

cut v.割,切,削减,切断they cut patches 剪下布块

cut sth in half 把…砍成两半

cut away 切除

He cut away a dead branch.他砍掉一根枯干的树枝。

cut through 走近路,剌穿

cut down 砍倒,减少,压缩(开支)

cut off 切断(关系,来往),中止(,思维)

He was cut off from his fellows.他和同伴失去联系。

cut out 删掉/改掉(恶习),停止

in a short cut 诀窍


do v.aux.助动词(无词意)

What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

do with 涉及到

What are you going to do with the books? 你打算拿这些书怎么办?

do up one's hair 盘起长发

do up sth 包/捆起来

do out 打扫,收拾

do away with =get rid of 废除,去掉,取消


die vi.死亡;枯死;熄灭

I will die before I'll eat that carrot. 如果要我吃胡萝卜,我宁愿去死。

dir from 因饥渴,战争,被污染的意外死亡

die off 因年老,疾病而死亡

die away 声音变弱,渐渐消失/停息,消失

die down 慢慢地熄灭(风,火)

die out 熄灭,变弱,消失,灭绝(动物)


fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落

to fall 坠下,掉下

fall a sleep 去睡觉=go to sleep

fall ill 病了

Be careful not to fall ill.注意不要生病了。

fall across 遇见(偶然)

fall back 后退,后撤

fall behind 落后,跟不上

fall in 集合/陷入

The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。

fall into 陷入+名词

A fall into a pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。

fall off 减少,从…摔下来to fall off a bench 从长椅上掉下来

fall on 看到,落在…上面

fall short of 缺乏

fall out of 放弃


get vi.变得,成为;到达

When do you get up everyday? 每天你几点起床?

get about 到处走,消息的传开

Don't forget about the bet. 别忘了打赌的事。

get across 穿过,讲清楚使人了解,领会

The children began to get across at each other. 孩子们开始争吵了。

get away 逃掉,离开,摆脱

I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开。

get down 从…下来,写下来,记下来,病了/使某人不安

It's time to get down to business now. 是进入正题的时候啦。

get along with sth 进展得

get along with sb 相处

get in 进去,进站,收进来,收帐

Yeah. Yeah. Let's get in our lines. 是啊是啊。请排好位置。

get off 离开,下车

You can take the bus and get off at the second stop. 你可以坐公共汽车第二站下。get on 上车Don't get on my nerves! 不要搅得我心烦

get out 拔出,传开I need to get out more. 我需要多出门去。

get over 克服(困难),从病中恢复过来,不接

get around =spread 传开

get through 完成,通过,用完,从人群中通过,接通电话

It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。

get to 到达,抓住问题的要害,本质

Excuse me,how can I get to the bus station? 对不起,汽车站怎么走?

get together 聚会,联欢

Let's get together one of these days. 找一天聚聚

get in a word 策划

get into trouble 陷入get rid off 摆脱,去掉


give vt.给出,赋予,发生

If you have more,please give me some. 如果你有多的,请给我。

give away 分发,赠送,颁发,背叛,出卖,暴露

give in 屈服

give off 放出(气体,光)

Those flowers look pretty but don't give off a nice smell. 这些花看似漂亮,但是气味并不好。

give out 使人筋疲力尽

Some restaurants give out an odor that reaches to the street. 一些餐厅里面的气味飘到了街

give up 放弃,停止做某事

He resolved to give up smoking.他决心戒烟。

give over 让位于=give way to被取代

give away to 被取代

give rise to 引起,导致

From mutual understanding,a comfortable situation has been creation. 由于彼此的了解,因而建立了愉快的关系。create 除了“创造”以外,还有“give rise to,cause”的意思。


go vi.离开;移动;运行I have to go now. 我必须走了。

go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败

go red 变红

go hungry 挨饿

go wrong 出错;发生故障

go about 随便走/进行

Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?请告诉我怎样去联络律师?

go after 追赶

go ahead 说吧,走吧,做吧(口语),走在前面

Good.now we can go ahead and write up the order. 好极了,现在我们可以准备下单了。

go at 从事于

go beyond 超出

It can go beyond the school system,Ellen. 这可以推广到学校体制以外,海伦。go by =pass 经过,过去

He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。

go down 下降

I'll go down to Henry's grocery. He's always open. 我到亨利杂货店去。那里总是开门营业的

go into 进入

She is smart enough to go into business. 她完全有经商才智。

go off 消失,腐败,坏的

go out (火)熄灭,过时了,罢工

Why not go out for a walk? 干吗不出去散步?

go over 复习,检查

Would you liketo go over to the construction site with me? 去看一看建筑工地吗

go through 审阅/经历了(痛苦,困难),完成

Would you like to go through our factory some time? 什么时候来看看我们的工厂吧?

go up 提高,上涨(价格)

I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我可以到那边小屋弄些热狗和饮料来。

go around 分配,传播,传开

OK,let's go around the table. 好让我们顺著桌子来。

go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事

go back to 追溯到

I'll work for 5 years and then go back to school. 我会工作五年,然后会学校。

go with 相配(=match=go along with)

They had excepted me to go with them. 他们原本希望我和他们一起去。

go well with 协调

go too far 太过分了,走太远了


hold vt.怀有,持有(见解等)

No,the restaurant will hold our table. 不会餐厅会保留我们的席位。

hold up 主持,耽搁,延误,继续下去,拿起

hold back 阻挡,忍住,保留,隐瞒

hold down 控制,镇压=put down

hold off 延误,保持距离,使"疏远"

hold on 坚持下去,停止,别挂()

He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指要我自己保管

hold out 坚持到胜利,支持,维持,伸出

hold to 坚持某个看法(路线),紧紧地抓住

OK,hold to the right. 好在右边停住。


hunt vt.追猎;追赶vi.打猎

He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。


必背02 高考常考动词短语1.add up to加起来是……;表示 add to增加;加入,加到 add...to...把……加到……上 add up加起来 add that...补充说…… 2.can’t bear doing/to do sth.不能忍受做某事 can’t bear sb./sb.’s doing/to do sth.不能忍受某人做某事bear a heavy burden肩负重担 bear responsibility/the blame承担责任/受责备 3.break out爆发 break in打断;破门而入 break into闯入;强行闯入 break away from脱离 break down (机器、车辆)出毛病;摧毁;分解 break through突破 break off折断;中断;突然停止 break up解散;破碎 4.bring up培养;抚养;教育;提出;呕吐 bring about引起;产生;导致;带来 bring sth. back归还;使想起某事 bring down带下,运下,搬下;使倒下;使倒台;使降低 bring in引入;赚(钱) 5.call on拜访(某人);号召 call at停靠;(短时间)访问 call for需要;要求;邀请;提倡 call in召集;召来 call up给……打电话;召集;使想起 6.come along跟着来;快点 come out出来;出版

come true实现 come back to life苏醒过来 come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质 come about发生,造成 come across偶遇 come to light为人所知,显露 come up走近;上升;被提出 come on快点;开始 come over过来 come up with提出;想出 7.come into use开始被使用 come into sight/view出现在眼前;映入眼帘 come into power/office就职,上台执政 come into existence开始存在;形成 come into effect/force/operation开始生效/执行/实施8.cut down削减;砍倒 cut in插嘴;超车;插入 cut up切碎;抨击 cut out删除 cut through刺穿;抄近路走过 cut off切断;中断;使死亡 9.die out灭亡;逐渐消失 die away (声音、光线等)逐渐消失 die of/from因……而死 die down减弱;平息 die off相继死亡 be dying for很想要;渴望 be dying to do sth.极想做某事 10.come to an end结束 put/bring sth.to an end结束……


最新高考英语常用词组及句型 高考英语常用词组及句型 1. welcome to sp欢迎到某地 Eg. Welcome to China. 2. What’s the matter with sb./ sth? 出什么毛病了? Eg. What’s the matter with your watch? 3. be different from 与---不同 Eg. The weather in Beijing is different from that of Nanjing. 4. be the same as 与……相同 Eg. His trousers are the same as mine.

5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 Eg. Mr. Wang is very friendly to us. 6. want to do sth. 想做某事 Eg. I want to go to school. 7. want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 Eg. I want my son to go to school. 8. what to do 做什么 Eg. We don’t know what to do next. 9. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 Eg. Let him enter the room. 10. let sb. not do sth. 让某人不做某人

Eg. Let him not stand in the rain. 11. why don’t you do sth? 怎么不做某事呢? = Eg. Why don’t you play football with us? 12. why not do sth.? 怎么不做某事呢? Eg. Why not play football with us? 13. make sb. sth. 为某人制造某物= Eg. My father made me a kite. 14. make sth for sb. 为某人制造某物 Eg. My father made a kite for me. 15. What …mean by …?做……是什么意思? Eg. What do you mean by doing that?


高中英语词组固定搭配 a bit (of) 有一点,一会儿 a few 一些,少量 a great deal 大量,许多 a good/great many 大量,许多 a kind of 一种,一类 a little 一点,少许 a lot of 许多,大量 a number of 一些,许多 a pair of 一双,一副 a piece of 一块,一张,一根,一片above all 首先,首要 according to 根据,按照 add up to 合计达… after all 毕竟,终究 after class 课后 again and again 反复地,再三地agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree with sb. 同意某人的看法ahead of 在…之前 all in all 总的来说,总计 all kinds of 各种各样的 all over 到处,遍及,结束 all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了 all the best 一切顺利,万事如意answer for 对…负责 apart from 除去,除了 arrive at (in) a place 到达某地 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 as a result (作为)结果 as...as 像,如同 as soon as 一…就… as far as (表示程度,范围)就…;尽…as if 好像,仿佛 as long as 只要 as though 好像,仿佛 as usual 通常,平常地 as well 也,还有 as well as 除…之外(也) belong to 属于 be proud of 骄傲,自豪 be strict with 对…严格要求both...and 两个都,既…又… break away from 脱离… break down 损坏; (化合物)分解,(汽车)抛锚break in 闯入,强行进入,插嘴,打断 break off 打断; 折断 break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break up 分解;分裂 bring in 引来,引进,吸收 bring on 引起,导致,使前进 bring up 教育,培养 build up 逐步建立 by accident 偶然 by air ( bus, train, ship ) 乘飞机(公共汽车,火 车,轮船) by and by 不久以后,逐渐地 by day 日间,在白天 by the way 顺便说 call for 提倡,号召, 需要 call in 召来,召集 call on 拜访,访问 call up 号召,打电话 care for 喜欢;照顾(病人) carry off 携走,夺走 carry on 继续下去; 继续开展 carry out 开展,执行 catch up with 赶上(或超过) change into 转换成,把…变成 check in 报到,登记 check out 查明; 结账 clear up 整理,收拾, (天气)放晴 come about 发生,产生 come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) come back 回来,想起来 come down 落,下来 come from 出生(于),来自 come in 进入,进来 come off 从…离开,脱落 come on 来吧,赶快 come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行 come to 共计,达到 come true 变为现实,成为事实 come up 上来,上升,抬头 come up with 追上;想出(主意);找出(答案) 1


备战英语高考:高考英语常考短语汇编 一、动词be构成的短语动词 1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名 be known for因……而出名 be known to为……所知 be known by凭……而知 The hill is known for the temple. LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds. 2.be married to与……结婚 She is married to a musician. 3.be tired of/with对……厌烦 He is tired of/with this kind of life. =He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被……吓一跳 He is terrified at the snake. 5.be burdened with负重 He is burdened with a heavy load. 6.be crowded with挤满 The shop is crowded with people. 7.be dressed in穿着 She is dressed in red. 8.be experienced in对……有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes. 9.be equipped with装备 They are equipped with guns and food.


2016 全国十城市质检试题分类荟萃之语法填空 第一套[ 长春市普通高中2016 届高三质量监测(一)] 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分) 第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 A festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This is a traditional festival in Japan and many61(celebrate) are held. This festival is a cheerful occasion.62this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be 63(hunger) after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house64(help) the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that has been laid out for the dead is65(throw) into a river or into the sea as66is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns67 are near the sea, the small lanterns hung in the streets the night before are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift(漂)out to sea68(guide) the dead on their return journey to the other world. At69same time, crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away70they can be seen no more. 第二套[ 长春市普通高中2016 届高三质量监测(二)] Drawn in simple black and white, Tuzki (兔斯基)doesn ’ t seem special at first sight. But with two narrow eyes and slim arms, the rabbit creates his own special magic. He is very good at using body language61(express) different emotions. His62(present) on instant messaging platforms like QQ and WeChat has made him into63true icon ( 偶像、标志 ) of the internet generation. It is an achievement neither the rabbit64its creator Wang Maomao would have imagined. As early as 2006, Tuzki lived on Wang’ sblog,showing65she was going through in her life. For instance, Tuzki went to the dentist,66(eat) instant noodles, and watched horror movies alone at midnight — just like the 29-year-old Beijing artist herself. “ Many people said I looked like a rabbit when they first met me,ing” howWang said, explain she came up67the idea for Tuzki. At first the rabbit represented Wang herself. Over time, 68, Tuzki gradually developed his own character. “ He’ s a rabbit with a loving heart who69(discourage) easily by reality. He likes to complain, but he can always enjoy70, ” she said. 第三套 [2016 年三省四市高三模拟考试英语能力测试] The choices people make can cause cancer. Not everyone who 61 (use) tobacco products will get cancer, but the chance of getting certain 62 ( type)of cancer increases with tobacco use.


高考英语常用介词短语和固定搭配 一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上 5. lie in 位于~~之内 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外 6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义 8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出 9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上 get one’s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下 on one’s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) in the corner 在角落里(内角) on the corner 在角落上(外角上) 11. judge by / from 根据~~来判断 judge for oneself 由某人自己来判断 12. at the end (of) 在~~结束时 at the beginning of 在~~开始时 at the back of 在~~背后,支持 at the age of ~~岁时 at the foot of 在~~脚下 at the bottom of 在~~底部 at the top of 在~~顶上 at/on the edge of 在~~边上


最新高考英语重点短语总结大全 1.ought to 应当,应该 2.keep up with 跟上,赶上 3.plenty of 许多,大量的 4.in plenty 许多,丰富 5.make a choice 做出选择 6.now and then 偶尔,时而 7.prepare a dish 做一道菜 8. a balance diet 均衡饮食 9.be/go on diet 在节食 10.no longer 不再 11.be based on/upon 以…为基础 12.take medicine 吃药 13.be harmful to 对…有害 14.offer advise about/on 提…的建议 15.lose weight 减肥 16.cut …into pieces 把…切碎 17.gain weight=put on weight 增肥

18.make up for 补偿 19.get along with 和…相处 20.put up with 忍受 21.go for sb 对某人也一样 22.in large amount 大批地 23.be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少 24.do up one’s hair 做发型 25.refer to 查阅,提到 26.settle down 定下心来,安家落户 27.settle up 付清,结账 28.settle for 勉强同意,接受 29.settle in(使)习惯(环境等) 30.settle on 定居(短暂停留) 31.of high/good quality 高质量的 32.sign an agreement with…与…达成协 33.in relation to 与…有关的 but for 要不是32. thanks to 由于,幸亏34.apart from 除…之外


All(a.,pron.&n.) all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加 all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)all the year round 一年到头 AS(conj.,adv.& pron.)as…as…与。。。。。。一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好象 as follows 如下 as for 就。。。。。。而言 as(so) long as 只要 as soon as 一。。。。。。就 as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 象往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同。。。。。。一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At(prep.) at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行 at one’s own expense 自费 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下 at the head of 在……的前头 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at work 在工作 laugh at 嘲笑 throw at向……扔去 work hard at 努力工作(学习) By(prep.) by accident偶然地 by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) by chance 碰巧,偶然地 by day(night) 在白天(夜晚) day by day 一天天地 by and by 不久 by far得多,最最 learn (know)by heart 记熟,背诵 by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致 by oneself 独自地 one by one 一个一个地 by the way 顺便说(问) by turns 轮流 side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起 by the side of 在……附近 Break(v.) break away from 摆(逃)脱,脱离,改掉,破除 break down (机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,中断,压倒,分解 break forth 迸发,突然 break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔,使驯服,使习惯 break into破门而入,打断,占用 break off突然停止(中断),打断,折断break out爆发,突然发生 break through 突破,打破 break up 散会,驱散,停课,腐蚀,打破Bring(v.) bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使倒下,使下降,击落,推翻bring forth 引起,使产生 bring in 收(庄稼),提出,(使)得到(收入),引入,增加,把。。。。。。扯起来 bring on 使发生,引起 bring out 说明,阐明,出版 bring to an end 结束 bring up 提出,抚养,培养,呕吐 Call(v.) call at (a place) 访问(某地)


Agree sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人agree to sb 建议agree on /upon sth 在某一点上取得一致意见agree to do sth 同意干某事 All all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟first of all 首先in all 总共most of all 最重要的是all at once 突然,同时,马上all of a sudden 突然地;出乎意料地all right 好吧,行,情况不错all sorts of 各种各样的all kinds of 各种各样的all the best 万事如意all the more 更加all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样) all the year round 一年到头 AS as…as ??与.. ■样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 作为结果,因此as a whole 总的来说as if(as though) 好像as follows 如下as for 就……而言as(so) long as 只要as soon as 一……就as soon as possible 尽快as usual 象往常一样as well 也,还as well as 同……一样might(may) as well 不妨so as to 以便 At at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家在国内 at last 最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most 至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times 有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行at one ' s own experlSe费 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头 at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下 at the head of 在……的前头 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at work 在工作 laugh at 嘲笑 throw at 向……扔去 work hard at 努力工作(学习) By by accident 偶然地 by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) by chance 碰巧,偶然地 by day(night) 在白天(夜晚) day by day 一天天地 by and by 不久迟早 by far ...得多;最...;显然 learn (know)by heart 记熟,背诵 by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致 by oneself 独自地one by one 一个一个地 by the way 顺便说(问) by turns 轮流 side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起 by the side of 在.... 附近 break break away from摆脱(束缚),从…脱离戒掉break down (机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,(会谈)破裂 break forth 迸发,突然(多用于发出欢呼, 愤怒等) break in 非法闯入,插嘴,打岔, break into 破门而入,打断,占用= burst into break in 和break into 都有“强行闯入”的意思,如接宾语用break in to,否则用break in break off 突然停止讲话中断,打断,折断,解除(婚约)


1. a big headache 令人头痛的事情 2. a fraction of 一部分 3. a matter of concern 焦点 4. a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 5. absent from 不在,缺席 6. abundant in 富于 7. account for 解释 8. accuse sb. of sth. 控告 9. add to 增加(add up to) 10. after all 毕竟,究竟 11. agree with 同意 12. ahead of time / schedule 提前 13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) 14. alien to与...相反 15. all at once 突然,同时 16. all but 几乎;除了...都 17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次,重新 19. all over 遍及 20. all right 令人满意的;可以 21. all the same 仍然,照样的 22. all the time 一直,始终 23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒 24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心 25. anything but 根本不 26. apart from 除...外(有/无) 27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 28. applicable to适用于 29. apply to适用 30. appropriate for/to适当,合适 31. approximate to近似,接近 32. apt at聪明,善于 33. apt to易于 34. around the clock夜以继日 35. as a matter of fact 实际上 36. as a result(of) 因此,由于 37. as a rule 通常,照例 38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言 39. as far as 远至,到...程度 40. as follows 如下 41. as for 至于,关于 42. as good as 和...几乎一样 43. as if 好像,防腐 44. as regards 关于,至于45. as to 至于,关于 46. as usual 像平常一样,照例 47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又 48. as well 同样,也,还 49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊 50. aside from 除...外(还有) 51. ask for the moon异想天开 52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措 53. at a time 一次,每次 54. at all costs 不惜一切代价 55. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 56. at all times 随时,总是 57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 58. at any rate 无论如何,至少 59. at best 充其量,至多 60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 61. at first 最初,起先 62. at hand 在手边,在附近 63. at heart 内心里,本质上 64. at home 在家,在国内 65. at intervals 不时,每隔... 66. at large 大多数,未被捕获的 67. at last 终于 68. at least 至少 69. at length 最终,终于 70. at most 至多,不超过 71. at no time 从不,决不 72. at one time 曾经,一度;同时 73. at present 目前,现在 74. at someone's disposal 任...处理 75. at the cost of 以...为代价 76. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 77. at the moment 此刻,目前 78. at this rate 照此速度 79. at times 有时,间或 80. aware of意识到 81. back and forth 来回地,反复地 82. back of 在...后面 83. back up后备,支援 84. bare of几乎没有,缺乏 85. be able to do能够 86. be around差不多 87. be available to sb.可用,可供 88. be bound to一定 89. be capable of doing能够 90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足… 91. be dying to渴望 92. be fed up with受够了be tired of


高考英语常考短语与固定搭配continue sth/doing sth/to do/that…continue +形容词/副词/介词 go on with sth 继续(干)某事,中间有短暂的停顿 go on doing sth 继续干同一件事 go on to do sth 停下一件事而继续干另一件事 on one‘s own 靠自己;独自;自愿地call sth one‘s own 声称某物是自己的 of one‘s own 属于自己的;特有的come into one‘s own 本来的价值/权利被承认;得到应得的 hold one‘s own 坚守自己立场,不屈服;支撑下去 keep/have sth for one‘s own 把某物据为己有 provide for 供养;预备;(法律)允许provide against 预防,防范;(法律)禁止 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth 提供某物给某人 supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 提供某物给某人 offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 提供某物给某人 be content with sb/sth 对某人/某物感到满意 be content to do sth 对做……感到满意carry on(with)sth 继续干某事 carry on doing sth 继续干某事carry…about… 随身携带 carry out 实施,执行,履行 carry away 拿走,冲走,掠走;吸引住(某人) carry through 达成;贯彻;使渡过难关“代替”短语: instead of in place of = in one‘s place take the place of deliver a baby 生孩子 be delivered of 生产,分娩 deliver the goods 履行诺言 Stand and deliver!站住,把值钱的东西拿出来!deliver note 送货单 deliver milk/newspaper 发送牛奶/报纸special/express delivery ()快递 nail down 确定 know about sth 了解或知道某事物 know of sb /sth 知道某人(事)的情况make sb/sth know 让某人(事)被了解 be well-known as 因……而著名 know sb by sight 面熟 a work on radio 一本关于无线电的著作 at work 在上班 go to work 去上班 come back from work 下班回来 out of work = out of a job 失业 a steel works 一家钢厂(表“工厂“时单复数同形) works of art 艺术作品;美术作品 works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的著作 by/of/under the name of 以……为名字 in the name of 以……的名义;凭…… name after/for 以……命名 the amount of ……的量,后接不可数名词 a large amount of + 不可数名词单数形式large amounts of + 不可数名词复数形式 修饰可数名词:many,many a(an),a great/good many,a good/large number of 修饰不可数名词:much,a good/great deal of a large amount of 修饰可数名词与不可数名词:a lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of,plenty of, a supply of,supplies of bet sth on 下赌注于……上 have/place a bet on 下赌注于……上 I bet 我敢肯定,我敢预言;我相信,我想得出 you bet 的确,当然,一定,一点也不错 do sth for a bet 为打赌而做某事 be/get lost =lose oneself 迷路 walk down the street 在街上走 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 hear sb (to)do sth 听到某人做某事(全过程) hear from sb 收到某人的来信 hear of/about 听说 permit sb/sth to do sth 允许某人做某事


高中英语词组固定搭配 一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语得24个常用动词afford todo sth、负担得起做某事 agreeto do sth、同意做某事 arrangeto do sth、安排做某事 ask to do sth、要求做某事 begto do sth、请求做某事 careto do sth、想要做某事 choose todosth、决定做某事 decide todosth、决定做某事 demand to do sth、要求做某事 determine to do sth、决心做某事 expect todosth、期待做某事 fearto do sth、害怕做某事 helpto dosth、帮助做某事 hope to do sth、希望做某事 learn to do sth、学习做某事 manage to dosth、设法做某事 offer to do sth、主动提出做某事 plan todo sth、计划做某事 prepare to do sth、准备做某事 pretend to do sth、假装做某事 promise todosth、答应做某事 refusetodo sth、拒绝做某事 want to do sth、想要做某事 wish to do sth、希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth、打算做某事 fail to do sth、未能做某事 longto do sth、渴望做某事 happen todo sth、碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth、犹豫做某事 struggle to dosth、努力做某事 二、接不定式作宾补得36个常用动词 advise sb、todosth、建议某人做某事 allowsb、to do sth、允许某人做某事 asksb、todosth、请(叫)某人做某事 bearsb、to do sth、忍受某人做某事 beg sb、todo sth、请求某人做某事 causesb、to dosth、导致某人做某事mand sb、to do sth、命令某人做某事 drive sb、todosth 、驱使某人做某事 elect sb、to do sth、选举某人做某事 encourage sb、to do sth、鼓励某人做某事


高考英语重点短语大全 高考英语重点短语大全 1.接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词:affordtodosth.负担得起做某事agreetodosth.同意做某事arrangetodosth.安排做某事asktodosth.要求做某事begtodosth.请求做某事caretodosth.想要做某事choosetodosth.决定做某事decidetodosth.决定做某事demandtodosth.要求做某事determinetodosth.决心做某事expecttodosth.期待做某事feartodosth.害怕做某事helptodosth.帮助做某事hopetodosth.希望做某事learntodosth.学习做某事managetodosth.设法做某事offertodosth.主动提出做某事plantodosth.计划做某事preparetodosth.准备做某事pretendtodosth.假装做某事promisetodosth.答应做某事refusetodosth.拒绝做某事wanttodosth.想要做某事wishtodosth.希望做某事aimtodosth.打算做某事failtodosth.未能做某事longtodosth.渴望做某事happentodosth.碰巧做某事hesitatetodosth.犹豫做某事struggletodosth.努力做某事 接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词:advisesb.todosth.建议某人做某事allowsb.todosth.允许某人做某事asksb.todosth.请(叫)某人做某事bearsb.todosth.忍受某人做某事begsb.todosth.请求某人做某事causesb.todosth.导致某人做某事mandsb.todosth.命令某人做某事drivesb.todosth.驱使某人做某事electsb.todosth.选举某人做某事encouragesb.todosth.鼓励某人做某事expectsb.todosth.期望某人做某事forbidsb.todosth.禁止某人做某事forcesb.todosth.强迫某人做某事getsb.todosth.使(要)某人做某事hatesb.todosth.讨厌某人做某事helpsb.todosth.帮助某人做某事intendsb.todosth.打算要某人做某事invitesb.todosth.邀请某人做某事leavesb.todosth.留下某人做某事likesb.todosth.喜欢某人做某事meansb.todosth.打算要某人做某事needsb.todosth.需要某人做某事
