



1 A is unique to …

2 A is a mecca for…

3 A is fascinated by…

4 A is my favorite haunt.

5 A is my greatest passion

6 A plays a dominant role in

7 A enjoys a huge following in …

8 A is an indispensable part of B …

9 A’s history can be traced back to …

10 A lies on the northeast corner of ( China )

11 A enables someone to do something ( express)

12 A was given to me by my parents on my birthday.

13 A makes his / her share of contribution to ( China )…

14 A is next to / right beside / close to (the Huanghai Sea)…

15 A abounds in … / There are tons of (or an awful lot of ) A in …


雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须 收下 雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须收下,一起来学习一下 吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语这些高频替换句型你必须收下 1 如何更好表达“我喜欢”? 跟朋友聊天时要这么说 I like/enjoy/love/prefer/adore ? I am a big fan of ? I have a crush on... I am quite/really into ? Sth. /Doing sth. is really my favorite thing to do(强调置首)跟陌生人要淑女一点 I am fond of ? I am in favor of ? I fancy

I am keen on ? 高雅场合要保持高贵 I like A better than B I have a preference for ? I prefer A to B 2 如何更好表达“我想,我认为”? 淡定式 In terms of ?, I think that ? When it comes to?, I just consider that Speaking of ?, I feel/find that ?Regarding to ?, my point is that ? It occurs to me that ? “要死要活”式 Personally, it seems to me that ? From my perspective, I strongly believe that It is my belief that ? 写作时要保持高大上


雅思口语part2开头句赏析 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2开头句赏析的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! Describe a person who dresses well, and explain Who is the person How do you know this person How does he/she dress and explain why you consider him/her a good dresser. 同学们的第一句一定要直接回答问题,千万记得这一点,如果没有直接回答问题就会被考官判为跑题,甚至自己在讲到后面的时候会越来越没有逻辑,以至于忘记话题是什么了,切记。我们来看一下李静老师的开头句: I have known many fashionable people but the one that impresses me the most is my friend Jackie. 这一句话简洁扼要地回答了问题,但是简洁并不代表简单,里面包含了高分句式和词汇。一起来看我的分析: 第一,在回答很多Part 2话题都可以用这么一句话“我知道有很多的……但是给我印象最深刻的是……”也就是I have known many….but the one that impresses me the most is…这里I have known替代了I know这样的词组,现在完成时代替了一般现在时,在语法上会得到更高的分数。另外,这里的many还可以用其它的量词代替,这样的词组有:a number of, plenty of, numerous.


万能雅思口语话题高分模板句今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是万能雅思口语话题高分模板句的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 遇到口语新题卡壳时,你需要这些句子 1. This is a tough question. I have never heard about it, nor have I ever read about it (倒装句丰富句型). 2. Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of information in my head now. 3. It is an abstract question. I know little about it. 4. Are you asking me something about+你重复一下句子中的关键词…? 5. Have I given enough information? It would be great if you could give me more. 6. Am I making myself clear? 7. Now you want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say. 8. Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit. 遇到话题来不及思考是,你需要一些简单过渡词 如果你不需要这么长的思考时间,你可以说这些简单的过渡词: 1.“well” 2.“you know” 3.“actually”


雅思口语学习62个常见句型整理 文都国际教育小编称,掌握英语常用的62个句型对你的雅思考试也是很有帮助的,固定搭配在考试中有着举足轻重的作用。今天小编就为大家带来雅思口语学习62个常见句型整理,一起来学习一下吧。 句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语 There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船。 句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ? What’s wrong with your watch?你的手表有什么毛病? 句型3:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语 He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。 句型4:What do you like about...? What do you like about China?你喜欢中国的什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You’d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。 句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语! How cold it is today !今天多冷啊!What a fine picture it is!多美的一幅图画呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth. Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。 句型8:How do you like...? How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样? 句型9:... not ... until ... He didn’t have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。太傻教育助您突破雅思考试瓶颈,短期备考拿高分。 句型10:比较级+and+比较级


雅思口语:高分句型的套用 想要突破雅思口语,掌握技巧很关键,今天给大家带来的是雅思口语:高分句型的套用。希望以下内容能够为同学们的雅思备考提供帮助。 雅思口语高分句型一、定语从句经典系列 ① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is… ② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being… ③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known. ④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth. ⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth. 说明:雅思口语话题频繁涉及人物,地点,物品,事件四大类,上表中的原句是在回答此类问题时多数考生使用的句型。其缺陷是过于简短,一不能体现语法优势,二不能凑字数争取时间。而套用句型后的表达效果就明显不一样了。可见,定语从句的使用在口语中可以起到“包装”作用。 雅思口语高分句型二、名词性从句经典系列 ① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句 ② The most important thing is that+从句 ③ Another thing is that+从句 ④ What I mean is that + 从句 ⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句 以上名词性从句①到③是引出个人观点或信息时的过渡句型,在口语表达中可以起到建构框架,使条理清晰层次分明的作用。而④和⑤则是用于进一步解释说明。 套用实例: The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only donated money to relief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.


口语最常用的“小词” Stuff 口语里等于things,不加复数eg: There are a lot of stuff in my bag. Folks 口语里等于people , Pretty 相当于very Fun 相当于interesting eg:Just for fun Adore 非常喜欢eg: I adore that little boy Shortly 相当于soon eg: I‘ll finish this soon. Spot 相当于see/ place eg: i spotted some birds in the tree Eye--opening 让人打开眼界的eg :traveling is really eye-opening Decent 不错的,挺好的=quite good eg: This job offers a decent salary . Hang out 玩儿eg: I often hang out with friends in bars. Kind of 有点,相当于sort of eg: he is kind of arrogant . In a row 连续eg: He ate that four apples in a row. Entire whole /complete eg:He ate the entire cake . During 在、、、、、时候eg:i go swimming during the summer holiday. Know....inside out =know ...backwards and for words 精通eg:He know different kinds of games inside out I‘m all for ....... 我完全支持某事物 Is a pain in the neck 很折磨人eg: learning math is a pain in the neck A couple of 几个eg: i stay at home for a couple of days A bunch of 一些eg: I always hang out with a bunch of old friends. Loads of /piles of / tons of/a multitude of=a lot of eg: i‘ve got loads of work to do Make sense 合理eg: The plot of that movie didn‘t make any sense ........,you name it 应有尽有eg: Beijing has traditions ,tasty food, modern lifestyle ,beautiful people .....you name it . I kill two birds with one stone eg: when i trave around,i help people take photos,so you see,i just kill two birds with one stone. ..........would be the last thing i want to do .......是我人生里最不想做的事eg: Doing the dishes would be the last thing i want to do. What a shame! 太可惜了eg: i lost my purse,what a shame! ......is nonexistent 压根儿就不存在eg: Some scientists believe ghost is nonexistent. End up verb+ing 常用来某人某事处在某种状态eg:i end up having to so all the work myself. Suit someone well/suit someone‘s needs eg: This book suit me well. Approach 做某事的方法eg: a new approach to learning English Participate in 参加...。经常代替join Involve 涉及到、、、 Comforting 代替comfortable Entertaining 娱乐性强


雅思口语常用句型 一、口语考试套话倒背如流 1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here. How nice to see you. Fancy seeing you. How are you? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. I’m glad to meet you. I’m please to meet you. It’s a plea sure to meet you. 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean… 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂/要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…? If I understand right,… I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…? So am I right in saying…? If I’ve got the picture, then… So what you mean is…, right? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…? Can I get one thing clear? Would I be correct in supposing…? 4.对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)… That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about… 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps… Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that… Yes, that’s a big issue. 6.连接词


21个你不能回避的雅思口语问题 1.口语7分是一个什么样的概念 2.口语和写作能一起准备吗,复习资料能共用吗? 3. 口语常犯的语法错误有哪些? 4. 有口音是不是就不能拿高分呢,纯正的英式或美式重要吗,平时怎么纠正语音问题? 5. 口语可以速成吗,有捷径吗? 6. 要相信口语预测吗?怎么利用口语预测? 7. 平时应该怎么准备口语呢?什么样的方法才是好方法? 8. 平时要多看美剧,多听BBC,多读英文报纸吗? 9. 要把所有的雅思问题都准备? 10. Part 1 是不是回答一两句话就可以呢 11. Part 2 topics 是不是一定要事先准备才能说得好呢 12. Part 3 应该怎么准备呢,怎么说才能拿高分呢? 13. 口语有模版吗? 14. 准备口语要多少词汇啊? 15. 准备口语需要像作文那样背句型吗? 16. 在口语考试中,对于某个问题,万一脑海一片空白怎么办,怎么才能防止卡壳? 17. 我们需要什么样的思维模式去回答问题? 18. 我们应该怎样选择合适的参考书? 19. 陪练的Partner 重要吗?万一没有怎么办? 20. 和外国人练口语就一定有效吗?是不是在中国就不能练好英文? 21. 考点考官(特别是考官的性别)等非可控因素对分数有substantive influence吗? a.雅思口语7分是一个什么样的概念 以下为雅思口语7分的标准 Fluency and coherence speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility 用最简单的中文理解就是:顺其自然,感觉在聊天。也就是说,核心词是:自然。其实,想想平时聊天说话的时候,我们也会偶尔犹豫一下,也会偶尔重复使用某个词儿,也会偶尔自我更新一下发音,但这都是基于一种顺其自然的、甚至是一种本能的自我调整。所以,基于这种判断,在进考场之前,请你们不断给自己一个心理暗示:“我又不是上法庭答辩,又不是开记者招待会,我来不就是跟你这个破老外聊聊天嘛!任何一个正常的人都会说错话,都会用错字眼,都会重复使用某些词,但这完全不代表我们的口头表达能力有问题。” Lexical resource uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics uses some less common and idiomatic vocabular and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices uses paraphrase effectively 用最简单的中文理解就是:用词到位,解释清楚。在这里,我想说的一点是:请你不要把口


xx 口语常用句型 考试套话 1. 与考官见面语 Glad to meet you here. How nice to see you. Fancy seeing you. How are you? I 'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. I 'm glad to meet you. I ' pmleased to meet you. It 's a pleasure to meet you. 2. 完全没听懂问题 Could you please rephrase that question/topic? I ' m not exactly sure what you mean … 3. 对问题似懂非懂 Do you mean …? If I understand right I ' m sorry if I ' m being a little slow, but …? So am I right in saying …? If I ' ve got the picture, then So what you mean is …,right? I ' m sorry,I m nIout nsduerers tand. Do you mean (that ) …?

Sorry, I don ' t quite catch you. You mean …? Can I get one thing clear? Would I be correct in supposing …? 4. 对问题内容不熟悉 I ' m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps) That ' s a rather difficult question, but (maybe) … I ' m sorry, but I don ' t know much about … 5. 评价考官所提问题 That ' s difficult to answer, but maybe … I ' m sorry, but I don ' t know much about … ,but perhaps … Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. That ' s an interesting question … let me see. Well, I suppose that Yes, that ' s a big issue. 6. 连接词 Well, … Actually … In fact … You see … You know, …


雅思口语高分地道表达100条必背词组(一)1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。 2. 用一用 cos 引导原因 3. 用一用 like 举例 4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位。 5. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等” 6. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。 7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes …这个结构很有用。 8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。 9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I…这个结构也值得掌握。 10. 表示朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替 11. 表示电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样 watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。 12. 表示好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。 13. 表示“很棒”的时候,用“amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous” 14. 表示“很美”的时候,用“really pretty,attractive 或gorgeous” 15. 表示“很次”的时候,用“terrible/awful”.

16. 表示“很丑”的时候,用“really unattractive/hideous” 17. 表示“假货”的时候,用“fake” 18. 表示“贵”的时候,用“pricey/dear”. 19. 表示“某东西很火”,用“a smash hit”. 20. 表示“睡一会儿”,用“catch some z’s. or catch forty winks”. 21. 表示“放松”,用“take it easy/wind down.” 22. 表示“一会儿,一段时间”,用“a while” 23. 表示“上升”用“go up”, “下降”用“go down”. 24. 表示“人很现实”,用“realistic”. 25. 表示“人很物质化”, 用“materialistic” 26. 表示“流行,时髦”,用“in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚“innest”。 27. 表示“老土”,用“out of date/style”, 或者直接用“out”. 28. 表示“最先进的”,用“state of the art” . 29. 表示“我们玩得特爽”用“we really had a marvelous time”. 30. 表示“寻找刺激”,英语是“look for kicks”. 31. 表示“很,非常”, 多用“really”. 32. 表示“极其,非常,绝对,相当…”用,“absolutely, totally.” 33. 表示“失落,沮丧”,用“down”. 34. 表示“让…失望”,用“let sb down”. 35. 表示“提神”,用“pick me up”. 36. 表示“累”,用“exhausted/dead beat/worn out”. 37. 表示“买或受到,接到”,用“get”


雅思口语如何使用复杂语法句式 朗阁海外考试研究中心 许多考生在雅思口语考试中,用的最多的还是简单句,对于复杂语句的使用都是有所保留害怕出错,为了能够尽自己所能提高语法分数,我们也一定要大胆尝试一些高级的语法句型。语法多样性及准确性是雅思口语评分标准之一,同时也是不少考生拿不到高分的关键点。别的不说,单就6分的标准来看,语法的要求是uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility以及may make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems。虽然6分中对复杂句式的使用要求很宽松,但考生如果连使用复杂句式的意识都没有,那就很难拿到高分。因此,以下对雅思口语中常用的复杂句式做一个大致的梳理。 一、并列句 并列句是最简单的一种复杂句式,即用连接词把两个及两个以上的简单句连接在一起。因此,我们要了解并掌握以下一些常用的并列连接词: and, or, but both…and… either…or… neither…nor… not…but… not only…but also… as well as… 二、名词性从句 名词从句的本质,就相当于一个名词。名词能做什么,它就能做什么。所以,名词从句的用法非常简单:作主语,叫主语从句。作宾语,叫宾语从句。作表语,叫表语从句。作同位语,

叫同位语从句。 名词从句的引导词有3种:that从句,whether/if从句,疑问词从句。在句中都能充当主语、宾语、表语和同位语。 1. that从句 主语:That he is still alive is sheer luck. 他还活着全靠运气。 宾语:John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 约翰说他星期三要到伦敦去。 表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently. 事实是近来谁也没有见过他。同位语:The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。 2. whether从句 主语:Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. 这一计划是否可行还有待证实。 宾语:Let us know whether / if you can finish the article before Friday. 请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把文章写完。 表语:The point is whether we should lend him the money. 问题在于我们是否应该借钱给他。 同位语:They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy. 他们调查他是否值得信赖。 3. 疑问词从句 主语:How the book will sell depends on its author. 书销售如何取决于作者本人。宾语:In one's own home one can do what one likes. 在自己家里可以随心所欲。表语:My question is who will take over president of the Foundation. 我的问题是谁将接任该基金会主席职位。 同位语:I have no idea when he will return. 我不知道他什么时候回来。 三、状语从句


1. 表达喜好 I prefer A to B because... If I have a choice, I will... (a real possibility) If I had a choice, I would... (not a real possibility, just wishing) For me, A is much more attractive / interesting / preferable than B because... I would much rather do / have / eat / listen to / blah blahblah A than B... 2. 叙述 When I was a high school student, I went to Guizhou to visit some friends. After I graduated from high school, I ... During my visit to Guizhou last year, I... Last year during the Spring Festival, I went to Guizhou to visit some friends. (Also use "Whenever" or "While") 3. 比较和对比 A is much better / worse than B. A is not nearly as good as B. A is not quite as important as B. A is almost as tall as B, but not quite. When I compare these two items, it's clear that... 4. 建议 Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly One possibility that I can think of is... Another idea to think about is... 5. 表达观点 It seems to me that... This is only my opinion but... After a lot of thought, I have come to the conclusion that...


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c214311004.html,/ 雅思口语高分必备材料:Vacation "You don't need to spend a lot of money to have a vacation....enjoy the simple things in life." Catherine Pulsifer "What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace." Ellen Goodman "Those who continue to work at a job they hate for the money alone are more likely to be stressed, and very unhappy. They live for their vacations and weekends." Catherine Pulsifer Laughter is an instant vacation." Milton Berle Reading a good book can be like being on vacation!" Catherine Pulsifer "Vacations often go too fast! Enjoy every minute!" Catherine Pulsifer


雅思口语常用句型背诵 一、口语考试套话倒背如流 1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here. How nice to see you. Fancy seeing you. How are you? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. I’m glad to meet you. I’m please to meet you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean… 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂 要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…? If I understand right,… I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…? So am I right in saying…? If I’ve got the picture, then… So what you mean is…, right?

Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…? Can I get one thing clear? Would I be correct in supposing…? 4. 对考官所提问题的容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)… That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about… 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)… I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps… Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that… Yes, that’s a big issue. 6. 连接词 Well,… Actually,… In fact,… You see,… You know,… How shall I put it,… Let me think for a second,… Give me a few seconds,… 7. 换一种方式重述 In other words, I am…


雅思口语高分地道表达100条必背词组(一) 1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。 2. 用一用cos 引导原因 3. 用一用like 举例 4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者you know,占位。 5. 用一用or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等” 6. 在句首用上actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。 7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes …这个结构很有用。 8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。 9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I…这个结构也值得掌握。 10. 表示朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替 11. 表示电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。 12. 表示好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。 13. 表示“很棒”的时候,用“amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous” 14. 表示“很美”的时候,用“really pretty,attractive 或gorgeous” 15. 表示“很次”的时候,用“terrible/awful”. 16. 表示“很丑”的时候,用“really unattractive/hideous” 17. 表示“假货”的时候,用“fake” 18. 表示“贵”的时候,用“pricey/dear”. 19. 表示“某东西很火”,用“a smash hit”. 20. 表示“睡一会儿”,用“catch some z’s. or catch forty winks”. 21. 表示“放松”,用“take it easy/wind down.” 22. 表示“一会儿,一段时间”,用“a while” 23. 表示“上升”用“go up”, “下降”用“go down”. 24. 表示“人很现实”,用“realistic”. 25. 表示“人很物质化”, 用“materialistic” 26. 表示“流行,时髦”,用“in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚“innest”。 27. 表示“老土”,用“out of date/style”, 或者直接用“out”. 28. 表示“最先进的”,用“state of the art”. 29. 表示“我们玩得特爽”用“we really had a marvelous time”. 30. 表示“寻找刺激”,英语是“look for kicks”. 31. 表示“很,非常”, 多用“really”. 32. 表示“极其,非常,绝对,相当…”用,“absolutely, totally.” 33. 表示“失落,沮丧”,用“down”. 34. 表示“让…失望”,用“let sb down”. 35. 表示“提神”,用“pick me up”. 36. 表示“累”,用“exhausted/dead beat/worn out”. 37. 表示“买或受到,接到”,用“get” 38. 表示“做某事花老半天,用“it takes me ages”. 39. 表示“和朋友一起玩儿”,用“hang out with my mates”. 40. 表示“什么很好玩儿”,用“…is great fun.” 41. 表示“什么很搞笑”,用“a good laugh 或者hilarious.”


雅思口语高分模板汇总 多看一些雅思口语高分模板,有助于提升英语说话的逻辑,还能增强我们遣词造句的能力。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语高分模板:描述兴趣爱好的话题 雅思口语高分模板一: From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at . Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be . I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. 从中产阶级家庭,我出生在Hsin Ying,台南1965年10月10日。我父亲是台南市政府的一名公务员。我母亲是一位善于烹饪的家庭主妇。虽然我是我父母的独生子女,但我决不是一个被宠坏的孩子。相反,我被认为是一个成功的受过高等教育的人。我在学校努力学习。除了文字知识,新闻是我的最爱;每当阅读,我心中充满了极大的乐趣和乐趣。
