

Szechuan cuisine,Szechwan cuisine,or Sichuan cuisine (Chinese:四川菜) is a style of Chinese cuisine originating in the Sichuan Province of southwestern China famed for bold flavors,particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers,as well as the unique flavour of the Sichuan peppercorn (花椒).Peanuts,sesame paste and ginger are also prominent ingredients in Szechuan cooking.Although the region is now romanized as Sichuan,the cuisine is still sometimes spelled 'Szechuan' or 'Szechwan' in United States.There are many local variations of Sichuan cuisine within Sichuan Province and the Chongqing Municipality,which was politically part of Sichuan until 1997.The four best known regional sub-styles are Chongqing style,Chengdu style,Zigong style,and Buddhist vegetarian style.UNESCO has declared the city of Chengdu to be a city of Gastronomy in 2011,mainly because of its Szechuan style of cooking.


Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture. 对于国际旅行者来说,当看到菜单上面都是自己不知道的菜肴时,他们往往会选择自己认为安全 的食物。但是美食是超越所有文化界限的,品尝当地的食物是融入当地文化以及与当地人交流的最佳方式。 Argentina 阿根廷 This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas, but there’s so much more to explore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world, and dulce de leche and malbec flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta –a smoky provolone sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。不管你相不相信,这里的冰激淋在世界上数一数二,其中牛奶焦糖口味和马尔白克口味冰激淋是一定要品尝的。如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。 Brazil 巴西 No culinary trip here is complete without a visit to the state of Bahia. First thing to order: Moqueca de peixe, a fish (and sometimes shrimp) stew made with tomatoes and coconut milk. For a satisfying weekend lunch –not unlike American brunch –feijoada, a heavy stew of beans, meat and sausage, served with rice, can be found all over Brazil. If you’re looking for something lighter, fresh grilled fish with tomato-and-onion salad coupled with a couple of Brahma beers is a perfect beach meal. 如果没有去巴伊亚州,那么你在巴西的美食之旅就不完整。第一道要点的菜是炖鱼,就是将鱼(有时还有虾)和西红柿以及椰子汁一起炖。像美国的早午餐一样,丰盛的周末午餐巴西炖菜——豆子、肉和香肠一起炖,配上米饭——在整个巴西都能品尝到。如果你想要品尝一些较清淡的菜肴,鲜嫩的烤鱼、西红柿洋葱色拉,再配上几瓶博浪啤酒简直是一顿完美的海滩餐。 China 中国 In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways of Qianmen are renowned for hot pot, or huo guo. Here you’ll find the streets are lined with boiling pots filled with soup ingredients. Its excellent selections range from Mongolian specialties –best known for lamb and mutton dishes –and spicy Szechuan. Some 600-plus miles away, Shanghai is best known for its street food, especially soup dumplings. But don’t stop there, sheng jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect snack, while jian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is


Must-Try Foods of the World Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture. 对于国际旅行者来说,当看到菜单上面都是自己不知道的菜肴时,他们往往会选择自己认为安全的食物。但是美食是超越所有文化界限的,品尝当地的食物是融入当地文化以及与当地人交流的最佳方式。 Argentina 阿根廷 This South American nation is best known for beef and empanadas1, but there’s so much more to explore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world, and Dulce de Leche and malbec2 flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re in the mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta – a smoky provolone3 sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, a hearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious. 这个南美洲国家的牛肉和肉馅卷饼很出名,不过还有更多美食等你尝试。不管你相不相信,这里的冰激淋在世界上数一数二,其中牛奶焦糖口味和马尔白克口味冰激淋是一定要品尝的。如果你喜欢奶酪,那你就不能错过品尝奶酪烤饼——一种撒了牛至叶粉的烟熏味波萝伏洛干酪。而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤——一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴——非常美味。
