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0 Read the following passage and choose a proper word from the WORD LIST to fill in each of the blanks in the passage. Each word can be used only once. Write the word you choose for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET in the following way. Example I. Cloze 1. paper 2. continuously 3. ... Now, do the Cloze.

Scientists have found that the personalities of teachers have a powerful effect on how they relate to children and adults and how they behave in the classroom. In general, personalities grow out of complex interaction of temperament and past experiences. Early experiences are very important in the【K1】______of the ways that people feel about themselves and others and their ways of responding to situations. The ability to【K2】

______in positive and healthy ways appears to be related to a person learning to trust others in their early years and to see the world as a【K3】______good and nurturing place. Adults who have had their basic needs met in childhood and【K4】______have developed trust in themselves and in the world are【K5】______to have the ability to support the growth and development of others. People who【K6】______this basic trust may not have had their needs met in【K7】______ways in their early lives, and this may lead to【K8】______problems and the need for a great deal of support and reassurance in adulthood. They may have a difficult time【K9】______nurturing and supportive

【K10】______others. Sensitivity to others and a positive sense of self are essential

【K11】______for becoming a person, especially a teacher who can support the development of children. Skills in【K12】______trust and developing relationships are 【K13】______as you come to know yourself【K14】______, accept yourself, and then learn more about children and how to work successfully with them. In order to become an 【K15】______person, who possesses awareness and empathy and who is willing to

relate to others in nurturing ways, it is necessary to know and accept yourself, to realistically appraise areas in which change may be needed, 【K16】______to see yourself in a lifelong process of growth and change. It is important to be open to new experiences, to【K17】______and deal with feelings, and to experience relationships in ever-increasing depth and【K18】______This self-knowledge is, to a great extent, dependent on developing the ability to observe【K19】______in the same honest and 【K20】______way that one learns to observe children. It also involves learning to accept criticism from others as valuable feedback that can provide a source of growth 【K21】______as something to defend【K22】______or to use to berate or belittle oneself. The capacity for self-knowledge and acceptance is the【K23】______for the quality of compassion that is so important in a teacher. We realize that no one of us is 【K24】______self-aware, mature, wise, compassionate, and insightful all of the time. All of us have tendencies to be defensive. It is important to develop the capacity for self-awareness and some【K25】______of the kind of behavior and relationships【K26】______which we aspire. It is【K27】______important to understand that【K28】

______everyone experiences strong and unpleasant emotions like anger and fear【K29】______, it is possible to learn to observe and choose how to respond to these feelings instead of acting【K30】______them in ways that many be destructive.

1 【K1】

2 【K2】

3 【K3】

4 【K4】

5 【K5】

6 【K6】

7 【K7】

8 【K8】

9 【K9】
