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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (10小题,每小题2分.共20分)

Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question.

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C




9. C 10. B

II. TRUE/FALSE (10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement

is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.

11.F 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T

16.T 17.T 18.F 19.F 20.T

III. READING COMPREHENSION (15小题,每小题2分,共30分)Read the following two passages and answer the questions.

Passage One

21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B

Passage Two

26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30. B

Passage Three

31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B

IV. TRANSLATION (2段短文,每段5分,共10分)

Translate the following passages into Chinese.

36. Nonverbal symbols add to or detract from an oral presentation. They indicate how the speaker feels about situation—relaxed, nervous, or confident. Important nonverbal symbols during oral presentations include eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture. 非言语符号会对口头陈述有所增色或减损。它显示出讲话者对当时情况的感觉—放松、紧张或是自信。在口头陈述中一些重要的非言语符号包括眼神交流、面部表情、手势和姿态。

37. In an office environment, the size, location (corner office, distance from the top manager’s office, and so forth), and use of space may be a sign of a person’s status. Generally, the more spacious an office, the higher the status. Persons of higher status also may enter a subordinate’s space unannounced. 在办公室环境中,房间的大小、位置(办公室的角落、与最高管理者的距离等)以及空间的使用可能是个人地位的一个标志。一般说来,办公室越宽敞,地位越高。而且,上司可以不打招呼直接进入下属的空间。


38. You are working as an office clerk in a trading firm in Shanghai. You wish to apply for the position of office manager in Premier Business Co.,ltd, whose advertisement has recently been published on the Beijing Youth. Your letter of application should include the following information; (20分)

.You are 32 years old, not married.

.You graduated from Nanjing University as B. A. in management. After that you went on for one year's united courses by Nanjing University and Johns-Hopkins University of U. S. A.

.You have worked for five years in the trading firm in Shanghai.

.You are going to enclose your resume and credentials(证明文件)of your education qualification.






