大学综合英语教程第2册unit 4(何兆熊)

大学综合英语教程第2册unit 4(何兆熊)
大学综合英语教程第2册unit 4(何兆熊)

Unit 4 Cultural Encounters

Section Two Global Reading

I. Text analysis

1.Which sentence is the thesis statement?

The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: ―Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.‖

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,promising, in the author’s view, is a key notion in translation and thus also in

intercultural communication. Numerous examples are used to explain this notion. Try to find these examples.

Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word ―homesickness‖ in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German.

Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered.

Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; the flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word ―bread‖ has to serve for both.

II Structural analysis

1.What type of writing is this essay? And what’s the main strategy the author adopt to develop

the body of the essay?

It is a piece of argumentation. Abundant examples are provided to support her argument in the body of the essay.

Section Three Detailed Reading

Text I

Cultural Encounters

Susan Bassnett

1Inevitably,the spread of English means that millions of people are adding another

language to their own and are learning how to negotiate cultural and linguistic differences.

This is an essential skill in today’s hybrid world, particularly now when the need for international understanding has rarely been so important. But even as more people become multilingual, so native English speakers are losing out, for they are becoming ever more monolingual, and hence increasingly unaware of the differences between cultures that languages reveal. Communicating in another language involves not only linguistic skills, but the ability to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and shape language accordingly.8Millions of people are discovering how to bridge cultures, while the English-speaking world becomes ever more complacent and cuts down on foreign language learning programs in the mistaken belief that it is enough to know English.

2World peace in the future depends on intercultural understanding. Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the latest technology and state-of-the-art mobile phones, but those with the skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words spoken in many different languages.9

Paragraphs 1-3


1. What do cheap flights and the Internet mean to people today? (Paragraph 1)

Cheap flights mean that millions of people can afford to visit places their parents could only dream about, while the Internet means that numerous people are able to communicate with the remotest places with great ease.

2. Exemplify and explain that English has become the most important international language. (Paragraph 2)

Conferences and business meetings around the globe are held in English, regardless of whether anyone present is a native English speaker. English has simply become the language that facilitates communication, and for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success.

Words and Expressions

1.access n.entrance; way in; means of entering o r the right to use or look at something

e.g. The only means of access to the building is along a muddy track.


The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.


accessible a.

2. communicate vi. share or exchange feelings, opinions, or information, etc.

e.g. He is a shy boy who can’t communicate very well.


communication n.

e.g. The Internet is the best means of communication among several partners at different locations. communicative a.

3. remote a.distant in space or time

e.g. We can see remote stars through a telescope.

In the remote future, many new changes will take place.

The Beatles carried Liverpool’s fame to the remotest corners of the earth.


remoteness n.

e.g. They found the remoteness of the country a great problem.

Comparison: distant, far, remote

distant very far away esp. in distance

e.g. She could hear the distant sound of fireworks exploding.

far describe something that is not near, or the part of something that is most distant from the centre or from you

e.g. The station isn’t far — we could easily walk it.

remote describe an area, house or village that is a long way from any towns or cities

e.g. He lived in a remote mountain village.


1. 我们很难观察月亮的另一边。

The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.

2. 邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。

Mail comes to this remote village only once a week.

3. 这个朝圣者来自非常远的地方。

This pilgrim came from a very distant place.

4. mockingly ad. in a way in which sb. or sth. is made fun of

e.g. Andrienne raised her eyebrows mockingly —―What’s wrong, my dear? Don’t you


The boy who was once referred to mockingly as a country boy is now the CEO of a joint venture.

5. regardless of without taking account of or worrying about

e.g. I bought the book, regardless of the cost.


The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion or sex.

6. facilitate vt.help; make easy or easier

e.g. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to the airport.

An interface is a window environment designed to facilitate the interaction between the user and the system.



facilitation n.

facilitative a.

7. stepping stone any of a row of large stones with a level top, which one walks on to cross a river

or stream; figuratively, a way of improvement or gaining success

e.g. For some people, gaining power is an essential stepping stone to a successful life.

Temporary jobs can be a stepping stone out of unemployment.

8. have misgivings not be sure

e.g. I have many misgivings about taking the job.


9. fundamental a.basic

e.g. A knowledge of economics is fundamental to any understanding of this problem.


There is a fundamental difference in attitude between these two politicians.



fundamentally ad.

e.g. I disagreed fundamentally with what they stood for.

10. profound a. intense; deep; very strongly felt

e.g. The book contains profound insight into human behavior.

The development was to have a profound effect on all our lives.


profoundly ad.

e.g. I am profoundly grateful for this opportunity to meet you.

11. at one’s peril (used when advising sb. not to do sth.) with the near certainty of meeting great


e.g. You ignore this warning at your peril.


Activity: Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1.Which companies was she referring ___when she spoke of competing firms? (to)

2. Bats communicate___ each other by ultrasonic messages. (with)

3. Citizens may have free access ____the library. (to)

4. It is rude to mock ____others’ shortcomings. (at)

5.I’d like to go back to teaching, but I am ___ touch with my subject now. (out of)

6. She is determined to do regardless ____all consequences. (of)

7. Food is essential ___ life. (to)

8. At the time, many doctors had serious misgivings ____ the new treatment. (about)

9. Any climber who neglects these simple precautions does so___ his peril. (at)


1. We live in an age of easy access to the rest of the world. (Paragraph 1)

Translation: 我们生活在一个可以轻松到达世界其它角落的时代。

2. … for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success. (Paragraph 2)

Explanation: … for many people the acquisition of English is basically a spring board towards their lifetime achievements.

A stepping stone is a means that helps you to progress towards achieving something especially in your work.

e.g. Students from various minority groups are intent on using education as a stepping stone to a better life.

3. Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril. (Paragraph 3)

Paraphrase: There is a basic relationship between language and culture which is an essential part of society and one that it is dangerous if we ignore.

Translation: 最根本的是语言与文化之间的深远关系,它存在于社会的中心,忽视它必然会造成危险。




Paragraphs 4-7


1. Supply specific examples to prove that language and culture are closely related to each other. (Paragraph 4)

Numerous examples show that language and culture are interrelated. Take a look at some English idioms and see how different their Chinese counterparts are:

a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟

to laugh one’s head off 笑掉大牙

to shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠

to spend money like water 挥金如土

to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth 生长在富贵人家

2. Explain and illustrate what ―compromising‖ and ―the spread of English‖ mean. (Paragraph 7) For ―compromising,‖ refer to Paragraph 6 of the text. As to ―the spread of English,‖ a typical example is the spread of English in China. Compared with other nations, China boasts the largest number of people who have learned or are learning English. Chinese learners of English are learning how to overcome cultural and linguistic differences. In today’s China, the mastery

of English has become an important skill which is of great use and value in all walks of life.

Words and Expressions

12. label

v.fix or tie on sth. a piece of paper or other material that gives information about it; use a word or phrase to describe sb. or sth.

e.g. I’ve just spent a whole day labelling all the items.

The bottle is labeled poison.


n.a piece of paper or other material, fixed to sth., which gives information about what it is, where it is to go, who owns it, etc.

e.g. The labels were attached to the luggage.

13. longing n.strong wish; a strong feeling of wanting sth.

e.g. She felt a great longing for the sights, sounds and smells of home.

Nothing could quench her longin g to return home again.


14. despair https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,plete loss of hope or confidence; sth. that causes this feeling

e.g. His failure in TOEFL drove him to despair.

He is the despair of his teacher because he refuses to study.


desperation n.

15. hover vi.be in an uncertain state; stay around one place, esp. in a way that annoys other


e.g. A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey.

I heard the noise of a helicopter hovering overhead.

16. head-on ad. & a.with the heads or front parts meeting, usu. violently

e.g. The motor cycle ran head-on into the lorry.

The government and the unions are set for a head-on confrontation.

17. not be given to not usually do sth.

e.g. It is the truth. We are not given to telling lies.

18. unsurmountable a.too large or too difficult to be dealt with

e.g. I don’t think there are any unsurmountable problems in this project.

The problems are not unsurmountable.



insurmountable, insuperable



19. negotiate vt.discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement, esp. in business or politics

e.g. Foreign Ministers are meeting at talks in Geneva to negotiate a treaty banning all chemical


We’ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.



negotiation n.

e.g. Pay rates are fixed by negotiations between the trade union and employers.

negotiable a. (not used before a noun)

e.g. The contract is for a period of six months, and is not negotiable.

20. come up with produce; think of a plan, reply, etc.

e.g. No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out.


He’s come up with a great idea.


21. compromise v. & n. settle an argument or difference of opinion by each side agreeing to some of

the demands of the other; an agreement reached in this way that is

acceptable to both sides

e.g. They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists.


Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.



compromise on / with

e.g. Let’s compromise on a 10% reduction in price on this shipment.


Don’t try to threaten me. I won’t compromise with you.


22. adjustment n. changing slightly in order to make right or suitable for a particular purpose or


e.g. We have to make some major adjustments to our scheme.

Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.



make adjustments

23. regarding prep.as regards; concerning; on the subject of; in connection with

e.g. If you have any questions regarding any of our services, please feel free to call me.

She said nothing regarding your request.



concerning, considering, in terms of

24. range n.the measurable limits within which variable amounts or qualities are included

e.g. He said it was outside his range of responsibility.

The new technology has opened up a very wide range of possibilities.

Comparison: scope, range

scope n.the limits within which sth. operates, exists, or is effective

e.g. There is not much scope for originality.

range n. the amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit

e.g. The price range is from $100 to $500.

The product is aimed at young people in the 18─25 age range.


1. 那是在我的范围之内。

It is within my scope.

2. 你提的问题已超出了这本书的范围。

Your question is beyond the scope of this book.

3. 这些孩子们的年龄在8岁到15岁之间。

The children’s ages range from 8 to 15.

25. inevitably ad.unavoidably; that which is certain to happen; that which cannot be prevented

from happening

e.g. Those who are created by publicity will inevitably be destroyed by it.

Inevitably, a quarrel followed between the two sides.



inevitability n.



26. unaware a.not having knowledge or consciousness of sth.

e.g. He seemed to be unaware of the trouble he was causing.

He was completely unaware that he was being watched.


unawareness n.


be unaware of



27. reveal vt.show or allow sth. previously hidden to be seen; to make known sth. previously

secret or unknown

e.g. The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant.


These few words fully revealed her noble quality.


Synonym: uncover, unveil

Derivation: revelation n.

28. complacent a. pleased or satisfied with oneself or with a situation, often unreasonably; not

worrying, even though one perhaps should be

e.g. He gave us a complacent smile.


complacency n.

29. cut down on reduce an amount done, eaten, etc.

e.g. He cut down on coffee and sugar and ate a more healthy diet.

Finally they have hired a new person. I hope this cut down on our work a little.


Activity: Translate each of the following sentences into English with the given word in the brackets:

1. 绝望之下,他放弃了尝试。(despair)

He gave up the attempt in despair.

2. 汽车迎面撞到树上。(head-on)

The car hit the tree head-on.

3. 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。(range)

Several cars are available within this price range.

4. 现在我才知道有他这么个人。(unaware)

I was unaware of his existence until now.

5. 我们决不能满足于自己的成绩。(complacent)

We must not be complacent about our achievements.


4. … languages are so clearly culture-related (Paragraph 4)

Paraphrase: Languages are so clearly connected with a specific civilization or the state of cultural development of a particular people.

5. … given that whales are not given to swimming in warm, southern seas. (Paragraph 5) Paraphrase: … considering the fact that whales are not likely to swim in warm, southern seas.

6. Faced with unsurmountable linguistic problems, translators negotiated the boundaries between languages and came up with a compromise. (Paragraph 5)

Paraphrase: Faced with the unconquerable linguistic problems, translators managed to deal with the differences between languages and thought of a vision that was similar to the original in spirit. Translation:面对不可逾越的语言障碍,译者们对语言的界限进行揣摩,并最终达成一个折中的解决方案。

7. When there are no words in another language for what you want to say, you make adjustments and try to approximate. (Paragraph 6)


8. Communicating in another language involves not only linguistic skills, but the ability to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and shape language accordingly. (Paragraph 7) Translation:用另一种语言交流不仅需要语言技巧,还需要有换另一种方式思考的本领,也就是进入另一种文化思维状态并用相应的语言来表达的能力。

We express what we see and feel through language, and because languages are so clearly culture-related,4 often we find that what we can say in one language cannot be expressed at all in another. The English word ―homesickness‖ translates into Italian as ―nostalgia,‖ but English has had to borrow that same word to describe a different state of mind, something that is not quite homesickness and involves a kind of longing. Homesickness and nostalgia put together are almost, but not quite, the Portuguese ―saudade,‖ an untranslatable word that describes a state of mind that is not despair, angst (English borrowed that from German), sadness or regret, but hovers somewhere in and around all those words.


2 The early Bible translators hit the problem of untranslatability head-on. How do you translate the image of the Lamb of God for a culture in which sheep do not exist? What exactly was the fruit that Eve11 picked in the Garden of Eden? What was the creature that swallowed Jonah, given that whales are not given to swimming in warm, southern seas?5 Faced with unsurmountable linguistic problems, translators negotiated the boundaries between languages and came up with a compromise.6

3 Compromising is something that speakers of more than one language understand. When there are no words in another language for what you want to say, you make adjustments and try to approximate.7 English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range, since English has four words and Welsh has three. And even where words do exist, compromises still need to be made. The word ―democracy‖ means completely different things in different contexts, and even a word like ―bread‖ which refers to a staple food item made of flour means totally different things to different people. The flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word ―bread‖ has to serve for both.

Paragraph 8


1. According to the writer, what is the great function of intercultural understanding? (Paragraph 8) The writer says, ―World peace in the future depends on intercultural understanding.‖ In other words, intercultural understanding will play a most important role in the promotion of world peace in the future.

2. Who will probably be most able to help the process of world peace in the future? (Paragraph 8) Those who are most competent to contribute to the process of world peace probably are those

who have acquired the skills to understand the literal, implied, figurative, or cultural meanings of the words spoken in many different languages.


9. Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the latest technology and state-of-the-art mobile phones, but those with the skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words spoken in many different languages. (Paragraph 8)


Section Four Consolidation Activities

I . Vocabulary Analysis

1 Phrase practice

1. provided as long as 假如,倘若

e.g. I will teach you English provided circumstances permit. 倘若情况允许,我就教你英语。

2. need never be out of touch can never fail to be reached 从不会失去联系

e.g. We need never be out of touch with each other after graduation if we like. 毕业后,如果愿


3. regardless of no matter 不管,不顾

e.g. Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost. 愚人只追求享乐,而不顾代价。

This is a choice you must make for yourself as an individual, regardless of what anyone else thinks. 无论其他任何人怎样想,作为一个个体,这是一个你必须自己做的选择。

4. overlook at one’s peril fail to notice at great risk 忽视……的危险或风险

e.g. The reason why we failed was that we had overlooked at its peril. 我们这次失败的原因是我


2 Word derivation

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. The country is trying to move from a centrally planned economy (economic) to one basically geared to the needs of the market.

2. There are no good roads in the area, so most of the ranches are only accessible (access) by jeep or other off-road vehicles.

3. The two approaches are so fundamentally (fundamental) different that it is surprising that they have both been successful.

4. They spent much time comforting the homesick (homesickness) children at the beginning of the summer camp.

5. We are looking for an experienced journalist to join the news teams. The salary is negotiable (negotiate).

6. The amount of any of these ingredients can be adjusted (adjustment) according to your taste.

7. The remoteness (remote) of the house was the only thing that made them hesitate about buying it.

8. He parked the car and smiled at her, complacently (complacent) assuming he had passed the test.

1.economic a. 经济学的;经济的;有利可图的

economical a. 节俭的;经济的,合算的

economics n. 经济学

economist n. 经济学家

economy n. 节约;经济

e.g. 每个人都关心今年的经济政策。.

Everyone wants to know the economic policy of this year.


This is not an economical method of heating.


He is a famous economist.

2.access n. 通道,入口

accessible a. 可得到的;易接近的,可进入的

accessibility n. 可以得到;易接近

e.g. 即使我是老板的私人秘书,我也无法接触到他的所有信件。

I can’t have access to all my boss’s correspondence, even if I am his private secretary.


This island is accessible only by boat.

3.fundamental a. 基本的,根本的;重要的

fundamentalism n. 原教旨主义

fundamentalist n. 信奉正统派基督教的人

fundamentally ad.从根本上;基本地

e.g. 你我的观点根本不同。.

There are fundamental differences between your view and mine.

4.homesick a. 想家的

homesickness n. 乡愁,思乡病


As I read my mother’s letter, I began to feel more and more homesick.

5.negotiate v. 谈判,协商,交涉

negotiable a. 可磋商的,可协商的

negotiation n. 谈判,协商

negotiator n. 磋商者,交涉者

e.g. 公司已经和全体员工商定了一项新合同。

The company has negotiated a new contract with its staff.


Both companies are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation.

6.adjust v. 调整,调节;使适应

adjustable a. 可调整的

adjustment n. 调整


I’ve made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.

7.remote a. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的

remoteness n. 远离,远隔,偏僻


He was born in a remote village.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,placent a. 满足的,自满的,得意的

complacently ad. 满足地,自满地,沾沾自喜地

complacency n. 自满,沾沾自喜

e.g. 我们决不能一见成绩就自满。

We must not be complacent over any success.

3 Synonym / Antonym

Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.

1. We live in an age of easy access to the rest of the world.

Synonym: time, era, epoch

2. Conferences and business meetings around the globe are held in English, regardless of whether anyone present is a native English speaker.

Synonym: meetings

3. English has simply become the language that facilitates communication, and for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success.

Synonym: basic, fundamental

4. Different cultures are not simply groups of people who label the world differently; languages give us the means to shape our views of the world and languages are different from one another. Antonym: misshape

5. Inevitably, the spread of English means that millions of people are adding another language to their own and are learning how to negotiate cultural and linguistic differences.

Synonym: unavoidably

6. Why does the rise of English as a global language cause feelings of uneasiness for some of us? Synonym: worry, concern, anxiety

7. But even as more people become multilingual, so native English speakers are losing out, for they are becoming ever more monolingual, and hence increasingly unaware of the differences between cultures that languages reveal.

Synonym: therefore, so, thus

8. But even as more people become multilingual, so native English speakers are losing out, for they are becoming ever more monolingual, and hence increasingly unaware of the differences between cultures that languages reveal.

Antonym: hide, conceal

4 Prefix

Write in each space one word that has the same prefix as underlined in the given word.

1. unreliable unbelievable 5. maltreat malfunction

2. impatient imperfect 6. enrich enable

3. disapproval disagreement 7. surmount surpass

4. mistake misplace 8.subordinate submarine

1. Explanation:

un- : not or the opposite of

e.g. unable, unhappy, unknown

2. Explanation:

in- / il- / im- / ir- : not or the opposite of

e.g. impolite, infinite, illogical, irrelevance

3. Explanation:

dis- : not or the opposite of

e.g. dishonest, disadvantage, disappear

4. Explanation:

mis- : bad or wrong

e.g. misinterpret, misbehavior, mischance, misconceive

5. Explanation:

mal- : bad or not correct

e.g. malpractice, malodorous, malformation

6. Explanation:

en- / em- : to cause to be; to put into the thing or condition mentioned

e.g. encase, empower, enlarge, embolden, enchant

7. Explanation:

sur- : beyond

e.g. surcharge, surplus, surprise, surmise

8. Explanation:

sub- : less than; under or below

e.g. subdivision, subconscious, subcontinent, subculture

II Grammar Exercises

1. the simple present and the present progressive

Simple present is used for activities that are long-lasting habits.

e.g. Helen exercises everyday.

Helen cooks Greek food often.

Present progressive is used for activities that occur at the moment of speaking activities.

e. g. Helen is taking a class at Skyline College this year.

Helen is studying Multimedia Arts this semester.

Helen is listening to her iPod now.

The present continuous with words such as ―always‖or ―constantly‖expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens.

e. g. She is always coming to class late.

He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.

Speakers use the present continuous to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future.

e. g. I am not going to the party tonight.

Is he visiting his parents next weekend?


Complete the following sentences with the correct verb forms.

1. She’s a dietician — she ____________ (help) people to choose the right food.

2. The professor _____________ (type) his own letters while his secretary is ill.

3. I ________________ (read) an interesting book at the moment. I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.

4. I don’t like them because they _______________ (always complain).

5. Every Monday, Sally _____________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

6. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. I ____________ (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.


1. helps

2. is typing

3. am reading

4. are always complaining

5. drives

6. am going

2. Position of adjectives

Unlike adverbs, which often seem capable of popping up almost anywhere in a sentence, adjectives nearly always appear immediately before the noun or noun phrase that they modify.

Sometimes they appear in a string of adjectives, and when they do, they appear in a set order

according to category.

The categories in the following table can be described as follows:

A. Determiners— articles and other limiters.

B. Observation— postdeterminers and limiter adjectives (e.g. a real hero, a perfect idiot) and

adjectives subject to subjective measure (e.g. beautiful, interesting)

C. Size and Shape— adjectives subject to objective measure (e.g. wealthy, large, round)

D. Age— adjectives denoting age (e.g. young, old, new, ancient)

E. Color— adjectives denoting color (e.g. red, black, pale)

F. Origin— denominal adjectives denoting source of noun (e.g. French, American, Canadian)

G. Material— denominal adjectives denoting what something is made of (e.g. woolen, metallic,


F. Qualifier—final limiter, often regarded as part of the noun (e.g. rocking chair, hunting

cabin, passenger car, book cover)

e. g. a beautiful old Italian touring car

four gorgeous long-stemmed red silk roses

her short black hair

several enormous young American basketball players


Rewrite the following descriptions putting the adjectives in the correct order.

1. a white car German new powerful

2. a concrete modern office building big

3. a dog black and tiny Chinese white

4. an mirror silver antique expensive

5. our big sheepdog old English

6. that little dilapidated cabin hunting


1. a powerful new white German car

2. a big modern concrete office building

3. a tiny black and white Chinese dog

4. an expensive antique silver mirror

5. our big old English sheepdog

6. that dilapidated little hunting cabin

III. Translation exercises

1. 您计划出国度假的时候,千万不要忽略购买旅行保险;否则万一发生什么意外,您也许会有很大的麻烦。(overlook)


Never overlook your travel insurance when you are planning to spend your holiday abroad;

otherwise you might find yourself in great trouble if any accident should occur.



We must be careful not to let our fascination with dramatic economic growth cause us to overlook environmental protection.


We should not overlook culture input in English learning.

2. 在那部电影里,那个亿万富翁面临着两难选择——和妻子离婚,让她分走他半个金融帝

国,或者冒着被警方发现的危险把她谋杀掉。(faced with)


In the movie that billionaire was faced with a dilemma — either divorces his wife, who

would then carve out half of his financial empire, or murders her at the risk of being found out by the police.



This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be faced with in your lifetime.


Industry, faced with the pressures of a rapidly shifting market, is already designing new methods to retrain its workers.

3. 因特网的发明尽管造成了一些问题,但是却极大地方便了我们生活中几乎所有方面,包



The invention of the Internet, despite the fact that it has given rise to some problems, has greatly facilitated almost every aspect of our life, including education, medicine, and business.



Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.


Energetic efforts will be made to develop ―cultivation according to order forms‖ to facilitate agricultural industrialization and production of scale.

4.三十多年前,文革刚刚结束,邓小平告诉全国人民:中国唯一的出路就是改革开放。(lie in)


Over thirty years ago, right after the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping told the people that the only way out lay in reform and opening up to the outside world.



The most direct and conspicuous benefits of economic globalization to enterprises lie in the reduction of tariff and other trade barriers and more convenience of imports and exports.


Both the starting point and final goal of the human progress cause lie in the all-round development of man.

IV Exercises for integrated skills

1. Dictation

The main reason for the widespread demand for English / is its present-day importance as a world language. / Besides serving the infinite needs of its native speakers, / English is a language / in which some of the most important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, / and not always by native speakers. / It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries, / especially former British colonies. / Many of these countries have multi-lingual populations / and need a language for internal communication / in such matters as government, commerce, industry, law and education / as well as for international communication / and for access to the scientific and technological developments in the West.

2. Cloze

Languages are marvelously complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture: they embody the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language is to learn (1) another culture. In the words of

a poet and philosopher, ―As (2) many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives.‖ A

culture and its (3) language are as inseparable as brain and body; (4) while one is part of the other, neither can function (5) without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best (6) beginning is with the non-verbal linguistic elements of the language, its (7) gestures, its body language. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact (8)leads to understanding, or, as the English maxim has it, seeing eye-to-eye. We can (9) never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English (10) until we have learned to look directly into his eyes.


4) There should be a transitional word to denote contrasting.

7) What will you use when you can not express yourself by words?

8) A verb is needed to collocate with ―to‖, which means ―result in‖.

10) A conjunction meaning ―up to a particular time‖ is needed here.

V Oral activities

1.Having a dialogue

Suppose you are traveling in England with a tourist group for the first time. In your group there is a Japanese student, or a student from any other non-English speaking country, who is also an English major. Now talk to your partner, who plays the role of that student, exchanging information about how widely English is used in your respective countries and the problems people run into in learning and using it, and also exchanging ideas about the importance of English as a world language.

For reference:

1.You may want to mention the following points in describing how widely English is used:

— English is widely used in maps, street or road signs, restaurants, shops and hotels in cities especially big cities and tourist cities in China.

— Chinese Central TV Station set up an English channel and quite a few provincial Chinese

TV stations and broadcasting stations have some English programs.

— Many companies have English manuals or handbooks.

— The number of children who choose to learn English after class is increasing dramatically in recent years.

2.You may want to mention the difficulties Chinese people encounter in learning English:

— Understanding differences in grammar.

For example, when raising a question, English people may say ―where do you come from?‖They put interrogatives at the beginning of the sentence. While in Chinese, we will not do so.

We always put the subject first by saying ―你从哪儿来?‖

— Understanding differences in cultures.

In China, greetings such as ―吃了吗?‖―上哪儿去啊?‖ are nothing more than a Chinese way of saying Hello or Hi. If translated literally, they would be Have you eaten yet? and Where are you going? It will confuse or offend foreign friends, because the former could indicate an invitation to a meal and the latter could be seen as an intervention in one’s private business.

— Understanding differences in metaphor and association.

In western countries, dog is given such an honor as being called Man’s best friend.

Although western and Chinese people both regard dogs as loyal, dependent, brave and intelligent, still in China, dogs are first of all watchdogs, not pets. And they are generally associated with unpleasantness.

3.You may want to mention the importance of English as a world language as follows:

— English is spoken as a native language by nearly 300 million people. As a second language, English is often essential for official business, education, information and other activities in

a great many countries. It is one of the few working languages of the United Nations and is

more frequently used than the others.

— English becomes the language of international cooperation in science and technology, as well as the language of cross-cultural communication, international trade, transport and sports meets. It is said that 60% of the world’s radio broadcasts and 70% of the mail uses English.

4.Having a discussion

We are all aware that the learning of a foreign language involves the learning of a new culture. To put it the other way round, the teaching of cultural knowledge facilitates the learning of a new language related to that culture. Now organize yourselves into groups of five or six and discuss how culture should be taught in our English classes in order to help students learn the language.

Viewpoints for reference:

—I think we can teach cultural knowledge through words and terms with rich cultural connotations. For example, both ―dragon‖ and ―龙‖ stand for an imaginary animal but have very different connotations in the two languages. To English native speakers, dragon is a fierce creature, being envisaged as the very embodiment of evil. To Chinese, dragons are regarded as a sacred symbol to usher in a blissful change and bring good fortune.

— I think we can teach cultural knowledge through sentences. For example, students may find it difficult to understand the sentence ―to bring the young lambs to the fold‖ in paragraph 1 of the text Salvation(Unit 11, Book 1). The teacher may explain to them as follows:

According to Christianity, Jesus is the Lamb of God, and Christian is a lamb, and the preacher is a shepherd. In the text, the young lambs refer to children. ―Fold‖ literally means an enclosure for sheep. Here it means a group of people who are Christians. So the whole sentence means to bring the children into the Christian community.

—I think we can teach cultural knowledge through texts. For example, when teaching Hollywood (Unit 9, Book 1), the teacher may explain to students how Hollywood became synonymous with the American movie industry, the film and entertainment center and why Hollywood has become a symbol of American culture.

VI Writing Practice

Paragraph development — Comparison and Contrast

Comparison-and-contrast is a method of development that will essentially compare and / or contrast. Comparison brings similar things together for examination, to see how they are alike. Contrast, on the contrary, emphasizes their differences.

There are three major ways to organize a comparison-and-contrast paragraph:

1. We first present the differences and then the similarities or the other way round. What is to be emphasized (the differences or the similarities) almost always comes later.

2. We make a parallel-order comparison, where we discuss first one subject, then the other:

1) All of subject A, point by point;

2) All of subject B, point by point, so that it parallels the points about A.

We will finish our whole discussion of the first person (place, or thing) at one time. Then, in discussing the second person (place, or thing), we will take up the major qualities in exactly the same order as in discussing the first one. In this case, the comparison often takes two paragraphs, instead of one.

3. We make a point-by-point comparison. We discuss one aspect of both subjects, then another aspect of both subjects:

1) Aspect one of subjects A and B;

2) Aspect two of subjects A and B.

Exercises: Now write two separate paragraphs based on the following two topic sentences with the comparison-and-contrast strategy. The point-by-point method is recommended.

1. I prefer South Korean love stories on TV to the Chinese ones.

Ideas for reference:

feasibility of love

smoothness of love

fun of love


I prefer South Korean love stories on TV to the Chinese ones. Korean love soaps never fail to convey the important message that love is somewhere ahead waiting for you, in spite of your humble origin, weight problem, or unladylike manners. In contrast, love on Chinese TV is, more


Text comprehension I. B II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T. III. 1. “snail mail”. 2. “an essential stepping stone on the road to success”. 3. “the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society”. 4. “the means to shape our views of the world”. 5. “to negotiate the boundaries between languages and to compromise in translation”. 6. “to use linguistic skills, to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and to shape language accordingly”. IV. 1. with convenient ways to reach any part of the world. 2. It seems that everyone is able to always get in touch with anyone else if he or she can afford to. 3. is the most important to society. 4. a fundamental skill in today’s world, where different c ultures interact. 5. are finding ways to interrelate different cultures. Structural analysis of the text 1. The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.” 2. Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word “homesickness” in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German. Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered. Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; The word “democracy” means completely different things in different contexts; the flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “bread” has to serve for both. Part One. Vocabulary Analysis I. Phrase practice 1. provided =as long as 假如,倘若 need never be out of touch =can never fail to be reached 从不会失去联系 2. regardless of =no matter 不管,不顾


【一】全新版大学英语综合教程1课后题 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ.1. …down back and on in 2. been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. the command the soldiers opened fire. bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. , rigid, to inspire tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas , career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. violating Ⅲ. , in upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze 1. back

and on out/in 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1. 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship I. Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. 1) absolutely 2) available


Unit 6 I. Background to Text 1 Family is considered to be the “cell” of society. It is a group of people related to each other by blood or by marriage. There are extended families—a large group of relations living together or in close contact with each other. In such a family, usually several generations live under the same roof, including grandparents. On the other hand, there are “nuclear” families, consisting of parents and children. In some societies an extended family consists of a large group of people of different generations closely or distantly related, depending on each other for economic support and security. In others, even nuclear families can be very large with many children. In different countries, there are different policies for family size, and people take different attitude towards it. For instance, in some developed countries, people tend to marry late and have fewer children. Some governments have to give incentives to encourage births. However, in some developing countries, where people tend to have more children and population is growing so fast that it hinders the economic development and keeps the living standard low, governments are forced to formulate policies to limit family size. Of course, people still do not agree as to the matter of family size because there are a lot of factors involved such as economy, religion, cultural tradition, education and even politics. There are indeed advantages and disadvantages to have a number of brothers or sisters. This text is a narration of the experience by a young woman who was brought up with six other brothers or sisters. In her opinion, having a big family is a bad thing, for there is always competition among the brothers and sisters for things. They fight for better beds, for better places to watch TV, for own favourite TV programmes and for parents? care. They have no privacy, no peace and quiet because of too many friends (each has friends of their own) and pets and so on. For parents,


选词填空 一单元 1.but in this instand 2.often present 3.we thanked our hostess https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,ments were appropriate 5.did't invent 6.have to entertain 7.very explicit 8.can identify 三单元 1. be aburden 2. new advances 3. felt lonely 4. music is invisible 5. forgot to insert 6. queen's attendents 7. often pets https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,rge chain 9.is preferable 10.50 on deposit 11.was interrupted 12. Evidently 四单元 1. of accommodation 2. to the entrance 3.but his residence 4.the services are 5. read the instructions 6.An additional 7.i must apologize 8. lot of inconvenience 9.soon comfortably 10.are available 五单元 1.try to project 2. the parests announced 3. ,he deposited 4. the boy suspiciously 5. ,whereupon he 6. without permission 7. so rotten


Unit 1 Living in Harmony Enhance Your Language Awareness 1. Text A amaze bunch bundle capacity commerce conquer display drop roast rob style symbol vague figure Text B appreciate participate shift slip 1)My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people. 2)Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world. 3)The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift . 4)The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm. 5)A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I'd like to post a letter.” 6)The little girl's capacity for learning languages astonished me. 7)How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games? 8)I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic. 9)They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce . 10)They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.

高级综合英语教程1 (张维友)课后答案

Unit 1 I. Background to Text 1 The Natural Trust: A UK charity (i.e. a non-profit organization) founded in 1895 with the full name of Places of Historical Interest and Natural Beauty. The Trust owns historic buildings, gardens and land, which it opens to the public. Text I is taken from the Trust’s own magazine, issued to its members. The writers are 17-18-year-old students. Environment:The combination of external conditions that surround and influence a living organism, including light, temperature, availability of food and water, climatic conditions, geographical area, pollution by chemicals, radiation, noise, etc., the presence of other organisms possibly competing for the same resources, and the physical and chemical nature of the immediate surroundings, e.g. soil, sea water. The environment of human beings also includes social, cultural, economic and political factors, and the room, building, town, region, or country in which a person lives. II. Detailed study of the text 1. As young people we have a vested interest in…(L.1) vested interest: (often derog.) a share or right already held in something that is of advantage to the holder; used to show a good reason for someone to act in a particular way 2. …all the complexities of the issues involved…(L.3) 1) complexity: used both countably and uncountably to show (an example of) the state of being complex, e.g. the complexities of tax law; a diplomatic problem of great complexity 2) issue: an important subject to be discussed, argued about or determined …the issues are very complex, involving many different factors… 3. ...it is vital to conserve the countryside… conserve: preserve; keep from being wasted, damaged, or destroyed 4. Although we often take the beautiful rural scenery of North Devon for grant ed, we want to maintain the kind of diversity of landscapes…(L.6) 1) take sth. /sb. for granted: accept a fact or situation without questioning its rightness or thinking much about 2) maintain:continue to have, do etc. as before; keep something in good condition by making repairs or taking good care of it 3) diversity: variety; the condition of being different 5. …at the invitation of the National Trust. (L.9) …invited by the National Trust 6. The patchwork quilt of fields…(L.9) The fields of different s izes and colours looking like a patchwork quilt… 7. …probably at the expense of some of the least productive farmland. (L.14)


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.360docs.net/doc/c115764449.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with


??程3 第二 ?案 UNIT 1 Vocab?ulary? 1) on balan?ce 5) illus?trate? d 9) invol?ved 2) resis?t 6) budge?t 10) econo?mic 3) haul 7) lower?ing 11) blast?ing 4) wicke? d 8) bound?ary 12) just about? 2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) getby? 4) get throu?gh 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) makin?g up for 8) think?up 3. 1) pursu?ed his mathe?matic?al studi?es and taugh?t himse?lf astro?nomy 2) often?gener?ate misle?ading?thoug?hts 3) attac?h great?impor?tance?to combi?ning theor?y with pract?ice inour?work 4) be suspe?cted of doing?every?thing?for money? 5) befor? e he gets throu?gh life 4. 1) their?indoo?r, a profi?t, to inves?t in 2) devic?e, the impro?vemen?t, on a globa?l scale? 3) stack?ed, tempt?ation?, never?dined?out II Confu?sable?Words? 1. 1) house?2) Home 3) home,famil?y 4) house?hold 2. 1) doubt?2) suspe?ct 3)doubt?ed 4)suspe?cted 5) suspe?ct


Unit 2 I. Background to Text 1 biography: an account of a person’s life, usually written by someone else and published or intended for publication. As a literary form it has become increasingly popular since the second half of the 17th century. It was rare before. The origins of biography are to be found in the early accounts of monarchs and heroes, for example in the Greek, Celtic and Scandinavian epics and sagas. During the Middle Ages there little biography. But at the renaissance biography, like autobiography—written by oneself acquired considerable interest. The 17th century was the most important period for the development of English biography. Since the 1950s the art of biography has burgeoned, and biography has become a major publishing industry. Scores of new biographies have been written each year. There is a vast quantity of historical and political biography, and majority of those have become prominent in the performing arts and in sports. Literary biography has become immensely popular. Literary biography is usually long and reads like novels. Most of the biographies such as we see in encyclopedia are condensed, recording only the most important events or achievements which the subject is remembered for. II. Detailed study of the text 1. …“one of the great names in the history of human thought,”… (L.4) one of the great thinkers in human history… 2. grammar school (L.12): formerly a English secondary school emphasizing the study of academic rather than technical subjects 3. He was considered a poor student (L.13). He was thought of as a student who did badly in his study. This implies that it was not true since he turned out to be a great scientist. 4. sundial (L.16): an instrument that uses sunlight to tell the time, by the changing position of the shadow that a vertical arm that casts on a horizontal plate with graded markings 5. He showed no exceptional ability during his college career, and was graduated in 1665 without any particular distinction. (L.19) As a college student he did not show any special ability and graduated like anybody else without special honours. 1) exceptional: (adj) unusually good; outstanding 2) distinction: special consideration or honour 6.…as a fellow of Trinity College…


1.Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me. 2.The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3.When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4.Except for the kitchen, the flat is satisfactory. 5.She was promoted to branch manager last year. 6.Everyone was exhausted except John. 7.Who’s running this company? 8.He reached into his pocket for the wallet. Unit2 I want to buy a house in town, but can’t afford it now. 2. We can’t afford to wait. Let’s get out of here! 3. He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years. 4. He moved the furniture into another room. 5. They have decided to move to another house because they don’t like this place. 6. Li Ming shares an apartment with four other students. Unit3 I am afraid that the position is not open to students. 2. I came across a letter from France the other day. 3. He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4. I’ve filled out the ap plication form. 5. She had her coat on. 6. I can’t help thinking that we’ve made a big mistake. 7. Fred is short for Frederick.8. He seemed in his early thirties. Unit4 1,You can look up the phone number of the company in the phone book (directory). 2. Outmoded conventions and bad customs should be done away with. 3. As far as I know, they cannot finish the project ahead of schedule. 4. As far as the structure is concerned, the article is good, but the content needs to be enriched. 5. Chances are that th e train will be late. You needn’t worry so much for him. 6. In daily life, gas has replaced coal as fuel. 7. Young people should learn to be independent from their parents.


Unit 1 Text Comprehension I. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose. A II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true of false. T F F F F T T F IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text. 1. If she paid no attention to an unpleasant thing, perhaps it would not make her feel depressed. 2. From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation. 3. Literally, the author looked up at the monuments with her eyes half-closed because of the dazzling sunshine. Figuratively, the author meant that freedom, equality and democracy were simply distorted images, she could not “see” them clearly. 4. Mother was bright black. Father was brown black. We three girls represent different shades of black between bright black and brown black. 5. Inside the soda fountain, it was so dim and cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully eased. 6. No one answered my righteous and stern questions, they remained silent as if they had committed something wrong. 7. My anger was not going to be sympathized or noticed by my family members, because they themselves were similarly angry. Language work I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. on the edge of the summer: at the beginning of the summer 2. preparations were found in the air around the house: the atmosphere of excitement could be felt but it was not talked about. 3. a mobile feast: a large and enjoyable meal on the train 4. as if we had never been black before: as if we had never been mistreated before 5. they had contributed to it: they had partially caused it 6. My fury was not to be acknowledged by a like fury: my anger was not going to be noticed by my family members because they were similarly angry. II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms. ?bruise bruised scarred scar ?soaking Dampen soaked dampen ?admit acknowledged acknowledge admitted ?agony anguish anguish agony III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box, using its appropriate form.


大学综英教程1课后答案 Unit 6 in an only a lonely child Vocabulary Ⅰ 1, needing a lot of attention or effort 2, In connection with 3, Sign of shame 4, Willingness of each person to satisfy other’s wishes 5, decreased 6, The feeling of wanting to get what somebody else has among brothers and sisters Ⅰ 1,arise from 2,unique 3,self-eateem 4,stigma 5,overwhelming 6,interacted 7,favoritism 8,prime

9,involved 10,derpite Ⅰ BCDACDBABC Ⅰ 1,burden burden loads load 2,choose elected choose elected 3,issue problem problem issue 4,trend trend fashion fashion Ⅰ 1,only sole 2,uncommon unusual 3,honor admire 4,decrease admonish 5,worry anxiety 6,insignificant weak 7,first chief 8,fortunately luckily Ⅰ 1,advocacy 2,respectfully 3,potential


Unit 1 Vocabulary adult n.成年人 agony n.(身心的)极度痛苦anticipate vt.预期,期望antique n.古物,古玩assign v.分配,分派assignment n.任务,作业associate v.使联系起来avoid v.避免 calling n.使命 career n.生涯,事业comic a喜剧的,滑稽的n.连环漫画册 command v.命令,指令compose v.创作discipline n.惩罚,处分distribute v.分配,分发essay n.散文,议论文excessive a.极度的extraordinary 不同寻常的finally 最终,终于formal a.刻板的,正式的image n.形象,印象inspire v.激励,鼓舞 jaw n.颔 paragraph n.段落 prim a.古板的,整洁的recall v.回想起,回忆起reputation n.名声,名誉respectable a.体面的,可敬的 rigid a.严格的,一成不变的scan v.浏览,粗略地看seal n.印章,图章sequence n.顺序,次序severe a.朴素的,严重剧烈的 social a.社会的,社交的tackle v.处理,应付tedious a.乏味的,冗长的title n.标题

violate v.违背,违反vivid a.生动的,逼真的Phrases to Drill put down 写下 turn in 上交作业 what‘s more 而且,更有甚者open-hearted 诚挚的 hold back 控制(感情,眼泪等)turn out编写,制造 out of date 过时的 face up to 勇敢地接受或面对take hold 生根,实现 off and on 断断续续地,有时候 Text B 1.The pounding in my eyes drowned out the rest of the words, only a word here and there filtered (过滤) through. “…Martha is Mexican …resign …won’t do it…” 我耳朵里嗡嗡作响,听不见他们后来讲的话,只东一点西一点渗入只言片语。“……玛莎是墨西哥人……辞职……不干……” 2.Too late I realized the significance(意义,重要性) of my words. Grandpa knew that I understood it was not a matter of money. It wasn’t that. 等我意识到我这番话的意思时,已经为时已晚了。爷爷知道我明白那不是钱的问题。不是那个问题。 3.It was a very sad and withdrawn(孤僻的)girl who dragged into the principal’s office the next day.
