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中文摘要 (1)

英文摘要 (2)

引言 (1)

(一)研究的背景及意义 (1)

1.研究背景 (1)

2.研究意义 (1)

(二)国内外研究现状 (1)

(三)研究方法和思路 (2)

1.研究方法 (2)

2.研究思路 (2)

一、正确认识企业财务风险 (3)

(一)企业财务风险的含义 (3)

1.风险的本质 (3)

2.企业财务风险内涵 (3)

(二)企业财务风险的特征 (4)

1.客观性 (4)

2.不确定性 (4)

3.全面性 (4)

4.双重性 (4)

5.可度量性 (4)

二、企业财务风险产生的原因 (4)

(一)企业财务风险产生的内因 (4)

1.企业的经营方式 (5)

2.财务活动本身的复杂性 (5)

3.财务管理工作主体的局限性 (5)

4.经营者道德风险 (6)

(二)企业财务风险产生的外因 (6)

1.自然环境的不确定性 (6)

2.政治环境的不确定性 (6)

3.经济环境的不确定性 (6)

4.市场环境的不确定性 (7)

三、企业财务风险管理中存在的问题 (7)

(一)企业风险意识淡薄,对财务风险不够重视 (7)

(二)企业筹资渠道窄,筹资方式单一 (7)

(三)风险预警系统缺失 (8)

(四)企业内部财务管理混乱 (8)

(五)财务监管不力 (8)

(六)企业适应外部环境的能力较差 (8)

四、企业财务风险管理与控制 (9)

(一)财务风险在财务活动本身复杂性方面的管理与控制方法 (9)

1.筹资风险的管理与控制 (9)

2.投资风险的管理与控制 (9)

3.资金回收风险的管理与控制 (9)

4.收益分配风险的管理与控制 (10)

(二)财务风险在企业管理问题上的控制策略 (10)

1.培养和强化风险意识,贯彻全员风险管理理论 (10)

2.选择正确的筹资方式,采取适宜的借款策略 (10)

3.建立财务风险预警机制,构筑防范财务风险的屏障 (11)

4.强化内部管理机制,设计合理的激励和约束机制 (11)

5.明确内部人员职责,重视外部环境变化 (11)

6.加强对财务档案和相关资料的管理工作 (11)

结束语 (12)

参考文献 (13)

谢辞 (14)






On financial risk management and control of enterprise


Around the world every year enterprise bankruptcy case occurred frequently, many large enterprises in financial difficulties, the enterprise and even the entire national economic and social development have caused a great impact. The reason has many aspects, but one of the main reasons is the enterprise faced with the threat of financial risks. In today's complex market environment, the enterprise's financial activities with uncertainty, enterprise financial risk is inevitable. If handled improperly, will suffer economic losses, and even cause financial crisis, leading enterprises in trouble.

With the increasingly fierce market competition, financial risk management and control in modern enterprises role gradually reveals its importance. However, the development of modern enterprises in China is very short, the research on financial risk management and control in China is still backward. With the continuous development of market economy and the acceleration of global economic integration, the competition of modern enterprises is gradually increased, the financial risks of enterprise with its rise, then the restriction of the operation and development of enterprises.

Starting from the right understanding of financial risk, the connotation, characteristics and types are described, the real meaning of the financial risk; secondly, the causes of financial risk and in-depth analysis and research, and summarizes the cause of financial risks. According to the reason of doing further research on the management and control.

Key words: financial risk, management and control, control strategy
