


How to balance work and leisure



For workers with Monday to Friday jobs, Sunday nights can be disheartening. After two days of downtime and space away from the grind, they might feel unprepared for the week ahead, experiencing stress and anxiety. Accordingly, the public is growing concerns for this problem.

Approaches to this status quo abound well, while two respects stick out. Admittedly, the first solution can be found in the preparation on Friday. Before we welcome the weekend on Friday, we are advised to create a list of priorities for the following week. This ensures that we won't forget assignments or tasks after the break. Additionally, try to find an "active leisure" activity! The author recommends activities that engage our body and mind, like classes at the gym, outings with friends and family, or cooking Saturday night feasts.

Ultimately, finding a balance between work and leisure tops the list in life. Accordingly, the top priority is for college students to find the proper way to make a balance between these two fronts. In the long haul, the word of “chaos life”will be removed from dictionary and work is going to be more efficient than ever.





2018年6月大学英语六级作文模板:感谢 信 导读:本文2018年6月大学英语六级作文模板:感谢信,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 2018年6月大学英语六级作文模板盘点 英语六级作文模板:感谢信 Directions: Write a letter of thanks according to the following situation. Once you were ill and were hospitalized for a few weeks in the Chaoyang Medical Center, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. During your stay the entire staff were kind to you. When you came back home, you wrote them a letter of thanks. Write your letter in no less than 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address. June 23, 2007 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the nurses and doctors in your hospital. Last month, while I was on a business trip in Taiyuan,


翻译在最后 Conversation One M: Guess what? The worst food I've ever had was in France. W: Really? That's odd. I thought the French were all good cooks. M:Yes. That's right. I suppose it's really like anywhere else, though. You know, some places are good. Some bad. But it's really all our own fault. W: What do you mean? M: Well, it was the first time I'd been to France. This was years ago when I was at school. I went there with my parents' friends, from my father's school. They'd hired a coach to take them to Switzerland. W: A school trip? M: Right. Most of them had never been abroad before. We'd crossed the English Channel at night, and we set off through France, and breakfast time arrived, and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little café. Th ere we all were, tired and hungry, and then we made the great discovery. W: What was that? M: Bacon and eggs. W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast. M: Yes. Anyway, we didn't know any better— so we had it, and ugh...! W: What was it like? Disgusting? M: Oh, it was incredible! They just got a bowl and put some fat in it. And then they put some bacon in the fat, broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes. W: In the oven! You're joking. You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven! M:Well. They must have done it that way. It was hot, but it wasn't cooked. There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon. W: Did you actually eat it? M: No! Nobody did. They all wanted to turn round and go home. You know, back to teabags and fish and chips. You can't blame them really. Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality. W: What was that? M: Snails. That really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was! Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Question 1. What did the woman think of the French? Question 2. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland? Question 3. What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French café?


2018 年6 月大学英语六级——作文预测【1】作文题目:环境与经济题目要求: 1)随着经济的高速发展,环境污染已经成为不可忽视的一个问题。 2)如何做到环境与经济平衡发展? 参考范文: Nowadays we have enjoyed an increasingly prosperous life in the wake of enormous social and economic development. But at the same time, we forget that the consequence brought about by rapid economic development. For instance,green house effect,dust storm,haze. As society develops, people are attaching much importance to deal with the relationship between economic development and environmental. Economic development is seemingly more important ,the country develops much faster and better that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. However, the environment is becoming worse and worse .In order to protect the environment which we depends on, something must be done. First and the foremost, we are expected to use public transportations instead of private cars that emit a large amount of exhautsgas. what ' s more, we can plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide and build an environment-friendly society. Last but not least, it is surely necessary to complete relevant laws and regulations. We should remember that our future depends upon what we do right now. 【2】作文题目:网络谣言 Direction :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the harm caused by misleading information online. You are required to write at least150 words but no more than 200 words 参考范文: (描述图画)This is a simple but thought-provoking drawing. As we can see in it, a meeting seems to be going on, with several staff members sitting around a table and a laptop in front of each of them. A leader-like man stands there, compal ining: “We have lots of information technology. We just don ' t have much useful information. ” (点明寓意)Simple as the picture is, the message it conveys is profound. Evidently it is meant to reveal the fact that there is too much junk information online. (举例论证)Taking a look around, we can also find examples too many to enumerate. The best illustration that I can recall here and now is the fact that whenever you search for the cure for a disease or a scenic spot to visit, you are flooded by advertisements, many of which are even cheating. 分(析影响)Actually, the problem has become so widespread that it has severely affectedpeople 'lif s e and hindered the development of 第 1 页共10 页


2016年12月六级阅读真题答案详解(第一套) 新东方在线 阅读部分解析 选词填空 26.G hypotheses 假设 填名词,根据后面两个名词可知,这里一定填复数名词,即“好的科学基于假设、实验和方法论。”27. C convincing 令人信服的 填形容词,“好的科学需要令人信服的理解、明确的解释和清晰的展示” 填形容词,意思与后文clear,consise为同义词。“好的科学需要令人信服的理解、明确的解释、简明的陈述” 28. A arena 舞台 填名词,“科学家愿意踏入公共的舞台(公众的视野)”。 29.B contextual 填形容词,与understandable并列,语义相同,即“语言是公众能根据上下文能理解的” 30.I incorporate 合并 填动词原形,to support… and to incorporate knowledges into…,incorporate into动词固定搭配。“把知识融入我们的公共交流中” 31.D devoted 奉献 填动词过去式。devote to固定搭配。“把17%的花费投入到研究和发展中”。 32.N reaping 获得 填现在分词。reaping decades of economic growth,“获得几十年的经济增长”。 33.E digits 位数 填名词。single digits个位数。“这个数字下降到个位数”。 34.M pride 填动词原形。pride一词多性,这里考察动词用法:pride oneself on sth,以某人为自豪。“我们不仅以研究为自豪,也为对世界的进步做出的贡献而自豪”。 35. F hasten 填动词原形。“为了促进科学从实验室到市场的发展” 长篇阅读 36. D. 题干讲消费者担心智能家居产品兼容性。D段有举例,并提到 there are so many compatibility issues to think about. 37. K. 只有这段提到。 38. B. 题干讲既没有下降也没有像过去一样快速增长,B段有:But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves-or shrinking markets in some cases… 39. L. 题干讲某研究员建议新产品的优缺点都要接受,L段有:Curren, the Accenture analyst, said…We have to understand and think about the implications, and balance these great innovations with the potential downside they naturally carry with them. 40. F. 题干讲更关注实用价值而不是炫酷,F段有:we are starting to see companies shift from what is… into what all of these devices do that is practical in a consumer’s life.


2019年12月英语六级作文答案范文:工作责任和兴 趣

温馨提示:“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题实行核对。” For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance job responsibilities and personal interests。 You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words。 第一段:描述工作责任和个人兴趣很难平衡的一个社会现象。 第二段:实行观点的阐述。 第三段:得出结论。 Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention; one of the most serious problems is how to reach the balance between job responsibilities and personal interests。 People have different attitudes towards the problem。 It is generally agreed that job responsibilities has been playing an increasingly important role in our life,because we need to complete them to earn money for life。 But if people put too much time on work, their mental conditions will be damaged and suffer from kinds of diseases。 The sub health of workers has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers,university classes and many aspect of our everyday life。Thus, in addition to work responsibility, people should develop personal interests using spare time。 Then, they


2018年6月大学英语六级真题(第一套) (总分:710.00,做题时间:150分钟) 一、Part Ⅰ Writing (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) (总题数:1,分数:106.50) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between employers and employees. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(分数:106.50) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( The Importance of Building Trust Between Employers and Employees Trust is the cornerstone of any relationships, which is also applicable to workplace. As the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma once said, " The biggest breakthrough of choosing and employing people is to trust them. " Thus, building trust between employers and employees is of vital significance. Trust contributes a lot to the benign development of companies and creates a win-win outcome for both companies and individuals. On the one hand, with the trust in employees, employers will entrust them with the most crucial missions, thus promoting the job performance and career development of employees. On the other hand, mutual trust can provide impetus for employees. They will be highly motivated, willing to work harder and will strive for a better prospect of the company. Take a prestigious company Tencent for example. People in this company attach great importance to trust and work together to make Tencent one of the top ten companies in China. All in all, trust is the precious wealth that should be valued by both employers and employees. There is no doubt that the trust between the two parties should be built, and only by doing so can our society become more prosperous and harmonious. ) 解析: 这是一篇议论文写作。这次考题要求考生写一篇与雇主和员工之间相互信任的重要性有关的作文。题目本身难度不大,具有很大的开放性,考生在论述的时候可以采用事实论证,通过举例来支撑自己的观点,言之有理即可。 作文可分为三段,结构如下。 第一段:开门见山,通过阿里巴巴创始人马云关于信任的名言引出雇主和员工之间建立信任的重要性,为下文阐述的具体原因做好铺垫。 第二段:阐释原因,分别从雇主和员工的角度来分析,说明相互信任会极大促进公司的良性发展,为公司和个人创造双赢的结果。 第三段:总结全文,重申自己的观点,强调雇主和员工之间建立信任的重要性。


2016年12月CET6大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析【官方完整版】 Part I 写作Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 It is universally acknowledged that innovation refers to being creative, unique and different. In fact, today it is impossibly difficult for us to image a 21st century without innovation. We should place a high value on innovation firstly because innovative spirit can enable an individual to ameliorate himself, so he can be equipped with capacity to see what others cannot see, be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges. What’s more, we ought to attach importance to the role played by innovation in economic advancement. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, innovation to economic growth is what water is to fish. To sum up, if innovation misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination. In order to encourage innovation, it is wise for us to take some feasible measures. For example, mass media should greatly publicize the significance of creative spirit and encourage the public to cultivate awareness of innovation. Besides, those who manage to innovate should be awarded generous prize. Though there is a long way ahead to go, I am firmly certain that the shared efforts will be paid off. 【参考译文】 众所周知创新意味着有创造力,独一无二和不同。事实上,今天我们已经很难想想一个没有创新的21世纪。 我们应该重视创新首先是因为创新精神可以让一个人完善自身,这样他才能具备见他人所未见的能力,未来才有资格得到职业生涯的进步,才能做好准备迎接以后的挑战。另外,我们也应该重视创新在经济发展方面的作用。在这个多变的时代,创新对于经济增长就像水对于鱼一样重要。换言之,如果我们以任何可能的形式无视创新的重要性,我们将遭受非常巨大的损失。 为了鼓励创新,应该采取一些且行之有效的措施。例如,大众传媒应该大力宣传创新精神的重要性,并且鼓励公众养成创新的意识。此外,对于那些想法设法进行创新的人要给予丰厚的奖励。虽然还有很长的路要走,但是我坚信大家共同付出的努力会得到回报。


2018年12月英语六级作文范文:消失的传统文化 英语六级作文范文:On the Losing of Traditional Culture 1. 现在许多传统文化正慢慢消失 2. 传统文化消失的原因 3. 我的看法 【范文】 On the Losing of Tyaditional Culture It is widely noted that lots of traditional cultureis dis^ppeBriitg alotig with the development oftechnology* Many aucient architectures andtraditional ways of living have been deserted. Itseems that the traditional culture and craftmanshipwill be replaced in this modem era. The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditionaltechnologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highlyefficient. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture. the fund used to protect the ancient culture was instead delivered to the poor, it will behelpful to the improvement of


2018年6月英语六级作文范文:大学生压 力 导读:本文2018年6月英语六级作文范文:大学生压力,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1)当今的大学生要面临很多来自不同方面的压力2)大学生缓解压力的方式有…3)你一般都是如何排解压力的? How Should College Students Relieve Pressure? Today’s college stud ents face many pressures, mainly from parents’ expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. Although pressure to some extent can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. Pressure can destroy a student’s c onfidence. More seriously, it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors. Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn to how to relieve pressure. First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves


巨微英语 2016 年 12 月英语六级听力原文及参考答案听力稿原文 section A Conversation 1 气候变化和全球经济发展 W: Professor Henderson could you give us a brief overview of what you do ,where you work and your main area of research ? M: Well the Center for Climate Research where I work links the science of climate change to issues around economics and policy。 Some of our research is to do with the likely impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks 。 W:And how strong is th e evidence that clima te change is happening that it ‘ s really something we need to be worried about 。 M: Well most of the science of climate change particularly that to do with global warming is simply fact 。 But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed 。And so we ‘ re really talking about risk what the economics tells us is that it ’s probably cheaper to avoid climate change to avoid the risk than it has to deal with the likely consequences 。 W: So what are we doing ? What can we do about it ? M:Well I would argue that we need to develop the scienc e specifically to understa nd the likely impacts of climate change in different contexts 。


新东方在线英语六级频道考后发布2018年12月英语六级作文真题及范文(新东方),同时新东方实力师资团队将对英语六级真题答案做权威解析,免费领取【大学英语六级真题解析】课程。更多2018年12月英语六级听力真题答案、英语六级作文真题范文、英语六级阅读真题答案、英语六级翻译真题答案,请查看【2018年12月英语六级真题答案解析】专题。预祝大家高分通过大学英语六级考试! 2018年12月英语六级真题及答案大汇总题型英语六级作文真题范文英语六级翻译真题答案英语六级听力真题答案英语六级阅读真题答案英语六级真题解析汇总英语六级真题答案下载 第三篇范文: 平衡工作和休闲娱乐 People often say, “All works and no playing makes Jack a dull boy.”In other words, excessive works are harmful to us both physically and mentally. Therefore, how to balance work and leisure is of significance in our daily life. There are several measures which can make us achieve a balance between work and leisure. To begin with, it is advisable to make strategic decisions ahead of time. One should think of realistic goals to achieve at work or in the spare time, which can ensure the proper arrangement of one's time. Secondly, making efficient use of time is crucial in balancing work and leisure. After devoting enough energy in completing work assignments, one can get the difficult or important tasks done early. This helps guarantee oneself certain blocks of time to have fun. Life is shorter than what you expected. We should bear in mind that balancing work and leisure is necessary for our health. Only in this way can we enjoy our life.


2016年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on invention. Youressay should include the importance of invention and measures to be taken to encourageinvention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part H Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single linethrough the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A. It tries to predict the possible trends of global climate change. B. It studies the impacts of global climate change on people's lives. C. It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues. D. It focuses on the efforts countries can make to deal with global warming. 2. A. It will take a long time before a consensus is reached on its impact. B. It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it. C. It is the most pressing issue confronting all countries. D. It is bound to cause endless disputes among nations. 3. A. The transition to low-carbon energy systems. B. The cooperation among world major powers. C. The signing of a global agreement. D. The raising of people's awareness. 4. A. Carry out more research on it. B. Cut down energy consumption. C. Plan well in advance. D. Adopt new technology. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A. When luck plays a role. B. what determines success. C. Whether practice makes perfect. D. How important natural talent is. 6. A. It knocks at your door only once in a while. B. It is something that no one can possibly create. C. It comes naturally out of one's self-confidence. D. It means being good at seizing opportunities. 7. A. Luck rarely contributes to a person's success. B. One must have natural talent to be successful. C. One should always be ready to seize opportunities. D. Practice is essential to becoming good at something.
