
Unit 14 Taking Exams
Aims and Objectives
This unit aims at helping students prepare for exams and do well in exams. The students will
learn how
1. to find information about the exams to take;
2. to use effective review techniques;
3. to develop a positive attitude;
4. to find out what is wanted by the examiner so as to meet the requirements;
5. to answer the test questions in a strategic order;
6. to use different techniques for different question types;
7. to check the exam before handing in the paper;
8. to learn from exams.
1. Reasons for having exams:
Exams may be used as a means to:
(1) give the teacher information about where the students are at the moment, to help
decide what to teach next;
(2) give students information about what they know, so that they also have an awareness
of what they need to learn and review;
(3) assess students for some purpose beyond external to current teaching( a final grade
for the course, selection);
(4) motivate students to learn or review specific materials;
(5) get a noisy class to keep quiet and concentrate;
(6) provide a clear indication that the class has reached a ―station‖ in learning, such as
the end of a unit, thus contributing to a kind sense of structure in the course as a
(7) provide students with a sense of achievement and progress in their learning.
Exams are set to provide teachers with information about students' knowledge and
understanding of the course that may not be available through other forms of
assessment. They can test students‘:
ability to recall and apply theory.
knowledge of the content area.
critical thinking and problem solving skills.
communication skills
ability to work alone and under pressure.
When students take a test, they are demonstrating these abilities and skills. The test
forms the basis of evaluation or judgment for their course of study.
Reasons for not having exams:
(1) Exam results may not be reliable.
(2) Exam results may not be valid.
(3) Many environmental conditions may influence how one performs during exams.
(4) Exams may encourage rite rote-learning.
2. All the statements are false.
3. Answers will vary according to individual students. Encourage them to have a discussion.
More reasons for starting early:
(1) If you start too late you will have to learn ―from scratch‖.
(2) You are likely to get nervous when the exam is drawing near and you have not
started preparing for it.
(3) You cannot avoid cramming when you start too late and things learned by cramming
are easily forgotten.
(4) You feel more confident if you start early.
(5) You learn better if you start early.
(6) You will have time to ask questions if you have any. If you start too late you will not
be able to do this.
4. No answer.
5. No answer.
6. Answers will vary according to individual students.
7. The teacher may give clues to exam questions by
(1) writ

ing important ideas on the board
(2) repeating important points several times
(3) telling students directly that some points will be in the exams: ―This is
important—you need to know this‖
(4) showing important points on overheads
(5) returning to important points in subsequent classes.
8. 1) Here are some advantages of studying in a group:
(1) Group study provides opportunities for students to share ideas.
(2) Group study helps to re-enforce the personal study.
(3) Group study helps to expand the range of learning.
(4) Group study can build confidence in each student‘s ability
(5) Members can help each other.
(6) Members learn to communicate with people, which is an important real life
(7) Members also learn to cooperate with each other, which is an important skill
(8) Group study helps each individual to see the differing perspectives of their
(9) Group study creates an opportunity for each student to expand the material the
teacher has given.
(10) One draws strength from groups.
(11) Members can encourage each other.
(12) One is more like to keep an appointment to study with a group than to study by
2) Here are some possible ways to use when studying in a group for exams:
(1) exchanging and comparing lecture notes
(2) asking each other questions
(3) teaching each other
(4) brainstorming possible test questions
5) holding discussions
9. Answers will vary according to individual students.
10. Answers will vary according to individual students.
11. A, D, E, F, G, I, J and K are negative thoughts and should be avoided.
12. No answer
13. (2)
14. (1)B, (2)G, (3)B, (4)G, (5)G
15. Answers will vary according to individual students.
16. Answers will vary according to individual students.
17. (1)T, (2)F, (3)F, (4)F, (5)T, (6)F, (7)T, (8)T, (9)T, (10)F
18. Answers will vary according to individual students.
19. Things to do: a, b. c, d, ,g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, and p.
Things not to do: e and f
20. Answers will vary according to individual students.
(1) Check to make sure you have answered all the questions.
(2) Check for spelling
(3) Check grammar
(4) Check punctuation
(5) Check to make sure you have met the requirements
(6) Check to see if you have written the answers in the correct space, esp. if you have
skipped items.
(7) Check to see if you have put your name on both the exam paper and the answer sheet.
(8) Check for careless mistakes.
21. No answer.
Home Assignment
1. The total score will certainly be different according to different students. The score
presents a picture of how one views his or her test-taking abilities as a student. The
higher the score, the higher the evaluation.
2. 1) Clues to test questions from lecture material: a, c, d, e, and f.
2) Clues to test questions from text book material: b, d, g, h, and i.
Order of importance may be different for different learners.
3. (

1) F, (2) F, (3) T, (4) F, (5) F,
(6) F, (7) F, (8) F, (9) F, (10) F
(11) F, (12) F, (13) F, (14) F, (15) F
4. (1) B, (2) B, (3) C, (4) A, (5) A, (6) A, (7) C, (8) B
