





2. 建筑根据其抗震重要性分为四类,当为乙类建筑Ⅱ类场地时,下列何种

( )






5. 我国建筑抗震设计规范




7. 7)要求。Ⅰ.不超


8. ?




10. 按我国抗震设计规范设计的建筑,


11. 《建筑抗震设计规范》对砖混结构房屋的尺寸进行了限

12. 根据其重要性,某建筑为乙类建筑,设防烈度


13. 当遭受相当于本地区设防烈度的地震影响时,建筑物可能损坏,经修




15. 《抗震规范》对多层砌体房屋总高度和层数的限制,下列说法哪一个是

16. 对有抗震要求的底层为框架,上部为砖砌体结构房屋,其过渡层的现浇


17. 在对建筑物进行抗震设防的设计时,




19. 某丙类建筑所在场地为Ⅰ类,

( )

20. 为提高框架柱端部和梁柱结点在地震时的延性,



1. 现行抗震设计规范适用于抗震设防烈度为(

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

E. 9





























华师 2013秋《英国文学》作业

The best-known of all Shelley’s lyrics is ______. A.Ode to a Skylark B.Ode to the Nightingale C.Prometheus Unbound D.Ode on a Grecian Urn 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,/ Thou foster-child of silece and slow time,”This bride refers to ______. A.a maiden B.a Grecian urn C.a nightingale D.a water-nymph 您的答案:B 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 Among the following writers, ______ was known for his/her psychological insight into the development of character and falir for country scenes and speech. A.Emily Bronte B.Charlotte Bronte C.. Dickens D.George Eliot 您的答案:D 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 4.第6题 In the late nineteenth century, modernism flourished in English literature. Unlike modern poets and novelists, modem dramatists____ A.a. showed an optimistic emotion toward life B.did not make innovations in techniques and forms at all. C.inherited fully the romantic spirit of the early 19th century. D.borrowed a lot from the irrational philosophy and psychoanalysis. 您的答案:B


中国地质大学(北京)文件 中地大京发…2003?170号 关于表彰2002--2003学年度 学生先进个人、先进集体的决定 根据学校有关规定,在学生个人总结及班级综合素质测评的基础上,由院(系)初审,学生工作处审核,经学生工作领导小组批准,决定对下列学生、集体予以表彰: 一、授予孙小珊等10名学生“地大十佳学生”称号,每人奖励人民币1000元; 二、授予毛光剑等256名学生“三好学生”称号,每人奖励人民币300元; 三、授予赵莉等251名学生“优秀学生干部”称号,每人奖励人民币300元; 四、授予吕勇军等8名学生“学风标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200元; 五、授予韦玮等2名学生“文艺标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200

元; 六、授予齐磊等4名学生“体育标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200元; 七、授予罗耀等10名学生“公益标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200元; 八、授予姚林君等3名学生“科技创新标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200元; 九、授予刘清华等7名学生“社会实践标兵”称号,每人奖励人民币200元; 十、授予11010班等6个班级“优良学风班”称号,每班奖励人民币500元; 十一、授予11020班等20个班级“先进班集体”称号,每班奖励人民币200元; 十二、授予学生宿舍15号楼314宿舍等10个寝室“优良学风寝室”称号,每个宿舍奖励人民币200元。 附件:2002~2003学年度学生先进个人、先进集体名单 中国地质大学(北京) 二○○三年十一月六日—2—

主题词:学生工作表彰先进决定 发至:相关院(系)、处(室) 中国地质大学(北京)校长办公室2003年11月6日印 (共印75份) —3—


大学英语一第一次作业 答案 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.— Hi! How do you do, Zhang — _______ A.How are you? B.Good afternoon. C.How do you do? D.Very fine. 2.—Jane, I’m coming to say good-bye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

— _______ A.I’m sorry. B.Oh, no. Why? C.Go slowly. D.Why soon Can’t you stay a few days longer 3.—Sam, this is my friend, Jane. —_______ A.I’m Sam. B.How are you? C.Glad to meet you, Jane. D.Very well, thank you. 4.— May I know your name, please

— _______ A.I’d rather not. B.Yes, you may. C.Jane Edwin. D.No, please don’t 5.—Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you — _______ A.Thank you a lot. B.It’s several years. C.Long time no see. D.Just so-so. 6.We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation. A.positive?


作业 1.第1题 When we say that a poor young man from the West tried to make his fortune in the East but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing. A.Henry James B.Scott Fitzgerald C.Hemingway D.William Faulkne 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 ___ did not ever show his/her concern for the Indians. A.Anne Bradstreet B.Philip Freneau C.Roger Williams D.John Eliot 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 ____ made many translations, among which, Dante’s Divine Comedy was the best. A.William C. Bryant B.Henry W. Longfellow C.Emerson D.Hawthorne 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 The Declaration of Independence was the product of the joint efforts by ___, A.George Washington


《外国文学史》练习题 一、填空题 1、希腊神话包括神的故事和___英雄___传说两部分内容。 2、马克思指出:“希腊神话不只是希腊艺术的武库,而且是它的___土壤_____”。 3、希腊英雄传说中最著名的英雄是_赫拉克勒斯_________ ________。 4、希腊的悲剧和喜剧都起源于___酒神颂歌_________祭祀。 5、古希腊悲剧的奠基人是______埃斯库罗斯______________。 6、马克思称赞_____普罗米修斯_____________是“哲学的日历中最高尚的圣者和殉道者”。 7、古希腊最著名的喜剧家是__阿里斯托芬_______________。 8、希腊新喜剧的代表性作家是___米南德____________。 9、柏拉图的《________理想国__》是欧洲唯心主义文艺理论的肇始之作。 10、古希腊最著名的独唱琴歌女诗人是_萨福__________________。 11、亚里斯多德的《______诗学_________》是欧洲美学史上第一部有系统的重要文献。 12、贺拉斯在《诗艺》中提出了“______寓教于乐________”的文艺观。 13、奥维德的《____变形记______》诗古代希腊罗马神话的汇集。 14、维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》是欧洲文学史上第一部“____个人创作_______________史诗”。 15、荷马史诗包括《依利亚特》和《___奥德赛____________》两部作品。 16、骑士文学的主要体裁是骑士抒情诗和______骑士传奇_________。 17、但丁早期创作的代表作是描写爱情的诗集《_____新生____________》。 18、但丁的代表作《神曲》的原名是《___喜剧________》。 19、14至17世纪初,欧洲新兴资产阶级反封建反教会的思想文化运动被称为文艺复兴运动。 20、“人文主义之父”彼特拉克的艺术实践使欧洲_______抒情诗_____诗体达到完美的境界。 21、欧洲文学史上第一部现实主义小说《十日谈》采用了《一千零一夜》式的_大故事套小故事框式___结构。 22、“西班牙戏剧之父”维伽的代表作是《__羊泉村___》。 23、乔叟的代表作《_坎特伯雷故事集________》在结构上类似《十日谈》。 24、《堂吉珂德》中与主人公相辅相成的生动形象是__桑丘·潘沙________。 25、莎士比亚历史剧的代表作是《____亨利四世__________》。 26、莎士比亚在《威尼斯商人》中塑造的新女性形象是_______鲍西娅______。 27、运用三一律创作最为成功的法国古典主义悲剧作家是____拉辛_________。 28、布瓦洛的诗体理论著作《__诗艺_______》是古典主义创作的法典。 29、恩格斯认为笛福笔下的_____鲁滨孙_____是一个“真正的资产者”。 30、斯威夫特的代表作是《____格列佛游记_________》。 31、菲尔丁的代表作是《_汤姆·琼斯___________》。 32、狄德罗的《___哲学思想录___________》被恩格斯誉为“辩证法的杰作”。 33、《费加罗的婚姻》的作者是_博马舍_____________。


17春16秋地质《土地利用与规划》二 一、单选(共10 道,共40 分。) 1. 上、下级规划的关系:上级规划指导下级规划,下级规划落实上级规划,各级规划要相互衔接和协调。下级规划在落实上级规划时() A. 也不全是被动的 B. 是被动的 标准解: 2. 土地利用规划的主要任务就是(),寻求符合区域特点的和土地资源利用效益最大化要求的土地利用优化体系。 A. 根据社会经济发展计划,国土规划和区域规划的要求,结合区域内的自然生态和社会经济具体条件 B. 土地开发利用条件 标准解: 3. 县级规划成果包括()。 A. 规划文本 B. 规划说明 C. 规划图件及附件 D. 以上三项都是 标准解: 4. 牧草地利用规划要根据地形和()植被类型以及畜群结构等,合理划分季节放牧场、割草场、轮牧小区、牧道、设计畜圈、围栏等。 A. 未来土地利用超前性 B. 水源 标准解: 5. 果园用地规划设计原则:() A. 选树适地 B. 适地适树 C. 选地适树 标准解: 6. 土地整理的概念:土地整理是指在一定区域内()单位、经济组织或个人通过采取行政、经济、法律或工程技术等手段 A. 根据土地利用总体规划 B. 环境规划 C. 历史发展过程 标准解: 7. 县级和乡(镇)的土地利用总体规划是()。 A. 属于战略性规划

B. 主要起宏观调控作用 C. 制定下一级土地利用总体规划的依据 D. 属于管理性和实施性规划 标准解: 8. 土地利用规划是对一定区域()的计划和安排,是依据区域社会经济发展和土地的自然历史特性在时空上进行土地资源分配和合理组织土地利用的综合技术经济措施。 A. 未来土地利用超前性 B. 实用性 标准解: 9. 基本农田是()高产稳产田 A. 种植农作物的 B. 土地高产稳产田 标准解: 10. 土地资源的特性,首先就是由于受地球表面陆地面积的限制,土地资源还具有位置的有限性和区域的差异性。土地资源各组成要素是相互依存、相互制约的,又表现了土地的()。 A. 一种自然经济综合体 B. 整体性 标准解: 地质《土地利用与规划》二 二、多选(共15 道,共60 分。) 1. 土地总体规划编制的原则:()保护和改善生态环境,保障土地的可持续利用;占用耕地与开发复垦耕地相平衡。 A. 严格保护基本农田 B. 控制非农业建设占用农用地 C. 增加经济效益 D. 提高土地利用率 E. 统筹安排各类各区域用地。 标准解: 2. 土地复垦规划的原则:因地制宜,系统工程,统筹考虑,土地复垦规划与()结合 A. 土地利用规划相结合 B. 土地取得利用 C. 复垦规划与土地整理相 标准解: 3. 土地利用系统要素—劳动主要包括:土地利用过程从某种程度看是通过()财富的过程。劳动是劳动者、()、劳动对象。 A. 劳动积累


大学英语三离线作业答 案 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

离线作业试卷列表2 一、单选? 1.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Would you be interested in seeing a film tonight- ____C______?分值:3 A. Not at all.??? B. Are you sure??? C. Great! I'd love to ??? D. You're welcome.???? 2.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to P eople's Square- ____B______?分值:3 A. I don't understand you.??? B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.??? C. Why don't you take a taxi??? D. Don't bother me.???? 3.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)30?C 分值:1 A. on mind??? B. in heart??? C. in mind??? D. on your mind???? 4.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)29 B?分值:1 A. with??? B. for??? C. to??? D. in???? 5.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)28 B?分值:1 A. impossible??? B. wonderful??? C. incapable??? D. practical???? 6.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've got the first prize in the dancing ____C______?分值:3 A. You're welcome.??? B. It's very kind of you.??? C. Please accept my congratulations.??? D. Oh, really, I can't believe my ears.???? 7.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I've passed the ___D_______?分值:3 A. What a pity!??? B. I have the examination.??? C. Come on.??? D. Congratulations.???? 8.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I'm suffering from a ________A__?分值:3


2013春美国文学在线作业100分 1.第11题 ___ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper’s frontier saga. A.deerslayer B.pathfinder C.hawkeye D.Mohican 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第12题 “these are times that try men’s souls”is a sentence quoted from paine’s pamphlet___. A.American Crisis https://www.360docs.net/doc/c11446646.html,mon Sense C.On Human Rights 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第13题 The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___. A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Herman Melville C.Edgar Ellan Poe 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第14题 "Lost Generation" is a term first coined by ---.

A.Ernest Hemingway B.Fitzgerald C. Gertrude Stein 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第15题 Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---. A.Carl Sandburg B.Edwin Arlington Robinson C.Ezra Pound 答案:C 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 6.第16题 As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______ A.cubist school of modern painting B.Imagist Movement C.stream-of-consciousness technique D.German Expressionism 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第17题 The first great American juvenile literature was _____. A.Sketch Book B.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow C.Walden D.Mardi 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0

大学英语一 作业答案2

大学英语一第二次作业答案 题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: Putting in a new window will ___ cutting away part of the roof. A、include B、involve C、contain D、comprise 标准答案:B 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: Before you leave, please ___ all the windows are closed. A、sure B、make sure C、certain D、assure 标准答案:B 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: Young people are not to ___ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. A、glad B、content C、confident D、generous 标准答案:B 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: The textbook was compiled ten years ago. It needs ___. A、revised B、being revised C、revising D、revise 标准答案:C 题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: The football game comes to you ___ from New York. A、lively B、alive C、live D、living 标准答案:C 题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: I ___ the book I wanted to find before I left the bookstore. A、caught sight of B、caughgt C、got hold D、lost sight of 标准答案:A 题号:7 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5 内容: He perfers to live with his mother than ___ her alone. A、to leave B、leaving C、leave D、leaves


美国文学作业 作业 1.第9题 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______. A.Henry James B.Mark Twain C.Jack London D.Theodore Dreiser 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第10题 “all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie” is a comment made by james russell lowell on the female characters in novels written by______. A.Washington Irving B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Philip Freneau D.George Washington 答案:B 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第11题 Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _____________. A.The Confidence-Man B.The PIlot C.Moby Dick 答案:B 您的答案:B

题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第12题 Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___. A.Theodore Dreiser B.Stephen Crance C. Frank Norris 答案:A 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 5.第13题 The central character’s name in James Fenimore Cooper’s novel series The Leatherstocking Tales is ______________. A.Isabelle Archer B.Natty Bumpo C.Ishmael 答案:B 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0 6.第14题 _______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history. A.Stephen Crane B.Frank Norris C.Jack London D.Walt Whitman 答案:D 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 7.第15题


The Period of English Revolution I.Choose the right answer. 1. _____ , as a declaration of people’s freedom of the press, has been a weapon in the later democratic revolutionary struggles. A. L’Allegro B. Comus C. Il Penseroso D. Areropagitica 2. ____’s poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses. A. John Milton B. John Bunyan C. John Donne D. John Dryden 3. ____ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry. A. John Donne B. George Herbert C. John Milton D. John Bunyan 4. _____ is the leading revolutionary poet in the 17th English literature. A. Edmund Spenser B. George Herbert C. John Milton D. Geoffrey Chaucer II. Fill in the blanks. 1.In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, _______ occupies the most important place. 2.______gives a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration. 3._____ is the most excellent representative of English neo-classicism in the 18th century. 4.Paradise Lost is one of Milton’s ______. 5.Satan is the hero in Milton’s masterpiece __________. 6.Paradise Lost took its material from ______. 7.The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized, generally speaking, by _____in content and fantasticality in form. 8.Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost embody Milton’s belief in the powers of _____. 9.The Pilgrim’s Progress is a(n)_____ 1.In 1644, James I was sentenced to death and Cromwell became the leader of the country. 2.English literature of the 17th century witnessed a flourish on the whole. 3.The Revolution Period produced one of the most important poets in English literature, William Shakespeare. 4.The main literary form in literature of Revolution Period is drama. 5.John Milton towers over his age as Byron towers over the Elizabethan Age, and as Chaucer towers over the Medieval Period. 6.On his first wife’s death, Milton wrote his only love poem, a sonnet, on His Deceased Wife. 7.The greatest epic produced by Milton, Paradise Lost, is written in heroic couplets. 8.The poem of Samson Agonistes was “to justify the ways of God to man”, i.e. to advocate submission to the Almighty.


桩基工程及其检测技术(专升本)阶段性作业4答案 单选题 1. 预应力管桩的主要优点有单桩承载力高、适用范围广、桩长规格灵活、单位承载力造价低、接桩速度快、施工工效高、穿透力强等,不包括________。(5分) (A) 桩身耐打 (B) 单位承载力造价低 (C) 工期短 (D) 形状各异 参考答案:D 2. 预应力管桩的施工方法有_______和静力压桩法(预压法和抱压法)。(5分) (A) 锤击法沉桩 (B) 钻孔 (C) 旋转法 (D) 挖孔 参考答案:A 3. 预应力管桩沉桩过程中要注意________和挤土效应。(5分) (A) 土塞效应 (B) 松弛效应 (C) 刺入效应 (D) 群桩效应 参考答案:A 4. 《建筑桩基技术规范》规定,压桩顺序应根据场地工程地质条件确定:于场地地层中局部含砂、碎石、卵石时,宜先对该区域进行压桩;若持力层埋深或桩的入土深度差别较大时,宜先施压_______。(5分) (A) 短桩 (B) 长桩 (C) 管桩 (D) 方桩 参考答案:B 5. 预制桩运输时的强度应达到设计强度的_______。(5分) (A) 50% (B) 70% (C) 80% (D) 100% 参考答案:D 多选题

6. 预应力管桩施工中的工程质量问题主要包括_______等。(5分) (A) 桩顶偏位 (B) 桩身倾斜 (C) 桩顶碎裂 (D) 沉桩达不到设计的控制要求 参考答案:A,B,C,D 7. 桩基工程施工有关监督单位及法规上的限制_______。(5分) (A) 场地红线范围及建筑物灰线定位情况 (B) 道路占用或使用许可证 (C) 人行道的防护措施 (D) 地下管道的暂时维护措施 参考答案:A,B,C,D 8. 桩基础施工准备_______。(5分) (A) 清除施工场地内障碍物 (B) 施工场地平整处理 (C) 放线定位 (D) 打桩前的准备工作 参考答案:A,B,C,D 9. 施工场地及周围状况调查,包括_______。(5分) (A) 施工场地的状况 (B) 施工场地周围建筑物的状况 (C) 公共设施及周围道路状况 (D) 地下水水质分析 参考答案:A,B,C 10. 预应力管桩在下列_______情况下不宜使用。(5分) (A) 场地内地层中有坚硬夹层时 (B) 存在大面积地下障碍物(如孤石)时 (C) 石灰岩溶洞地层 (D) 桩基持力层为硬质岩且岩层面倾角很陡时 参考答案:A,B,C,D 11. 桩基工程施工前的调查与准备工作主要包括_______。(5分) (A) 桩基施工前的调查 (B) 编制桩基工程施工组织设计 (C) 桩基础施工准备 (D) 桩基础施工监测 参考答案:A,B,C


《美国文学》作业 I.Multiple Choice 1. American literature is only more than ____ years old. A. 500 B.400 C. 200 D.100 2. The Puritan values did no include______. A. wastefulness B. thrift C. piety D. hard work 3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment. ______was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Romanticism D. Realism 4. Franklin was the epitome of the______. A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar Act C. Charlist movement D. Romanticism 5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism. A. Franklin B. Hawthorne C. Paine D. Emerson 6. “Moby Dick was written by_____ A. Mark Twain B. Thoreau C. Melville D. Whitman 7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______. A. symbolism B. rationalism C. Platonism D. classicism 8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________. A. Henry James B. Jack London C. Mark Twain D. Stephen Crane 9. Choose the novel written by Henry James A. The Golden Bowl B. The Portrait of a Lady C. Sister Carrie D. Daisy Miller 10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry. A. Ezra Pound B. T.S. Eliot C. Robert Frost D. both A and B 11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement. A. Ezra Pound B. Hemingway C. Robert Frost D. Steinbeck 12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____ A. Naturalism B. Transcendentalism C. Local Colorism D. Imagism 13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetry A. T.S. Eliot B. E.D. Robinson C. Philip Freneau D. Dreiser 14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______. A. naturalist B. classicist C. realist D. romanticist 15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.


1.第1题 ________ is not a character in the novel Ivanhoe. D.Joseph Addison 2.第2题 The Canterbury Tales contains in fact a general prologue and only ___tales. A.24 3.第3题 Historic events in the period of _______ won’t have appeared in Scott’s novels. D.Victorian age 4.第4题 The Victorian Age ________. C.saw the surge of the Chartist movement. 5.第5题 The greatest among the peots living in the second half of the 19th century in England was ______. A.Robert Browning 6.第6题 _____ was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. A.Thomas Wyatt 7.第7题 In the late nineteenth century, modernism flourished in English literature. Unlike modern poets and novelists, modem dramatists____ B.did not make innovations in techniques and forms at all. 8.第8题 In Sons and Lovers, D. H. Lawrence presented Paul as a(n) man and artist. D.sensitive 9.第9题 Many critics called ________the greatest of Victorian novels. B.Middle March 10.第10题 The sentence "three or four families in a country village are the very thing to work on" can best reflect the writer' s personal knowledge and range of writing. This writer is _________. D.Jane Austen 11.第11题 ____ is an earnest attack on the vulgarity and materialism of the rising middle class industrialists. A.Hard Times 12.第12题 After Wordsworth and Southey had died, _____ succeeded to the title of poet-laureate. B.Lord Tennyson 13.第13题 _______ by Bernard Shaw belonged to what he called “Plays Unpleasant.” D.Mrs. Warren’s Profession 14.第14题 _____ tells a fantastic story of how a youth sold his soul to pursue beauty and fulfillment of the


中国地质大学(武汉)2016-2017学年度 校级优秀研究生干部和校级优秀研究生评优结果公示 各培养单位: 根据《关于评选表彰2016-2017学年度研究生先进集体和先进个人的通知》要求,经各研究生培养单位初评上报,研工部汇总审核,共评选出2016-2017学年度校级优秀研究生干部360人、优秀研究生350人。具体名单如下(排名不分先后): 一、优秀研究生干部(360人) 地学院(26人) 戴宏坤胡鹏举周文仪王成邓阳赵宇洁杨欢王雄 臧婧杰李若琛于远洋程雪梅武媛媛屈秦萼程怀马千里 马佳怡臧亚辉王太茂武双欣王朝阳郭富涛刘宇坤杨梦宇 马晓晨李亚泰 资源学院(42人) 林海涛宋双马文杰熊川凯程园井康康邹志维霍剑锋 刁友鹏秦曰涵康立郭凯凤林祖苇滕浪柯小飞李凯 朱秀魏兆麟刘龙赵彦璞闫茂强何恬亓英坤刘涛 任兵卓潘剑邦邰文星张坤朋郝凯陈明月李俊阳刘少杰 谷媛媛张鹏飞李晓明白天娄敏张爱华赵萌阳王振武 孟玉净白惠文 材化学院(12人) 吴汉军鲁灿艾玎司沿洁宋荣娜葛远升孙书堂赵梦颖 刘新川杨岚琼张权程英晔 环境学院(30人) 张煜魏小凡杨哲余露王籼铂李斌邓帅薛佩佩

包先富巨凡凡梁慧萍李明蔚王忠伟李永福张佳瑞管硕余葱葱朱晛亭黎荧赵江王佳琪陈骞肖河张杨杨光王祝杨佳敏赵菁杨森邬梦晓俊 工程学院(49人) 苗发盛梁鑫黄莹史小棒黄冠廖康文至诚张丁元王宇朱柄臣刘胜夏奇杜浩王冰洁陈晨王海宇张思雨董有翔邬琳王昌硕石凯魏可可刘涛应春业张艺媛钟涵王方艳高毅博李丹阳宁可张宽孔海潮汪雅清苏树尧谢绍英许添付威余波李庆伟杨兴梅杨康刘文强郭颖孟恒郭耀文姜明顺李亭亭张玉恩方枝 地空学院(12人) 马险周小晓任嘉伟宁玲林武乐谢锦赟齐文杰夏宇轩熊智秋沈闻海尹强韦林 海洋学院(6人) 冯景昊毛华武陈鹏发朱先凯肖倩朱雪颖 机电学院(9人) 毛中杰颜林波杨双双武江燕赵琨曾福江解道雷龙畅游杨栋皓 自动化学院(7人) 黄燕霞任杰王晋超张家亮张可鑫龚翰卿谢桥 经管学院(29人) 田恒琪廖灿尤喆董伟伟顾明贇喻骏伟许欣欣王静


1.Among these three masterpieces, I am most impressed by The Story of an Hour. Black humor is reflected from the plot, which leaves gaps for readers to fill. At the first sight of the title “The Story of an Hour”, I was enchanted, wondering what happened on earth in an hour. Having finished reading this story, I think Mrs Mallard is the very one who needs our analyzing. She is a typical sentimental lady, who desires for true love, freedom. It is not hard to conclude that her husband is ignorant, a purely workaholic, who is dominant and cares little about her wife. To some degree, their relationship is neither harmonious nor intimate, depressing atmosphere always covers them. We know that when Mrs Mallard got the news that her husband died in an accident, she was afflicted with transient sorrow, then her grief gradually decreased while she stayed alone in her room. “Free, free, free! Body and soul free”, this is the shout from her inner heart, the desire for freedom is so strong that her spouse’s death is actually a relief for her. She is quite different from those traditional women, she is gentle, well-educated and adorable. However, at last, when Mr Mallard entered the door, everyone was shocked, especially for Mrs Mallard, this is completely out of expectation. She fell into the despairing abyss, of course, almost no one could bear this huge change of mood. As a result, she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills. This story is really full of suspense, joy interweaves sorrow, I like it. 2.Having read The Soft-Hearted Sioux, we can perceive the conflict of young Sioux’s inner heart. The Indian culture is quite different from the notion the mission school advocates. The law of life is their principle of lives, no can should break it, or the failure of obey it will be punished. In order to survive, killing is necessary, and what they adore is the bravest warriors of their people. Otherwise, without killing, they will be starved to death. In addition, they believe in the power of medicine-man strongly, no matter how sick or weak, they feel they could be saved by the medicine-man’s action. They are stubborn and conservative, rejecting all the new culture. They have a stereotyped thinking pattern, slandering the soft-hearted preach.
